Unit 2

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Unit 2(通用6篇)由网友“柚子柚子柚子猫”投稿提供,下面是小编收集整理的Unit 2,供大家参考借鉴,欢迎大家分享。

Unit 2


A:  How do you spell it ?

B:   W-A-T-C-H.

A:  Is this your watch ?

B:  Yes, it is.


A: What’s this?

B: It’s a notebook.

A: How do you spell it?

B: N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K

A: Is this your notebook?

B:  No, it isn’t. It’s her notebook.

A to C: Is this your notebook ?

C :  Yes, it is.

(三)  Using the language  任务示范与讲解

In your daily life, you must have lost something or found something that doesn’t belong to you. Have you got it back or found the owner?

1.  Sample


Is this your watch ? (draw a picture)

Call John at

357- 1245



My key

My name is Steve

Please call 456-1478

2        Write your own bulletin board message



四  Homework

1 Listening  Section B  2a  2b

2 Finish 3a  3b

3 Use a photo to talk

1) A: Is this your uncle?   B: Yes, he is.

2) A: Is this your brother?   B: Yes, he is.

3) A: Is this your mother?   B: No, she isn’t.

(The  fourth  period)

Teaching aims:

1.      Learn to ask for something by using “Is this your …?”

2.      Try to master such pronouns as my\your\her\his…

3.      Learn to write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.

Teaching difficult and important points:

Develop the ability to make full use of the drills in daily


Teaching method:

Task-teaching; Discussion-teaching

Teaching aids:

Cards; CAI; Real objects

Teaching period: One

Teaching process:

Step 1.Self check

1.The Ss are required to remember the words of unit7 as

quickly as they can in one minute.

2.Check the words they know in Part 1 on page 46 and

write out their Chinese meanings.

Step 2.New words

1.      tennis ; 2. bookcase ; 3. soccer ; 4. club ; 5. star ;

6. lunch ; 7. T-shirt ; 8. pants ; 9. plaza ; 10.dollar ;

Step 3.Choice

Choose five new words you like and write them down

in Part 2 on Page 46.

Step 4.Oral exercise

Look at the picture in Part 3 and make up conversations

According to the following drills:

-Is this \that…?

-Yes,it is.\No,it isn’t.

Step5. Written work

Read the bulletin board notices on Page 45 and try to

write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.


1. Lost:

My watch .

My name is Kate.

Please call 222-0909.


A watch.

Is this your watch?

Please call Peter .

Phone number:666-0808.

Step 6.Assignment

Read the drills and finish the exercise-book.



When I read the title of this article.[,] I know this article is about showing off. And I think the show off means people show their advantage or something what they better than others’ intentionally. Through the showing off people[showoffs] want to look down upon others satisfy their vanity. Everyone think this behavior is disgusting.

But when I read the paragraph 1-6, I felt this showing off is different form my opinion the shoeing[showing] off what the article said isn’t let us felt [doesn't make us feel]disgusting. For example, the young woman with blazing eyes and a throbbing voice is criticizing poverty, war, injustice and human suffering. Do you think it’s disgusting? I don’t think so. She point out the social’s problems. She shows off her opinion.

And the scholarly fellow has just used “angst”, “Kierkegaard” and “epistemology” in the same sentence. His behavior isn’t which I think. But what is the show off real mean? I hope I can get it in behind.



A:  How do you spell it ?

B:   W-A-T-C-H.

A:  Is this your watch ?

B:  Yes, it is.


A: What’s this?

B: It’s a notebook.

A: How do you spell it?

B: N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K

A: Is this your notebook?

B:  No, it isn’t. It’s her notebook.

A to C: Is this your notebook ?

C :  Yes, it is.

(三)  Using the language  任务示范与讲解

In your daily life, you must have lost something or found something that doesn’t belong to you. Have you got it back or found the owner?

1.  Sample


Is this your watch ? (draw a picture)

Call John at

357- 1245



My key

My name is Steve

Please call 456-1478

2        Write your own bulletin board message



四  Homework

1 Listening  Section B  2a  2b

2 Finish 3a  3b

3 Use a photo to talk

1) A: Is this your uncle?   B: Yes, he is.

