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爱护动物   Love animals.

保护环境   Protect the environment.

人人有责   It’s everyone’s duty.

Unit 10  The world around us   (课件)

高一年级英语组   胡章盛

(Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Unit 10. The world around us. Now please answer this question.)

What is the world made up of?

(It is made up of human beings, animals and plants.)

(Yes, our world is made up of human beings, animals, plants and other things. But do you know what have happened recent years? If you want know about these, please look at the following pictures and listen to the dialogues.)

Step one  Warming-up

Show some pictures about the environment, plants and animals.

(Beautiful scenery)

We enjoy the breathtaking beauty of nature.

(Beautiful lake)

It’s clean and beautiful.

(The habitat of milu deer)

We love our home.

(The habitat of tigers)

How freely I am living!

(The picture of pandas)

It’s very delicious.

(The picture of tigers)

We need a good living environment.

(The picture of a forest)

The forest has been destroyed.

(The picture of some animals)

Some animals have been hunted by people.

Show some other pictures about the animals in the book. (With the sound of the dialogues)

Picture 1


A: Hurry! My darling!

B:Oh! Where should we go?

A:I don’t know where to go. Farmers cut down the trees. We can no longer hide and hunt for food.

B:You are right. And many of us are killed by people. They want to sell our fur and use our bones for medicine. We are in danger,   too.

Picture 2

Pandas (熊猫)

A:Mum, I’m hungry.

B:Sorry, child. There is nothing to eat.


A:There are few areas left where we can live. And there is nothing                            for us to eat. Some of us died of hunger.

Picture 3

Tibetan antelopes


A:Brother, what should we do?

B:I don’t know. There are many people around us. They want to                                        hunt us for our wool. We are endangered.

A:I hate the human beings.

( We have just seen some pictures about endangered animals.)


1.       Why are they endangered?

(They are endangered because of the environment and the human beings.)

2.       Do you know of any other endangered animals?

(Other endangered animals include the African elephant(非洲象), the Asian elephant(亚洲象), the blue whale(蓝鲸), the gorilla(大猩猩), the snow leopard(雪豹)(eastern Asia) and the black rhino(犀牛))

3.       Any more/What else?

(There are also several endangered birds, fishes, and other animals.)

4.       Can we help them?   (Yes, we can.)

5.       How to help them? Or what can we do to help them?

(We can help endangered animals by protecting their habitats, creating new habitats, protecting the environment)

(Yes, we must protect all the animals and plants around us. We must protect their habitats and the environment around us. Now let’s listen to the tape and fill in the correct information in the space below. (Play the tape))


爱护动物   Love animals.

保护环境   Protect the environment.

人人有责   It’s everyone’s duty.

Unit 10  The world around us   (课件)

高一年级英语组   胡章盛

(Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Unit 10. The world around us. Now please answer this question.)

What is the world made up of?

(It is made up of human beings, animals and plants.)

(Yes, our world is made up of human beings, animals, plants and other things. But do you know what have happened recent years? If you want know about these, please look at the following pictures and listen to the dialogues.)

Step one  Warming-up

Show some pictures about the environment, plants and animals.

(Beautiful scenery)

We enjoy the breathtaking beauty of nature.

(Beautiful lake)

It’s clean and beautiful.

(The habitat of milu deer)

We love our home.

(The habitat of tigers)

How freely I am living!

(The picture of pandas)

It’s very delicious.

(The picture of tigers)

We need a good living environment.

(The picture of a forest)

The forest has been destroyed.

(The picture of some animals)

Some animals have been hunted by people.

Show some other pictures about the animals in the book. (With the sound of the dialogues)

Picture 1


A: Hurry! My darling!

B: Oh! Where should we go?

A: I don’t know where to go. Farmers cut down the trees. We can no longer hide and hunt for food.

B: You are right. And many of us are killed by people. They want to sell our fur and use our bones for medicine. We are in danger,   too.

Picture 2

Pandas (熊猫)

A: Mum, I’m hungry.

B: Sorry, child. There is nothing to eat.

B: Why?

A: There are few areas left where we can live. And there is nothing                            for us to eat. Some of us died of hunger.

Picture 3

Tibetan antelopes


A: Brother, what should we do?

B: I don’t know. There are many people around us. They want to                                        hunt us for our wool. We are endangered.

A: I hate the human beings.

( We have just seen some pictures about endangered animals.)


1.       Why are they endangered?

(They are endangered because of the environment and the human beings.)

2.       Do you know of any other endangered animals?

(Other endangered animals include the African elephant(非洲象), the Asian elephant(亚洲象), the blue whale(蓝鲸), the gorilla(大猩猩), the snow leopard(雪豹)(eastern Asia) and the black rhino(犀牛))

3.       Any more/What else?

(There are also several endangered birds, fishes, and other animals.)

4.       Can we help them?   (Yes, we can.)

5.       How to help them? Or what can we do to help them?

(We can help endangered animals by protecting their habitats, creating new habitats, protecting the environment)

(Yes, we must protect all the animals and plants around us. We must protect their habitats and the environment around us. Now let’s listen to the tape and fill in the correct information in the space below. (Play the tape))



Step Two   Listening  (Listening material)

 Show some pictures about air pollution, water pollution and waste pollution.

Picture 1

Air pollution

       Picture 2

Water pollution

       Picture 3

Waste or rubbish/trash


Listen again and fill in the correct information in the space below.




What kind of pollution is it?








What are the causes?

(cars, factories)

burning coal and oil

(factories)and drainage(下水道)


or people

What are the effects?

(As a result)of air pollution, many people (get sick).

We can’t(use/drink)

the water that is polluted.

Making the environment(ugly, dirty)and even dangerous.

Find out how to deal with the causes and the effects.

Ways to deal with causes

Ways to deal with effects



We can make cars that(don’t pollute)the environment. We can ask the companies to use(modern and clean )technology.

We can(limit)the number of cars in our city. If people get sick from air pollution, we must(help)them.



We can try to use(less water)and make sure that we(do not pollute)the water. We can tell factories that they(are not allowed)to pour water into lakes and rivers.

We can(clean)the water in our rivers and lakes.



We should(not throw)rubbish in parks and cities, we should(not buy)things that use a lot of packaging.

We can(pick up)rubbish if we see it. We can(put)more rubbish bins in our parks and cities.

(Boys and girls, from the information above, we know that protecting the environment and the animals is very important for us. We must do everything we can to protect the animals. Now,  a reporter for the magazine National Wildlife is writing an article about animals in zoos and is going to interview some animals to find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a zoo. Work together with your partner. One will act as the reporter, and the other will act as the animal. Please prepare by yourselves.)

Sample dialogues:

Picture of


R = reporter, T = tiger

R:Good morning, Mr. Tiger. My name is … . I am a reporter. May I ask you some questions?


R: How long have you been in the zoo?

T:About a year.

R:Do you prefer living here?

T:No, I don’t, but I have no choice.


T:People cut down the forest where we lived. People and buildings are everywhere. I had no place to go to. The police took me to the zoo.

R:How about your life here?

T:Very good. But I am not free.

R:Would you like to say something to the human beings?

T:I hope they don’t kill us. We are friends.

R:You are right. Thank you. Good-bye.


Picture of


R = reporter, H = hippo

R:Good morning, Mr. Hippo. I am a reporter. My name is … . May I ask you some questions?


R:Where did you live before?

H: I lived in a beautiful place. There was a big river there. There are many beautiful mountains around it. I lived a happy life and I was free.

R:Why come here?

H:Many houses and factories have been set up there. And the water in the river has been polluted. Many of my friends have been dead. I was saved and sent here.

R:You are very lucky. Are you happy living here?

H:Happy. But I like nature better. If no pollution, I will be happier.

R:What can we do for you?

H:Protecting the environment.

R:I think we will. Thank you .

H:You are welcome.

Picture of


R = reporter, M = monkey

R:Good morning, Mr. Monkey.

M:Good morning. I don’t think I know you.

R:I am a reporter. My name is … .

M:What can I do for you?

R:I want to know your life here. Can you tell me?

M:I am glad to. Life here is wonderful. There are many things to eat. And I can see many people every day.

R:Do you want to go back to the mountain?

M:Yes, very. I prefer to live in the mountains. Life there is more wonderful. Can you help me?

R:I think that humans will let you realize your intention.

M:Thank you.

R:Not at all.


Page  139   Talking

























Period One

(Warming up and Listening)

Step 1 Warming-up

Before class, T plays a song Ss are familiar with till the bell for class rings. Then T asks Ss some questions: (1) Do you know the name of the song? (You’ll be in my heartfrom the film named Tarzan,《人猿泰山》)(2) Where do you think the song comes from? (3) Do you like the song? Why or why not? etc. Ss answer all these questions.

Step 2 Brainstorming

Do you know any other songs? In this way, Ss think about as many songs as possible.

Step 3 Discussion

Ss work in groups of 4. They talk about the songs they are interested in.

Step 4 Demonstration

After discussion, choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 5 Finding a place

(Show a map of picture)

T shows the map of the world. While the student is reporting the result, others should listen carefully. Ask a student to find the place in the map where the song comes from.

Step 6 Listening

Ask Ss to listen to the music on the tape to find where the music comes from.

Song 1 二泉映月(folk music)

Song 2 Beat itby Michael Jackson from America (rock music)

Song 2 Take me home, Country roadsby John Denver from Europe (American country music)

Step 7 Listening and discussion

Listen to the music several times and then discuss the following questions with group members. (1) Which piece of music do you like best? Why? (2) What makes you think this music comes from… (3) What are the differences between the songs you have heard? (4) Can you guess what the songs are about?

Step 8 Demonstration

After discussion, Ss choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 9 Listening

Listen to the three songs on the tape and then fill out the form below.




What would be a good title for the song?

What is the song about?

How does the song make you feel?

Do you like the song?

(1=not at all, 10=very much

How would you describe the song?

Play the tape several times so that Ss can fully understand them.

Song 1: Edelweiss

Song 2: I’m right here waiting

Song 3: Love me tender

Step 10 Group-work

When Ss fill out the form above, they discuss each question and then report the result each other.

Step 11 Demonstration

Choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 12 Listening

If time permits, finish the Workbook listening exercises in class. If there is no time left in class, leave them as homework.


1.       Finish off the workbook exercises.

Find as many kinds of musical instrument as possible. (Consult the website:www.villa123.com)



Period One

(Warming up and Listening)

Step 1 Warming-up

Before class, T plays a song Ss are familiar with till the bell for class rings. Then T asks Ss some questions: (1) Do you know the name of the song? (You’ll be in my heartfrom the film named Tarzan,《人猿泰山》)(2) Where do you think the song comes from? (3) Do you like the song? Why or why not? etc. Ss answer all these questions.

Step 2 Brainstorming

Do you know any other songs? In this way, Ss think about as many songs as possible.

Step 3 Discussion

Ss work in groups of 4. They talk about the songs they are interested in.

Step 4 Demonstration

After discussion, choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 5 Finding a place

(Show a map of picture)

T shows the map of the world. While the student is reporting the result, others should listen carefully. Ask a student to find the place in the map where the song comes from.

Step 6 Listening

Ask Ss to listen to the music on the tape to find where the music comes from.

Song 1 二泉映月(folk music)

Song 2 Beat itby Michael Jackson from America (rock music)

Song 2 Take me home, Country roadsby John Denver from Europe (American country music)

Step 7 Listening and discussion

Listen to the music several times and then discuss the following questions with group members. (1) Which piece of music do you like best? Why? (2) What makes you think this music comes from… (3) What are the differences between the songs you have heard? (4) Can you guess what the songs are about?

Step 8 Demonstration

After discussion, Ss choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 9 Listening

Listen to the three songs on the tape and then fill out the form below.




What would be a good title for the song?

What is the song about?

How does the song make you feel?

Do you like the song?

(1=not at all, 10=very much

How would you describe the song?

Play the tape several times so that Ss can fully understand them.

Song 1: Edelweiss

Song 2: I’m right here waiting

Song 3: Love me tender

Step 10 Group-work

When Ss fill out the form above, they discuss each question and then report the result each other.

Step 11 Demonstration

Choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 12 Listening

If time permits, finish the Workbook listening exercises in class. If there is no time left in class, leave them as homework.


1.       Finish off the workbook exercises.

Find as many kinds of musical instrument as possible.


Period One

(Warming up and Listening)

Step 1 Warming-up

Before class, T plays a song Ss are familiar with till the bell for class rings. Then T asks Ss some questions: (1) Do you know the name of the song? (You’ll be in my heart from the film named Tarzan,《人猿泰山》)(2) Where do you think the song comes from? (3) Do you like the song? Why or why not? etc. Ss answer all these questions.

Step 2 Brainstorming

Do you know any other songs? In this way, Ss think about as many songs as possible.

