Unit 7

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Unit 7(共7篇)由网友“inhua”投稿提供,下面小编给大家带来Unit 7,希望能帮助到大家!

Unit 7

篇1:Unit7 Weather

let’s learn

language focus:

using nouns to identify clothing: e.g. hats, gloves

using adjective to express how you feel: e.g. cold

using nouns to identify season and weather: e.g. winter wind snow

language skills:


locate specific information un response to simple instructions.


pronounce words properly

learn the names and sounds of the letter: : l, l


students book, cassette and a cassette player, a puppet, workbook

pre-task preparation:

1 hold up a puppet and say you r cold. you must wear a hat. put a hat on the puppet. it says “thank you.” continue putting toy clothing on the puppet until it has a hat, a pair of gloves and a scarf on.

2  point to the hat , the gloves and the scarf on the puppet and say the words. repeat for students to follow.

while-task procedure:

1  put the vocabulary picture cards on your desk. say the words and invite individual students top come up and pick out the right card.

2  put up the picture card for “hats” on the board, and put the word card next to it. read the word several tines and ask the students to repeat. do the same with the other 6 new words.

3  open the student’s book. play the cassette tape. ask the students to point to the relevant pictures and repeat the words.

4  put up the picture and word cards on the board in the random order. ask individual students to come up and rearrange them by putting the word cards below their corresponding picture cards, as shown in their student’s book.

5  show students the picture card for “light” and say light begins with the sound “i”. show the word card for “light” and say “l”  ”light ”. repeat. show alphabet cards “l’ and “l”. have students compare the capital letter “l” with the small letter “l”. play the tape for the students to follow in their books

post-task activity

draw the outline of sam on the board. put the pictures for the clothing vocabulary items on the table. have individual students come up and put the clothing items ob sam with magnets. then stick the corresponding words next to the picture cards.


Period 1

Step 1 1. Questions:

Warming-up 1) What are cultural relics?

The Great Wall in China; The Pyramids in Egypt; Stonehenge in England

2) What do they have in common?

They are all very old and are all symbols of their countries and their cultures. They are very important to their countries. They once had a practical importance (burial site, defence, magic / superstition). Now people from all over the world go to visit these places.

3) What does the phrase Cultural relics mean?

relic: something that has survived the passage of time, especially an object or a custom whose original culture has disappeared; something cherished for its age or historic interest.

4) Do you know any other cultural relics in China or in the world?

2. Some information about:

1) The Pyramids in Egypt

2) The Great Wall in Chins

3) Stonehenge in England

When they were built

What they were built for

Stonehenge is a circle of large standing stones located near Salisbury, in Wiltshire, England. People began to build the site about 3,100 BC. It is not clear who built it.

Step 2 1. Listen to the description of the three cultural

Listening sites and fill in the table.

2. Go over the listening exercise on Page 121 to make the Ss know what to do as homework.

Step 3 1. Go over listening exercise on Page 121.

Homework 2. Go over Speaking on Page 44 and fill in the


3. Think about cultural sites in Nanjing and what

should be done to protect them.

Period 2

Step 1 1. Check the Listening exercise on Page 121.

Listening 2. Go over Part 2 by discussing in groups. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Step 2 1. Work in Groups to discuss what to be put in the

Speaking culture capsule. And give the reasons why these thing should be put in it.

Things that can be put in the culture capsule:

A Chinese painting, doll, the globe, a tool, a CD/DVD, a letter

2. Report to the whole class.

Step 3 1. Go over Talking on Pages 121 ~ 122.

Talking 2. Check the answer with the whole class.

Step 4 1. Go over the Pre-reading questions on Page 45

Homework and answer them.

2. Read the text and finish Ex 2 in Post-reading on

Page 46.

Period 3

Step 1 1. Discuss the questions in pairs.

Pre-reading 2. Check the answers to the questions with the

whole class.

1) A great city has a long history;

usually the capital of a country;

has a large population;

something important once took place here;

some great people once lived here or are living here

2) the food, the people, the weather;

modern and beautiful;

the place where I was born and grew up

3) They tell us who our ancestors were and what their life was like;

They show the development of human civilization;

They help us better understand who we are and where we are from

3. More questions:

1) Do you know what cultural relics in our city

are under the protection of the country? How

are they protected?