2) A: Is this your brother?   B: Yes, he is.

3) A: Is this your mother?   B: No, she isn’t.

(The  fourth  period)

Teaching aims:

1.      Learn to ask for something by using “Is this your …?”

2.      Try to master such pronouns as my\your\her\his…

3.      Learn to write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.

Teaching difficult and important points:

Develop the ability to make full use of the drills in daily


Teaching method:

Task-teaching; Discussion-teaching

Teaching aids:

Cards; CAI; Real objects

Teaching period: One

Teaching process:

Step 1.Self check

1.The Ss are required to remember the words of unit7 as

quickly as they can in one minute.

2.Check the words they know in Part 1 on page 46 and

write out their Chinese meanings.

Step 2.New words

1.      tennis ; 2. bookcase ; 3. soccer ; 4. club ; 5. star ;

6. lunch ; 7. T-shirt ; 8. pants ; 9. plaza ; 10.dollar ;

Step 3.Choice

Choose five new words you like and write them down

in Part 2 on Page 46.

Step 4.Oral exercise

Look at the picture in Part 3 and make up conversations

According to the following drills:

-Is this \that…?

-Yes,it is.\No,it isn’t.

Step5. Written work

Read the bulletin board notices on Page 45 and try to

write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.


1. Lost:

My watch .

My name is Kate.

Please call 222-0909.


A watch.

Is this your watch?

Please call Peter .

Phone number:666-0808.

Step 6.Assignment

Read the drills and finish the exercise-book.

篇4:Lessons5-6 Unit2


Unit 2 No smoking, please

Lesson 5

Teaching Aims:

鶯earn and master the following.

(1) Four-skilled Phrase: go ahead

(2) Everyday English:

鶧o you mind if I do...?

鶺ould you mind if I did...?

鶬 wonder if I could use your phone.

鶰ay/Can/Could I do...?

鶬'm sorry, but it's not allowed.

鶱o. Go ahead.

鶶ure. Go ahead.

2. Let the Ss learn how to ask for permission, how to give permission and how

refuse permission.

Teaching Important Points:

l. The use of this phrase--go ahead.

2. The difference between “in' and ”after“.

3. How to ask for permission and how to give or refuse permission.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to ask for permission by using”Do you mind if I do-...? and “Would you mind if I did... ?”

2. The negative and affirmative answers to “Would you mind if I did”?“

Teaching Methods:

1. Watching-and-answer activity to help the students understand the dialogue.

2. Listening-and-answer activity to help students go through with the dialogue.

3. Pair work or group work to make every student act in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. a TV set 2.a tape recorder 3.1 slide projector4.the blackboard

Step 1鶯ead-in

A free talk with the students to review the ways of asking for permission.

1)Can I use your pen/textbook, please? 2)May I close/open the door?

3)Could I have a look at your homework?4)Yes, of course. 5)Sure. Go ahead.

Step 2鶧ialogue presentation:

Close your books, please. We are going to listen to a dialogue between Wang Bing and Hank. They are in Hank’s office.

I.The first listening:

A. What two things does Wang Bing want to do?(smoke in the office, use the phone)

B. Can Wang Bing smoke in the office? (No. It is not allowed)

C. Can he use the phone?(Yes, of course.)

II. The second listening:

A, How does Wang Bing ask for permission?

Do you mind if I do…?

Would you mind if did…?

I wonder if could/can…?

B. How does Hank give permission or refuse to give permission?

I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed.

I’m afraid all these offices are non-smoking offices.

Sure. Go ahead.

Step III鶧ialogue Presentation


If you want some money for a football ticket, you may ask your parents for permission as well as for money.

--- Hi, mum. There will be a wonderful football match in our city this weekend.

---You know, I’m not interested in it at all.

---Yes. But I mean, would you mind鷌f I went to watch it?


---Thanks, mum. Would you give me some money for a ticket?