Step 3 Discussion

Ss work in groups of 4. They talk about the songs they are interested in.

Step 4 Demonstration

After discussion, choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 5 Finding a place

(Show a map of picture)

T shows the map of the world. While the student is reporting the result, others should listen carefully. Ask a student to find the place in the map where the song comes from.

Step 6 Listening

Ask Ss to listen to the music on the tape to find where the music comes from.

Song 1 二泉映月 (folk music)

Song 2 Beat it by Michael Jackson from America (rock music)

Song 2 Take me home, Country roads by John Denver from Europe (American country music)

Step 7 Listening and discussion

Listen to the music several times and then discuss the following questions with group members. (1) Which piece of music do you like best? Why? (2) What makes you think this music comes from… (3) What are the differences between the songs you have heard? (4) Can you guess what the songs are about?

Step 8 Demonstration

After discussion, Ss choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 9 Listening

Listen to the three songs on the tape and then fill out the form below.




What would be a good title for the song?

What is the song about?

How does the song make you feel?

Do you like the song?

(1=not at all, 10=very much

How would you describe the song?

Play the tape several times so that Ss can fully understand them.

Song 1: Edelweiss

Song 2: I’m right here waiting

Song 3: Love me tender

Step 10 Group-work

When Ss fill out the form above, they discuss each question and then report the result each other.

Step 11 Demonstration

Choose one of the students in their group to report the result of their discussion.

Step 12 Listening

If time permits, finish the Workbook listening exercises in class. If there is no time left in class, leave them as homework.


1.       Finish off the workbook exercises.

Find as many kinds of musical instrument as possible.

篇8:高一英语上Unit 1第一部分

高一英语上Unit 1第一部分

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:


Phrase:be fond of

Sentence Pattern:

So/Nor+link(modal or auxiliary)verb+subject.

2.Train the students’ listening ability.

3.Improve the students’ speaking ability by describing,talking and discussion.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Master the new phrase and sentence pattern and make the students be free to talk about their names,ages,hobbies and so on.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to improve the students’ listening ability.

How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answer activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder  2.a projector  3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

FStep Ⅰ.Greetings and Lead-in

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

Ss:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

T:Sit down,please.Now you’re Senior Middle School Ss.From now on I’m your English teacher.I’m very glad to know you and willing to give you lessons.First let’s introduce each other.All right?Do you know“introduce”?(Bb:introduce)“introduce”means“to make known for the first time to each other or someone else.”So I introduce myself to you now.My name is…What about you?Hello,what’s your name?Nice to know you.”

(Go around the class and get individual Ss to introduce themselves.)

T:Yeah,from now on we have known each other,Maybe I’m not only your teacher,but also your good friend in future.Do you think so?


FStep Ⅱ.Warming-up

T:Today we’re going to learn Unit 1“Good friends”.

(Bb:Unit 1 Good friends The First Period)“The First Period”.First let’s look at some words.

(Teacher teaches the words in the first box and explains them,then says the following.)

T:OK.Now I want you to discuss two questions.

1.What should a good friend be like?

2.What qualities should a good friend have?

(Bb:Write them on the blackboard.)Yeah,please discuss them in groups of four.After a while,everyone is asked to make a sentence using the words in these boxes on the screen.Of course,you can use other words if you like.Is that clear?


T:OK.Please discuss these questions.

(After a while,teacher asks some students to describe a good friend.If time permitting,teacher may ask more students to answer.)

T:Now time is up.Who wants to say first?

S1:I think a friend should be kind and honest.

S2:A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

S3:A good friend should be loyal,wise and brave.

S4:I think a good friend should be smart,kind and funny.When I am bored,he can entertain me.When I am lonely,he keeps me company.

T:Very good.Your opinions are all right.Now who can describe yourself in three adjectives?You try,please.

(Teacher comes to one student.)

S:I think I am beautiful,strong and wise.

T:What about you?(Teacher comes to one boy.)

S:Yeah,I think,first I’m honest,and I’m well educated,Of course I’m handsome.

FStep Ⅲ.Listening

T:Now please turn to Page 2.Let’s do some listening.You are going to hear two friends arguing.What are they arguing about?How to solve their problems?It needs your listening carefully.Write down what you hear.At last I’ll check the answers with the whole class.Is that clear?


T:OK.Let’s begin.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.Then play for the second time,during this time,teacher may pause for students to write down the information.Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary.Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

FStep Ⅳ.Speaking

T:OK.Now I’d like to know something about your favourite hobbies.(Teacher comes up to one boy.)What are your favourite hobbies?

S:I love football and hiking.I also like reading a lot.I think reading can make people rich and wise.

T:Yeah,what about you?

S:I enjoy computers and music.I often surf the Internet and listen to some pop music.But I don’t like classical music.

(Teacher may ask more students to answer.)

T:Yes.We know different persons can have different hobbies.Now look at the part ―“Speaking”on Page 2.You are given four minutes to read the following self-introduction.After that,fill in the following form.(form on the screen.)

T:OK.Time is up.I’ll ask six of you to fill in this form.Each student fills in one person’s related content.I can give you one example.For example,as to“Stephante”,you can fill in “Age→14,Gender→girl,Likes→skiing,reading,Dislikes→hiking,rock music,football”,Do you understand?


T:OK.Who can fill in John’s related content?Li Lin,you try,please…

(Teacher asks another five students to fill in the form,then teacher shows the suggested answers on the screen.)

Suggested answers:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]  下一页

篇9:高一英语上Unit 1第一部分

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following:


Phrase:be fond of

Sentence Pattern:

So/Nor+link(modal or auxiliary)verb+subject.

2.Train the students’ listening ability.

3.Improve the students’ speaking ability by describing,talking and discussion.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Master the new phrase and sentence pattern and make the students be free to talk about their names,ages,hobbies and so on.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to improve the students’ listening ability.

How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening-and-answer activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

2.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.a tape recorder  2.a projector  3.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

FStep Ⅰ.Greetings and Lead-in

T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

Ss:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.

T:Sit down,please.Now you’re Senior Middle School Ss.From now on I’m your English teacher.I’m very glad to know you and willing to give you lessons.First let’s introduce each other.All right?Do you know“introduce”?(Bb:introduce)“introduce”means“to make known for the first time to each other or someone else.”So I introduce myself to you now.My name is…What about you?Hello,what’s your name?Nice to know you.”

(Go around the class and get individual Ss to introduce themselves.)

T:Yeah,from now on we have known each other,Maybe I’m not only your teacher,but also your good friend in future.Do you think so?


FStep Ⅱ.Warming-up

T:Today we’re going to learn Unit 1“Good friends”.

(Bb:Unit 1 Good friends The First Period)“The First Period”.First let’s look at some words.

(Teacher teaches the words in the first box and explains them,then says the following.)

T:OK.Now I want you to discuss two questions.

1.What should a good friend be like?

2.What qualities should a good friend have?

(Bb:Write them on the blackboard.)Yeah,please discuss them in groups of four.After a while,everyone is asked to make a sentence using the words in these boxes on the screen.Of course,you can use other words if you like.Is that clear?


T:OK.Please discuss these questions.

(After a while,teacher asks some students to describe a good friend.If time permitting,teacher may ask more students to answer.)

T:Now time is up.Who wants to say first?

S1:I think a friend should be kind and honest.

S2:A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

S3:A good friend should be loyal,wise and brave.

S4:I think a good friend should be smart,kind and funny.When I am bored,he can entertain me.When I am lonely,he keeps me company.

T:Very good.Your opinions are all right.Now who can describe yourself in three adjectives?You try,please.

(Teacher comes to one student.)

S:I think I am beautiful,strong and wise.

T:What about you?(Teacher comes to one boy.)

S:Yeah,I think,first I’m honest,and I’m well educated,Of course I’m handsome.

FStep Ⅲ.Listening

T:Now please turn to Page 2.Let’s do some listening.You are going to hear two friends arguing.What are they arguing about?How to solve their problems?It needs your listening carefully.Write down what you hear.At last I’ll check the answers with the whole class.Is that clear?


T:OK.Let’s begin.

(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.Then play for the second time,during this time,teacher may pause for students to write down the information.Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary.Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)

FStep Ⅳ.Speaking

T:OK.Now I’d like to know something about your favourite hobbies.(Teacher comes up to one boy.)What are your favourite hobbies?

S:I love football and hiking.I also like reading a lot.I think reading can make people rich and wise.

T:Yeah,what about you?

S:I enjoy computers and music.I often surf the Internet and listen to some pop music.But I don’t like classical music.

(Teacher may ask more students to answer.)

T:Yes.We know different persons can have different hobbies.Now look at the part ―“Speaking”on Page 2.You are given four minutes to read the following self-introduction.After that,fill in the following form.(form on the screen.)

T:OK.Time is up.I’ll ask six of you to fill in this form.Each student fills in one person’s related content.I can give you one example.For example,as to“Stephante”,you can fill in “Age→14,Gender→girl,Likes→skiing,reading,Dislikes→hiking,rock music,football”,Do you understand?


T:OK.Who can fill in John’s related content?Li Lin,you try,please…

(Teacher asks another five students to fill in the form,then teacher shows the suggested answers on the screen.)

Suggested answers:

[4] [5] [6] [7]

篇10:上学期Recycle 1第一课时


本课时的教学重点是复习1-3单元所学会话,要求学生能根据实际情景熟练运用这些句子。学会新单词Moral Education, Social Studies,celery等。会说唱歌谣,并能理解其含义。


本课时教学难点 为前三个单元中四会句子的综合运用及两个时间副词的读音。


1.P38图片挂图以及单词卡:Moral Education, Social Studies, celery

2.与Read and write 和Let’s chant部分相配套教学录音带



1.Warm-up (热身)


教师播放Unit 1 Let’s sing部分歌曲,引导复习句型 “Who’s your … teacher? What’s he/she like?及回答。还可把歌词做替换,使歌曲更加富有交际性。



What day is today?

What do you have on Monday?

What classes do you like?

What do you do on Saturday?

What would you like for…?

What’s your favourite food?

2.Presentation (新课呈现)


教师播放四年级下册第一单元的歌曲,学生跟唱,引出Willow School。

(2)Look and Say (看图说话)

教师出示Willow School的图片,向学生介绍:Look! This is Willow School. Do you want to visit it? Ok. Let’s walk through it.


提示:Who is English / math / art teacher?

What is he /she /like?


提示:What day is today?

What do you have today?

What do you have on…?

What classes do you like?

What do you do on…?

教师问:Do you have Moral Education / Social Studies on…?当教师说到Moral Education / Social Studies时,向学生呈现相应的教科书帮助学生理解和记忆,并教读。

(5) 出示P38右下图,教师用Would you like….?这一句型引出新单词:celery并教读。然后让学生运用所学知识描述图中内容。

提示: Do you have…on…?

We have… on …

Do you like…?

What’s your favourite food?

(6) Read and Write

教师手拿一张校报说:This is the newspaper about school. It’s the school newspaper. Now David is interviewing Miss Green for the School newspaper. Let’s listen.

(7) 听录音,让学生跟读句子,理解对话含义。

(8) 听录音,完成填空部分。

3.Let’s play (趣味操练)

(1)Let’s chant.

教师播放Let’s chant 部分的录音,学生跟说,进一步在节奏中培养语感。教师解释其中几个时间副词的含义。

(2)Find, say and write


4.Consolidation and extension (巩固与扩展)

(1)活动八 练一练 让学生做活动手册Rearrange the words.

(2)让学生做活动手册Listen and write the numbers.

(3)让学生做活动手册Interview your parents.



句子:My favourite day is… My favourite teacher is… My favourite food is…

单词:Moral Education  Social Studies  celery


本课时 “ Walk through Willow School and talk about it!”和 “Read and write”部分主要是以图片和采访的形式呈现出前三个单元的主要内容。通过不同形式的操练,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。教师可通过模拟参观校园的活动,使学生在教师的提示下,运用已学知识把看到的东西表达出来。教师通过为校报做采访的活动,使学生能够把语言运用到真实的交际中。







活动过程 :







Teach us

Saturdays and Sundays

Favourite food

Favourite color

篇11:上学期Recycle 1第一课时

上学期Recycle 1第一课时


本课时的教学重点是复习1-3单元所学会话,要求学生能根据实际情景熟练运用这些句子。学会新单词Moral Education, Social Studies,celery等。会说唱歌谣,并能理解其含义。




1.P38图片挂图以及单词卡:Moral Education, Social Studies, celery

2.与Read and write 和Let’s chant部分相配套教学录音带



1.Warm-up (热身)


教师播放Unit 1 Let’s sing部分歌曲,引导复习句型 “Who’s your … teacher? What’s he/she like?及回答。还可把歌词做替换,使歌曲更加富有交际性。



What day is today?

What do you have on Monday?

