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1. a good idea 好主意

Do you have a good idea? 你有好主意吗?

2. amusement park 游乐园 amuse 使人发笑

3. an interesting book 一本有趣的书

It’s an interesting story. 这是个有趣的故事。 interest 兴趣

4. arrive here 到这

reach, get, 到达

5. as … as 像……一样

I am as old as you. 我和你一样大。

6. come from 生于,源于

Today’s birds come from the dinosaurs. 今天的鸟类起源于恐龙。

7. come to

Can you come to my house?

8. come with me. 跟我来。

Why don’t you come with me?

9. get some sleep 睡觉

10. go ahead one 向前走一步

11. go back one 向后走一步

12. go out 出去

It’s too hot. Let’s go out and swim. 天太热了。让我们出去游泳吧。

13. go out to fish 去钓鱼

14. go to the library 去图书馆

I usually go to the library after school. 我通常放学以后去图书馆。

15. go to the museum 去博物馆

Why don’t we go to the museum? 我们为什么不去博物馆呢?

16. go to the zoo 去动物园

We will go to the zoo this Sunday. 我们这个周日去动物园。

17. have an exhibition 举行一场展览会

18. have fun 玩得开心

Did you have fun in your summer vacation? 你暑假玩得开心吗?

19. have no idea= don’t know 不知道

20. hold an exhibition 举行一场展览会

21. I don’t think so. 我不这样认为。

22. I think so. 我这样认为。

23. in a movie 在电影里

24. in the future 在将来

25. laid eggs 下蛋,孵蛋

Dinosaurs laid eggs like birds do. 恐龙像鸟一样下蛋。

26. listen to English songs 听英文歌

I often listen to English songs to improve my listening skill. 我经常通过听英语歌曲提高我的听力能力。

27. listen to sb. 听某人讲话

Jenny is listening to the teacher carefully. 詹妮正在认真听老师讲话。

28. musical robot 音乐机器人

29. over here 这里

over there 那里

30. read English stories 读英语故事

My mom often read English stories when I was young. 我小的时候妈妈经常给我读英语故事。

31. so on 等等

32. something interesting / good / new 形容词修饰不定代词需要后置

33. take notes 记笔记

We should take notes in the class. 我们应该在课堂上记笔记。

34. thirty meters long 30米长

This dinosaur is thirty meters long. 这个恐龙有三十米长。

35. turn off 关上

Turn off the TV. 关上电视。 = Turn the TV off. turn it off / on

36. turn on 打开

Turn on the TV. 打开电视。 = Turn the TV on. turn it off / on

37. TV news programs 电视新闻节目

38. understand the lesson 理解课文 / 明白课程

39. want to be + 职业

I want to be a teacher.

40. warm weather 温暖的气候

41. water pollution 水污染

42. weather forecast 天气预报

43. weighed thirty tons 30吨重


1. be due to 由于……

I got a good grade. It's due to my hard working.

2. be worried about 担心

I’m worried about my sister. 我担心我的妹妹。

3. be worried about sb. 担心某人

I’m better now. Don’t worry about me. 我现在好多了。别担心我。

4. be worried about sth. 担心某事

She’s worried about her math grade. 她担心她的数学成绩。

5. begin to do sth.

I began to study English five years ago. 我五年以前开始学习英语。

6. begin to do sth.开始做某事

I began to study English when I was 5 years old.我五岁开始学英语。

7. Do you think so? 你这样认为吗?

8. find out sth. 找出某物

I can’t find out my bag.

9. find sth. + adj.

find something new 找出一些新东西

10. forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事

I forget telling you this thing. 我忘记了告诉过你这件事情。

11. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事

Don’t forget to bring your umbrella! 别忘记带上你的雨伞。

12. happen to sb. 某人发生了什么事情

What happened to you? 你怎么了?

13. have a good time with sb. 和某人度过愉快的时光

I had a good time with friends on Sunday. 我和朋友在周日度过一段美好的时光。

14. have an idea for sth. 有做某事的想法和主意

I have an idea for a novel.

15. help sb. 帮助某人

Let me help you. 让我帮助你

16. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事

I often help my mom clean the room. 我经常帮妈妈打扫房间。

17. know about sth. 知道关于某方面的事情

I want to know more about science. 我想知道关于更多科学方面的知识。

18. make plans for sth. 做……的计划

I will make plans for my winter vacation. 我要做寒假计划。

19. might be 可能会

He might be the winner. 他可能是赢家。

20. might not be 可能不会

It might not be easy. 这可不简单。

21. need sth. 需要某物

I need some pens. 我需要一些钢笔。

22. need to do sth. 需要去做某事

You need to wash your hands before having dinner. 你应该饭前洗手。

23. prepare for sth. 为某事做好准备

You should prepare well for your speech. 你应该好好准备你的演讲。

24. read sth. for sb. 给某人读……

I want to read a story for you.

25. read sth. to sb. 给某人读……

I want to read a story to you. 我想给你读个故事。

26. show sb. sth. 给某人看某物

I want to show you this photo. 我想给你看这张照片。

27. show sth. to sb. 把某物给某人看

I want to show this photo to you.

28. speak to sb. 和某人讲

I spoke to Linda yesterday. 我昨天和琳达讲话了。

29. tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事

I tell her a story. 我给她讲了一个故事。

30. would like to do sth. 想要去做某事

I would like to be a teacher. 我想成为一名老师。



1. ---May I _______ to Tom?


A. talk B. say C. speak

2. I’ll go to the park. Would you like to come _______ me?

A. and B. with C to

3. Don’t be ________ about Bill. He can do it himself.

A. worry B. worries C. worried

4. It ________ clear up tomorrow.

A. will B. would C. doesn’t

5. He _________ to go hiking with us yesterday.

A. decides B. decided C deciding

6. Why is it important ________ what the weather will be?

A. to know B. knew C. knows

7. There was _________ talk about the games. (谈话,话题)

A. so many B. so much C. much too

8. People want him ________ some flowers to Dandan.

A. to give B. give C. gives

9. He will ______ to have lunch at eleven o’clock.

A. going B. go C. went

10. He doesn’t _______ learn English harder,because he is English.

A. need B. needs to C. need to



England has a changeable(多变的) weather, which makes it impossible even for the most experienced and skilled weather expert(专家)to give a correct forecast. Englishmen can not believe in the weather forecast experts. As a result, the Englishmen leave home in a bright, sunny morning with raincoats slung(吊挂) over their arms or umbrellas in their hands. Because changeable is the weather that there might be thunder and lighting on their way off their job. Who can tell?

