高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities

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高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities(集锦7篇)由网友“hy200488”投稿提供,下面是小编给大家整理后的高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities

篇1:高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities

科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit22.1.doc

标题 A Tale of Two cities

章节 第二十二单元

关键词 高二英语第二十二单元



【 抛砖引玉 】


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

servant , let…in , mad , brave , cruel , have a test , deed , in public , sentence…to death , eager , do a good deed , tale ,revolutionary ,cart ,disturb, mental ,noble, tax, fortune ,arrival ,prisoner,mentally ,in peace,strength ,attend ,fall in love with ,make sure of ,suffer ,suffer from ,set fire to ,burn…to the ground, court,do wrong ,chemist

Ⅱ. 交际英语

1. You must have been…

2. She can\'t have been…

3. She may have done…

4. You might have done…

Ⅲ. 语法学习

学习- ing 形式作定语和状语的用法

1 . - ing 形式做定语可以表示所修饰名词的性质特征。如:

an exciting news ( =a news which is exciting ) 一个令人激动的消息

a moving film ( =a film which is moving ) 一个令人感动影片

注意:a surprising look 一个令人吃惊的表情 a surprised look 一个吃惊的表情

- ing 形式作定语表示修饰名词的性质,特征; - ed 形式做定语表示所修饰名词的状态。

2 . - ing 形式做状语时通常表示主语正在进行另一个动作,来对谓语表示的主要动作加以修饰或做主要陪衬。这样用时 ( 1 ) - ing 形式表示的必须是主语的一个动作即 - ing 形式的动作发出者应是句子的主语。 ( 2 ) - ing 形式所表示的动作和谓语表示的动作同时发生。 ( 3 ) - ing 形式表示的是次要动作,对谓语表示的动作或状态加以说明。

1 ) - ing 形式在句中可以做伴随状语,常放于句后。 如:

They sat in front of the building , laughing and chatting .

He worked late yesterday , preparing for the lecture .

2 ) - ing 形式可以做时间状语,常放句首。如:

( When ) Walking in the street , I caught sight of a tailor\'s shop .

( After ) Finishing my work , I went out .

3 ) - ing 形式可以做原因状语,常放句首。

如:Being ill , he can\'t go to school .

Not knowing her address , we couldn\'t get in touch with her .

【 指点迷津 】

promise , admit , let , allow


Mother never ________ my brother to go swimming in the river .

A . promised B . admitted C . let D . allowed

此题命得好。所给四个选项均有较强的相互干扰性,增加了试题的难度。其中 let 要求不带 to 的不定式作宾补,易排除。选项 promise , allow 均可用于“vt . + 宾语 + to do sth . ”句型中。如:I promised him to attend to the matter promptly . Allow me to introduce Mr . Zhang . 但是,promise 是较正式的书面用语。admit 不能用 admit sb . to do sth . 句型结构。admit 表示“接受”、“允许”、“让某人享有”之意,一般用于 admit of sth . 结构中。promise“允许”、“答应”,含有“保证” ( 许下诺言 ) 和“有 ( 良好的 ) 前途或希望”之意 ( 如:答应给买一辆自行车 ) 。allow 的意思侧重于“听任”或“默许”,也就是仅仅“不加阻止”。是口语化的说法。根据语境,上面试题的最佳答案应选D ( allowed ) 。


【 学法指要 】


1 . eager 用作形容词,意为“渴望的,殷切期盼的;热心的”。其副词形式为 eagerly , 名词形式为 eagerness。例如:

He was eager for success .

They are eager to see their daughter .

John was eager for us to come to the party .

We are eager that the project should be started early .

They listened to the lecture with eager attention .

2 . disturb 常用作及物动词,意为“妨碍,打扰 ( 睡眠、工作等 ) ;扰乱…,搞乱…;使 ( 人 ) 心神不宁”。例如:

The noise in the street disturbed my study .

Tell me if I\'m disturbing you .

A light wind disturbed the smooth surface of the lake .

She was disturbed to near of her mother\'s sudden illness .

3 . fortunate 用作形容词,意为“幸运的,运气好”,其名词形式为 fortune , 副词形式为 fortunately。fortunate 后通常跟 in doing sth , to do sth . 或 that 从句。例如:

She is fortunate in having a good husband .

I\'m fortunate to have good health .

It was fortunate that he was saved by the passing boat .

Fortunately , they returned safely .

4 . suffer 既可用作及物动词,意为“遭受 ( 痛苦、损害等 ) ”;也可用作不及物动词,意为“受苦,苦恼,患病,遭受损害”。例如:

The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake .

They suffered a great deal in the war .

I\'m pleased to know that you didn\'t suffer much pain while you were ill .

His health suffered terribly from the heavy drinking .

suffer from 常用作短语,意为“苦于……;患……病”。例如:

The village is suffering from depopulation .

Last week I suffered a bad cold .

5 . doubt 既可用作名词,也可用作动词,意为“怀疑”。例如:

I have some doubt about his words .

There is no doubt of his success .

There is some doubt whether he is the best man for the job .

I have no doubt that he will pass the examination .

I doubt the truth of the news .

I doubt whether he will keep his work .

I don\'t doubt that our team will win .


1 . let in 意为“让……进来”。例如:

You must keep the door closed , don\'t let the dog in .

Windows let in light and air .

Will you please let Mr Smith in by opening the door?

He has a key to the front door so he will be able to let himself in .

2 . in public 意为“公开地;公然地;当众地。”例如:

It\'s bad manners to spit in public .

The little girl does not like to speak English in public .

Don\'t make so much noise in public .

3 . sentence…to death 意为“将……判处死刑”。例如:

The murderer was sentenced to death last week .

The robber has been caught and was sentenced to three year\'s imprisonment .

4 . take the place of 意为“代替;取代”,这一短语也可以用 take sb\'s place 来代替。

I will take the place of your teacher .

Electric trains have now taken the place of steam ones in our country .

Mr John take your manager\'s place .

Your manager is very ill , so Mr John is taking his place .

5 . keep silent 意为“保持沉默”。例如:

When the teacher questioned the students , some of whom kept silent .

Don\'t keep silent when you are asked to answer the question .

6 . fall in love with ( =lose one\'s heart to ) 意为“爱上”。例如:

The young man fell in love with the beautiful girl at first sight .

He fell in love with her when they worked together in the country .

He liked the girl but didn\'t fall in love with her .

7 . make sure of + sth . / doing sth . 意为“将……弄确切;确保……”。

We should get there as early as possible in order to make sure of getting a ticket for the concert .

Will you make sure of his return?

make sure + that - clause 还可以作为一个句型掌握。如:

I haven\'t made sure that I will win the match .

Please make sure that lights are turned off .

Will you make sure that he returned?

Make sure that you pick me up at five .

8 . set fire to sth . ( =set sth . on fire ) 意为“放火烧某物;使某物着火”。例如:

The enemy set fire to the village .

( =The enemy set the village on fire . )


1 . The guards couldn\'t have been watching very carefully . 卫兵不可能一直进行严密的监视。

〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 对于现在事件的否定推断,可用 can\'t 或 couldn\'t 加上动词 be 的不定式一般式。如:

child:Can I have some sweets? I\'m hungry . 我可以吃一点糖果吗?我饿了。

Mother:You can\'t / couldn\'t be hungry . You\'ve just had dinner . 你不会饿的,你刚吃过饭。

( 2 ) 对于过去事件的否定推断,可以由 can\'t / couldn\'t + 任何动词的不定式完成式来表示。例如中“couldn\'t + have been + v . - ing”是couldn\'t + 不定式的完成进行式,表示“想必不可能一直在进行”的意思。例如:

It\'s very late now . Jack can\'t have been waiting at the bus stop .

All the lights were out . They couldn\'t have been working in the factory .

She couldn\'t have been writing . So far as I know , she has been ill since last month .

( 3 ) 在其它时态中的用法。例如:

Tom:A man answered the phone . I suppose it was her husband .

Ann:It couldn\'t have been her husband . He\'s been dead for ages .

Ann:Who brought the grand piano upstairs?

Mary:Perhaps it was Tom .

Ann:He can\'t / couldn\'t have dome it by himself .

2 . You must have been mad to speak to the servant! 你跟那个仆人讲话,准是发疯了!

〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) “must have + 过去分词”表示对过去情况比较肯定的推测,意为“准是”,“想必一定是”。又如:

She must have been very young when she got married .

The ground is wet . It must have rained last night .

He must have arrived by now .

Mary must have caught a cold . she had a high fever last night .

( 2 ) 对现在情况的推测,用“must + 动词不定式 ( 不带to ) ”,如:

Mary must catch a cold , she has a high fever .

This must be your room .

Comrade Li must be in the dormitory now .

You must be joking .

He must be seventy now .

3 . She understood what I was talking about , even though it was the first time we had spoken together . 即使这是我们第一次在一起讲话,她也懂得我同她谈的道理。

〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 在下列表达方式之后,要用完成时:

it ( this , that ) is the first ( second , third , fourth… ) time…

it ( this , that ) is the only…

it ( this , that ) is t he finest ( worst , most interesting ) … 例如:

It was the first time that she had sung in public .

This is the first time ( that ) I\'ve felt really relaxed for months .

This is the second time that I have met her .

This is the fourth time ( that ) I\'ve heard her sing that song .

This is the only party ( that ) I\'ve ever really enjoyed in my life .

It\'s one of the most interesting books ( that ) I\'ve ever read .

( 2 ) 现在时可以和 for the first time 连用。试比较:

This is the first time I\'ve been here . 这是我头一次来这里。 ( 此句不能说… I\'m here . )

I\'m here for the first time . 我是头一次来这里。

( 3 ) it is time + 动词不定式,这种句型表示“应该做某事了”。例如:

It\'s time to go to school ( go to bed ) .

It\'s time for you to get a bath . 你该洗个澡了。

4 . They had come from England , having heard the strange news that Dr Manette , Lucie\'s father , was alive and was living in Paris . 他们从英国来因为听到一个奇怪的消息――露西的父亲曼奈特医生仍然活着,而且住在巴黎。

〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) having heard the strange news 是现在分词的完成式,作表示原因的状语,相当于一个状语从句 ( as they had heard the strange news ) 。在这个分词短语后面紧跟一个由 that 引导的同位语从句:that Dr Manette…in Paris .

( 2 ) 现在分词的完成式是“having + 过去分词”构成,它表示这动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,常用作状语,表示原因或时间。例如:

Having finished his work , he went home .

=After he had finished his work , he went home .

5 . Dr Manette , having been kept a prisoner in the Bastille , Paris\'s most important prison , for many years , had recently been set free… 曼奈特医生曾被当作囚犯关在巴黎最重要的监狱巴士底狱多年,最近获释了……

〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 这个句子的主语和谓语是:Dr Manette had recently been set free , 而 having been kept a prisoner…for many years 作状语,相当于一个表示时间的状语从句:after he had ben kept…for many years .

( 2 ) “having been kept…”是现在分词完成式的被动语态形式,它由“having been + 过去分词”构成,表示:已经被……”的意思,在句子中主要作状语,表示时间或原因。

Lucie Manette , having been told of the news , became excited and decided to start for France immediately . ( =After she had been told of the news , Lucie Manette became excited… ) 露西曼奈特得知这个消息之后,情绪很激动,决定立即起程去巴黎。 ( 作时间状语 )

Having been translated into many languages , his book soon became well known in the world . ( =As it has been translated into many languages , his book became… ) 他的书由于译成多种文字,很快就举世闻名了。 ( 作原因状语 )

6 . The poor of the cities and the peasants in the country , having lived such a hard life for so long . took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles . 城市贫民和乡村里的'农民由于长期以来过着非常艰苦的生活,拿起刀枪开始杀富有的贵族来了。

〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) the poor =poor people . 形容词前加一个定冠词 the,则表示一类人或一类东西。如:the rich ( 富人 ) ,the young ( 年轻人 ) ,the old ( 老年人 ) ,the blind ( 盲人 ) ,the new ( 新的东西 ) ,the ordinary ( 普通的东西 ) ,the unusual ( 不寻常的东西 ) 等。

( 2 ) having lived such a hard life for so long 是现在分词的完成式短语,作表示原因的状语,相当于一个状语从句:as they had lied such a hard life for so long .

句中的 lived 作“度过,过着”解,life 是它的同源宾语。在英语中有些不及物动词如 live , die , sleep , smile , dream , fight , laugh 等后面可有一个意义与它相同的宾语,这样的宾语叫做同源宾语。又如:

We are now living a happy life . =We are living happily .

He lived the rest of his life in the United States .

He died a heroic death in the battle .

The baby slept a good sleep .

The little girl smiled a sweet smile .

I dreamed a beautiful dream last night .

At this we laughed a hearty laugh .

She sang a nice song .

7 . On reading it , he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison , through no fault of his own . 读完信后,他得知他法国家中的一名仆人本人没有任何罪过被关进了监 狱。

〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) on reading it =As soon as he read the letter . 介词 on 作“在……时,在……之后”解。相当于一个月 as soon as 引导的表示时间的状语从句。强调这一动作一发生,另一动作立即发生。例如:

On hearing the news . he burst out crying .

=As soon as he heard the news . he burst out crying .

( 2 ) on 作此义解时,后面还可跟名词。如:

However , on his arrival in Paris , he was recognized as a noble and thrown into prison . 然而,当他一到巴黎就立即被人认出是贵族,因而被投入监狱。

其中 on his arrival in Paris =on arriving in Paris =as soon as he arrived in Paris .

On his return from Beijing . he began his research work .

8 . Although Lucie married Charles , Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness . 虽然露西嫁经他查尔斯,但是悉尼还是向露西许诺,说为了确保她生活幸福,他愿意为她做一切可能做的事。

〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 这是一个复合句,主句是 Sydney promised her , 后跟由 that 引起的宾语从句:he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness . 其中插入了一个省略了关系代词 that 的定语从句: ( that ) he could ( do ) , 修饰先行词 anything。

( 2 ) 句首是由 although 引起的让步状语从句。

( 3 ) 不定式短语“to make sure of her happiness”在句中作目的状语,修饰谓语“would always do anything”。

【 妙文赏析 】

老板问盘子干嘛 ?

