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1.be able to (do) 能(做),会(做)

be able to在JIII-37 已学过,它和can意思相近,但be able to 可有更多的时态形式,还可和情态词连用,也可用于不定式等短语中,例如:

1) Are you able to come tomorrow? (=Can you come tomorrow?)


2)I'm afraid he won't be able to go to school today.


3)I was able to catch what he said.


4)We haven't been able to find her.


5) You are better able to do it than I am.


6) He must be able to do it.


7) I would like very much to be able to read, but I'm too old to learn.


2. be made of…用(某种原料)做的,用…制成

be made in…在(某地)制造

1)This knife is made of metal and wood.


2)This necklace is made of glass.


3)These flowers are made of paper.


4) This watch is made in Switzerland.


5) These bicycles are made in China.


3. be used for…被用来(作某种用途)


1)The knife is used for cutting things.


2) English is widely used for business.


3) The hall was used for our party.


4) Bamboo can be used for building.


be used as…被用作


1) English is used as the second language in that country.


2) The card is used as a bookmark.


3) He was used as a stepping stone.


4)English is used as the first language by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


be used by…被…所使用


1) English is used by travellers and business people all over the world.


2) French is used by some Canadians as their first language.


3) Bicycles are widely used by us.


4. leave school离开学校,毕业

中等学校毕业常说 leave school或 finish school。

l)When did you leave school?


2)He left school at the age of eighteen.


3)Mary left school last year and is work in a shop.


4)She has just left Lu Xun Middle School.


5.lock vt.锁,锁上

1)I closed and locked the door.


2)He found that the door was locked.


3)All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.


lock用作不及物动词( Vi)时,说明或强调句中主语(事物)由于本身的原因而能否


1) This door won't lock.


2) The box locks easily.



1)The lock is broken.


2) You lock the door by turning the key in the lock.


6. make a telephone call(to sb)(给某人)打电话

1) I'd like to make a telephone call to Mr Brown.


2) Half the world's telephone calls are made in English.


“打电话”还常用 call,ring,phone(=telephone),give a call/ring等。例如:

1) I must go and telephone him.


2) She phoned to say she couldn't come.


3) We telephoned him to ask if he could come to the party.


4) I'll call yon later.


5) Shall I ring him up?


6) Give me a call tomorrow.


7) Ring me(up) at three.


8) Why don't you give him a ring?


7.produce vt.生产,制造

1) Australia produces wool and meat.


2) This factory produces 1000 cars a week.


3) Much of the salt that we use is produced from the sea.


4) A hen produces eggs, and a cow produces milk.


8. all over the world全世界

此外 all over意为“整个”、“遍及”。“遍布”。“在…各地(in every part of)。例如:

1) These modern cars are used all over the world.


2)We have friends all over the world.


3)Soon the news is all over Britain.


4) The snow was all over the ground.


5) I've looked all over the house.


6) I have travelled all over China many, many times in my life.


around the world 在世界范围内

此处介词 around意为”在…范围内“。例如:

1) He spent a week travelling around the country.


2) Most business letters around the world are written in English.


3) I travelled around the world for a few years.


9. else adv.别的,其它的


①Did you see anybody else(=any other persons)?


②Ask somebody else to help you.


③Nothing else(=Nothing more), thank you.


2)else还可用在副词somewhere, anywhere, nowhere的后边,起状语作用。例如:

①It's too noisy here. Let's go somewhere else.


②You can't get it anywhere else.


3)else可用在疑问代词 who, whose, what等后面(但不能用在 which后);也可用在疑问副词 when, where, how, why等后面。例如:

①Who else wants a ticket for Sunday?


@What else do you want?


③Where else did you go?


④I can't come on Tuesday.When else can we meet?


10.glass n.玻璃杯;玻璃




a glass(玻璃杯) glass(玻璃)

a paper(报纸;试卷;论文) paper(纸)

a chicken(小鸡) chicken(鸡肉)

a life(生命) life(生活)

1)I broke a glass this morning. Glass is made from sand.

今天早上我打碎了一个玻璃杯。 玻璃是由沙子制造的。

2)What do the papers say? Paper is made from wood.

报上说些什么? 纸是由木材制成的。

3)He ate a whole chicken! Would you like some chicken?

他吃了整整一只鸡! 你要吃点儿鸡肉吗?

11.none pron.没有任何人或东西,一个人也没有

none的意思是 no one; no person; not any。它既可用于可数名词(须是指两个以上的人或物),又可用于不可数名词。none在句中起名词作用。当none在匈中用作主语时,如果代替的是可数名词,则谓语用单数或复数;如果代替不可数名词,则谓语只能用单数。注意 none后可接of结构。例如:

1) None of them spoke English except Tom.


2) None of his friends has/have ever been to Paris.


3) None of the money is his.


4)一How many fish did you catch?你捉了多少条鱼?


5) He understood none of the lecture.


6) I like none of the music.


7) English is the first language in none of these countries.


no one和nobody意思一样,均指人,表示两个以上的人里”没有…人“。它们只能用


1) No one wished him a happy birthday.


2) No one wants to make friends with him.


3) There was nobody to look after the child.



I've read no one of his books. (误)

I've read none of his books. (正)他的书我一本都没读过。

I haven't tead any of his books. (正)

12. the number of……的数(量)


l)The number of students in our class is 45.


2)The number of cars we need is 20.


3) Do you know the number of girls coming to the party?


4) Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world?


比较:a number of一些,若干(some;several)


A number of students have been there.


13.That is why we are learning English in China.


句中划线部分为表语从句,由连接副词 why引导。其它表语从句又如:

l) That is why he was late.


2) This is what I said to him.


3) That is how we helped her to find her son.


4) That is where Lu Xun once lived.


5) The fact is (that) I have never been there.



1.be able to (do) 能(做),会(做)

be able to在JIII-37 已学过,它和can意思相近,但be able to 可有更多的时态形式,还可和情态词连用,也可用于不定式等短语中,例如:

1) Are you able to come tomorrow? (=Can you come tomorrow?)


2)I'm afraid he won't be able to go to school today.


3)I was able to catch what he said.


4)We haven't been able to find her.


5) You are better able to do it than I am.


6) He must be able to do it.


7) I would like very much to be able to read, but I'm too old to learn.


2. be made of…用(某种原料)做的,用…制成

be made in…在(某地)制造

1)This knife is made of metal and wood.


2)This necklace is made of glass.


3)These flowers are made of paper.


4) This watch is made in Switzerland.


5) These bicycles are made in China.


3. be used for…被用来(作某种用途)


1)The knife is used for cutting things.


2) English is widely used for business.


3) The hall was used for our party.


4) Bamboo can be used for building.


be used as…被用作


1) English is used as the second language in that country.


2) The card is used as a bookmark.


3) He was used as a stepping stone.


4)English is used as the first language by most people in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


be used by…被…所使用


1) English is used by travellers and business people all over the world.


2) French is used by some Canadians as their first language.


3) Bicycles are widely used by us.


4. leave school离开学校,毕业

中等学校毕业常说 leave school或 finish school。

l)When did you leave school?


2)He left school at the age of eighteen.


3)Mary left school last year and is work in a shop.


4)She has just left Lu Xun Middle School.


5.lock vt.锁,锁上

1)I closed and locked the door.


2)He found that the door was locked.


3)All the afternoon he worked with the door locked.


lock用作不及物动词( Vi)时,说明或强调句中主语(事物)由于本身的原因而能否


1) This door won't lock.


2) The box locks easily.



1)The lock is broken.


2) You lock the door by turning the key in the lock.


6. make a telephone call(to sb)(给某人)打电话

1) I'd like to make a telephone call to Mr Brown.


2) Half the world's telephone calls are made in English.


”打电话“还常用 call,ring,phone(=telephone),give a call/ring等。例如:

1) I must go and telephone him.


2) She phoned to say she couldn't come.


3) We telephoned him to ask if he could come to the party.


4) I'll call yon later.


5) Shall I ring him up?


6) Give me a call tomorrow.


7) Ring me(up) at three.


8) Why don't you give him a ring?


7.produce vt.生产,制造

1) Australia produces wool and meat.


2) This factory produces 1000 cars a week.


3) Much of the salt that we use is produced from the sea.


4) A hen produces eggs, and a cow produces milk.


8. all over the world全世界

此外 all over意为”整个“、”遍及“。”遍布“。”在…各地(in every part of)。例如:

1) These modern cars are used all over the world.


2)We have friends all over the world.


3)Soon the news is all over Britain.


4) The snow was all over the ground.


5) I've looked all over the house.


6) I have travelled all over China many, many times in my life.


around the world 在世界范围内

此处介词 around意为“在…范围内”。例如:

1) He spent a week travelling around the country.


2) Most business letters around the world are written in English.


3) I travelled around the world for a few years.


9. else adv.别的,其它的


①Did you see anybody else(=any other persons)?


②Ask somebody else to help you.


③Nothing else(=Nothing more), thank you.


2)else还可用在副词somewhere, anywhere, nowhere的后边,起状语作用。例如:

①It's too noisy here. Let's go somewhere else.


②You can't get it anywhere else.


3)else可用在疑问代词 who, whose, what等后面(但不能用在 which后);也可用在疑问副词 when, where, how, why等后面。例如:

①Who else wants a ticket for Sunday?


@What else do you want?


③Where else did you go?


④I can't come on Tuesday.When else can we meet?


10.glass n.玻璃杯;玻璃




a glass(玻璃杯) glass(玻璃)

a paper(报纸;试卷;论文) paper(纸)

a chicken(小鸡) chicken(鸡肉)

a life(生命) life(生活)

1)I broke a glass this morning. Glass is made from sand.

今天早上我打碎了一个玻璃杯。 玻璃是由沙子制造的。

2)What do the papers say? Paper is made from wood.

报上说些什么? 纸是由木材制成的。

3)He ate a whole chicken! Would you like some chicken?

他吃了整整一只鸡! 你要吃点儿鸡肉吗?

11.none pron.没有任何人或东西,一个人也没有

none的意思是 no one; no person; not any。它既可用于可数名词(须是指两个以上的人或物),又可用于不可数名词。none在句中起名词作用。当none在匈中用作主语时,如果代替的是可数名词,则谓语用单数或复数;如果代替不可数名词,则谓语只能用单数。注意 none后可接of结构。例如:

1) None of them spoke English except Tom.


2) None of his friends has/have ever been to Paris.


3) None of the money is his.


4)一How many fish did you catch?你捉了多少条鱼?


5) He understood none of the lecture.


6) I like none of the music.


7) English is the first language in none of these countries.


no one和nobody意思一样,均指人,表示两个以上的人里“没有…人”。它们只能用


1) No one wished him a happy birthday.


2) No one wants to make friends with him.


3) There was nobody to look after the child.



I've read no one of his books. (误)

I've read none of his books. (正)他的书我一本都没读过。

I haven't tead any of his books. (正)

12. the number of……的数(量)


l)The number of students in our class is 45.


2)The number of cars we need is 20.


3) Do you know the number of girls coming to the party?


4) Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world?


比较:a number of一些,若干(some;several)


A number of students have been there.


13.That is why we are learning English in China.


句中划线部分为表语从句,由连接副词 why引导。其它表语从句又如:

l) That is why he was late.


