
时间:2023-01-11 07:39:30 毕业赠言 收藏本文 下载本文




1, glow like a beautiful ideal, to summon you. You are a drop of water, will be active in the sea of the motherland!

2, so that their more “Li” is also a goal, a lighthouse, the eternal pursuit. Dream of the trip itself, is happy, beautiful. May your spirit more “Li”, wealth more “Lai”, the future is more “beautiful”! Life often accompanied by happiness!

3, I wish the farewell is an umbrella, for you to cover the journey of the sun and the storm.

4, I deeply understand that how much time spent, how much difficulty to overcome, you get the results in front of you. Please believe that in your pursuit, hard work and hard work in the process, I will always smile with you standing beside you

5, noble ideal is the road of life lights. With it, life has a direction; with it, the heart felt full. Take a firm step towards your goal!

6, someone said: “Everyone can become their own lucky architect.” May you on the road ahead, with their own hands to build lucky building.

7, your talent is like a spark, if you use hard work to help combustion, it will become raging fire, release the incomparable light and heat.

8, hope is a tough crutch, patience is a travel bag, bring them, you can board the eternal journey, traveled the world.

9, may you like that little stream, the high mountain as the starting point of life, all the way to jump, all the way Pentium, bravely, bravely toward the sea of life ... ...

10, do not learn flowers only to wait in the spring, to learn the swallows to spring title.

11, a year to get along and find you are kind, cheerful, upward sunny girl. You can make it difficult, and make unremitting efforts. The courage to dream of people is beautiful. Our life needs to use the dream to light up; our success needs perseverance and perseverance to win; our road needs diligence to shop. Let me bless you for you!

12, you are smart, you kind, you are lively. Sometimes you have fantasies, and sometimes you are silent, meditation in silence, looking for fantasy. Small you will grow up, small you will be mature, may you be stronger! Would you be more confident!

13, you are quiet, polite and kind-hearted girl. Respectively, there is a word to give: bold and persistent dream, let the dream to light their own life, with diligence and dedication for their own shop on the road to success. I wish you the mood of the sky often blue!

Self, so that you are strong ... so that you will lead you on the road to success.

15, with your self-confidence, with your cheerful, with your perseverance, and my blessing, you will be able to sail towards the other side of the ideal.

16, you use the wisdom and knowledge to achieve today's harvest, will be wise and bold to accept tomorrow's challenge. May you keep the spirit of the past.

17, scrap iron has been able to become useful steel, because it can withstand the pain of temper.

18, when you are lonely, the wind is my song, may it make you get a moment of comfort; when you are proud, the rain is my alarm, may it make you get eternal humility.

19, may you be forever galloping horse.

20, may you drive the faithful cast ship, to the hope of the sea to plow a white spray.


1. The laughter is left in the dirt of the great tree, and our cheerful songs remain on the grass on the side of the road ... Every place in the alma mater is treasured with our friendship, on the way home, The dream, please always bring my blessing!

2. Poly is not the beginning, the bulk is not the end, you put the seeds of friendship sprinkled on my mind, Fan Wen's words: written to the students graduation words. I will silently take it away, carefully watered, cultivated, let it come out of Fang Xin flowers. Remember the happy days we spent together.

3. Poly also hurry, scattered also hastily, blooming the total infinite, only friendship in the heart.

4. Before leaving, I give you a beautiful ideal, let him become your tough crutches; I give you a wise luggage, let it be your life pass.

5. you give me that pure friendship is my eternal unforgettable, I wish you better and better results.

6. You let me in every corner of his alma mater, left a good memory, you gave me the most sincere friendship, I will always cherish.

7. Although I am with you soon, but we are the best friend, I want to give my best things to you, but also to this sincere friendship, always treasure in the heart.

8. In this special day, send a flower. This floral heart will give you the colorful and relaxed life.

9. Blessing is true, do not have a thousand words, do not have words, silently singing a heart song, may you peace, wishful. Let us work together to open up a piece of soil of friendship, so that the seeds of fantasy come true fruit.

