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2.时间状语: Always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…) , once a week(day, year, month…), on Sundays,

3.基本结构:动词 原形 (如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式)

4.否定形式:主语+am/is/are +not+其他; 此时态的谓语动词若为行为动 词,则在其前加dont, 如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesnt,同时还原行为动词。


6.例句:It seldom snows here.这里很少下雪。

He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于帮助别人。

Action speaks louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。



2.时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last(year, night, month…), in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc.


4.否定形式:主语+was/were +not+其他;在行为动词前加didnt,同时还原行为动词。

5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词。

6.例句:She often came to help us in t hose days.那些天她经常来帮助我们。

I didnt know you were so busy.我不知道你是这么忙。



2.时间状语:Tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, in a few minutes, by…, the day after tomorrow, etc.

3.基本结构:主语+am/is/are +going to + do+其它;主语+will/shall + do+其它

4.否定形式:主语+am/is/are not going to do ;主语+will/shall not do+其它


6.例句:They are going to have a competition with us in studies.他们将有一场比赛和我们一起研究。

It is going to rain.天要下雨了。



2.时间状语:The next day (morning, year…),the following month(week…),etc.

3.基本结构:主语+was/were +going to + do+其它;主语+would/should + do+其它

4.否定形式:主语+was/were+not + going to + do; 主语+would/should + not + do.

5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首。

6.例句:He said he would go to Beijing the next day.他说他第二天要去北京。

I asked who was going there.我问,谁要去那里。



2.时间状语:Now, at this time, days, etc. look. listen

3.基本结构:主语+be +doing +其它

4.否定形式:主语+be +not +doing+其它


6.例句:How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?

He is doing well in his lessons.在课上他表现得很好。


1.概念:表示过去某段时间或某一时刻正在发生或进行的行为或动作。 新$课$标$第$一$网

2.时间状语:at this time yesterday, at that time或以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等。

3.基本结构 主语+was/were +doing +其它

4.否定形式:主语+was/were + not +doing+其它


6.例句:At that time she was working in a PLA unit.那段时间她在人民解放军部队工作。

When he came in, I was reading a newspaper.他进来时,我正在读报纸。


1.概念:表示将来某一时间正在进行的 动作,或表示要在将来某一时间开始,并继续下去的动作。常用来表示询问、请求等。

2.时间状语:Soon, tomorrow, this evening,on Sunday, by this time,in two days, tomorrow evening

3.基本结构:主语+shall/will + be +现在分词+其它

4.否定形式:主语+shall/will + not + be +现在分词+其它

5.例句:This time next day they will be sitting in the cinema.下一天的这个时间,他们正坐在电影院。

He won’t be coming to the party.他不去参加聚会了。



2.基本结构:should/would + be +现在分词

3.例句:They said they would be coming.他们说了他们将要来。

He said he could not com e because he would be having a meeting.他说他不能来因为要开会。


1.概念:过去发生或已经 完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。

2.时间状语:yet,already,just,never,ever,so far,by now,since+时间点, for+时间段,recently, lately, in the past few years, etc.

3.基本结构:主语+have/has +p.p(过去分词)+其它

4.否定形式:主语+have/has + not +p.p(过去分词)+其它


6.例句:Ive written an article.我已经写了一篇论文。

The countryside has changed a lot in th e past few years.在过去的几年,农村发生了巨大的变化。



2.时间状语:Before, by the end of last year (term, month…), etc.

3.基本结构:主语+had + p.p(过去分词)+其它 4.否定形式:主语+had + not +p.p(过去分词)+其它


6.例句:As soon as we got to the station, the train had left.当我们到车站的时候,火车已经开走了。

By the end of last month. We had reviewed four books.到上个月底。我们有了四本书。


①肯定句:主语+ had+p.p(过去分词)+其它

②否定句:主语+ had+ not+p.p(过去分词)+其它





2.时间状语:by the time of; by the end of+时间短语( 将来);by the time+从句(将来)

3.基本结构:主语+be going to/will/shall + have+p.p(过去分词)+其它

4例句:By the time you get back, great changes will have taken place in this area.到你回来的时候,就将发生巨大的变化。


1.概念:表示在过去某一时间对将来某一时刻以前所 会发生的动作,常用在虚拟语气中,表示与过去的事实相反。

2.基本结构:should/would have done sth.

3.例句:I thought youd have left by this time.我想这会儿你已经走了。

He told them he would have finished it by 8 oclock.他告诉他们他会在8点以前干完。



2.基本结构:主语+have/has +been +doing+其它


4.例子:I have been sitting here for an hour.我已经在这里坐了一个小时。

The children have been watching TV since six oclock.从6点起,孩子们一直看电视。



2.基本结构:主语+ had + been + doing +其它

3.例子:She had been suffering from a bad cold when she took the exam.她在考试之前一直患重感冒。

Had they been expecting the news for some time?他们期待这个消息有一段时间了吧?

4.特殊含义:①尚未完成:He had been writing the novel.他已经在写小说了。(他没写完)

②企图:He had been studying the meaning of this proverb.他曾经学习过这个谚语。(他曾努力学习过它)

③未得结果:We had been studying what our enemy had said.我们一直致力于敌人所说的。(但是我们没有理解)

④最近情况:He had been quarrellin g with his wife.他和他的妻子吵了一场架。(最近)

⑤反复动作:He had been asking me the same question.他一直问我相同的问题。(屡次)

⑥情绪:What had he been doing?他做了什么?(不耐烦)



2.基本结构:shall/will have been doing

3.例子:I shall have been working here in this factory for twenty years by the end of the year.到今年年底,我将在这个工厂工作了。

If we dont hurry up the store will have been closing before we get t here. 咱们如不快一点儿,等我们到了那儿,店门就会关了。



2.基本结构:should/would + have + been +现在分词

3.例子:He told me that by the end of the year he would have been living there for thirty years.他告诉 我,到年底时,他就在那住了30年了。



现在进行时表示此时此刻正在发生的事情。常与now,at the moment,look,listen等词连用。

The little boy is watching TV now.


Listen!She is playing the guitar in the next room.




否定式:am/is/are not +doing(现在分词)

一般疑问式:Am/Is/Are + 主语 +doing(现在分词)+ 其他


They’re having a meeting now.


They aren't having a meeting now.


Are they having a meeting now?


What are they doing now?



1) leave的用法

1.“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。例如: When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的?

2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如:

Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。


Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing?你为什么要离开上海去北京?

2) 情态动词should“应该”学会使用


How should I know? 我怎么知道?

Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚?

should有时表示应当做或发生的事,例如:We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。


1. 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如:

You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。

2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如:

You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服,你最好去看医生。 3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如: We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。 She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。

3) What...? 与 Which...?

1. what 与 which 都是疑问代词,都可以指人或事物,但是what仅用来询问职业。如:

What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的?


What does your father do?

What is your father's job?

Which 指代的是特定范围内的某一个人。如:---Which is Peter? 哪个是皮特?

---The boy behind Mary. 玛丽背后的那个男孩。

2. What...?是泛指,所指的事物没有范围的限制;而 Which...?是特指,所指的事物有范围的限制。如: What color do you like best? (所有颜色) 你最喜爱什么颜色?

Which color do you like best, blue, green or yellow? (有特定的范围) 你最喜爱哪一种颜色?

3. what 与 which 后都可以接单、复数名词和不可数名词。如: Which pictures are from China? 哪些图片来自中国?

4) 频度副词的位置



a.放在连系动词、助动词或情态动词后面。如: David is often arrives late for school. 大卫上学经常迟到。 b.放在行为动词前。如: We usually go to school at 7:10 every day.我们每天经常在7:10去上学。

c.有些频度副词可放在句首或句尾,用来表示强调。如:Sometimes I walk home, sometime I rides a bike.有时我步行回家,有时我骑自行车。

3.never放在句首时,主语、谓语动词要倒装。如:Never have I been there. 5) every day 与 everyday 1. every day 作状语,译为“每一天”。如: We go to school at 7:10 every day.我们每天7:10去上学。

I decide to read English every day.我决定每天读英语。

2. everyday 作定语,译为“日常的”。

She watches everyday English on TV after dinner.她晚饭后在电视上看日常英语。

What's your everyday activity?你的日常活动是什么?

6) forget doing/to do与remember doing/to do

1.forget to do 忘记要去做某事。 (未做)

forget doing 忘记做过某事。 (已做)

The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.办公室的灯还在亮着,它忘记关了。(没有做关灯的动作) He forgot turning the light off. 他忘记他已经关了灯了。 ( 已做过关灯的动作)

Don't forget to come tomorrow.别忘了明天来。 (to come动作未做)


---- The light in the office is still on.

