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Computer Science Personal Statement

My motivation to study computer science extends further than my basic interest in technology. For me computing, both innovative and exciting, is a profession offering unlimited boundaries.

Computing changed from being more than a hobby when I started at DLD College in . DLD was the first educational establishment I had attended that offered a full-time Computing course, enabling me to take this A-Level a year early in . The principal invited me to head a specialist computer course for some staff members and pupils, which I found rewarding and proved very successful. Other activities I participated in at the college included being a founder member of the student committee, editor of the student newspaper and goalkeeper for the 1sts.

Outside of college, I created centralperk.com, a website dedicated to the Friends TV show which received over 500,000 visitors per month. The popularity of the site earned me a place in the 1997 UK Web awards held at BAFTA in London. It was at the awards that I was approached by Online Magic, the UK's leading web agency, and started to work for them during breaks from college. Through this, I gained extremely valuable commercial exposure to clients such as British Airways, Economist, Channel 4 and Decca Records.

In 1997 I embarked on building an online sign language tutorial, called SignHear, as part of the ThinkQuest Internet Challenge. The site provided 200 basic signs and the alphabet. To date, the site has received over 2 million visitors and its success was officially recognized in by the judges at ThinkQuest. Along with teammates from the UK and USA, I was invited to the award ceremony in Los Angeles and presented with a $20,000 prize by Marlee Matlin, an Oscar winning hearing-impaired actress. It was an uplifting experience for me to witness the life enhancing contribution that technology can make.

With the fast pace at which the Internet and surrounding technologies were developing during , I decided to take a gap year in industry before starting a Computer Science course at university. My gap year began when I commenced full-time employment with Online Magic, which continued until October 1998. I was then headhunted by Traxdata and joined their team as an Information Architect.

Despite my age and lack of commercial experience, within a year of joining Traxdata I was promoted to Head of IT/Internet for their European operations. This meant responsibility for a network with over 300 users across 5 countries as well as directly managing five members of staff. Other responsibilities included running our live, in-house Internet servers that coped with over 250,000 visitors per month and supporting the marketing team with custom CD-ROMs, presentations and field demonstrations. At Traxdata my 'gap year' turned into four amazing years that gave me the opportunity to travel and work in countries across three different continents. I also gained invaluable experience on both technological and human levels.

On a lighter note, I recently created my own online diary, inkiboo.com, which so far has had over 11,000 visitors from all over the world. I am also a sound engineer/manager for a rock band consisting of students from both Imperial College and UCL. These close friends were also a great comfort and support to me when my mother died from cancer in March last year. This started my involvement with the local division of the Macmillan Nurses where I help with computer training and support.

Although I would not have passed on the last four years, I now realize the value that a degree affords in underpinning the foundations of computer technology. I believe I have grown in both confidence and maturity and if given the opportunity of a place at university, I will be fully committed to successfully completing a degree course.



Computer Science PersonalStatement

Computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for this reason I have found my A-level courses extremely interesting. This also has maintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers. I have studied mathematics, physics and computing to A-level and also during the first year at Hills Road Sixth Form College I re-took my GCSE English. Last year and this year I have been improving my self-learning, and developing many skills with the help of the key skills qualifications and A-level General Studies. My sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist. Specifically, I am interested in exploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificial intelligence. I also want to learn about human cognition and machine intelligence. I have been studying the online debate over whether machines will ever become “intelligent” given the current course of research and reading about such issues as whether a machine can acquire “common sense” (as discussed in Hubert Dreyfus's book “What Computers Still Can't Do”). I have been exploring many different areas within the domain of artificial intelligence (such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing). The bottom line is that I want to be a part of this exciting field. Over the summer I traveled to Russia, and thoroughly enjoyed exploring a very different part of the world. My other interests include current affairs and sports, such as football, tennis and general fitness. Ever since the start of sixth form I have been a successful member of the college football team. I have played basketball as an enrichment activity because it was a new sport to me at the beginning of sixth form. I also participated in a 5-a-side indoor football tournament at the college. In addition to pursuing my academic studies I would like to continue some of these sports at university.



computer science personalstatement

computing and its applications have always fascinated me and for this reason i have found my a-level courses extremely interesting. this also has maintained my long-term interest in computer-related careers. i have studied mathematics, physics and computing to a-level and also during the first year at hills road sixth form college i re-took my gcse english. last year and this year i have been improving my self-learning, and developing many skills with the help of the key skills qualifications and a-level general studies. my sincerest desire is to become a computer scientist. specifically, i am interested in exploring how problems can be modeled and solved using artificial intelligence. i also want to learn about human cognition and machine intelligence. i have been studying the online debate over whether machines will ever become “intelligent” given the current course of research and reading about such issues as whether a machine can acquire “common sense” (as discussed in hubert dreyfus's book “what computers still can't do”). i have been exploring many different areas within the domain of artificial intelligence (such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, and natural language processing). the bottom line is that i want to be a part of this exciting field. over the summer i traveled to russia, and thoroughly enjoyed exploring a very different part of the world. my other interests include current affairs and sports, such as football, tennis and general fitness. ever since the start of sixth form i have been a successful member of the college football team. i have played basketball as an enrichment activity because it was a new sport to me at the beginning of sixth form. i also participated in a 5-a-side indoor football tournament at the college. in addition to pursuing my academic studies i would like to continue some of these sports at university.


