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Much transformed, once all become so pale。


Past smiling himself had become tears。


We are all far-sighted, blurred our closest happiness。


I tried holding your breath, and heard faint I love you。


What a careless's loss as intentional defects reported。


Forward go not over distance, backward can't walk out of memory。


You don't love me again, what all is my wishful thinking。


Maybe I should give up my persistent, will accept reluctantly。


Have you ever taught me what love is also taught me what is rude。


All is I in self-deception, just in the memory would not go out。


I really very fragile, leave you confidence also insisted on not for a moment。


If I were recalled, so would you please let me die in the forget。


Wait, it's not because that person will come back, because there is love。


Time into the form of a seemingly forever, deeply branded in my mind。


Why want to let this continue, said it wasn't right but still sticking to it。


Ever let me shed tears of love, but also when looking back, like a dream。


Talk of the so-called promise, 峩 is obliged to do the feelings of the slave。


If the damage for you is a kind of liberation, Russia is willing to bear this torture。


You are my heart's wound, always beating heart cannot heal the wound。


Sad our love in the world of floating uneasy gradually found the initial stability。


Who is and who, in the name of the etched hai shi。 Who is and who the lock, lock ShanMeng。


Those memories, in the evolution of years of depression with unspeakable pain。


If heart is not free, wherever he goes is the cage。 Heart without home, wherever he is。


I what all can put down, but not put you。 I what all can forget, but forget you。


Deep deep than the heart but I believe you again。 The night black is less than the heart but I know you again。


If, loathe to give up, not put, that pain。 If, not happiness, not happiness, that is to let go。


I took my memory, isolated from all your news。 I took my memories, recall all the memory of you。


Can you take my hand, just as I begged。 Can you look into my eyes, just as I expect。


Halt the ferris wheel, once the oath to break。 Shattered all over the sky star, tear past promises。


Can you take my hand, just as my request。 Can't you looked at my eyes, just as I expect。


How I wish I have so a person will severely hurt me。 How I wish there was a person spelled a life love me。


We can do in my life, only let us happiness。 Next life we can do, just don't let us pass。


You give love, anodyne, but enough for a lifetime。 You give love, unconsciously, but enough for a lifetime。


Don't scold don't noisy don't make public, be content。 Don't scold don't noisy don't make public, be content。


Just because too love so pain are brimming with letting go。 Just because too love so tired again keep in your side。


I'm not a gentle person, but to do your gentleness。 I am not a patient person, but to you ran out of patience。


I had in the last time he saw you in the future。 May when I was dying with my weakness is the one who holds your hand。


He said, have you in my life is the most ordinary miracle。 She said, have you in my life is the most beautiful melody。


I can love tore heart crack lung, can also go dry simply brittle。 Can I be dead set of love, also can go completely。


I am very simple, as long as you a warm good night。 I don't complicated, as long as you are a gentle good morning。


I don't care of jigsaw world, I only care about you。 If I don't want to stay like snow flower can't, I only miss you。


As long as we are heart to heart, read - is so close at hand。 As long as we hand in hand, scattered - is a distant thing。


Finally left the starry sky, like the same memories with me。 At least memories will be permanent, like the same sky with me。


Fell in love and is obsessed with you and me every moment of happiness fireworks。 Love is you and I have become obsessed with each moving moment of petard。


Thoughts and looking forward to you, seems to be a eternal beauty。 It seems to you thoughts and look forward to, became a river flood。


You should dare to find a woman in the outside, I'll shoot dead you! I want to dare to find a woman in the outside, you take me to death!


Love is a kind of pay, even if again painstakingly also feel willingly。 Love is a kind of persistent, even if the heart is also feel regret。


Man disguise strong, just afraid of being a woman found him weak。 Woman disguised happiness, but afraid of being a man found her sad。


Who with peach blossom brew a pot of wine, and under the moonlight drink cool breeze。 Who for a period of time, with the inlaid harp and fingers quicksand tianya time step。


You meet the awn crowd, maybe you and I really have fate. On this Valentine's day, I wish you a happy holiday, always have a bright smile。


1、Simply to silence, do not leave free and easy。


2、I love you none of your business。


3、The tough road often leads to the top。


4、Every boring hour in life is unique。


5、I just don‘t like you anymore。


6、I never back。


7、You love me you will die。


8、When it has is lost, brave to give up。


9、You are my most adventure youth dream。


10、I’m counting the days till I see you again。


11、Do not waste time with regret。


12、Dream, as if you never wake up。


13、One is easily fooled by that which one love。


14、I will be here for you all the time。


15、The thorough revenge is to forgive and forget。


16、Love is making you go bananas。


17、Memory abstruse eyes。


18、we are never ever getting back together。


19、Time is we do not come loose。


20、A riot of colours to wait。


21、Ten thousand people roar a loud sigh as you are。


22、I also want to know what I think。


23、Let the time tell the truth。


24、I can feel you forgetting me。


25、Retaining a childish heart is a matter of pride。


26、I would not say love, but I said is true。


27、 Happy is the man who is living by his hobby。


28、see you my love。


29、Know, how again recover also just air。


30、What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger。


31、Smile like you have never been hurt。


32、Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime。


33、I will give you all my love。


34、We will never in contact with each other。


35、I love everything you love。


36、What time is locked, wait for time to open。


37、I love you, the ends of the earth, to does not abandon!


38、Thank fate that I met with you。


39、Time cures all wounds。


40、Everything Has Changed。


41、I will always be, even if love pale。


42、Can you give me a hug?