What classes do you like?

What do you do on Saturday?

What would you like for…?

What’s your favourite food?

2.Presentation (新课呈现)


教师播放四年级下册第一单元的歌曲,学生跟唱,引出Willow School。

(2)Look and Say (看图说话)

教师出示Willow School的图片,向学生介绍:Look! This is Willow School. Do you want to visit it? Ok. Let’s walk through it.


提示:Who is English / math / art teacher?

What is he /she /like?


提示:What day is today?

What do you have today?

What do you have on…?

What classes do you like?

What do you do on…?

教师问:Do you have Moral Education / Social Studies on…?当教师说到Moral Education / Social Studies时,向学生呈现相应的教科书帮助学生理解和记忆,并教读。

(5) 出示P38右下图,教师用Would you like….?这一句型引出新单词:celery并教读。然后让学生运用所学知识描述图中内容。

提示: Do you have…on…?

We have… on …

Do you like…?

What’s your favourite food?

(6) Read and Write

教师手拿一张校报说:This is the newspaper about school. It’s the school newspaper. Now David is interviewing Miss Green for the School newspaper. Let’s listen.

(7) 听录音,让学生跟读句子,理解对话含义。

(8) 听录音,完成填空部分。

3.Let’s play (趣味操练)

(1)Let’s chant.

教师播放Let’s chant 部分的录音,学生跟说,进一步在节奏中培养语感。教师解释其中几个时间副词的含义。

(2)Find, say and write


4.Consolidation and extension (巩固与扩展)

(1)活动八练一练让学生做活动手册Rearrange the words.

(2)让学生做活动手册Listen and write the numbers.

(3)让学生做活动手册Interview your parents.



句子:My favourite day is… My favourite teacher is… My favourite food is…

单词:Moral Education  Social Studies  celery


本课时 “ Walk through Willow School and talk about it!”和 “Read and write”部分主要是以图片和采访的形式呈现出前三个单元的主要内容。通过不同形式的操练,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。教师可通过模拟参观校园的活动,使学生在教师的提示下,运用已学知识把看到的东西表达出来。教师通过为校报做采访的活动,使学生能够把语言运用到真实的交际中。














Teach us

Saturdays and Sundays

Favourite food

Favourite color



Teaching plan forUnit 11

The Sounds of the world

Teaching goals:

1. Learn to enjoy different kinds of music

2. Be able to give opinions on music

3. Be able to retell the reading

4. Grasp the uses of some important points

5. Get the ability of using the passive voice freely

6. Write a short passage about music


Period 1:Warming up; Listening; Speaking.

Period 2: Listening in the workbook; pre-reading; reading comprehension and post reading.

Period 3: Deal with the important points in the parts above.

Period 4: Language study and the grammar.

Period 5: Integrating skills in the students book and integrating skills in the workbook.

Period 6: Deal with the practices in the workbook.

Period 7: A small test for Unit 11.

Period One

I. Warming up:

1. Brain storming questions:

1). What sound do you like best?

2). What sound do you like least?

3). What music do you like best?

4). Who is your favorite singer?

5). What instrument can you play?

If you are asked to choose, what instrument do you choose to play?

6). Do the practice in the text book.

II. Listening

III. Speaking

IV. Homework: Read and remember the new  words and expressions

Period Two

I. Pre-reading

II. Play the tape and then ask the students to read the text for a while. After that the students should be able to answer some simple questions without looking at the book.

1. The music we hear on the radios or see on TV is all that exists in the world, isn’t it?

2. What kind of music is the blues?

3. Where does it come from? Why does it become an important part of American culture?

4. What other musical styles come from blues music?

5. What is the most important characteristic of rap music?

6. What does the singer in rap music do?

7. Where is Latin music from?

8. Among whom is it popular?

9.How famous are stars like Santana and Ricky Martin?

10. What’s the writer’s advice on buying a tape or a CD?

Ⅲ. Do the exercises in the post-reading.

Ⅳ. Retell the reading, introducing the musical styles in your own words.

Ⅴ. Homework: Try to recite several parts of the reading.

Period three

Ⅰ. Check the homework

Ⅱ. Study the use of the words:

1. turn  n.  duty, chance or right to do sth.

①It’s one’s turn to do sth

②take turns

③by turns

④in turn

e.g. 1). Whose turn is it to clean the room?

2). The three brothers took turns at looking after their sick mother.

3) .He asked each of us in turn what we had been doing.

2. in mind

①Remember several phrases about “mind”

②bear / keep in mind   remember

③make up one’s mind  be determined

④keep one’s mind on   put one’s heart into.

⑤change one’s mind

⑥be in two minds  hesitate

3. dance to   done at the same time as music is being played.

e.g. 1). He sang to his guitar.

2). The poem has been set to music.


4. suggest  doing

that sb (should) do

1). Tom suggested to Peter the plan.

2). Her parents suggested her buying a cellphone.

3). The assistant suggested that she (should) come another day.

But: Are you suggesting that I’m too old for the job?

(Now “suggest” means “hint or show” )

5. a world of   a lot of, a great deal of

e.g. The holiday did him a world of good.

6. from around the world

from + prepositional phrase.

Other examples:

1). I took my watch from under the pillow.

2). I saw you first from across the street.

3). A bear came from behind me.

7. in common  having the same feature   sharing the some interests or experiences.

e.g. I haven’t a thing in common with my father.

8. Variety (u.c) ①consist of things which are different from each other

Susan’s idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.

②a number of different kinds or examples of the same thing

West Hampstead has a variety of good shops and supermarkets.

Phrase: a variety of   all kinds of

He offered a variety of excuses.

Ⅲ. Homework: Review what you have learnt

Period four

Ⅰ. Language study

Ⅱ. Grammar

1. Do the two exercises

2. Translate the following sentences; using the passive voice:

1). 这些工厂都由政府经营。

These factories are run by the government.

2). 到那个时候,这都没有被公开。

Up till then, this hadn’t been made public.

3). 大坝到现在应该已经完成了。

The dam ought to have been completed by now.

4). 这件事不需要如此匆忙。

It doesn’t have to be done in such a hurry.

5). 那些木房子即将被拆除。

Those wooden houses are all going to be pulled down.

6). 这样就使得我们省了很多麻烦。

We have thus been saved a lot of trouble.

7). 空调正在修。

The air conditioner is being repaired.

8). 他决定直到别人跟他讲话他才讲话。

He decided not to say a word until he was spoken to.

Period five

Ⅰ. Two items of integrating skills. You’d better prepare a few songs of the three kinds.

Ⅱ. Deal with some points as you like.

Period six

Deal with the workbook



Unit 2 English around the world (Book 1 A)

I. Key points

1.       Words and expressions:flight,make oneself at home,address,ketchup,majority,in total,mother tongue,situation,equal,global,knowledge,communicate,on the radio,directly trade,come about,

Independent,stay the same,end up with,more or less,bring in,a great many,except for,closet,


2.       Patterns:(1)An equal number of people learn English as a second language.

(2)People from the two countries don’t have any difficulty in understanding each other.

(3)Mother told me not to leave the door open after midnight.

(4)Most of the native speakers of English are found in……

3.       Grammar:Direct speech and indirect speech;requests and orders or commands.

4.       Goals:(1)Learn about differences between American English and British English.

(2)Learn about communication skills.

(3)Write a passage comparing Amecican English and British English.

II. Teaching plans:seven periods

1.       Period one:Warming up,listening,speaking,G1-YY-030926-1

Step1(close books)ask the students to listen to the dialogue and answer two questions.

①What is the relationship between the two.

②What are they talk about.

Step2 read the dialogue and answer another two questions.

①What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom?

②Why can’t he find it?

This is the best to deal with some language points.

1.       For the first time第一次,初次(介词短语作状语,后不接从句)

The first time(第一次…时,后可接从句)

ThisMIt is the first time(后接that引导的`定语从句,用现在完成时)

eg.They were there for the first time.他们是第一次到那儿。

I remembered John the first time I saw him.我第一次见到约翰时就记住了他。

This is⁄It is my first time that I have been abroad.这是我第一次出国。

2.       We flew all the way direct from Seattle to London.句中all the way一路上;从远道;一直

eg.He came all the way from Australia.他从澳大利亚远道而来。

3.       Make yourself at home 别拘束(像在自己家里一样)

be⁄feel at home感到安适,自在;精通。

eg.Make yourself at home and help yourself to these. 别拘束,随便吃。

He is completely at home in chemistry.他精通化学。

Step3:Listen to the tape and ask the student to write down requests and demands.Then tell “requests” from “demands”.

Step4:ask the students to read the following dialogues in pairs or act them out if necessary and it is

good time to ask the students to report requests and demands.

Step5:exercises for period 1


1.       我总共有册书(total)

2.       英语发展成为世界上用得最广泛的语言

3.       汤姆和另外三个孩子一起去看电影去了(as well as)

4.       这个人长相很好,只是满头白发(except for)

Period two:Pre-reading,Reading,Post-reading,G1-YY-030927-2

Step1:One question to draw the students’ attention:In what situation do you use English?

Step2:Listen to the tape once and then read the text.Answer somes about the text.

Step3:Read the text again and give the main idea of each paragraph.

Step4:Retell the text briefly (write some key words on the blackboard)

Exercises for period 2. (单项选择)

1.       The child imagined______a plane to the moon and______there for a week.

A.to take,to live      B.to take,living      C.taking.living     D.taking,to live

2.       Wilson explained______the teacher why he was late______that week.

A.to ,every day       B.X,every day      C.to,everyday      D.X,everyday

3.       The Blacks were______a flight______the Pacific Ocean then.

A.in,on             B.for,across         C.to,over         D.on,across

4.       The plane crashed and the______on a______island in the Pacific Ocean.

A.landed,deserting              B.were landed,deserting

C.landed,deserted               B.were landed,deserted

5.       Paul likes to make______those who______other.

A.friends to,care about           B.friends with,care about

C.friend with,care about          D.friends with,care

6.       The people______all felt very safe.

A.on plane                    B.on board the plane

C.on the plane board            D.on board on plane

7.       Not only the the student but also Tom______about the answer.

A.is sure       B.are sure       C.sure       D.sures

8.  ―I’ve got your invitation.    ―Oh,good______. (春高考)

A.Can you come?     B.Thanks a lot     C.I’ll take it      D.May I help you?

Period3:Some language points in reading,word study,grammar:G1-YY-030928-3

Step1:Check homework or ask students to retell the text if necessary.

Step2:Deal with some language points.

1.       In only fifty years,English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.

①develop vt\vi 发展,壮大,完善,生长

eg. Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成。

Some children develop more slowly than others. 有些儿童比其他儿童发育得慢。




A: aims

1. Talk about past experiences,

2. Describe people, things, events and people’s feelings,

3. Review the attributive clause and learn to use relative pronouns who, whom, whose, which and that,

4. Organise ideas in a text using First, Next, Then, Finally, and

5. Write about an unforgettable experience.

B: Difficult points and baffling questions

1. The uses of the relative pronoun: who, whom, whose, which and that,

2. Some language points in the unit,

3. How to organize ideas by using First, Next, Then and Finally, and

4. Writing speed

C: Steps (6 periods)

Ⅰ.The first period

1. Warming up

T: We have four pictures and some clues here. Do you know them? Now talk about the four pictures, using the attributive clause.

When we talk about people we use who, whom or whose in the attributive clause, while which /that refers to things in the attributive clause


T: Why are these persons or things/events unforgettable?


T: Who’d like to introduce some other persons or events or inventions?


2. Listening

T: We’re going to listen to a man who survived the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco, U.S.A. Now read through the exercises, listen to the tape (twice) , just grasp the points to the questions, and complete the exercises.

After that, check the answers by the students telling their answers and then listen a third time.

T: Now let’s come to the listening on Page 103. We’re going to listen to a dialogue. There’re some people talking about four people at a party. What are they talking about? Their names, their jobs, their places, their age and their looks. So you should just grasp the description. Also we play the tape twice. In order to check your answers, we’re going to play a third time.

3. Homework

1. Write about an unforgettable thing/event within 50 words, using attributive clauses.

2. Practice the 4 pictures on Page 22.

Ⅱ. The second period

Speaking. We have two kinds of speaking exercise here.

1. Speaking on page 23

We have a sample dialogue and three pictures under it. So we can work in pairs/ groups, to look at the pictures and to create a new dialogue for each picture. In the dialogue you must express your worries, fears and difficulties, using the useful expressions in the box on page 24.

After that, some pairs/groups will act their dialogue out

2. Talking on page 103

This is a role play. There’re two persons. One plays the person who discovered the important old tomb, the other plays a scientist from Beijing.

On page 104, we have some useful expressions to help you make up the dialogue. You’re asked to use “First, Next, Then and Finally”.