2) How many cultural sites in China have been

listed in the world Heritage List by


3) If you were a UNESCO official and wanted

to add some cultural sites in China onto the

world Heritage List, which relics would you

suggest? Why?

Step 2 1. Explain the title of the text:

Reading What can we know from the title of the text


What is the text mainly about when we read

the title of it? About a city or about the

heroes of the city?

1) What is the name of the city? (St Petersburg)

2) Who are the heroes of the city? (Both Peter the Great and the people of St Petersburg.)

3) What is the difference between A City of

Heroes and Heroes of a City? ( A City of Heroes focuses on a city, where there are many heroes; while Heroes of a City focuses on heroes. Who live in a city. So the text mainly tells about the city of St Petersburg.)

2. Read the text and go over Part 2 in Post-

reading. Ask the Ss to correct the false


3. Listen to the tape of the text and go over Part

1 in Post-reading.

Step 3 1. Read the text and find out useful phrases and

Homework sentence patterns in it.

2. Read the text and find out the topic sentence

in each paragraph.

3. Finish Part 1 and Part 2 in Vocabulary on

Pages 122~123.

Period 4

Step 1 Ask the Ss to read the text paragraph by para-

Revision graph and point out the topic sentence in each


Step 2 Paraphrase some phrases and sentences in the

Reading text.

1. Where there is a river, there is a city.

Where here is used to introduce an adverbial clause of place (= in / at / to + the place + where-clause)

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Where there is smoke, there is fire.

Where bees are, there is honey.

I like to live where the climate is warm.

I found your jacket where you had put it.

They marked the spot where the treasure was buried.

2. It was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never give in.

Be under + n.

The road is under repair and is closed to motor traffic.

The woman injured in the car crash is still under treatment in hospital.

As the matter is under discussion, I can’t give you a definite answer now.

The police are under fire from all sides for failing to deal with the problem.

3. Restoring the city and its cultural relics seems impossible, but the people of this great city would not give up.

Seem + adj. / n. / to be / to do / …

It seems that / as if + clause.

He seems quite pleased with your work.

It seems that he is quite pleased with your work.

They seem to have a high opinion of you.

It seems that they have a high opinion of you.

Tom came to see you this morning. He seemed (to be) tired. / It seemed that he was tired.

He seems to have been here before.

It seems that he has been here before.

Yesterday I met a man who seemed (to be) a famous director. / to be a director.

She doesn’t seem / seems not to be at home.

4. “We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we will do everything we can to save out city.”

5. Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis came could now be used to rebuild the city and its culture.

6. It was difficult to save the palaces without destroying their old beauty.

7. Old painting, including a portrait of Peter the Great which was found in the snow outside St Petersburg, have been carefully recreated, and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past.

8. Today Peter the Great on his bronze horse can once again look out over the city he built.

9. Strong, proud, and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.

Step 3 1. Read the text again and again.

Homework 2. Go over Language Study on Pages 46~47.

Period 5

Step 1 1. Go over Part 1 in Word Study.

Word Study More words that begin with re-:

replace, redo, recover, redouble, remarry,


2. Go over Part 2 in Word Study.

3. Go over Part 1 and Part 2 on Pages 122~123.

Step 2 1. Go over Part 1 in Grammar on Page 123.

Grammar 2. Go over the Passive Voice on Page 47.

3. Go over Part 2 and art 3 in Grammar on

Pages 123 ~ 124.

Step 3 Preview the text on Pages 124 ~ 125 and

Homework finish the exercises about the text.