When a Korean woman who lives in the United States arrived at work one morning , her boss asked her , “Did you get a plate ? ”“No… , ”she answered , wondering what in the world he meant . She worked in an office . Why did the boss ask her about a plate ? All day she wondered about her boss\'s strange question , but she was too embarrassed to ask him about it . At five o\'clock , when she was getting ready to go home , her boss said , “Please be on time tomorrow . You were 15 minutes late this morning . ”“Sorry , ”she said . “My car wouldn\'t start , and…”Suddenly she said . “My car wouldn\'t start , and…”Suddenly she stopped talking and began to smile . Now she understood . Her boss hadn\'t asked her “Did you get a plate ? ”He had asked her , “Did you get up late ? ”

【 思维体操 】

Use Your Head

A man wants to take a dog , a hen and some rice across a river . But there is only one boat and he can only take one at a time . If he leaves the hen with the rice only , the hen will eat the rice;if he leaves the dog with the hen only , the dog will hurt the hen . He thinks it over and an idea comes to his mind .

Do you know how the man manages to take them all across the river without the hen\'s eating the rice and the dog\'s hurting the hen?

答案:He takes the hen over first , leaves it there , returns and takes the rice . He leaves the rice and brings the hen back with him . He leaves the hen and takes the dog . Then he leaves the dog and returns for the hen .


【 心中有数 】



动名词、分词、不定式由于句意或语法的需要,要带上自身的逻辑主语 (也称作复合结构) ,它们依据在句中所起的不同作用需要不同的形式,在测试中极易混淆,下面是考试的热点:

※ 动名词的逻辑主语

1. I would appreciate ____ back this afternoon .

A . you to call B . you call C . your calling D . you\'re calling

2. Do you mind ____ alone at home ?

A . Jane leaving B . Jane having left C . Jane\'s being left D . Jane to be left

3. How about the two of us ____ a walk down the garden ?

A . to take B . take C . taking D . to be taking

4. I can\'t understand ____ at that poor child .

A. you to laugh B. you laugh C. why laugh D. you laughing



1 . 动名词及其逻辑主语在句中一同作主语时,只能用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,不可用宾格或普通格。如:

My (Tom\'s) being late made the teacher angry . (作主语不可用 me 或 Tom)

His (Smith\'s) being elected manager surprised us a lot . (作主语不可用 him 或 Smith)

2 . 动名词及其逻辑主语在句中一同作宾语时,动名词的逻辑主语除用物主代词和名词所有格外,还可用代词宾格或名词普通格。如:

The teacher is angry at my (Tom\'s ) being late . (作宾语可用 me 或 Tom)

Would you mind my (my sister\'s) turning up the radio a little ? (作宾语可用me 或 my sister)

※ 不定式的逻辑主语

That\'s really kind ____ .

A . of you to say so B . for you to say so C . of you saying D . for you saying so

We think it dangerous ____ swimming alone in the river .

A . of him to go B . of him going C . for him to go D . for him going


〖思维二〗1 . 大多数情况下不定式的逻辑主语由“形容词 + for sb . to do”构成。如:

It is necessary for us to learn a second foreign language .

Abraham Lincoln thought it not right for the South to break away from the Union .

2 . 如果逻辑主语前面是表示人的性格特征的形容词如 kind、friendly、clever、wise、cruel、foolish、stupid 等时用“形容词 + of sb . to do”结构。如:

It\'s foolish of him to lend so much money to her .

It\'s kind of you to have given us so much help .

上述两种结构可用下列方法区分:可改成“sb . + be to do”意义成立时用“of sb . to do sth . ”,改成“sb . + be to do”意义不通时用“for sb . to do。”如上例中可改为:

He is foolish to lend her so much money . (成立)

We are necessary to learn a second foreign language . (不成立)

※ 分词的逻辑主语(独立主格结构)

The meeting ____ over , we all left the room and drove home .

A . is B . to be C . being D . would be

Lit by countless lights , ____ .

A . We find the hall very beautiful B . many of the people admire the hall

C . the hall is as bright as the day D . children entered the hall

____ , they will go and visit the zoo .

A . Weather permitting B . Weather permitted

C . Weather being permitted D . Weather having permitted


〖思维三〗分词的逻辑主语(独立主格结构) 有三种主要形式:

1 . 当主句主语不是分词的逻辑主语时,分词短语必须有自己的逻辑主语。如:

Tom being late , the teacher got angry .

(the teacher 不是 being 的逻辑主语,故分词短语 being late 要有自己的逻辑主语)

The signal given , we started the car .


Rose\'s failing in the exam surprised every one of us . (不可改为 Rose)

Rose failing in the exam , every one of us was surprised . (不可改为 Rose\'s)

He playing tricks on the child , the child got angry . (不可改为 his)

His playing tricks on the child made the child angry . (不可改为 him)


Seeing his parents , the boy couldn\'t help crying .

Swept by the students , the hall looks wider and bigger .

2 . with 构成的复合结构

The murderer was brought in , with his hands ____ behind his back .

A . being tied B . having tied C . to be tied D . tied


with 构成的复合结构,逻辑主语后可有下列形式:

with + 宾语 + 现在分词 (现在分词表主动)

In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person .

with + 宾语 + 过去分词 (过去分词表被动)

He sat there with his eyes fixed on the blackboard .

with + 宾语 + 不定式 (表将要发生的动作)

I can\'t work with you to turn on the radio .

【 动手动脑 】



1 . I learned the news of Mr Rabin\'s death on ______ radio , not on ______ TV .

2 . The little girl went into the kitchen with _____ knife and _____ fork .

3 . Would you please go to _____ cinema with me?

4 . The camera was made in _____ United States of America .

5 . I\'m tired of city life . I\'ll go to _____ country for a few days .

6 . US Secretary of State Warren Christopher will travel to _____ Middle East next Monday .

7 . _____ Hague ( 海牙 ) is the capital of _____ Netherlands .

8 . Let me buy you _____ drink .

9 . Do you know who invented _____ electric light?

10 . We must try our best to be useful to _____ society .

11 . She loves _____ music of the seventeenth century .

12 . I love _____ music and _____ photography .

13 . He was elected as _____ President of France in 1995 .

14 . Charlie Chaplin wanted to be _____ tragedy actor but he became _____ comedy actor instead .

15 . What _____ nice weather it is today!


1 . the , ×:在 radio 前应用定冠词 the,但在 TV 前则不用冠词。 2 . ×,×:当介词引导或连词连接两个对称结构时,此结构名称前都不用冠词,如 day after day、arm in arm、from top to bottom、with hat and coat。 3 . the:习惯上在 cinema , theatre 前要用 the。 4 . the:国名前一般不用冠词,如 in China,但当国名中含有普通名词时要用 the,题中 states 为普通名词,又如 the People\'s Republic of China。 5 . the:在 country ( 乡村 ) 、seaside ( 海滨 ) 、mountains ( 山区 ) 等前习惯上用 the。 6 . the:在某些地名前用 the,如:the Atlantic、the Sahara ( 撒哈拉沙漠 ) 、the Holiday Inn ( 假日饭店 ) 等。 7 . The , the:这是一个非常特殊的情况,与4不同,荷兰国名及首都名前要用 the。 8 . a : 用 a 表示泛指。a drink 表示一杯饮料。 9 . the:用 the 将 electric light 具体化,在谈论科技项目时常用 the 又如:Is it Ford that invented the car? 10 . ×:当 society 含义为“我们生活的这个社会”时,其前不用冠词。 11 . the:因为原句特指17世纪音乐,故须用定冠词 the。 12 . ×,×:这里泛指 music、photography。 13 . ×:独一无二的职务名称前一般不用任何冠词,又如:John was elected monitor of our class。He\'s president of Beijing University . 但此规则只适用于职务名称作补语的情况,若其作主语则不然,例:The President of the USA , Bill Clinton visited New York yesterday . 14 . a , a:在表示职业的名称前不能省去冠词 ( 与 B 比较 ) 。 15 . ×:what 引导的感叹句中如为可数名词,不能省略不定冠词,如:What a beautiful girl!但此句中 weather 为不可数名词,其前不能用不定冠词。

【 创新园地 】

请你根据下面所提供的内容,为墙报写一篇题为“My Devoted ( 忠实的 ) Friend―Books”的稿件。字数:110左右。

1 . 我五岁时,父母亲给我买了很多图画书。

2 . 书激起了我对一切的兴趣,我与书交了朋友。

3 . 书使我懂得了很多,它告诉我什么是好,什么是坏;它教我如何与别人很好相处。

4 . 当我学习落后感到失望时,它使我充满信心 ( confidence ) 。

5 . 总而言之,书使愚蠢的人聪明,使胆小的 ( coward ) 人勇敢,使聪明的人更聪明。


My Devoted Friend―Books

When I was a boy of five , my parents bought me a lot of picture - books . The moving stories aroused my great interest in the world around us . From then on I began to make friends with good books .

As time went on , I came to know a lot of things . It is the books that teach me how to get on well with others . And it is the books that tell me it is good to love others and it is bad for one to think only of oneself .

I once fell behind in my studies and felt disappointed . Again it was the books that gave me courage and confidence .

In a word , books make a foolish bright , a coward man brave and a bright man wiser .

【 同步题库 】


1 . They lived _____ .

A . happy B . happy life C . a happy life D . happy lives

2 . You\'d better _____ early at the station _____ getting a ticket .

A . arrive ; to make sure of B . to arrive ; make us

C . get ; to be sure of D . reach ; to be sure about

3 . All the beauty _____ loved by people , whether _____ or _____ .

A . are ; old ; young B . is ; the old ; young

C . is ; old ; young D . have been ; the old , the young

4 . They got home ______ last night , _____ , early this morning .

A . lately ; or B . late ; or rather

C . lately ; otherwise D . late ; however

5 . _____ the sound of the gun , the first runner ______ from their ______ points .

A . On ; began ; start B . Though ; ran ; started

C . At ; shot ; starting D . With , started ; beginning

6 . It\'s very cold today . His nose ______ red ______ cold .

A . turns ; with B . becomes ; on C . gets ; at D . makes ; through

7 . ______ morning exercises will do good _____ your health .

A . To do ; for B . Do ; to C . Doing ; for D . Doing ; to

8 . Fortunately he was not ______ , _____ his leg _____ in the terrible accident .

A . hurt ; and ; broken B . killed ; but had ; injured

C . killed ; or had ; hurting D . hurt ; but had ; injuring

9 . Have the _____ sticks _____ while they are sleeping , or they _____ here .

A . lighted ; burning ; will feel cold

B . lit ; burned ; will feel very cold

C . burned ; lighting ; will have cold

D . lighting ; burning ; will catch cold

10 . Doctors _____ him _____ any more _____ he had to give up _____ his illness .

A . advised ; not to smoke ; and ; smoking because of

B . persuaded ; not to smoke ; and ; smoking because of

C . tried to persuade ; not smoke ; but ; treating

D . persuaded ; don\'t smoke ; but ; getting rid of

11 . The boy , _____ by the noble , died a few days ______ .

A . having been wounded ; late B . wounding ; late

C . wounded ; later D . being wounded ; after

12 . Even during the Spring Festival , she _____ her new book .

A . was kept busy working at B . kept busy working for

C . kept working for D . worked at

13 . After _____ the whole affair , he _____ prison .

A . writing down ; was put in the B . disclosing ; was put in

C . described ; was thrown into D . giving an account of ; was sent to the

14 . _____ by the police , the prisoner did not escape _____ .

A . To be surrounded ; to be caught B . Surrounding ; to run away

C . Being surrounding ; being run away D . Surrounded ; being caught

15 . “I wonder whether you would mind _____ me a favour” .

“_______ . ”

A . to do ; Yes , of course B . doing ; Not at all

C . to do ; Yes , I\'m glad to D . doing ; No , I\'m sorry I can


Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was ( 1 ) of the greatest writers of England . He was born ( 2 ) the 7th of February , 1812 . His father was a clerk in the city ( 3 ) Portsmouth . There Charles first went to school .

In 1812 the family ( 4 ) to London , where his father ( 5 ) and was put in ( 6 ) . The whole family went to live there . For many years the ( 7 ) building of the prison was the family\'s home . When Charles was only ten years old , he ( 8 ) school and began a lonely and hard struggle with poverty . In order to ( 9 ) the family he ( 10 ) at a factory . He worked from early morning ( 11 ) late at night . He was so unhappy there ( 12 ) years latter he could never speak of the time spent at the factory without pain .

Many years ( 13 ) before Charles returned to school . When he graduated , he became a reporter of ( 14 ) newspaper in London . The work of a reporter led him to ( 15 ) . In 1836 , when only ( 16 ) of age , Charles Dickens wrote his first book , which made him known ( 17 ) in England and in some other countries . From that time ( 18 ) Charles Dickens devoted himself to literature . Among his best known books ( 19 ) “Hard Times” , “David Copperfield”and “Donbey and Son” , all reflecting and criticizing his age . ( 20 ) a deep sympathy for the labouring people of his time , he wrote about them in ( 21 ) of his books , about their misfortunes and their longings for a better ( 22 ) . He also gave us a true picture of the unhappy life of the children in the ( 23 ) . It is this criticism of the vices ( 罪恶 ) of the capitalist system ( 24 ) makes his books so important although he did not call for active struggle ( 25 ) the ruling class .