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1. 简短回顾对所学专业产生兴趣的经过(您对专业的期望值) 老师您好,由于我申请的是两个不同的专业,所以“经过”是分开写的,自己花了很长时间回想、整理、修改、定稿,最终才呈现在您的桌面上的。由于出国这件事对我来说,是人生一个很重要的一个milestone,所以我自己不敢马虎,导致的结果就是文章有些长,且两个专业的“经过”没有重叠的内容 Banking: 最初着迷于货币银行学,还是从我不知道这个专有名词开始的。那时候也只有五六岁,会跟着父母到银行办理简单的存取资金,更会把每月省下来的零花钱办个“零存整取”的业务,一个月里最高兴的日子就是看见自己名下帐户的数字又有所增长,那时就觉得银行真是神奇,我只要把钱放在哪里,自己不用劳动,就能挣到钱(利息),觉得真是件一劳永逸的好事情。


随后,父母告诉我一些简单的理财知识,我也做了市场调查,了解了生活必需品和食物市场价格,制定出了合理的月开销支出金额。知道家里的钱,一部分要进行储蓄,一部分要用于投资,还有一部分是要小费的。 长大一些,正好赶上中国经济腾飞的时代,股票、基金、房地产等投资项目在中国持续走红,在经济危机到来之前,我也在基金市场上进行了投资。在投入资金之前,我就明白在理财的过程中,最重要的是要控制自己的“贪欲”。于是,我先是一小笔一小笔资金的注入,分产业分公司的注入,由于我手中持有资金数额有限,等我把最后一笔资金投入市场后,在开始回收第一笔投资。最后,当大部分的中国股民被套牢在股市中时,我已经赚了个盆满钵满了。这次经历,让我知道,学会理财的重要性,他能让我实现资金的最大化,能让我在有限的时间内,赚取最高的利润。也让我了解到,储蓄虽然风险小利息固定,但获利金额少,而高风险高利润的股票基金甚至房地产市场,虽然充满了金钱的诱惑,但也不要让自己陷得太深。这个过程使我认识到自己的贪欲和市场的凶险。 从高中时起,我就对银行的起源、发展和运作有了浓厚的兴趣,在紧张的高中学习中,我在学校图书馆查阅了大量有关的书籍和期刊。至今仍然记得一篇文章,作者没有从什么Pareto Efficient 出发,而是从人口结构,就业压力出发,阐明为解决就业必须发展劳动力密集的中小企业,而银行需要利率自由化对不同风险的客户差别定价,以避免由于“逆向选择”而出现“惜贷”的现象,保证高风险的中小企业能够得到足 够的资金发展,从而解决就业问题。这篇文章给我的印象极为深刻,因为彼时,中国正处于经济改革转型时期,很多人“下岗”失去了就业岗位,那么这篇文章正好针砭时弊的为中国的这种特殊现象提供了一条解决之路。 在进入首都经济贸易大学,学习了货币银行学这个课程之后,我更加肯定了自己对于这门课程的兴趣所在。

让我知道了,要想把理论知识更好的与实践相结合,不能只看到直接融资市场(股票、债券市场)而忽视间接融资市场(银行)和其他金融组织(信托,保险等)。明白了,在客观上,直接融资市场是一个相对“透明”的市场,公开的信息很多,有大量的数据可以做实论研究,因此绝大多数的研究集中于这个领域。但是作为直接融资市场的中介――银行,却在整个贸易链上起着至关重要的作用。尤其对于中国这个经济飞速发展的国家来说,间接融资比例高达90%以上,那么,关注这个市场是非常必要的。此外,保险的高资金量和稳定现金流对于任何金融机构的生存都是至关重要的。 在中国这样一个快速变化的emerging market,金融市场实际上有很大“非理性”的成分。进一步的,即使是在成熟的市场也会发生“金融危机”――这是一种经济现象,但与社会心理的关系可能更密切些。由于我自己对心理学的热爱,在大学期间,我已经选修了学校里所有与心理有关的课程。在学习了市场营销等相关专业之后,我意识到金融实务运作中了解真正的企业是非常重要的,学习一些管理类的课程,了解组织的运作和异质性,比认为企业只是交给定市场结构的下自动利润最大化的“无生命体”要好得多。在学习金融学的时候,我尽量注意把经济学理性的框架和其他学科(如心理学 、管理学)的框架融合起来,以便帮助自己更好的理解金融机构的运作和市场的发展。 在大学期间,我最大的收获是培养了自己全局的眼光,把金融,宏观和社会发展联系起来。《财经》中国最权威的经济金融期刊也成了我常规的课外读物,也成为了我电脑上的主页。