---- Oh,I forgot___.

A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off

答案:C。由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,因此用forget to do sth.而forget doing sth 表示灯已经关上了,而自己忘记了这一事实。此处不符合题意。

2.remember to do 记得去做某事 (未做)

remember doing 记得做过某事 (已做)

Remember to go to the post office after school.记着放学后去趟邮局。

Don't you remember seeing the man before? 你不记得以前见过那个人吗?

7) 如何表达英语中的“穿、戴”?英语中表示“穿、戴”的表达方法有好几种,常见的有以下这些:

1、put on 主要表达“穿”的动作。如:He put on his coat.他穿上了他的外套。

You'd better put on your shoes.你最好穿上你的鞋子。

2、wear 主要表示“穿、戴”的状态。如:The old man wears a pair of glasses.老人戴着一副眼镜。

The girl is wearing a red skirt.那女孩穿着一条红色的短裙。

3、dress 可作及物动词,有“给......穿衣”的意思,后接“人”,而不是“衣服”。如: Please dress the children right now.请立即给孩子们穿上衣服。

dress 也可作不及物动词,表示衣着的习惯。如:The woman always dresses in green.那位妇女总是穿绿色的衣服。

4、be in 表示穿着的状态。如:John is in white today.约翰今天穿白色的衣服。

The man in black is a football coach.

10) a little, a few 与 a bit (of)

a little, a few 与 a bit (of) 都有“一些、少量”的意义。他们的区别在哪里呢?

1. a little 意为“一些、少量”,后接不可数名词。如: There is a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一点水。

还可以接形容词。如: He is a little shy. 他有些害羞。

2. a few 意为“一些、少数”,后接复数的可数名词。如: There are a few people in the room. 房间里有一些人。

3. a bit 意为“一点儿”,后接形容词。如: It's a bit cold. 有点冷。

a bit of 后接不可数名词。如: He has a bit of money. 他有一点儿钱。

4. a little 表肯定意义,little 表否定意义;a few 表肯定意义,few 表否定意义。如: There is a little soda in the glass. 杯子里有一点儿汽水。

There is little soda in the glass. 杯子里几乎没有汽水了。

I have a few Chinese friends. 我有一些中国朋友。

Few people like him. 几乎没有人喜欢他。

5. a little = a bit of, 后接不可数名词;

a little = a bit = a little bit = kind of, 后接形容词,意为“有点儿”。

8) stop to do sth 与 stop doing sth

1. stop to do sth 意为“停下来去做某事”。如: The students stop to listen to their teacher. 学生们停下来去听他们老师讲话。

2. stop doing sth 意为“停止做某事”。如: The students stopped talking. 学生们停止了谈话。

与它们相反的.句式是:go on to do sth “继续做某事(与刚才一事不同)”和 go on doing sth “继续做某事(与刚才同一件事)”。如:

He finishes his homework and goes on to study English他完成了作业,接着继续去念英语。

They went on playing games. 他们继续玩游戏。

12) tell, speak, say 与 talk

1. tell 意为“告诉、讲述”,指某人把某一件事、一条信息传送给别人或讲述一件事。如: He tells me that he wants to be a teacher

第一文库网. 他告诉我说他想成为一位教师。

Father always tells interesting stories to us. 爸爸总是给我们讲有趣的故事。

tell sb sth 意为“告知某人某事”。如: He told me something about his past. 他告诉我一些他的往事。

tell sb to do sth 意为“告诉某人去做某事”。如: David told his son to do the homework. 大卫要他的儿子去做作业。

2. speak 意为“说话、讲话”,后面主要接语言。如: He can speak English and a little Chinese. 他能讲英语和一点汉语。 speak to 意为“和.....讲话、谈话”。如: Can I speak to Mr Zhang? 我能和张先生讲话吗?

speak of 意为“提到、说起”。如:

The book speaks of my hometown. 那本书提到我的家乡。

3. talk 意为“谈话、讲话”,如果只有一方对另一方说话时,一般用 talk to;如果双方或多方交谈,多用 with。如:

Please talk to him right now. 请立即同他谈话。

He is talking with his friend. 他在和朋友交谈。

talk about 意为“谈论......”。如: They are talking about the movie. 他们在谈论那部电影。

have a talk with 意为“与......交谈”。如:Can I have a talk with you? 我可以和你交谈吗?

4. say 意为“说”。如: Can you say it in English once more? 你能用英语再说一遍吗? say to 意为“对......说”。如: He said to his students that they would have a test. 他对他的学生说他们将有一个测试。

It is said that... 意为“据说”。如:

It is said that he could stay under the water for a long time. 据说他能呆在水里很长时间。

9) Excuse me! 与 I'm sorry!

1. Excuse me! 意为“打搅了!对不起!”,一般是为了与陌生人搭话,或者要打断对方所说(做)的事。如:

Excuse me, is there a hotel in the neighborhood? 请问,附近有旅馆吗?

Excuse me, could I say something? 打搅一下,我能说一些吗?

2. I'm sorry! 意为“对不起!”,表示道歉。如:

I'm sorry, Mr Zhang. I won't do it again. 对不起,张先生。我不会这么做了。

14) 表示时间的 in、on 与 at

in, on 与 at 都可以和表示时间的词(组)连用。

1. in 表示时间的一段或较长的时间。如:

in the morning 在上午

in May, 在五月

in a week 在一周之内(后)

It's Sunday, I can finish it in two days. 现在是星期天,我能在两天后完成。(星期二) Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是在一天内建起来的。

2. on 主要指在具体的一天。如:

on Sunday 在星期天

on May Day 在“五一”节

on a hot afternoon 在一个炎热的下午

He arrived in Beijing on April 26,2004. 他于204月26日到达北京。

3. at 表示时间的一点或比较短的时间。如: at 8:00 在八点 noon 在中午

I always get up at 6:00 every morning. 我总是每天早晨六点起床。

It's always warm at this time of year. 每年的这个时候总是暖和的。

10) too,also与either


We are in the same school, too. 我们也在相同的学校。

Do you play soccer every day, too? 你也每天踢足球吗?


Sandra is also a Korean student. Sandra 也是一个韩国学生。


They don't know the answer, either. 她们也不知道答案。

4.as well as也有“也”的意思。如:

We have great mushroom pizza as well as soda.

He is a happy boy as well.

11) be good(bad) for、be good at的相关用法

1.be good for 对......有益 Doing morning exercises is good for your health. 做早操对你们的建康有益。

2.be good at 擅长于......Li Ping is good at basketball. 李平擅长于篮球。= Li Ping is good at playing basketball. 李平擅长于打篮球。

be good at = do well in 如:I'm good at math. = I do well in math. 我擅长于数学。

3.be good to 对......好 Parents are always good to their children. 父母亲总是对他们的孩子好。

12) how many与how much

1.how many表示“多少”,对数量提问,后面接可数名词的复数形式。如:

There are four people in my family. ---How many people are in your family? 你家里有几个人?

We have seven classes every day. ---How many classes do you have every day?你们每天上几节课?

2.how much也是表示“多少”,但它对不可数名词进行提问。如:

There is some milk in the bottle. ---How much milk is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少牛奶?

3.how much还可以对价格提问,表示“多少钱”的意思。如:

The yellow T-shirt is only 35 yuan.

---How much is the yellow T-shirt? 那件黄色的T恤衫多少钱?

13) decide的几种句式

1.decide to do sth 决定去做某事

They decide to fly kite on weekend. 他们决定在周末去放风筝。

2.decide on doing sth 决定做某事

They decide on flying kites. 他们决定放风筝。

3.decide on sth 就某事决定......

Betty decided on the red skirt. 贝蒂选定了那条红裙子。

4.decide的名词形式为decision,结构:make a decision,意为“做决定”。

如:He has made a decision. 他已经做一个决定了。

43) too many,too much与much too

1.too many意为“太多”,用于修饰可数名词的复数。如:

There are too many students in our class. 我们班上有太多的学生。

2.too much意为“太多”,用于修饰不可数名词。如:

We have too much work to do. 我们有太多的工作要做。

3.much too表示“太”,用来修饰形容词或副词。如:

The box is much too heavy, so I can't carry it. 箱子太重了,所以我搬不动它。




When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的?

2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如:

Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。


Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京?

2) 情态动词should“应该”学会使用


How should I know? 我怎么知道?

Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚?