43、Down enough to let go。


44、I pretended to be indifferent to it。


45、Sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart。


46、The more you care for someone, the less you understand him。


47、If love is the representative of the happiness, that what is happiness。


48、Life is like an ice cream。 Enjoy it before it melts。


49、Almost could not help but shed tears several times, but do not know what to feel。


50、Someday you will understand, were the first to love yourself。


51、The only to commandeer a man can be violent memories, is the live better。


52、It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop。


53、I loved you。 I leave you。 I’ll miss you。


54、I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it。


55、A man is not old until his regrets take place of his dreams。


56、I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it。


57、Smile everyday from today。 Nothing really matters except to live or die。


58、Happy, is looks for a warm person for a lifetime。


59、I used to detour, because would like to see you at a glance。


60、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going。--Beverly Sills。



1、If love, please cherish。


2、You are in my heart。


3、I love you not because I need you。


4、Hold hand。 and marriage。


5、I said it's too late to apologize , it's too late。


6、Love is so short, forgetting is so long。


7、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet。


8、Vows of eternal love,Also can separate。


9、Very need you, just like the dandelion need the breeze。


10、I loved you。 I leave you。 I’ll miss you。


11、The people heart is too crowded。


12、Very love hurts us to each other。


13、Before it was reality, now it’s just a memory。


14、Finally turn in the passing of time is not only just。

最后转眼流逝的 绝不仅仅是时光而已。

15、To make each day count。


16、Give me endless summer。


17、Happiness is when the desolated soul meets love。


18、One is easily fooled by that which one love。


19、I have no sense of security,because I love you too。


20、My world does not need too many people to understand。


21、Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it。


22、Don't touch ambiguity when you are in love。


23、I only hope you are my eternal lover。


24、Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity。


25、Disappointment is injured, than be more painful thing。


26、Promises are often like the dust。


27、It is never too late to be who you might have been。


28、Love remained short,the memory last long。


29、Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself。


30、Sometimes love means taking a step back。


31、He misses her, but he missed her。


32、I really love you。


33、I loved you。 I leave you。 I’ll miss you。


34、Are there only to leave, you will never care about。


35、Put it dissolve into zero, whether not become poison。


36、The wind blows like flowers of the time。


37、I will give you all my love。


38、I did not know how likes being supposed to love。


39、Thank fate that I met with you。


40、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb。


41、All is only you completely。


42、I want someone afraid of losing me。


43、Put your head on my chest, listen to this enchanted。


44、In may, June, finalizing, each rush thing。


45、No one and you。


46、And you will not retain my chosen one go。


47、Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days。


48、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us。


49、Beautiful season, we love because huddle together。


50、A person quiet a person cry movie clips, the whole world is sad。


51、Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies。


52、Return to mou that past once, but it's only a game。


53、Love one another and you will be happy。 It's as simple and as difficult as that。


54、Those that have gone won't come back again。Those coming back are no longer perfect。


55、Some people were supposed to walk into your life, teach you a lesson, and then walk away。


56、just don't want to lose my smile left with pride。

没心没肺地笑 ,只是不想输掉仅剩下的骄傲。

57、Your vows of eternal love is just a perfunctory, my soul is life。


58、Easy to hurt others and self, always to the edge of the distance unclear person。


59、Life is like an ice cream。 Enjoy it before it melts。


60、Called the most unforgettable, is never remind of, is never forgotten。




1、The best way to forget a relationship is another new beginning a relationship.忘记一段感情的最好办法是从新开始另一段感情。

2、If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing.活着无所追求,至死都会一无所有。

3、If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to.如果没有别离,成长也就无所附丽。

4、We are the tender love in the world.我们都在被这个世界温柔的爱着。

5、It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all.宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。

6、Don't look back, just haven't found leave your reasons.不回头,只是还没找到留下的理由。

7、The night deep dark blue eyes.深夜深巷那双深蓝色的眼睛。

8、The warm air to make chocolate melts.温暖的空气使巧克力融化。

9、Crowded accidentaly across not anymore.人潮拥挤再也不会不期而遇。

10、You use your gentle eyes, killed who want to forget you.你用你那温柔的眼神,杀死了我要遗忘你的我。

11、If the language can not express, I am willing to prove that life.如果语言无法表达,我愿意用生命证明。

12、Tears clean the face of the weak but refresh the strong.弱者以泪洗面,强者因泪振作。

13、Every story has an end, but in life every ending is a new beginning.每个故事都有个结局,但是在生活中每个结局都是新的开始。

14、Bye…I love you so much still with no regret.再见了。我那么那么爱你,一点也不遗憾。

15、Put aside all Facing the misunderstanding to keep cool.抛开所有面对误解保持冷静。

16、Beautiful season, we love because huddle together.明媚的季节里,我们因为爱情依偎在一起。

17、Are there only to leave, you will never care about.是不是只有离开,你才会有所在乎。

18、All person happiness from sadness.所有人的幸福都从伤感开始上演。

19、If there is a suitcase, I'll spiralling out to stray.如果有皮箱,我会一发不可收拾的去流浪。

20、Why would i ever think of leaving you?我怎么可能会想离开你?

21、nothing is impossible for a willing heart.心之所愿,无所不成。

22、I in and so on future. Will have your future.我在等未来,有你的未来。

23、I should not have to rely on sustenance to the touch than the future.是我不该把依赖寄托给触碰不到的未来。

24、I need him like I need the air to breathe.我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

25、Your emotions has nothing to do with me, your world and others.你的喜怒哀乐与我无关,你的世界里还有别人。

26、Do not play too true acting, otherwise it will bear the scars.演戏别演太真,否则会伤痕累累。

27、Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it.如果你愿意去发现,其实每一天都很美!

28、If I know what love is, it is because of you.因为你,我懂得了爱。

29、I fake a smile because I don't want you to worry about what I'm feeling.我强颜欢笑只是为了让你不担心我。

30、I'm leaving you because you never asked me to stay.我正在离去,因为,你从未开口要求我留下。

31、Do or do not. There is no try.要么做,要么滚!