1 . A . the B . a C . one D . an

2 . A . on B . in C . at D . by

3 . A . in B . with C . between D . of

4 . A . flew B . moved C . travelled D . arrived

5 . A . ran off debt B . ran into debt C . ran for debt D . ran in the debt

6 . A . a prison B . the prison C . prison D . hotel

7 . A . dark B . bright C . white D . black

8 . A . had left B . had left for C . had to leave D . had been left

9 . A . leave B . break away from C . not live in D . help

10 . A . went working B . went to work C . went with work D . went on working

11 . A . till B . to C . towards D . toward

12 . A . when B . which C . what D . that

13 . A . past B . pasted C . passed D . passing

14 . A . the B . a C . an D . one

15 . A . live in his office B . write articles for the newspaper

C . story C writing D . be a rich man

16 . A . twenty - four years B . twenty - four - years

C . twenty - four year D . twenty four year

17 . A . either B . all C . neither D . both

18 . A . of B . in C . on D . by

19 . A . were B . was C . are D . is

20 . A . having B . having been C . has being D . has been

21 . A . little B . few C . much D . many

22 . A . lives B . life C . leave D . live

23 . A . work shop B . workship C . workhouse D . housework

24 . A . that B . which C . what D . who

25 . A . to B . without C . with D . against


Why Did the Bastille Fall?

Why did the fall of the Bastille lead to the surrender of the Monarchy ( 君主政权 ) and the victory of the French Revolution? The fall of the Bastille was brought about because the soldiers guarding it refused to fight the people . Three weeks before two companies of the Garde Francaise had refused to go on duty . Four days later , other soldiers joined the citizens , saying they would never fight the people of Paris . And seventy - five members of the Swiss Guard went over to Revolution just before the Bastille was destroyed .

So de Launay surrendered because his men inside refused to fight . He knew he would get no help from the army outside . So the Bastille fell because te army in Paris joined the citizens , and not because of the bravery of the attackers . Its fall showed the people that the army was with them . From the day it fell , the Monarchy had no choice but to give in .

1 . The Bastille fell because _____ .

A . of the bravery of the attackers B . the army would not help de Launay

C . the soldiers guarding it refused to fight D . the officials gave up

2 . The Monarchy was destroyed _____ .

A . because the Bastille fell

B . because people fought against it

C . without the help from its army both inside and outside

D . because de Launay surrendered

3 . The story mainly explains _____ .

A . how the army took action B . why the French Revolution won

C . how de Launay gave up D . why the Bastille fell

4 . The following sentences tell how the Bastille fell . Which is the right order of the events?

a . Some of the Swixx Guard members changed their stands and took the side of the Revolution .

b . Two companies of soldiers were not willing to be on watch .

c . De Lanuay had to surrender .

d . Other soldiers stood with the citizens .

e . The soldiers guarding it refused to fight the people .

A . d - c - a - e - b B . e - b - d - a - c

C . e - d - a - c - b D . b - d - c - a - f

5 . What\'s the writer\'s attitude ( 态度 ) towards the problem?

A . He was against the people . B . He was on the side of the people .

C . He did not care for the matter . D . He sided with de Launay .


M : You don\'t look happy , Cathy . ( 1 ) ?

C : I didn\'t do well in the chemistry test .

M : Really? I could hardly believe you were not doing well in chemistry . I know ( 2 ) . What happened this time?

C : ( 3 ) . I found all the questions quite easy and I finished the test in no time .

M : Yes . It is one of your weaknesses .

C : Yes . ( 4 ) . I made some very stupid mistakes that I shouldn\'t have made .

M : Well , next time ( 5 ) .

C : Yes , I\'ve certainly learned a lesson .

A . You are very good at chemistry

B . What\'s wrong

C . I was too careless

D . you should be more careful

E . you\'re right

F . I feel angry at it

G . I don\'t know


1 . One day the man got into the _____ ( 城堡 ) in a farmer\'s cart .

2 . This story is about what a _______ ( 革命者 ) did in 1789 .

3 . The old man lived in a poor d ______ in Paris .

4 . Word came that Dr Manette was still a _____ and was living in Paris .

5 . _____ ( 奇怪地 ) , they looked as if they were twins , for they looked so much like each other .

6 . The peasants had to pay heavy t _____ and suffered a great deal from hunger .

7 . What did Dr Manette d _____ in his letter which had been hidden behind a stone in the prison?

8 . He was a sick man , m _____ and physically .

9 . I had thought Mary would be ______ ( 失望 ) , but fortunately she seemed not to mind .

10 . The police are trying to find out the cause of the ______ ( 死 ) of the young man .

答案:一、1―5 C A C B C 6―10 A D B A B 11―15 C A B D B 二、1―5 C A D B B 6―10 C D C B B 11―15 A D C B C 16―20 A D C C A 21―25 D B C A D 三、1―5 C A D C B B 四、1―5 B A C E D 五、1 . castle 2 . revolutionary 3 . district 4 . alive 5 . strangely 6 . taxes 7 . describe 8 . mentally 9 . disappointed 10 . death


科目 英语

年级 高三

文件 high3 unit22.doc

标题 Bees

章节 第二十二单元

关键词 高三英语第二十二单元






Ⅰ. 词汇学习

amazing , spot , surround , astonishment , to one’s astonishment , troop , downward

Ⅱ. 交际英语

Prohibitions and warnings (禁止与警告)

1. You can’t / Mustn’t do ……

2. If you …… , you will ……

3. You had better not do ……

4. Don’t smoke .

5. No noise , please .

6. Look out ! / Take care ! / Br careful !

7. Make sure you lock the door when you leave !

8. Mind the wet paint !

9. Mind your own business ! 别管闲事 !

10. Watch out where you are walking .

Ⅲ. 语法学习



kind of 与 sort of

※ 表示“种、类”的意思时,kind 和 sort 同意,可有下列一些结构。

1 . kind ( sort ) of 后可接单数名词或复数名词,动词用单数形式。例如:

This kind of question ( questions ) is not easy .

2 . 也可修饰不可数名词。

That kind of food is too expensive .

3 . 口语中,常习惯说 These kind ( s ) of + 单数或复数名词,动词用复数。因其结构不太严谨,在书面语中常改用另一种说法。试比较:

These kind ( s ) of flower ( s ) are very beautiful .

Flowers of this kind ( sort ) are very beautiful .

These kinds of deer are very rare .

Deer of this kind are very rare . 这种鹿非常罕见。

4 . 纵上所述,这类句子有六种说法,归纳如下:



These kind of bikes are made in Shanghai .

These sorts of bikes are made in Shanghai .

These kinds of bike are made in Shanghai .



This sort of thing is often heard about .

This sort of things is often heard about .

Things of this sort are often heard about .

5 . 还应注意,在修饰不定代词时,this kind ( sort ) 常放在不定代词之后。例如:

I have never heard of anything of this kind .

※ a kind of…与…of a kind

1 . a kind of 表示“一种……”的意思。但并非都可译为“一种……”的意思。但并非都可译为“一种”,当有时由于对所说事物 ( 人 ) 不能确定其真正含义时,常常译成“大致可以说成是……”,“类似 ……的东西”。例如:

He is a kind ( sort ) of genius (天才) .

At the same time another kind of paper was developed . 同时另一种纸也被研制出来。

2 . …of a kind ( sort ) , 也有很多不同的含义。表示“同种类的”,“徒有其名的,劣质的,勉强算是……的”等意思。例如:

Things of a kind come together . 物以类聚。

You bought some tea leaves of a sort yesterday . 你昨天买了什么劣质茶叶。

The boss gave his workers rice of a kind . 那老板给工人们吃极差的米饭。

※ kind ( sort ) 用于复数,也可用 of kinds ( sorts ) 形式。应注意修饰 kinds ( sorts ) 的形容词也应放在 of 之后。例如:

People eat different kinds of food ( food of different kinds ) which change into energy。

He saw all kinds ( every kind ) of people ( people of all kinds/every kind . )


1. amazing令人惊异的;了不起的

The new car goes at an astonishing speed .

〖点拨〗amazing可以作形容词。amazed作形容词是“被惊异”。amazement是名词“惊异,惊愕”。常用词组有:to one’s amazement使某人惊异的是…… 。如:

I was amazed to find him there as well .

To my amazement I came first .

2. surround围绕,包围

Mystery surrounded the actress’s death . 女演员之死笼罩着神秘的气氛。


The wall surrounds the church . = The church is surrounded by / with the wall .

We found the village surrounded by a river .

The old man sat there telling stories , surrounded by some children .

The beauty of the surrounding scenery is beyond description .


She likes to bring up her child in healthy surroundings . 她希望在健康的环境中养育孩子。


1. varieties of多种多样的

2. live in large groups群居

3. communicate with sb与某人交流信息

4. work with bees = make a study of bees = do research on bees 研究蜜蜂

5. to the left 向左 。on the left在左边

6. mark sth blue把某物标成蓝色记号

7. come to light被发现

8. set out to do sth = set about doing sth着手干……

9. fly through the air在空中飞行

10. be away on holiday外出研究

11. improve one’s understanding of增进对……的了解

12. out of the research of够不着的地方




1.There are also other varieties that do not live in groups at all . 还有些蜂根本不群居。

〖明晰〗(1)variety n.变化:多样化;种种;种类。如:a variety of fruits各种水果, make a choice from three varieties of whisky 从3种威士忌酒中作一选择, a life full of variety丰富多彩的生活,different varieties of plant不同种类的植物。

(2)in groups 一组一组的;一群一群的。in large groups大批地。

2.…many more came to it one after another in a short time . 不一会儿,越来越多的蜜蜂很快就来了。

〖明晰〗(1)one after another一个接一个地(着重表达连续性,且是三者以上), 不时变 形为one…after another。但one after the other 一个接一个地(常指两个间的连续动作),有时也变形为one…after the other。而one by one 一个一个地,依次地(不着重连续性,而着重逐个,各个)如:

They entered the meeting-room one after another.


We destroyed the enemy forces one by one.我们各个地歼不敌军。

(2)in a short time 很快,不久。in such a short time 在如此短时间内。

3. Von Frisch wanted to find out whether the dance told them how far away the feeding place was . 冯.弗里施想要弄清楚这种舞是否告诉它们喂食的地方离得有多远。

〖明晰〗how far away有多远距离(带与静态性动词连用)。而how far多远(多与移动性动词连用)。如:

How far did you go?你走了多远?

How far away do you live?你住得多远?

4.The dancer ran in a straight line, wagging from side to side . 跳舞的蜜蜂沿着直线跑,边跑边左右摇摆。

〖明晰〗(1)in a straight line 以直线的方式。in 常用于表达形式、方式、排列等,译作 “按照,以,符合于”。 如:stand in a circle 站成圆圈, speak in a whisper低声讲话,run in threes and fours三五成群的跑,in a good order井井有条地,in my opinion/view以我之见。

(2)from side to side从一侧到另一侧;左右地。 已学过的类似无结构还有:from mouth to mouth 口口相传,from sun to sun 从日出到日落, from door to door沿门,挨家挨户地,from day to day日复一日地,from end to end从头至 尾(=from cover to cover), from hand to hand从一人之手到队人之手, from time时常,不时。

5. Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely . 他们回到蜂房旁,密切注视着摇摆舞。

〖明晰〗closely密切地。close 既可作形容词表“密切的”又可作副词表“紧紧地”亲近地。 象这种有两种形式的副词在使用中应注意:一般与形容词同形的副词不能用在动词 之前,而带-ly的副词可以;与形容词同形的副词不能置于It be…that强调句型中,而带-ly的副词则可以;表示距离远近、物体高度、深度及宽度时,与形容词同形的副词往往表具体含义;而加-ly的副词表抽象意义。又如:

We flew high in the sky.我们在高空飞行。

We think highly of their research.我们对他们的研究评价很高。

6. He set out to discover whether the wagging dance showed direction . 他开始着手发现这种摇摆舞是否表明方向。

〖明晰〗set out to do 开始干/set about doing开始干/set off for 出发到某地;使燥炸

7.sit up for sb; sit up with sb; sleep late; stay late; stay up

〖明晰〗(1)sit up for sb深夜不睡以等待某人;sit up with sb 熬夜照看(或护理)某人。如:He sat up for his son, who sat up with his sick mother-in-law.


(2)sleep late睡懒觉;stay late(或stay up late)很晚才睡觉。如:

I wonder why Tom never sleeps late and Mike always stays up late.


8.put aside, put away, lay up


(NMET 96)It's wise to have some money put away(或:laid up, put aside) for old age.为养老而储蓄些钱是明智之举。

但put aside着重“把……放到边”暂不去动它,或不现做某事,而put away着重“ 把……收藏起来”以便以后使用。如:

Put your books aside. We are going to have a dictation.


Put all the instruments away on the shelf so that they won't yet broken.


9.put an end to; put a stop to

〖明晰〗(1)put an end to 使结束,使终止,使消灭。如:

That accident put an end to his life.那次事故断送了他的命。

(2)Put a stop to=bring sth to a stop使……停下来(说明只是停止, 而不是终结)。如:

It's raining hard, we have to put a stop to the work.


10.owe sb sth; owe sth to sb

〖明晰〗owe sb sth欠某人债务;应向某人表达……。如:

I owe her 20 yuan=I owe 20 yuan to her.我欠她20元。

We owe you an apology(=we owe an apology to you)我们应向您道歉。

owe sth to sb还可表达:应把……归功于……。如:

We owe our happy life to our Party.(注意这时不能改换为:we owe our party our happy life.)我们的幸福生活归功于党。

11.of one's own; on one's own

〖明晰〗of one's own“自己的”,常作定语。on one's own“独自地,独立地”, 常作状语。如:

We have a house of our own.我们自己有一座房屋。

He directs the film on his own.他独自导演那部影片。


A Bad Neighbor

Mr . and Mrs . Wu were fed up with their neighbor . He was always borrowing things from them .

“ It's not right , ”Mr . Wu said to his wife one evening . “ At some time or another that man has borrowed nearly everything we have . Almost every day he comes over to borrow something . ”

“ You're quite right , ”his wife replied , “ and most of the thing he's never returned . ”

“ What I want to know , ”her husband said , “ is why can't he buy the things he needs , like everyone else ? ”

“ Because people like us are foolish enough to lend him what he needs , ”she replied . “ As long as we are willing to lend , he'll keep on borrowing . ”

“ Then we'll never lend him anything again , ”Mr . Wu said . “ The next time he asks to borrow something , I'll say no . ”

“ We must have a good reason for saying no , ”his wife said , “ and we must always try to be polite to him . We don't want to make an enemy of the man . ”

It was not long before their decision not to lend their neighbor anything ever again was put to the test .