1. What is the weather like in England?

A. It is always sunny.

B. It is always changeable.

C. It is always windy.

2. Can weather experts give them the correct forecast?

A. Yes, they can.

B. No, they can’t.

C. No one knows.

3. What do the Englishmen prepare for themselves?

A. When they leave home, they always bring coat and hat with them.

B. When they leave home, they always bring raincoat and umbrella with them.

C. When they leave home, they always bring book and pen with them.


In Britain the weather never gets too hot or too cold. There is not great difference between summer and winter. Why is this?

Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is an island country.

In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain. The winds from the west blow over Britain all the year round. They blow from the southwest across the Atlantic Ocean. (大西洋) They are wet winds. They bring rain to Britain all the year round. The west of Britain is wetter than the east. The winds blow across the high lands in the west.

1. What’s the weather like in Britain all the year round?

A. It’s not too hot or too cold.

B. It’s too hot or too cold.

C. It’s very bad.

2. When do the winds bring cool air to Britain? In _____.

A. spring

B. summer

C. autumn

3. Why is the weather in summer and in winter almost the same? Because there________.

A. is no difference between summer and winter

B. is sea air around this country

C. are winds from the high land



1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B

6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C



1. B 2. B 3. B


1. A 2. B 3. B



( ) 1. _________ newspaper is very interesting.

A. Todaies B. Today’s C. Today

( ) 2. ---_________ do you like Chinese? ----Very much.

A. What B. Where C. How

( ) 3. Are you _________ of snakes?

A. afraid B. scared C. B and C are both right

( ) 4. He _________ his homework on time every day.

A. finishes do B. finishes doing C. finish doing

( ) 5. He went to the concert after _________ shopping.

A. go B. going C. went

( ) 6. It’s raining. Don’t forget _________ your raincoat.

A. to bring B. bringing C. brings

( ) 7. ---_________ will her husband come? ----In two months.

A. How often B. How soon C. How much

( ) 8. __________ the man is!

A. What strong B. What a strong C. How strong

( ) 9. ________ more English books will improve your ________ skills.

A. Reading, read B. Read, Reading C. Reading, reading

( ) 10. After three year’s hard work, she _________ her English.

A. improve B. improves C. improved

( ) 11. You ________ take notes so that you can study with them.

A. needs to B. need to C. needs

( ) 12. We use our eyes _________.

A. see B. seeing C. to see

( ) 13. He ________ spell her name, but he could spell it well.

A. tried to B. tries C. tries to

( ) 14. This story __________ romantic.

A. sounds B. tastes C. smells

( ) 15. It’s _________ cold outside. Don’t take your coat off.

A. too much B. too many C. much too

( ) 16. He wants to be __________.

A. a cooking B. a cook C. a cooker

( ) 17. ---Do we have to eat all the dumplings? ---Yes, you ________.

A. do B. have C. had

( ) 18. There’re __________ of trains cashing at night.

A. hundred B. a hundred C. hundreds

( ) 19. It’s not ________ for a 3-year-old boy to climb the rocks.

A. safety B. safe C. dangerous

( ) 20. The weather here is even _________ than _________ in Harbin.

A. colder, this B. colder, that C. colder, those



There are many children and workers on the farm. They are all working hard. The apples are big and red. The children all like to pick apples. Over there, a girl is picking apples and putting them in the basket. It's full. And a boy on the ladder is giving it to another girl under the tree. Lin Tao and Li Lei in the tree are picking apples. In their basket the apples are bigger but there are fewer apples than the others! Some of the apples are too high. It's very hard to reach them.

( ) 1. They are working hard _________.

A. at school B. on the farm C. in the classroom

( ) 2. Some of apples are __________ to reach. It’s high.

A. easy B. difficult C. simple

( ) 3. What’s the meaning of this word “ladder”? It’s ________.

A. 沙发 B. 梯子 C. 筐

( ) 4. Li Lei is picking __________.

A. tomatoes B. apples C. oranges

( ) 5. Apples in Li Lei and Li Tao’s basket are _______ than the others’.

A. smaller B. more C. fewer


One day, Bruce played in front of a house. A woman came up and asked Bruce, “Little boy, is your mother at home?”“Yes, she is.” answered the boy. Then the woman went over to ring the bell. The bell rang and rang, but no one came to open the door. The woman got angry and called out to him, “You told me your mother was at home, didn't you?” “Yes.” the boy answered.“My mother is at home, but this isn't my home.”

( )1.One day, Bruce played ________.

A. in a park B. in the street C. in front of a house

( )2.The woman wanted to see ________.

A. Bruce's mother B. Bruce's father C. Bruce himself

( )3.The woman went over to ________ after she talked with Bruce.

A. knock at the door of the house B. ring the bell of the house

C. give a call to his mother

( )4.The woman got ________ because no one came to open the door.

A. pleased B. surprised C. angry

( )5.In the story the woman didn't find Bruce's mother because ________.

A. she went to the wrong house B. she didn't know Bruce's mother

C. Bruce was not at home


(A) 在下面的备选栏中选择正确的句子完成对话(只填序号)

A. What about this one?

B. You can’t keep the book for long.

C. Another English storybook?

D. Isn’t it interesting?

E. Oh? But I know you are good at English.

F. Did you enjoy the book?

G. Yes, they are really small.

Miss Wu: Can I help you?

Li Gang: Yes, I’d like to return this book, please.

Miss Wu: 1 .

Li Gang: No, I couldn’t read it, I had a hard time reading a few pages, and then I decided to give up.

Miss Wu: 2 .

Li Gang: It wasn’t the language. It was the words. They are too small for me.

Miss Wu: 3 What can I do for you then?

Li Gang: Well, I’d be glad if you could find me another book.

Miss Wu: 4 .

Li Gang: Yes, but one with bigger words.

Miss wu: 5 .

Li Gang: Oh, Oliver Twist. This one is fine. And the words are much bigger. Thank you very much.

Miss Wu: You’re welcome.

1________ 2________ 3_________ 4__________ 5__________


1. Mike is the shortest boy in his class.(同义句)

Mike is than boy in his class.

2. I’d like some orange and bread.(就画线部分提问)

you ?

3. I find it hard to reach the apples.

I find the apples are .

4. The bad weather lasts long. (变否定句)

The bad weather last long.