32、Cowardice is not my style.懦弱不是我的风格。

33、If my future has you in it, I'm not afraid of anything.如果我的未来有你在,其他一切我都不怕了。

34、I want to be strong with the cry, tears are not obedient.我想坚强着不哭,泪却不听话。

35、Sometimes, the everlasting and vows of eternal love is not in proportion.有时候,天荒地老与海誓山盟是不成正比的。

36、I love you even if you fall in love with another of her.我喜欢你,哪怕你爱上了另一个她。

37、There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.没有哪一种激情像嫉妒那样深植人心。

38、Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back.人生很简单,做了决定就不要后悔。

39、We love others too early, self love too late.我们爱别人太早,爱自己太迟。

40、I am still concerned about the left, you do not see my time.离开后我依旧在关注,看到了你不需要我的时光。

41、To waste,then forced. 用力的浪费,再用力的后悔。

42、Happiness keeps growing endlessly,but it's too far to reach.幸福是生生不息,却难以触及的远。

43、I forget, or you have not loved.是我忘不掉,还是你未曾爱过。

44、How many loved your moments of glad grace.多少人爱过你青春的片影。

45、I only hope to have around you, you can warm my air.()我只希望身边有一个你,可以温暖我的空气。

46、No one can help you unless you help yourself.没人会帮助你除非你自己帮自己。

47、Dear,When thinking of you some happiness. Well some sad.亲爱的,想你的时候有些幸福,幸福的有些难过。

48、I just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own.我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己。

49、My hand not forget the temperature of your hand.我的手忘不掉你手的温度。

50、Tied memories of our time, our memories of the time tearing.回忆绑住了我们的时间,时间扯断了我们的回忆。

51、I love you a lot. The but again choose lonely.我爱你很多,却又选择寂寞。

52、If you look for it, love actually is all around.如果你用心寻找,你会发现爱其实无处不在。

53、Life sucks, but worth fighting for.有时失去是让你更懂得珍惜。

54、I miss you but I miss you.我想你但我却错过了你。

55、To waste,then forced.用力的浪费,再用力的后悔。

56、A hedge between keeps friendship green.适当的距离使友谊之树常青。

57、Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

58、If you've found your Mr. Right,you've done major right things in your life.爱对一个人,人生就等於做对了大部分的`事情。

59、Close your eyes, and see yourself, you are clearly visible.闭上眼,看不见自己,你却清晰可见。

60、I have given up to give up.我已经放弃了放弃。

61、Life sometimes, always is ironic. A turn round is probably I.人生有时候,总是很讽刺。一转身可能就是一世。

62、Life is a wounded recover the continuous improvement of process.生命是一个不断受伤 不断复原 不断进步的过程。

63、I'll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

64、Love warms more than a thousand fires.爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。

65、Obtain a copy of any form will have to repay that day.任何形式的索取都会有偿还的那一天。

66、Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.你掌心华丽的线条纠结进了谁的城池里欢声笑语。

67、Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock.幻想与理想的憧憬只能无可奈何的搁浅。

68、True love from the heart not the mouth.真正的爱来自心脏不是口腔。

69、You know, you lose, I will lose the meaning of living.你知道的,失去你,我会失去活着的意义。

70、Don't give up,just be you,cause life's too short to be anybody else.永远都不要放弃做自己,因为人生很短根本没时间模仿别人。

篇5: 英语爱情个性签名


1、A lifetime For one perso 【一生只为一人】

2、Obtain a copy of any form will have to repay that day. 任何形式的索取都会有偿还的那一天。

3、Life is like an ice cream. Enjoy it before it melts. 生活就像奇彩炫,请在它融化前,及时享受。

4、Life is a on return journey . 人生是一段没有退路的旅程。

5、Happy Ending Would Be My 。美好的结局会是我的。

6、No man cool call back yesterday 【时光流逝 不可复得】

7、Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. 爱情是一种对抑制不住的欲望的不可抵御的向往。

8、I in and so on future. Will have your future. 我在等未来,有你的未来。

9、Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

10、And missing you is like fighting a war. 想念你像是一场争战。

11、Are there only to leave, you will never care about. 是不是只有离开,你才会有所在乎。

12、If the language can not express, I am willing to prove that life. 如果语言无法表达,我愿意用生命证明。

13、We pass the time, or time passed us?---是我们路过了时间,还是时间路过了我们?

14、I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

15、Tied memories of our time, our memories of the time tearing. 回忆绑住了我们的时间,时间扯断了我们的回忆。

16、I wait for you to come back and say you love me 我等着你回来说你还爱着我

17、-I miss you but I miss you. [我想你但我却错过了你】

18、If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。

19、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

20、l have you. That is all I need.我有你,就够了。

21、A person walking down the street, suddenly remind of lonely I love you. 一个人走在寂寞的街,忽然想起我爱你。

22、两个人平平淡淡才是真 Two people, ordinary light is true

23、Do not want to climb, do not want to, just want to love themselves 不想攀,不想比,只想自己爱自己

24、We are the tender love in the world.我们都在被这个世界温柔的爱着

25、Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow. 苍白的月光下,我和影子述说寂寞。

26、I'm leaving you because you never asked me to stay. 我正在离去,因为,你从未开口要求我留下。

27、God also there will be a tragedy, what iss more, I am an ordinary person!神也会有悲剧更何况我是一个人

28、The best way to forget a relationship is another new beginning a relationship. 忘记一段感情的最好办法是从新开始另一段感情

29、My hand not forget the temperature of your hand. 我的手忘不掉你手的温度。

30、Promise less or do more. 要么,少承诺一点,要么,多付诸行动一点。

31、Paper plane fly farther take away my heart. 纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。