---How much do you need?

---One hundred and fifty.

---That’s too much. I’m afraid I can’t help you.

Step VI. Consolidation

1, Ex.1: Read and act out the dialogue in pairs.

1.Ex.2; Discuss the answers in pairs then check with the whole class. The students are encouraged to give different answers.

2.Ex:3: Get two students to read the model dialogue, then ask the students to make dialogues about the same picture in pairs, using different expressions. Finally ask several pairs to perform their dialogues.



Would/Do you mind(one's)doing...?

Would you mind if从句(从句谓语用过去式)

Do you mind if从句(从句谓语用一般现在时)

在回答上面的句型时,表示“不介意”或“同意”,常用No,not at all;No,certainly not;No,of course not;No,go ahead;No,indeed等。表示“介意”或“不同意”时,常用I'm sorry but...;Sorry,you'd better not;I'm sorry,but it's not allowed;I'm afraid...等。


1).Would/Do you mind ___________(show)me the way to the post office?

2).Do/Would you mind Tom ___________(smoke)here?

3).Do you mind if he ___________(attend) the meeting?

4).Would you mind if I ___________(take) his place?


5).-Do you mind my taking this seat? - ___________ .(MET'90)

A.Yes,sit down please B.No,of course not

C.Yes,take it please D.No,you can't take it (Key:B)

6).-Do you mind ___________ -Go ahead,I don't mind.

A.closing the window B.that I closed the window

C.if I close the window D.whether I closed the window(Key:C)

2.T:Now look at Part 3 on Page 7. Have short dialogues like the example. But before your practice,I want to emphasize the鷘sage of preposition ”in“ When ”in“鷌s used in the Future Tense, the鷚ord鷚hich expresses ”length of time“ is behind it. ”after“is often used in the Past Tense. If it is used. In Future Tense, the word which expresses ”point of time“is behind it,


e. g. He paid a short visit to Hangzhou last month but came back again after a

few days.

He will arrive after four o'clock.

Don't hurry, I'll go with you in a few minutes.

He said he would come in a month.

(Bb: in +”lenghth of time“ after + ”point of time“)

3. 从一道题看 go ahead 的用法

请看下面这道题:-Do you mind my taking the books away?-____________ .

A.Certainly,please do鶥.No,go ahead鶦.Yes,not at all D.No,please don't

该题主要考查go ahead在口语中的用法。我们知道go ahead是英语中的一个常用短语,其主要用法有以下几种:

1北硎尽白攀指伞保ǎ絙egin to do some thing)。

如:鶷he teacher told the students not to write on the papers yet,but John went ahead and wrote his name.老师叫学生先不要在考卷上写字,可约翰已开始写他的名字了。

Once our plan is made,we will go ahead.一旦我们制定了计划,我们就开始工作。

2北硎尽叭〉媒展”;“取得进步”(make progress)。

如:鶫e has been in the class only a few weeks and he is already going ahead.他来到这个班级才几周就已经取得了进步。

After they settled the problem,they were going ahead fast.解决了问题以后,他们进展得很快。

3.表示“前进”(go forward);“先进(来)”。如:

Although it was raining hard,they stillwent ahead with their plans.尽管下着大雨,他们仍然继续前进。 You go ahead and tell him that we are coming.你先走一步,告诉他我们随后就到。

4.表示“继续做”(go on with),常与 with连用,后接名词。如:

Let's go ahead with our work.我们继续工作吧。

After a short rest,they went ahead with their experiment.休息了一会后,他们继续做实验。


如:-I was wondering if I could use your typewriter.-Sure,go ahead.


If you want to use the bathroom,go ahead.要是你想用浴室,就用吧。

-May I ask you a question?-Yes,go ahead.


熟悉了以上的用法后,我们便可看出上面那道题中的go ahead属于第五种用法,因此该题的正确答案为B。其意思为:-我把这些书拿走你不介意吧?-不介意,请随便拿吧。

Step 7. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

鶯esson 5

1. After/In

in+”length of time“

after+”point of time“

2. How to ask permission:

Can/May/Could I do...?