The next morning there was a knock on the door .

Mr . Wu went to answer it .

Their neighbor was standing there . Mr . Wu knew he was going to ask to borrow something , and was ready to refuse him politely .

“ Good morning , ”their neighbor said , “ I'm sorry to trouble you , but I wonder if I could borrow your garden scissors . ”

“ I'm sorry , ”Mr . Wu said , “ but I'm afraid my wife and I will be using them today . We'll be spending all day working in the garden . ”

“ Oh , I see , ”the neighbor said , “ in that case , may I borrow your golf clubs ? You won't be needing them if you're working in the garden all day , will you ? ”


1. If you were to throw a stone into the Red Sea , what would it become ?

2. What is a boxer’s motto ?

3. What’s a 747’s motto ?

4. What’s every baby’s motto ?

答案:1. wet 2. If at first you don’t succeed , try , try again . 3. If at first you don’t succeed , fly , fly again . 4. If at first you don’t succeed , cry , cry again .





※ 关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,谓语动词要和先行词的性、数保持一致。如:

This is one of the books which were written by Charles Dickens .

He is the only one of the boys in our class who has learned French .

注意: which 引导非限制性定语从句时,往往代表前面所说的整个情况。这时 which 被看作单数,其后的谓语动词应用单数形式。如:

He said he a Frenchman , which was not true .

※ whose 引导定语从句时,从句前的先行词可以指人,也可以指物。如:

A young man from our school , whose name I have forgotten , has gone to Scotland .

This is the desk , whose legs we have repaired . (whose legs 可改为 the legs of which)

※ 介词 + 关系代词

1 . 根据动词选择介词。有些定语从句中的介词本身是从句的一部分,这样的介词可位于关系代词前,也可位于关系代词后,如:

I don't know the foreigner with whom my teacher shook hands .

(或 I don't know the foreigner(whom) my teacher shook hands with . )

但要注意:who 和 that 不能直接位于介词后作宾语;有的短语动词是不能拆开的,因为这些介词存在于关系密切的固定短语中,常见的这类短语有:look for , look after 等,如:

This is the pencil that Ma Lili is looking for . (对)

This is the pencil for which Ma Lili is looking . (错)

2 . 根据先行词选择介词。介词和先行词之间构成习惯搭配,此时,介词一般位于关系代词之前,它和从句中的动词不存在逻辑或意义上的关系,如:

He stood by the window , through which he could see what was happening outside . (the window 是介词 through 的逻辑宾语)

3 . 有时,介词 + 关系代词可转换为关系副词,这样的关系副词一般为 when , why , where。如:

This is the house in which (=where) Chairman Mao once lived .

Everyone knows the reason for which (=why) the High Dam was built .

I still remember the day on which (=when) we visited the temple .

※ 选用定语从句的引导词时,不能只看先行词,重要的是看引导词在从句中充当什么成份。如:

The evening that people spent singing and playing music was exciting . (充当宾语)

The Summer Palace , where we spent last Sunday , is a famous place . (作状语)

The islands of Britain that we visited last year are made up of four parts . (作宾语)

※ 避免关系词的重复,被关系代词所代替的部分不可在从句中复现。如:

The factory where he works there is a large one . (应去掉 there)

This is the factory which we visited it last Sunday . (应去掉 it)

※ 注意关系代词的省略。

1 . 关系代词作主语不能省略。

2 . 作动词宾语的关系代词,可以省略;作介词宾语的关系代词,如果不直接位于介词后,可省略,如果直接作介词的宾语,不能省略。

3 . 关系代词 which 在非限制性定从句中作宾语也不能省略。

4 . reason , way 后的关系词可省可不省,如:

This is the reason(for which / why /that) he came last for class .

I don't like the was(in which / that) he talks .




1 . Finally the thief handed ____ he had stolen to the police .

A . everything B . that C . which D . all

2 . This is the highest building ____ .

A . we have ever built in out school B . that has ever been built since 1994

C . where all the senior students will live D . built for us to live in

3 . The building ____ are bright at night is our school library .

A . which B . whose windows C . where D . the windows of which

4 . The girl ____ is our new English teacher .

A . you spoke to B . that you talked

C . of whom hair is beautiful D . you said something to

5 . She has two daughters , .

A . two of them are bright B . neither of whom works as a teacher

C . who are both workers D . both of whom have gone to college

6 . The person ____ is a professor .

A . who is talking to the shop assistant B . that the shop assistant is talking to

C . whom you are talking D . with who they are talking

7 . That is the office ____ my mother once worked .

A . which B . in which C . when D . where

8 . The skirt is mine , ____ .

A . whose colour is blue B . that I bought last year

C . which cost me twenty yuan D . whose colour I am interested in

9 . The washing machine ____ works well .

A . I bought last Thursday B . my mother is eager to buy

C . whose sides are all white D . that is made in Shanghai

10 . Shanghai is the very place ____ .

A . which the foreigners are interested in B . the foreigners are eager to visit

C . where live a lot of foreigners D . what the foreigners like to stay at

11 . Joan is one of the best writers ____ .

A . who are thought highly of

B . whose books the people in the world enjoy very much

C . who have published a lot of books

D . that has been given medals

12 . the two friends met again , and they talked about a lot of things and persons ____ they could remember at college .

A . who B . whom C . which D . that

13 . He is ____ everyone likes to work with .

A . one B . the one that C . the person D . whom

14 . This is the modern hotel ____ the visitors can enjoy all good things .

A . which B . in which C . that D . where

15 . The earth goes round the sun , ____ even a child knows .

A . which B . that C . as D . it

16 . The railway bridge _____ will be finished in two days .

A . which is being built now B . where we visited yesterday

C . we visited yesterday D . where there are a lot of busy workers

17 . Is that laboratory _____ ?

A . the one that we visited yesterday B . where we visited yesterday

C . the one we visited yesterday D . that we visited yesterday

18 . Is that the laboratory ____ yesterday ?

A . we visited B . where we saw the professor

C . the one we visited D . which we visited

答案:1. AD 2. ACD 3. BD 4. AD 5. BCD 6. AB 7. BD 8. ACD 9. ABCD 10. BCD 11. ABC 12. D 13. BC 14. BD 15. AC 16. ACD 17. AC 18. ABD



1 . 我昨天收到了你的来信。

2. 感谢您的邀请

3. 在我住在你们家中期间,你们给了我许多帮助。

4. 如果你有空的话,请到我们的城市来参观。

5. 祝您成功。

6. 祝您旅游愉快。

7. 今晚将要举行英语晚会。



1. I heard from you yesterday . / I received /got your letter yesterday . 或者:Your letter reached me yesterday

2 . Thank you fro your invitation .

3 . While / When I stayed in your home , you gave me a lot of help .

4 . Please come to our city for a visit if you have time . / Please come to our city to visit if it is convenient to you .

5 . I wish you to succeed . / I wish you successful . / I wish you success .

6 . May you have a good trip . / A good journey to you .

7 . There will be an English evening party this evening . An English evening party will be held this evening .


Unit 22

一、从下列A、B、C、D 中选出一个最佳答案。

1. My father persuaded me not to time TV all day and all night .

A. waste ; to see B. spend ; to watching C. waste ; watching D. cost ; to see

2. Did you watch the TV broadcast of the football match last night ?

A. live B. alive C. living D. lively

3. She must have known the result of her maths exam , she ?

A. mustn't B. haven't C. hasn't D. isn't

4. The manager is over there . Why not make yourself him ?

A. know about B. known to C. known by D. known as

5. I'm glad to see you here . But in fact , I know you .

A. don't ; are coming B. don't ; have come

C. didn’t ; came D. didn't ; were coming

6. These wet clothes should to dry .

A. hung up B. be hung up C. hang up D. be hanged up

7. ,we plant young trees . And the young trees grow taller .

A. Year after year ; year after year B. Year by year ; year by year

C. Year by year ; year after year D. Year after year ; year by year

8. She is a good student . She is always the first to school and the last school .

A. comes ; leaves B. to come ; to leave C. coming ; leaving D. come ; leave

9. The museum they visited last week the 15th century .

A. dates from B. dates back from C. dates since D. dating back to

10. Thinking you know in fact you don't is a terrible mistake .

A. that ; what B. that ; that C. what ; that D. what ; what

11. I feel like in the fresh air after supper , but I'd like at home today .

A. to walk ; to stay B. walking ; staying

C. to walk ; staying D. walking ; to stay

12. - Where are you from ?

- .

A. I'm British B. I speak English

C. I was born in Ireland D. I used to live in Wales

13. The that the church is great .

A. part ; makes B. parts ; plays C. part ; plays D. role , play

14. The girl took of the two oranges and gave one to her brother .

A. smaller ; bigger B. the small ; the big

C. the smallest ; the biggest D. the smaller ; the bigger

15. To be honest , that problem made me .

A. puzzled ; puzzled B. puzzling ; puzzling

C. puzzled ; puzzling D. puzzling ; puzzled

16. Everything must be ready . Chairman Zhang in ten minutes .

A. will arrive B. is about to arrive

C. is possible to arrive D. is probable to arrive

17. My cousin went abroad , that is , .

A. in his thirties ; in the 1990S B. in his thirty ; in the

C. at the age of 30 ; in 1999s D. at thirty ; in 1990's

18. You won't get well unless you the doctor's advice .

A. hear B. listen C. follow D. receive

19. Our headmaster would like with the boy Henry .

A. to have words ; whose name is B. having a talk ; with the name of

C. have a word ; his name is D. to have a word ; named

20. - How are you getting along with your work ?

- I haven't made I should .

A. so more progress as B. as much progress as

C. as many progress as D. much progress like


We are often warned by our teachers not to waste time because time (1) will never return . I think it quite (2) . What does time look (3) ? Nobody knows , and we can't see it or touch it and no (4) of money can buy it . Time is abstract , so we have to (5) about it .

Time passed very quickly . (6) students say they don't have (7) time to review their lessons . It is (8) they don't know how to make (9) of their time . They waste it in going to theatres or parks , and (10) other useless things . Why do we study every day ? Why do we work ? Why do most people (11) take buses instead of walking ? The answer is very (12) . We wish to save time because time is (13) .

Today we are (14) in the 20th century . We (15) time as life . When a person dies , his life ends . Since life is short , we must (16) our time and energy to our studies so that we (17) be able to serve the people well in the future . Laziness is the (18) of time , for it not only brings us (19) , but also does other (20) to us . If it is (21) for us to do our work today , (22) us do it today and not (23) it until tomorrow . (24) that time is much more (25) .

1. A. lost B. passed C. missed D. used

2. A. important B. true C. common D. terrible

3. A. for B. like C. after D. over

4. A. amount B. quality C. quantity D. price

5. A. think B. imagine C. examine D. check

6. A. Such B. Some C. Sometime D. Most

7. A. spare B. free C. enough D. much

8. A. reasonable B. why C. because D. certain

9. A. good B. use C. something D. up

10. A. doing B. making C. taking D. getting

11. A. ought to B. have to C. would rather D. had better

12. A. easy B. simple C. obvious D. clear

13. A. worthless B. priceless C. limiting D. little

14. A. working B. living C. struggling D. advancing

15. A. look upon B. use C. think D. believe

16. A. devote B. spend C. give D. set

17. A. must B. should C. may D. can

18. A. helper B. thief C. butcher D. companion

19. A. wealth B. health C. failure D. illness

20. A. danger B. harm C. trouble D. difficulty

21. A. successful B. convenient C. necessary D. important

22. A. help B. let C. make D. have

23. A. keep B. remain C. repeat D. leave

24. A. Remember B. Think C. Realize D. Save

25. A. valuable B. expensive C. worth D. fragile



There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters (匪徒) in return for “protection” . If the money was not paid immediately , the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop . Getting “protection money” is not a modern means . As long ago as the fourteenth century , an Englishman , Sir John Hawkwood , made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters .

Then Sir John Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a group of soldiers and settled near Florence . He soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the Italians as Giovanni Acuto . Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other , Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to those who were willing to pay the high price he demanded . In times of peace , when business was bad , Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and , after burning down a few farms , would offer to go away if protection money was paid to them , Hawkwood made large sums of money with this method . In spite of this , the Italians regarded him as a sort of hero . When he died at eighty , the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had his picture painted , which was in memory of “this bravest man” .

1. What protection did Chicago gangsters give to those who paid them ?

A. They saved those people's businesses from destruction .

B. They left those people's business unharmed much .

C. They sent soldiers to serve them no matter what help they needed willingly .

D. They didn't take those people's lives

2. Sir John Hawkwood's Italian name ‘ Giovanni Acuto ’ was one which .

A. he gave himself in order to become better known to the Italians

B. he earned through his sharp practice of selling his‘protection’

C. he needed so as to hire his soldiers to Italians

D. was given him in telling his services to the others'

3. The Italians regarded Hawkwood as a sort of hero .

A. because they couldn't help admiring his bravery and boldness

B. as he aided the citizens in peacetime when business was bad for them

C. he had played an important role in their daily life

D. for he lived so long and was given a state funeral by the Florentines

4. From the passage , we can guess the gangsters were those .

A. who were of great importance to the poor

B. who made the businessmen do whatever they were in need of

C. who were always ready to be sent abroad

D. who did harm to others

5. According to the writer , Hawkwood was .

A. a sort of national hero B. an experienced leader

C. a brave soldier D. a noble gangster


The sun had gone behind a cloud . I was very tired and wanted nothing in the world so much as to be at home . At last I got to the gate of Hide Park . But this was worse than ever ; there were buses there - high and terribly red cars , taxis and still more buses in an endless line . Everywhere there were people hurrying past or waiting to get into the buses , while I stood lost in the middle of them .

I was ready to cry . In despair, I crossed the street on to an “island”,where I found a policeman . I took my last bit of courage in both hands and said , “Please , sir , where is Addison Road ? ” He began to explain , but when he saw that I couldn't understand he became helpless , too . “Are you French at school ?” A few minutes later , he smiled and raised his hand . How wonderful ! The traffic stopped . Even the red buses stood still and waited until I had crossed the road .