After the students are ready with their dialogue, some pairs/groups will act out their dialogue.

3. Homework

1. Practice the dialogue according to the pictures on page 23.

2. Disaster pictures collected for a show.

Ⅲ. The third and the fourth periods

Reading passage 1

1. Pre-reading

T: What kind of natural disasters do you know about?


T: Have you had/experienced one of them?


T: Describe what it was like and how you felt, using First…, Next…, Then…, and Finally. You can imagine it if you have never met with one.


2. Reading

T: Now let’s come to the reading passage. Read in a low voice while listening to the tape.

Now tell me what the text is about.

S: (about flood and the fact that people in danger were rescued)

T: How did the character feel?

S: (Amazement and wonder→alarm→fear→panic)

Para 1        Para 1-Para 2  Para 3 Para 5

T: Will you have a try and find out some sentences that have metaphorical words in them?

S: (see pages 24-25, 6 places or so)

3. Post-reading

T: Now let’s come to some exercises about the reading material. Exercises on page 25.


T: Now try to tell the story in your own words in brief,  using First…, Next…, Then…,and Finally…

4. Homework

1. Tell the story in your own words, by using First…, Next…, Then…, and Finally…,

2. Ex.1 Vocabulary on page 104.

Reading passage 2

5. Check their homework

One student tells the story and then some of the students read the sentences in Ex.1, Vocabulary on page 104.

6. Now let’s come to the text. I’m going to explain to you some difficult sentences (see pages 24-25), some useful phrases and words.


I heard them singing that song in English.

The boy saw his classmates playing football.

Try to find some more verbs that can take an v-ing.

②drag: pull sth./ sb. along the ground because they are too heavy to carry

Little Jerry dragged the table/her father/into the kitchen.

Pull: use your hand to make sth move towards you or in the direction that you’re moving

v. Help me move the piano; you push and I’ll pull.

He pulled his brother out of bed.

n. the pull of the moon

③seize: take hold of sth. suddenly and violently

He seized my hand and dragged me away

seize power/an opportunity/ a chance  of v-ing


④strike  struck, struck

A ball struck me (on the back of the head).

She struck a match.

The clock began to strike 12.

The workers are striking for…

The disease struck (the city).

⑤destroy  destroyed, destroyed, destroying

damage sth. so badly that it can’t be repaired or so that it no longer exists

The school was completely destroyed by fire.

⑥struggle: try extremely hard to achieve sth. even though it is very difficult and you have a lot of problems

The child struggled in the water.

He struggled along the road home.

⑦There’s some useful phrases in the text. Just learn then by heart.

fight for/against/with…

hold onto sb./sth.

get on one’s feet

look out of…/into…/at…/round

sweep away

be upon sb./sth.

fall/go /swallow/ sweep sb./sth down

pull sb./sth. up

move/run up

move up and down…

⑧5 v-ing forms as adverbials (see pages 24-25)

7. Homework

Ex in Word study on page 26 and translation on pages 104-105.

Ⅳ. The fifth period

Grammar: The Attributive Clause (1)

1. Introduction

T: A sentence with an attributive clause is a combination of two shorter sentences. In an attributive clause, we must use  conjunctions : Relative pronouns who / whom / whose / that. Read the sentences in the box on page 26 and tell the two apart.

In what situation, these conjunctions are used?

2. Practice

T: Now 5 minutes for the students to do Ex1-2 on pages 26-27. And then Ex 1 on page 105 in class.

Then the students tell the answers one by one. During the teaching, we are going to lay stress on the structure and the uses of the relative pronouns.

Now make some other sentences with attributive clauses.

3. Homework

Ex. 2 on page 105

V. The sixth period

Integrating skills

1. Reading passage on page 27

First the students circle the relative pronouns “who, whose, which and that”, and the linking words “and, but” while reading the passage.

Next they write sentences about their unforgettable experience by answering the questions on page 28.

Then they should try to use attributive clauses and linking words “and, but”.

Finally some of the students read out their passages and their classmates will make comments on their passages.

2. Reading passage on page 106

After reading, the students should understand the text, correctly, complete the exercises after the text, have a clear knowledge of the damage of an earthquake and gain the ability to write a short passage about an earthquake by using some relative pronouns ,linking words: First, Next, Then and Finally. Also there’re some questions on page 108 for the students to refer to.

3. Assessing

The students do it by themselves after class.

4. Homework

1. Writing on page 108.

2. Read the new words in Unit 3


Teaching plan for SB1A Unit 9 Technology

Teaching goals:    Talk about science and technology

Describe things and how they work

Express agreement and disagreement

Use the present Continuous Passive Voice

Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

Write a letter to Q12 about love and friendship

Time arrangement:

Period 1   Warming up, listening, speaking

Period 2   Pre-reading, reading, post-reading

Period 3   Intensive reading

Period 4   Language study

Period 5   Integrating skills

Period 6   Workbook (Talking and Reading)

Period 7   Test

Period one  ( listening and speaking )

Warming up

Step I   Brainstorming about Technology

1. Is technology important to us? What will you think of when talking about technology?

2.  What qualities shall we have if we want to have advanced technology?

( to be creative , good at solving problems and thinking in new ways )

Step II   Activity

( Bring the items of a toothpick, plastic bag and left-handed glove if possible)

(Hold a competition of creativity among groups of students if necessary)

1.       Students work in groups to solve the problems

2.       Compare different solutions and talk about creativity.


Step I   Introduction

1.       Describe an everyday object for Ss to guess. (color/ size/ shape/ use etc.)

Step II   listening

1.  First-listening:  what is being described?

2.       Second-listening:  what can the things be used for?

3.       Discussion in pairs:  what are the new uses for the objects in addition to the “normal” uses?

Step III   A riddle-guessing competition

1.  Read the instruction and the guided questions

2         Do a demonstration with a student.

Teacher: You seem to have something in your pocket. What does it look like?

Student: It looks like … ….

T:  What is it made of ?

S:  It’s made of …….

T:  What is it used for ?

S:    … … …

3         Ss practice in pairs

4  Competition--- Who can guess it ?

One student thinks of or hides an object in his pocket, while the rest raise questions to guess what it is.


Step I    Brainstorming

1.       Present the situation

2.       Brainstorming about the advantages and disadvantages about cellphones

Step II   Expressions of agreement and disagreement

Teach new expressions

1)      Absolutely=Definitely=Exactly

2)      It depends.

3)      That’s a good point.

4)      That’s worth thinking about.

Step III   Activity

1.  Ss works in groups and prepare a role play.

2.  Ss present their dialogues.

3.  Debate: Players from different groups debate the advantages and disadvantages of a cellphone.

Homework:    1. Listening :  Workbook P133  Listening Ex 1&2

2. Speaking:  Interview your parents the way of life 30 years ago ( Were there telephones , TVs or computers ? )

3. Thinking :  P60 Ex 3  Design your cellphone--- to be creative!

Period Two ( extensive reading )


Check the listening homework on page 133.


Step I   Discussion  (Question 2 of Pre-reading )

1.  Check the speaking homework of interview

How did people live 30 years ago?

What did people do at night without electricity?

How have inventions and new technology changed our way of life?

2.  Talk about the title---Life on the go

Life on the go refers to a fast-paced lifestyle where people are always on the go---rushing from one place to another, doing many things at once, and using cellphones, computers, etc.


Step I   Presentation

1.       Talk about the cellphone and present the new vocabulary.

( Ask Ss to bring cellphones of different brands to class if possible)

Questions: What functions does a cellphone have?

What features does your cellphone have?  etc.

Vocabulary: function, feature, image, an electronic calendar, remind ,appointment

2.       The top question:

Why are cellphones so popular with teenagers according to the passage?

Step II   Reading

1.       Skimming for the top question.

2.       Some T or F statements to check the general understanding of the passage.

3.       Scanning for the main idea of each paragraph, comparing general statement and specific statement. ( Post―reading Ex 2 on Page 60 )

Step III  Activity

1.       Discussion in pairs ( Post―reading Ex 1 on Page 60 ).

2.       Design your own cellphone in groups.

Homework:  1. Read the text after the tape, marking the difficulties.

2. Reading comprehension: WB page 136.

Period Three  ( intensive reading )


Revise the text .

Language points


1.        depend  v.    dependent  adj.    independent  adj.

1)      That depends. =It depends. =I’m not completely sure.

2)      depend on    依赖,信任,取决于

e.g.  His family depends on him.

We’re depending on you to finish the job by Friday.

Happiness often depends on your attitude to life.

2.  add   v.

1)  增加, 相加, 补充说

e.g.  Add a few more names to the list.

If you add 5 and 3 you get 8.

I should like to add that we are pleased with the result.

2)  add to =to increase something

e.g.  The rise in electricity costs has added to our difficulties.

3)  add up to =amount to

e.g.  These numbers add up to 100.

3.  remind  v.

remind sb    to do sth.

of sth.

that Cclause

e.g.   Remind me to write to Dave.

This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.

She reminded me that Sue was in Paris.

4.  touch   n.

get in touch with sb.                 lose touch with sb.

stay in touch with                   be in touch with

keep in touch with                  be out of touch with

5.  call    v.

call for =to demand sth. , to collect sb.

call at some place =visit some place

call on sb. =to visit sb., to ask sb. to do sth.

call in =to ask sb. to come in{

e.g.  Students are calling for more spare time and less homework.

I'll call for you at 8 o'clock.

I think we'd better call in a doctor.

I called on my uncle while I was in London.

6.  case   n.

in case                             in this case

in case of + n./pron                   in any case

in case --clause                      in no case =never

e.g.  The meeting will be put off in case it rains.

In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.

In case of fire, ring the bell.

I don't think I need any money, but I'll bring some in case.

In no case should we give up dreaming about a better future.

7.  need    n.

[U]   缺乏; 需要

[C]   需要得东西; 必需品

in need of sth.

no need for sth.

e.g.  There’s a growing need for new housing in big cities.

She didn’t earn enough money to satisfy all her needs.

We’re collecting money for children in need.

Please come to me if ever you’re in need of help.

There’s no need for you to say sorry to me.

Sentence patterns

1.  Cellphones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.

V. + 形式宾语 it + 宾补(adj./ n.) + for sb. to do sthsth.

e.g.  I think it necessary for her to stay in touch with her parents .

He found it possible for them to improve the working condition.

Our school makes it a rule for us to have an English Corner every Friday.

2.        We have a need to stay in touch with friends no matter where we are or what we are doing.

e.g.   Nobody believed him no matter what he said.

No matter where he goes, the thief can’t escape being caught.

She always goes swimming no matter how cold it is.

3.        She says that her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do.

e.g.   Whatever you do, wherever you go, I’ll be right here waiting for you.

She always goes swimming, however cold it is.

Homework:  1. WB page 134-135  Vocabulary Ex1,2,3&4

Period Four ( Language study )

Word study

Step I    Page 61  Match the words with their meaning

Step II   Check the homework on page 134-135.

Step III   Reading for meaning ---guessing the words from the clues.

Page 63  Tips   Are you a smart reader?


The passive voice (3) --- The Present Continuous Passive Voice

Step I    Study the examples

am/ is/ are  + being + done

Step II   Practice ( page 61 )

Step III  Activity

Two students put on a performance of “双簧”.

The door is being pushed open slowly and quietly. A chair is being taken into the room and put at the desk.  A piece of paper is being taken out of his pocket. The chair is being cleaned. Now he is sitting down. And some books are being moved to the side of the desk. The schoolbag is being opened, and an English book is being taken out…….

Homework:  1. WB page 136 Grammar 1&2

Period Five ( integrating skills )


Step I  Reading

What is the computer Q12 like ?

How does it control human beings?

What other suggestions will you make to solve the problem?

What will the earth be like if Q12 understands love and friendship?

Step II  Language points

1  take over   接管

e.g.  The company has been taken over by a American firm.

Sarah will take over my job when I leave.

2    break down   (机器)不运转;失败;

break up      结束; (关系)破裂

e.g.  The car broke down on the motorway.

The peace talks between the two countries have broken down

The meeting broke up after only half an hour.

Their relationship wasn’t working, so they decided to break up.

3  come up with  =to think of or suggest an idea 想出办法,提出建议

e.g.  He couldn’t come up with an answer.

How have you come up with such a good idea?

4   success in                          manage to do sth.

sucessful in

succeed in doing sth.                 fail to do sth.

e.g.  We had no success in finding a new flat.

Jane finally succeeded in passing the her driving test.


Step I    Study the outline of the letter

Step II   Students have a discussion in pairs.

Step III  Ask a student to give a sample letter orally.

Homework:  1. write a letter to Q12

Period Six ( WB talking and reading )


WB page 134  Talk about modern technology.

Step I    Read the situation

Step II   Activity

Ss work in groups

First list the advantages and disadvantages of the inventions of cellphones, robots and computers.