I wonder if I could do...

Do you mind if I do...?

Would you mind if I did...?

How to give permission:

Sure/Of course. (Go ahead)

No/Of course not. (Go ahead)

How to refuse permission.

I'm sorry, but.../I'm afraid that...

Lesson 6

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following:

Four skills: smoker, burn down, packet, chance, remain, public, give up

2. Train the students' reading ability.

3. Let the students realize that smoking is harmful to people's health.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the usages of the following words and expressions:

remain, therefore, give up, persuade, compared to/with

2. Let the students understand and realize the harm of smoking.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. Train the students' reading ability.

2. Master the sentence structures

The chance is that...

(The)chances are that...

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to find out the general information about the passage.

2. Question-and-answer activity to help the students to understand the detailed information about the passage.

3. Explanation to make the students understand the difficult language points in the passage.

Teaching Aims:

1. a tape recorder2. a slide projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1鶪reetings

鶪reet the whole class as usual

Step 2 Revision and Lead-in

鶷:In this class, first I'll check your homework. Then we'll learn the text. Finally

we'll do exercises. Now first let me check your homework.

(Teacher asks some pairs: to act out their dialogues that they made up. After that teacher can say the following. )

T:Very good. Thank you for your performance. Yesterday we learned a dialogue. We know that Hank doesn't allow Wang Bing to smoke in his office. Because that is a non-smoking office.

You can see a sign in this kind of office. (Draw the sign--No smoking on the Blackboard. )What does it mean?

(Pointing to the sign on the Bb. )

Ss:It means no smoking.

T:Yes. Where can you find this kind of sign?

Ss: In the offices, hospitals, shopping centres, buses and our teaching building and so on.

T: OK. Why is smoking not allowed, WeiFang?

S: Because smoking is bad for people's health.

T:Very good. Today we're going to read a passage--” No smoking, please!“ It mainly tells us that smoking is bad for people's health. Before we read it we should learn some new words.

Step 3鶳reparation for Reading

(Teacher shows the following new words on the screen and gives the Ss some explanations. Then let them read after the tape. After that teacher asks the Ss to open their books and look at the picture on the top of Page 8, and talk about the picture. )

T: Now open your books. Turn to Page 8. Look at the picture on the top, please. And tell me what you can see in the picture.

Ss: Mother, her child, and a cigarette.

T: Yes. What does the picture mean, Zhang Yan?

S:It means that smoking is bad for the health of our family.

T:OK. Please translate the Chinese in the picture into English.

Ss:For the health of your family...

T:Quite right. So for the health of your family you must stop smoking. Now please read the passage quickly to see if the sentences are true.

1. Chinese people smoke more than British people.

2. In Britain more women smoke than men.

(Give the Ss a few minutes to read the passage. After a while, ask one of them to answer. )

T: Li Hua. Are these sentences true or false?

S:I think both sentences are true.

Ss: Yes.

Step 4 Reading

T:OK. Now I'll give you another four minutes to read the passage again. Then tell me the main idea of this article:

A.What's the main idea of the article?

1. China produces one third of the world's cigarettes.

2. The Chinese government makes a lot of money from sales of tobacco every year.

3. More women than men in Britain smoke cigarettes.

4. Smoking cigarettes is bad for people's health.

5. In Britain, sales of cigarettes have fallen by 30% in the last ten years.

B.And then answer some detailed questions in Ex1.in the workbook..

T: Now you have understood the details of the passage. You may find some sentences difficult to understand. I'll give you some explanations. (Show the language points on the screen and then explain them to the students. )

Step 5 Language points:


1. therefore adv. means:”for that reason“

鷈. g. It rained and therefore the sports meet was put off.

2. remain vi means” to continue to be in the same state or condition or“ to stay in the same place.” +n. /adv. /adj. /inf. /prep. phrase. / Be still present after a part has gone or has been taken away剩下;遗留

e. g. remain in business = continue to make money

鶰any problems remain to be settled.