32、I have given up to give up. 我已经放弃了放弃。

33、I want to be strong with the cry, tears are not obedient. 我想坚强着不哭,泪却不听话。

34、Life sucks, but worth fighting for. 有时失去是让你更懂得珍惜。

35、Our love Not tolerate other people 我们的爱容不下其他人

36、Beautiful season, we love because huddle together. 明媚的季节里,我们因为爱情依偎在一起。

37、And missing you is like fighting a war. 想念你像是一场争战。

38、Strong woman is will cry, but never admit defeat.~~~坚强的女人是会哭,但绝不会认输。

39、Life is merely a drop of nectar on the lotus leaf. 生命只不过是荷叶上的一滴甘露。

40、Laugh Until You Cry; Cry Until You Laugh 笑到终于哭出来;哭到终于笑出来。

41、The truth is, if I could be with anyone, it'd still be you. 事实上,如果我和别人在一起,那个人还是你。

42、If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to. 如果没有别离,成长也就无所附丽。

43、Unavoidably blame time`s hands, written. Love love 难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过

44、Your dream is not dream 你还梦不梦

45、Who waits for time loses time【等待时机 就会失去时机】

46、You would not want for a friend as long as I draw breath. 只要我活着,就永远是你的朋友。

47、If break up, is a brutal tenderness 若分手,都是残忍的温柔

48、Best friend, a beautiful word!闺蜜,一个唯美的名词!

49、Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter. 你掌心华丽的线条纠结进了谁的城池里欢声笑语。

50、I am still concerned about the left, you do not see my time. 离开后我依旧在关注,看到了你不需要我的时光。

51、在你身边 be whit you

52、If my future has you in it, I'm not afraid of anything. 如果我的未来有你在,其他一切我都不怕了。

53、I in and so on future. Will have your future.我在等未来,有你的未来。

54、我的脾气赶走了很多人 但留下了最真的人 My temper off a lot of people but the most people really

55、Children abandoned by God 被上帝遗弃的孩子

56、Life is merely a drop of nectar on the lotus leaf .生命只不过是荷叶上的一滴甘露。

57、If there is a suitcase, I'll spiralling out to stray. 如果有皮箱,我会一发不可收拾的'去流浪。

58、用一杯水的单纯 面对一辈子的复杂 With a cup of pure water, face a lifetime of complex

59、别问我过得好不好,我连自己都不知道! Do not ask me well, I do not even know yourself!

60、If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。

61、A hedge between keeps friendship green. 适当的距离使友谊之树常青。

62、Do or do not. There is no try. 要么做,要么滚!

63、Good children always happy!善良的孩子要永远快乐!

64、Man is but recreation things男人只是用来消遣的东西

65、To waste,then forced. 用力的浪费,再用力的后悔。

66、Friendship is to be strengthened by truth and devotion 友谊靠真实和忠诚来巩固

67、We don't have any choice, only run in opposite directions. 我们没有任何选择的余地,只有背道而驰。

68、Ever of lover, now the passers-by 【曾经的恋人,如今的路人】

69、真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却 The heart that once truly loves never forgets.

70、Love's mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body in his book. 爱情的秘密在双方的心灵中生成,但形体是表白爱惜的书。

71、If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing. 活着无所追求,至死都会一无所有。

72、The collision between reality and faith to our young black and blue. 现实与信念的冲撞让我们的青春遍体鳞伤。

73、Do not need better than it is now just now so good . 不需要比现在好,只要现在这样就好。

74、勿以怨恨对待任何人,应以慈爱加给所有的人!With malice towards none,with charity for all!

75、I miss you but I miss you. 我想你但我却错过了你。

76、Happy is the man who is living by his hobby. 醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。

77、You can cry,But you can not lose 你可以哭但是不能输

78、Why would i ever think of leaving you? 我怎么可能会想离开你?

79、As long as they read, short but fickle. 长不过执念,短不过善变。

80、Do not give in to fear. 【别在恐惧面前低下你的头。】

81、A hedge between keeps friendship green适当的距离使友谊之树常青

82、Every time a good night, feeling each other's feelings. 每一次晚安,感受着彼此的情感。

83、I can spoil you also can change for you.我可以惯着你 也可以换了你。

84、The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.DDDD 如果你明确自己的方向,世界也会为你让路。

85、Wish you noticed me. 多希望你曾注意过我。

86、How many loved your moments of glad grace. 多少人爱过你青春的片影

87、You use your gentle eyes, killed who want to forget you. 你用你那温柔的眼神,杀死了我要遗忘你的我。

88、We are the tender love in the world. 我们都在被这个世界温柔的爱着。

89、Fantasy and ideal vision but end the deadlock. 幻想与理想的憧憬只能无可奈何的搁浅。

90、As long as they read, short but fickle . 长不过执念,短不过善变。

91、Tears clean the face of the weak but refresh the strong. 弱者以泪洗面,强者因泪振作。

92、Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it. 如果你愿意去发现,其实每一天都很美!

93、My heart will go on 我心永恒

94、Time will not be reversed?时光会不会倒转?

95、I love you a lot. The but again choose lonely. 我爱你很多,却又选择寂寞。

96、Do not play too true acting, otherwise it will bear the scars. 演戏别演太真,否则会伤痕累累。

97、In the good can not help but forgotten, also arrived, but sad memories. 在美好也禁不住遗忘,在悲伤也抵不过回忆。

98、He is the greatest love of my life. 他是我一生中最心爱的人。(.)

99、One who want to wear the crown. Bear the crown.欲戴王冠,必承其重。

100、I can Smile a little more Sing a little more Feel a little more 全因为你 说好了要为幸福 一天天地练习

101、Between us are only separated by one step, and I can not move you. 我们之间仅隔一步,而我却不能迈向你。

102、I have given up to give up.-我已经放弃了放弃。

103、Você chorou muito triste, eu ri muito artificial 你哭得很难过,我却笑得很做作。

104、Fool,The person I love best is you。傻瓜,我最爱的人就是你了。

105、爱与被爱,都是种享受,To love and to be loved, it is a kind of enjoyment ~

106、Life is a wounded recover the continuous improvement of process. 生命是一个不断受伤 不断复原 不断进步的过程。

107、No ticket what keep your beloved horse 没有票子拿什么留住你心爱的马子

108、Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

109、The warm air to make chocolate melts. 温暖的空气使巧克力融化。

110、Tears clean the face of the weak but refresh the strong. 弱者以泪洗面,强者因泪振作。

111、Your name is such ordinary but it affects my mood all round. 你那么平凡的名字却影响我那么多的情绪。

112、My love is poison, you dare to? 我的爱是毒药,你敢要吗?