Then Ss have a debate in groups.

Step III   Debate

Have 3 debates between groups.

( There are speakers representing each group, and the rest are judges)


WB page 136  Reading   Future travel:  teleportation

Step I   Fast reading and skimming

What does teleportation mean?

Step II   Scanning

How is teleportation different from transportation?

Why is it so difficult to teleport human beings?

Step III   Reading for words

Match the words with the best strategy on page 137.

Step IV   Activity

Discussion :  Will teleportation be realized?

Think of more impossible things that may be possible in the future.


科目:英语                        题目:Cultural relics

授课班级:                        授课教师:罗晓兵(1-4) 刘应清(5-6)

电子教案设计老师:胡章盛          课时数:8课时(7-8考试)


Teaching plan

Unit 7 SB1A  Cultural relics

Teaching aims and demands:

1.Master the main contents of the unit by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

2.Get to know the world cultural relics and know how to protect them.

3.Learn to give advice and make suggestion

4.Learn to use the Present Perfect Passive Voice

The main points of teaching:

Words and expressions, listening, speaking, communications

The difficult points of teaching:

The key phrases, sentence patterns, communications and grammar (The Passive Voice 1) Time arrangement:

The    1st    period:  Warming up, listening and speaking (WB Listening P 121)

The 2nd and 3rd periods:  Pre-reading, reading, post-reading {WB Talking, Writing}

The    4th    period:  Language study (WB Grammar)

The    5th    period:  Integrating skills, tips (Vocabulary)

The    6th    period:  Checkpoint 7 (Integrating skills, assessing)

The    7th    period:  Exam

The    8th    Period:  Explanation

Teaching process:

The 1st period(第一课时)

Step One  Warming up

1. Answer the following questions.

1) Have you been to any famous places in our country or in the world?

2) Where have you been?

3) Can you tell us the reason why you went there?

4) What do you think of the place you visited?

5) Do the people there protect the place well?

2.Talk about pictures:

Now look at the pictures on Page 43 and talk about these pictures.

1) What do you know about the places in the pictures?

2) Do you know any stories about the places?

3) Which one would you like to visit? Why?

4) What do they have in common?

5) Are they important to us today? Why?

6) Can you tell us how to protect them?

7) Which of the buildings we have built in the modern era will become the cultural relics of the future? Why?

Step Two  Listening

1.  Listen to the tape, know about some cultural sites and place a few objects in the proper places, using cues from the listening. (This work can be done after class.)

1) Put the statues in the right places.

2) Put the temple and the museum in the right place.

3) Put the Moon Tower in the right place.

2.  Listen to the tape and list reasons why the sites are important and what is being done to protect them.

Step Three  Speaking

1.   Work in pairs to prepare a “Chinese Culture Capsule”----an imaginary large box which will be sent into space, according to the instruction

2.   Act out the dialogues made by the students, paying attention to asking for suggestions and making suggestions.

3.   Fill in the chart on Page 44 after class.

The language points

1.   cultural  adj. ---about the art, ideas and way of life of a group of people   文化的

e.g.  Wuchang is the cultural center in the city of Wuhan.

cultural traditions

cultural differences

cultural and educational work

culture  n.

2. represent  v.t.  ---to act officially for (another person or people)  代表

---describe; declare to be  (as)  描述;声称

e.g.   Can you represent your parents at the meeting?

He represented himself as a friend of mine, but now I know the truth.

3.   include   v.t.  ---make sb. or sth. part of a group  包括

e.g.   Eight students have read the book, including Tang Ling.

Compare: contain  v.t. ---to hold, have within itself   包含;含有

e.g.   The book contains all the information you need.


Workbook  Listening  Ex. 1 and Ex. 2 (P121)

The 2nd period(第二课时)

Step One  Revision

1. Check the chart in which the students filled after class on Page 44.

2. Check Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on Page 121.

Step Two  Pro-reading

1. Show the Ss some pictures about some great cities, like Paris and Beijing and then ask some questions about them.

1) In your opinion, what makes a city great?

2) What are your favorite cities? Why?

3) What cultural relics are there in the place where you live?

4) How important are they?

2. Discuss the questions above in pairs or in groups.

3. The teacher may check the students’ answers and help them.

Step Three  Reading

1. Read the passage quickly and then answer the following.

1) What is the name of the city?

2) Who are the heroes of the city?

3) What is the difference between “A City of Heroes” and “Heroes of a City”?

4) Where has the city been built?

5) Who tried to destroy the city?

6) What did the Germans do as they left?

7) Is the city great? / What do you think of the city?

8) How about its people?

2. Read the text again and sum it up.

1) Speak out what the text implies.

2) Please point out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

3) Sum up what the text tells us in each paragraph.

Step Four  Post-reading

Read the text again and finish the exercises.


Workbook  Talking(P121---122)

The 3rd Period(第三课时)

Step One  Revision

1. Check the homework

2. Retell the text by the students.

Step Two  Deal with the language points in the text

1. give away    ---give freely; distribute; act so that sth. is lost:  赠送; 分送; 泄露

give back    ---restore; send back:    恢复; 归还

give in      ---surrender; yield; stop fighting or arguing:  投降; 屈服; 终止争吵或辩论

give off     ---send out(vapor, smoke, etc.):     放出(蒸气,烟等)

give out   ---distribute; tired out; send out(smell, heat etc.)分发;精疲力竭;发出(气味,热等)

give up     ---resign; stop(doing sth.); surrender(oneself) to sb. 放弃; 停止(做某事);使(自己)向某人屈服

give way to  ---abandon oneself (to); retire: 放弃; 后退

2. burn  v.t., v.i. & n. --- destroy, or hurt by fire, heat, or the action of acid 烧/焚毁, 烧焦/伤

e.g.   The coffee is very hot, don’t burn your mouth.

Wood burns easily.

All the lights were burning .

He was burning with anger.

3. restore  v.t.  ---rebuild as before; make well or again  修复,重建; 复归

e.g.  The workers are restoring a ruined abbey.

Law and order have been restored.

4. be used to do sth.

be used to doing sth.

get used to doing sth.

used to do sth.

5. beauty   n.(u) (c)

e.g.  Everyone must admire the beauty of a mother’s love.

We are always finding new beauties in Shakespeare’s poetry.

She is known as a great beauty.

6. unite   v.t. & v.i. ---make or become one; join; act or work together联合;结合;协力

e.g.   Unite to win still greater victories.

Unite all the forces that can be united.


Writing (P126)

The 4th Period(第四课时)

Step One  Revision

Revise the Present Perfect Tense.

Step Two  Word study

1.  Rewrite the following sentences using the words formed by the prefix “re-”.

1)  He drank the coffee at one mouthful, and filled his pot again.

2)  After three hours’ terrible fight, they gained the control of the top of the hill again.

3)  With the disappearance of SARS, some theatres and restaurants opened again.

4)  The students are asked to tell the text again in their own words.

5)  I think all of us need to think again about our attitudes toward the public health after SARS.

2.  Do Ex. 1.

3.  Do Ex. 2.

Step Three  Grammar

The Present Perfect Passive Voice

1.   Forming:    To form the Present Perfect Passive Voice, use has/have been done.

2.   Directions:

A. The Present Perfect Passive Voice gives the idea that something happened                     before now, having the effect to now (the exact time is not important).

e.g.  The palace has been rebuilt by modern Russian artists.

Something has been done to protect the cultural relics in this village.

B. The Present Perfect Passive Voice gives the idea that something started to happen in the past, but it has been finished just now.

e.g.  The classroom has not been cleaned for three days.

The building has been built for more than a year.

Step Four  Practice

1. Rewrite the sentences in Ex. 1 using the Present Perfect Passive Voice. (P47)

2. Read the two news stories in Ex. 2 and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs, using the Passive Voice. (P47)

Language Points

1. damage  n.   ---harm or injury that causes loss of value  损害; 损毁(使失去价值)

v.t.   ---cause damage to     使受损害; 损坏

e.g.   The storm did great damage to the crops.

The furniture was damaged in the fire yesterday.

*Compare: destroy  v.t.---break to pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭;毁坏;破灭

e.g.   Don’t destroy that box; it may be useful.

All his hopes were destroyed.

2. ancient  adj.  ---belonging to times long past; very old  古代的; 远古的;很旧的

e.g.   an ancient city       古城

ancient ruins         古遗址

ancient history       古代史

an ancient-looking hat    一顶样子很旧的帽子

3.  repair   v.t. ----restore(sth. worn or damaged) to good condition 修理

----put right again    补救; 纠正

e.g.   repair the roads (a puncture, a watch, a shirt)  修路(补洞,修表,补衬衣)

n. ----repairing or being repaired  修理

e.g.   The road is under repair.

The shop will be closed during repairs.

Similar words:  fix, mend


Grammar Exercises 1 and 2  (P47)

The 5th Period(第五课时)

Step One  Revision

Check the homework (P47)

Step Two  Integrating skills

Reading and writing

1) Read the letter on Page 48 and learn to write a letter according to the instruction.

2) Work in pairs and fill in the blanks.

3) Write two letters to the editor using the information you fill in the blanks.

Step Three  Language points

1.  pollution  n. ---polluting or being polluted     弄脏; 污染; 污垢物

e.g.   The environmental(airborne) pollution here is a big problem..

the pollution of the atmosphere       大气层的污染

pollute  v.t. ---make dirty; destroy the purity or sanctity of   使脏; 染污

e.g.   The river was polluted by the waste water from that factory.

2.  breath  n.  ---air taken into and sent out of the lungs  呼吸; 气息

e.g.   His breath on the window melted the frost.

Draw in a breath of fresh country air, please.

bad breath

take a deep breath

take breath

hold one’s breath

lose one’s breath/out of breath

breathe  v.t. & v.i.  ---take air into the lungs and send it out again; send out; utter

e.g.   He was breathing hard when he finished the race.

The patient needs to breathe wholesome air.

breathe again/freely

breathe one’s last

breathe upon

3.  limit  v.t. ---put a limit or limits to; be the limit of   限制;作为…的界限

e.g.   I should limit myself to three aspects of the subject.

limited    p.p. ---small; restricted; narrow    少的;有限制的 狭小的

e.g.   He seems to have only a limited intelligence.

4.  sincere  adj. ---(of feelings; behavior) genuine; not pretended   真挚的;真实的

e.g.   It is my sincere belief that….

sincerely  adv.

e.g.   Yours sincerely/Sincerely yours.

Step Four  Practising


Exercises 1 and 2 on Page 122 and Page 123.

The 6th Period(第六课时)

Step One  Revision

Read out the letters they wrote to the editor.

Step Two  Checkpoint 7

Revise the grammar.

1. How to form the Present Perfect Passive Voice.

2. How to use it.

Point out the useful expressions you’ve learnt in this unit.

Step Three  Workbook

3. Do grammar exercises.

4. Integrating skills.

1)  Read the passage and fill in the information chart.

2)  Finish the exercises.

4) Writing

The 7th and 8th Periods第七,八课时)

Have an exam and explain the paper.

二。 辅导答疑:

Unit 7  SB1A

科目:英语                                  年级:高一

辅导答疑老师:胡章盛                        日期:November,

Answer the students’ questions:

1. 问: 请问老师 “Someone broke in while I went out.”这个句子对吗?

答: 这个句子不对。正确句子应是:“Someone broke in while I was out.”

分析:while 必须用延续性动作,go out 是非延续性动作,因此该句是错误的,但用when 或as句子就是正确的了;非延续性动作go out 可以用 be out 来代替,以表示延续性动作。

2. 问: “爬了6个小时后我们可以到达山顶。”译成“After six hours of climbing, we could reach the top of the mountain.”对吗?

答: 这个句子应译成:“After six hours of climbing, we were able to reach the top of the mountain. ”才对。

分析:表示过去能干某一具体的事情,不能用 could, 只能用be able to 。

3. 问: 老师,应如何分析课文中的这句话?Perhaps this is not always true, but it is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of the river.

答: (1) 本句是由连词but 连接的并列复合句,第二个分句中用了形式主语it 的句型:It is/was + adj. / n. + that - clause. 句型 It is true + that - clause. =that - clause is true. 其中it 是形式主语,代替后面的真正主语 that - clause。

e.g.  It is important that we learn English well.

It is a great pleasure that you come to join the club.

(2) ’s常表示有生命的.东西,但也表示无生命的东西的所有格,如国家、城市等实体,或拟人化的事物。

e.g.  the country’s tax system                 death’s door

the world’s people                      one week’s time

(3) have been built 是现在完成时被动语态形式,表示“从过去某时起至今;某事曾经被做或某事持续被做”。课文中的这一句属于第一种情况。而下一句属于第二种情况。

e.g.  The story has been told from generation to generation.

4. 问: 老师,“她出事了。”用英语“Something has been happened to her.”对吗?