鶤fter years of hard work, Tom still remained a worker.

鶩acing danger, he always remains calm.

After the fire,very little remained of my house.

If you take 3 from 8, 5 remains.


3.Every year, millions of smokers die because of illnesses which are caused by smoking tobacco.每年都有几百万吸烟者死于吸烟引起的疾博)

(1)本单元中die from/of表示“因……而死亡”,除上句外,还有三句:

This is because each year millions of smokers die from the habit.


The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smoking.


The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking.


(2) die of 一般指死于疾博⒓⒍觥⑺ダ稀⒑冷、酗酒、疲劳等因素;die from通常表示死于枪伤、受伤、虚弱、过度劳累或饮食过度等。例如:

He died of a cold(a disease, fever, poison, old age, a fall, hunger, thirst, sorrow).他死于感冒(某种疾博⒎⑸铡⒅卸尽⒛昀稀⒌倒、饥饿、干渴、悲伤)。

He died from overwork (a sword, a blow, some unknown cause, weekness, drinking too much brandy).他死于劳累(剑伤、打伤、不明不白、虚弱、白兰地过度)。

The man died from police gunfire.他被警方击毙.

die by 指死于暴力,刀或剑等凶器.如:die by the sword/hanging.

die for 为某种事业或目的而死.如:die for one’s country/ the people/ the revolutionary cause.

die through carelessness 因过失而死

die in poverty 因贫穷而死

* die away 逐渐减弱、消失

* die out 绝迹、灭亡

The noise died away.

This custom has died out in China.

* be dying for 极想得到。。。

She is dying for a piano of her own.

They are dying for a visit to the Great Wall.

* die后接形容词或名词,表示死时的情况,如: die happy/rich, die a hero.

4.The bed clothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down.铺盖着火,整座房子都可能被烧掉。

(1) burn down = be destroyed by fire 表示“烧毁”。

例如:The house was burnt down.这座房子被烧毁了。

burn down 和burn up均可表示“烧毁、烧掉”,burn down主要指建筑,主语一般是表示事物的名词,burn up可指所有可燃烧的事物,主语可以是人或物。两个短语均可用作及物或不及物。如:

The town was burnt down in 1932 and has since been built.

The building was burnt down and only ashes were left.

A number of houses were burnt down in the fire.

The fire burned up more than 50.000 worth of painting

Let’s burn up all the fallen leaves.

(2) 常见的与fire构成的动词短语有:鷆atch fire(某物)着火; cause a fire引起火灾; make a fire生火; set fire (to)=set…on fire牰浴…纵火。

5.. at present=at this time=at the present time= now

6. fall asleep= go to sleep

7.persuade sb.to do sth.;advise sb.to do sth.;try to persuade sb.to do sth.鷓ersuade sb.to do sth.意为“说服某人干某事”,其结果是成功的(即成功地说服某人干某事)。如:

Tom persuaded his father to give up smoking at last.汤姆终于说服他父亲戒烟了。

advise sb.to do sth.意为“劝说某人干某事”,其结果可能是劳而无功(即“说”而未“服”)如:鶶he advised her parents to give up smoking, but they wouldn’t listen.


try to persuade sb.to do sth.意为“尽力说服某人干某事”,相当于advise sb.to do sth。如:

I tried to persuade him to continue his study, but I failed.


(persuade sb. to do sth. =make sb. decide to do sth).

8. compare可以和介词to或with连用构成一些短语,但它们之间存在着一定的联系和区别,不能把它们混淆。常见的由compare构成的短语有:(1)compare...with...(2)compare...to...(3) compare to /with...(4)compared with /to...(5)in comparison with...下面,我们具体看一下它们的用法:

1).compare...with...“把……和……进行比较”。如:鶦ompare the present with the past.今昔对比。鶬f you compare your composition with his,you'll find many differences.如果你把自己的作文与他的相比,你会发现很多差别。

2).compare...to...“把……比喻成……”。如:鶺e often compare a teacher to a candle.我们常把老师比喻成蜡烛。鶫e compared books to friends.他把书比作朋友。