We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。


标签:下册 英语语法 回答:1 浏览:59144 提问时间:-05-20 22:36



Unit6 Fun Cycling

Topic1 We’re going on a spring field trip

一. 重点词汇

( 一 ) 词形转换:

1.discuss(名词) discussion 2.queen(对应词) king

3.comfortable(名词) comfort 4.safely (形容词) safe (名词) safety

( 二 ) 词的辨析

1. find out / look for / find 2. cost / pay for / spend on

3. other /else 4. raise /rise

5.each /every 6.exciting / excited


1.go on a visit to 去……旅行

2. make the decision 做决定

3.bring back 带回

4.go on a field trip 去野外旅行

5.decide on (upon) sth 对某事做出决定

6 see the sunrise 看日出

7. make a reservation 预订

8. come up with 想出(主意)

9. look forward to (doing) sth 期望

10. pay for 支付;赔偿

11. raise money 筹钱

12. book a ticket 订票

13. make a room for sb 为……订房间

14. have a wonderful time 玩得愉快

15. in the daytime 在白天

16. a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行

17.find out 查出

18. some places of interest 名胜

19. rooms with bathtub 带浴室的房间

20.a hard (soft) sleeper 硬(软)卧

21.my pleasure 不客气


1. I have some exciting news to tell you. 我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你们。

to tell you 是动词不定式短语, 作定语。动词不定式作定语时常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。如: I have nothing to talk about. He has a lot of work to do.

2. Sounds great!= It sounds great! 听起来不错。

3. We will go on a two-day visit to Mount Tai. 我们将要去泰山玩两天。

go on a visit to 去参观/旅游 They went to a visit to Egypt last year.

类似有:go on a trip / go on a picnic

a two-day visit 为期两天的旅行 a two-month holiday 两个月的假期

an eighteen-year-old boy 一个18岁的男孩

4.It’s hard to say. 这很难说。To say 是动词不定式作主语,It 是形式主语。

如: It’s nice to meet you.

5. I’ll ask the airline on the phone. 我将打电话问问航空公司。同义句是:

I’ll phone and ask the airline.

6. Bring back your information to class tomorrow and we’ll decide on the best way to go on our field trip. 明天把你们查到的信息带到班上来,然后我们来决定最好的郊游方式。

bring back 带回。Please bring back your library books tomorrow.

decide on/upon sth 决定,选定 We’re trying to decide on a school.

7.It’s too far for cycling. 骑自行车去路太远了。同义句是:It’ too far to cycle there.

8.How long does it take to reach Mount Tai by…?乘……去泰山要花多长时间?

9.How much does it cost to go there ?去那里要花多少钱?

How much does a standard room cost ? 一个标准间的价格是多少?

10.We have tickets at 120 yuan for the hard sleeper and 180 yuan for the soft sleeper.


at 意为“以……”,一般用于表示价格,年龄,速度等词的前面,for 意为“供,适合于”。I’ve got tickets at 80 yuan for The Sound of Music.

11.I’d like to book 20 tickets for the hard sleeper. 我要预订20张硬卧票。

20 tickets for the hard sleeper= 20 hard sleeper tickets

book tickets 预订票 book a room for sb/sth 为……预订房间

e.g. We want to book some rooms for 14th. 我们想预订一些14号的房间。

12.Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 p.m. 请在下午5:30之前付款。

Pay for 支付 pay for sb to do sth 付钱给某人做某事

e.g. Her parents paid for her to go to America.她的父母支付她去美国的费用.

13. I want to make a hotel reservation. 我想预订房间。

make a reservation 预订

14. We have rooms with a bathtub… 我们有带浴缸……的房间。

with 有或带着 a house with a swimming pool

a standard room with two single beds

15.It’s very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools. 在加拿大和美国的学校里筹钱是很正常的。raise money 筹钱 We can raise the money ourselves.

16.It costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw.每一个学生花一美元便可买到一张抽奖的票。

(1)each 作主语,谓语用单数 Each of the students spends one dollar buying a ticket.. (2)用于单数名词前,作定语,谓语用单数。Each student has their own e-mail address.

(3)用于复数主语后,作主语同位语,谓语用复数。They each have their own e-mail address.

17. I am looking forward to hearing from you . 我盼望收到你的来信。

Look forward to 盼望,期待 They are looking forward to solving the problem.



(1) 动词不定式常跟这些及物动词之后,want ,refuse, forget, need , try, learn , like, agree, help, hope ,decide, begin等。可用顺口溜(要想拒绝忘记,需要努力学习,喜欢同意帮助,希望决定开始)

(2) 不定式的否定形式是在to的前面直接加not. My mother decided not to buy a computer for me.

(3) 不定式可以和疑问词who , which ,when, where ,how, what等连用。 Can you tell me what to say at the meeting ? I don’t know how to get to the station.

(4) 本topic出现的句子有:

I have some exciting news to tell you.

I want to make a hotel reservation.

It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.

The best way to raise money is to sell newspapers.

I think the most exciting way is to sell flowers in the evening.

Kangkang helped us to book the train tickets.

Topic2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs ?



1.explore(名词) explore 2. east (形容词) eastern

3.north(形容词) northern 4. push (反义词) pull

5.sadly(形容词) sad (名词) sadness 6. crowd (形容词) crowded


1.make a plan 拟定计划

2. make sure 确信,确保

3. come along with 和……一起来

4. at the foot of 在……的脚下

5. be surprised at 对……感到惊奇

6. be satisfied with 对……感到满意

7. out of sight 看不见

8. step on one’s toes 踩着某人的脚

9. can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事

10. spread over 分布于

11.rush out 冲出去

12.raise one’s head 抬头

13.ask sb for help 向某人求助

14.thank goodness 谢天谢地

二. 重点句型及重点语言点

1. While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams.当你在旅行时, 我正忙于准备考试。

(1)be busy doing sth,/ be busy with sth 忙于做某事

I’m busy preparing for my birthday party these days.

(2)while 当……时候,引导时间状语从句。当一个动作在正在进行时,另一个动作也同时进行。While my mother was cooking , I was watching TV.

2.Would you help me plan a trip ? 请你帮我定个旅行计划好吗?

Would you 比will you 语气更加客气,委婉, 类似还有could you

Could you come along with us ?

3. They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains at the back. 他们仔细勘测了整个区域,确保这些陵墓是坐北朝南,而且在背后有群山环绕。

make sure 确信,确保 Make sure all the windows are closed before you leave.

4.It’s about two and a half hours by bike. 骑自行车大约要2个半小时。

Two and a half hours = two hours and a half

5.It’s to the east of Yongling. 它在永陵的东面。

to the +方位词+of (表示互不接壤) Japan is to the east of China.

on the +方位词+of (表示相互接壤)Fujian is on the south of Zhejang .

in the +方位词+of 表示在某一范围内的地区 Beijing is in the north of China.

6.They walked into Dingling and were surprised at the wonders. 他们走进定陵,对那里的奇观感到很惊奇。

be surprised at 对……感到很惊奇 He is surprised at dragons.

be surprised to do sth 惊奇地做某事 She was surprised to find she was lost.

7.…so they had to look for space to park their bikes 他们不得不寻找停自行车的地方

space 空间 Can you make space for this old man ?

8. While the crowd was pushing him in different directions, someone stepped on his toes.


in one’s direction 朝着某人的方向 step on one’s toes踩了某人的脚

step on sth 踩某物 Don’t step on the flowers and grass.

9.When he finally rushed out of the crowd, he noticed his friends were both out of sight.


notice sb do sth 注意某人做了某事 notice sb doing sth注意某人正在做某事

10. As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up happily.


as soon as 引导时间状语从句 意为“一……就”

He left as soon as he heard the news.

I’ll tell him as soon as I see him.

11.He didn’t raise his head until someone called his name. 直到有人喊他的名字,他才抬起头。 not …until 直到……才

12.They were so lovely that we couldn’t help playing with them.


can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事 When I heard the funny news, I couldn’t help laughing.

13. I am satisfied with everything in China. 我对在中国的一切感到满意。]

be satisfied with 对……感到满意 He is satisfied with my work.

14.. We even asked the guard for help. 我们甚至向保安寻求帮助。

ask sb for help 向某人求助 The lost boy asked the police for help.

三.重点语法 时间状语从句


(1) when, while , as 当……时候. when 后可跟短暂性动词也可跟延续性动词;while 后跟延续性动词;as 多用于口语,强调同一时间,或一前一后。

The students were talking in the classroom when the teacher came in.

= While the students were talking in the classroom , the teacher came in. 学生在教室里谈话时,老师进来了。

Mother always sings as she cooks dinner for us. 妈妈总是边给我们做饭边唱歌。

(2)not … until 直到……才,主句谓语动词常用短暂性动词。

I won’t leave here until the rain stops.

He didn’t sleep until his mother came back home.

(3) after 在……之后,before 在……之前,as soon as 一……就

I went to sleep after I finished my homework..= I finished my homework before I went to sleep.