2) This is what I said to him.


3) That is how we helped her to find her son.


4) That is where Lu Xun once lived.


5) The fact is (that) I have never been there.






一. 教学目的:复习本册所学的内容, 总结知识要点.

二. 教学重点:综合复习.

三. 重点难点讲解:

1. It’s an old photo of my family.


of 后面的名词表示的是照片上是什么或谁. 如果of 后面用的是名词性物主代词,就表示一种所属关系, 则照片上可能不一定是某人的像, 而强调这张照片是这个人所有照片中的一张. 如:

a photo of Jim’s. Jim的一张照片.(照片上可能是Jim, 可能不是他.)

2. old的用法.

Old表示 “旧的”, “年老的”, 可作定语, 也可作表语. 如:

(1) It’s an old bike. 这是辆旧自行车.

(2) The table is very old. 那张桌子已经很旧了.

3. See you soon. 再见

See you soon 相当于goodbye,己于人常用在短时间还要见面的分手时. 如果不是这种情况, 而要过很长时间才能见面, 则一般不这么说.

4. it的用法.

It可用来指baby(婴儿), 指一位不明确的人. 指时间,距离,天气,可用来代替this 或that, 可用来特指前面提到过的某一件事物. 如:

(1) Look at the baby. It looks lovely. 看那婴儿, 多可爱.

(2) Who’s it behind the door? 门后的是谁呀?

(3) It’s not very far from here to our school. 从这儿到我们学校不太远.

(4) It’s fine today. 今天天气晴朗.

四. 练习

1. 按要求写出相应的词.

(1) down 反义词

(2) no 同音词

(3) family 复数

(4) they 物主代词

(5) he 名词性物主代词

2. 综合选择

(1) here, please.

A. Go B. Come C. The one D. Come to

(2) are good friends, do you know?

A. I and she B. I and her C. She and me D. She and I

(3) Whose trousers ?

A. is this B. is that C. are you D. are they

(4) The woman is over fifty, she looks young.

A. and B. but C. or D. too

(5) “Whose bedroom is this?” “ It’s ”

A. twins B. twins’ C. the twin’s D. the twins’

五. 答案

1. (1) up (2) know (3) families (4) their (5) his

2. (1) B (2) D (3)D (4) B (5) D

(1) Come here, please. 请到这儿来.

(2) She and I are good friends, do you know? 她和我是好朋友, 你知道吗?

(3) Whose trousers are they? 它们是谁的裤子?

(4) The woman is over fifty. But she looks young. 那女士已经超过五十岁,但看起来很年轻.

“ Whose bedroom is this?” “It’s the twins’.” “那间卧室是谁的?”

篇3:初二英语第十六单元The seasons of the year




A.单词 spring春季, summer夏季,autumn秋季,winter冬季,January一月份,hot热的




B.词组last from卼o ?/FONT>从某时持续到某时,National Day国庆节,at this time of year一年中的这个时候,at a bad/good time of year一年中的坏/好时光/季节,be different from与……不同,The way卻peak某人说话的方式,get warm/long变暖和/长了,get ready for?/FONT>准备好(做)某事,turn green变绿了,the next year来年/第二年,go skating/shopping去滑冰/购物,this year今年,in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春/夏/秋/冬季,in January在一月份,take off脱下

2.句型1)Which part of 卍o you come from ?你来自某个国家/城市的哪个地方?

2)I like卋etter than ?/FONT>比起?/FONT>我更喜欢?/FONT>。3)I like卋est.我最喜欢……/

4)It's best to do ??d better do最好……。 5)need to do需要做……

3.日常用语1)What's the weather like? 天气怎样/如何?2)What happen in spring?春天怎么样?

3)It's very cold/ hot today, isn't it ?今天很冷/很热,是吧?





1)You are a student. aren't you? -Yes, I am. /No , I'm not.

你是个学生,是不是? -是的,我是。/不,我不是。

2)-She can swim, can't she ? -Yes, she can/No, she can't .

-她会游泳,是不是? -是的,她会。/不,她不会。

3)-He lives in the next room, doesn't he ? -Yes, he does. /No, he doesn't .


4)-Peter borrowed a bike from Jack, didn't he ? -Yes, he did ./No, he didn't .


5)-They are talking about the film, aren't they ? -Yes, they are ./No, they aren't .

-他们正在谈论那部电影,是不是? -是的。/不,不是。

6)-There wasn't a football game on TV last night, was there ? -Yes, there was .

/No, there wasn't. -昨晚电视里没有足球赛,是吗?-不,有足球赛。/是的,没有。

7)-Your brother isn't going to fly kites, is he ? -Yes, he is. /No, he isn't .


8)-You don't like watching TV, do you ? -Yes, I do. /No, I don't .

-你不喜欢看电视,是吗? -不,我喜欢。 /是的,我不喜欢。

注:对于第一种结构的反意疑问句的肯定或否定回答与一般疑问句的回答方式一样。如例句1)-5)。对于第二种结构的反意疑问句做回答的时候,则要注意它与中文在表达上的巨大差异。只要事实是肯定的,就用yes,如事实是否定的,就用No。切不可按中文的翻译写成yes卬ot./No卛s .等。如例句6)-8)

注:反意疑问句的陈述句中含有never, few, little, hardly, nothing, nobody等具有否定意义的词,后面疑问部分应用肯定形式。例如:

9)You never saw each other before, did you ?你们以前彼此从未见过面,是吗?

10)There are few apples left on the tree, are there?树上没剩几个苹果了,是吗?

11)He has little food to eat, does he ?他几乎没什么吃的了,是吗?

12)She can hardly drive a car, can she ?她还不太会开车,是吗?

13)There is nothing in that box. Is there?盒子里什么也没有,是吗?

14)Nobody came here today, did they?今天没人来过这儿,是吗?



1)-What's the weather like today ?/How's the weather today?

-It's sunny/ windy/rainy/cloudy/showy/fine, today.


2)It's a lovely day, isn't it ?今天天气不错,是不是?

3)It blowed strongly last night.昨夜刮了一夜的大风。

4)I'm afraid it's going to rain.恐怕要下雨了。

5)What a cold day it is !/How cold the day /it is !天气真冷啊!

6)It looks like rain. 看来要下雨了。

7)There is going to be a big rain tomorrow. 明天将要下大雨。




①How long does the second term usually last ?第二学期一般持续多久?

②In China, winter lasts from November to January.在中国,冬季从十一月延续到一月。


③I wanted to be the first to come but I was the last.


④They went to Qingdao last year and they are going there again next year.



⑤Li Lei spoke first at the meeting and meimei spoke last.


4)短语at last, 表示“终于”、“最后”;相对的短语at first表示“开始”。例如:

⑥At first I wanted to go with them. But I stayed at home at last.


3. be different from与……不同

1)The weather in Beijing is quite different from that in Guangzhou.


2)This coat is quite different from that one in style(款式).


注:与其相反的词组是be the same as与……一样。例如:

3)My idea is different from yours. /My idea is not the same as yours.


4)Lucy and Lily Look the same as each other.露西和莉丽看上去长得一样。

4. Thank you /Thanks for sth/ for doing sth意思是“谢谢你的……”或“谢谢你(做了某事)。”例如:

1)Thank you /Thanks for your help.

2)Thank you /Thanks for coming to my birthday party.谢谢你来参加我的生日聚会。



1)As winter comes near, the days get shorter.随着冬季的来临,白天越来越短。

2)It's getting dark and colder.天色逐渐暗了,天变得更冷了。

3)She got sorry when she heard the news. 当她听到那个消息,她难过了。

4)The trees turn yellow in autumn.秋天,树叶变黄了。

5)With the coming of spring. The trees turn green.随着春天的到来,树变绿了。



1)How are you ? -I'm very well, thank you .-你(身体)好吗?-很好,谢谢!

2)He was ill the day before but today he is better.他前天病了,但今天好些了。

3)Li Lei can speak English very well. 李雷英语讲得很好。

4)Do you know the twin very well? 你对那对双胞胎很熟悉吗?

5)I like winter better than summer because I can go skating at the time.


7.get ready for sth/ to do sth


1)They are getting ready for supper.他们正在准备晚饭。

2)My father is getting ready to leave for Chanchun.我爸爸正准备动身去长春。

注:be ready for表示“准备就绪”、“准备好了”,强调状态。例如:

3)We are ready for the class.我们已经准备好了上课。/我们已经为上课做好了准备。

4)Are you ready to help farmers with the harvest?你们准备好了?/乐于帮助农民收获吗?



( )1)talk A. always B. hard C. warm D. park

( )2)aunt A. answer B. autumn C. because D. August

( )3)ready A. really B. great C. mean D. weather

( )4)enough A. count B. touch C. cloudy D. house

( )5)word A. story B. worse C. sport D. forty

( )6)needed A. wanted B. enjoyed C. helped D. worked


( )1)Her sister cleaned the room this morning ?

A. didn't she B. wasn't she C. did she D. was she

( )2)- the weather like today ? -It's windy.

A. How's B. What does C. How does D. What's

( )3)The weather in Harbin is different from in Hainan.

A. that B. it C. the one D. one

( )4)- is spring in China? -About three month from February to April.

A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much

( )5)-Can you speak French ? -Yes, but .

A. not many B. only a little C. not much D. only a few

( )6)-Is there anything wrong with your car, Peter? - .

A. Yes. I'm afraid to B. No, I'm afraid not

C. Yes. It is . D. No, it isn't .

( )7)He is getting . He'll be enough to get back tomorrow.

A. well, well B. good, good C. better, well D. well, better

( )8)It's best warm clothes in this cold weather.

A. wear B. to wear C. wears D. for wearing

( )9)The rain lighter when I went out.

A. got B. turned C. began D. came

( )10)He never gets to school late, he ?

A. do B. doesn't C. does D. is


1)-How many are there in a year ? -four.

2)In China, it's very warm in , in summer, cool in and in winter.

3)Are they ready have the meal?

4)Thank you very much helping me so much.

5)Which wonth comes Jane ?-July.

6)It comes autumn and lasts November January in China. It is often very and sometimes it snows. Skating is the best in this season What season is it ? .

7) It comes October. New term begins on the day of this .

It is not very hot or very . What mouth is it ? .


A:Which coat would you like ? B:I'm not sure. A:were, ①

B:I prefer green, but this green is too dark A: ② B:That's too light.

A: ③ B:Yes , that's just right. Let me have a look. A:Here you are.

B:Oh, it's nice and soft, too. ④ A:ninety-fine yuan. B:That's dear.

⑤ A:No, I'm afraid not . B:All right. I'll take it.

A. Is this one better ? B. What about this one ? C. Can it be cheaper?

D. How much is it ? E. Which color do you like ?


What is the sky(天空)

What is the sky ? Where is it ? How high is it ? What lies above it ?These questions are difficult to answer, aren't they ?

Is the sky blue ? The sky has no colour. We know that there is air around the world. When planes fly, they need air to lift their wings(翅膀). Planes can not fly very high because when they go higher, the air gets thinner. If we go up above 1,200 kilometres from the earth, we find there is no air. Perhaps we can answer some of our questions now The sky is space. In this space there is only the sun, the moon and all the stars.

1)What is the sky ?

A. It's space B. It's windy C. It's air D. It's nothing

2)The sky .