答: 这样说不对。应为:“ Something has happened to her.”


5. 问: 在“We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we would do everything we can to save our city!”中can 后面为何接to save?

答: 你的问题提得很好。

分析:这是个并列复合句。and 后面的分句是个省略句完整的句子为:We would do everything that we can do to save our city!其中that we can do 是定语从句,修饰先行词everything。hat 在引导从句的同时还充当do的宾语,因此可以省略;由于从句的谓语动词与主句的谓语动词相同,所以从句中的do也可以省略。can与后面的不定式to save our city在结构上没有连接关系,不定式在句中作目的状语。该句可归结为do everything (that ) one can (do) to do sth. =do what we can (do) to do sth.。

e.g.  We should do everything we can to learn English well.

=We should do everything we can to learn English well.(do后面接宾语从句)

The Exam Paper   Unit 7 (SB1A)

命题人: 胡章盛

I.选择填空:  (1 × 15=15分)

1. ---Every year I go back home in Dalian by train.

---Why not ______ by water for a change?

A. to try going     B. trying to go      C. to try and go    D. try going

2. The house needs ______. The man wants to ______ orders for building materials.

A. decorating…put in B. decorate…put away C. to decorate…put down D. decorate...put out

3. We all know that the clock is used to ______ us the time.

A. have told       B. telling           C. tell           D. give

4. ______ is necessary ______ to take off our shoes when we enter the computer room.

A. It…for us       B. This...to us     C. That…of us    D. One…with us

5. The dream of the Chinese people who want to go to outer space ______.

A. have realized    B. has come true     C. come truly     D. realize

6. The teacher told me that he could do everything _____ he could _____ me with my English.

A. which…help    B. /…to help        C. that…helped    D. whom…helping

7. The teaching building can’t be used because of the earthquake. It is ______ .

A. under repairs    B. repaired         C. being repaired   D. under construction

8. Hearing the news that he would be dismissed, he seemed ______.

A. feeling worried  B. to feel worry      C. being worrying  D. to feel worried

9. The number of the people who ______ invited to the wedding ______eighty, but a number of them ______absent for different reason.

A. was…was…was  B. were…was…were  C. were…were…was  D. were…was…was

10. The sportsman didn’t arrive ______the game had begun.

A. unless and until  B. untill             C. if            D. whether

11. ______ more than fifty students want to go to the party and the head teacher will have to ______ and say “yes”.

A. In all…give in                       B. At all…give away

C. After all…give out                   D. Above all…give over

12. It is reported that the freeway to the mountains ______ by the snow for about three days.

A. cuts down      B. have cut off       C. has been cut off  D. has been cut down

13. The graduates should go ______ they are most needed by the motherland.

A. in which       B. where            C. there           D. in place of

14. The boy ______ on the ground ______ that he ______the dictionary on the shelf.

A. lying…lay…had lied                B. lay…lied…had lain

C. lied…lay…was lying                D. lying…lied…had laid

15. After arriving at the top of the mountain, ______ the old but the young _____ out of ______.

A. not…was…breathing                B. not only…was…the breath

C. not only…were…breath              D. not…were…breathe

II. 完形填空:(1.5 × 20 =30分)

It was very late that Mr. and Mrs. Davies took off to do their Christmas shopping. There were only a few   16   more before Christmas, and of course the    17   and streets were terribly   18  , but they had to get   19   for their family and friends, so they   20   early one morning for the down town, and spent several tiring hours buying the things they   21   in the big shops.

22 , Mr. Davies was carrying parcels of all shapes and sizes. He could hardly   23   where he was going   24   he and his wife left the last shop on their way to the railway station

25   home. Outside the shop they had to cross a busy street, made even   26   than usual by the thousands of people who had come by car to do their   27   Christmas shopping.

Mr. And Mrs. Davies had to wait for the traffic lights to turn green,   28   as Mr. Davies could not see very well in front of him, he   29   moved forward into the street without realizing   30  . Mrs. Davies saw this and became   31  . Many times she told him to   32   off the street, but   33  .

Finally she shouted in a voice above all   34   , “Henry! If you want to stand in that dangerous   35   a moment longer, give me the parcels!”

16. A. hours            B. days             C. weeks            D. months

17. A. roads            B. city              C. houses           D. shops

18. A. crowded          B. busy             C. beautiful         D. noisy

19. A. food             B. clothes           C. presents          D. money

20. A. started out        B. set down          C. went out          D. took down

21. A. liked             B. wanted           C. bought           D. used

22. A. By 8 o’clock      B. In the daytime      C. At dawn         D. By lunch time

23. A. know            B. find              C. see              D. realize

24. A. as               B. while             C. before           D. to

25. A. or               B. to                C. for              D. and

26. A. worse            B. busier            C. better            D. noisier

27. A. pleasant          B. last-day           C. last-minute       D. easy

28. A. since            B. so                C. then             D. but

29. A. slightly          B. patiently           C. merely           D. gradually

30. A. them            B. her                C. it               D. him

31. A. worried          B. frightened          C. sad             D. careful

32. A. go over          B. come back          C. leave out        D. turn away

33. A. much trouble      B. no hurry           C. without success   D. too noisy

34. A. voices           B. noises             C. sounds          D. shouting

35, A. position          B. situation           C. way            D. spot

III. 阅读理解:(2 × 10 =20分)

Astronomers(天文学家)have spent hundreds of years searching for signs of life on other planets, using telescope. When they saw the geography of Mars, they thought they could see canals and that this might be evidence of intelligent life on the planet. More recently, however, spacecraft have been sent there to analyze the soil for signs of life. The results were negative and astronomers are now convinced that no life exists on the surface of any other planet in our solar system except Earth. To send a spacecraft far beyond our solar system is not realistic because of the huge distances involved.

Unless life comes and visits us, the only was we are likely to know of its existence is from radio messages. Listening for intelligent extraterrestrial ( 天外来客)---or E.T. ---life is not a new idea, but the techniques now being used offer a much better chance of success than before. Looking for evidence(证据)of life in other solar systems now means using special radio receivers called radio telescopes to listen out for messages. The assumption is that intelligent forms of life would have discovered radio waves and would, like us, be using them to communicate. Through its research work, NASA (国家航空和宇宙航行局) has developed two means of systematically searching for E.T. life. The first method is to select the closest 800 stars like our sun and to direct a radio telescope to scan(细看)each one of them for electromagnetic(电磁)waves. The second way is to survey(眺望)the entire sky, listening for continuous signals which may come from extraterrestrial(地球外的)life. Scientists are looking in the 1000~10000 megahertz(兆赫)frequency range----a range where there are fewer natural radio signals which could interfere with transmissions(传输). By looking for signals in these specific regions, scientists can avoid any confusion that might be caused by receiving a natural radio signal rather than one sent by intelligent life.

NASA’s search in space has already resulted in some discoveries----including sophisticated(尖端的) new communication and medical technologies.

36. The passage tells that _______.

A. no spacecraft been sent to Mars

B. there is no life on Mars because there is no soil there

C. great distances make it a dream to send spacecraft far beyond our solar system

D. astronomers at first used telescope to search for signs of life on heavenly bodies beyond solar system

37. The abbreviation “E.T.” in paragraph 2 stands for ____________ and means ________.

A. extraterrestrial, outside the earth       B. extraterrestrial, in our solar system

C. electromagnetic, outside the earth      D. electromagnetic, in our solar system

38. We know from the passage that radio telescopes ___________.

A. give us a better chance to find signs of life in outer space because we can see farther away through them

B. offer a much better chance of success in looking for evidence of life in our solar system

C. are supposed to receive radio waves coming from intelligent forms of life in other solar system

D. Both A and B

39. It can be inferred that natural radio signals are sent by _______.

A. NASA                            B. people on the earth

C. intelligent life in other solar system     D. heavenly bodies

40. Which of the following statements may the author be in favor of?

A. NASA is wasting money and time

B. Maybe we are not alone in the universe

C. No life exists on any other planet beside the Earth

D. Signals sent by E.T. life might introduce confusion to the scientists on the Earth

IV. 短文改错:(1×10=10分)

Nov. 18, 2003

Dear editor,

There is a river in the front of my house. When I was a primary    41. ______________

school student, it was used to be a clean and clear river. There were all  42. ______________

kinds of fish in it. We often saw beautiful birds fly just over the water   43. ______________

surface. We used to fish by the river on spring Sundays but swim in it   44. ______________

in summer holidays. What happy it was during my childhood!         45. ______________

But later, a chemical plant was built near the river. From then , a   46. _______________

lot of dirty water has put into the river. It has been polluted seriously.    47. ______________

The green water has turned darkness. No fish can live in the dirty water.  48. ______________

No birds wanted to come to the river. We don’t want to swim in the dark  49. ______________

and dirty river in summer. How terribly the pollution is!               50. ______________

We hope that some measures should be taken to stop the pollution.


Wang Ping

用所给动词的正确形式填空:(1.5 × 10 =15分)

51.  ----Can you tell me how long Tom and Mary ________________________(marry)?

----For about three years.

52. Mr. John and I ____________(be) friends for ten years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ____________(see) each other a couple of times before that.

53. All the preparations for the task _________________(complete), and we’re ready to start.

54. It is reported that the Yellow Crane Tower __________________(visit) by millions of people from all over the world since 1990.

55. The building _______________(destroy) in the earthquake last year, we know that __________(restore) it seems impossible.

56. The students must be made _____________(know) that they should do everything they can _____________(study) English well.

57. Don’t come in without _____________(ask)


VI. 根据汉语意思,完成下列各句,每空一词:(0.5 × 40=20分)


The man who ______ _______to the hospital this morning has ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ the ______ of the doctor.


Someone told him that the book should be put ______ ______ ______ when ________.


The problems that the people _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ _________.


______ the teacher _______ in class is of _______ _________.


Remember ______ ______ ______ the lights in the classroom _______ _______ ______.


When he came to the _______ on the _______ ______, he was ______ ______ _______.


The _________ that were _______ ________ in the war _______ ______carefully ______.

Unit 7 SBIA

The key to the exam paper

I.( 1×15=15分)  1------5 DACAB  6-----10 BCDBA  11-----15 ACBDC

II.(1.5×20=30分) 16----20 BDACA  21----25 BDCAD  26----30 BCDDC  31----35 ABCBA

III.(2×5=10分)   36-----40 CACDB

IV. (1×10=10分)

41….the… _the_   42….was… __was__    43  √     44. but →  _and_

45. What → _How_  46. then∧  _on_ 47. has∧ _been_  48. darkness → _dark_  49. wanted → ___want___  50. terribly → __terrible__

V.(1.5×10=15分)  51. have been married  52. have been; had seen  53. have been completed

54. has been visited  55. was destroyed; restoring  56. to know; to study  57. being asked

VI. (o.5×40=20分)  58. was sent/taken … come back to life with … help 59. where it was … finished  60. take care of are under discussion/being discussed  61. What … said/says … great importance  62. to turn off … when you leave  63. office … seventh floor … out of breath  64. palaces … badly damaged/destroyed … have been … restored/rebuilt

The key to the exam paper Unit 7 SBIA

I.( 1×15=15分)  1------5 DACAB  6-----10 BCDBA  11-----15 ACBDC

II.(1.5×20=30分) 16----20 BDACA  21----25 BDCAD  26----30 BCDDC  31----35 ABCBA

III.(2×5=10分)   36-----40 CACDB

IV. (1×10=10分)

41….the… _the_   42….was… __was__    43  √     44. but →  _and_

45. What → _How_  46. then∧  _on_ 47. has∧ _been_  48. darkness → _dark_  49. wanted → ___want___  50. terribly → __terrible__

V.(1.5×10=15分)  51. have been married  52. have been; had seen  53. have been completed

54. has been visited  55. was destroyed; restoring  56. to know; to study  57. being asked

VI. (o.5×40=20分)  58. was sent/taken … come back to life with … help 59. where it was … finished  60. take care of are under discussion/being discussed  61. What … said/says … great importance  62. to turn off … when you leave  63. office … seventh floor … out of breath  64. palaces … badly damaged/destroyed … have been … restored/rebuilt

The key to the exam paper Unit 7 SBIA

I.( 1×15=15分)  1------5 DACAB  6-----10 BCDBA  11-----15 ACBDC

II.(1.5×20=30分) 16----20 BDACA  21----25 BDCAD  26----30 BCDDC  31----35 ABCBA

III.(2×5=10分)   36-----40 CACDB

IV. (1×10=10分)

41….the… _the_   42….was… __was__    43  √     44. but →  _and_

45. What → _How_  46. then∧  _on_ 47. has∧ _been_  48. darkness → _dark_  49. wanted → ___want___  50. terribly → __terrible__

V.(1.5×10=15分)  51. have been married  52. have been; had seen  53. have been completed