113、Don't look back, just haven't found leave your reasons. 不回头,只是还没找到留下的理由。

114、Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it. 如果你愿意去发现,其实每一天都很美!

115、If you've found your Mr. Right,you've done major right things in your life. 爱对一个人,人生就等於做对了大部分的事情。

116、All person happiness from sadness. 所有人的幸福都从伤感开始上演。

117、You will only break my heart. 你只会伤我的心

118、I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。

119、He is no longer my world, because my world collapsed.他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷。

120、Her tears melted his heart. 她的眼泪使他心软了。

121、I don't give a shit on your care the least about me. 我不在乎你对我的不在乎。

122、You said a lifetime, but stay for a while.你说的一辈子却呆了一阵子。

123、I know next to you is not where I belong.我知道你旁边是不属于我的地方。

124、Do not make life difficutt in the past . 不要与过去过不去。

125、You know, you lose, I will lose the meaning of living. 你知道的,失去你,我会失去活着的意义。

126、You hold hands is agreed. Said 你说过牵了手就是约定

127、What time did you let me into your heart 你什么时候才能让我进入你的心。

128、Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good. 每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。

129、The life of the traveler why can't forget. 生命的过客何必念念不忘。

130、I fake a smile because I don't want you to worry about what I'm feeling. 我强颜欢笑只是为了让你不担心我。

131、Keep long hair love red eyes through love. 留过长发爱过烂人红过眼睛看透爱情

132、All person happiness from sadness.所有人的幸福都从伤感开始上演。

133、I miss the old days. 我想念过去的日子。

134、Cowardice is not my style. 懦弱不是我的风格

135、I like BigBang

136、if this was a movie 如果这是一场电影

137、? Daring ?我用壹生的?? ?迩? I ov you .

138、Best friend, a beautiful word! 闺蜜,一个唯美的名词!

139、The night deep dark blue eyes深夜深巷那双深蓝色的眼睛

140、停止呼吸-变冷-死亡stop breathing, turn cold, and die.

141、Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth. 那些允许被任性的年代叫做青春。

142、You said that love me for a million years. Oath to become a lie. 你说过爱我一万年,誓言变成了谎言。

143、Memories so heavy。回忆那么重

144、Love warms more than a thousand fires. 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。

145、I love you even if you fall in love with another of her.我喜欢你 哪怕你爱上了另一个她

146、Everyone there is a Part of the living for others their own. 每个人都存在着那部分为别人而活的自己。

147、爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火 Love warms more than a thousand fires.

148、Every man dies, not every man really lives. 每个人都要死,但不是每个人都真正活过。

149、Your smile is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. 你的微笑是我这辈子见过最可爱的东西

150、Love a flower bloom to accompany it, love a man to accompany him to stray. 爱一朵花就陪它绽放,爱一个人就陪他流浪。

151、Life sucks, but worth fighting for. 有时失去是让你更懂得珍惜。

152、Do you know, l love you【你知道吗,我爱你】

153、Your emotions has nothing to do with me, your world and others. 你的喜怒哀乐与我无关,你的世界里还有别人。

154、He is the greatest love of my life . 他是我一生中最心爱的人。

155、Time will not be reversed? 时光会不会倒转?

156、Happiness keeps growing endlessly,but it's too far to reach. 幸福是生生不息,却难以触及的远。

157、to be or not to be ,that is a question.生存还是毁灭,这是个值得考虑的问题。

158、In my heart was in my eyes I ever let you choose. 入我心还是入我眼 我从来都是让你选

159、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓

160、Close your eyes, and see yourself, you are clearly visible. 闭上眼,看不见自己,你却清晰可见。

161、The warm air to make chocolate melts. 温暖的空气使巧克力融化。

162、Be strong, also hurt[再坚强 也会伤]

163、Every day there are in the world, every day someone in depravity sorrow. 这个世界每天都有人在堕落,每天都有人在忧伤。

164、we accept the love we think we deserve. 认为值得 ,所以接受 ,这就是爱情。

165、Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back. 人生很简单,做了决定就不要后悔。

166、Don't give up,just be you,cause life's too short to be anybody else. 永远都不要放弃做自己,因为人生很短根本没时间模仿别人。

167、Every story has an end, but in life every ending is a new beginning.每个故事都有个结局,但是在生活中每个结局都是新的开始。

168、I still believe in love I still believe in us 我仍然相信爱 我仍然相信我们

169、I forget, or you have not loved. 是我忘不掉,还是你未曾爱过。

170、love me love my dog 爱屋及乌

171、I just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own. 我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己。

172、Play this should not be out of the play, the only thing to do is timely to leave. 参演这部本不该出的戏,唯一能够做的就是适时离开。

173、The people heart is too crowded.qianming.vipyl/ 人心太拥挤

174、You belong to me. 你只属于我°

175、When you love someone you have to learn to let them go. 一但你爱上一个人,你同时需要学会如何放手。

176、Growth is a song,sing all separation and joy in union . 成长是一首歌,唱尽悲欢离合。

177、Why would i ever think of leaving you 我怎么可能会想离开你

178、Love is like the wind, you can not see it but you can feel it. 爱就像风一样,看不到,却能感觉到!