6. That is the most probable reason why she was tired out .

A. it had been very hot by then

B. the writer had been standing lost for a long time

C. the writer had been completely lost

D. the writer had been wandering in the park for a long time

7. Because the writer was made so worn out , .

A. she wanted nothing on earth but her home

B. she thought it perfect to stay at home

C. she would never leave her home at all

D. she didn't get to the park on time

8. In this passage “island”means .

A. a piece of land surrounded by water

B. a raised place in a busy street where people may be safe from traffic

C. a safe place that can only be used by policemen

D. a safe place that nobody can use without permission

9. Why did the traffic stop ? Because .

A. all the drivers could understand French

B. perhaps a certain driver had broken the traffic rules

C. all the drivers knew the policeman very well

D. the policeman was directing the traffic

10. In which country do you think the story happened ?

A. Switzerland . B. France .

C. England . D. A certain non-English speaking country .


Mr. Wang is my physics teacher . He has 1.75 metres 1.

in the height . He was born on November 4 , 1952 . So 2.

he is a middle-aged man . Mr. Wang graduated Qinghua 3.

University in 1978 . After graduation , he becomes a middle 4.

school teacher . He has been taught physics for 20 years . 5.

He is a success as a teacher . He has been given a 6.

lot of honors . He is not only a good teacher in the 7.

physics but also speak English and Russian very well . 8.

In his spare time , he likes reading books , collect 9.

stamps and listening music . Also , Mr. Wang is kind-hearted . 10.

We all like and respect him .

【同步题库】答案一、1. C 。2. A 。live “实况的”。 3. C 。对过去肯定推测的反意疑问句用have 与主语相一致。4. B 。5. D 。对说话前动作的陈述。6. B 。7. D 。8. B。序数词后常用不定式作定语。9. A 。date from = date back to 。10. A 。11. D 。12. A 。13. C 。该句是为强调part而使其提置句首,后跟that定语从句。play a part / role in 在……起作用;扮演……角色。14. D 。“the + 比较级 + of + the two + 复数名词”表“两者中最……”。15. D 。puzzling “令人迷惑的”,puzzled“被迷惑的”。16. A 。“be about to”不与表将来的时间状语连用。17. A 。18. C 。follow / take one's advice 听取……的意见, ask for one's advice征求…… 的意见。19. D 。have a word / talk with 和……聊一聊,have words with sb = quarrel with sb 和……争吵。 20. B 。二、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5 B 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. C 20.B 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. A 三、1 - 5 DBADD 6 - 10 DBBDC 四、1. has 改为 is 2. 去掉 the 3. graduated 后加 from 4. becomes 改为 became 5. taught 改为 teaching 6. 对 7. 去掉 the 8. speak 改为 speaks 9. collect 改为 collecting 10. listening 后加 to



一. 教学目的:现在进行时和日常用语

二. 教学难点:现在进行时

三. 重点难点讲解:

1. 现在进行时

现在进行时是由动词be(即am, is 和are) +动词ing形式构成的,助动词am/is/are的选择要根据主语的人称或数来决定。

动词的ing 形式构成的几种方式:

(1)一般情况下,在动词词尾加上ing, 例如:go-going, read-reading

(2)以不发音字母e结尾的动词,要先去e,再加上ing, 例如:

have-having write-writing

(3)以重读闭音节结尾的单词,中间只有一个元音字母,词尾只有一个辅音字母,在构成现在分词时,要先双写这个辅音字母,再加ing, 例如:

put-putting run-running begin-beginning


We are thinking about the question.


She is looking after her mother at home.


注意:某些动词表示短暂性动作,其动作不能在一段时间内持续,如:see, find, catch 等,因此,这些短暂性动词不能用于进行时态。 某些表示情感,意识的动词如:like, want, know等也不能用于进行时态。


现在进行时的疑问形式是把助动词be放在主语前面,句尾加问号即可。 一般疑问句用升调,特殊疑问句用降调。在回答一般疑问句时,肯定回答用 “Yes, 主语加助动词be.”, 否定回答用 “No, 主语加助动词的否定形式。”例如:

“Are you watching TV now?”


“Yes, I am.”


“What is he doing now?”


“He is playing basketball.”



“ I am coming.”应理解为“我就来。”而不是“我正在来。”在英语中,某些动词如:

come, go, begin等动词的进行时可以表示现在正在进行的动作,也可以表示短期的将来。试比较:

The bus is coming now. 汽车来了。

He is coming soon. 他很快就来。

如果没有时间状语,类似 “Where are you going?” “ We are going to the cinema.” 这一对话在不同的情景中可能有不同的理解。如果在路上则可以理解为“你们去哪儿?”“我们正去电影院。”如果在家里,则可以理解为“你们要去哪儿?”“我们准备去电影院。”

2. wear 和put on

wear指“穿着”这一状态,put on指“穿上”这一动作。

She is wearing an old blouse today.


Put on yours shoes. Don’t take them off.



He wears a new watch.


3. help的基本用法。

Help 作名词时一般为不可数名词,不能加s, 但有时可在前面用不定冠词a, 表示人或事物的作用。例如:

This book is a great help to me.



Let me help you.


3. come和go

come 表示从远处走近,go表示从近处走远。

Come here, please. 请到这边来。

Don’t go there. 别去那边。

come and加上另一个动词就相当于come加这个动词的不定式形式。后面的那个动词实际上是前面那个动词的目的。动词go也是这样的情况。

Let’s go and play games.


4. Listen


Listen to the teacher.


5. Watch的两种用法。


I have a new watch.



They are watching a football match on TV.


四. 练习


think take

put have

sing fly

swim run

2. 翻译词组






3. 综合选择

(1) What the women over there?

A is, do B are, doing C is, doing D are, do

(2) My brother and I .

A is doing my homework B am doing his homework

C are doing our homework D are doing my homework

(3) We any Chinese class on Thursday. We English class now.

A aren’t having, are having B don’t have, have

C don’t have, are having D aren’t having, have

(4) The twins red skirts today. They look fine.

A are wearing B are putting on C are wear D put on

(5) Today is my birthday and my mother is a cake me.

A making, to B making, for C doing, to D doing, for

五. 答案

1.thinking taking

putting having

singing flying

swimming running

2. (1) listen to the teacher

(2) look at the blackboard

(3) close the window

(4) watch TV

(5) fly the kite

3. (1)B (2)C (3) C (4) A (5) B

(1) What are the women doing over there?


(2) My brother and I are doing our homework.


(3) We don’t have any Chinese class on Thursday. We are having English class now.


(4) The twins are wearing red skirts today. They look fine.


(5) Today is my birthday and my mother is making a cake for me.


篇4:高一英语第二十二单元 Britain and Ireland

科目 英语

年级 高一

文件 high1 unit22.doc

标题 Britain and Ireland

章节 第二十二单元

关键词 内容


1. Where are you from ?


Are you…? (Chinese / English / German)

Are you from…? (China / England / Germany)

“What country are you from ?” ── “I’m from China .”

“What nationality are you ?” ── “I’m of Chinese nationality” / My nationality is Chinese”

2.在课文word study中要求完成表格现将答案显示如下:

Country Adjective People Language

England English the English English

Scotland Scottish the Scots English / Scottish

Ireland Irish the Irish English / Irish

Wales Welsh the Welsh English / Welsh

Germany German German German

France French Frenchmen / Frenchwomen French

Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese

China Chinese Chinese Chinese

The U.S.A American American English

3. The larger of the two islands is Britain , Which lies to the east of Ireland .



①lie to the east / west . north . south of… 在…之东/ 西、北、南,并不强调是否接壤

Taiwan lie to the east of Fujian . 台湾位于福建的东方。

Cardiff is to the west of London . 卡尔地夫在伦敦的西边。

②lie on……表示强调二者交界

Wales lies on the west of England .


③lie on……还可以表示在……河畔,……沿线

London lies on the River Thames . 伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。

There are several villages on the coast . 海岸沿线有几个小村庄。

Wu han , the capital of Hubei Province , lies on the Changjiang River .


④lie in……表示“在……境内”。

Japan lies (is) to the east of China , it lies (is)


Taiwan lies in the east of China .


4.The letters “UK” stand for “the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” .

字母 “UK”代表The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland .


stand for : “代表”、“代替”

①Our flag stands for our country . 我的旗子代表着我们的国家。

②Each star on the flag of the United States stands for a state of the nation .


5.The “UK” is made up of four countries . 联合王国是由四部分组成的。

make up of : 由……组成

①A car is made up of different parts . 汽车是由许多不同的部分组成的。

②The audience was made up of very young children .


6.Scotland has many lakes and mountains and is famous for its beautiful countryside .


be famous for : 以……而闻名,以……著称

①Beijing is famous for its ancient places of interest .


②Egypt is famous for the pyramids .


7.There used to be a lot of coal mines in the south , but many of them have been closed , or are about to be closed .


※There used to be… “过去常有,曾经有过”暗指现在不复存在了。

①There used to be a big supermarket , but it has been moved to another place .


②There used to be some trees in this field , usen’t / didn’t there ?


※be about to……即将做某事。

①Be quick ! The plane is about to take off .


②It’s too late , the film is about to be finished .


8.London lies on the River Thames and has a population of seven million .


population 人口,提问有多少人口用“What”,修饰人口众多用“large”。

①What was the population of Beijing in ?

②China has the largest population in the world . 中国是世界人口最多的国家。

9.Ireland is divided into two countries . 爱尔兰被分成2个国家。

divide “分,分开”。指把整体分成若干份。

①He divided the cake among the children .


②Let’s divide our Class into 7 groups .


Separate : v. “隔开”“脱离”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的分割开来,使之有一段距离,常和“from”连用,做不及物动词时为“分手”。

①England and France are separated by 22 miles of open ocean at their closest point .


②You’d better separate the good ones from the bad ones.


③We have been separated for a long time .


④Separate . adj . 不同的,独立的。

We went our separate way after the party . 聚会结束后我们分手了。(走不同方向的路)

10.Ireland is especially wet .


especially “尤其”强调个别超过其它部分,它后面提到的东西必须是前面叙述事物的一部分。

①I love the country , especially in spring .


②The Great Wall had been rebuilt and repaired many times , especially during the Ming Dynasty .


Specially , “特别地”,指为一特别的目的而专门做的。

①The books are specially written for children .


②I made this specially for your birthday .


11.They lived mainly on potatoes . 他们以土豆为主食。

live on “靠吃……为主”,“靠……(收入)生活”。

①The cows live on grass . 牛以草为食。

②The people in north China live mainly on wheat .


③How could you live on such a small income ?


12.Around 1850 , a terrible disease hit the potato crop , and potato went bad in the soil .


go bad “变坏”,go是系动词,表示由一种状态变成另一种,例如go blind(变瞎),go mad(变疯)

go wrong(出毛病)同样的系表构成还有由become和get引导的,如

①The fish went bad , it smells terrible .

②Beethoven went deaf almost completely at the ago of 40 .


③The situation has become better .


④They are getting stronger and stronger .


13.Although many families became separated , people still kept in touch with each other .


keep in touch with…… 和……保持联系。

①People can keep in touch with each other even-when they do live far away from each other .


②A good teacher should always keep in touch with students .


14.Altheugh many farmerms in the west continue to lead a simple life .


lead a…life,过着…的生活。

①Mathild led a hard life for the lost necklace .


②Her parents are leading a quiet life in the country side .


③We , young people should lead an active life .


15.Most Irish people go to church every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people’s lives .


play a part in… 在…方面起作用,在……中扮演角色。

①Foreign languages study plays an important part in Karl Marx’s life .


② “Which parts do you play (in the film) ?” “你(在电影中)扮演中哪个角色?”

“──I play the part of king” . “我演国王”。

16.The Irish are very fond of music and poems .


be fond of… 喜欢,爱好

①She has many faults , but we’re all very fond of her .


②Girls are usually fond of watching fashion-shown .



运用所学语言,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务,阅读课文“Britain and Ireland”和“Ireland”,了解英国和爱尔兰的地理和历史情况,并完成有关课文内容的练习。


1.Are you from…?

Where are you from ?

What are you ?

I’m (form)…

2. Expressions for location(方位表达)

例如:①London is in the southeast of England .

②Wales lies to / on the west of England .

③London lies on the River Thames .

④North of England lies in Scotland .


England and France are separated by 22 miles of open ocean at their closest point . People of all ages and different jobs had tried to swim across the English Channel . Each swimmer decides to have this great try for different reasons , but each has the same aim-to conquer(征服)the channel .

The English Channel was first crossed in 1875 by Matthew Webb , an Englishman , who swam from Dover , England , to Calas , France . Since then , over 3,700 people have had about 4,500 tries on the channel . Only 297 people (199men and 98 women) , however , have successfully gained(得到)Webb’s remark-able(非凡的)achievement(成就)。

1.The English Channel is .

A. a river from Dover to Calas . B. a canal(运河)between England and France

C. a sea between Britain and France D. a strait between Britain and France

2.The Channel is about 22 miles .

A. long B. wide C. deep D. shallow(浅)

3.Of the following statements , which is true according to the passage above ?

A. More men have succeeded(成功)in crossing the Channel than women .

B. All swimmers have their tries on the Channel for special prizes .

C. The Channel was first conquered over two centuries ago .

D. No one failed in his try on the Channel .

4.According to the passage , how many people have crossed the Channel up to now ? .

A. 4,500 B. 3,700 C. 298 D. 297

5.The best title for this passage may be“ ”.

A. How to Cross the English Channel B. The Importance of Swimming

C. Conquering the English Channel D. The English Channel

答案:B B A B C

篇5:初二英语第二十二单元What a good, kind girl?




(1) go along沿着…一直走 (2) traffic lights交通灯

(3) on one’s way to… 在某人去…的路上 (4) at the side of the road在路边

(5) be ill in hospital生病住院 (6) inside pocket里面的口袋

(7) maybe可能,或许 (8) at the end of在…尽头

(9) catch a bus赶汽车 (10) look around环顾四周




A. 语法:情态动词的用法。

1. may表示“可以”,即表示说话人同意,许可或请求对方许可。

eg. a)你可以走了。

You may go.