A. is blue B. has no colour C. is blue and white D. is black

3)Planes can not fly very high because .

A. the flying machine is not good B. the cloud is too thick

C. the sky is too short D. the air becomes thinner

4)If we go up above 1,200 kilometres from the earth we find .

A. there is some air B. there is less air

C. there is no air D. there is nothing

5)In space there is .

A. only the sun B. nothing

C. only the sun and the moon D. only the sun, the moon and all the stars


Tom: Hello, Jack. Come here. Let's talk about what we are going to do tomorrow.

Jack: Tomorrow is Sunday. I like to play football. There is going to 1 a football match

2 the team from the No. 2 Middle School and the team from our school 3 the playground tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to play with them. You want to go and watch the match,

4 you ?

Tom : I like basketball 5 than football. Many of us can play basketball. We are going to

6 a basketball match in the school stadium(体育馆)tomorrow afternoon.

Jack : So you can't go to watch our match 7 the way, there is going to be a film at seven tomorrow evening in the school cinema. I have tickets here. I can let you 8 one.

Tom : 9 . We'd better 10 early.

Jack : All right. See you later.

1.A.be B. is C. have D. has

2.A.at B. in C. with D. between

3.A.in B. on C. for D. with

4.A.do B. aren't C. haven't D. don't

5.A. much B. better C. more D. very much

6.A. is B. has C. have D. be

7.A. On B. By C. With D. Between

8.A. to have B. having C. has D. have

9.A. What's it B. What great C. That's great D. That great

10.A. to get there B. get there C. get to there D. getting there


1. C A D B B A

2. A D A B B A C B A C

3.1) seasons 2) spring, hot , autumn, cold 3) to 4) for 5) after 6)after, from, to , cold ,sport, winter 7) before, first, month, cold, September

4.①E ②A ③B ④D⑤C

5. A B D C D

6. A D B D B C B D C B

篇4:高二英语第十六单元The sea(海洋)

科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit16.doc

标题 The sea(海洋)

章节 第十六单元

关键词 高二英语第十六单元




本单元围绕海洋知识这一题材,让同学们通过阅读“The Sea”“Salt Lakes of the World”和“Life in the Oceans”来了解有关海洋及海洋生物的知识。


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

四会单词和词组:sailor , do well , make up one’s mind , bathe , time ( vt .) , spring , beg , beg one’s pardon , captain , depth , merely , huge , construction

三会单词和词组:seaside , beach , dive , navy , drown , come up , vast , surface , solid , various , variety , float , the Dead Sea , partly , on average , pole , the South Pole , huge , at a time , occur , treasure , voyage , load , cycle , kg = kilogram(me) , the Atlantic = the Atlantic Ocean

Ⅱ. 交际英语


一般来说,中国人喜欢反复强调自己的谦意,并喜欢用“非常抱歉”、“深表歉意”等表示程度倾向的语句,而英美人士则不同,对于因客观原因而造成的过失或差错,则不必主动工过分向对方表示歉意。如一定要向对方道歉,说声 sorry 即可,一般不用 very , terribly , truly 等表示程度的词。因为在美国,过分的道歉或自责反而显得不太诚恳,令人感到虚假或另有用心。

Some useful expressions:

1 . Sorry / Pardon / I'm sorry .

2 . I'm sorry for/about…

3 . I'm sorry to do sth . / I'm sorry to have done sth…

4 . Excuse me ( for… )

5 . be afraid that…

6 . What a pity/shame !

7 . It's a pity that…

8. That's all right . /It doesn't matter . /That's nothing .

9 . That's OK . /It's quite all right . /Never mind . /No trouble at all . / That's not your fault .


( A is late for a birthday party ) .

A : Come in , Mr Smith . Nice to see you .

B : Nice to see you too . I'm very sorry to be late . ( I'm sorry to have kept you waiting . )

A : It doesn't matter . We're glad you could come .

B : I didn't quite remember the number of your house , so it took me a long time to find your house .

A : I'm sorry that I didn't make myself clear .

B : Oh , that's nothing .

Ⅲ. 语法重点




1. sailor水手;海员


篇5:高一英语第十六单元Unit 16 Fire

科目 英语

年级 高一

文件 high1 unit16.doc

标题 Unit 16 Fire

章节 第十六单元



Unit 16 Fire



catch fire, (be) on fire, in that case, get burnt, belong to, break out, be out, put out the fire, escape from, lose one’s life, get close to.


Look out! Be careful! Take care ! Never mind. If you…, you will …


The past indefinite tense and the past continuous tense.(一般过去时和过去进行时)

eg.1. The fire destroyed the cars.

2.While the fire fighters was trying to control the fire, holicopters flew to the burning building.



▲Catch fire /be on fire着火

①The pan was so hot that the oil in it caught fire.锅太热了,里面的油着了。

②Once the pan is on fire, the first thing you do is to turn the gas off .一旦油锅着了,你首先该做的是把煤气关掉。

▲control fire控制火势

①The fire was too strong for them to control.火势太大了,他们控制不了。

②Firefighters came quickly so that the fire was controled.消防员很快赶到控制了火势。

▲discovery a fire.发现火警

If you discovery a fire, break the glass to sound the fire alarm.如果你发现了火灾,打碎玻璃去弄响火警铃报警。

▲put out the fire灭火

Who helped you to put out the fire?谁帮助你们把火扑灭了?

▲escape from the fire逃离火境

They tried their best to escape from the fire, but they failed.他们努力想逃离火境,但带是失败了。

▲make a fire.生火 set…on fire使……燃烧着火

fire alarm. 火警警报 fire exit出口 fire escape(火警时用的)太平梯

2.Is the fire out ?火灭了吗?

反义:Is the fire sill burning?火还着着吗?

3.You might get burnt and you might drop the pan of burning oil.



eg. Jane might come later, but I don’t think she will. 珍妮可能来得晚些,但我想她不愿这样。

4.In that case, you wouldn’t have a pan on fire. 如果那样的话,就不仅仅是一口锅着火了。

①You haven’t finished your work. In that case, you aren’t allowed to leave.


②The room is full of smoke. In that case, you’d better call 119 immediately.如果整个房间的都是烟了,这种情况下你最好马上打119.

5.Or you may be trapped by the fire. ……否则你可能被大火困住。

①He couldn’t return in time because he was trapped by something difficult.


②The police trapped a thief down narrow street from which he couldn’t escape.警察把贼堵在一条小胡同里,使他无路可逃。

6.The fire also destroyed ears which belonged to people who worked in the building.


这句话中有两个定语从句,1个是which引导的定语从句修饰cars.另1个是who引导的worked in the building,限定people两个关连词作定语从句的主语,所以不能被省略。

belong to:属于,没有被动语态

①China belongs to developing country.中国属于发展中国家。

②I gave it to you as a gift. So it belong to you from mow on.我把它做为礼物递给你,从现在起它是你的了。

7.the fire broke out on the 11th floor.

break out =start通常指战争火灾等大事件的突然爆发。

①The first World War broke out in 1914. 1914一战爆发

8.an electrical fire:电路走火

9.Below the 11th floor people were able to escape into the street .

escape vt.vi.n.逃跑 通常和from连用,做及物动词逃脱、逃避讲时后跟名词n或动名词ving.

①He had a marrow escape from eleath.他幸免于一死。

②Every large theatre should have fire escapes.每座大剧院都该有太平门。

③The gas is escaping somewhere.什么地方漏气了

④None of the criminals escaped punishment/being punished.罪犯一个也没有逃脱惩罚。

10.…but it was impossible to control it .

…it was impossible for people on the floors above to escape.

…but it was impossible for them to get close enough.

▲It is /was impossible(possible),necessary, important) for sb. To do sth.对某人来说,做某事不可能(有可能,很必要,很重要)

It is /was +adj for sb to do sth和It is /was +adj sb to do sth的区别。

eg. ①It is necessary for students to listen English every day.对学生来说每天听英语很必要。

这句话表示to listen English is necessary是对动作的评价

②It is kind of you to help me. 你来帮我太好了。

这句话表示“you are kind”是对人的主观评价。

▲get close (to )接近

11.There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building.


“watching”在这里是分词做伴随,表示“There were many people in the street. They were watching the fire.”

eg. The professor put his finger into mouth, looking rather pleased.


12. The fire lasted about four hours before the firefighters could control it .


①The performance lasted two hours.演出持续了2小时。

②This cloth lasts well.这种布很耐穿。

③──It has been raining for a week. How long do you think it’ll last ?


13.The whole building was destroyed and over 220 people lost their lives in the fire.


lose one’s life丧生

eg.①Most people lost their lives in the earthquake, Only few of them were rescued.


②Thanks to the doctors, he didn’t lost his life in the traffic accident.多亏了医生他才没死于这场交通事故。



eg. ①While I was running towards the nearest exit, my coat caught fire.当我朝最近的出口跑的时候,我的衣服被烧着了。

②I was answering a telephone, when the pan was on fire.锅被烧着时,我正接电话。

③The man looked worried because he didn’t know how to sound the fire alarm.


④As we were walking back, we saw some smoke over the hill.


过去时的构成 主+r.ed.

过去进行时的构成 主+was /were+ving.


1.用下列词组写一篇小作文,以Fires in Homes为题,然后完成下面的完型填空,从文章中找出下列词的同义词。

break out, fire department, put out, escape from, be careful, lose one’s life, last firefighter, discover.

Fires in Homes

What should you do if your house catches a fire ? Warn the ① and get out as ②as possible. Don’t stop ③your things, ④call 119 at once.


Most fire-safety experts suggested that bedroom doors ⑤at night. Can you think why? If a fire breaks out at might, if often burns for a long time ⑥it is discovered. Hall ways(过道)sometimes become ⑦smoke and poisonous(有毒的)gases. A closed door prevents these from

⑧the bedroom ⑨someone may be sleeping.

If you should wake up ⑩and smell smoke, remain calm(冷静).Go to the bedroom door and

⑾it .If it is warm or hot, ⑿it.There is fire in the hall. Wake up ⒀of the family. Then go to the window. If you can do so safely, ⒁down, But don’t jump ⒂as a last resont(手段),Wait for help. If the door is not warm, open it . And make your ⒃ care fully out of the house.

1.A.home B. house C. family D. members

2.A.quick B. well C. far D. quickly

3.A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved

4.A.but B. and C. than D. or

5.A. closed B. be closed C. close D. closing

6.A. before B. after C. unless D. within

7.A. covered B. filled with C. full D. enough

8.A. enter B. entering C. to enter D. enter into

9.A. that B. which C. on which D. where

10.A.one day B. some night C. some day D. some mights

11.A. open B. feel C. close D. catch

12.A. some B. do open C. close D. don’t open

13.A. some B. many C. most D. the rest

14.A. climb B. walk C. jump D. fall

15.A. beside B. besides C. except D. except that

16.A. things B. decisien C. way D. record

1-5 C D B A B 6-10 A B B D B 11-16 B D D A C C



3.stop to save停下来去收拾东西。 “stop doing”表示“停止做”

4.Don’t stop to save …,but call…“不要……而去做”

5.suggest sb (should )do sth. The door should be closed

8.prevent from doing sth =stop from doing sth





Test----exam words----vocabulary

Excited----exciting amazing----surprising

sometimes----sometime----some times----some time

for example----such as----like begin with----to begin with

maybe----perhaps----probably affect----influence



1.ask…for… 2.speaking skills

3.ask…about… 4.not…at all

5.get excited about 6.end up

7.make mistakes 8.first of all

9.to begin with 10.later on

11.be afraid of 12.laugh at

13.make sentences 14.take notes

15.write down 16.make sure

17.deal with 18.look up

19.make up 20.worry about

21.be angry with 22.go by

23.each other 24.solve a problem

25.regard…as… 26.complain about

27.change…into… 28.try one’s best

29.with the help of 30.compare…to…

31.think about 32.break off


1.Check in : 在旅馆的登记入住。 Check out: 在旅馆结账离开。

2.By: ①通过…..方式(途径)。例:I learn English by listening to tapes.