1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B

6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C

11.B 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.C

16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B


1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A


1.F 2.E 3.G 4.C 5.A

四、1.shorter, any other 2.What would, like 3.hard/difficult to reach 4.doesn’t



1. a lot of homework 很多作业

I have a lot of homework. 我有很多家庭作业。

2. be different from和 …… 不一样

My answer is different from yours. 我的答案和你的答案不一样。

3. be same as 和 …… 一样

My book is same as yours. 我的书和你的书一样。

4. be similar to 和 …… 相似,类似

Picture A is similar to picture B. 图片A和图片B很相似。

5. body language 肢体语言

We also use body language to communicate. 我们也用肢体语言进行交流。

6. brush one’s teeth 刷牙

7. by + 点钟 到……点

You should come back home by 10 o’clock. 你应该在十点之前回家。

8. Christmas Day 圣诞节

9. clap hands 拍手

10. come back 回来

Don’t come back too late. 别回来的太晚。

11. come here 过来

12. do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业

13. eat breakfast 吃早饭

14. get up 起床

I get up early in the morning. 我起来的非常早。

15. go to see a show 去看一场表演

Dandan will go to see a show tonight. 丹丹今天晚上去看表演。

16. go to bed 去睡觉

17. go to sleep 去睡觉,入睡, 睡着

18. go to the dentist 去看牙医

19. go to the movies 去看电影

20. go to the park去公园

21. hear about 听说

22. in English 用英语

23. in photograph 在照片里,在图片里

24. in September 在九月份

25. in the library 在图书馆

26. in these days近来,今日,目前

I study English in these days. 我近来在学习英语。

27. listen to sb. carefully 认真听某人讲话

28. make my bed 整理我的床铺

29. New Year’s Day 新年

30. next time 下一次

See you next time. 下次再见。

31. practice the piano 练习弹钢琴

32. school year 学年

33. sit up straight 坐直

34. speak English well 英语说得很棒

She can speak English well. 她英语说得很棒。

35. the novel of sb.

I like the novel of San Mao. 我喜欢三毛的书。

36. this afternoon 今天下午

She has a party this afternoon. 她今天下午有个聚会。

37. wake up 醒来

She usually wakes up early in the morning. 她通常一大早就起来了。

38. water the flowers 浇花

She always waters these flowers in the morning. 她总是早上浇花。


1. A and B are the same. A和B 一样。

This desk and that one are the same.

2. be called 被叫做……

The book is called Harry Potter. 这本书叫做哈里波特。

3. be fond of doing sth. 喜欢做某事

My parents are fond of watching TV.我父母喜欢看电视。

4. be fond of sth. 喜欢某物

Laura is fond of music. 劳拉喜欢音乐。

5. be from = come from 来自于 ……

I am from China. = I come from China.

6. be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事

I’m happy to see you. 我很高兴见到你。

7. be interested in doing sth.对做某事感兴趣

I am interested in learning English.

8. be interested in sth./sb. 对某事/人感兴趣

I am interested in English.

9. be pleased to do sth.高兴做某事

I’m pleased to hear that. 我很高兴听到那句话。

10. be still + adj. 仍然,还……

I am still hungry. 我还是饿。

11. be sure that 我确定,我确信

12. be used 被用做……

This room is used to study. 这个房间是用来学习的。

13. be written by sb. 由某人写……

This book is written by Linda. 这本书是Linda 写的。

14. C and D are similar.= C is similar to D. C 和D 相似。

Lily’s and Ben’s pens are similar. = Lily’s pen is similar to Ben’s pen. 丽丽的钢笔和本的钢笔相似。

15. E and F are different. = E is different from F.

My opinion and yours are different. = My opinion is different from yours. 我的意见和你的不同。

16. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

I enjoy watching TV.我喜欢看电视。

17. finish doing sth. 做完某事

Xiaomin doesn’t finish reading it. 小民还没读完这本书。

18. forget doing 忘记做过

I forget telling you this thing. 我忘记告诉过你这件事情了。(忘记了做过这件事情)

19. forget to do 忘记去做

I forget to tell you this thing. 我忘了要告诉你这件事情。(应该做,但却忘了去做)

20. have sth. to do要做某事

I have a lot of work to do.

21. help sb. 帮助某人

I can help you with English. 我可以在英语方面帮助你。

22. hope to do sth. 希望做某事

I hope to talk with you. 我希望能和你交谈。

23. I am sure that you like English. 我确信你喜欢英语。

24. introduce oneself 介绍某人自己

I want to introduce myself. 我想作一个自我介绍。

25. introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人

I want to introduce my parents to you .

26. make one’s homepage 做某人的主页

I’m making my homepage now. 我正在做我的主页。

27. make sth. with sth. 用某物做某物

I make salad with many fruits. 我用许多水果做沙拉。

28. make the homepage with sb.和某人一起做主页

Jackson always makes the homepage with me.

29. stay at home 呆在家 = be at home

I stay at home now.= I’m at home now. 我现在在家

30. thanks for doing sth. 感谢某事

Thanks for helping me. 感谢你的帮忙。

31. was/ were born 出生

I was born in Harbin. 我出生在哈尔滨。

32. What does that mean? = What’s that meaning? 那是什么意思?

33. What does this word mean? = What’s the meaning of this word? 这个单词是什么意思?

34. You have a lot of books to read. 你有很多书要读。




( ) 1. A. fond B. lock C. note

( ) 2. A. palm B. shake C. baby

( ) 3. A. thumb B. job C. climb

( ) 4. A. park B. similar C. far

( ) 5. A. rude B. June C. but


( ) 1. When some people make a “V” two fingers up, it means “peace”.

A. with B. to C. at

( ) 2. When you communicate with people from other cultures, You’d better .

A. to be careful B. be carefully C. be careful

( ) 3. Don’t forget the flowers.

A. water B. watering C. to water

( ) 4. I’m fond novels.

A. for B. of C. at

( ) 5. Can you Miss Gao in the room?

A. see B. look C. have

( ) 6. There are some apples that tree, and there is a bird it, too.

A. on, on B. on, in C. in, on

( ) 7. play in the street.

A. Don’t B. No C. Not to

( ) 8. Some money in the black purse.

A. is B. are C. be

( ) 9. Li Lei and his friends play after school.

A. likes to B. like to C. to like

( ) 10. Jim, Kate and Alice English.

A. all are B. is all C. are all

( ) 11. -I can’t find my ID. - .I can help you.

A. Excuse me B. Don’t worry C. That’s OK

( ) 12. Let’s go and a look.

A. have B. help C. find

( ) 13. I will listen to the teachers and sit up straight during classes.

A. careful B. carefully C. careless

( ) 14. I will brush my teeth and say good night to my parents going to bed.

A. after B. during C. before

( ) 15. I’m pleased that you’ll come.