Period 6

Step 1

篇3:Unit7《 Follow me》


本单元我利用网络资源,结合本文教学内容改编了一首儿歌,用在课前的“warm up”部分,希望能够在带动学生学习积极性的同时,加深学生对单词的记忆。rhyme:

clap, clap, clap your hands.

shake, shake, shake your hands.

roll, roll, roll your hands.

wingle, wingle, wingle your hands.

hands up.

hands down.

follow me.

turn around.



touch your mouth.   (手指嘴巴)

touch your nose.   (手指鼻子)

touch your ear.   (手指耳朵)

touch your eye     (手指眼睛)

touch your ……











篇4:Unit7 my family

aims  and  demand ;

this  is  my ......

h ave   you   got  ......?

no , i  have  got  a   ......

teaching   process;

step1;1, sing  a  song  < read  read  ......>

2, freetalk   3---4组同学上来用我们学过的知识做个小对话,表演的好的奖励贴画。

3,t; classs  begin

s; stand  up ,please ,good morning  miss liu

t; goodmorning   everyone  , how  are  you ?

s;fine ,thank  you ,and  you ?

t ; i'm  fine  too .sit  down please .

step2;  review some words   about   “ father   ,mother , brother  , sister  ”

1,t ;  look   at   this    picture  [在黑板上挂一副家庭成员图]问学生

''who  is  he ?''

s ;father [让一个学生站起来回答]

t; ok , very  good  ,follow   him \her three times 开火车让1---3 行学生读最后一一起读。

2,t; 指妈妈问''who   is  she  ?''

s; mother  ,together read  it ,在让个别不不太熟的学生站起来读。


4,  四个小组一个一个读'sister'


step3;review  this  is  ...老师指着自己的胳膊,脸 ,手,眼,书等等东西引导学生练习句型''this  is  ......''

并引出''this   is  my  father  \mother  \sister \brother ''1.老师指图片大家说句子,在叫几个学生上来指图片,其他人说句子,2.英----汉互译看谁反应快''

step4 ; t ; 指着brother 让学生读句子this  is  my  brother  这时老师指着一个反应较快的学生说;have    you    got    a  brother  ?并把此句型写在黑板上

s;  yes   ,i  have  got   a  brother 老师引导着问几个程度好的同学,然后开火车练习句型"have   you   got   a  father  \mother  \brother \sister ?''把回答的两种情况都写在黑板上''yes   or   no  ''




最后一个一个演出来。  板书

this  is  my ...... 1 2 3  4

have    you   got   a   ......?

yes  , i  have  got  a......

no    , i   have   got  a......


(Warming-up, Listening and Speaking)

Teaching aims:

1. To bring the Ss into the general topic of this unit “ Cultural relics” and let them get to know some cultural relics all around world, esp in China.

2. To enable the Ss to learn to use the ways of giving advice or making suggestions while fulfilling some tasks.

3. To arouse the Ss’ awareness of protecting the precious cultural relics.


To finish all of these three parts within 45 minutes seems rather impossible. Therefore, some exercises of

the listing part have to be omitted, which, to some extent, are not closely connected with the central topic of this period.

Teaching Methods:

task-oriented teaching method ; communicative teaching method

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greeting and Leading

(Having a chat with the students in English)

Hello, class. Nice to meet you here. Do you know me? Can you guess where I come from?

(After receiving some guesses, the teacher points out the place “Mazhan”)

Do you know there is a famous place in Mazhan which many people like to visit, esp in summer?

(Yuliao Seashore)

Step 2 Brainstorming

1.Besides Yuliao, can you try to name some other famous places in Cangnan County?

(Yucang Mt. Haikou Seashore, …..)

2. Actually, there are tens of thousands of wonderful places worth visiting all over the world. Some of

them are closely connected with local culture and history, so people call them “Cultural Relics”, such

as the Palace Museum in Beijing .and Mount. Tai)

Put the phrase underlined on the Bb and explain it indirectly by raising examples)

3. Now I’d like to show you three famous cultural relics in the world. Now please open your books to

Page 43 and tell each other:

Q1. What are they?

Q2. Where are they?

Q3. What one would you like to visit first? Why?

What do you want to know about it?

4. ( Some students may say they want to visit the Great Wall most, because it is in China and it is

much easier to visit it Therefore, the teacher can continue this topic)

Well, class. There are also a great many cultural relics in China. Can you tell us some you know?