179、Cowardice is not my style. 懦弱不是我的风格。

180、Dear,When thinking of you some happiness. Well some sad. 亲爱的,想你的时候有些幸福,幸福的有些难过。

181、A good idea without action is worth nothing. 如果没有切实执行,再好的点子也是徒 劳。

182、Time is we do not come loose.时光不老我们不散好么

183、There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy. 没有哪一种激情像嫉妒那样深植人心。

184、I only hope to have around you, you can warm my air. 我只希望身边有一个你,可以温暖我的空气。

185、Music is my escape. 音乐是我逃脱的出口。

186、The night deep dark blue eyes. 深夜深巷那双深蓝色的眼睛。

187、Bye…I love you so much still with no regret. 再见了。我那么那么爱你,一点也不遗憾。

188、A good idea without action is worth nothing. 如果没有切实执行,再好的点子也是徒 劳。

189、Her tears melted his heart. 她的眼泪使他心软了。

190、I want to hear you say, do not I you not happy.我想听你说,没我你不快乐。

191、you will never be able to see me.(你永远也看不懂我)

192、I'll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

193、I never told you, I wanna hold you。我从未告诉你,我想拥抱你

194、The person I love is not the one in love with me 我爱的不是我的爱人。

195、I love men had married my mother. 最爱我的男人已经娶了我妈。

196、If you look for it, love actually is all around. 如果你用心寻找,你会发现爱其实无处不在。

197、Life sometimes, always is ironic. A turn round is probably I. 人生有时候,总是很讽刺。一转身可能就是一世。

198、Time cures all wounds 时间治愈所有创伤

199、Sometimes, the everlasting and vows of eternal love is not in proportion. 有时候,天荒地老与海誓山盟是不成正比的。

200、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

201、We can't fly high because we overweigh ourselves. 我们不会高飞,是因为我们把自己看的太重。

202、Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth . 那些允许被任性的年代叫做青春。

203、we accept the love we think we deserve 认为值得 所以接受 这就是爱情

204、I should not have to rely on sustenance to the touch than the future. 是我不该把依赖寄托给触碰不到的未来。


1、My love is poison, you dare to? 我的爱是毒药,你敢要吗?

2、Growth is a song,sing all separation and joy in union . 成长是一首歌,唱尽悲欢离合。

3、Time cures all wounds 时间治愈所有创伤

4、Even if there is no end, I still love you 就算没有结局,我还是很喜欢你.

5、I know that my future is not just a dream.我的未来不是梦。

6、Love is the salt of life.爱情是生命的盐

7、Dear I love you for a lifetime 亲爱的我爱你一辈子

8、I have always been with you。我会一直待在你的身旁。

9、l love you to the moon and back . 我对你的爱穿越亿万光年

10、Nothing has gonna change my love for you.没有什么能改变我对你的爱。

11、Not all the people in your life are meant to stay.不是每个在你生命中的人,都一定会留下来。

12、Lose you win the world and how . 输了你赢了天下又如何

13、Her tears melted his heart. 她的眼泪使他心软了。

14、Memories so heavy。回忆那么重

15、Your dream is not dream 你还梦不梦

16、And missing you is like fighting a war. 想念你像是一场争战。

17、He is the greatest love of my life . 他是我一生中最心爱的人。

18、The warm air to make chocolate melts. 温暖的空气使巧克力融化。

19、勿以怨恨对待任何人,应以慈爱加给所有的人!With malice towards none,with charity for all!

20、Everyone there is a Part of the living for others their own. 每个人都存在着那部分为别人而活的自己。

21、Let your past make you better, not bitter. 让你的过去推动你更多成长,而不是增添更多怨恨。

22、Sometimes it takes a really big fall to know where you stand. 有时候需要狠狠摔一跤,才能知道你的位置

23、You are the only one in this word.每个人都是这个世界上唯一的花

24、Deep have been destroyed. 情深向来毁人。

25、To pretend do not love you 假装不爱你

26、No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude 再多的话语都是以悲伤为前奏

27、Reality is reality too 是现实太现实

28、Jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!圣诞哈皮!

29、[ - You are my lifelong lover.] 你是我终身爱人。

30、To annotate the essence of life with friendship. 用 友 情 诠 释 生 命 中 的 真 谛。

31、Death is so final.Whereas life,ah life is so full of possibilities.死了什么都没了而活着就有无限可能

32、A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (好友之间如同两个躯体而只有一个灵魂)

33、It is never too late to start again.重头开始永远不会晚。

34、All eyes are on the longing of his body.所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上。

35、It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure.能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征!

36、I will always love, even if you are not 我会一直爱,就算你不在

37、I left because you never asked me to stay. 我离开是因为你从未叫我留下。

38、So what if we fall down? At least we are still young. 摔倒了又怎样,至少我们还年轻。

39、There are something wrong with my head,so i love you.我的脑子有问题,所以我爱你。

40、He does not even know I exist. 他甚至,都不知道我的存在。

41、Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it 【若懂得笑看人生,生活其实很有趣。】

42、没经历过才笑别人的疤 Never had to laugh at other people.

43、I love you is always a secret 我爱你 一直都是个秘密

44、Do not follow the crowd,let the crowd follow you.不要随波逐流,要引领潮流。

45、来我城堡,当我的王 Come to my castle, when my king


All eyes are on the longing of his body.所有向往的目光都集中在他的身上。

It is good if you begin crying, that is the sign of cure.能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征!

I will always love, even if you are not 我会一直爱,就算你不在

I left because you never asked me to stay. 我离开是因为你从未叫我留下。

So what if we fall down? At least we are still young. 摔倒了又怎样,至少我们还年轻。

There are something wrong with my head,so i love you.我的脑子有问题,所以我爱你。

He does not even know I exist. 他甚至,都不知道我的存在。

Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it 【若懂得笑看人生,生活其实很有趣。】

没经历过才笑别人的疤 Never had to laugh at other people.

I love you is always a secret 我爱你 一直都是个秘密

Do not follow the crowd,let the crowd follow you.不要随波逐流,要引领潮流。

来我城堡,当我的王 Come to my castle, when my king

You are my Achilles heel . [ 你是我无法抗拒的弱点。]

Life must be lived with love, happiness, and dreams--活着一定要有爱,有快乐,有梦想。

I am me, a happy crazy, is not happy to keep quiet.--我就是我,一开心就疯疯癫癫,不开心就安安分分

蓝天都开始变得浑浊,眼泪怎么会清澈。 Are beginning to become cloudy sky, how the tears will clear.