A. so B. such C. too

( ) 16. If you are hungry, you can buy some food in the .

A. bank B. supermarket C. post office

( ) 17. One of stands up and answers the question.

A. the boy B. the boys C. boys

( ) 18. What does he teach ?

A. her B. his C. your

( ) 19.The American people .

A. are friend B. is friendly C. are friendly

( ) 20.They football over there.

A. are playing B. plays C. plaies



Mr. Smith is an English teacher. He is not very young. He is not old. He knows four languages and reads and writes them very well. He reads many books and writes some.

It’s eleven o’clock now, but he is working. He has a book in his hand and he is reading it. A cat is sitting on the desk. That’s Mr. Smith’s cat. She often sits there. Now she is watching Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith works very late. He often goes to bed at about twelve or one o’clock.

( ) 1.Mr Smith is .

A. a Chinese teacher B. a worker C. an English teacher

( ) 2. He knows languages.

A. three B. two C. four

( ) 3. He is .

A. reading a book B. writing a book C. playing

( ) 4. is watching Mr. Smith on the desk.

A. A bird B. A cat C. A dog

( ) 5. Mr. Smith often goes to bed .

A. at ten o’clock B. very late C. at eleven o’clock


An old woman opens her window and looks out of it. The sun shines brightly. There is a man in the garden in front of her house. The old woman looks at him and thinks, “He’s eating grass!” She goes out into the garden and says to the man, “Are you very hungry?” The man says, “Yes, I am a poor man. I don’t have my breakfast and I am hungry.” The old woman says to him, “Come to the back door of my house.” The man smiles happily and goes to the back door of the house.

The old woman opens the door and says to the poor man, “The grass is longer behind the house.”

( ) 1. The day is a day.

A. sunny B. cloudy C. windy

( ) 2. The man in the garden is front of the old women’s house.

A. is having breakfast B. is cutting grass C. is eating grass

( ) 3. There are people in this passage.

A. one B. two C. five

( ) 4. The old woman is to the man.

A. kind B. polite C. bad

( ) 5. The grass in the garden is than that behind the house.

A. longer B. shorter C. better



Li Ming: Hello.

Wu Dong: Hello. This is Wu Dong. May I speak to Li Ming, please?

Li Ming: 1

Wu Dong: Hi, Li Ming. How are you?

Li Ming: Fine, thanks. And you?

Wu Dong: I’m fine. Thank you. Li Ming, I need some help. 2

Li Ming: Sure. 3

Wu Dong: There is something wrong with my computer. 4

Li Ming: Certainly. But not today.

Wu Dong: 5

Li Ming: Ok. See you then.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. _____ 4. ___ 5. ___


A:Can I 1 you?

B: Yes, please. I would like a glass 2 milk.

A: Ok. Here you are. What 3 something 4 eat?

B: Well, some cakes, please.

A: Here you are. What about some apples?

B: No, 5 .

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


1. I can hear something in the room. (改为一般疑问句)

you hear in the room?

2. Jill has to stay in bed. (改为否定句)

Jill to stay in bed.

3. She must take this medicine three times a day. (对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ must she take this medicine?

4. People enjoy Chinese food because it is usually very delicious.(对画线部分提问)

people enjoy Chinese food?

5. Anna does her homework after class every day. (改为否定句)

Anna her homework after class every day.




答案: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C


1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A

6.B 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.C

11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.A

16.B 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.A


(A) 1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B

(B) 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B


(A) 1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.G

(B) 1.help 2.of 3.about 4.to 5.thanks


1.Can, anything 2.doesn’t have 3.How often 4.Why do 5.doesn’t do





1. bring a partner 携带同伴

I want to bring a partner to a party. 我想带我的同伴去参加一个聚会。

2. clean up 打扫干净, 整理

I’ll clean up the room. 我要打扫房间。

3. exercise regularly 有规律的锻炼

4. fix the alarm clock 修理闹钟

mend the alarm clock 修理闹钟

5. free time 业余时间

I can enjoy my free time.

6. get off 下车

We should get off the bus ten minutes later. 我们应该在十分钟以后下车。

7. get on 上车

She is getting up the red bus. 她正上了一辆红色的公共汽车。

8. in the new year 在新的一年里

in the new school year 在新学年里

9. make pancakes / bake pancakes 烤蛋糕,薄饼

10. more active 更加活跃,积极

I will be more active in the future.

11. pick up(用车)接、(免费)搭车

I’ll pick you up at the gate tomorrow morning.

12. pick up拾起、捡起

He picked up a pen on the road. 他在路上捡起一支钢笔。

13. sing contest 唱歌比赛

He will join a sing contest tomorrow. 他明天将要参加一个唱歌比赛。

14. the last night of the year 一年中的最后一个夜晚

December 31 is the last day of the year.


1. be important to do sth. 做某事很重要

It’s important to study English.

2. be kind to sb. 对某人很和善

She is very kind to the students. 她对学生非常友善。

3. can’t do sth. 不能做某事

I can’t cook dinner. 我不能做饭了。

4. drive sb. to swh.开车带某人去某地

Would you drive me to the market? 你能开车带我去市场吗?

5. fight with/ against sb. 与 …… 打架

I fought with my younger brother yesterday.

6. get along with与……友好相处

My brother doesn’t get along with me. 我哥哥和我相处的不好。

7. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车

Could you give me a ride? 你能让我搭便车吗?

8. have to do sth. 不得不做某事

We have to pick up Grandma. 我要开车去接我的奶奶。

9. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事

She helped me cook dinner. 她帮我做晚饭。

10. I can’t run any more. 我再也跑不动了。

=I can run no more.

11. improve in sth. 在某方面提高

I want to improve in English. 我想在英语方面有所提高。

12. make a face 做鬼脸

Don’t make a face in the class.

13. make a film制作电影

Why don’t we make a film about pandas?

14. make a plan for 为……做计划

We should make a plan for Sunday.

15. make a sentence造句

I can make a sentence with this word.

16. make sb.do sth.使某人做某事

17. make some tea 沏茶,泡茶

18. sth. make sth.+ adj. ……使……

Vegetables make my body healthier and stronger.

19. What time is it? 几点了?

=What’s the time?

20. Would you do sth.? 你愿意/能做某事吗?

Would you give me a ride? 你愿意让我搭车吗?


一. 单项选择

1. It’s ten o’clock. It’s time _______.

A. go to bed B. to go bed C. to go to bed

2. Don’t worry. There’s _______ time left.

A. a little B. little C. less

3. --What are you doing?

--I ________ plans for the coming winter holiday.