10. May your laughter, like the birds of May are generally crisp; May your emotions be like the warm sunshine of May. Ah, my friend, may your heart, like the pomegranate flower in May, become a burning flame! Sometimes feel close to you, you can see your pupil in their own; sometimes feel so far away from you, far Can not hear what you say. Blossoming floral, sentence of the blessing, sent to distant friends.

11. Time without taking the childhood laughter, the past is not light juvenile fun, long life, Cape End of the World, always everywhere I have the best wishes for you!

12. Give me a warm greeting and send my deep blessings to the stars of the sky. Bless you! Have every infinite beautiful, infinite happy tomorrow.

13. Now you have to leave the friends, sincerely wish you have a better future, as well as brilliant life.

14. cordially greetings, not only on behalf of care and miss, but also contains unlimited blessing. How much miss the smile, how much forget the past, and I always miss you in silence bless you.

15. Let the sun shine on all your days, let the waves bathed in your life journey, let the rainbow filled with your beautiful future, may your whole life full of laughter, full of love.

16. Let me bless you, that sweet song, that happy laughter, forever belongs to you forever.

17. all the lonely, all arrived but no friends lonely.

18. We are gathered from all corners of the world; we have joy, sadness, smile, tears, in the past six years after the ups and downs, but also test our friendship, I will always treasure in my heart!

19. We were fighting comrades side by side; we were happy little companions. When we waved goodbye, please bring my best wishes!


1, do not let the pursuit of the boat parked in the fantasy of the harbor, but should raise the wind of the sail to the real life of the sea.

2, in the boat moored for a moment, we met. In this happy and meaningful six years, we all have a very good friendship life.

3, afraid to climb the mountains of the people, can only wander in the depression forever. People should be like “people” like the word, always up and feet on the ground.

4, six years time fleeting, so happy, laughing, so acquaintance, meet, and even too late to say goodbye, soon to the future ... ...

5, life has been open to our minds, friends, let us brave to go forward, to enjoy the endless experience of its boundless magnificent, infinite deep it!

6, we have been together to enjoy the beautiful flowers; we have been fantasy together in the beautiful season. My good friend, do not forget the day we had walked together. We have had water calm, had a heated debate, there have been silent competition. We close the shoulders, clenched hands, have a common ideal, issued a common voice. Whether it is to get, or lost, everything will remain in my memory the deepest.

7, remember that night we talk about the scene under the stars? Talk about learning, ideals, and ... ... the future even if we each day, but that night the sky I will always remember.

8, enjoy the drink of this cup of graduation bar! It is the life of the nectar! It will give the future into the victory, it will stay in our lips, leaving endless memorable ... ...

9, the ideal is the sail of life, perseverance is the life of the paddle, to the cause of success, the two are indispensable. The lofty ideals are like the sun of a man who can illuminate every step of life.

10, with your peers, recalled that we have had a common ideal; with you break up, looking forward to our reunion when the carnival. The most hate is you, because you are my learning competition for the “enemy”; favorite is you, because you are my growing friends. Today, do not, the vast horizon, told me where to find my favorite “friends.”

11, when you are happy, you always try to release their feelings, laughed, let you get a happy feeling, of course, look at you happy look, my heart can not tell the joy.

12, students six years, you put the seeds of friendship sprinkled on my mind. I will silently take it away, carefully watered, cultivated, let it come out of Fang Xin flowers.

13, now, I just want to say is: "I can only be a small boat in the other side of the parking for a few minutes, tomorrow, I will go to find another side, hoping where you will meet you.

14, six hope of the spring, we sowed four times; four golden autumn, we harvested four times; we have been subject to four fire tempered and four winter test, please do not forget that there is Taste, sound and color of the time.

15, six years, whenever I have doubts in learning, life encountered setbacks, always your voice sounded in the ears, doubts solved, frustration into a driving force, prompting me to keep moving forward. Please accept my respect. Do not! My friend!

16, you left me, is a beautiful memory. You make a remembrance of innocence and friendship. When I won the memory of the sake of you want to drink, but first drunk himself.