54. has been visited  55. was destroyed; restoring  56. to know; to study  57. being asked

VI. (o.5×40=20分)  58. was sent/taken … come back to life with … help 59. where it was … finished  60. take care of are under discussion/being discussed  61. What … said/says … great importance  62. to turn off … when you leave  63. office … seventh floor … out of breath  64. palaces … badly damaged/destroyed … have been … restored/rebuilt


一、    电子教案:                                     题目:Unit 5 Silver Screen

科目:英语                                          授课老师:冯珍妮

授课班级:高 一(七)、(九)                          课时数:6(+1测验)

教案相对应授课日期: 月25号――11月1号   日期:10月24号


Teaching Plan for Unit 5

高一年级  冯珍妮

1 .Teaching goals and Learning goals:

Language skills: ①Talk about films, famous actors and directors                   ② Practise making comments and giving opinions                   ③Learn to write about a film Language knowledge: ①Vocabulary: silver screen, drama, play role, actress get married, grow up, degree, in the beginning, make money, live with sb. , stepfather, director, make sb. famous, short film, script studio, career, take off, blockbuster, creature, outer space, make friends with, adult, cut…into pieces, dinosaurs, go wrong, follow-up, cruelty, win over, owe…to…, moving, stay away, take… place, run after, escape, lock, afford, fail, on air, together with, not just…but also ②Patterns:

*She went to New York, where she started working as an actress. *She won her first Oscar as Best Actress. *This film quickly made him famous. *This was a film in which Spielberg used real actors instead of toys. *Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark. *He owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children. *The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low. ③grammar

*关系副词when, where, why引导的定语从句。 关系副词when, where, why引导定语从句,在从句中分别作时间、地点或原因状语。关系副词的意思相当于“介词+which结构”,其用法分类列类如下:




when(=at, in,on,during which)表示时间的名词时间状语where(=in,at which)表示地点的`名词地点状语Why(=for which)只有reason原因状语*由介词+关系代词(who, that, which)引导的定语从句。当关系代词whom或which在定词从句中用作介词宾语时,介词可放在whom或which之前,也可放在从句中原来的位置上。即放在从句的动词之后;由不及物动词构成的短语动词一般不可拆开,必须连用,如关系代词省略,则介词必须与从句中的动词连用,不能拆开。关系代词that作介词的宾语时,介词一定不可位于that之前。 ④Useful spoken English *How do you feel about the story? *Steven Spielburg is one of the top directors in the film industry. *Zhang Yimou’s film “Not One Less” tells a simple but moving story. *After high school, Meryl went to study at a famous drama school. *Speed quickly made Keanu Reeves famous. 2 .Teaching plan in sequence:

Hour One    warming up, listening and speaking (Homework: preview “reading”     Hour Two    Reading (Homework: Recite Par 1―2)     Hour Three  Reading (Homework: p110―111,grammer,p182)     Hour Four   Language study (Homework: P112(3)     Hour Five   Integrating skills (Homework: P112―113 integrating skills)     Hour Six    Work book, listening, talking, writing (Homework: Write about a film)     Hour Seven  Test Hour One

Step One  Warming up (12 minutes) Step Two  Listening   (13minutes) Step Three Speaking   (15 minutes) Warming up Questions by teachers: (1)What can you see in Picture One? (On the beach, a girl and a strange man are carrying some pieces of wood, The man looks half human and half alien) (2)Do you know which movie is picture two from ? What is happening? (It’s from the movie called Jurassic. The dinosaur has escaped from its cage and is hunting for food. The men were scared greatly …) (3)Have you seen the movie produced by Disney company? Can you say something about Mulan?) (The story is from a Chinese historical story. Mulan is a daughter of a general. She goes to fight the enemy instead of her father. She has to pretend to be a male soldier since women are forbidden to join the army.) (4)Can you recognize the pretty actress? (Zhang Manyu is a well-known Hong Kong actress. “Hero” is directed by Zhang Yimou. It  succeeds both in commerce and in movie art) Listening:Play the tape, play again when it is needed. Help students understand the following expressions. (1)interview    (2)leading part     (3)studio        (4)Melbourne (5)How did that come about?          (6)Dream Machine Ask Ss individually to fill in the blanks. Teachers can go to P102 of the teacher’s book for help Speaking:Play the tape. Ask Ss to read by themselves Ask Ss do role play in small groups: They can use the expressions in the box on Page 30. if time permits, ask some of them to demonstrate Homework: vocabulary  p 110―p 111 Hour Two

Step One : Check the homework in class orally Step Two: Pre-reading          Questions by teachers (1)What kind of movie will you make?      (fiction film, fantasy film, animation film, historical film) (2)Which one would you like to become?      An actor/actress,  producer or director? (3)If you are a director what actors/actress will you choose?      (Ask them to use imagination) Step Three: (1)Play the tape and Ss books closed (2)Ss read the material freely (3)Ss look for the general information for each paragraph with the help of the teacher The general idea for each paragraph:

Paragraph 1:yearsEvents1946Spielberg was born in a small town1958He made his first real film with real actors 1959He won a prize for a short film1962He made film called Fire lightParagraph 2: He couldn’t go to the film Academy because of his low grades. He finally got a job which won him the youngest director in the world. Paragraph 3: His first blockbuster was Jaws made in 1975. Paragraph 4: Spielberg made two films about creatures that come from outer space. ET is one of the two. Paragraph 5: Another blockbuster Jurassic Park was made in 1993. Paragraph 6: His later films such as Schinder’s list and Saving Private Ryan are about the cruelty of war. Paragraph 7: He owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children because he spends most of the time working. Homework: Ss recite any 2 paragraphs Hour Three

Step One:(1)Ask some of the Ss to recite the reading material Step Tw study Each paragraph. Point out the attributive clause with prepositions before. (L.3 and L16) and attributive clause with relative adverbs: where, when and why. Step Three: Language Points: ①词典备用

silver n. a shiny grey metal that is very valuable 银 hero n. a person who has done something brave or good 英雄 scene n. part of a play or film 场面;情景 law n. a rule of a country that says what people may and may not do 法律 career n. a job that you learn to do and then do for many years 事业;生涯 drama n. a story that you watch in the theatre or on television or listen to on the radio 戏剧 role n. the person you are in a play or film 角色 award n. a prize or money that you give to somebody who has done something very well 奖;奖品 actress n. a woman who acts in plays, films or television programmes 女演员 actor n. a man who acts in plays, films or television programmes 男演员 prize n. something that you give to the person who wins a game, race, etc. 奖赏;奖金 choice n. act of choosing 选择;抉择 degree n. universities and colleges give degrees to students who have completed special courses there 学位 director n. a person who controls a film or play, for example by telling the actors what to do导演 speed n. how fast something goes 速度 script n. the written words that actors speak in a play or film 剧本 studio n. a room where people make films, radio and television programmes, or records 演播室 creature n. any living thing that is not a plant 生物;动物 outer adj. on the outside 外部的;外面的 adult n. a person who has grown to the full size 成年人 follow-up n. something done to continue what has already been started or done 后续 cruelty n. being cruel 残忍;残酷 peace n. a time where there is no war, fighting or trouble between people or countries 和平industry n. all the companies that make the same thing 行业 owe vt. to be indebted to as the source of 把……归功于 happiness n. being happy 幸福;快乐 accept vt. say “yes” when somebody asks you to have or do something 接受;认可 boss n. a person who controls a place where people work and tells people what they must to 老板;上司 live adj. (of a broadcast) transmitted while actually happening, not recorded edited 实况转 转的 comment n. words that you say about something to show what you think 评论 action n. doing things 动作 ②学生易错题练习: (1)The ice began/ started            .  A. melting               B. to melt          (B)因为主语为物 (2)She is beginning            .  A. to cook the dinner      B. cooking the dinner   (A)因为进行时后不再用ving (3)We             a famous team, so we             the football game.  A. beat; won             B. won; beat         (A) (4)It was not until I got home             I realized I had lost my keys.  A. when                B. that               (B)此题学生常记错 (5)The reason             he did not come was             his mother wouldn’t allow him to.  A. why; because          B. why; that          (B) (6)Some children are playing            .  A. by sea                B. by the sea         (B) (7)This film is            .      A. a success              B. success           (A)      A success 指一件成功的事;failure 有相似用法。 (8)Spielberg             much success             his family.      A. owes; to              B. owes; for (9)We think             of the director.      A. high                 B. highly              (B) Hard but interesting expressions for Chinese Learners: (1)Spielberg’s career really took off. (2)love and piece will win over the war. (3)meat-eating dinosaurs (4), which won him a job as the youngest… (5)Spielberg made several follow ups

(6)Jaws was a real blockbuster Howe work: Study the grammar rules on P.180. Finish off vocabulary practicing work on P.110 Language study. Hour Four

Step one: Check the work on P110. Step Two: Do the word study work together. Step Three: Study the Grammar P.33(1、2、3)together. Workbook P111―P112(1、2) Home work::P112(3) Hour Five  Integrating skills

Step one: Play the tape. Step Two: Ask Ss read it individually or together. Step Three: Retell the story. Step Four: Fill in the chart. Useful language points in exams: ①moving story. 令人感动的故事。   I was moved by the movie. ②stay away for a month 学生易错成  leave for a month. ③a 13-year-old 10-year work a 200-word article a 10-metre-long rope ④keep the students in the classroom keep + sb + preposition phrase + sb + adj + sb + ving + sb + done + sb + adv. ⑤determine to do sth. be de + ermined to do sth ⑥can’t afford to buy 没钱买 can’t afford the time 抽不出时间 can’t afford a holiday 无法去度假 ⑦appear live on the air [laiv] a live TV broad cast a live concert It’s a live broad cast, not a recording Home work: P112―P113 Work book(integrating skills) Hour Six

Step one: Check the homework. Help Ss if necessary. Step tw Listening P109 Step Three: Talking and work on P114 Home work: Write about a film



Period Two


Step 1 Listening

Have Ss listen to a piece of music and tell what kind of musical instrument the music is played with.

Step 2 Brainstorming

Have Ss tell as many kinds of musical instrument as possible by asking the question: What other kinds of musical instrument do you know? T collects kinds of musical instrument: organ, harp, piano, maracas, violin, saxophone, gone, cymbals, castanets, flute, timpani, tambourine, triangle, drum, xylophone, etc.

Step 3 Creating a situation (textual authenticity)

Have Ss work together with his\her partner. Take turns asking for and giving advice.

Student A

Student B

You want to buy a CD for your friend’s birthday, but you are not sure what to buy. Ask your partner to give some suggestions.

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to make a decision.

Step 4 Listening

Listen to the sample dialogue and make sure what the dialogue is about.

Step 5 Practice

Practice reading the dialogue, using one of the names of musical instrument mentioned above to replace CD and paying attention to sentences of asking for and giving advice.

Step 6 Dialogue

Have Ss choose one from the following situations to create their own dialogue.

Student A

Student B

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to decide what to do.

You want to find a good song to dance to. You like dancing, but you are not sure what song you should play.

Student A

Student B

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to decide what to do.

Your classmates have asked you to pick a special song that will represent your class. It should be a song that everybody likes and that shows the spirit of your class. Ask your partner to help you.

Step 7 Demonstration

Have several pairs to demonstrate their dialogues.

Step 8 Sum-up

Have Ss think hard and summarize how to make suggestions and give advice and possible responses.(See Slide)

Step 9 Consolidation

Work in pairs or groups. Use one or more of the situations below to practise giving and asking for advice.

1.       You want to learn to play the piano, but you don’t know how.

2.       You would like to write a song about your mother, but you are not sure what you should write.

3.       You want to learn an English song, but you don’t know which one.


1.       Finish off the workbook exercises.

2.       Try to memorize names of different kinds of musical instrument.

Find as much information about music as possible.(Consult the website: www.infozone.imcpl.org)



Period Five


Step 1 Warming-up

First show a episode by Elvis Presley and let the Students guess who sang the song.

T: Who is the man?

S: (Ss probably answer) Elvis Presley.

Then ask the Ss to report some information about Elvis Presley.

Detailed information about Elvis Presley:

Elvis Presley is the undisputed King of Rock and Roll. He rose from humble circumstances to launch the rock and roll revolution with his commanding voice and charismatic stage presence. In the words of the historical marker that stands outside the house where he was born: “Presley's career as a singer and entertainer redefined popular music.”

Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi, on January 8, 1935, and grew up surrounded by gospel music of the Pentecostal church. In 1948 the family moved to Memphis, where he was exposed to blues and jazz on Beale Street. After graduating from high school in 1953, an 18-year-old Presley visited the Memphis Recording Service - also the home of Sun Records - to record his voice. Owner/producerSam Phillipswas struck by the plaintive emotion in Presley's vocals and subsequently teamed him with guitaristScotty Mooreand bassist Bill Black. In July 1954 the trio worked up “That's All Right” and “Blue Moon of Kentucky” - blues and country songs, respectively - in a crackling, uptempo style that stands as the blueprint for rock and roll.