A. am making B. am make C. was making

4. I remembered _________ you the book.

A. to return B. returning C. giving back

5. Jim is worried about Chinese because he is a little weak_______ it.

A. at B. for C. in

6. Look! The classroom is too dirty. It needs ________.

A. to clean B. cleaning C. to be cleaning

7. Tim is getting along ________ all his school subjects.

A. well with B. good at C. well for

8. We will do our best to make our city ________.

A. more beautiful and more B. more beautiful and more beautiful

C more and more beautiful

9. _________ in bed is bad for our eyes.

A. Read B. Seeing C. Reading

10. The score is 2 to 1 ________ Lily’s team.

A. in favor for B. in favor of C. in favor to

二. 任务性阅读

(A) 用长方框内所给词的适当形式填空。

travel three come large good

Harbin is the __1__ city in Heilongjiang Province. It is the capital of Heilongjiang. It is in the northeast of China. It is one of the __2__ places to skate and skiing. Songhua River is the __3__ longest river in China. When summer is __4__, people in the south will come to Harbin for __5__.

1. _________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

三. 阅读理解:

Many teenagers (青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members don’t know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite usual for brothers and sisters to fight with each other. When this happens they can only go to their friends for company.

It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking to each other on the phone. This communication (交际) is very important while children are growing up. Friends can discuss things that are difficult to talk about with family members.

However, parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions?

Who choose your friends? Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you? Have you got a friend your parents don’t like?

根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写 “A”,错误的写 “B”。

( )1.Many teenagers believe that friends can understand them better than their family members.

( )2.Having friends is very important to teenagers.

( )3.When teenagers have difficulty discussing something with their parents, they usually discuss it with their friends.

( )4.Parents like all friends of their children.

( )5.The writer’s think that teenagers should only go to their friends for help.



1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B

二. 任务性阅读:

A. 1. largest 2. best 3. third 4. coming 5. travelling

三. 阅读理解:

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B


一. 单项选择

1. The two brothers often ________ who plays with the ball first.

A. fight with B. fight for C. fighting for

2. I’m sorry I forgot ________ you the book.

A. brought B. to bring C. bringing

3. --Could you do me a favor? --_________

A. What is it? B. Why? C. Speak.

4. There will be a heavy ________ tonight. Please close the window.

A. rainy B. raining C. rain

5. I bet I ________ swim well soon.

A. can be able to B. have to be able to C. will be able to

6. We are in the same ________ different ________.

A. grade, classes B. grades, class C. grades, classes

7. It will be ________. I won’t go shopping.

A. snowing B. snowy C. snow

8. Could you _________ me your backpack?

A. lend B. borrow C. lent

9. Xiaomin is a good boy. He often ________ water for Grandpa Li.

A. carry B. take C. bring

10. I’m too tired. I can’t walk ________.

A. any longer B. no more C. anymore

二. 完形填空

Everyone needs friends. __1__ is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Certainly, sometimes we need to be alone. We don’t always want people __2__. However, we would feel lonely if we __3__ had a friend. No two people are __4__. Friends __5__ don’t get on well. This means __6__ they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and become __7__ again. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very __8__. We miss them very much, but we can __9__ them and write to them. However, we can __10__ new friends. If someone often cares about you, you should feel happy.

( )1.A. It B. He C. There

( )2.A. around B. alone C. all over

( )3.A. ever B. never C. just

( )4.A. friendly B. kind C. just the same

( )5.A. always B. sometimes C. often

( )6.A. that B. how C. why

( )7.A. brothers B. good C. friends

( )8.A. angry B. sad C. happy

( )9.A. call B. ask C. tell

( )10.A. look for B. find C. make

三. 阅读理解


Bill is a lazy boy. He doesn’t often use his head and doesn’t listen to his teacher in class, so he can’t do his homework. His teachers don’t like him. They tell his parents about it, but they don’t know what to do.

It’s Sunday today. Bill gets up early in the morning. After breakfast his mother tells him to do his homework. He goes to his bedroom. When his mother is busy with some housework, the boy goes out with a ball. She doesn’t find it. Supper is ready and Bill comes back. His parents are angry, but they say nothing.

At nine the boy wants to go to bed, his father asks him, “Do you finish your homework?”

“No”, answers the boy. “I can’t do it.”

His father is angry. He pulls him by the ear and says, “Where is your ear?”

“Oh, dear!” Bill calls out. “It’s in your hand.”

1. Bill is a ________ boy.

A. lazy B. busy C. happy

2. Why can’t Bill do his homework?

A. Because he doesn’t want to do.

B. Because he has no time to do.

C. Because he doesn’t listen to the teachers in class.

3. On Sunday Bill plays ball for ________.

A. two hours B. three hours C. a day

4. Does Bill do his homework on Sunday?

A. No, he isn’t. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he does.

5. Which of the following is wrong?

A. Bill is a lazy student.

B. The teachers all like Bill very much.

C. Bill wants to go to bed at nine.


Were This Week Will Be

Pencils 10 cents 5 cents 15 cents

Ball Pens 79 cents 50 cents 1.19 dollars

Exercise books 89 cents 60 cents 1.25 dollars

Letter paper (100pieces) 2.59 dollars 2.00 dollars 2.99 dollars

All Textbooks 30% off

T-shirts 4.99 dollars 3.50 dollars 6.00 dollars

Jackets 22.50 dollars 18.00 dollars 25.99 dollars

1. How much were 200 pieces of letter paper last week?

A. 2.59 dollars. B. 2.00 dollars. C. 5.18 dollars.

2. If a textbook was 15.00 dollars, how much is it today?

A. 10.5 dollars. B. 4.5 dollars. C. 15 dollars.

3. How much will you spend on three exercise books next week?

A. 67 dollars. B. 1.8 dollars. C. 3.75 dollars.

4. If I buy a T-shirt this week, how much more money can I save than last week?

A. 1.01 dollars. B. 1.49 dollars. C. 2.5 dollars.

5. If you buy 2 jackets next week, how much more money will you have to pay for them than this week?

A. 98 dollars. B. 15.98 dollars. C. 9 dollars.


一. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C

二. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C

三. (A) 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B

(B) 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B




1. a strong wind 强烈的风

There was a strong wind yesterday. 昨天刮大风。

2. around the house 房子周围,房子附近

There’re some nice flowers around my house. 我家周围有好多美丽的花。

3. catch a cold 感冒

You’d better wear more clothes. Or you’ll catch a cold.