As soon as the bell rings , the students will go into the classroom.

2. 时态


While I was doing my homework , the telephone rang.

(2)当主句的时态为一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时。

I will call you as soon as I get to Beijing.


1.While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams.

2.He didn’t raise his head until someone called his name.

3.While the crowd was pushing him in different directions, someone stepped on his toes.

.4. As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped up happily.

5.After they rode their bikes for two and a half hours, Kangkanf , Michael and Darren arrived at the Ming Tombs.

6.As they were exploring happily, the crowd became larger and larger.

Topic3 Bicycles are popular with people



1. death (动词) die (形容词 )dead 2 slow (副词) slowly

3.crossing(动词)cross 介词) across 4. success(动词)succeed (形容词successful

5.Pain (形容词) painful 6. lead (名词) leader

7.final (副词) finally 8impossible (反义词) possible

9 courage (动词) encourage


1.Slow down 减速

2. run into 撞到

3. avoid doing sth 避免 防止做某事

4. warn sb to do sth 警告/提醒某人做某事

5. ride into 进入 跻身于

6 get used to (doing)习惯于做某事

7. a sharp turn 急转弯

8. be popular with 受……的欢迎

9. get a fine 处以罚金

10. go on doing sth 继续做某事

11. the way to success 成功之路

12. obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则

13.break the traffic rules 违反交通规则

14. be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事

15.be famous for 因……闻名

16. be in danger 处于危险中

17.after a while 一会儿

二. 重点句型及重点语言点

1.I think traffic in Beijing is crazy. 我认为北京的交通很拥堵。

traffic 是不可数名词

2. If people obey the traffic rules , there will be fewer accidents. 如果人们都遵守交通规则,交通事故将会减少。

If we break the traffic rules, it will be dangerous and we will get a fine.如果人们违反交通规则,将很危险,我们会受到处罚的。

这是if 引导条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。

3.I feel a little more confident. 我感到自信多了。

more confident 是比较级

4. It can help us save energy and avoid pollution. 这样可以节约能源以及避免空气污染。 avoid sth / doing sth 避免做某事

You should avoid making the mistake like that.

He ran into the wall to avoid hitting the truck.

5.Bicycles are popular with people. 自行车深受人们欢迎。

Be popular with 受……欢迎

6 It warns us to be more careful. Warn sb (not)to do sth 警告/提醒某人做某事

He warned her to keep silence. Warn sb about sth 提醒某人某事

7.Most people think bicycles are much safer than any other vehicle.大部分人认为自行车比其他交通工具要安全些。

8..However, his way to success didn’t go well. 然而,他的成功之路并非一帆风顺。

The way to success 成功之路 success in doing sth 在……成功

I didn’t have much success in finding a job. 我找工作没什么结果。

9.Like the other challenges in his life, Lance faced it head-on. 像面对生命中其他挑战一样,兰斯迎头面对。

10.It seems impossible to beat him. 打败他似乎是不可能的。

beat sb 打败某人 win a game /match/ a gold medal

It seems +adj+to do sth 做某事似乎……

She always seems to be sad.

三.重点语法 条件状语从句

1.条件状语从句由if(如果),unless(除非)等 引导的,谓语动词常用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时。

主句 if从句

Will (must, should, may) 一般现在时

如:I won’t go if he doesn’t go .

We will pass the exam if we study hard.

We won’t pass the exam unless we study hard..

2. 祈使句+and/or 引导的结果句,祈使句在意义上相当于条件状语从句。

如:Hurry up, or you’ll be late.= If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late.=You’ll be late unless you hurry up.

Study hard, and you will pass the exam.= If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

回答:2008-05-22 00:55



1. Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could _______ a good college.

A. enter B. to enter

C. entering D. entered

【陷阱】容易误选A。有的同学一看到空格前的情态动词 could 就断定此处应填动词原形 enter。

【分析】其实正确答案应是B。此句为省略句,即在 could 后省略了动词 do,若把句子补完整应为Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could do to enter a good college。即句中的不定式短语(to enter a good college)是用作目的状语的,而不是与情态动词(could)一起构成谓语。请再看类似例句:

(1) They did what they could to comfort her. 他们尽量安慰她。

(2) They did everything they could to save her life. 他们尽一切力量拯救她的性命。

(3) He studies as hard as he could to catch up with his classmates. 他拼命学习以便赶上他的同学。


(4) He ran as fast as he could _____ to catch the early bus.

A. to hope B. hope

C. hoping D. hoped

此题的答案是 C不是A,其中的现在分词短语 hoping to catch the early bus 用作伴随状语。

(5) He spent every minute he could _____ spoken English.

A. practise B. to practise

C. practising D. practised

此题答案选 C,这与前面动词 spent 的搭配有关,即 spend … (in) doing sth。若将此句补充完整,即为 He spent every minute he could spend in practising spoken English.

(6) Before going abroad he devoted all he could ____D____ his oral English.

A. improve B. to improve

C. improving D. to improving

此题答案选D,注意两点:一是 devote … to … 是固定搭配,意为“把……贡献给……”;二是其中的 to 是介词,不是不定式符号,后接动词时要用动名词。

2. He knows nothing about it, so he can’t help _______ any of your work.

A. doing B. to do

C. being doing D. to be done

【陷阱】容易误选B,根据 can’t help doing sth 这一结构推出。


can’t help to do sth = 不能帮助做某事

can’t help doing sth = 禁不住做某事,情不自禁地做某事

又如下面一题,答案也是 B:

She can’t help ____ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A cleaning B. to clean

C. cleaned D. being cleaned


While shopping, people sometimes can’t help _____ into buying something they don’t really need.

A. to persuade B. persuading

C. being persuaded D. be persuaded

此题应选C,句中的 can’t help 意为“禁不住”(注意根据句意用被动形式)。

3. All her time _______ experiments, she has no time for films.

A. devoted to do B. devoted to doing

C. devoting to doing D. is devoted to doing



(1) devote 意为“致力于,献身于”,主要用 devote…to…或be devoted to,其中的to 是介词,不是不定式符号,故后接动词时要用动名词,不用不定式。

(2) 选A错误:若将 do 改为 doing 则可以。

(3) 选B正确:all her time devoted to doing experiments为独立主格结构,用作状语。

(4) 选C错误:因为all her time 与 devote 为被动关系,故应将devoting改为devoted。

(5) 选D错误:若单独看 All her time is devoted to doing experiments,此句并没有错,但问题是逗号前后两个简单句没有必要的连接方式,所以从整体上看仍不对,假若在后一句的'句首加上and或so,则可选D,或将D将中的is 改为 being也可选它。



1. I forget where I read the article, or I _____ it to you now.

A. will show B. would show

C. am going to show D. am showing


【分析】正确答案选B。根据上文的语境可知句中的 or 隐含有一个虚拟的条件,即 or=if I didn’t forget where I read the article(要是我没忘记我在哪儿读过这篇文章的话——但事实上忘了)。

2. “It looks as if he were drunk.” “So it does. _____.”

A. He’d better give up drinking

B. He shouldn’t have drunk so much

C. Health is more important than drink

D. I wonder why he is always doing so

【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选,主要是受句中 drunk 一词的影响。

【分析】最佳答案为D。关键信息是It looks as if he were drunk 中的虚拟语气,句子既然用了虚拟语气,也就是说,“他喝醉了”不是事实,只是他的言行好像是醉了,所以此题的最佳答案是D。

3. “Mary looks hot and dry” “So _____ you if you had so high a fever.”

A. do B. are

C. will D. would

【陷阱】容易误选A或C。选A者,认为前后两句的动词性质应一致;选C者,认为其后带有if 条件状语从句,从语气上看,主句应用将来时态。


(1) “so + 助动词 + 主语”是一个很有用的结构,它表示“……也一样”时。如:

He likes to watch TV, and so do I. 他喜欢看电视,我也一样。

When animals and plants disappear, so will man. 当动植物消失的时候,人类也会随之消失。

(2) 由于空格后的 if 条件状语从句的谓语用的是虚拟语气(这是很重要的信息),所以主句要用 would 而不用 will,即答案应选D。



1. ____ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.

A. It was we being late B. It was our being late

C. It was we were too late D. It was because we were late

【陷阱】此题容易误选D,认为强调的是原因状语从句 because we were late。

【分析】但实际上,此题的答案为B,强调的是句子主语 our being late,此题若还原成非强调句,即为:

Our being late caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.

注意,强调句的一个显著特点是,若去掉强调结构 it is [was]… that…,句子仍然成立;换句话说,该结构中的 that 不能充当句子成分。

2. “How was ______ they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?” “Totally by chance.”