3).compare to /with...“和……相比”,用作这个意思时,二者可互换。如:

If you compare to /with Li Ping,you'll find you have some shortcomings.如果你跟李平比,你会发现你的一些缺点。注意:鷆ompare with与can连用时,意为“比得上,与……相提并论”,用于否定句中。如:鶬 can't compare with you.我比不上你。

4).compared to /with...“和……相比”。如:这是两个过去分词短语,在句中作状语,可互换。如:鶦ompared to /with many women,she was indeed very fortunate.和许多妇女相比,她确实是很幸运的。鶰y garden is small compared to/with yours.跟你的花园比,我的花园很些)注意:这种结构尽管有比较意义,却不宜使用比较级。如:与我的工作相比,你的工作更辛苦些。(误)Your task is harder,compared to /with mine.(正)Your task is hard,compared to /with mine.

5).in comparison with...“与……相比较”。这是由compare的名词形式comparison构成的一个短语。如:鶰y room is small in comparison with yours.与你的房间相比,我的就小了。

Advanced and backward only exist in comparison with each other.先进和落后只在相互比较中才存在。

9. one smoker in four=one smoker out of four= one fourth of the smokers= 25~ of the smokers

10. increase(decrease)/reduce…by;increase(decrease)/reduce…to与increase,decrease搭配时,by表示数量增加或减少的幅度,即在原有的基础上“增加或减少了多少”;to则表示“增加或减少到多少”。试比较:

The production cost of these trucks has decreased by one third compared to last year.与去年相比,这些卡车的生产成本降低了三分之一。

The population of India has increased to one billion.印度的人口增长到了十亿。

Stencs patterns:

The chance is that…=Chances are that…=It is likely that…

The chance is that he has already heard the news.


1)chance = possibility 可能性。可数名词或不可数名词。

The chances are ten to one that you will win.你十之八九会赢。

You will have more chance of catching the train if you take a taxi to the station instead of walking.

The chances are a hundred to one against you.你只有百分之一成功的可能性。

* hope 也可表示“可能性”,但一般用作不可数名词。如:There is little hope/ chance of their winning the game.

2)表示“偶然性”、“运气”时,chance 为不可数名词。如:Chance plays an important part in many card games. 玩纸牌许多时候靠运气。Let’s leave it to chance. 听其自然吧。

3)作“机会”讲时是可数名词,如:It’s a good chance to learn from the famous scientists. If I give you a second chance, will you promise to be good?

4)鷅y chance 碰巧

I met her in Shanghai by chance last week.

5)鷗ake the chance to do … 利用机会做某事

6)也可用作动词,表示“碰巧”,相当于happen,可用于chance to do sth.和It chanced that…

I chanced/ happened to see him in Shanghai.

It so chanced that I was out when he called.

Step 6鷏istening

Listening to the text, paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation, especially para.5.

Step 7鶺riting and practice

Deal with Part2.

Step 8 Workbook



1.Read the text again, and review the Attributive Clause.

2.Preview next lesson.



1.collision n.碰撞,冲突

a head-on collision正面冲突或相撞

He was killed in a car collision.


His car had a collision with a bus.


A collision with Parliament could ruin the government’s plans.


be in collision (with)/come into collision (with)(与……)冲突,相撞,发生矛盾

The two ships came into collision.


People with revolutionary ideas may find themselves in collision with the forces of the law.


2.permanent adj.永久的,固定的,长期不变的

permanent peace 长久的和平

a permanent job 固定的职业

The drug may cause permanent brain damage.


This is my permanent address.


After doing odd jobs for a week, he got a permanent job.


3.voyage n.航海,航行

The ship set out on a long voyage.


The voyage to England took seven days.


We made a voyage to Australia.


He is now on the voyage home.


David went on a voyage around the world.


When I give up work I shall make/take a long sea voyage.


4.aboard adv.在船(飞机、车)上,上船,上飞机

All aboard!各位请上船(飞机、车)!