②在…..旁边。例:by the window/the door

③乘坐交通工具 例:by bus/car

④在……之前,到……为止。例:by October在10月前

⑤被 例:English is spoken by many people.


how通常对方式或程度提问,意思有:怎么样 如何,通常用来做状语、表语。

what通常对动作的发出者或接受者提问,意思为 什么,通常做宾语,主语。

①How is your summer holiday? It’s OK.(how表示程度 做表语)

②How did you travel around the world? I travel by air.

③What do you learn at school? I learn English, math and many other subjects.

① What…think of…? How…like…?

② What…do with…? How…deal with…?

③ What…like about…? How…like…?

④ What’s the weather like today? How’s the weather today?

⑤ What to do? How to do it?

e.g. What do you think of this book?=How do you like this book?

I don’t know what I should do with the matter.=I don’t know how I should deal with it.

What do you like about China?=How do you like China?

I don’t know what to do next step?=I don’t know how to do it next step?

㊣ What good / bad weather it is today!(weather为不可数名词,其前不能加 a )

㊣ What a fine / bad day it is today! (day为可数名词,其前要加 a )










Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


学习生词 stamp n. 邮票;印章

掌握1a短语 掌握宾语从句的句型变化


掌握宾语从句的句型变化X k B 1 . c o m




一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)


(1)Excuse me. Could you tell me to the bookshop?

(2)Excuse me. Could you tell me how the bookshop?

(3)Excuse me. Could you tell me how to the bookshop?

(4)Excuse me. Could you tell me the bookshop ?

(5)Excuse me. is the way to the bookshop, please?

(6)Excuse me. the bookshop, please?

(7)Excuse me. How can I get to the bookshop, please?

2、Where can you do the things below?

get some money get some magazines

have dinner get a dictionary

get some information about the town buy a newspaper

buy some stamps get a pair of shoes

二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)


restroom /restru:m/ n. (美)洗手间;公共厕所 p.17

stamp n. 邮票;印章 p.17

bookstore n. 书店 p.17


get some money get some magazines

have dinner get a dictionary

get some information about the town buy a newspaper

buy some stamps get a pair of shoes


三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)




Conversation l

Girl: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some ?

Boy: Yes. There’s a post office on Center Street.

Girl: Oh, could you tell me how to get to Center Street?

Boy: Sure. You see that bank there?

Girl: Hmm…oh, yes.

Boy: Just go the bank and then right. The post office is on the right, to the library.

Girl: Thanks a lot!

Conversation 2

Boy: Excuse me, do you know where I can get a dictionary?

Girl: Sure. There’s a on Main Street.

Boy: Oh, could you please tell me how to get ?

Girl: Yes. Go along Center Street and then turn left on Main Street. Then you will see the bookstore on the side of the street.

Boy: Thanks! Do you know when the bookstore today?

Girl: I think it closes at 7:00 p.m. today.



go past the bank turn right.

on the right, next to the library.

Thanks a lot! Could you please tell me how to get there?

Go along Center Street turn left

on the other side of the street.

Do you know when the bookstore closes today

it closes at 7:00 p.m. today.




四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)


①.许多带复合宾语的句子,宾语从句经常移到句子后部,而用it做形式宾语。结构是:主语 + 动词 + it + 形容词/名词等宾语补足语 + 宾语从句

We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone.

I thought it impossible that he could finish this job in just two hours.

②. 带有宾语从句的`复合句的疑问形式一般是对主句进行变化。

I know he will come to my party.

→ Do you know he will come to my party. ?

→ I don’t know he will come to my party.

Lucy tells me that he likes the English teacher.

→Does Lucy tell you that he likes the English teacher?

→Lucy doesn’t tell me that he likes the English teacher.

③. 宾语从句的否定转移



我认为他不会来我的舞会。 I don’t think he will come to my party.

我认为他不喜欢英语老师。I don’t think he likes the English teacher.


在think / believe / suppose / guess / imagine / expect等动词后跟宾语从句否定式时,应转移到主句上去,完成反意问句时,应与从句主、谓保持一致。(注: 否定前移的条件是,主句主语是第一人称)

eg. I don't think you are right,are you

I don't believe they have finished their work yet,have they?

I don’t suppose they will come, _______ ______ ? (改为反意疑问句)

→ I don’t suppose they will come, will they ?


She doesn’t suppose they will come, _______ ______ ? (改为反意疑问句)

She doesn’t suppose they will come, does she ?

(5) 宾语从句的简化问题



I hope that I can receive your email(改为简单句) →

I hope to receive your email.

例:I don’t know what I should do next.

I con’t know what to do next.

He didn’t know where he would live.

He didn’t know where to live.

第二:有些以特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,从句部分亦可以简化为动词不定式结构,即特殊疑问词+to do ,特别是当主句的谓语动词为know,ask,forget,remember,learn,tell,teach等。例如:

I don't know how I can get to the hospital.(改为简单句) →

I don't know how to get to the hospital.


例如:Lucy hasn't decided which trousers to buy.(改为复合句) →

Lucy hasn't decided which trousers I will can buy.

五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)

1、Excuse me. Can you tell me how ________ get to the cinema?

A. can I B. do I C. I can D. I do

2、Do you know _________?

A. where is the post office B. how can I get to the post office

C. which way can I choose D. how to get to the post office

3、Look! There are some boys _______ football on the playground.

A. are playing B. play C. playing D. played

4、Could you tell me how _______ (mend) the bike?

5、I don’t know what I shall do next. (改为简单句)

I don’t know ____________________ next.

6、I think if you want to buy a computer, you’d better __________ (取点钱).

______________ (集邮) is good for your growing.

Could you tell me _______________________(这儿是否有个邮局)?

I don’t know ______________________(从哪里买杂志?).

I _____________________ (买了一双鞋子) to Jim yesterday.




科目 英语

年级 初三

文件 middle3 unit20.1.doc

标题 The World's Population

章节 第二十单元




【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

population , billion , India , following , grow , beginning , century . UN , at the beginning of , the more developed countries , the less developed countries , the developing countries , in the year , hour after hour , on the earth

Ⅱ. 句型结构

What's the population of Germany ?

By what year will the world's population reach 6 billion ?

I didn't know that China's population would grow so fast .

We never asked what would happen to the world .

Ⅲ. 课文学习



【 指点迷津 】


1 . population 人口;人数

- What's the population of that city ? 那个城市的人口有多少 ?

- The city has a population of 300 , 3000 . 该市有30万人口。

The population of the city is less than / 200 , 000 . 此城的人口不到20万。

〖 点拨 〗population 作主语谓语通常用单数,但当其前面有百分数、分数修饰时,谓语用复数。have a population of 有……人口。问人口多少有 what 或者 how large 。

2 . following 接着的;以下的

He became quite well the following day . 第二天,他的身体便好了。

Please translate the following sentences into English .

3 . mouth 嘴

Open your mouth , please .

The boy filled his mouth with food .

His mouth is watering . 他在流口水。

〖 点拨 〗复数直接加 s 。have a dirty mouth 说脏话。from hand to mouth 勉强糊口。

4 . beginning 开始;开端

I've read the book from beginning to end . 我已把这本书从头到尾读完了。

The beginning of the book is interesting . 这本书开头很有趣。

Good beginning is half done . 良好的开端是成功的一半。 ( 谚语 )

He came back at the beginning of the school term . 这学期开始时他回来了。

〖 点拨 〗from beginning to end 从头到尾。

5 . century 世纪;百年

The church is some centuries old . 这座教堂已有数百年的历史了。

6 . by 到……为止 ( 指时间 ) ,不迟于

I'll finish the work by this week . 在本周末前我将把工作完成。

He can't get here by 5 0'clock . 五点钟之前他到不了这里。

This work must be finished by the end of this month .

〖 点拨 〗by the end of 到……末端为止,by the way 顺便说一下。


1 . on earth 在地球上

Two thousand years ago , there were only 250 million people on the earth . 两千年前,地球上只有两亿五千万人。

We live on the earth , but in the future some will be able to live on the moon . 我们生活在地球上,将来有些人可能生活在月球上。

注意on earth 是“世界上;究竟”。如:

What on earth do you mean ? 你究竟是什么意思 ?

He is the greatest man on earth . 他是世界上最伟大的人。

2 . hour after hour 一小时接着一小时,不停地

If the population goes on hour after hour , it will be the biggest problem in our country . 如果人口一小时又一小时地继续增长下去,它将成为我国最大的问题。

So it goes on , hour after hour . In one day , people have to find food for over 250 , 000 mouths more . 随着一小时又一小时地过去,仅在一天内,人们就必须提供25万人吃的食物。

They worked on hour after hour and never left tired . 他们不停地工作,从不感到累。

类似词组还有:day after day 一天又一天 / year after year 一年又一年

3 . at the beginning of 在……初期;在……开头

At the beginning of the twentieth century , the world's population was about 1 , 700 million . 在20世纪初,世界人口大约17亿。

You can find the sentence at the beginning of this chapter . 在这一章的开头你能发现那个句子。

注意at the beginning 是“开始,开头”。如:

At the beginning he wasn't interested in maths . 起初他对数学不感兴趣。

4 . at the end of 在……的末尾;在……的尽头

At the end of the road you'll see the hospital .

At the end of his journey , he went to Shanghai . 在旅行快要结束时,他去了上海。

At the end of 1979 , he came back from Japan . 在1979年末,他从日本回来。

5 . some day 总有一天,有朝一日

Some day you will be sorry about it .

6 . faster and faster 越来越快

The world's population is growing faster and faster . 世界人口增长得越来越快。

注意“比较级 + and + 比较级”表示“越来越……”。又如:

She's getting thinner and thinner . 她越来越瘦了。

7 . no more than 只有,仅有

We have walked on more than ten miles . 我们走了顶多只有10英里。

It took her no more than an hour to write the article . 她仅仅花了一小时就写完了那篇文章。

辨析:not more than 的意思是“至多”,“不超过”。试比较:

There are no more than five students in the classroom . 教室里顶多只有五个学生。 ( 强调“人少”的意思 )

There are not more than five student in the classroom . 教室里的学生不超过五人。 ( 强调“不超过”的意思 )


【 学法指要 】


1 . 以介词开头的特殊疑问句句型

By what year will the world's population reach 6 billion ? 到哪一年,世界人口将达到六十亿 ?

介词 by 在此表示“到 ( 什么时候 ) 为止”。在特殊疑问句中,当疑问句作介词宾语时,有时可将介词放在句首。又如:

By whom is the book written ?