Step 3: Listening

1. All right, you do know many, but there are still some you may not know, but they are of the same importance to Chinese people. Now I’d like to show you some.

2. Encourage the Ss to listen to the tape and take notes, finishing the following form:

Name of the site Why is it important?

1 The Winter Palace Tell how people live in the past

2 The Sunshine Temple 1. an important part of our history

2. Many important things happened there

3. Many important people have written about it

3 Mt. Lushan 1. an important part of China’s history

2. Many people have been here.

(Play each listening script twice. The first time is for the Ss to catch the name and try to understand the material. The second time is for them take notes to show “Why is it important?”)

Step 4: Speaking

1. As you can see, China is really well-known to the whole world, with so many great cultural relics. But how can we make other people in the outer-space get to know China and hard-working Chinese people. …Why not make a large box (about 2X2 metres)with your partner, with things inside that can show Chinese culture ,together with a two-sentence message in English ,and send it into the space.

But what things can be small enough and show Chinese culture at the same time?

(Draw a large box on the Bb and collect as many things from the Ss as possible, such as, silk clothes,

writing brush, tea, a dragon model, chopsticks, Chinese facial arts…)

2. Wow, there are so many things, but we can only put five of them into the large box. What would you like to choose for your own box? Why? Well, have a talk with your desk-mate. Here are some expressions which may be helpful to you in your discussion.

Asking for suggestions Making suggestions

*What shall we put in your opinion?

*Can’t we put in…?

*Should we put in…?

*Which do you think is the more suitable thing to

put in?

*… *Let’s put in…

*Maybe we could put in…

*I think we’d better put in…

*I’d like to choose…

*What/How about…?

*Why don’t you/ not put in…?

(Shown on the slide)

3. Divide the class into pairs, letting them discuss and collect the information, and write down the five things they decide to put in as well as the reasons, including what to write.

things you want to put in reasons


4. Call some pairs to show the class their work.

Step 5. Further-discussion

You see, class. Our country is really great with so many wonderful places (pointing to the example

places on the Bb), so if we have time, we should have a good look. But the problem is how we can be a

polite visitor while visiting a scenic spot.

What should we do? / What shouldn’t we do?

(Encourage the Ss to offer suggestions actively and put some typical ones on the Bb serving as a


Step 6. Homework

1. Write a report about how to be a polite tourist.

2. Make a dialogue with the desk-mate, using ways of making suggestions.

3. Preview “Reading”

Self-comments on teaching

1. The arrangement of the procedures was reasonable, in my point of view, and the transition from one step to another was smooth. What I thought better of are the Warming-up and Speaking parts.

2. The co-operation between the Ss and the teacher is fairly good. However, due to their poor oral ability, the Ss feel too nervously to understand what the teacher said or to air their views, which forced the teacher to “waste” some time to explain the tasks or encourage them to take it easy. As a result, the teacher had to finish Step 5 in a hurry.

3. On the whole, if the teacher had explained less and given the Ss more time to think by themselves or exchange their opinions with their partners, this class would have been made better.

篇6:高一 unit7 reading

Teaching plan

Senior English for China Student’s Book 1A Unit 7 Reading

Teaching aims:

Ⅰ. Knowledge:

1. Get some information about St Petersburg and how people recover the destroyed city and cultural relics.

2. Words and useful expressions. restore, replace, recreate, in ruins, under attack, give in, in pieces, bring…back to life, come true, under attack

3. Some grammar points. Word formation: re-; Present perfect passive voice.

Ⅱ. Feelings and attitudes:

1. Get the students to know that the cultural relics are rare. It is hard to recover if they are destroyed.

2. Get the students to realize that the power of the people is so great. They can overcome the difficulties and make something impossible possible.

3. We should do something in our daily life to stop the damage. Some damages are caused by human beings.

Ⅲ. Ability:

1. Enable the students to get key information after reading.

2. Develop students’ cooperation spirit.

3. Improve their reading and analyzing abilities.


1. The understanding of the whole text

2. How to get the right answers in skimming.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Greeting

Step2 Pre-reading. (7 minutes)

Review the topic: culture relics and sites students have learned in the previous lessons. Then raise some questions discussed by students of group four. Give them 3 minutes to prepare. Present some pictures of some famous cities, so the students’ attention is attracted on the topic

Questions: 1. As we all know, there are many great cities in the world, such as Beijing, Pairs, New York etc. in your opinion, what makes these cities great?