4. catch more fish 抓更多的鱼

You can catch more fish in the rain. 雨天可以抓到更多鱼。

5. come inside 进入,进来

The lock is broken. I can’t come inside. 锁头坏了。 我不能进去了。

6. come into 进来,进去

Come into the house. 到房屋里来。

7. go fishing 去钓鱼

Why don’t we go fishing? 为什么我们不去钓鱼?

8. go on a picnic 去野餐

It’s a fine day to go on a picnic. 是个去野餐的好天气。

9. go out of swh. 从……出去

It’s raining now; you’d better not go out of the room. 现在正在下雨,你最好别出屋。

10. hear from收到……的来信

I hear from my mother every month. 我每月都接到母亲的信。

11. in the rain 在雨中

I like to sing in the rain. 我喜欢在雨中唱歌。

12. jump into … 跳进……

The dog jumped into that box. 小狗跳进了那个盒子里。

13. Just a moment! 请稍等一下。

14. leave for a moment 离开一下

Excuse me; I have to leave for a moment. 对不起,我必须离开一下。

15. look into … 向……里面看去

I looked into the room. 我向房间里看去。

16. look up 向上看

He looked up and saw some birds. 他抬头望去,看见了一些鸟。

17. lost sth. 丢掉某物

I lost some money. 我丢了一些钱。

18. run to swh. 跑到……

We will be late. Let’s run to school. 我们快迟到了。 让我们跑步去学校吧。

19. ride one’s bike 骑某人的自行车

Jenny is riding her bike. 詹妮正在骑自行车。

20. see clearly 看清楚

I can’t see anything clearly. 我什么也看不清了。

21. something important 一些重要的事情

She has something important to tell you. 她有一些重要的事情要告诉你。

22. stay home 呆在家里

I stay home now. 我正在家。

23. suffer damage 遭受损害

The people and the land suffer damage. 人们和土地都遭受损害。

24. take a rest / have a rest 休息一下

I want to take a rest. 我想休息一下。

25. take a test 进行考试

I don’t want to take the test. 我不想参加考试。

26. the Great Wall 长城

I want to go to the Great Wall. 我想去长城。

27. this holiday 这个假期

I’m going to Beijing this holiday. 这个假期我要去北京。

28. Wait a second. 等一会儿

29. was/ were born 出生

The baby was born at 8 o'clock. 婴儿8点钟出生的。


1. argue about sth. 争论某事

They argued about what was the most popular song.


2. argue with sb. about sth. 和某人争论某事

He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday.


3. be fond of doing sth. 喜欢做某事

I’m fond of writing in English. 我喜欢用英语写作。

I am not fond of eating meat.我不喜欢吃肉。

4. be going to do sth. 将要去做某事

I’m going to have dinner. 我要去吃饭。

5. be interested in sth. 对某方面感兴趣

Are you interested in swimming?

6. be pleased to do sth. 高兴去做某事

I’m pleased to see you.

7. be thrown 被抛

This book was thrown. 这本书被扔掉了。

8. begin to do sth. / begin doing sth. 开始做某事

They started / began to learn English two years ago.两年前他们开始学英语。

9. call sb. from swh. 在……地方叫某人

My teacher called me from the classroom. 我的老师在教室里喊我。

10. don’t forget to do sth. 别忘记去做某事

Don’t forget to bring my book.

11. hope to do sth. 希望去做某事

I hope to be a scientist.

12. should be prepared for sth. 为某事做好准备

You should be prepared for your test. 你应该为你的考试做好准备。

13. should do sth. 应该做某事

You should turn off the radio. 你应该关上收音机。

14. start to do sth./ start doing sth. 开始做某事

He starts / begins his work at eight thirty.他八点半开始工作。

15. talk about 谈论

Are you talking about last week? 你是在说上个星期的事吗?

16. talk to sb. 和某人讲话

May I take to you? 我能和你讲话吗?

17. talk with sb. 和某人交谈

I talked with the doctor. 我和医生谈过了。

18. visit sb. 拜访某人

I visit my grandparents every summer vacation. 我每个暑假都看望我的祖父母。

19. visit swh. 参观某地

When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben.

20. What do you think of …? 你认为…… 怎么样?

What do you think of this flower? 你认为这朵花怎么样?



1. - I hope to_______ a teacher in the future.

- That sounds great. ( )

A. am B. is C. be

2. - What happened?

- Let’s go and have a _______.( )

A. look B. see C. watch

3. - I’m sure you will speak English_______ someday.

- Thanks a lot. ( )

A. good B. nice C. well

4. - Be careful with your body language.

- That’s right. Every country _______ its own body language. ( )

A. have B. has C. had

5. - What does the gesture mean?

- It’s used _______ animals in Korean. ( )

A. call B. called C. to call

6. - What are they doing?

- They are arguing _______ who was the best. ( )

A. about B. at C. with

7. - What’s the weather _______ to be like tomorrow?

- Maybe it is going to rain. ( )

A. go B. goes C. going

8. - You gave me the wrong address.

- It can’t _______ wrong. I checked it twice. ( )

A. be B. to be C. being

9. - It’s going to rain. Can you _______ my umbrella?

- Sure. ( )

A. take B. carry C. bring

10. - Can you find out which figure is different _______ others?

- Let me see. ( )

A. for B. from C. to



Linda: Did you know that Jack already ________ reading three comic books?

Max: I can’t believe it! I saw him bought them ________ the bookstore.

Linda: Well, it’s true. How many did you read?

Max: Just one. By the way, did you ________ my comic books?

Linda: I’m really sorry. I ________ to bring it.

Max: Never ________. Remember to bring it tomorrow.

Linda: OK. I’m sure I will.


题 目:My favorite movie.

情境提示:Do you like movies? I’m sure that you like them very much. Which one do you like most? Who is the film director of it? Is the actor or actress very famous? Why you like it so much?