At what time did you tell him to meet us ?

From which library did you borrow the book ?

To whom were you talking ?

2 . 不定式作定语的句型

There will not be enough space even to stand in on the earth . 就是在地球上站着,也不会有足够的地方了。

不定式 even to stand in 用作定语,修饰 space . 注意,stand 是不及物动词。当不定式是不及物动词而作定语修饰名词时,它后面就应有必要的介词。如本句型中的 in 。又如:

He still had no house to live in . 他仍然没有房子住。

There is nothing ( for us ) to worry about . 没有什么值得发愁的。

He is a very nice person to work with . 他是一个很好共事的人。

3. the world’s population 世界人口

( 1 ) population 常用来表示一个地区、一个城市、一个国家的总人口数,当 population在句中作主语时,它后面的动词应该用单数形式。如:

What's the population of the world ? 全世界有多少人 ?

Wuhan has a population of about seven million . 武汉大约有七百万人。

( 2 ) people 常用来表示一个较小范围内的具体人数。如:

About two hundred people came to that meeting .

4 . 英语中数词的读法

( 1 ) 大家知道,数字每隔三位数就有一个分节号,分节以后,各节就成了101 - 999第三位数了。第一分节号前是 thousand ( 千 ) ,第二个分节号前是 million ( 百万 ) ,第三个分节号前是 thousand million ( 英国读法 ) 或 billion ( 美国读法 ) ( 十亿 ) 。读的时候十位数 ( 或个位数 ) 的前面一般要加 and ( 也可不加 ) 。因此,333 333 333 读作:three hundred ( and ) thirty - three million , three hundred ( and ) thirty - three thousand , three hundred and thirty - three

( 2 ) 英语没有单独表示“万”和“亿”的词,所以:

10 000 ( 一万 ) 读作:ten thousand

10 000 ( 十万 ) 读作:one hundred thousand

10 000 000 ( 一千万 ) 读作:ten million

100 000 000 ( 一亿 ) 读作:one hundred million

5 . About eighty - one million 是 The population of Germany ( 或 It ) is about eighty - one million 的简略形式。

6 . … and find out the answers to these questions . ……并找出这些问题的答案。

( 1 ) 辨义:find 与 find out

find 多用于直观所“发现”或“找到”的东西;find out 则强调通过思索、调查等所发现的事物。例如:

I haven't found my pen yet .

We must find out the result of the thing .

( 2 ) 句中的介词 to 表示一种对应或配套关系,不可用介词 of 。例如:

This is the key to the front door . 这是前门的钥匙。

Where is the monument to Liu Hunan ? 刘胡兰纪念碑在哪里 ?

7 . Standing room only 只有立足之地

room 在这里意为“空间,地方”,为不可数名词。例如:

The bed takes up too much room .

8 . By what year will the world's population reach 6 billion ? 到哪一年,世界人口将达到60亿 ?

( 1 ) by“到……止;不迟于”。例如:

By the end of last year , they had learned about one thousand English words .

I'll be back by ten o'clock . 我将10点钟以前返回。

比较:I'll be back at about ten o'clock . 我将于10点左右返回。

( 2 ) 在特殊疑问句中,当疑问词作介词宾语时,有时将该介词置于疑问词前。例如:

With whom were you talking just now ? 刚才你和谁交谈 ?

From which library did you borrow the book ? 你从哪个图书馆借的这本书 ?

9 . Maybe you think that isn't many . 可能你认为174个婴儿并不多。

名右的 that 代替前面提到的 174 babies,这是一个具体的 number ( 数字 ) ,作为一个整体,代词用 that 而不用 those 。例如:

He's learned about five thousand English words . That's really a big number .

The child has learnt hundreds of English words . That isn't easy for him .

10 . So it goes on , hour after hour . 人口出生就这样一小时一小时的延续下去。

( 1 ) so“如此”的意思。it 指上文提到的人口出生。

( 2 ) go on “继续不断”的意思。可作及物或不及物动词词组用。例如:

The work went on well . 工作进行得很好。

Peter went on doing his homework though he was tired .

( 3 ) hour after hour “一小时接一小时。例如:

day after day 一天天 ,year after year 一年又一年

11 . In one day , people have to find food over 250 000 mouths more . 每过一天,人们就不得不为增加的25万多张嘴寻找食物。

( 1 ) 句中的 in 与表示“所用的”时间连用。例如:

She finished reading the book in a week . 她用一星期时间看完了这本书。

( 2 ) 介词短语 over 250 000 mouths more 是介词 for 的宾语。例如:

250 000 mouths more“多25万张嘴”。注意这种表达结构,其中的 more 表示数量的增多。例如:

We don't hear clearly . Please read the text once more .

They've learned about one thousand English wors . And we've learned two hundred more . 他们学了约 1000 个英语单词,我们还多学了 200 个。

( 4 ) 介词 over 可作“多于”、“超过”之意。例如:

It cost me over ten yuan .

12 . Just think how many more there will be in one year ! 想想看吧,在一年时间里将会增加多少人 !

( 1 ) just 常与祈使句连用。例如:

Just come here a moment . 请到这儿来一下。

( 2 ) How many more there will be in one year 是动词 think 的宾语从句。

13 . The population problem may be the greatest one of the world today . 人口问题可能是当今世界最严重的问题。

( 1 ) the greatest one 即 the greatest problem , one 为代词。

( 2 ) 介词短语 of the world today 是 one 的定语。

14 . The world's population is growing faster and faster . 世界人口增长得越来越快。

( 1 ) grow 意为“增长,增大”。句中用进行时 is growing , 很好地表达了当今世界的人口状况。

( 2 ) faster and faster 是副词重叠,修饰 is growing,作状语。副词和形容词比较级的这种重叠使用,相当于汉语的“越来越……”。例如:

The train ran faster and faster . 火车开得越来越快。

15 . But at the beginning of the twentieth century …,然而在二十世纪初……

at the beginning of…“在……之初”。例如:

At the beginning of the class , the teacher drew a picture on the blackboard .


16 . A Un report says that world population will pass six billion by the end of the twentieth century . 一份联合国报告表明,到二十世纪末,全球人口将超过60亿。

( 1 ) Un= ( the ) United Nations“联合国”

( 2 ) pass 意为“超过”。例如:

Run faster , or Li Ming will pass you .

( 3 ) pass 通常还作“通过”、“经过”之意。例如:

We all passed the exam last week .

17 . People say that by the year , it may be seven billion . 人们说,到 2010 年,世界人口可能达到 70 亿。

( 1 ) by“到……为止,不迟于”。

( 2 ) 句中的 2010 是 the year 的同位语。例如:

the year 1949 一九四九年,the year 一九九七年也可说 the year of 1949 , the year of 1997

这里的介词 of 表示同位关系。

18 . There will not be enough space for anybody else . 再也没有足够的空间来容纳任何其他的人了。

anybody 为不定代词,副词 else 修饰不定代词必须后置。

19 . the more developed countries 比较发达的国家

the less developed countries 不太发达的国家

20 . Which country has the larger population , Canada or Australia ? 哪个国家人口多些,加拿大还是澳大利亚 ?

population 一词指的是总人口 ( 见本单元 1 ) ,所以,说人口多就用 large population 或 big population , 反之就用 small population 。

21 . population ( in hundred million ) 人口 ( 以亿为单位 )

介词 in 表示“用……方式”。例如:

( 1 ) Answer my question in English , please ?

( 2 ) Look , the students are standing there in rows .

22 . There will not be enough space even to stand in on the earth . 地球上将连站立的空间都不够。

( 1 ) 不定式 even to stand in 是 space 的定语,而 space 在逻辑上 ( 或意义上 ) 则是介词 in 的宾语。这种结构中的介词是不能没有的,因为 stand 是不及物动词,不能接宾语,要特别注意。

我们可以说 stand in space 而不能说 stand space 。

( 2 ) 当上面结构中不定式的动词是及物动词时,则不能用介词。例如:

I've some important letters to write .

23 . 同义词 hear 与 listen 的区别。

hear 与 listen 这两个词都是动词,都有“听”的意思。但意思有区别,用法也不同。

hear 是及物动词,表示“听见”,“蝗到”,可能是有意识的听,也可能是无意误解的听。

Louder , please , I can't hear you .

We heard someone laughing in the next room .

hear 还可作不及物动词,后接 of ( about ) 表示“听别人说” ( 指间接听到 ) ;后接from 意 思是“收到 ( 某人 ) 的来信”。如:

I have never heard of such a thing . 我从未听说过这种事。

Have you still not heard from him ? 你还没有收到的来信吗 ?

listen 是不及物动词,表示有意识或注意地“听”,交不说明是否听见的结果;必须加 to 才能接宾语。如:

He often listens to news on radio .

I listened but heard nothing . 我注意听了,但什么也没听见。

24 . 相似词 after , in , later 的区别

after 作介词表示在“某时间之后”, ( 1 ) 它可以表示“在过去的一段时间之间”。 ( 2 ) after 后面不用将来时,而是用现在时态表示将来的含义。如:

She went after three days . 她是三天后走的。

I'll phone you after I arrive . ( or : after I have arrived . ) 我到了之后,给你打电话。

但不说:She will go after three days .

也不说:I'll phone you after I'll arrive .

in 表示从现在起,将来的某时间之后。如:

I will come and see you in five days . 五天以后我来看你。

later 用作副词,常用在过去时的句子中,表示“一段时间之后”。如:

She came a few minutes later . 她几分种后就来了。

later 也可用在一般将来时中。如:

You will realize your mistake later .


I shall call on you three months later .


25 . 同义词 field , ground , earth , land 的区别

( 1 ) field ( 土地,田地 ) ,指可以耕种和种植农作物的土地。

The peasants are working in the fields .

( 2 ) ground ( 地,土地,地面 ) ,主要指大地、陆地的表面,也可以指土壤、场


The little boy was lying on the ground .

( 3 ) earth ( 土,土地,泥土,地面 ) ,可用作“大地”,以别于天空。用作“地面”,以别于海、洋、大气和天空。还可用作“泥土”,以别于坚硬的岩石。earth 还可作“地球”解。如:

The house is built of earth . 这房子是用土筑成的。

The earth is bigger than the moon . 地球比月亮大。

( 4 ) land ( 土地,地面,田地 ) ,作陆地、大地讲时,是河流、海洋的相对用词。用以指土地或土壤时,着重指它的性质、用途,即可耕种的田地。如:

Are you going by land or by sea ? 你走陆路或是海路 ?

Fish cannot live on land . 鱼不能在陆地上生活。

He owns a lot of land , but he never works on the land . 他拥有许多土地,但他从不耕作。

26 . 数字表达法


英语和汉语在表示“百”、“千”、“百万”、“十亿”时分别有相应的单词,如 hundred ( 百 ) ,thousand ( 千 ) ,million ( 百万 ) ,billion ( 十亿 ) 。但在英语中,没有单独的词表示“万”和“十万”,而要用“ten thousand”表示“万”,用“one hundred thousand”表示“十万”。例如:

数字 汉语 英语

100 一百 one hundred

1 000 一千 one thousand

10 000 一万 ten thousand

100 000 十万 one hundred thousand

1 000 000 一百万 one million

10 000 000 一千万 ten million

100 000 000 一亿 one hundred million

1 000 000 000 十亿 one billion

1 200 000 000 十二亿 one billion and two hundred million

【 妙文赏析 】

A Foolish Man Buys Shoes

There was once a foolish man . One day he wanted to go to the market to buy a new pair of shoes . He first measured his feet with a ruler and then took a piece of thread the length of his feet on it . He was in such a hurry to set off that he left the thread of home .