2. What’s your favorite city? Why?

3. What cultural relics are there in your hometown? How important are they?

Choose 3 or 4 students to answer each question. (4 minutes)

Hints: 1. The capital of a country/ centre of transportation/ with large population/ some important events happened in that city./ some great people have been there,etc.

2.The reason: nice weather/ beautiful scenery/ special custom/ hometown,etc.

3.Yue Temple, Bai Causeway, Su Causeway, Li Ying Temple, etc. They are important parts of Hangzhou’s history.

Goals: These questions are aimed at cultivating student’s speaking ability and the way of thinking and also spirit of teamwork.

Step3 Skimming (5 minutes)

Give students 3 minutes to go through the passage as fast as possible while the tape should be played in order to limit the time of reading. Students can underline or circle important words and sentences. After that, give them some simple questions to answer.

1. When was St Petersburg built and who built it?(300 years ago, Russian Czar Peter the Great.)

2. In 1941, who tried to destroy the city? ( Germans.)

3.When the Nazis had gone, what did the people of St Petersburg do? ( Rebuild the city.)

4.How can we describe the people of St Petersburg do? (Strong, proud and united.)

Then do the Exercise Two in post reading: True or False questions.

Goals: Train students’ reading speed and develop their ability of getting key information.

Teach some new words: the Neva River, the Russian Czar, Peter the Great, St Petersburg.

These words should be explained in accordance with certain background. That is to say, let student know something about Russian history.

Step4 Scanning (19 minutes)

Ⅰ Deal with the important words, expressions and some grammar points.(3 minutes)

Word: restore, replace, recreate, in ruins, under attack, give in, in pieces, bring…back to life, come true, under attack.

Sentences: where is a river, there is a city. It is true that…. Do everything we can to do something, be located in, be an important part of one’s history.

Grammar: the present perfect passive voice.

Goals: Grasp the useful expressions, language points, important sentence structures and grammar points. This can help students understand the text more easily.

ⅡAsk students to read the text carefully paragraph by paragraph in 5 minutes and find out topic sentence of each paragraph. Finally, encourage them to summarize the general idea of each paragraph. As for each question, give student 5 minutes to discuss in groups.


1. Why do people think St Petersburg is a great city?

2. Why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?

3. What did people use to help them rebuild the city?

4. Why are the people of St Petersburg heroes?

Choose several students to answer. (6 minutes)

Possible answers:

1. People think that St Petersburg is a great city because it was built by a great Russian Czar and has been the center of many important historic events. More importantly, it survived the Germans attack in 1941 and its people did everything they could to make it as beautiful as it once was.

2. The palaces were so badly damaged in the war that people thought it was almost impossible to rebuild them. Few modern Russian artists knew exactly what the palaces looked like and there were many missing parts and pieces. The project, restoring the former glory of the city, required hard work, patience and devotion.

3. The Russian artists used old paintings and photographs to rebuild St Petersburg.

4. The people of St Petersburg are heroes because they have made something impossible possible. They have successfully rebuilt the palaces without destroying their old beauty. With hard work, patience, devotion and love for their cultural relics, they have shown that dreams can come true.

Goals: These questions are raised to train students’ ability of summarizing, organizing and cooperation as well as to achieve the ethic aims

Step 5 free asking (3 minutes)

Give students 3 minutes to ask whatever they don’t understand after reading the text. Ask other students to give the answer if they can. If they can’t work out these problems, teacher helps them.

Goals: this step shows the students-centred principle. Students find out the problems and solve it actively.

Step6 Consolidation(3 minutes)

Fill in the blanks.