May I come in? Yes, please!

No, you can’t. ( Please don’t )

2. may表示(现在和将来)“可能”,“或许”。

eg. a) He may come to the party tomorrow evening.


* may not: 表示“可能不”。

ag. a) He may not be correct. 他也许不对。

3.在请求或提建议时,可用 May I…? 这样的语气比较客气。

eg. a) May I help you? 要我帮忙吗?

b) May I borrow your pen? 我可以借用一下你的钢笔吗?


1. Which is the may to East park? 去东方公园的路怎么走?

1) east Park前不加定冠词。



eg. a) the United Nations联合国

b) the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国

2.(An old woman is standing at the side of the road… but she stops. )(一个老妇人还站在那边…,但是她停了下来。)


3. Oh Dear! What shall I do? 天呀!我该怎么办。

1) dear感叹词,表示惊愕、困惑、同情等。


Dear me! = Oh, dear! 天哪!妈呀!

2) Shall即可做情态动词,也可做助动词。



eg. a) I shall hever forget you. 我永远也不会忘记你。

b) You shall do as I say. 你要照我说的去做。

c) Shall we start now? 我们现在就开始吗?

d) I shall be twenty on Saturday. 到周六我就二十岁了。

4. Maybe you put it there. 你也许把它放在那了。

1) maybe是副词,注意它与情态动词may加be的区别。

2) maybe =perhaps =probably

Maybe the book is there. 也许那本书在那

=The book may be there.

5. He’s ill in hospital. 他生病住院。

介词短语in hospital中,hospital前不加the,表示抽象概念“生病住院”。

同样,像school, bed等地点名词,前面不加the,都表示抽象概念。

Mother is ill in bed母亲卧病在床。

6. It’ll take you about half an hour.到医院要花费你约半小时时间。

1)这是一个省略句,完整的说法应该是:It’ll take you about half an hour to reach the hospital.

2)在“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”句型结构中,it是形式主语,真正主语是后面的动词不定式短语“to do sth.”意为“某人花费一段时间做某事”。这个结构可以有时态的变化。

eg. It take them two months to finish the work.


7. Ah, so it is. 真是的。(确实是这样)表示赞同前面的说法。

8. until




eg. a) I waited until three O’clock, but be didn’t come. 我一直等到3点,但他没来。

b) The noise of the street didn’t stop until midnight. 街上的噪音一直到午夜才停止。




eg. The children won’t come home until it is dark. 孩子们不到黑天不回家。

He lived in his house until Mr. Black come back.


9. on one’s way“在某人去…路上”常可以有以下三种变形

1) on one’s way to + 地点名词

2) on one’s way +地点副词

3) on one’s way +动词不定式

eg. On his way to school, he saw an old man. 在上学的路上,他看到一位老人。

On his way home be bought a book. 他买了一本书。

We find a post office on our way to shopping.


10. end的用法

1) end n.端、终点,最后;v.完毕,终止。

eg. a) Go to the end of the road and turn left.


b) Please wait until the end of this month.


c) The plan ended at ten o’clock.


d) How do you want to end the story?



a) come to an end 结束,告终。

eg. The meeting came to an end at midnight.


b) in the end最后,终于

eg. He studied hard and in the end he got a gook mark.


c) at end of … 在…末(指年、月、日世纪等时间点)

eg. at the end of this month在本月底

d) by the end of … 不迟于…,强调“最后时限”,其中by =not later than。

eg. We’ll have learned words by end of this term.


3) in the end与同义词at last, finally的区别

a) finally (adv.)一般指一系列事物或论点的顺序的最后一项内容,用在动词前,表示等了好久才……,无感情色彩。

eg. Finally, let’s do some exercise. 最后让我们做些练习吧。

b) at last往往表示经过一番努力或曲折的过程之后的“最后”的意思,有较浓的感情色彩。

eg. At last I reached the top of the mountain. 最后我到达了山的顶峰。

c) in the end表示经过许多变化或周折,“最后”发生了。

eg. In the end he decided to leave. 最后他决定离开。

11. take的意义









eg. a) She took my hand. 她牵着我的手。

b) Take this medicine after each meal. 每餐后服用此药。

c) How long will it take you to finish the work? 你要花多少时间才能完成那项工作。

d) I take a walk every morning. 我每天早晨散步。

e) He took a bus there. 他乘车去那。

f) I took a picture of the baby. 我给那婴儿拍了张照片。

g) I’ll take this one. 我买这个。

h) I’ll take him to the zoo. 我将带他去动物园。


1) side by side 并肩地

2) on the other side of在……另一边

3) at the side of… 在……的旁边,侧面

4) the right / wrong side of (the cloth) (布的)正/反面。

5) by one’s side在…身旁

6) side entrance 侧面入口

side job副业

side horse(体操)鞍马

eg. a) They walked side by side. 他们肩并肩地走

b) His house is on the other side of the river. 他的房子在河的另一边。

c) The garage is at the side of the house. 车库在房子旁边。

d) I sat by his side. 我在他身边坐下。


1) What (How ) about …?


2) What do you think of …?


3) How do you like …?


eg. a) What about going out for walk?


b) How about Jim now? 吉姆现在怎样了?

c) What do you think of this book?


d) How do you like his house.



1) 连词because连接句子是原因状语从句。注意:若从句放在前面,其后应用逗号隔开主句;若主句在前,中间的逗号可有可无。

eg. a) I like Tome because he is kind.

=Because Tom is kind, I like him.


b) I didn’t go, because I was tired. 因为疲惫,所以我没去。




He didn’t come yesterday because he was ill.


He stay at home yesterday because he had to look after him sister.


Because he got up late, he was late for class.


We’d better stay at home because it’s raining.


I want to go home now because I’m hungry.


1. Asking the way(问路):

1) Where’s the(nerest)… Please?


2) Which is the way to … Please?


3) How can I got to …? 我怎样才能到…?

4) Do you know the way to …?


5) Can you tell me the way to …?


6) Can you tell me how to get to …?


7) I want to go to … Do you know the way?


8) I’m looking for …. Where is it, do you know?


9) I can’t find the way to …. Can you tell me?


2. Giving directions. (指路)

(1)回答:Where’s (the nearest)…?

a) It’s over there. 在那边

b) It’s next to the … 在…的旁边

c) It’s near the … 在…的附近

d) It’s outside the … 在…的外边

e) It’s behind the … 在…的后边

f) It’s in front of the … 在…的前面

g) It’s on the right / left of the … 在…的右/左边

h) It’s on the other side of the … 在…另一边

(2)回答:Which is the way to …?和How can I get to…?等问路的话时,须明确指出路径,可根据具体情况,综合使用下列句型。

a) Walk along this road / street. 沿着这条路/街一直走。

b) It’s about …metres from here. 离这大约有…米。

c) Take the first / … turning on the left / right. 在第一个路口向左/右拐。

d) Walk on and turn left / right. 继续向前走,然后向左/右转。

e) Turn left / right at the traffic lights.

You’ll find the … on the left / right.


f) Go on until you reach the end of the road.

You’ll see the … in front of you.



eg. A. Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

B. I’m sorry I don’t know.

A. Thank you all the same.


factory 工厂 farm 农场

school学校 hospital医院

park公园 cinema 电影院

office 办公室 zoo动物园

toilet 厕所 train station 火车站

police警察局 post office邮局

bus stop / station公共汽车站 bookshop 书店

fruit shop水果店 clothing shop服装店

shoes shop鞋店 watch shop表店



( )1. A. apple B. ago C. along D. asleep

( )2. A. rest B. well C. twelfth D. Peter

( )3. A. up B. bus C. busy D. must

( )4. A. day B. holiday C. Wednesday D. Monday

( )5. A. dry B. during C. drop D. draw


1. I don’t think it’s so (wonder).

2. The students worked that maths problem (easy).

3. Get up a little (early) tomorrow morning.

4. He doesn’t speak English as as she.(good).

5. It’s important to be kind and (help).


1. You can to get to the zoo.

A. take a No.18 bus B. sit a No.18 bus

C. catch No.18 bus D. have a No.18 bus

2. They’re leaving for Shanghai.

A. on a ship B. by a ship C. by ship D. both A and C

3. The police station is about walk.

A. twenty minutes B. twenty minutes’

C. twenty minute’s D. twenty-minutes

4. I think Tom know Mr Hu.

A. may be B. maybe C. sure D. may

5. Who has broken the door the room?

A. of B. off C. on D. in

6. It’s very kind me with my English.

A. for you to help B. for you helping C. of you to help D. of you helping

7. Please silent (安静). The meeting will begin.

A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep

8. I don’t know .

A. to do it B. how to do C. what to do D. where to go

9. She her watch in her bedroom but she didn’t it.

A. looked for, found B. looked, find

C. looked, found out D. looked for, find

10. Please look my child when I am not at home.

A. for B. at C. after D. up

11. money and books do you want?

A. How many, how much B. How much, how much

C. How much, how many D. How many, How many

12. The cinema is just the end of the street.

A. by B. at C. in D. on

13. Jim sat there and looked .

A. worry B. worrying C. worries D. worried

14. Who is sitting Tom?

A. at head of B. in front of C. at back to D. in the front of

15. beautiful the park is!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How the

16. Let’s go skating together, ?

A. will you B. shall we C. do you D. do we

17. There are bottles of milk in fridge. You’d better buy some.

A. some B. few C. a little D. little

18. ! What are they talking about?

A. Listen B. listening C. Listen D. To listen

19. I will have taken tomorrow.

A. my photoes B. my photos C. me photos D. photo

20. Tom is tallest in our class.

A. the B. a C. one D. /


A. (1) (2) shall we leave?

B. We’ll leave at nine.

A. (3) shall we meet?

B. We’ll meet outside the park.

A. (4) shall I say?

B. You may say what you like.

A. (5) shall we go?

B. By bus.


1. They had a meeting yesterday afternoon. (改为一般疑问句)

they a meeting yesterday afternoon?

2. My uncle attended (参加) a meeting in Beijing in April.(划线提问)

uncle a meeting in Beijing?

3. You haven’t finished drawing a picture.(改为反意疑问句)

You haven’t finished drawing a picture, ?

4. He wanted some water.(改为否定句)

He want water.


1. (继续往前走)and turn left.

2. Tom is .(在回家的路上)

3. Her husband is (生病住院了)

4. You’d better .(坐汽车去)

5. (出了什么事),Granny?


Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most activities (活动) of the day. TV brings the outside world closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.

What’s going on in the other countries? How do people live in places for away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What’s living in the deepest part of the sea?

If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch too.

TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.

1. Some people say the world is smaller than before because .

A. all people like to watch TV

B. many people have their own TV sets

C. watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day

D. TV brings the outside world closer to people

2. We can when we watch TV.

A. answer TV many questions

B. ask TV many questions

C. know what’s going on in the world

D. go and line in the other countries.

3. People learn better through TV than through radio because .

A. TV sets are more expensive than radio

B. people can watch and hear

C. it’s easier to buy a TV than a radio

D. People can’t know anything without TV

4. “TV also helps to open our minds” means .

A. we can learn more with TV

B. some thing is wrong with our minds

C. we are interested in TV

D. our mind can only he opened by TV

5. From the passage we know .

A. we should stop reading to watch TV only

B. it’s good to watch TV

C. it’s not good to watch TV

D. people shouldn’t watch TV


There was an old who loved money very much. He never gave (1) to anybody. After some years he (2) rich.

One day he (3) near the river with his friends when he fell (4) the river. His friends ran to help him. One of them held out his hand and cried, “Give me your hand, and I’ll put you out!” The rich (5) head went under the water and then came up again, but he did not give his hand (6) his friend. Again (7) of the friends tried, but again the same thing happened.

Then another friend, Nasreddin, said, “Take my hand and I’ll pull you out!” The rich (8) his hand and Nasreddin pulled him (9) the water.

“You don’t know your friend well,” Nasreddin said to the others. “When you say give to him, he does nothing, but when you say take he (10) take.”

1.A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

2.A. became B. becomes C. is D. has been

3.A. walks B. was walking C. walked D. is walking

4.A. to B. inside C. down D. into

5.A. mans’ B. man’s C. man D. men’s

6.A. for B. with C. to D. at

7.A. the other B. others C. other D. another

8.A. taken B. taking C. took D. gave

9.A. out of B. out from C. away D. outside

10.A. often B. sometimes C. always D. never

Keys to the exercises:

Ⅰ.语音1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B

Ⅱ.词汇:1. wonderful 2. easily 3. earlier 4. well 5. helpful

Ⅲ.单项选择:1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C

11. C 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. A

Ⅳ.补全对话:1. What 2. time 3. Where 4. What 5. How

Ⅴ.句型转换:1. Did, have 2. When, did, your, attend 3. have, you 4. didn’t any


1. Walk on 2. on his way home 3. ill in hospital 4. take / catch a bus

5. What’s the matter / What’s wrong


1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. C


科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit4.4.doc

标题 Mainly Revision

章节 第四单元

关键词 内容



当我们捧着一期新到手的报纸并惬意地享受它所带给我们的众多新闻与信息时,我们是否曾为它如何诞生的而感兴趣呢?文本意在告诉读者一些有关报刊行业的常识性知识,了解报纸作为人们日常生活中一种不可替代的消费品从采访、初稿、编辑、审定直到最后排版校样的一系列工作中,工作人员所付出辛勤劳动,言简意赅,生动形象。对扩大学生的知识面,了解实际生活都有好处。同时,对中国日报(CHINA DAILY)作为较为详尽的介绍,还将有助于提高学生们的英语学习兴趣。



1.对话(Lesson 13)



Making an appointment(日常约会)

Will you be / Are you free this evening? Yes,I'll be free.

Are you going to see the new film? Yes,I'd like to.

Let's go together then,shall we? Ok.

What time shall we meet? I suggest 7 o'clock.

Where is the best place to meet? What about meeting outside the theatre?