At the market , when arriving at a shoe store , he felt in his pockets , but he only found that thread wasn't in . So he said to the shop assistant in a regretful voice , “I've left my measurement at home , so I don't know the size , I'll have to go back for it . ”With these words , he hurried off .

He hurried home for the thread and then ran back to the market . It took him a lot of time in the trip home and back . By the time he reached the market , it was almost dark and the market was already over . He had gone to all this trouble for nothing , failing to buy the shoes .

Then someone asked him , “Do you want to buy the shoes for yourself or for someone else ? ”

“For myself , of course ! ”he answered .

The man asked him , “Well , but haven't you brought your feet with you ? What do you need to bring the measurement for ? ”

【 思维体操 】

Ⅰ . 考考你的智力,请作出正确的选择

1 . Which of the five designs is least like the other four ?

( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ) ( e )

2 . If you rearrange the letters in “NAICH , ”you would have the name of a ( n ) :


( a ) (b) (c) (d) (e)

3 . Jack is 15 years old , three times as old as his sister . How old will Jack be when he is twice as old as his sister ?

18 20 24 26 30

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

答案: 1 . E All the other figures are symmetrical . 2 . A“NAICH”→“CHINA . ” 3 . Jack is ten years older than his sister . In five years Jack will be 20 , and his sister who is now 5 will be 10 .


【 心中有数 】




1. should / would + 动词原形

He said he would be there before Sunday . 他说他星期天以前将在那里。 ( be 动词肯定式 )

I hoped I should not go the next week . 我希望下星期我不去。 ( do 动词的否定式 )


2. was / were going + 动词不定式


They told me that they were going to have a picnic . 他们告诉我他们将要举行一次野餐。

They were going to have a meeting . 他们曾经打算开个会。


I was just going to ring him up when he came . 我刚要给他打电话,他就来了。 ( 电话没打成 )

有时也用 was / were + coming 表示过去将来时,如:

I didn't know when they were coming again .

3. was / were + 动词不定式

was / were about + 动词不定式

Mary was to meet Jack at the street corner . 玛丽将在街道拐角处同杰克见面。

We were about to leave when the telephone rang . 我们正要走,电话铃响了。

【 动手动脑 】


Ⅰ. 给下列短文每空一个词

I'm glad that I have two good friends . Jack is the ( 1 ) diligent ( 勤奋 ) of them and in fact the ( 2 ) diligent student in my class . He does well in maths . But at first his English was ( 3 ) poorer than mine . He had more English grammar books than ( 4 ) else , but he didn't read or speak often . So my spoken English was much ( 5 ) than his , with the help of the teacher and the classmate , he has spoken even ( 6 ) English than I ( 7 ) the beginning of last term . Many say that my English is not ( 8 ) good as his now . My elder sister says that I must learn from Jack and study ( 9 ) hard ( 10 ) he does .

Ⅱ. 改写句子 ( 在改写后的句子空白处填入一个适当的英语单词,使句意合乎要求或

与原文相符 )

1 . You don't like singing . He doesn't like singing , either .

_____ you _____ he _____ singing .

2 . He is as friendly to us as before .

He is _____ _____ as _____ _____ us as before .

3 . What's the population of that country ?

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ in that country ?

4 . There are over 60 students in our class .

There are ______ ______ 60 students in our class .

5 . Why did you go to that factory ?

______ did you go to that factory ______ ?

6 . I think you are wrong .

I ______ ______ you are ______ .

7 . He is tired , I'm tired , too .

He is tired , ______ ______ I .

Ⅲ . 补全对话

Mary : Hello ! ( 1 ) I speak to Allan ?

Mrs Black : Sorry , Allan isn't in . This is Mrs Black speaking , Who's ( 2 ) ?

Mary : ( 3 ) is Mary , Mrs Black . I called at four thirty this afternoon . but ( 4 ) was in .

Mrs Black : Oh , we were all out . I ( 5 ) back just now . Can ( 6 ) take a message for John ?

Mary : Yes , of course . Please tell John that all the English - Chinese dictionary are sold ( 7 ) . I will ( 8 ) him one . I have been busy these days . I have ( 9 ) important to do today . Would you please tell him to come and get my dictionary ?

Mrs Black : OK .

Mary : Thanks a lot . Good - bye !

Mrs Black : ( 10 )

答案:Ⅰ . 1 . more 2 . most 3 . much 4 . anyone 5 . better 6 . more 7 . since 8 . as 9 . as 10 . as Ⅱ . 1 . Neither , nor , likes 2 . getting on , well , with 3 . How many people are there 4 . more than 5 . What , for 6 . don't think right 7 . So am Ⅲ . 1 . May Could 2 . that 3 . This 4 . nobody 5 . came 6 . I 7 . out 8 . lend 9 . something 10 . Bye - bye

【 创新园地 】


1 . Books are the ever - burning lamps of accumulated wisdom .

- G . W . Curlies

2 . That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit .

- L . W . Alcott

3 . A good book is the best of friends , the same today and for ever .

- M . Tupper

4 . The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries .

- R . Descarles

5 . Histories make men wise , poems witty ; the mathematics subtile ; natural philosophy deep ; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend .

- F . Bacon


1 . 好书乃积累智慧之长明灯。 -- 寇第斯

2 . 好书使人开卷有所求,闭卷有所获。 -- 奥尔科特

3 . 好书如好友,友情永不渝。 -- 塔珀

4 . 阅读好书,就好比是同过去多少世纪最杰出的人们交谈。 -- 笛卡尔

5 . 读诗使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,

逻辑修辞学使人善辩。 -- 培根

【 同步题库 】

Ⅰ . 词汇知识

A ) 用英语写出下列数字的读法

1 . 3 , 333 ______________________

2 . 43 , 210 ______________________

3 . 501 , 522 ______________________

4 . 333 , 333 , 333 ______________________

5 . 6 , 232 , 456 , 101 ______________________

B ) 用括号中词语的正确形式填空

1 . Homework must be ______ on time . ( do )

2 . Man - made satellites have been sent up into space by many ______ . ( country )

3 . Sheep are kept by farmers for ______ wool and meat . ( produce )

4 . Do you enjoy ______ football ? ( play )

5 . Mary is made ______ her clothes by her mother . ( wash )

6 . They ______ here for more than twenty years . ( live )

7 . Neither you nor he ______ well . ( swim )

8 . The population may be the ______ one of the world today .

9 . At the ______ of the twentieth century the world's population was about 1 , 700 million . ( begin )

10 . What was the population of the ______ developed countries in 1950 ? ( much )

Ⅱ . 单项选择

1 . 1 , 988 , 356 in English is ______ .

A . one billion , nine million , eighty - eight thousand , three hundred and fifty - six .

B . one million , nine hundreds and eighty - eight thousands , three hundreds and fifty - six .

C . nineteen million , eighty - eight thousand , three hundred and fifty - six .

D . one million , nine hundred and eighty - eight thousand , three hundred and fifty - six .

2 . ____ is the population of France ?

A . What B . How many C . How much D . How many people

3 . It's too crowded in this house . There's no ____ for us .

A . rooms B . any space C . some place D . room

4 . After rest , we walked two hours ____ .

A . much more B . many C . more D . much

5 . I wanted to know what ____ him in twenty years .

A . will happen to B . happened with C . has happened at D . would happen to

6 . The world's population ____ faster and faster .

A . are growing on B . is turning C . is growing D . are getting

7 . The country is ____ than that one .

A . much developed B . much more develop C . developer D . more developed

8 . There will not be enough space for ____ in about 600 years .

A . anybody B . else somebody C . anybody else D . nobody else

9 . During these years , many doctors went to the ____ countries to help them .

A . not developed B . less developed C . no developing D . not much developed

10 . Three - fourths population of this country ____ farmers .

A . is B . are C . be D . to be

11 . The mother knew that she was going to ____ .

A . grow a baby B . have a baby C . produce a baby D . plant a baby

12 . ____ what year will the world's population reach six billion ?

A . To B . In C . By D . On

13 . China has ____ of more than 1 . 2 billion .

A . population B . populations C . a population D . the population

14 . The world's population is growing ____ than ever before .

A . more quicker B . much quickly C . much quickly D . more quickly

15 . During the last two years , they ____ many houses in their village .

A . will build B . have been built C . built D . have built

16 . I don't think there is enough space for you ____ ____ the earth .

A . stand , in B . standing , on C . to stank , at D . to stand , on

17 . ____ of this year , they went to Paris for a visit .

A . In the beginning B . On the begin C . At the beginning D . To the begins

18 . He came to borrow my car ____ , but I didn't lend it to him .

A . someday B . one day C . some day D . any day

19 . Go straight ahead , you'll find the library ____ of the street .

A . in the end B . to the end C . at the end D . by the end

20 . People landed on the moon for the first time in ____ .

A . 1969 years B . the year 1969 C . the year's 1969 D . 1969 of the years

21 . ____ I haven't been to France .

A . Since B . Then C . So far D . Just away

22 . The girl looks very ____ .

A . beautiful B . wonderfully C . carefully D . care

23 . ____ does he write well , ____ he also speaks well .

A . Not only , but B . not also , but C . Either , or D . Both , and

24 . What happened ____ Mr Green yesterday ?

A . for B . in C . at D . to

25 . There are a lot of trees on ____ side .

A . every B . neither C . either D . both

26 . China is a ____ country .

A . develop B . developed C . developing D . develops

27 . By the end of last year , I ____ 2 , 000 new words .

A . learnt B . had learned C . have learned D . learn

28 . He promised me that he ____ buy me a present .

A . should B . would C . shall D . will

29 . That city has a ____ population .

A . large B . much C . many D . little

30 . The teacher told us to read the ____ passage as quickly as we can .

A . follows B . followed C . follow D . follwoing

31 . Is there ____ room for her to stand in .

A . the B . a C . \ D . an

32 . One day , people have to find food for over 250 , 000 ____ .

A . more mouths B . mouths more C . many mouths D . mouths many

33 . Who is the girl ____ red skirt ?

A . with B . from C . in D . on

34 . Class is over . Let's stop ____ .

A . have a rest B . to have a rest C . having a rest D . to having a rest

35 . Hurry up _____ you'll be late ____ school .

A . and , in B . but , at C . so , on D . or , for

Ⅲ . 完形填空 ( 单词的首字母已给出 )

Charles was eight and a half years old , and he went to a school near his house . He always went there and came home o ( 1 ) foot . He usually got back on t ( 2 ) . But last Friday he came home f ( 3 ) school late . His mother was in the kitchen . When she saw him , she said to him , “W ( 4 ) are you so late today , Charles ? ”

“My teacher was angry and s ( 5 ) me to the headmaster after our lesson . ”Charles answered .