A. it that B. he that

C. it when D. he which



It was totally by chance that they discovered the entrance to the underground palace.


(1) Who was it _____ saved the drowning girl?

A. since B. as C. that D. he

答案选C,被强调成分为 who,该句实为类似 It was Tom that saved the drowning girl. 这类强调句的特殊疑问句形式(即对其中的Tom 提问而得)。

(2) What is it _____ his daughter needs most?

A. what B. which C. that D. if

答案选C,被强调成分为 what,该句实为类似 It is a bike that his daughter needs most. 这类强调句的特殊疑问句形式(即对其中的a bike 提问而得)。

3. _____ was very ______ that little Jim wrote the letter.

A. It, careful B. It, carefully

C. He, careful D. He, carefully


【分析】其实,此题是一个强调句,其非强调形式为 Little Jim wrote the letter very carefully. 若用 it is … that… 的强调句式强调其中的状语 very carefully 即为上面一题的题干,所以答案应选B。请看下面几例,也属强调结构:

(1) It was when she was about to go to bed ______ the telephone rang.

A. since B. as C. that D. then

答案选C,被强调成分为 when she was about to go to bed 这一时间状语从句。

(2) It may have been at Christmas _____ John gave Mary a handbag.

A. before B. who C. that D. when

答案选C,被强调成分为 at Christmas,其中的动词 be 采用了 may have been 这一较为复杂的形式。

4. “Where did you find the professor who made the speech yesterday?” “It was in the hall ______ the students

often have a meeting.”

A. where B. which

C. that D. when

【陷阱】很可能误选C,认为这是一个强调句,强调地点状语 in the hall。

【分析】假若选C,即有 It was in the hall that the students often have a meeting,该句的意思是“学生们通常是在


哪儿找到昨天作报告的那位教授的?”假若将答句改为 It was in the hall that I found the professor,则完全可以。

其实,此题的最佳答案是A,where the students often have a meeting 为定语从句,用以修饰其前的名词 the hall,句意


5. It was what he meant rather than what he said ______ annoyed me.

A. which B. as

C. what D. that


【分析】此题为一个强调句型,空格处应填 that (即选D),被强调成分为 what he meant rather than what he said。句意


(1) It was his nervousness in the interview ______ probably lost him the job.

A. which B. since C. that D. what

答案选C,为强调句型,被强调成分为 his nervousness in the interview,句意为“很可能是面试时表现出紧张,使他失去


(2) It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.

A. one B. that C. what D. it

答案选B,为强调句型,被强调成分为 the ability to do the job,句意为“重要的是你做工作的能力,而不是你来自何地





1. She was so angry and spoke so fast that none of us understood _______ he said meant.

A. that B. what

C. that that D. what what


【分析】正确答案选 D。第一个what 用作动词 meant 的宾语,第二个what 用作动词 said 的宾语,即在 none of us understood what what he said meant 中,none of us understood 为主句,what what he said meant 为宾语从句,而在此宾语从句中又包括有 what he said 这样一个主语从句。

2. After _______ had happened he could not continue to work there.

A. which B. how

C. what D. having


【分析】最佳答案选 C。有的同学误选A,是因为认为介词后应接关系代词 which,但实际上,若填关系代词,其前没有先行词,这根据不是一个定语从句。另外,由于 had happened 缺主语,所以B和D也不能选。请再做下面一题(答案选B):

He pointed to ______ looked like a tomb and said, “Ghost.”

A. that B. what

C. which D. as

3.“Is ______ you want to say?” asked the teacher.

A. this B. that

C. all that D. that all


【分析】最佳答案选 D。假若选A或B,那么转换成陈述句即为:This is you want to say. / That is you want to say. 显然句中的两个谓语动词 is与want相冲突。选D组成的句子是 Is that all you want to say? 其中的that 为句子主语,all 为表语,you want to say 为定语从句,用以修饰all。

4. “When ______ leave for Japan?” “When ______ leave for Japan is kept secret.”

A. they will, will they B. will they, they will

C. they will, they will D. will they, will they

【陷阱】可能误选D,认为 when 后应用疑问句词序。

【分析】最佳答案选 B。第一个when引出的是一个特殊疑问句,故用疑问词序;第二个 when 引出的是主语从句,故其后用陈述句词序。请做以下试题(答案选C):

(1) None knows if _______ that boy, but if _______ him, her parents will be disappointed.

A. she will marry, she will marry B. she marries, she marries

C. she will marry, she marries D. she marries, she will marry

(2) “Where _______ go to work?” “Where _______ go to work is not known.”

A. we shall, we shall B. shall we, shall we

C. shall we, we shall D. we shall, shall we

5. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ______.

A. who is he B. who he is

C. who is it D. who it is


【分析】此题最佳答案为D。首先可以排除A和C,因为空格处实为一个宾语从句,所以不能用疑问句词序。另一方面,但按英语习惯,当用于指代身份不明的人时,要用代词it,而不用 he 或she等。比较以下两句:

Mr Smith is at the door. He wants to see you. 史密斯先生在门口,他想见你。

Someone is at the door. It may be the postman. 有个人在门口,可能是邮递员。

第一句因前面指明了是 Mr Smith,所以后面用代词 he;而第二句因前面用的是不定代词 someone,说明此人身份尚不明确,故其后用了代词 it 来指代。

6. Don’t you know, my dear friend, ______ it is your money not you that she loves?

A. who B. which

C. that D. what

【陷阱】此题容易误选 A或B:选 A 的同学认为这是指人的,故用who;选B的同学认为这是非限制性定语从句,两者都是误认为这是定语从句(注意没有先行词)。

【分析】其实答案应选C。that引导的是一个宾语从句,用作动词 know 的宾语,它只是被句中的插入语 my dear friend 隔开罢了。请做以下试题(答案均为C):

(1) Everyone knows, perhaps except you, _______ your girl-friend is a cheat.

A. who B. which

C. that D. what

(2) I think, though I could be mistaken, ______ she liked me.

A. who B. which

C. that D. what

(3) He told me the news, believe it or not, ______ he had earned $1 000 in a single day.

A. that B. which

C. as D. because

前面两题 that 引导宾语从句,后面一题 that同位语从句(修饰the news)。





1. 代词we, us, you等后接同位语

Are you two reading? 你们二人在看书吗?

They three joined the school team. 他们3人参加了校队。

She has great concern for us students. 她对我们学生很关心。

He asked you boys to be quiet. 他要你们男孩子安静些。

We girls often go to the movies together. 我们女孩子经常一起去看电影。

2. 不定式用作同位语

Soon came the order to start the general attack. 很快下达了发起总攻的命令。(to start the general attack与the order同位)

He followed the instruction to walk along a certain street where I picked him up. 他照吩咐沿某一条街走,我在那里接他上了车。(to walk along…与the instruction同位)

3. -ing分词用作同位语

He's getting a job tonight driving a truck. 他今晚得到一个开卡车的差事。(driving a track与a job同位)

She got a place in a laundry ironing shirts. 她在一家洗衣店得到一个熨衣服的职位。(ironing shirts与a place同位)

The first plan, attacking at night, was turned down. 第一个计划是夜袭,被拒绝了。(attacking at night与the first plan同位)

4. 形容词用作同位语

The current affair, the biggest in its history, is being held in Guangzhou. 目前的交易会,是有史以来规模最大的,正在广州举行。

He read all kinds of books, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. 他读了很多书,古今中外都有。

People, old and young, took to the streets to watch the parade. 老老少少的人都来到街头观看游行。


The current affair, the biggest in its history, is being held in Guangzhou.

=The current affair, which is the biggest in its history, is being held in Guangzhou.

5. none of us之类的结构用作同位语

We none of us said anything. 我们谁也没说话。

We have none of us large appetites. 我们谁饭量都不大。

They neither of them wanted to go. 他们两人都不想去。

They've neither of them succeeded in winning her confidence. 他们两人谁也没能赢得她的信任。



正:The students each have a dictionary.

误:The students each has a dictionary.


正:Each of the students has a dictionary.

6. 从句用作同位语(即同位语从句)

They were worried over the fact that you were sick. 他们为你生病发愁。

I received a message that she would be late. 我得到的信息说她可能晚到。

The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true. 明天放假的消息不实。

The idea that you can do this work without thinking is wrong. 你可以不动脑筋做此工作的想法是错误的。



Where did you go on vacation?





isam---was是 are --were是 go---went去

buy—bought买 take ---took拿走

dodoes—did feed—fed喂

see—saw 看见 eat—ate 吃

havehas—had 有,吃 feel—felt感觉

ride—rode骑 get—got到达,得到

can—could能,会 forget—forgot忘记

drink—drank喝 find—found找到


some body

any one

every thing

no where(疑问副词)




(2)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词);


He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容词important放后)

Did you buy anything special? (一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后)

Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗?