17, students ah, so that the evening twilight in those sweet whisper, are buried in the bottom of my heart, into a beautiful memory!

18, with you acquaintance, I feel very lucky, but can know with you, I feel more full of life, accompanied by laughter days I will be hidden, after the unpredictable day, may you take care.

19, do you remember the campus that piece of colored pebble paved the path? On both sides of the colorful flowers floral trim, there are green Liu Si fluttering. How many mornings, how many evening, we walk on this road ... ... it and friendship together, stay in my memory, but also branded in your impression.

20, the birds in the branches of the twitter, more like our whisper of the year, and that a string of lattice laughter ... ...


1. 毕业季节,愿我们的友谊永远不散。

2. 就再让我看一眼,就一眼,我不想丢掉这段记忆。

3. 几个人用同样钥匙是打开同一扇门;几个人用同样的目光,跟空荡的寝室说再见。

4. 毕业是个残忍的季节,成熟不成熟的都要一同收割;珍惜手边的幸福,不要等到失去后才悔不当初;不要动不动就许下承诺;请继续保持野心,有野心理想不一定实现,但有野心你才会前进,才会不堕落;要时刻记得感恩于在人生路上帮助过你的人。

5. 分别已久,相见亦难,让这小小的纸片带去我真诚的心,捎去我永恒的爱。

6. 分别在即,纵有千言万语一时凝噎,只好挚手相看泪眼……也许你神往于雪山的颜色开一朵雪白的花象心一样纯洁也许你酷爱太阳的火力开一朵火红的花象梦一样美丽!

7. 你要做一个不动声色的大人了。不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看。去过自己另外的生活。你要听话,不是所有的鱼都会生活在同一片海里。

8. 高考后,该笑的笑,该哭的哭,该告白的就告白吧。

9. 就再让我看一眼,就一眼,我不想丢掉这段记忆。

10. 所谓好朋友就像我们一样,可以畅谈心中的感觉,彼此关心,彼此照顾,时而哈哈大笑,时而争得面红赤,却不会放在心上。

11. 爱上几个人,才知道爱伤人,在无声的时光里心疼,我听不见哭声和笑声,却听见了单纯……

12. 挥手告别,扬帆远航,忘不了朋友的,是你抛出的那根友谊的缆绳,无形中牢牢地系在我的心上。

13. 我们都曾在人生的海洋中相遇,岁月飘忽,必然会改变许多东西。也许,时间会使许多绚烂归于平淡。但是,对你的怀念却是永久的。不变的,只有这份真挚的情谊。

14. 当你再重温我们在一起的旧梦时,那时只有寄托于千里之明月。与你分别是那样的万般无奈我多么想多么想为你伸出告别的手让风在指逢间诉说我的衷肠啊无奈它太沉重太沉重了。

15. 谢谢你,在老师发现我玩的时候,你总会提醒我——致我亲爱的同桌。

16. 希望几年后我能当你孩子他干爹!

17. 再次听到《同桌的你》那熟悉的旋律,想起我们以前的种种。

18. 后来长大了,有那么大的梦想在世界一个个陌生而美好的角落呼唤,喜欢背包流浪,却永远会在某个安静的晚上想起曾经在家里简单的小生活,整个院子就是整个世界的小生活。

19. 不停留,带着回忆向前看,不管是爱宠恋人还是家人朋友,就让离别,成为一种开始。我会想念你,就像是又到毕业季,我又开始想念艳阳下你的轮廓,你们的身影,我们的欢笑

20. 我也并不是总舍不得你走,只是总想看见你的笑容,听你的笑声。

21. 时光匆匆,当我伸手去拦时,它却如悄悄地从指边溜掉了。我的大学生活就如这流水般缓缓而又匆匆地流淌着到了她的尽头,留给我的,是无尽的感慨收获和即将入海的宽广无限。

22. 天下没有不散的宴席,转眼间,大学四年的美丽年代就快到了要结束的时候,



23. 想想曾经同桌的我们,高考过后就各奔前程了,心中真是不舍。同学,前途多珍重!