Business: 从小我就是一个性格开朗,喜欢与人沟通交流的孩子,或许是性格使然,让我对着这个对“情商”要求很高的专业产生了浓厚的兴趣。 还在小学时期,就有自己的商业意识。随着阅读量的增加,和认识世界的深入,也让我逐渐意识到理财的重要性,从那时起我就会自己把每天的开销详细记录下来,并且自己赚取零花钱――利用节假日卖晨报。首先这要感谢我父母对我的“启动资金”的支持,然后还要感谢他们不像中国的其他父母,对这唯一的孩子“overprotected”,相反他们鼓励我接触社会,并力所能及的做一些小型的生意。最后我要感谢,自己天生是个“earlybird”,让我能在凌晨四点的时候爬起床,去进早报,甚至比那些大人都还要早半个小时,由于我年龄小,客人都对我很照顾,所以我的报纸总是第一个卖完,渐渐的我发现买报纸的时间成本太高,利润小,而且对于我这个七八岁的小学生来说,会占用很多学习的时间。所以我开始利用课余时间向学校同学买文具,那时候中国的文具都很单一,式样简单且价格昂贵,学生只有在市郊的批发市场才能买到物美价廉的文具,于是我抓住这个机会,从批发市场一次性以批发价最低的价格购回文具,再限量销售给同学们。每个人都希望自己的文具是独一无二的,我便从这个点切入,在一个学校不进行批量销售,做到保持产品的唯一性,那怕一支笔,也不会在这个学校找到第二支一模一样的,唯一性使得我的销量和利润都大幅度提高了。

这些早期的经营活动,不仅让我的零花钱变充裕了,而且让我对经济和金融产生了极大的兴趣。 在初中的政治经济课上,我第一次接触了“国际贸易”这个词,当时简单的认为国际贸易就是指国家相互之间交换各自的产品那么简单。深入的了解之后才发现,国际贸易其实并不仅仅是指世界各国之间产品的交换还包括服务和技术(专利、商业秘密(KnowHow),知识产权,著作权)的交换活动,是建立在国际分工基础之上的国际经济联系,是一个立足于世界范围内的概念。

通过大学学习的相关课程,我更加肯定了自己对于国际贸易的兴趣之所在。 随着世界性对外贸易的增长,贸易摩擦的数量在增加,尤其是技术性壁垒,所以当我在关注国际贸易的时候,我会特别注意分析目标市场国家的经济、政治政策以及文化。 要做好国际贸易专业,对学生的综合素质要求很全面,工作中更要注意积累产品的知识,外贸知识,写邮件的技巧,客户心理的把握,与客户谈判的技巧,加强英语的熟练程度都是很重要的。外贸的核心是“产品“, 所以要对做的产品摸的烂熟于心,给客户会留下一个很好的印象。这对我来说是挑战同时也是我的优势所在。 在我看来,国际贸易简单的说就是通过一些数学模型和相关理论来告诉大家,在国际市场上要根据各国自己的比较优势进行国际大分工,进行国际交易,以获取本国福利的提高为根本出发点。无论是从国际贸易学的先驱亚当斯密的绝对比较利益学说,到对后世极具影响的大卫李嘉图的相对比较利益学说,还有后来的H-O-S模型,都在秉承着这种观点。 随着中国逐渐融入世界贸易组织的过程,我也对国际贸易有了更深一层次的认识国际贸易组织,为整个世界贸易的公平和各国的均衡发展,为国际贸易中经济和政治的天平的平衡作出努力。 在中国这样一个快速变化的emerging market,金融市场实际上有很大“非理性”的成分。

进一步的,即使是在成熟的市场也会发生“金融危机”――这是一种经济现象,但与社会心理的关系可能更密切些。由于我自己对心理学的热爱,在大学期间,我已经选修了学校里所有与心理有关的课程。在学习了市场营销等相关专业之后,我意识到金融实务运作中了解真正的企业是非常重要的,学习一些管理类的课程,了解组织的运作和异质性,比认为企业只是交给定市场结构的下自动利润最大化的“无生命体”要好得多。在学习金融学的时候,我尽量注意把经济学理性的框架和其他学科(如心理学 、管理学)的框架融合起来,以便帮助自己更好的理解金融机构的运作和市场的发展。 在大学期间,我最大的收获是培养了自己全局的眼光,把金融,宏观和社会发展联系起来。《财经》中国最权威的经济金融期刊也成了我常规的课外读物,