Sounds good idea. See you. See you then.





a.理解课文大意,能回答有关问题(Wb.P89 Exercise 1);






journalist, event, cover, fix, face-to-face, interview, photographer, editor, save, headline, check, develop, deliver, rail, daily, cost, everyday.


get down to work, fix a time for, work on, type……into computer, hand sth. to sb., be popular with, as well, care for, take a photograph (of), look up.


例1:What's on this weekend at the People's Theatre?

“The Red Roses” are giving a performance.

例2:If you want to get a job in the company, you may have a face-to-face interview with the manager.

例3:As a teacher of English, she is liked by her students.

As a teacher of English, she ____ ____ ____ her students.(is popular with)

例4:Final examination is coming, and you should begin to prepare it.

Final examination is coming, and you should ____ ____ ____ ____ it.(get down to preparing)

例5:It is said that the performances are very good.

People ____ ____ ____ ____ are very good.

The performances ____ ____ ____ ____ very good.(say that the performances);(are said to be)


1、The most important event of this year is that Macao will return to China in December.


2、Which events have you entered for?


3、They sent the best reporters to cover the conference.


4、Cover the table with a cloth.


5、By sunset we had covered thirty miles.


6、His research covers a wide field.


7、Is that word covered in the dictionary?


8、They have fixed the date for the wedding.


9、My watch has stopped.It needs fixing.


10.Her eyes were fixed on the gun.


11.He is fixing his thought on what he is doing.


12.He had a shelf fixed to the wall.


13.It will save time if we drive the car instead of walking.


14.It will save me 50p if I buy the smaller box.


15.He is saving to buy the computer.


16.The doctor saved the child's life.


17.The man saved the child from drowning.


18.We are saving for a new car.


19.We delivered your order to your door.


20.Did you deliver my message to my father?


21.He delivered his speech effectively.


22.We must help to deliver them from misery and suffering.


23.It's time to get down to some business.


24.Let's fix a time for meeting.


25.He sat up far into the night, working on the report.


26.We had a face-to-face argument with them.


27.They are standing there, face to face.


28.Please type the article into the computer.


29.Please hand the book on the desk to me.


30.Hand in your examination papers now, please.


31.The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the lesson.


32.His new book is very popular with readers.


33.I'm going to London and my sister's coming as well.


34.I realy care for the students in my class.


35.She cared for her father in his dying years.


36.Would you care for some tea?


37.He wants to take a photograph of the Great Hall of the People.


38.Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.




1)Seeing is believing.


2)Playing football is his favourite sport.



It is +名词(或形容词)+动名词

No use

It is no good doing that.

A waste of time

So nice / interesting / foolish……

It's a waste of time waiting here.


It'sso nice talking to you.



There is no + 动名词

如:There is no joking about such matter.这事开不得玩笑。



Group I: admit, appreciate, avoid, celebrate, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy,

excuse, explain, finish, forgive, imagine, keep, mention, mind, miss, practise,

prevent,risk, suggest, understand……

GroupII: need, want, require

GroupIII: permit, allow, forbid, require

*Group II: need, want, require 三个词后面跟的动名词必须是主动形式。同时,其动名词不能随意扩大。例如:

(1)This house needs cleaning.这房间该打扫一下。

(2)That car wants repairing.那车需要修理了。(但不能说:I want resting.我需要休息。)

*Group III: 第三组词跟人作宾语后,必须用不定式作补语。例如:

This room won't allow smoking.在这间屋里不准吸烟。

We do not allow anybody to smoke here.这里不许吸烟。


(1)We enjoy dancing like you do.我们和你一样也喜欢跳舞。

(2)Would you mind opening the window?打开窗子你介意吗?



remember +动名词 表示动作已经完成

forget +不定式 表示动作尚未发生

I remember locking the door. 我记得把门锁上了。

You must remember to lock the door.你一定要记住锁好门。

I'll never forget seeing the Alps for the first time.我永远不会忘记第一次看见阿尔卑斯山的景。

I'm afraid he will forget to write to me.恐怕他会忘记给我写信。


+动名词 表示停止做某事

+不定式 表示停下来,开始做某事

The man stopped working and began to have a rest.那人停下手里的活,开始休息。

The man who was talking stopped to work.正在说话的那人停下来开始工作。


+动名词 表示学习某事/物

+不定式 表示学会了某事/物

Having learned to skate, she began to learn swimming.



+动名词 表示继续做同一件事

+不定式 表示继续做另一件事(动作不变内容/方式变)

He went on reading the story.他继续读那篇故事。

He went on to read another story.他继续读另一篇故事。


+动名词 表示实验

+不定式 表示尽量:企图

I tried cooking the meat in wine.我试着用酒煮肉。

Try to get here early.尽量早点到这里。


+动名词 表示害怕做某事的后果(不具体)

+不定式 表示害怕而不敢去做(具体)

He is afraid of falling.他害怕会摔倒。

He was afraid to go there alone, so he remained.他不敢独自去,于是就留下了。


+动名词 表示意味着

+不定式 表示打算,意欲

This will mean giving you some trouble.这意味着给你添麻烦。

I don't mean to trouble you.我并没想给你添麻烦。



Prefer A to B

Prefer to do A rather than do B

Prefer doing A to doing B.

(=would rather do A than do B)


1)I prefer to stay in a house rather than stay in a hotel.我宁愿住在一所房子里也不愿住宾馆。

3)She prefers listening to music to playing the piano.她宁愿听音乐也不愿去弹钢琴。


+动名词 表示情不自禁

+不定式 表示不能帮忙(某事)

Hearing the news, she can't help laughing.


At that time I was very busy,so I can't help(to) repair your bike.


2)后面用不定式和动名词,其含义不变的动词有:begin / start / continue

They began working / to work soon after they arrived.


3)like, hate, love, prefer 等动词既可以接不定式,又可接动名词,意思相同。单表示一个特定的具体动作时,接不定式。

Children like / love to see cartoons.=Children like / love seeing cartoons.


--Can I give you a Life?

--No,thanks. I prefer to walk back, for it is not far.





完形填空(Cloze Test)是外语学习中一种综合练习或测试形式。这种题目提供一篇短文,把文中的若干词语抽出,留出空白,要求学生根据全文的意思,把正确的词语填入空白处。完形填空是一项考查学生综合运用所学词汇,语法知识能力和阅读理解能力的重要题型。同学们普遍认为,这种题很难。但是,如果你掌握了做完形填空的基本规律,正确运用已掌握的词汇,语法知识,完全可以取得较为满意的成绩。
















(1)What's on this weekend?


What's on +时间/地点,表示“在……时间/地点上演什么”,其中on是副词,作表语,意为“上演”,“演出”。

What's on tonight?


What's on at Guanglu Cinema?


(2)They are said to be very good.


本句用了“sb. is / was said +不定式”的句型。它还可以转化为下面两个句型:

i It is / was said + that 从句

ii They / people say +that 从句


It is said that they are very good.

People say that they are very good.

[注]可用于上述句型的动词除say外,还有report, hope, believe, suppose等。

(3)There is no more time left for adding new stories ……


There is (no) …… left for sth. / doing sth. 的意思是“还留下(没留下)……来干某事。”

There is some time left for singing a song.


There is a little money left for buying the books.


There is no space left for putting the writing-desk.


(4)China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper.


1.China Daily 是专有名词需要大写。

2.plenty of只用于肯定句,后面可接可数名词和不可数名词。

You have plenty of time to do the work.


There are plenty of men out of work.


3.Which 引导的是非限制性定语从句。

My new car, which I paid several thousand pounds for, is not running well.


4.cut 这里是“削减”的意思。

His salary has been cut by ten per cent.



例1:The public library and the school stand across the street.

A.face-to-face B.faced-to-faced

C.face to face D.A or C



face-to-face带连字符的合成词在句子中作定语,而face to face不带连字符则在句中作状语。例如:After a face-to-face interview, he got the job.在一次面试后他得到了那份工作。In the carriage they sat face to face.在火车车厢里他们面对面地坐着。类似的结构:heart-to-heart贴心的back-to-back背靠背的hand-in-hand手拉手的shoulder-to-shoulder肩并肩的。

例2:He also learned to messages the 8th Route Army.

A.deliver; for B.delivering; to

C.deliver; from D.delivers; to



deliver: take (letters, parcels,goods, message, etc)to the place or people they addressed to 递送;传送

短语:deliver + 名/代 + to

We delivered your order to your door.


另外,deliver: to say; read aloud 发言;发表

deliver + 名/代

After he came into power, the President delivered a wonderful speech.





Jim: It's very kind of you to come and see me off.

Bob:My pleasure. 1

Jim: Thank you, and please say good-bye to all my friends in the college for me.

Bob:Ok.You can leave that to me.

Jim: 2 How can I thank you enough?

Bob:You're welcome. 3 I hope you'll come again.

Jim: Yes.I'll try my best to come back again and to see my friends here.

Bob: 4 .

Jim: 2:45, they say.

Bob: 5 .We'd better say good-bye now.

Jim: See you.

A.There is only a quarter to go

B.When will you get home?

C.I wish you had a good time during your stay here.

D.You have given me so much help during my stay here.

E.What time is your flight taking off?

F.I wish you a pleasant journey home.

G.I've been happy go do what I could.


6.“Can I have a look at your new car?”“Certainly, .”

A.please look B.it's to dear

C.it's really beautiful D.go ahead

7.A wonderful concert will be at the theatre across our school.

A.acted B.shown

C.played D.given

8.How many pages have you so far?Can you return the book to me tomorrow?

A.looked B.seen

C.covered D.turned

9.--What reason do you have for doing so?


A.I was told so B.I was told to

C.I hoped to D.I'd like to

10.Jim is often seen to be made behind after school.

A.to stay B.stay

C.staying D.stayed

11.It's time for us to to some work. We ought to do something every day.

A.get on B.get up

C.get down D.get in

12.When I write something, I usually go to the library to the necessary facts.

A.look up B.look out

C.look down D.look on

13.China is very with many college students.

A.satisfied B.popular

C.pleased D.agreed

14.No date has been fixed their visit china.

A.for; to B./; to

C.for; / D.at; for

15.The professor you want to see is an important experiment now.

A.moving on B.working out

C.keeping on D.working on


16.It's no use with him

A.quarrelling B.to quarrel

C.of quarrelling D.being quarreled

17.My brother regretted a lecture given by professor Wu.

A.missing B.to miss

C.improvement D.improved

18.This sentence needs .

A.improve B.improving

C.improvement D.improved

19.It's a good habit to practise English aloud in the morning.

A.to read B.reading

C.in reading D.to be reading

20.She suggested for an outing next Sunday.

A.go B.to go

C.going D.gone

21.To catch up with my classmates means even harder from now on.

A.study B.to study

C.studying D.studied

22. is easier than doing.

A.To talk B.Talk

C.Talking D.Having talked

23.The student doesn't mind when he speaks English.

A.being laughed B.being laughed at

C.to be laughed D.laughing at

24.---What are you going to do this afternoon?

---I'm thinking of to visit my aunt.

A.go B.going

C.having gone D.me going

25. a reply, he decided to write again.

A.Not receiving B.Not having received

C.Receiving not D.having not received


When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown wallet lying on the ground. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could 26 the owner's name.There was nothing inside it 27 some change and an old photograph-a picture of a 28 and a young girl about twelve years old, who 29 the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back and 30 the wallet to the police station, 31 I handed it to the desk sergeant. 32 I left, the sergeant took 33 my name and address in case the owner might want to write and thank me.

That evening I went to have 34 with my aunt and uncle. They also invited a young woman 35 there would be 36 people at the table. Her face was familiar. I was quite sure that we 37 before, but I could not 38 where I had seen her. While talking, however, the young woman 39 mention that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. 40 I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl 41 the photograph, although she was now 42 .She was very 43 , of course, when I was able to 44 her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had 45 her from the photograph I 46 in the wallet. My uncle 47 going to the police station immediately to claim the 48 .As the police sergeant handed it over, he said that 49 was amazing that I 50 the wallet, but also the person who had lost it.

26.A.find out B.find C.discover D.look for

27.A.beside B.besides C.except D.except for

28.A.man B.woman C.boy D.young man

29.A.looked B.liked C.looked like D.as if

30.A.brought B.sent C.returned D.took

31.A.When B.which C.where D.then

32.A.Before B.When C.After D.While

33.A.up B.down C.with D.for

34.A.meal B.supper C.dinner D.tea

35.A.now that B.since C.as D.so that

36.A.four B.five C.three D.six

37.A.didn't meet B.had met C.had not met D.met

38.A.know B.remember C.see D.recognize

39.A.had to B.was to C.did D.happened to

40.A.All at once B.At once C.Right now D.Right away

41.A.for B.in C.to D.on

42.A.too old B.more older C.much older D.much elder

43.A.surprising B.excited C.exciting D.surprised

44.A.tell B.describe C.ask D.say

45.A.remembered B.known C.recognized D.seen

46.A.had found B.found C.saw D.had

47.A.insisted B.suggested C.insisted on D.advise

48.A.picture B.photograph C.woman D.wallet

49.A.it B.she C.that D.this

50.A.did find B.did not only find C.not only found D.had not only found


NANJING(Xinhua)-Suicides(自杀)are on the increase in China, but anyone who feels like taking that route and who lives in Nanjing can now dial 632977 to talk about it.

China's first-ever-suicide-prevention centre opened on July 1st in the capital of East China's Jiangsu Province.

Professor Zhai Zhutao, head of the center, said about 10 per cent of the population suffer from psychological(心里上的)troubles of various kinds, and that suicides are on the rise.

The center offers telephone, mail(信件)and face-to-face advising services while spreading knowledge on how to prevent suicides among people and families.


Friday, July 5, 1991

51.When did the centre open?

A.On July 1 every year

B.Three days before the news was published

C.On Children's Day

D.On the first Monday of July in 1991

52.What do we learn about the centre?

A.It sends telephones to those who try to suicide

B.It helps to stop suicide

C.It writes for those who have suicided

D.It often telephones those who live in Nanjing, advising them to prevent suicide

53.According to the news, .