“To the headmaster ? ”his mother said , “Why did she send you to him ? ”

“Because she asked a question in the class , ”Charles said , “and n ( 6 ) of the children gave her the answer e ( 7 ) me . ”

His mother was angry . “But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster then ? Why d ( 8 ) she send all the other fools to the headmaster ? ”she asked Charles . “W ( 9 ) was the question ? ”

“Her question was who put glue ( 胶水 ) o ( 10 ) my chair ? ”

Ⅳ . 阅读理解

In England nobody under the age of eighteen is permitted to drink in a bar .

Mr Pete liked going to the bar near his house . But he never took his son , Mike , because he was too young . One day when Mike had his eighteenth birthday , Mr Pete took him to the bar for the first time . They drank for about half an hour . And Mr Pete said to his son , “Now , Mike , I want to teach you something useful . You must always be careful not to drink too much . But how do you know that you have had enough ? Well , I will tell you . Do you see those two lights as the end of the bar ? When they become four , it means you have had too much , and you should go home . ”

“But , Dad , ”said Mike , “I can only see one light at the end of the bar , and do you think I am drinking too little ? ”

1 . ______ will be able to drink in the public places in England .

A . Nobody B . No children C . Only old people D . No young people

2 . Mr Pete told his son ______

A . that he was not old enough to drink too much

B . that nobody was allowed to drink too much

C . not too drink more than enough

D . that he should drink much if he wanted to go home

3 . The number of the lights at the end of the bar is ______ .

A . two B . four C . one D . sometimes two and sometimes four

4 . Mr Pete thought ______ .

A . he should not take his son to the bar B . he would no longer take his son to the bar

C . he hadn't drunk more than enough D . had drunk too much .

5 . This is ______ time for Mike to drink in a bar .

A . the first B . the second C . the third D . maybe the fifth

Ⅴ . 补全对话

A : Do you mind my ( 1 ) down here ?

B : Not ( 2 ) ( 3 ) . Do sit down , There's plenty of ( 4 ) .

A : Thank you . I guess you don't smoke , right ?

B : No .

A : May I open the window ?

B : Go ( 5 ) . The weather's great today , ( 6 ) it ?

A : Oh , yes . I hope the good weather will ( 7 ) .

B : You can never tell . It's so changeable ( 8 ) this time of year . Well , do you know when the train ( 9 ) New York arrives .

A : ( 10 ) , I don't know .

B : That's OK , I'll ask the front desk .

Ⅵ . 介词填空

1 . The boy helped the old lady ______ the street .

2 . Shut the door ______ you .

3 . Are you for it or ______ it .

4 . The car runs ______

5 . I met him yesterday , but I knew of him long ______ that .

6 . The temperature today is ______ freezing point .

7 . That will be bad ______ your health .

8 . Steel is made ______ iron .

9 . The house is ______ fire .

10 . The river flows ______ the town from west to east .

Ⅶ . 翻译句子

1 . 世界人口将到哪一年达到六十亿 ?

______ what year will the world's population ______ 6 billion ?

2 . 我们看见汽车一辆一辆地过去了,但没有一辆停下来。

We saw car ______ car go by but ______ stopped .

3 . 你练习得越多,你的英语就越好。

The ______ you practise , the better your English ______ be .

4 . 人口问题也许是当今世界最严重的问题。

The population ______ may be ______ greatest one of the world today .

5 . 我希望一切顺利。

I hope everything ______ ______ well .

答案:Ⅰ . A ) 1 . three thousand , three hundred and thirty - three 2 . forty - three thousand , two hundred and ten 3 . five hundred ( and ) one thousand , five hundred and twenty - two 4 . three hundred ( and ) thirty - three million , three hundred ( and ) thirty - three thousand , three hundred and thirty - three 5 . six billion , two hundred ( and ) thirty - two million , four hundred ( and ) fifty - six thousand , one hundred and one B ) 1 . done 2 . countries 3 . producing 4 . playing 5 . to wash 6 . have lived 7 . swims 8 . greatest 9 . beginning 10 . more Ⅱ . 1 . D 2 . A 3 . D 4 . C 5 . D 6 . C 7 . D 8 . C 9 . B 10 . B 11 . B 12 . C 13 . C 14 . D 15 . D 16 . D 17 . C 18 . B 19 . C 20 . B 21 . C 22 . A 23 . A 24 . D 25 . C 26 . C 27 . B 28 . B 29 . A 30 . D 31 . C 32 . B 33 . D 34 . B 35 . D Ⅲ . 1 . B 2 . C 3 . C 4 . C 5 . A Ⅳ . 1 . B 2 . C 3 . C 4 . C 5 . A Ⅴ . 1 . sitting 2 . at 3 . all 4 . room 5 . ahead 6 . isn't 7 . stay 8 . at 9 . from 10 . Sorry Ⅵ . 1 . across 2 . after 3 . against 4 . at 5 . before 6 . below 7 . for 8 . from 9 . on 10 . through Ⅶ . 1 . By , reach 2 . after , none 3 . more , will 4 . problem , the 5 . goes , on


科目 英语

年级 初三

文件 middle3 unit5.doc

标题 The accident

章节 第五单元




1. 词汇

A. 单词

四会: lose (lost), past, corner, or, travel, lie (lay), library,

medicine, hurry

三会: accident, motor, motorbike, suddenly, land, gate keeper,

crowd, while

B. 词组/句型

wash clothes make a dress

ride a motorbike write a letter

… , if you can have a little accident

see sb do sth walk past

give sth back to sb ride along the road

play with sb worry about

a traffic accident leave school

shout to sb be badly hurt

stop the traffic carry sb/sth to …

It's really nice of you.

crowd round …

in the school library

as quickly as one could, …

the school office

hurry off to do sth

try to do sth

hurry over It's nothing.

move away

tell sb about sth

a medicine box

hurry yp

take sb/sth to…

get help from …

call to do sth


* I forgot the time.

* You'd better go to bed earlier tonight, if you can.

* What happened?

* How kind!

* It's really nice of you.

* It's nothing.

* You'll be OK.

* As quickly as she could, Miss Zhao got a medicine box.

* Please hurry up.

3. 语法: 过去进行时态(二)

Statement forms陈述句形式

I/He/She/It was (not) travelling too fast.

We/You/They were (not) travelling too fast.

Question forms疑问句形式

Was I/he/she/it travelling too fast?

Were you/we/they travelling too fast?


1.the Blacks布莱克一家


When I got there, the Turners were having dinner.


The Smiths live upstairs.


The Greens are all doctors.


2. … , if you can. 如果能够的话,…

You'd better go to bed earlier tonight, if you can.


Do it by yourself, if you can.


3.have a (little) accident发生一点意外(事故)

I had a little accident last Sunday.


I had an accident on my way home.


She died in a traffic accident.


There was a car / a railroad / an airplane accident yesterday.


4. happen vi. (偶然地)发生

The accident happened at the corner.


How did it happen?


What happened next?


5. see sb do sth

表示感觉的动词,如:see, watch, hear, feel等,其宾语后面的不定


A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.


I saw him walk across the street.


I watched him go into the house and come out again a few minutes later.


I often hear her sing this song.


I felt the earth move just now.



After the boys moved away the bag, the girls let the traffic go again.


The teacher made the boy stand at his desk the whole class.


6.give sth back to sb. 把…归还给某人

= give sb back sth

= return sth to sb (return sb sth)

She picked it up and gave it back to me.


Don't forget to give the money back to Jim.

= Don't forget to give Jim back the money.


Please remember to return the bicycle to Li Lei.

= Please remember to return Li Lei the bicycle.

= Please remember to give Li Lei back the bicycle.

= Please remember to give the bicycle back to Li Lei.


7.lucky adj. 幸运的,好运的

I was lucky enough to get a job.


8. worry about … 对…感到忧虑;为…担忧

worry about和be worried about两种表达法均正确。前者常用于语气较强的祈使句中,后者一般用于陈述句中,有时两者也有混用的情况。

Don't worry about any new words.


Don't worry about my health. I can look after myself.


She is worried about her daughter's studies at school.


9. land vt. & vi. (飞机)降落,使降落;(人)上岸,使上岸

It landed in the middle of the road.


The plane landed an hour later.


The spaceship landed in the sea this morning.


The pilot landed the plane safely in the heavy snow.


10. shout at/to sb. 对某人大声喊叫

Don't shout at me. I can hear you.


We shouted to her to be careful.


11. or的用法

1)(用肯定句)或…, 还是…, 或是…

She or I have to bring it.


Is it green or blue?


Which do you like better, apples or oranges?


Are you going to leave or stay?



He doesn't smoke or drink.



Let's move that bag, or there may be an accident.


Get up or you'll be late for school.


Take this bus or (else) you won't get there in time.


12. move

1) vt. 搬动(某一物体)

Let's move the big stone away from the road.


You'd better move your chair to the door. It's cool there.


2) vi. 搬家,移动

When are you going to move into your new house?


The Greens moved to Beijing last week.


He hurt his leg and couldn't move.


move away sth. 把…搬开

I'll go and move away the bag of rice with Lin Tao.


Please move away the desk and the chair.


13. not … until … 直到…才…



Kate didn't go to bed until 10 o'clock.


Kate didn't go to bed until her mother came back.


I didn't finish my homework until ten o'clock last night.


He won't get up until I call him.


14. lie (lay, lying) vi. (人、动物)躺,卧

The man lay on the road.


The boy lay on the sofa.


They lay on the grass.


lie on one's back/side/stomach仰卧,侧卧,俯卧

15. stop v. 停止(车、机器)

They go round the corner and stop the traffic.


I stopped the car.


The policeman stopped the truck at the gate.


16. It is nice of + n. (sb.) + to do (某人)真亲切做…

It is nice of you to ask me to your party tonight.


17.crowd round团团围住…

Don't crowd round him.


The girls crowded around the film star.


The students crowded round the teacher to ask questions.


18. as … as one can = as … as possible尽可能地

As quickly as she could (= As quickly as possible), Miss Zhao got a medicine box.


The boy ran towards school as fast as he could (= as fast as possible).


You must be as careful as you could (= as careful as possible) when you cross the road.


19. hurry up vi. 赶快(不用于否定句,常用于命令句)

Hurry up, or you will be late.


hurry off / away vi. & vt. 匆匆离去

Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.


20.With the medicine under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.

with + 名词 + 介词短语:这一结构可用作状语,表示伴随状况。

The teacher came in with a book under his arm.


The poor woman walked through the street with a baby on her back.


21. A gets help from B = B gives help to A

Jim gets help from Tom. = Tom gives help to Jim.

吉姆从汤姆那儿得到帮助。= 汤姆向吉姆提供帮助。


I. 找出含有题前所给单词划线部分发音的词。

1. lose A. move B. drop C. both D. nose

2. while A. politely B. luckily C. police D. winner

3. crowd A. know B. enough C. sound D. draw

4. language A. past B. basketball C. village D. travel

5. passed A. crowded B. stopped C. traveled D. hurried

II. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

1. How many ______ are there in the city? (library)

2. What ______ the Smiths ______ (do) when you went there?

3. There was a book ______ on the desk. (lie)

4. The bell rang while we ______ (play) pingpong.

5. He was ______ to win the match. (luck)

6. While my parents ________ (watch) TV, I ________ (do) my homework.

7. He was _______ hurt in this accident. (bad)

8. The children were shouting loudly but the driver ______ (not hear) them.

9. ________ (work) hard at your lessons and ______ (not talk) in class.