就算我卑微,也有资格沉醉。Even if I am humble, also drunk

If love, please cherish. 若相爱,请珍惜。

I will be strong enough to make you feel bad.我会坚强的让你都心疼

Each of us is no longer the only 我们彼此不再是唯一

Zeal for you.对你狂热

Too many swindlers, fool obviously not enough骗子太多,傻子明显不够用了

Even if there is no end, I still love you 就算没有结局,我还是很喜欢你。

- Since I was young, time inclined negative. 我自是年少,韶华倾负

Heart is the knife stabbed himself to others.心软就是把刀递给了别人捅自己

I am never going back again. 我永远不再回头。

The details will tell you who is sincere to you.细节会告诉你谁是真心对你好。

You will never understand love if you are always sane. ~~~永远那么理智,就永远不会懂得爱情了。

We just met not to start (我们只是相遇未曾开始)

Put my name at the top of your list 让我成为你最在乎的人

Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met 将他遗忘好比去了解一个素未谋面的人那样

I thought you had feelings for me. 我以为你会对我有感觉

My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。

Only the sun can give me warm enough 只有太阳才能够给我足够的温暖

A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself. 朋友就是那些你敢在他们面前做自己的人

幸福的世界里……jest want to tell you……只想让你听到我的声音

,每个人都是super man!

I wait for you to come back. 我等你回来


I am waiting for a hug, hug all my uneasiness 我在等一个拥抱,拥抱我所有的不安

英文不太好,只会l love you。

Without you I can also live well every day. 没你我也可以过好每一天。

Your heart I will never touch the city.你的心是我永远触摸不到的城。

We draw further apart, but the same. 我们背道而驰,最后却殊途同归。

I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他就像我需要呼吸空气一样。

There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime. 有那么一瞬间,我们误以为是一辈子。

If I change shape, and you forget the time. 若不是我变了摸样,便是你淡忘了时光。

你曾给我的温暖,任何一个人都将无法代替。 You gave me the warm, anyone will not be replaced

Sure certain and affirmation, I already fell in love with you.确定一定以及肯定,我已经爱上你。

I have for you cry, from now on you do not deserve my smile.我曾为你哭过,从此你不配拥有我的微笑。

Rest in the Hope. 还有希望。

The memory of the past. 过去的回忆。

Lost In dreams and reality. 在梦想和现实中迷失了。

I can feel you near me. 我能感觉你就在我身边。

I am a big winner,always winner.我是大赢家,永远的大赢家。

Stop saying “I wish”, start saying “I will”。别再说“我希望”,开始说“我将要。

Your name is such ordinary but it affects my mood all round. 你那么平凡的名字却影响我那么多的情绪。

Do not say you love me, unless you really mean it.请不要轻易说爱我,除非你是认真的。

I wish you loved me . 但愿你爱过我

I am on your side, never leave[我在你身旁,未曾离开]

He as smile is the world as most gentle strength. (-他的笑是这世界上最温柔的力量。)

The place where you once were is now just a big,gaping hole。 你曾在我心上,现在空了一个大洞。

EXO//* you are the one in my life,you are the only one in my life °

I am not ignoring you. I am just waiting for you to talk to me first. ------ 我不是不理你,我只是在等

Is is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收

Music is my painkiller.音乐就是我的止痛药

The rain falls because the sky can not bear the weight of it.雨水落下来是因为天空无法承受它的重量

2104, love you forever!!! -- 2104,爱你一世!!!

without you I can be happy as usual 没有你我一样会很快乐

The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗

I am just a friend,and she is your everthing. 我只是一个朋友,而她成了你的一切。

Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag.谢谢你的微笑,曾慌乱过我的年华。

My love will shine我的爱人会发光

I did not stop loving you I just decidecided not to show my love 我没有停止爱你,我只是决定不再表现出来。

I love you because I need you ,but because I want you . 我爱你不是因为我想要你,而是我需要你。

I love you for long time 我喜欢你很久了。

Tears are the words which the heart can not say. 眼泪是心无法诉说的话语。

Can We Dance [ 这首歌,听完之后你肯定会回来的]

A Boy Can Do Evering For Girl 一个男孩可以为女孩做任何事情

Get over yourself. 别自以为是。

Destiny is sometimes cruel. 命运有时是残酷的。

Pure will loss ,Youth fades清纯即将流失 ,青春逐渐消失

Memory will fade, but my heart will go on 记忆总会褪色,而我心依旧。

生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。 life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what

从少不更事到心思缜密是一个薄凉的过程 From youth to careful is a thin cool process

Never forget who was with you from the start.永远不要忘记陪你开始的那个人。

am in the grip of madness。 我如痴如狂。

Christmas, I want to live with you, whether or not snow.圣诞节,我想和你一起过,不管下没下雪。

I know that my future is not just a dream.我的未来不是梦。

Love is the salt of life.爱情是生命的盐

Dear I love you for a lifetime 亲爱的我爱你一辈子

I have always been with you。我会一直待在你的身旁。

l love you to the moon and back . 我对你的爱穿越亿万光年

Nothing has gonna change my love for you.没有什么能改变我对你的爱。

Not all the people in your life are meant to stay.不是每个在你生命中的人,都一定会留下来。

Lose you win the world and how . 输了你赢了天下又如何

Let your past make you better, not bitter. 让你的过去推动你更多成长,而不是增添更多怨恨。

Sometimes it takes a really big fall to know where you stand. 有时候需要狠狠摔一跤,才能知道你的位置

You are the only one in this word.每个人都是这个世界上唯一的花

Deep have been destroyed. 情深向来毁人。

To pretend do not love you 假装不爱你

No amount of discourse is sadness for the prelude 再多的话语都是以悲伤为前奏

Reality is reality too 是现实太现实

Jingle bells, jingle bells,jingle all the way!圣诞哈皮!