Welcome aboard!欢迎大家乘船(飞机、车)!

All 257 aboard died in the airliner crash.


We got aboard though the boat was crowded.


He came running along and climbed aboard just as the train was to pull out.


5.gentle adj.温和的,温柔的,有礼貌的,文雅的

Mothers are always gentle with their children.


My new teacher is both gentle and encouraging toward me.


Mary is very gentle; she never talks roughly.


She was small, and gentle in her voice and movements.


She gave the baby a gentle pat on the back.


6.throw light on/upon使……显得非常清楚

The modern scientific development has thrown light on this question.


Can you throw any light on the problem?


The information throws light upon the mystery of Dr Bake.


7.matter n.事情,问题[C];物质,内容[U]

a private matter 私事

the matter under discussion 讨论中的问题

Political matters interest him greatly.


It’s no laughing matter.


The world is made up of matter.


Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.


The matter in your essay is excellent.


8.phenomena n.[pl.]现象,奇迹(单数形式是phenomenon)

Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather.


The phenomena were observed by astronomers throughout the world.


That’s a natural phenomenon.


An eclipse is an interesting phenomenon.


Beethoven was a phenomenon among musicians.


A child who can play the piano at the age of two would be called a phenomenon.


9.labour n.努力;劳动,劳动果实

mental labour 脑力劳动

physical labour 体力劳动

Workers are paid for their labour.


His new book is the product of some three years’ labour.


It is labour to read the Bible through.


10.hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑,踌躇

She hesitated before picking up the phone.


She’s still hesitating about sending her son to college.


We seldom hesitate about where to stay in Paris.


Don’t hesitate to tell me if you have any requests.


I hesitate to ask you, but will you recommend me for the post?


hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇

without hesitation毫不犹豫

I had no hesitation in telling the truth.



1.distance n.距离


What’s the distance to London?



It’s a good distance away.


The villagers have to walk a long distance to get water.



within walking distance“在步行可及的地方,几步之遥”

The park is within (easy) walking distance of my house.


My parents live within walking distance of me.


at/from a distance (of)“从远处”

This picture looks better at a distance.


Now and then he stepped back to look at his work from a distance.


One can see the ancient ruins at/from a distance of 20 miles.


in the distance“在远处,远方的”

A ship could be seen in the distance.


I made out three figures moving in the distance.


keep sb.at a distance “与某人保持一段距离,不很亲密”

Mr.Smith is kind to the workers in his store, but after work he keeps them at a distance.


It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.


2.attention n.注意力,注意,留心,关心

It is difficult to hold the students’ attention for more than an hour.


This matter requires our close attention.


He drew attention to the rising unemployment.


We listened with attention to what he said.


My grandfather is over eighty and needs a lot of attention.


The patient needed immediate attention.



pay/give attention to 注意

attract/catch/draw/get one’s attention 吸引某人的注意

focus one’s attention on 集中注意力于

devote one’s attention to 专心于

turn one’s attention to 将注意力转向

篇6:Unit2 Numbers




本单元主要介绍关于数字的单词,本课的教学重点是掌握单词 “1 -- 6”。




1、本课要求学生掌握单词“one,two,three,four,five,six”。对学生掌握单词方面的要求:发音准确,记住词义和拼写形式,能听写单词;对于句型“what's the number?”的掌握,要求学生能够根据情境来运用新学单词“one,two,three,four,five,six”和同学进行替换练习。







teacher: class begins.

student1: stand up, please.

class: good morning/afternoon, teacher.

teacher: good morning/afternoon, class. sit down, please.

teacher: how are you ?

class: i'm fine, thanks.

teacher: nice to meet you.

class: nice to meet you , too.




3、new concept(呈现新课)。


教师出示带有数字汽车的图片,提问:what 's the number?


然后学生分角色扮演boy和girl, 来进行对话,练习课文第二部分。


要求各组学生利用句型 “what's the number?”进行对话,鼓励学生使用所学的单词。



七、class over.

thank you and goodbye!

unit2 numbers 来自本网。











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