(4)不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。Everone is here today.今天每个人都在这里。


1.(P1,图片) go on vacation去度假

go to the mountains 上山/进山

2.(P1,1a) stay at home呆在家

go to the beach去海滩

visit museums 参观博物馆

go to summer camp去参观夏令营

3.(P2,2b) study for tests为考试而学习备考

go out出去

4.(P2,2d) quite a few相当多,不少(后跟可数名词复数)

He has quite a few friends.他有不少朋友。

take photos照相 most of the time大部分时间

5.(P3,语法表格3行) buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物

My mother bought me a sweater=My mother bought a sweater for me.我妈妈给我买了一件毛衣。

6.(P3,语法表格4行) taste good. 尝起来很好


The food tastes delicious.这食品尝起来非常可口。

The T-shirt looks beautiful.这件体恤衫看起来很漂亮。

The songs sound beautiful.这些歌曲听起来很优美。

7.(P3,语法表格5行)have a goodgreatfun time过得高兴,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself)

They had a good time yesterday.= They enjoyed themselves yesterday.他们昨天玩得很开心。

8.(P3,3a) go shopping去购物

9.(P3,3b,4行) nothing…but+动词原形:除了……之外什么都没有

He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了读书无事可做。

10.(P3,3b,5行) seem to do sth:好像… I seem to know him.我好像认识他。

seem+(to be)+形容词:看起来…The work seems(to be)easy.这工作看起来很容易。

11.(P3,3c)keep a diary记日记

12.(P5,2b,1行) in+大地方:达到某地 (get to +地方:达到某地)

arrive at+小地方:达到某地 (get的过去式为got)

He arrived in Beijing yesterday.他昨天达到北京。


Tom got home yesterday evening=Tom arrived home yesterday evening.昨晚汤姆到家。

13.(P5,2b,2行)decide to do sth:决定做某事He decided to go home.他决定回家。

14.(P5,2b,3行) try doing sth.尝试做某事try to do sth.尽力去做某事

The boy tried riding bicycle.这个小孩试着骑自行车

He tried to help the old man.他尽力帮助这个老年人。


15.(P5,2b,4行) feel like给…的感觉;感受到

16.(P5,2b,1段末行) in the past 在过去 walk around四处走走

enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事He enjoys playing basketball.他喜欢打篮球。

17.(P5,2b,2段1行)difference(名词,差异,差别)---- different(形容词,不同的)

18.(P5,2b,2段2行)start doing sth:开始做某事 (= start to do sth)

He started doing his homework. 他开始做家庭作业。

19.(P5,2b,2段3行)over an hour一个多小时 (over超过,多余 = more than)

20.(P5,2b,2段4行) too many 太多,后接可数名词复数。

Mother bought too many eggs yesterday.昨天妈妈买了很多鸡蛋。

too much 太多,后跟不可数名词,修饰动词作状语。

We have too much work to do.我们有很多工作要做。 Don’t talk too much.不要说太多。

much too 太,后跟形容词或副词The hat is much too big for me.这帽子对我来说太大。

You’re walking much too fast.你走地太快了。

分辨三者的口诀: too much, much too, 用法区别看后头:much 后接不可数,too 后修饰形或副。too many 要记住,后面名词必复数。

21.(P5,2b,2段6行) because of 因为,后接名词、代词或动名词(即动词+ing),不能接句子。 because因为,后跟句子。

He can’t go to school because of the rain.他因为下雨没去上学。(rain为名词)

He was late for school because of getting up late.他因为起晚而上学迟到。(get为动词)

= He was late for school because he got up late.

I don’t buy the shirt because it was too expensive.我没有买这件衬衣因为它太贵。


He has enough money .他有足够的钱。(money为名词)


He is old enough to go to school. (old为形容词)

23.(P6,2d,倒数4行) doing sth.忘记已经做过某事(已经做完)

forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(还未做)(forget的过去式为forgot)

Don’t foget to close the door.不要忘记关上门。(门还未关)

He forgot closing the door.他忘记已经关上门了。(门已经关上,但是他忘了)


He ate one apple,he wanted another two apples.他吃了一个苹果,还想再要两个。

25.(P8,self check,2,6行)so+形容词+that+句子:如此…以至于…

too+形容词+to do sth:太…以至于不能…

形容词+enough to do sth:足够…能够做某事(注意三个句型有时可以互换)

He is so young that he can′t go to school.他如此年轻以至于不能去上学。

= He is too young to go to school. 他太年轻以至于不能去上学。

= He isn′t old enough to go to school.

26.(P8,self check,2,7行)tell sb (not) to do sth:告诉某人(不要)做某事

My mother often tells us not to play in the street.我的妈妈经常告诉我不要在街上玩。



1. If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution.

2. If you want to pass, you _________ (have to) study hard.

3. What _________ (happen) if they don’t agree with each other?

4. Beckham is a famous football ________(play).

5. My father made a living by _______(sell)small toys when he was young.

6. Did the children enjoy_______(they)in the party last Sunday?

7. The college graduate enjoyed _______(teach)in the poor mountain area

8. He______(have)a great time if he______(come)to the party tomorrow.

9.I think tomorrow is a good time______(have)the party, Everyone______(have) fun at that time.

10. Half the class _______(stay)at home on the weekend now.

11. I will also be able _______ (work)outside sometimes.

12. What about _______(listen)to the radio? 13. The______(three)shirt is the nicest of all.

14. This bag is much_______(big)than that one.

15. Most students spent more than one hour_______(write)the composition.

16. All of us were surprised (see)how Americans abused the Iraqi prisoners.

17. I don't know if he (come)tomorrow, but if he (come)tomorrow, I'll let you.

18.________ (join)the Lions, and you_______(become)a great soccer player.

19. In the past, Peter______(spend )a lot of time every day_______(play)football.

20. If he_____(stay)at home, he'll be sorry.

21. I am learning how_______(swim).

22. Many of my friends are_____(lawyer).

23. ______(watch)TV too much is bad for your eyes.

24. Could you tell us the ______(different)between these two styles of music?


1.If I go to the party, I'll bring them some flowers .(划线提问)

_____ ______ _____ bring ______if you go to the party?

2.Study hard, and you'll pass the English exam.(变同义句)

______ ______study hard, ______pass the English exam

3.Wear jeans, and we won't let you in.(变同义句)

_____ ______wear jeans, we won't let you in.


1. 他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。

If he ________TV too much, his parents __________ __________ unhappy.

2. 如果他有空,他会帮助你的。

If he ______ _______, he _____ _____ you.

3. 如果我们不去开会,会发生什么? _____ _____ _____ if we ____ go to the meeting?


( ) 1. --- ___your friend __the guitar at the concert?--- Yes, he will.

A. Will; plays B. Shall; play C. Will; play D. Do; play

( ) 2. If he ______ go to college, he will have to work.

A. to B. does C. doesn’t D. isn’t

( ) 3. There are many tall trees on _______ side of the street.

A. both B. all C. either D. neither

( ) 4. --- Why not ____ for help when you were in trouble?--- Next time, I will.

A. you ask B. ask C. asking D. to ask

( )5. If you go to the party, you ___ a good time.

A. would have B. have C. will have D. had

( )6. Don't bring food to school. If you do, the teachers will__

A.take it away B. take them away C. take away it D. take away them

( )7. Please ________ your big dictionary when you come here.

A. bring B. take C. carry D. fetch

( )8. Don’t ______ jeans to the party.

A. put on B. wear C. wearing D. dress

( )9. Jim asked me _______ him with his math.

A. help B. helping C. helped D. to help

( )10. -What are you going to do tomorrow? -_____.

A. Nothing much B. Much nothing C. Not anything D. No thing

( )11. If we get there early, we ________ things to a shop.

A. buy B.bought C.will buyD.would buy

( )12. The text is very hard for you. There are _____ new words in it.

A.a fewB.a little C.few D.little

( )13.____of the two new books are interesting .

A. All B. Both C. Any D.Either

( )14.They didn’ t go to bed ______ they finished their homework.

A. until B. because C. when D. if

( )15.Thank you for ______ me the news. I’ m glad to hear that.

A. tell B. telling C. tells D. told

( )16.Is there ______ I can do for you?

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

( )17.My watch is not here. Maybe ______ took it.

A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody

( )18. This work is ______ for me than for you.

A.difficultB.the most difficult

C.most difficultD.more difficult



1. He is going to go to a cooking school. (对划线部分提问)

is he going to ?