参考词汇:like best, because, film star, film director

要 求:1.语言流畅,逻辑性强,无语法错误。


3. 参考词汇可根据情况选用。



篇5:(教育科学版)初二Unit 8 Review & Project


Review 1


1. windy 2. tornado 3. scared 4. closet 5. dinosaur

6. weigh 7. disappear 8. beyond 9. weather 10. forecast

11. predict


1. windy adj. 有风的, 刮风的, 多风的

It’s very windy today. 今天刮大风。

2. tornado n. 旋风, 龙卷风

The tornado is coming. We’d better go inside. 龙卷风就要来了。我们最好去里面。

3. scared adj. 恐惧的

You scared me. 你吓到我了。

4. closet n. 壁橱, 储藏室

There’s a closet in this room. 这个房间里面有个壁橱。

5. dinosaur n. 恐龙

Some dinosaurs are as big as buildings. 一些恐龙像建筑物一样大。

6. weigh v. 重, 称重

He weighed the fish. 他把鱼称了一下。

Some dinosaurs weighed thirty tons. 一些恐龙重30吨。

7. disappear vi. 消失, 不见

The sun disappeared behind a cloud. 太阳在云层后面消失了。

8. beyond prep.晚于;超过

Don't stay there beyond midnight. 不要过了午夜还留在那儿。

9. weather n. 天气;气候

I don't like cold weather. 我不喜欢寒冷的天气。

10. forecast n. 预测, 预报

Here’s the weather forecast for tomorrow. 这是明天的天气预报。

11. predict v.预言, 预报

We can use the computer to predict the weather. 我们能用电脑预测天气。


1. [ ] juice / jacket / jeep

2. [z] zebra / keys / zigzag

3. [e] egg / wet / ten


1. jump ahead one 向前跳一步

go ahead one 向前走一步

go back one 向后走一步

2. go out 出去

示 例:It’s too hot. Let’s go out and swim. 天太热了。让我们出去游泳吧。

I’m hungry. Let’s go out and have dinner. 我饿了。让我们出去吃饭吧。

3. have fun 玩得开心

示 例: I’m having fun in Disneyland. 我在迪斯尼乐园玩的很开心。

Did you have fun in your summer vacation? 你暑假玩的开心吗?

4. alright = all right 好的


1. How do you spell windy? 你怎么拼写 windy?

句 型:How do you spell…?

拓 展:Can you spell … ? 你能拼写……?

示 例:How do you spell this word? 你怎么拼写windy这个单词?

Can you spell this word? 你能拼写这个单词吗?

2. Can you use windy in a sentence? 你能在句子中运用这个单词吗?

3. be worried about sth. 担心某事

be worried about sb. 担心某人

示 例:She’s worried about her math grade. 她担心她的数学成绩。

I’m better now. Don’t worry about me. 我现在好多了。别担心我。

4. See you in 10 minutes at school. 十分钟后再见。

注 意:in 10 minutes 在这里意思是 after 10 minutes

5. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella! 别忘记带上你的雨伞。

句 型:forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事

示 例: It’s raining now. But I forgot to close the window before coming out.


拓 展:forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事。

I forget telling you this thing. 我忘记了告诉过你这件事情。

Review 2

(一)重点单词:(P58~ P 59)

1. summarize 2. memorize 3. improve 4. skill

5. vocabulary 6. buffet 7. hungry 8. tongue

9. romantic 10. dish 11. hey 12. fantastic

13. colorful 14. stomachache


1. summarize v. 概述, 总结

词 根:sum vt., vi.


summary n.总结

summarize v. 概述, 总结

2. memorize v. 记住, 记忆

memory n. 记忆, 记忆力

3. improve v. 改进,改善,提高

improvement n. 改进, 进步

4. skill n. 技能

listening skill

speaking skill

reading skill

writing skill

5. buffet 自助餐

buffet table 自助供餐台

6. color n. 颜色 v. 涂颜色

colorful adj. 色彩鲜艳的

help n. v. 帮助

helpful adj. 有帮助的


1. an interesting book 一本有趣的书

示 例:It’s an interesting story. 这是个有趣的故事。

2. an English conversation club 一个英语会话俱乐部

示 例:Why don’t we join an English conversation club?


3. listen to English songs 听英文歌曲

示 例: I often listen to English songs to improve my listening skill.


4. read English stories 读英语故事

示 例: My mom often read English stories when I was young.


5. take notes 记笔记

示 例: We should make notes in the class. 我们应该在课堂上记笔记。

6. over here 这里

over there 那里

7. come here again 再来这里

示 例:I hope to come here again. 我希望能再来这里。

8. whole body 全身


1. need to do sth. 需要去做某事

示 例:You need to wash your hands before having dinner.


2. The music they are playing sounds romantic. 他们播放的音乐听起来很浪漫。

3. But don’t eat too much. 但是别吃的太多。

4. You’ll probably get a stomachache. 你可能会胃疼。

5. I want to come here again with my parents. 我想和我的父母再来这里。

Project Jobs for You and Me !


1. artist 2. police officer 3. soldier 4. salesperson

5. fire fighter 6. pilot 7. baker


1. I want to be a farmer. 我想成为一个农民。

示 例: She wants to be a teacher. 她想成为一名老师。

Do you want to be a driver? 你想成为一名司机吗?

He doesn’t want to be a singer. 他不想成为一名歌手。

2. They have to work outside all the time. 他们必须总是在户外工作。


1. I can talk about possibilities. 我能讨论可能性

示 例: is probably … / …might be … 可能……

2. I can talk about my intentions. 我能说自己的意图。

示 例:Do you know what I’m doing? 你知道我要做什么吗?

3. I can give advice. 我能给予建议。

示 例:You should … 你应该……

4. I can talk about my worries. 我能说我担心的事情。

示 例:I’m worried about … 我担心……。

5. I can show surprise. 我能表现惊讶。

示 例: Really? 真的吗?

6. I can make telephone calls. 我能打电话。

示 例:Hello, may I speak to … ? 喂,我能和… 讲话吗?

7. I can talk about the weather. 我能谈论天气。

示 例:I think it will rain. 我觉得一会儿会下雨。

8. I can talk about certainty. 我能确定事实。

示 例:I’m sure … 我确信…。


1. I can use “look / sound / taste …” 我能使用“看、听、尝……”

示 例: It sounded like a big train crash. 听起来像是火车相撞。

2. I can use “What / How …!” 我能使用由 “What / How…!”引导的感叹句。

示 例:How pretty you are! 你真漂亮呀!