300 years ago, the Russian Czar Peter the Great built a new ________---St Petersburg. It has been the center of many important _________ in history. In 1941, it was under ______ for 900 days, but the people never ________ ________. After the Germans left, the city was almost in ________. People decided to ________ the city. It was ________ to save the palaces and buildings without _________ their old beauty. With the ______ of old paintings and photographs, people were able to _______ ________ the beauty of their culture and history. Strong, proud and _______, the people of St Petersburg are modern ________ of Russia.

Goals: Help students review the content of the text as well as some important words and expression.

Step7 Further discussion. (7 minutes)

Now, many cultural relics are destroyed by human beings. We know the power of people is great. So is their power of damaging. We should do our best to prevent this situation from going worse. For high school students, we should protect everything nearby, for example, at school or in the public place where we go. Think about what we can do to stop the damage. (4 minutes). Ask several students to express their ideas. (3 minutes).

Goals: Achieve the third aim of feelings and attitudes. At the same time, the ability of speaking, words organization and cooperation is trained.

Step 8 Conclusion. (2 minutes)

Through the discussion, we can see the importance of protection. We must do our best to stop damaging in our daily life. If everyone makes efforts, the world will be better and better.

Goals: Get the students to understand what our duties are. Achieve the ethic aims.

Step9 homework (1 minute)

1. Do exercise 2 and 4 in scanning part on the exercise book.

2. Say something about St Petersburg using your own words.

Goals: Consolidate the knowledge they’ve learned. Check their efficiency in class. Develop their ability of organization of sentences.

篇7:Unit7 Living with disease

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: defenseless, illness, treatment, liquid, unprotected, sex, lack, proper, discourage, cheer, cheer up, network, specialist

2. Train the students’ reading ability.

3. Practise talking about imaginary situation.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the following words and phrases: a lack of, cheer up, deal with, wish, as if

2. Understand the text exactly.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help the students understand the text exactly, especially some sentences with special verb-forms used in the Subjunctive Mood.

Teaching Methods:

1. Pre-reading activity to predict what the text tells about.

2. Fast-reading to get a general idea and careful reading to further understand the text.

3. Post reading to check the students’ understanding of the text.

4. Explaining to help the students understand the text better.

Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. a projector

3. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2 Revision and Lead-in

T: Yesterday we had an AIDS quiz, by which we’ve known more about AIDS. Can you tell me

if AIDS is curable?

Ss: No, it’s incurable, but it can be treated.

T: Do people with HIV look different from anyone else?

Ss: No.

T: Can only bad people get AIDS?

Ss: No.

T: Is it safe to be friends with people who are living with AIDS?

Ss: Yes.

T: Very good. Today we are going to read a text about a person living with AIDS. First, let’s

learn the new words in this period. Look at the screen.

( Teacher shows the screen and deals with them briefly. )

Step 3 Reading

T: Well, so much for the new words. Before reading the text, please write down four questions

you think will be answered in the text. I give you two minutes to prepare. Then I’ll collect

your questions.

Predicated questions:

1. What kind of person is he/she?

2. How did he/she get AIDS?

3. Can people contact him/her?

4. Does he/she feel discouraged?

( After that )

T: Ok. Now read the text at Page 51 quickly and find the answers to the questions you listed

just now. If there are any questions that the text did not answer, try to think why those

questions were not answered . Are you clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: You can begin now.

( After a while, teacher asks some students to answer their predicated questions. )

Suggested answers:

1. She is 15-year-old teenager.

2. She got AIDS through birth.

3. Yes, they can.

4. No, she doesn’t.

T: Well done. Now, please read it carefully again and add more questions to your list so that

you have at least one question for each of the main points in the text. Then work in pairs to

ask your partner to answer your questions.

You can begin now.

( Teacher may check their work a few minutes later.)

Suggested questions and answers:

1. Q: What kind of disease in AIDS?

A: AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person

defenseless against infections and illness.

2. Q: Where is the disease spreading faster? And why?

A: In Africa and parts of Asia. Mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention

and education.

3. Q: Which kind of people suffers the most?

A: The young.

4. Q: What did Xiao Hua decide to do after she knew she got AIDS?

A: She decided to use the limited time she has left to do something to help others.

5. Q: Is the disease the only thing that AIDS patients have to suffer from?

A: No. They also have to deal with people’s fear of the disease.