2. 您希望学习的专业以及学校和对申请的学校及专业的看法(自己的见解)

3. 专业或科研经历以及获奖(比较突出的科研经历需要描述科研的过程) 大学期间,我也没有放弃自己对经济方面的探索研究。针对于现在网络世界越来约发达的趋势,网络交易未来会逐渐成为主流的生活交易方式,而虚拟货币和虚拟资产也会和日常生活用品一样,成为必不可少的资产。针对这一现象,我向学校申请了一个研究课题《虚拟货币征税问题的研究》,成为全校重点研究项目,得到教授的青睐,在我研究调查的过程中,得到刘颖教授的悉心指导。研究过程中,我几乎天天泡在学校图书馆里,学习专业知识和法律知识,可是就算是对世界范围来说,也没有前例可查,为了能够得到最真实的民意调查,我在北京最繁忙的街上发过调查问卷,在麦当劳做过访问调查,也对专业领域专家教授和税务部门的工作人员进行国电话咨询。


Personnal Data






Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Marital Status:Single

Address:23 South Seaside Avenue, South China Computer Company, Haikou 57000



Position Sought

Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Beihai City.


Four years’ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

Professional Experience

-Computer Programmer, South China Computer Company, Haikou, from 20xx to date.

-Coded well-defined systems logic flow charts into computer machine instructions using Java or C.

-Coded subroutines following specifications, file size parameters, block diagrams.

-Performed maintenance tasks and patching to established straightforward programs.

-Documented all programs as completed.

-Tested, debugged and assembled programs.

-Adept at operating IBM-PC and Legend computers.

Educational Background

Beijing University of Technology

B. S. in Computer Science, July 20xx

Courses included:

-Computer Science Systems Design and Analysis

-PASCAL Programming Operating Systems

-COBOL Programming Java Programming

-FORTRAN Programming D--BASE Programming

-Systems Management

Beihai No. 14 Middle School, 1992—

English Proficiency

A good command of English in science and technology.


Homepage building and on-line chitchatting.

References: Will be supplied upon request.

Personnal Data






Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Marital Status:Single

Address:23 South Seaside Avenue, South China Computer Company, Haikou 57000



Position Sought

Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Beihai City.


Four years’ work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.

Professional Experience

-Computer Programmer, South China Computer Company, Haikou, from 20xx to date.

-Coded well-defined systems logic flow charts into computer machine instructions using Java or C.

-Coded subroutines following specifications, file size parameters, block diagrams.

-Performed maintenance tasks and patching to established straightforward programs.

-Documented all programs as completed.

-Tested, debugged and assembled programs.

-Adept at operating IBM-PC and Legend computers.

Educational Background

Beijing University of Technology

B. S. in Computer Science, July 20xx

Courses included:

-Computer Science Systems Design and Analysis

-PASCAL Programming Operating Systems

-COBOL Programming Java Programming

-FORTRAN Programming D--BASE Programming

-Systems Management

Beihai No. 14 Middle School, 1992—1998

English Proficiency

A good command of English in science and technology.


Homepage building and on-line chitchatting.

References: Will be supplied upon request.


Name: xxx

Date of Birth :1985-10-02 Sex: Male

Marital Status: Single Height: 180 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Intention job description: Systems Engineer / Network Technical Manager / Project Manager Customer Service Manager / deputy manager of technical support / customer training administrative / personnel staff

Job description: Technical Manager, work experience: 2 years expect a monthly salary: more than 1000

Educational background

Graduate school

Chongqing University

Highest level of education: college Profession: Computer Application

Computer level: best foreign language: English language: good

Education course:

* 2001.9 --- 2004.6 City Wanzhou days post graduate in computer applications has been

* 2004.7 --- Chongqing University has been the application of professional study in computer


* May 2003 --- April 2005 Wanzhou District in Chongqing three Technology Co., Ltd. (Formerly Kefa computer)

Position: Technician

● is mainly responsible for brand ﹑ ﹑ compatible notebook after-sales service;

● and integrated wiring, installation of small and medium-sized network debugging ﹑.

* April 2005 --- May 2005 in Chongqing Tianzheng computer technology Co., Ltd.

Position: Head of Technology

● network is mainly responsible for school maintenance, diskless network establishment and maintenance;

● Shenzhou computer sales and technical support;

● personnel recruitment and evaluation;

● staff training, team building.

* May 2005 --- August 2005 in Chongqing City, Forest Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

Title: Technology Project Manager

● Onsite computer services is mainly responsible for the mobilization of personnel;

● and small network installation and maintenance;

● staff training and assessment;

● the Company and its customers deal with the conflicts and complaints of the technician.

Personal ability and self-evaluation

With extensive work experience, practical responsibility seriously, and have excellent communication skills, has presided over many of the users and technical briefings and training, access to users and companies alike, I sincerely hope your company can lead to more services and more.


个人陈述 范文




