3. I can use “need to …” 我能使用“需要做……”

示 例:Airport managers need to know about the weather. 机场负责人需要知道天气情况。



1. _________ newspaper is very interesting. ( )

A. Todays B. Today’s C. Today

2. ---_________ do you like Chinese? ----Very much. ( )

A. What B. Where C. How

3. Are you _________ of snakes? ( )

A. afraid B. scared C. B and C are both right

4. He _________ his homework on time every day. ( )

A. finishes do B. finishes doing C. finish doing

5. He went to the concert after _________ shopping. ( )

A. go B. going C. went

6. It’s raining. Don’t forget _________ your raincoat. ( )

A. to bring B. bringing C. brings

7. ---_________ will her husband come? ----In two months. ( )

A. How often B. How soon C. How much

8. __________ the man is! ( )

A. What strong B. What a strong C. How strong

9. ________ more English books will improve your ________ skills. ( )

A. Reading, read B. Read, Reading C. Reading, reading

10. After three year’s hard work, she _________ her English. ( )

A. improve B. improves C. improved

11. You ________ take notes so that you can study with them. ( )

A. needs to B. need to C needs

12. We use our eyes _________.( )

A. see B. seeing C. to see

13 He ________ spell her name, but he could spell it well. ( )

A. tried to B. tries C. tries to

14. This story __________ romantic. ( )

A. sounds B. tastes C. smells

15. It’s _________ cold outside. Don’t take your coat off. ( )

A. too much B. too many C. much too

16. He wants to be __________.( )

A. a cooking B. a cook C. a cooker

17. ---Do we have to eat all the dumplings? ---Yes, you ________.( )

A. do B. have C. had

18. There’re __________ of trains cashing at night. ( )

A. hundred B. a hundred C. hundreds

19. It’s not ________ for a 3-year-old boy to climb the rocks. ( )

A. safety B. safe C. dangerous

20. The weather here is even _________ than _________ in Harbin. ( )

A. colder, this B. colder, that C. colder those


Food is very important. Everyone needs to 1 well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is 2 . We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are 3 in everything around them. They learn 4 while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, begin to 5 story books, science books.... anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and 6 to find out the answers.

What is the best 7 to get knowledge? If we learn 8 ourselves , we will get the much knowledge. If we are 9 getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand 10 .

1. ( )

A. sleep B. read C. eat

2. ( )

A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge

3. ( )

A. interested B. interesting C. weak

4. ( )

A. everything B. something C. nothing

5. ( )

A. lend B. read C. write

6. ( )

A. try B. have C. think

7. ( )

A. place B. school C. way

8. ( )

A. on B. to C. by

9. ( )

A. often B. always C. usually

10. ( )

A. harder B. much C. better


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B. 5.B

6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C

11.B 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.C

16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B


1.C 2.C 3.A. 4.A. 5.B.

6.A. 7.C 8.C 9.B. 10.C




Lily lives in the next house to me. She likes swimming very much. She sometimes goes to swim with her brother, and sometimes with her friends. She knows that it is dangerous to swim in the pool alone. Her teacher, Mr. Brown says, “Don’t swim in the pool when nobody is around. If you get into trouble(出事), nobody will know, and nobody will help you. ”

( ) 1. Who is Lily?

A. She is my sister. B. She is my neighbor. C. She is my friend

( ) 2. Is she a student?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, I am.

( ) 3. What’s her hobby?

A. Skating B. Singing C. Swimming

( ) 4. Who does she go to swim with?

A. Her teacher B. Her brother C. Her sister

( ) 5. Is it dangerous to swim in the pool alone?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it does.


Bill is a little boy, and he is only five years old. One day he went to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket and then went in. But after two or three minutes he came out, bought a second ticket and went in again. After a few minutes he came out again and bought a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and asked for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asked him,“Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?”Bill answered,“No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears(撕)my ticket into pieces.”

( ) 1 Bill is a _________ boy.

A. seven-year-old B. six-year-old C. five-year-old

( ) 2. Where did he go one day?

A. To hospital B. To theater C. To cinema

( ) 3. How many times did Bill buy the tickets?

A. One time B. Two times C. More than three times

( ) 4. Did Bill have many friends with him?

A. No, he had no friends. B. We don’t know. C.Yes, he had some friends here.

( ) 5. _________ always tore his tickets

A. A. girl B. A. woman C. A. boy


An old man in an expensive coat came and sat down in a seat in the park. He wanted to enjoy the spring sunshine. A. little boy was sitting on the grass in front of the seat. He looked at the old man in surprise. The old man was angry to be looked at in this way. “What’s the matter, my boy?” he asked, “Why don’t you run away and play?” “I don’t want to,” answered the boy and went on looking at him. “But it’s very strange for a boy of your age not to play,” said the man, “Why?” “I’m waiting till you get up,” said the little boy, “A. man painted that seat just about ten minutes ago.”

( ) 1. ________ sat on the grass.

A. The boy B. The old man C. The woman

( ) 2. The old man’s coat is ____________.

A. light B. not cheap C. small

( )3.When the boy looked at the old man for a long time,the man was _____.

A. happy B. exciting C. angry

( ) 4. What’s the matter with the boy?

A. He was fine B. His arm was broken C. He had a bad cold

( ) 5. The old man’s coat would be __________.

A. clean B. dirty C. sold


My name is Tom. My father, Mr. Read, works on a farm and my mother, Mrs. Read is in a factory. My father and my mother work five days a week and I am at school from Monday to Friday. On Sunday we all stay at home. We often go to the rivers or lakes. My father likes fishing and I like swimming. My mother sits there and watches us. My father is good at fishing. He often catches a lot of fish. Then we take them home for supper.

Sometimes we go to see my uncle. He has a son, Jim. We often play football. My uncle and Jim like meat very much. My mother prepares for. I often help her. I like helping with it and enjoying the dinner.


( ) 1. Jim and Tom are brothers.

( ) 2. Tom’s mother is a farmer.

( ) 3. Swimming is Tom’s hobby.

( ) 4. Tom goes to school on Saturday.

( ) 5. Tom’s uncle is good at cooking meat


(A) 用长方框内所给词的适当形式填空

One day a lion 1 a big dinner, then he fell asleep. A. little mouse 2 out to find something 3 . He 4 a lion. The lion 5 __ up. He was very angry. He caught the mouse and would not let him go.

1___________2____________3__________ 4__________ 5____________

(B) 阅读短文,按要求完成下列各项

When Walt Disney was drawing one night, he suddenly heard a strange sound. The sound came from the waste-basket. Walt looked at it and saw a family of mice eating pieces of bread in it. For many nights, they played there. And Walt began to like them.

Walt like one little mouse better than any of the others. This little animal gave him some new ideas for his drawing. He began to draw it. But in the picture, it did not look like a mouse, but more like a funny man. He showed it to his wife and she liked it very much, too.

1. 单词释义

s ___________ noise and voice

i____________ a plan, thought or suggestion

2. 同义句转换

It did not look like a mouse.

It _________ _________ a mouse.

3 简略回答问题

Who gave Walt some ideas for his drawing? ____________




1.B. 2.A. 3.C 4.B. 5.A


1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A. 5.C


1.A. 2.B. 3.C 4.A. 5.B


1. B. 2.B. 3.A. 4.B. 5.B


A. 1. ate 2. went 3. to eat 4. met 5. woke

B. 1. sound idea 2. wasn’t like 3.A. little mouse






