After five groundbreaking singles, Presley's contract was sold to RCA Records and his career quickly took off. “I Forgot to Remember to Forget” - his last single for Sun and first for RCA - went to #1 on the country charts. “Heartbreak Hotel,” a haunting ballad, became his first across-the-board hit, holding down the top spot for eight weeks. Presley's hip-shaking performances on a series of TV variety shows, including Ed Sullivan's, generated hysteria and controversy. From blistering rockers to aching balladry, Presley captivated and liberated the teenage audience. His historic string of hits in 1956 and ?7 included “Don't Be Cruel,” “Hound Dog,” “Love Me Tender,” “All Shook Up” and “Jailhouse Rock.”

Presley's career momentum was interrupted by a two-year Army stint in Germany, where he met his future wife, Priscilla. For much of the Sixties, he occupied himself with movie-making and soundtrack-recording. His albums of sacred songs, such as How Great Thou Art, stand out from this otherwise fallow period. Presley's standing as a rock and roller was rekindled with an electrifying TV special, simply titled Elvis and broadcast on December 3, 1968. He followed this mid-career renaissance with some of the most mature and satisfying work of his career. Recording in Memphis, he cut such classic tracks as “In the Ghetto, ”Suspicious Minds“ and ”Kentucky Rain“ with the soulful, down-home musicians at American Studio.

If the Fifties were devoted to rock and roll and the Sixties to movies, the Seventies represent the performing chapter in Presley's career. He toured constantly, performing to capacity crowds around the country until his death. Presley died of a heart attack at Graceland, his Memphis mansion, on August 16, 1977. He was 42 years old. How big was Elvis?

Statistically, he holds records for the most Top Forty hits (107), the most Top Ten hits (38), the most consecutive #1 hits (10) and the most weeks at #1 (80). As far as his stature as a cultural icon, which continues to grow even in death, writer Lester Bangs said it best: ”I can guarantee you one thing - we will never again agree on anything as we agreed on Elvis.“

Inductee timeline

January 8, 1935

Elvis Aron Presley is born to Gladys and Vernon Presley in a two-room cabin on North Saltillo Road in East Tupelo, Mississippi.


Elvis Presley stops at Memphis Recording Service to record two songs, ”My Happiness“ and ”That's When Your Heartaches Begin,“ as a birthday present for his mother. Phillips notes that Presley has a good feel for ballads and should be invited back.

July 18, 1953

Elvis Presley, then earning his keep as a truck driver, drops by the Memphis Recording Service, home of Sun Records. He privately records two songs (”My Happiness“/”That's When Your Heartaches Begin“) for the sum of $4, leaving with a ten-inch acetate. Office manager Marion Keisker jots a note for ownerSam Phillips: ”Good ballad singer.“

January 4, 1954

A young Elvis Presley visits the Memphis Recording Service to record ”Casual Love Affair“ and ”I'll Never Stand in Your Way“ and meets Sun Records ownerSam Phillips.

June 27, 1954

After several fruitless recording sessions,Sam Phillipspairs Elvis Presley with guitaristScotty Mooreand bass player Bill Black. He hopes the singer might find his voice by rehearsing with other musicians cut from the same country, pop, gospel and R&B cloth.

July 5, 1954

Rock and roll history is made when Elvis Presley,Scotty Mooreand Bill Black spontaneously perform bluesman Arthur ”Big Boy“ Cruddup's ”That's All Right“ in romping, uptempo style. The next day, bluegrass pioneerBill Monroe's ”Blue Moon of Kentucky“ is given a similarly playful treatment. On July 19th, the two songs are released as Elvis Presley's first single, which bears the legend ”Sun 209.“

July 19, 1954

Sun releases ”That's All Right“ and ”Blue Moon of Kentucky“ by Elvis Presley, backed by guitaristScotty Mooreand bassist Bill Black.

July 20, 1954

Elvis Presley makes his first public appearance, performing on a flatbed truck in Memphis. This inaugurates a period of wildly performed and riotously received concerts that will be interrupted only by Presley's induction into the U.S. Army.

August 15, 1955

Elvis Presley signs a management contract with ”Colonel“ Tom Parker, whose other clients included country-music stars Eddy Arnold and Hank Snow. The relationship with Parker will continue till Presley's death.

November 1, 1955

Despite Presley's growing popularity, his five Sun singles fail to make a dent on the national charts. Phillips sells his contract to RCA Records for $35,000.

November 20, 1955

Elvis Presley's contract with Sun Records, including all previously released and recorded material, is sold to the New York-based RCA label for $35,000.

January 27, 1956

Elvis Presley's debut single for RCA, ”Heartbreak Hotel,“ is released. The first of Presley's 17 Number One hits, it holds down the top spot for eight weeks. ”Heartbreak Hotel“ establishes Elvis Presley and rock and roll itself as national phenomena.

January 28, 1956

Elvis Presley makes his first appearance on network TV as a guest on Stage Show, hosted by jazz bandleaders Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey. Throughout 1956, Presley's biggest year, he will also appear on The Milton Berle Show, The Steve Allen Show and The Ed Sullivan Show.

April 15, 1956

Heartbreak Hotel (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 22, 1956

I Want You, I Need You, I Love You (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

August 4, 1956

What many consider to be one of rock's greatest double-sided singles, ”Don't Be Cruel“ and ”Hound Dog,“ is released. Both sides will share the top spot for 11 weeks.

August 12, 1956

Hound Dog/Don't Be Cruel (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

October 28, 1956

Love Me Tender (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

November 15, 1956

The film Love Me Tender, which features Elvis Presley in the first of 31 Hollywood movie roles, premieres at the New York Paramount. Two months earlier, on September 9th, he performed the title song on the Ed Sullivan Show to a record viewing audience estimated at 54 million.

December 4, 1956

Four legendary past and present Sun Records recording artists Elvis Presley,Jerry Lee Lewis,Carl Perkinsand Johnny Cash rather at Sun for an informal jam session. Later dubbed the Million Dollar Quartet, the stars (sans Cash, who stays only briefly) perform gospel standards and recent hits in relaxed, impromptu fashion.

December 4, 1956

The ”Million Dollar Quartet“ Presley, Perkins, Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis records old gospel, country and pop songs at an impromptu session. The recordings aren't officially released until the mid-Eighties.


Leiber & Stoller are summoned to New York by Elvis's Brill Building music publisher to write songs for the movie 'Jailhouse Rock.' The title song soon reaches #1.

January 6, 1957

Elvis Presley sings five songs in his final performance on the Ed Sullivan Show.

January 8, 1957

Elvis Presley passes the pre-induction exam for the Army.

February 3, 1957

Too Much (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

April 7, 1957

All Shook Up (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 2, 1957

(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

September 1, 1957

Jimi Hendrixgoes to see Elvis Presley perform at Sicks Stadium.

October 15, 1957

Jailhouse Rock (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

December 19, 1957

Elvis Presley is served with his draft notice while home at Graceland for the Christmas holidays. He is sworn in as a private in the U.S. Army on March 24, 1958, and later sent to basic training in Fort Hood, Texas. Shipped to Germany, he will serve in Company D, 32nd Tank Battalion, 3rd Armor Corps, from October 1, 1958, to March 1, 1960.

February 4, 1958

Don't (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 15, 1958

Hard Headed Woman (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

August 4, 1959

A Big Hunk O' Love (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

April 19, 1960

Stuck On You (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

May 12, 1960

Elvis guest-stars on a Frank Sinatra-hosted TV special, Welcome Home Elvis, and cuts his first post-Army recordings in Nashville. They yield the hit album Elvis Is Back and such million-selling singles as ”It's Now or Never“ and ”Are You Lonesome Tonight.“

August 9, 1960

It's Now Or Never (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

November 22, 1960

Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

March 14, 1961

Surrender (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

December 16, 1961

The soundtrack to Blue Hawaii reaches #1 on the album charts, where it will remain for 20 weeks. With sales of 2 million, it is Elvis Presley's best-selling album to date.

April 15, 1962

Good Luck Charm (Elvis Presley) was a hit.

July 26, 1965

Elvis Presley's version ofthe Orioles' ”Crying in the Chapel“ peaks at #3 on the pop chart.

August 27, 1965

The Beatlesspend the evening talking and playing music with Elvis Presley at his Bel air home.

May 1, 1967

Elvis Presley marries Priscilla Beaulieu, who he met eight and a half years earlier during his tour of duty in Germany, at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas. Their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is born exactly nine months later, on February 1, 1968.

December 3, 1968

NBC airs ”Elvis,“ a television special that revitalizes Elvis' career as a rock and roll performer.

December 8, 1968

The hour-long special Elvis, sponsored by Singer Sewing Machines, airs on NBC-TV. Clad in black leather, Elvis successfully pulls off the greatest comeback in rock and roll history. After his decade-long stint as a movie star, he re-establishes himself as a musical performer and cultural totem on this electrifying, widely viewed special.

January 13, 1969

Presley enters American Sound Studio in Memphis, where he will cut some of the finest recordings of his career, including the hits ”In the Ghetto“ and ”Suspicious Minds.“ It is the first time he's recorded in his hometown since 1956.

July 31, 1969

Elvis Presley performs his first live concert since March 25, 1961, opening a four-week engagement that christens the 1,500-capacity Showroom at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. The remaining eight years of Presley's life will largely be devoted to live performances, either on the road or at the International Hotel.

October 26, 1969

Suspicious Minds (Elvis Presley) was a hit.


Elvis Presley returns to the road. His guitarist and bandleader is James Burton, who will remain with Presley until his death in 1977.

January 9, 1971

Elvis Presley is named one of 10 Outstanding Young Men of the Year by the U.S. Jaycees.

October 9, 1973

Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorce in Santa Monica, California.

T: How did he sing the song?

S: (Ss probably answer) Elvis Presley sang the song wonderfully.

T: Yes, can you say the sentence in another way beginning with the song as the subject.

S: (Ss probably answer) The song was sung by Elvis Presley.

Show the slide: Elvis Presley sang the song wonderfully.

The song was sung by Elvis Presley wonderfully.

Then the teacher gives more examples and let Ss themselves discover how the Active Voice and Passive Voice is formed. If necessary, T briefly explains the grammar item in this unit.

Step 2 Reading

Have the Ss read the passage at Page 75 and then rewrite the phrases in bold, using the Active Voice.

Step 3 Practice

1.       Do grammar exercises at Page 75.

2.       Do Checkpoint 11 grammar exercises at Page 77.

The key to the classroom door _______________ (keep) by our monitor.

The theme song of the World Cup ___________________ (perform) by Ricky Martin.

The performance ____________ (give) in the Capital Concert Hall.

He knew that he _____________ (invite) to perform in the New Year’s Concert.

This song ____________ (play) all over the country now.

He wrote this song while his watch ____________ (repair ).

Although it ___________ (play) many times, he still love this tune.

It was the first time he ____________ (award ) with a Grammy.

3.       Do workbook exercises at Page 147 and 148.

4.       Cover the workbook integrating skills reading: American Country Music.

1)      First time: reading for information

2)      Second time: read to find sentences with the grammar patterns: the Active Voice and the Passive Voice, then do the changes


1.       Write an article about music trying to use as many sentences containing the grammar points as possible;

2.       Preview the integrating skills reading: Pop vs Rock

Consult the website www. rockstreet.com to get more information about pop music and rock music



Period Six

(Integrating skills)

Step 1 Homework checking

Have the Ss talk about pop music and rock music.

Step 2 Reading

Read the text pop and rock music and complete the outline below:


Pop music

Rock music

Why is music important

to the musicians?

Music is their career. They use

Music to become rich and famous.

How are some written?

One person has a strong feeling and

expresses it with music,

and others help build the song.

What are the songs


Most pop songs are simple stories

About love that make people feel

easy and forget about the real


Step 3 Discussion

Compare traditional Chinese music and modern Chinese music. Start by completing the chart below, and then write a short essay in which you compare the two styles of music.

Traditional Chinese music vs Modern Chinese music


Traditional Chinese music

Modern Chinese music

What instruments are used?

When is the music played?

Who writes the songs?

What are the songs about?

Step 4 Writing

   In English, listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic skills. Ask the Ss to write an essay entitled Traditional Chinese music vs Modern Chinese music with Pop vs Rock as a guide.

Step 5 Practice

Allow the Ss enough time to write the essay then show one of the Students’ on the screen. Do some adjustments.

Step 6 Consolidation

Read the passage at Page 148 and finish the form at Page 149.


1. Write a comparison essay according to the finished form at Page 149 with the title American music in the past vs today’s American music.

2. Review the whole unit.



















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