[ - You are my lifelong lover.] 你是我终身爱人。

To annotate the essence of life with friendship. 用 友 情 诠 释 生 命 中 的 真 谛。

Death is so final.Whereas life,ah life is so full of possibilities.死了什么都没了而活着就有无限可能

A true friend is one soul in two bodies. (好友之间如同两个躯体而只有一个灵魂)

It is never too late to start again.重头开始永远不会晚。

梦里的我们还是旧时的模样有着最美好的时光 Old dream we had the best time of appearance

你是一场盛大的梦 梦醒了我能怪谁 You are a grand dream wake up I can blame

知道ABCDEFG是什么意思吗 A boy can do everythings for girl(一个男孩可以为一个女孩做任何事情)

just like the Christmas Day - EXO

你的名字是我久治不愈的病Votre nom est ma maladie en permanence.

他说爱你,又不是只爱你。He said I love you, not only love you.

谁寄言 :Angel lips,I got my Iost in youth in the hickey

I apply to get into your life . 我申请,加入你的人生。

Softhearted is sick, but you are life. 心软是病,可你是命



Looking forward to meet you in the future.


You, that I don't love others reason.


You don't love me, I don't want you.


Because, to let go is to have everything.


The wound is yesterday, the happiness is tomorrow.


No one loves the people, in the United States will be drawn.


I admit that I close my eyes, and I'm so serene.


You had to say goodbye, but we do not see again.


I was curious to laugh, because I thought of you.


My heart has a gap, but also keep your memory.


With the opening and dispute, rather than anything.


The one who loves you most is me, how do you make me sad.


Memories are still warm, but the commitment has been cooling.


No matter how good the telescope, also can not see the edge of happiness.


Have you found that the more you love him, the more he will not love you.


Love is not charity, it can not easily give out.


Sometimes, we fall in love is not he, but memories.


Your signature calls for you to love her, and she says she loves you.


You give my love is not in, but I still waiting for you to come back.


Time is not to let people forget the pain, it just makes people used to pain.


Right. I just like you. I'm afraid of myself.


Love a person who does not love you, just like a boat at the airport.


I'm not who you are, why care who I am.


Friends say I'm crazy, I answer: I was not normal.


I want, not a short tender, but a lifetime of waiting.


When my heart is floating, can settle down.


We have a patient attitude, free, lonely.


Why some people can do not like you, and I can not.


Thinking that they can forget, but only their own.


This world will not collapse because of any one person.


All my courage and perseverance, is your silence to reject.


Not to leave the time, let the love open flowers The end of life.


Even if I love you, but I will also show than the stranger.


I swear that I will live with a smile, let all of you love dearly.


Love is the eternal, the aspect may change, but not the essence.


With me you are nothing short of nothing, the heart will know that the rejection.


Most of the time you can doubt me, except I love you.


Even though we did not meet in the next second, we will meet again in a second.


You know that I am not good at words do not understand why you want to stay away.


Unconditional love, unconditional trust, I understand the deep love.


I think time is the best recipe, can cure all skin trauma.


I'd rather be your beast, so that I can overcome all difficulties.


Because once loved a crazy, so see you still smile and silence.


The sad words do not, you have to love you.


Love is always a man, the woman is always passionately devoted.


Always rip moment, in order to reflect the beauty of its The imprint is engraved on my heart.


I believe you blindly, whether it is true or false, I only know that I love you.


The world is full of the chance that we meet, but I still can't meet you,


I miss is no words not to say, I miss is a good time.


We can have the closest distance, is the one that pass by.


A single SLR, a photo of a lover, a said to walk the heart.


Did not want to have a day, will be more humble as you treat those who.


In the past he or you can not forget, now I just his replacement.


Every heart to love the people, will be the fate of the most gentle care.


We are always in the fragile, will think of the memory of the accident was lost.


The happiest thing in the world is to smile and listen to your love.


Love life all childish, disguise the love and innocence.


Is not a person to make me worry, but I take someone's words and deeds to trouble yourself.


Silently follow the beat of time, the once beautiful past and then remember again.


I am to you, perhaps just a field accident; you for me, is a love.。


The feeling of being misunderstood by people who have been trusted by themselves is a feeling of broken heart.


Life is not what you look for, it is what you do!


The old man doesn't mean anything else, but it means not to be afraid of the past.


You left, I promise I am half, on the right bank, lose life feelings.


I hope our name can be written together, whether it is the invitation or tombstone.


I just like the deserted place, like I always like to not love to talk to people.


I never knew, you love me and want to leave me, should be so good to me.


You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.


You have to find something that makes you stand on the ground with your feet.


Friendship or love, there are always some people in the pack, I really want to say: I am very tired.














11.习惯 像永不愈合 的固执伤痕 、 一思念就撕裂灵魂













24.我和你不再联系 希望你不要介意 要怪就怪当初没在一起 而你对现在也比较满意 所以我留下来也没有道理















39.距离产生的真的不是美 而是小三


41.阿狸说 , 这世界好宽 ,让孤独好满


43.男人苦点没事 别苦了跟你一辈子的女人。

44.我站在你看的到的天空里 你只需抬头就可以了

45.音乐停止的瞬间 , 听见自己的哭声 很清晰 。

46.很久以前 如果我们爱下去 会怎样。






52.别问她为什么不爱你 她凭什么爱你






3、虽然我的个子不高 但是如果天真的塌下来 你蹲下 我帮你扛






9、1471天 我们在一起四年了 Nobody could ever replace you.

10、- 對于你的定義,安甯、滿足、幸福。







17、- 被爱是一种奢侈的享受


19、︶ ̄亲爱的,再美好的事物,也象征不出我有多爱你。






