10. What does that man do? He is a gate ______ (keep).

III. 按括号内的要求改变下列句子。

1. They were travelling too fast. (该成一般疑问句)


2. You'd better give him a ring at once. (改为否定句)


3. The twins went to bed after they finished their homework.

(用not … until改写句子)


4. The girls let the traffic go again at 12 o'clock. (用not…until改写句子)


5. Please crowd round the teacher.(改为否定句)


IV. 单项选择.

1. --- _____ Wei Fang learning Russian last night?

--- Yes.

A. Is B. Was C. Were D. Did

2. It's warmer today. You'd better ______ your thick sweater.

A. put on B. wear C. take off D. put in

3. Yesterday Tom climbed a tree and fell ________ .

A. away B. out C. from D. off

4. Be quick, ________ we'll be late for school.

A. and B. so C. when D. or

5. My uncle always sleeps ________ his eyes open.

A. and B. but C. when D. with

6. After I used his bike, I ________ .

A. gave him back to it B. gave him back it

C. gave it back him D. gave it back to him.

7. I heard them ________ about you yesterday.

A. to talk B. talked C. talk D. were talking

8. The Greens ________ at table when I went in.

A. sat B. was sitting C. were sitting D. is sitting

9. The boy was just looking out of the window ________ the teacher called him.

A. before B. until C. when D. and

10. When we do our homework, we must be ________ .

A. as carefully as we can B. as careful as we can

C. as we can as carefully D. as we can as careful

11. When she ________ , she dropped her pen.

A. pasted B. walked passed C. past D. walked past

12. We went to move the bag away and let the girls ________ help from the school.

A. to go and find B. go and to find

C. go and find D. went and found

13. Look, our books are on the floor. Please ________ .

A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up D. pick up them

14. You can borrow this book, but please give it back to me as ________ as you can.

A. soon B. quick C. quicker D. quickest

15. I ________ breakfast at 7:30 this morning.

A. am having B. was having C. had D. were having

V. 阅读短文,并判断正误。

John lived with his mother in a rather big house, and when she died, the house became too big for him so he bought a smaller one in the next street. There was a very nice old clock in his first house, and when the man came to take his furniture (家具) to the new house, John thought, “I'm not going to let them carry my beautiful old clock in their truck. Maybe they'll break it, and then mending it will be very dear.”So he picked it up and began to carry it down the road under his arms.

It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have a rest.

Then suddenly a small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked at John for a few seconds (秒). Then he said to John,“You're a stupid (愚蠢) man, aren't you? Why don't you buy a watch like everybody else?”

( ) 1. John and his mother lived in a big house.

( ) 2. John bought a small house in the next street.

( ) 3. John had a beautiful new clock.

( ) 4. John and his friend carried the clock to his new house.

( ) 5. John was a stupid man.

VI. 完形填空。

Mrs Smith was looking out of her window, when ___1___ saw a truck and a big car ___2___ each other. She ran out to help. There ___3___ only one man in the truck and one woman in the car, and neither of them was hurt, but the car was damaged (损坏).

The lady ___4___ very white and her hands were shaking (发抖), ___5___ Mrs Smith invited her ___6___ her house and gave her some tea. She was a pleasant woman of about 50 years old. She drank the tea and soon looked ___7___. Then she said to Mrs Smith, “Have you ___8___ a telephone, please? I would like to ___9___ my husband. We have a kind of custom (习惯) --- whenever I have an accident with the ___10___ , I telephone him.

( )1. A. she B. he C. it D. I

( )2. A. blew B. beat C. met D. met

( )3. A. were B. was C. has been D. have been

( )4. A. seemed B. became C. looked D. was

( )5. A. and B. but C. as D. so

( )6. A. in B. into C. to D. at

( )7. A. more worse B. much worse C. more better D. much better

( )8. A. bought B. got C. kept D. made

( )9. A. phone B. help C. answer D. tell

( )10 A. bus B. taxi C. truck D. car


Mainly Revision

章节 第十四单元

关键词 初三英语第十四单元





四会: right away, whether, for long, make friends, get on…with…, mistake, make a mistake, dance,

either, light, dark,take one’s time, cost, try … on

三会: lonely, fight, decide, wool(l)en, hang, cotton, expensive, soft


many other parts of the world

Father Christmas

On Christmas Eve

go to sleep

during/in the night

on top of

climb down

each of …

be asleep

dress up

no longer

each other

can’t wait to do


It is better to give than to receive.

Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!




1.Father Christmas (GB) = Santa Claus (US) 圣诞老人

2.all over… “在…各部分”; “遍及…的各部分”

People all over the world / country like to come to Beijing for a visit.


The news got round all over the city.


The dog went in the water and now it’s wet all over.

狗刚才跳到水里, 所以现在浑身是水.

3.on top of … 在…之上

Put the red book on top of the others.


People usually put a star on top of Christmas tree.


4.real --- 强调人或事物 “真实的” 存在, 而不是想象的或虚构的

true --- 强调符合事实, 是 “真的”, 而不是假的, 是 “相符的”, 而不是编造的.

Father Christmas isn’t real.


I’m learning to skate on real ice.


Read the passage first and then tell me which answer is true.

先通读一下这篇短文, 然后告诉我哪一个答案是正确的.

5.dress up : put on special clothes, as for a play, a fancy dress ball, etc.

(为演戏, 参加化装舞会等)着特殊服装

The children dressed (themselves) up as pirates.


6.no longer = not … any longer在某一时刻以后, 不再

I can’t wait any longer.


He’s no longer living here.


7.each other相互

We should help each other in our study.


They couldn’t understand each other because they spoke different language.

他们由于语言不通, 所以相互听不懂对方的话.

They are afraid of each other.


They put small presents in each other’s stockings.




1. A. same

B. catch

C. plane

D. cake

2. A. spend

B. left

C. bed

D. metre

3. A. bike

B. side

C. fish

D. drive

4. A. my

B. why

C. cry

D. young

5. A. put

B. such

C. cup

D. number

6. A. team

B. break

C. meal

D. cheap

7. A. hand

B. wind

C. drink

D. stand

8. A. turn

B. hurt

C. nurse

D. surprise

9. A. machine

B. teach

C. catch

D. chair

10. A. know

B. yellow

C. snow

D. brown


1.It’s third time I ______ (see) him this month.

2.I don’t know if it ______ (snow) or not tomorrow.

3.While my mother ______ (do) the cooking, my father helped her with it.

4.Where ______ you ______ (get) the dictionary?

5.I’ll return the book to the library as soon as I ______ (finish) it.

6.Don’t go and trouble him. He ______ (read) in his room.

7.It’s three years since he ______ (leave) for America.

8.I ______ (walk) along the street when I heard someone call me from behind.

9.Tom said he ______ (go) home the next day.

10.Mrs Smith ______ (be) in the city ever since Mr Smith came two years ago.


1.Is Russian as ________ as Japanese?

A.popular B. more popular C. the most popular

2.Miss Zhao teaches us very ________ . She is a ________ teacher.

A.good … good B. good … well C. well … good

3.TV is short ________ television.

A.to B. for C. of

4.He ________ America with his family. He won’t be back until next week.

A.went to B. goes to C. has gone to

5.I ________ Guangzhou only once.

A.have gone to B. have been to C. went to

6.The teacher asked Lucy ________ quickly.

A.come B. comes C. to come

7.Christmas is an important festival in Britain and ________ parts of the


A.many other B. many others C. others

8.________ Christmas Eve children all over Britain put stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.

A.In B. On C. At

9.Their parents tell them that Father Christmas will come ________ .

A.at the night B. in night C. during the night

10.Father Christmas is very ________ .

A.kind-heart B. kind-hearted C. kind hearted

11.He ________ each of the stockings ________ Christmas presents.

A.puts … with B. fulls … with C. fills … with

12.Of course, Father Christmas isn’t ________ .

A.real B. realy C. really

13.The children are no longer young, and they know ________ .

A.who is he B. who he is C. that who he is

14.They put small presents in ________ stockings.

A.each other B. each other’s C. each others’

15.What makes you ________ I’m a doctor?

A.to think B. think C. thinking


Every year just after Christmas the January Sales (销售)start. All the shops reduce (降低) their prices (价格) and for two weeks, they are full of people looking for bargains. My husband and I do not normally go to the sales as we don’t like crowds and in any case are short of money as we have to buy lots of Christmas presents.

Last year, however, I took my husband with me to the sales at the large shop in the centre of London. We both needed some new clothes and were hoping to find a television set. When we arrived in Oxford Street, it was so crowded that we decided to split up and meet again at the underground (地铁) station. So I left my husband and started looking around the shops. Unfortunately (不幸) all the clothes were in very large sizes and so were not suitable for me. But I did buy a television at a very cheap price so I felt quite pleased with myself.

When I arrived at the station my husband was not there so I sat down in a nearby café to have a cup of tea. I quickly finished my tea when I saw him and went out to meet him. He looked very happy. Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavy cardboard box. “Oh, dear!” I thought. Yes, we had no new clothes buy we did have two televisions. We shall not be going to the sales again.

1.In January ________ .

A.people have a lot of money to spend after Christmas.

B.all the shops close for a two-week Christmas holiday.

C.lots of people go shopping for discounts (折扣)

D.people don’t have enough money to go looking for bargains.

2.In this passage the word “bargain” could best be replaced (代替) by something ________ .

A.offered (提供), sold or bought which is expensive

B.sold for the purpose (目的) of reaching and agreement

C.offered at a reduced price

D.given to people

3.The husband and wife in the story ________ .

A.often went to the sales to buy clothes.

B.wish to buy a TV.

C.were usually not short of money after Christamas.

D.went to the sales the year before.

4.The phrase “split up” means ________ .

A.become pieces

B.go in different directions (方向) from each other.

C.break apart

D.cause (引起) to break

5.After their day’s shopping, they ________ .

A.were happy with their bargain

B.had got everything they wanted

C.had to go back to the sales the next day.

D.got more than they had hoped for


Mark Twain’s Absent-mindedness

The famous American writer Mark Twain (马克.吐温) was well-known ___1___ his absent-mindedness (心不在焉). One day, ___2___ he was riding in a train, the conductor ___3___ him for his ticket. Mark Twain looked ___4___ the ticket in all his pockets, but without success (成功). At last, ___5___, who knew the writer by sight (眼力), said, “___6___ doesn’t really matter. ___7___ me your ticket on your way ___8___. And if you don’t ___9___ it, there’s no harm (害处) done.”

“Oh, but there ___10___ . I must find the ___11___, otherwise (否则) ___12___ will I know where I’m going?”

1. A. as

B. to

C. with

D. for

2. A. where

B. who

C. when

D. since

3. A. wanted

B. asked

C. begged

D. promised

4. A. after

B. at

C. like

D. for

5. A. the conductor

B. the driver

C. other people

D. the writer

6. A. That

B. It

C. What

D. This

7. A. Showing

B. Showed

C. Shown

D. Show

8. A. up

B. on

C. back

D. down

9. A. find

B. put

C. take

D. carry

10. A. are

B. is

C. were

D. was

11. A. pocket

B. train

C. ticket

D. conductor

12. A. how

B. what

C. when

D. why






