2.My father wants to be a pilot. (写出一般疑问句)

your father to be a pilot?

3.It’s a good time to make resolutions at the beginning of the year.(写出同义句)The of the year is a good time for resolutions.

4.Will you make a model plane for her? (写出同义句)

you to make a model plane for her?

5.John enjoys swimming. Peter enjoys swimming,too.(合并句)

John Peter swimming.


1.I can’t stand (listen) to the noisy music.

2.There (be) some exciting news in today’s newspaper.

3.Would you mind (open) the window?

4.Did you watch (sport) show on TV yesterday?

5.Where do you plan (go) this Sunday?

6.Do you want (watch) the news?

7.Sally thinks soap operas are (educational) than sitcoms.

8.I hope (watch) the action movie one day.

9.Yao Ming is a (success) player in NBA.

10.I think Xi Yangyang is as (famous) as Mikey Mouse.


1.He is (funny) than the other students in his class.

2.Did you have fun (learn) something?

3.Nelly practiced (dance) a lot more than Lisa.

4.His mother often makes him (clean) his room on weekends.

5.Lisa practiced a lot more and wanted (win).

6.It’s necessary for us (learn) English well.

7.He is (different) from his brother. They have some (different).

8.I’m (good) at physics than my sister.


1. Mike goes to see his grandparents _________(one) a week.

2. He spends more than an hour __________(exercise) every day.

3. He didn’t go to school. He could ________(hard) read or write.

4. It’s a good habit to brush your (tooth) every day.

5.To keep healthy,I decide _______ (exercise) half an hour every day.

6.Look! Your pet dog is (die).

7.Exercise is (health) for the mind and the body.

8. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _________(buy) one,too.

9. How about (go) shopping on Sundays?

10. He usually study English by (read) it in the morning.


1.We decided (go) to the beach near our hotel.

2.I really enjoy (walk) around the town.

3.We wanted (walk) up to the top.

4.My family (go) to the beach every summer.

5.Did you have a great time (talk) in groups?

6. Lucy usually ______to school early. But today she ________to school late. (go)

7. ---Where did you______ (study) last night? ---No, I__________(help)my mother_______(clean) the room.

8.Do you feel like (drink) some orange?

9.Our teacher often keeps us (read) English in the morning.

10. It’s very interesting ( feed) the pets.

11. He is ____(bad) at learning maths. He is much _____(bad) at Chinese and he is the ____ (bad) at English.

12. Annie says Sally is the ______ (kind) person in the world.

13. He is one of the_________(friendly) people in the class, I think.

14. A dictionary is much _________ (expensive) than a story-book.

61. An orange ia a little ______ (big) than an apple,but much ________ (small) than a watermelon.

15. The Changjiang River is the _______ (long) river in China.



1.Did you decide ___________________(visit) your grandparents?

2.There are many ____________________ (different) between them.

3.I can’t stand _________________ (hear) the bad news.

4.Lucy and Lily are the ____________________ (win) of the talent show.

5.This shirt isn’t as ___________________ (good) as that one.

6.He is the _____________________ (bad) student in his class.

7.The news ___________________ (be) so terrible that we all can’t stand.

8.I really enjoyed ____________________ (walk) around town.

9.It is good to relax by ___________________ (use) internet.

10.Did you have fun __________________ (play) at the party?


1.I go to dance three times a week.(对划线部分提问)

___________ ____________ do you go to dance?

2.Do you want to come? (同义句) ___________you _________ to come?

3.Tom isn’t as good as Tim at playing the drum.(同义句)

Tim is _______ at playing the drum __________Tom.

4.She is taller than any other student in her class.(同义句)

She is _________ __________ student in her class.

5.I think my mother is smarter than my father.(否定句)

I _____ _______ my mother ___________ smarter than my father.

6.What do you think of the movie?(同义句)

_________ __________ ________ ________ the movie?


( )1.Lily _________ stay at home because of the bad weather.

A.had to B.must to C.must D.should

( )2.There is __________ junk food here,and it is __________ terrible.

A.too much,too much B.much too,much too

C.too much,much too D.much too, much too

( )3.—Do you enjoy ____ here? —No,I want ______ there by bike.

A.walking,to go B.to walk, to go

C.walking,going D.to walk, going

( )4.We stopped___and___because we were tired and thirsty.

A.working,to drink B.to work, drinking

C.to work, to drink D.working,drinking

( )5.He likes playing _____ tennis,and he dislikes playing _____ drum.

A.\, \ B.\, the C.the,\ D.the,the

( )6.Lisa is _________ than her sister.

A.more smarter B.much smarter

C.more smart D.very smarter

( )7.She often pratices ____ English by ____to the foreigners.

A.speaking,talking B.to speak, to talk

C.speaking,to talk D.to speak, talking

( )8.He is different___ his brother,but he is similar __ his father.

A.from, from B.to, to C.from, to D.to, from

( )9.He often ____ jokes and makes us ______ .

A.talks,laugh B.tells, laugh C.talks, to laugh D.tells, to laugh

( )10.Thanks _________ me!

A.for tell B.to tell C.to telling D.for telling

( )11.— ____is it from your home? —10 minutes by bus.

A.How far B.How long

C.How often D.How soon

( )12.Parents usually _____ a role in _____ their kids.

A.play,helping B.make, helping C.play,help D.make,help

( )13.Students should study hard to make their dreams ______.

A.come out B.come up

C.come true D.come on

( )14.I can’t stand _ the noisy music,let him it.

A. hearing, stop B.to hear,stop

C.hearing,to stop D.to hear, to stop

( )15.—Would you mind _________ Mickey Mouse? —No, I enjoy _________ it.

A.watching, watching B.to watch, to watch

C.watching, to watch D.to watch, watching

( )16.If I have __,I can do___.

A.enoght time, enogh well B.enough time,well enough

C.time enough, enough well D.time enough,well enogh

( )17.We had a good time ___because of the fine weather.

A.to dance B.at dancing C.dancing D.of dancing

( )18. _____ it rained heavy, ____ went on visiting.

A.Though, but B.But, though C.Though, \ D.Because, \

( )19. In our city, it’s __in July, but it’s even ____in August .

A. hotter, hottest B. hot, hot C. hotter, hot D. hot, hotter

( )20. Jay Chou’s music sounds________. I like it very much.

A. nice B. well C. bad D. quickly

( )21.We ________ TV when the telephone rang.

A. watched B. were watching C. watch D. are watching

( )22. It’s very important ___us _______English well.

A. of …learning B. for… learning C. of…to learn D. for…to learn

( )23. The policeman asked the children____ in the street.

A. not to play B. to not play C. don’t play D. playing

( )24. I ____go to bed ____ I finished my homework.

A. didn’t, when B. /, until C. didn’t, until D.won’t, until

( )25. All the people should do their best __________ the work.

A. to finish B. finish C. finished D. finishing

( )26.Tara and her sister quiet and they sports.

A.are both,both like B.are both, like both

C.both are, both like D.both are,like both

( )27.If you want to be a student helper, you must be good children.

A.at B.with C.for D.in

( )28.Tom can play drums,but Sam can play tennis.

A.the,the B.the,/ C./,the D./,/

( )29.Lily’s books are new than .

A.we B.us C.our D.ours

( )30. —Have you seen the funny movie Let the Bullet Fly? —Yes,it made me ___________ many times.

A.laugh B. cry C. Sleep D. sing


1. Mary’s brother is as __________ (health) as her sister.

2. My pen is new,but hers is ___________(new) than mine..

3. It’s necessary for us ______________ (learn) English well.

4. The storybook is ____________________ (interest) of the three.




口诀:我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟着他(he),她(she),它(it)。





be动词包括“am”, “is”, “are”三种形式。


句型解析析:I am+…

I am a student. I am a boy.


句型解析:You are+…

You are my good friend. You are a good person.

第三人称单数(He or She or It)配合is使用。

句型解析:She(He, It) is +…

She is a good girl. She is so cute.

人称复数 (we /you/they)配合are使用。

句型解析:We (You, They) are +…

We are in Class 5,Grade 7. You are good students.


1 综合解析当使用be动词的时候,前面请先加上第几人称。


I am, You are, She is,并不会出现I is, You am, She are 这样的情形。

2 当只有第一人称和第二人称或第三人称时应该把第二人称或第三人称放在前

例如:you and I, Tom and I


例如:you and Tom

当三者都有时,排序为:2 3 1

例如you, Tom and I

练习:1. Where ______ Ann . She ______ here.

2. How old ______ you . I ______ thirteen.

3. ______ you Mr Read . Yes, I ______.