24. 为了爱,梦一生,是疯狂还是缘份,男人其实并不笨,痴情的男人才最傻,傻到连命都不要。

25. 同室数载,对你的豪爽印象最深,他日成了巨亨回北京来时,我不会吃惊的。

27. 聪明的人,今天做明天的事;懒惰的人,今天做昨天的事;糊涂的人,把昨天的事也推给明天。愿你做时间的主人,做一个聪明的人。

28. 常堕梦乡之人,那梦想必很甜,坤之奇人之异必妙不可言,故多梦者如先生当珍惜!

29. 人生最大的悲痛莫过于辜负青春。愿你珍惜青春的大好韶光年华,不断进步。

30. 希望大家在一起的四年是人生中美好的回忆,等到年老时想起这四年的时光,脸上露出甜蜜的微笑。愿大家都能拥有一个精彩的人生,在整个人生道路上都能顺顺当当。

31. 难忘你的幽默,难忘你那天关于吃早饭和睡觉上班关系的彼此见解,到了深圳,顶好不要再贪睡了。

32. 成功如果是分式,聪明只能充当分母,勤奋充当分子。望你认真学习,勤奋刻苦,祝你成功!

33. 朋友,愿你长成一棵大树:春天,绽放美丽的花朵;夏天,结成一片浓密的绿荫;秋天,送出一树丰硕的甜果;冬天,做一个养精蓄锐的好梦!

34. 离别的时刻越来越近,我的心越来越沉重,多么想流住这时光,多么想留住朝夕相处五年的同学朋友,默祝我的朋友,一路平安!

35. 青年是生命之晨,黎明之光,栋梁之材,由幼树长成,人的成功与失败往往从青春开始。愿珍惜青春,努力奋斗!

36. 明晨行别,但愿云彩,艳阳一直陪伴你走到远远的天涯;鲜花,绿草相随你铺展远远的前程。

37. 毕业,是一个沉重的动词;毕业,是一个让人一生难忘的名词;毕业,是感动时流泪的形容词;毕业,是当我们以后孤寂时候,带着微笑和遗憾去回想时的毕业,是我们夜半梦醒,触碰不到而无限感伤的虚词。若干年后,假如我们还能够想起那段时光,也许这不属于难忘,也不属于永远,而仅仅是一段记录了成长经历的回忆。

38. 你走来的时候,我的期待在远方;你离去的时候,你就是我梦绕魂牵的期待。

39. 梦被黎明轻轻地摇醒,朦胧中我再说一句多情的悄悄话:晚上再与你相见。

40. 路遥遥,心漫漫,伤离别,何感叹;风潇潇,夜长长,盼君至,不觉眠。

41. 留下相逢的倩影,带走萌芽的相思草,惟有绿色的邮路,载下别离的思念。

42. 临别请你喝一杯故土的水,你走遍天下,也别忘了把家乡装在胸中。

43. 离别是暂时的,共度人生是永远的,离别滋生相思情,使我们的爱情更炽热。

44. 离别时,留下一串艰难的足迹;相逢时,欢愉一对欣喜的身影没有离别的痛苦,也就没有相逢的欢愉。

45. 离别,泪水成了留言,你说:这泪可以凝结成珍珠,变成永久的纪念。

46. 来也匆匆,去也匆匆,离绪千种,期待着一次重逢。

47. 尽管是匆匆地相逢,匆匆地离别,但短促的生命历程中我们拥有着永恒,相信今日的友情是明日最好的回忆。

48. 今天笑着和你分手,但愿不日笑着把你迎接。

49. 今日同窗分手,道一句:珍重!明天校友重逢,贺一声:成功!

50. 既不回头,何必不忘?既然无缘,何需誓言今日种种?似水无痕,明日何夕,君无陌路。

51. 高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。



















群鸿飞四海 ,爱心留故园;海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。让我们把崇德尚能,知行合一的校训作为航标,勇敢地启航!




































蝉鸣是渐渐倒数的钟声,考卷上是爬上的树藤,你手上的蝴蝶究竟飞走了吗? ——题记







