A.a marked increase in suicide has happened in China.

B.Professor Zhai Zhutao founded the first suicide-prevention centre.

C.You'd better report to the centre on anyone's suicide.

D.Only Jiangsu Province has such a centre.

54.The centre's services will certainly work because .

A.it spreads knowledge of life-saving

B.one tenth of the people may suicide

C.many people are suffering

D.there must be some psychological explanation for suicides


55.My father is on China Daily. He is a j .

56.Professor Wang went to Paris to attend an i conference.

57.I'm going to have a photo taken by the p .

58.Did you buy his l book published last month?

59.have you got your films d ?

60.The newly-opened Children's Palace is p with a lot of children.


When you visit London, one of the first thing you will see 61._____

is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard of all over 62._____

the world on the BBC.If the House of Parliament have not been 63._____

burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have built. 64._____

It is not only of a huge size, but is extremely accurate(准确的)as well. 65._____

Workers from Greenwich Observatory have the clock check twice a 66._____

day. On the BBC you can hear the clock when it is stroke because 67._____

microphones connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone 68._____

wrong. Once , it fails to give the correct time. A painter who 69._____

had been working on the tower hang a pot of paint on one of 70._____

the hands and slowed it down.


1-5 FDGEA 6-10 DDCBA 11-15 CABAD 16-20 AABBC 21-25 CCBBB

26-30 ACBCD 31-35 CABCD 36-40 ABBDA 41-45 BCDBC 46-50 ACDAD

51-54 DBAC 55-60 journalist, international, photographer, latest, developed, propular.

61.thing-things 62.去掉of 63.have-had 64.have-have been

65.√ 66.check-checked 67.Stroke-striking 68.microphones-microphones are

69.fails-failed 70.hang-hung


科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit13.doc

标题 unit13

章节 第十三单元

关键词 高二英语第十三单元




ruler L.49 四会

go on with the First World War wouldwide right(n.) L.50


work out stick(vi.) stick to ruler L.51

course(n.) L.52

communist professor L.49 三会

scientific darkness shy content lead to discovery L.50

cheque human right

prove bent respect leading sadness take sides(in) L.51


advance advanced mathematics education L.52

further education technical

Albert Einstein Alexander Bell L.49 二会

the Nobel Prize bookmark L.50

Swiss Hitler Jew L.51


Is it…? No, it’s not him/her Is he/she…?

Who is he/she? What did he do? It must be him/her




Lesson 49

⒈I’m doing a word puzzle in this newspaper. 我正在猜报纸上的字谜。

puzzle意为“谜”,do a word puzzle or do a puzzle in words意为“猜字谜”。


例如:The murder case was a puzzle to the police. 这桩谋杀案对警察局来说是一个难题。


The murder case continued to puzzle the police.


⒉It must be him! 那肯定是他!


My father must be watching TV now.


She must be in the classroom.


You mustn’t smoke in public places.


Lesson 50

⒈When he was a young boy he used to ask lots of questions…


used to do sth. 意为“过去常常做某事”

be used to doing sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”

be used to do sth. 意为“被用来干什么”

例如:I used to drink coffee in the evening, but now I am used to drinking coffee in the morning.


Computers can be used to do a lot of work nowadays.


⒉By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learned maths all by himself.





My mother will be back by 5 o’clock this afternoon.


We had learned 2000 English words by the end of last term.


By the end of this century, China will have become a more powerful and beautiful country in the world.


By now, several bridges have been built over the Changjiang River.


⒊He found it hard to get along with the other boys.


在此句中,it为形容宾语,hard为宾语补足词,真正的宾语是不定式短语to get along with the other boys.


I found it difficult to learn French well.


They kept it quiet that he was dead.


⒋All through his life Einstein was content to spend most of this time alone, although he married twice and had lots of close friends.


content adj. 满足的;满意的;愿意的

be content with sth. 对…感到满意

be content to do sth. 愿意做某事

She is content with her present job.


I am always content with very little.


I shall be well content to do so.


⒌With the pay that he received and saved, he went on with his studies at university, where he received a doctor’s degree in 1905.



a: that he received and saved修饰the pay

b: where he received a doctor’s degree in 1905是非限定性定语从句,修饰university.


I received her invitation last week, but I didn’t accept it.


⑶a doctor’s degree 博士学位

a master’s degree 硕士学位

a bachelor’s degree 学士学位


receive/win/get a doctor’s degree/a master’s degree/a bachelor’s degree意为获得博士/硕士/学士学位

Tom received a doctor’s degree in physics in Boston University last term.


⒍…he began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics.


⑴which led to his new discoveries in physics是限定性定语从句,修饰先行词组the research and studies

⑵lead to意为“引起”、“导致”、“造成”、“通向”

The car accident led to many deaths.


There is only one path leading to the forest.


Hard work and proper ways will lead you to success.


⒎In 1933 Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA.


leave for意为“动身到(某处)”介词“for”表示目标,去向。

My father left for Guangzhou two days ago.


She left home for the railway station a few minutes ago.


⒏Einstein lived the rest of his life quietly in the USA.


⑴此句中的live是及物动词,常用于live…a life结构。意为“过着”(某种)生活。

例如:live a happy life 过着幸福的生活

live a hard life 过着艰苦的生活

live a miserable life 过着悲惨的生活

live a quiet life 过着宁静的生活

They are used to living a quiet life in the country.


The children in the city are living a happy life.



Pick out the good apples and throw away the rest.


Some of the boys climbed the hill, the rest played games.


⒐Besides his work in physics, he spent a lot of time working for human rights and progress.






Three girls went to the park besides Mary.


All of us passed the maths exam besides Mike.


All the girls went to the park except Mary.


All of us passed the maths exam except Mike.


⒑It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world full of wars and killlings.


⑴句中which was missing in a world full of wars and killings是限定性定语从句,修饰先行词the peace.

⑵full of意为“充满”。形容词短语full of…作定语,放在其所修饰的名词a world之后,a world full of wars and killings相当于a world which was full of wars and killings. 例如:

He brought us a basket full of vegetables. 他带给我们满满一蓝子蔬菜。

⒒Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century’s greatest scientist.



Such is my wish. 这就是我的愿望。

Such were his words. 这就是他讲的话。

Such is the answer to the question. 这就是问题的答案。

Lesson 51

⒈But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.


⑴动词短语stick to意为“坚持(意见,看法等)”,其中to是介词,后跟名词或代词。例如:

No matter what you say, I will stick to my opinion.


I will stick to my work unitl it’s finished.


⑵stick(stuck, stuck)既可以作动词,也可以作名词。意为“贴,粘”,“卡住,陷在…里(无法移动)”、“手杖”例如:

The old woman can not walk without a walking stick.


Don’t forget to stick a stamp on an envelope before you put it into the mail-box.


The car stuck in the mud.


The key has stuck in the lock.


⒉From that time on Einstein was greatly respected as the leading scientist of the century.


from that time on/from then on意为“从那时起”,常与过去时连用。

since that time/since then/ever since then意为“从那时起”,但与完成时连用。例如:

From then on he began to learn Russian.


Since then he has been writing poems.


⒊…as Switzerland did not take sides in the war. ……由于瑞士在大战中没有参加战争的任何一方。

take sides with sb./take the side of sb. 同意某人,支持某人,和…站在一边。例如:

Switzerland refused to take sides in world War II.


He took sides with Mother against Father in the argument.


⒋When Germany was ruled by Hitler in the early 1930s…….


in the early 1930s也可以写成in the early 1930’s二十世纪三十年代初期

in the middle 1990s 二十世纪九十年代中期

in the late 1990s 二十世纪九十年代末期

⒌Grammer:Noun Clauses as the Subject



What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world.


What he has done has nothing to do with us.


That there is life on another planet is almost impossible.


Who killed the young man remains a question.


When we will hold the meeting hasn’t been decided yet.


Whether we can control the floods is still uncertain.


Which team will win the football match is still unknown.


Why he didn’t tell the truth wasn’t quite clear.



⒈It is+adj./n.+that-clause.

It’s a pity that… 遗憾的是……

It’s possible that… 可能是…….

⒉It is said/reported that……据说/据报道…

⒊It seems/happened that…似乎/碰巧……

例如:It is possible that he misunderstood what I said.


It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.


It happened that I was free that day.



Whoever comes will be welcome. 无论谁来都会受到欢迎。

Whatever she did was right. 不管她做什么都是对的。



⒈Don’t always ______ your own opinion.

A.stick B. stick to C. stick in D. insist in

⒉His mistakes _____ his failure.

A. led to B. led of C. lead on D. lead for

⒊The Second World War broke out in _____ when Einstein was in ______.

A. the early 1940s; the USA B. 1937; Switzerland

C. the late 1930s; the USA D. the thirties; France

⒋My sister ______ an invitation but she didn’t _____ it.

A. accepted; receive B. received; accepted

C. accepted; accept D. received; accept

⒌By the time I ______ the bus station, the bus _______.

A. got to/left B. reached/has left

C. arrived/has gone D. left/arrived

⒍_____ five years _____ the book about pollution.

A. It spent him/to finish B. It spent him/finishing

C. He spent/finishing D. He spent/to finish

⒎Facing this _____ problem, I found myself _____ about how to work it out.

A. puzzled; puzzled B. puzzled; puzzling

C. puzzling; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzling

⒏In the daytime the stars are not seen to twinkle ______.

A. in a apace B. in the space C. in space D. on space

⒐______, paper was first made in China.

A. It is known to all B. We all know

C. It is known that D. As it known to all

⒑______ we will go to the beach tomorrow depends on the weather.

A. Why B. If C. Where D. Whether

⒒Nobody knew _______.

A. where he comes B. where he was from

C. where he is from D. where does he come from

⒓Computers can only give out _____ has been stored in them.

A. that B. which C. what D. anything

⒔She wanted to know ______.

A. whether I knew her and where did she work.

B. if I knew her and the factory she worked there.

C. whether I knew her and the factory she worked.

D. if I know her and the factory where she worked.

⒕It doesn’t matter _____ I rest or not.

A. if B. whether C. that D. when

⒖The trouble is ______ we are short of tools.

A. what B. that C. how D. which

⒗That is ______ there appears a rainbow in the sky.

A. what B. when C. why D. however

⒘The thought ______ he might fail in the final exam worried him.

A. which B. that C. when D. /

⒙_____ I will accept the gift is none of your business.

A. If B. Whether C. What D. Which

⒚_____ wants the book many have it.

A. who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. The person

⒛The problem is _____ will go.

A. that B. that who C. who D. whoever



In the year 2000, the world is going to have a population of about 8 billion(十亿). Most scientists agree that the most severe problem is food supply.

Who is going to feed all those people? Where is the food going to come from? Are we going to have enough food? Are we going to produce more artificial(人选的) food?

One way of improving the situation is for people to eat less meat. Why? Because it takes 4 kilos(公斤) of grain protein(蛋白质) to produce half a kilo of meat protein. Clearly, there is not going to be sufficient meat protein for 8 billion people. Gherefore, it will also necesssary to change eating habits because meat is the main part of many people’s food today.

A possible solution to this latter problem is the soybean.(大豆) The soybean plant produces beans which have a very high fat and proteim content. Scientists can now make these look and taste like real meat. They can also make many other artificial products such as soybean milk, for example, which has a taste of milk and can be used in cooking in very much he same ways as cow’s milk. In fact, one woman in the United States fed her family only on soybeans for year! She gave them soybean beef, soybean chicken, soybean milk, and sometimes just soybeans. Possibly, we are all going to eat soybeans in the future and finally give up meat completely from our tables.

⒈What is the main subject of the passage?

A. A solution to man’s food problem.

B. A solution to the population problem.

C. Advantages of soybean.

D. How to develop good eating habits.

⒉According to the passage, meat will completely disappear in the future because _____.

A. people have to spend too much time energy to produce it

B. too much grain protein is needed to produce it

C. it contains too much fat and protein

D. it is no good to the health

⒊According to the passage, the main part of food that many people are eating today is ____.

A. soybeans B. grain C. meat D. milk

⒋In this passage, “artificial food” refers to food made from _____.

A. milk B. grain C. protein D. soybeans

⒌Soybean meat is similar to real meat _____.

A. in appearance but not in taste.

B. neither in appearance nor in taste.

C. both in appearance and in taste.

D. in taste, but not in appearance.


It is true that times are changing for the old people in Brtain. But not all the changes are bad ones. Modern medicine, for example, has made old people healthier than ever before. Aother advantage is that there are many more old people than there used to be. This means that old people often have a good social life with their own clubs and organizations. Old people, too, have more money now than their own parents and grandparents had.

The biggest disadvantage of modem life is loneliness. The young leave home when they grow up and many old people live alone. Fewer old people have brothers and sisters. An old person’s one or two children may have moved to another part of the country.

Even when they live nearby, the young people have their own work to do and their own children to look after. They have not much time for the old. Problems of loneliness often start when people stop work. When people retire they often find it difficult to start a new life without their jobs.

The world has changed so fast since 1900 that it is difficult for old people to understand the problems of the young. And the world is changing even faster these days than it was fifty years ago. It makes you thing, doesn’t it? What will it be like when today’s young people are old?

⒈To the old people, the changes in society are ______.

A. better than they expected

B. not as good as they wish

C. both good and bad

D. difficult to understand

⒉According to this passage, the old people today ______.

A. often go to clubs with their brothers and sisters

B. prefer lonely life to social life

C. live more happily than their parents and grandparents

D. like to share their feelings and thoughts with other people

⒊Although some old people live near their sons or daughters, ______.

A. they still feel lonely

B. they want to move to other places

C. they have no time to look after the young people’s children

D. they like to live with their own brothers and sisters

⒋In the last century, old people did not have so many problems because ______.

A. they had big families

B. they lived with their children

C. the young were king to the old

D. the society didn’t change so rapidly

⒌What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Modern society only belongs to the young.

B. Modern life has brought new problems to the old.

C. Today’s young people are happier than their parents.

D. It is necessary to take better care of the old people.
















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