6. Q: What is the best way to show that you care about AIDS patients?

A: Giving an AIDS patient a hug.

T: Well, now please scan the reading passage and find out the difference between AIDS and

HIV and the ways of AIDS spreading.

( Teacher allows the students to read for a while, and then check the answers. )

T: Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Who’d like to tell the difference between AIDS and HIV?

S1: Let me have a try. HIV is the virus that caused AIDS. AIDS is a kind of incurable disease. people get AIDS after having been infected with HIV virus.

T: Thank you. Sit down. In what way does AIDS spread? Any volunteer?

S2: AIDS spreads through blood and other body liquids. People transmit HIV by having unprotected sex, by receiving infected blood transfusions or through birth.

T: Well done. Now let’s learn some useful phrases in the text. Look at the screen.

( Teacher shows the screen and gives brief explanations. )

1. break down: cause sth. To collapse; destroy sth.

e.g. How can we break down the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two communities?

2. a lack of: absence or shortage ( of sth. that is needed )

e.g. The poor girl felt lonely because of a lack of care.

The project had to be abandoned for lack of funds.

3. cheer(…) up: ( cause sb. to become happier or more cheerful

e.g. Try and cheer up a bit; life isn’t that bad!

You look as though you need cheering up (= to be cheered up ).

4. suffer from: feel pain, discomfort, great sorrow, etc.

e.g. Do you suffer from headaches?

5. deal with: attend to ( a problem , task , etc )

e.g. You dealt with an awkward situation very tactfully.

( Bb: break down, a lack of, cheer (…) up, suffer from, deal with)

( After explaining the phrases, teacher says the following.)

T: So much for the phrases. If you still have any difficulty in understanding the text, you can ask


S: Why in some sentences “were” is used after “ I wish” , “as if ”, “if” ?

T: Oh, you are careful. I’ll explain to you. Here “were” is used as the subjunctive form to talk about events and situations which are not certain to happen---which we hope will happen, or imagine might happen or want to happen. For example, the sentences “I wish I could remember more about my mum.” means “It is a great pity that I don’t remember much about my mum.” The sentences “If I were to become a doctor, helping these AIDS patients, but I can’t, because I won’t live long enough to have a job.” The sentence “… not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.” means “ I hope people don’t treat me as a bad or dangerous person.” Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: Well, now please listen the tape and try to understand it further. Then read it aloud for a while and talks about these two questions on the screen in groups of four.

( Teacher shows the questions on the screen. )

1. How do you think you would react it you were Xiao Hua?

2. How should we act towards people who have AIDS? What can we do to help them?

( After the students listen to the tape and talk about the question for a few minutes, teacher asks some students to give their opinions. )

T: Well, stop. Who’d like to give us your opinion about the first question? Volunteers?

S1: If I were Xiao Hua, I might be discouraged, but after I read the story about her, I think I should try to live like her and do some meaningful things for the AIDS patients and their society.

S2: If I were Xiao Hua. I think I would appreciate every minutes of each day before my death and leave my smiles to my friends and patients.

S3: …

T: What about the second question?

S4: We should not have the wrong attitude towards people who have AIDS. Don’t consider them as bad and dangerous persons and look down upon them. On the contrary, we should try our best to help them and care about them. We can help to spread the knowledge about AIDS, such as the major ways for HIV to spread and prevention and treatment treasure. This way, AIDS patients would feel less lonely and more people can be prevented from being infected.

S5: …

T: You all did very well. Thank you. Sit down, please.

Step 5 Summary and Homework

T: In the class, we’ve not only learned more about AIDS, but also learnt how to act towards people who have AIDS. We should call on all the people to fight against AIDS. Besides, we’ve learned some useful words and phrases as well as some useful structures with the Subjunctive Mood used in it. After class, please read the text more times to make sure you’ve really understood it and master the useful language points.

Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

the Blackboard

Unit 7 Living with disease

1. Useful expressions:

beak down, a lack of, cheer (…) up, deal with, suffer from

2. Sentence structures:

I wish/as if …were

If I were… , …











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