4. What ______ your name. My name ____ Ann

二 情态动词Can

1 can作“能、会”解,否定式是cannot,缩写为can’t。

“can+动词原形” “can’t+动词原形” :表示某人能做或不能做某事

Can 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。

Can 表示的”能力”为现在的能力,而不是过去或将来的能力。

1). for ability表示能力。例如:

—Can you write in English? —Yes, I can.

I can run fast,can you?

2). indicating acquired knowledge or skill表示获得的知识或技能。例如:

—Can she speak Japanese? —No, she can’t.她会说日语吗?不,她不会。

3). indicating permission表示许可。例如:

Can I read your newspaper?我能看看你的报纸吗?

Can I take you home?我送你回家行吗?

We can’t wear jeans at work.我们上班时不准穿牛仔裤。

4). indicating requests表示要求。例如:

Can you help me with this box?你能帮我弄这个箱子吗?

Can you feed the cat?你喂喂猫好吗?

5). indicating possibly表示可能性。例如:

That can’t be Mary—she’s in hospital.那不可能是玛丽—她住院了。

He can’t have slept through all that noise.那么吵他不可能睡得着觉。

There’s someone outside—who can it be?外面有人—会是谁呢?

6). used to make suggestions用以提出建议。例如:

We can eat in a restaurant, if you like.你愿意的话,咱们可以在饭馆吃饭。

I can take the car if necessary.必要时我可以开车去。

三 情态动词Would

1 Would是will的过去式,可用于各人称,表示过去时间的“意志”、“愿望”和 “决心”等。

如:I told peter that I would go along wit him.我告诉彼得我要跟他一块去。

2 would用来表示现在时间时时,不论是表达说话人本身的意志或向对方提出请求,均较will婉转。如:

Would you like to have a glass of wine? 你要喝杯酒吗?

Would you please tell me the way to the nearest bus-stop?

[注]在日常会话中,I would like to和I should like to都可以说,I would like的简略式为I'd like。如:yes, I’d like to. Yes, I’d love to

Yes, very much. Sorry, ai already have an appointment.

3 Would还可以表示过去习惯发生的动作

I found that retired persons would often go to the park to play chess.我发现退休的人经常到公园里下棋。

When he had a problem to solve,he would work at it until he found an answer.当他有个问题要解决时,他总是想办法一直到找到答案为止。


1 -Can you speak Japanese? -No, I_A___.

A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. may not

2 The children___ play football on the road.

A. can't B. can C. mustn't D. must

3 -Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday?

A. Here you are B. Sorry, I can't C. Yes, please D. Let me try

4 Excuse me. ___ you please pass me that cup?

A. Do B. Should C. Would D. Must

5 ___ you like to have another try?

A. Could B. Will C. Would D. Do

6 -Would you like to go boating with us? -Yes, ___.

A. I'd like B. I want C. I'd like to D. I do

四 “there be”句型

There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。

”其基本结构为“There be+某物(某人)+某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词, be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。

There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:

Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。要用is还是are,须看其后的名词是单数还是复数。若是单数或不可数名词用is,否则就用are。如:

①There is a tree behind the house.

②There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).

③There are some pears in the box.


①There is a book and some pens on the floor.

②There are some pens and a book on the floor.

肯定句:there is an apple on the table

否定句:there isn't an apple on the table.

一般疑问句: Is there an apple on the table? 回答:yes, there is. / No, there isn't

特殊疑问句:what is there on the table.

1. 定义:There be句型表示某处存在某物或某人。

2. 结构:

(1) There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语.

(2) There are +复数名词+地点状语.


① There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。

② There is a teacher and many students in our classroom.


③ There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 树下有两个男孩,一个女孩。

3. There be句型与have的区别:

(1) There be 句型和have都表示“有”的含义。区别如下:There be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;have表示“某人拥有某物/某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。 eg.

①He has two sons. 他有两个儿子。

②There are two men in the office. 办公室里有两个男人。

(2)当have表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,There be 句型与其可互换。

①A week has seven days. =There are seven days in a week. 一个星期有七天。

4 变脸一:否定句

There be句型的否定式的构成和含有be动词的其它句型一样,在be后加上not或no即可。注意not和no的不同:not是副词,no为形容词,not a/an/any + n. 相当于no+ n.。例如:

There are some pictures on the wall. →There aren't any pictures on the wall. =There are no pictures on the wall.

There is a bike behind the tree. → There isn't a bike behind the tree

.=There is no bike behind the tree.

5 变脸二:一般疑问句

There be句型的一般疑问句变化是把be动词调整到句首,再在句尾加上问号即可,此为\“调整法\”。但同时要注意:当肯定句中有some时,要将其改为any(否定变化也一样)。看看下面两句是如何\“改头换面\”的吧:

There is some water on Mars. → Is there any water on Mars?

There are some fish in the water. →Are there any fish in the water?

6 变脸三:特殊疑问句

There be句型的特殊疑问句形式有以下三种变化:

① 对主语提问:当主语是人时,用\“Who\'s+介词短语?\”;当主语是物时,用\“What\'s + 介词短语?\”。注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用be的单数形式(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定)。如:

There are many things over there. →What's over there?

There is a little girl in the room.→Who is in the room?

② 对地点状语提问:提问地点当然用“Where is / are+主语?\”啦!例如:

There is a computer on the desk. → Where is the computer?

There are four children on the playground. →Where are the four children?

③ 对数量提问:一般有两种句型结构:

How many+复数名词+are there+介词短语?

How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语?




一) 一般在词后加er或est(如果是以e结尾则直接加r或st)。

如:greater-greatest, shorter–shortest,

taller–tallest, longer–longest,

nicer- nicest, larger –largest(大)

二) 以重读闭音节结尾且1个元音字母+1个辅音字母结尾的双写

结尾的辅音再加er /est。

如:big-bigger biggest, red-redder reddest, hot-hotter hottest (字母组合除外,如few-fewer fewest少)

三) 以辅音字母+y结尾的变y为i加er/est。

如:happy-happier happiest,

sorry-sorrier sorriest,

friendly(友好的)-friendlier friendliest

(more friendly most friendly),

Busy(忙碌)-busier busiest,

easy-easier easiest



1. 他正在干什么? What is he doing?

他正在吃饭。 He is eating dinner.

他正在哪里吃饭? Where is he eating dinner?

他正在家里吃饭。 He is eating dinner at home.

2. 你想什么时候去? When do you want to go?

让我们六点钟去吧。 Let’s go at six o’clock.

3. 他正在等什么? What is he waiting for?

他正在等公交车。 He is waiting for a bus.

4. 他们正在和谁说话? Who are they talking with?

他们正在和Miss Wu说话。 They are talking with Miss Wu.

5. 你们正在谈论什么? What are you talking about?

我们正在谈论天气。 We are talking about the weather.

6. 他们都正在去上学。 They are all going to school.

7. 这儿是一些我的照片。 Here are some of my photos.

这儿是一些肉。 Here is some of meat. (some of meat不可数,故用is)

8. 谢谢你帮我买这本书。 Thank you for helping me buy this book.

9. family 家;家庭。强调“整体”,是单数;强调“成员”时,是复数。 His family has a shower. 他们家有一个淋浴。 His family are watching TV. 他全家在看电视。

篇11: 八年级上册期中总结





































































英语作为一门外语, 其重要性已渐渐为学生们所认同.那么,如何帮助学生真正地掌握这一重要学科,更好地做好英语教学工作,作为一名教育工作者,我们需要付出更多的辛苦,努力成为一名真正合格的英语教师。





因为学生在课堂上的一举一动都会直接影响课堂教学,所以上课一定要设法吸引学生,不让其分心,上课内容力求丰富,现实。教态自然,讲课生动,难易适中照顾全部,就自然能够吸引住学生。另外,每天都坚持保持充足的精神,让学生感受到一种积极上进的气氛。为了让学生真正参入到课堂中来,凡是学生自己能讲清楚的问题,都让学生自己解决,老师决不越俎代庖,课堂上尽量精讲、少讲把时间都留给学生。这些都是我在教学中慢慢总结出来的,然而在这学期的教学中在这些方面我做的并不是很到位,有时急于求成,不能给学生充分的时间让他们思考问题,而是直接给予他们答案,而缺乏耐心和一步步的引导。 此外加上学生课堂纪律不是很好的缘故,我的情绪也容易受到影响,很多时候都是没踏入教室时想的很好,可是遇到学生不守规矩,故意捣乱时,我也很难控制住自己的情绪,在这种情况下,我也很难再有情绪愉快的进行教学了。所以提高自己的课堂驾驭能力才至关重要,好的纪律才会有好的成绩,此外我觉得如何搞好与学生的关系,怎样让学生接受我,愿意接受我的教育这些才是至关重要的。







































































