
时间:2023-02-16 07:48:23 心得体会 收藏本文 下载本文





下面我写写我这一个月来学习心得。一是分析一下自己学习的方法,对自己有所了解,寻找不足和优处;二是 为继续往下学习做打算提供参考。希望老师和朋友对自己的不足给予意见和帮助。我就理论和实验两个方面写写心得体会。


学习理论之前必须要做的就是充足的预习。老师讲课领着你把书仔细的看一遍的。在看的时候自己会感觉的那些是重点,把不会的和重点分别作出标记。自己看完了最好能用模拟器自己做做小实验,先加深一下印象。(实验手册自己到网上下载) 由于预习的时间有限,本人有时会做做实验,有时没有做。呵呵,不过感觉就是不一样。课堂上我认为没有必要做什么笔记。那样太浪费时间,也没有那么多时间让你做笔记。比如一些命令很是繁琐你根本没有时间记下,在书上划下来就好回去要将命令记住喽。就是把老师讲的重点记下就好,记下那些是些重点,记下这些回去自己再好好看看或者作补充。还有一个需要记下的就是老师提到的你没有听见过的名词,或者什么内容。自己回去到网上查查扩充自己知识面。课后的任务最重要,上过课以后你会知道老师一般讲考试的重点还有就是工作的时候会用到的一些知识。书上的一些细节会忽略。这个就需要你自己去看,不管你是现在看还是以后看但是一定要看。当学多了你就把比较起来记忆,比如说路由协议eigrp和ospf 他们都有哪些区别包,转发机制,认证类型,汇总,等等吧。以避免自己记混了。通过预习和课堂学习肯定不会熟练地掌握知识,这就需要自己多多练习!一遍一遍的看早晚会看会。


实验是用来掌握知识的最好办法,如果不做实验,可能网络就没有办法继续学习下去。因为很多知识需要结合实验来理解。老师曾经对我们说过,要想学好思科就要多实验,往死里做实验,实验课的时间要充分利用,课后用模拟器再做,当然做实验不能没有目的的做。首先实验目标 要明确,你想通过实验看到什么现象。在实验中观察现象,结合自己学的理论知识,来做个验证。有助于加深记忆。实验总结很是重要。 张老师说过好的实验要写实验档案。现在练习为以后的工作也有帮助。因此有时间一定要做做实验总结。分析你的实验的得与失。做实验是检验自己的所学的最好的方法,记得在做路由这门课的第一个实验的时候收获真是很大。张老师说是设计了一个小的实验,就这个所谓小小的实验 就让我们忙活了一个下午。做实验之前一定要将物理链路确定无误,不然麻烦就多了!我们再做这个实验的时候一开始就没有将第一层搞定。再做实验的时候就做不下去了!经常往机房跑,去一次就会发现一个错误。真是让人笑话啊!呵呵,最后张老师跟我们说一定要将第一层的链接确保无误,因为你的一切是在第一层的基础上做的,没有第一层别的就无法谈了。第一个实验我觉得这个是我的最大的收获。以后做实验的时候我就一定会把第一层搞定在做实验。通过实验学习,通过实验检验。才能真正的学会和掌握。




因为每个人读书的效率不同,所以不好讲个统一时间,我是每天都坚持看书的,因为工作关系,每次读书时间不是很固定,但是我建议大家最好每天至少抽出 1-2个小时的时间来看书。记住要坚持,我也许比较笨的原因吧,如果隔两天看一次的话,发现以前看过的内容有时候记不起来了。







1.which of the following types of packets will be allowed entry when a serial interface's inbound access list has been configured to prohibit entry for tcp and udp ports 21, 23 and 25? (select three options.)

a. smtp

b. stp

c. ftp

d. telnet

e. http

f. pop3 of the trainees assigned to you want to know which services use tcp. what can you tell him? (select three options.)

a. dhcp

b. smtp

c. snmp

d. ftp

e. http

f. tftp

3.which of the following network masks would you use to reduce any wastage of ip addresses in point-to- point wan links on a network that supports vlsm?

a. /38

b. /30

c. /27

d. /23

e. /18 would you configure a router to avoid situations such as split horizon issues hampering routing updates on a frame relay network?

a. configure a separate sub-interface for each pvc with a unique dlci and subnet assigned to the subinterface.

b. configure each frame relay circuit as a point-to-point line to support multicast and broadcast traffic.

c. configure one sub-interface to disperse into multiple pvc connections to multiple remote router interfaces.

d. configure as many as possible sub-interfaces on the same subnet.

5.with regard to isdn, which of the following are true? (choose all that apply.)

a. legacy ddr can use port information to define interesting traffic.

b. legacy ddr can configure multiple dialer configurations on the same interface.

c. legacy ddr can use acls to define interesting traffic.

d. hdlc or ppp can be used to encapsulate isdn d channel information.

e. the bri interfaces on isdn routers with dialer profiles configured cannot belong to multiple dialer pools.

f. dialer profiles cannot use acls to define interesting traffic.


- bsci

6.which of the following is a characteristic of link-state protocols?

a. a network topology change generates an update that is broadcast to every router on

the network.

b. the periodic routing update interval is slightly different in each router on a subnet.

c. each router creates a routing table that only includes its directly connected neighbors.

d. link-state protocols send routing updates only when there is a change in the network


7.what is the term associated with synchronizing the routing tables after a topology change occurs?

a. flooding

b. broadcasting

c. convergence

d. summarization

8.which of the following must be determined first by the router in order to route the data?

a. the distance metric of the data

b. the source address of the data

c. which routing protocol is used by the data

d. whether the protocol suite of the data is active are a technician at abc. abc has the subnet/mask of set aside for small remote locations. each location will have 5 ip devices connected to the network. which vlsm mask will provide the minimum number of hosts you require?

a. /27

b. /28

c. /29

d. /30

e. /31 are a trainee technician at abc. your instructor shows you the following route summarization entry: your instructor wants to know how many class c addresses are contained in this summarization. what would your reply be?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 4

d. 8

e. 16

- bcmsn

11.which command enables an etherchannel bundle on a catalyst 2900xl switch?

a. port group

b. set port channel on

c. port etherchannel enable

d. set etherchannel port enable

12.which two statements about dynamic vlans are true? (choose two)

a. each switch port is assigned to a specific vlan.

b. dynamic vlans require a vlan membership policy server.

c. devices are in the same vlan regardless of which port they attach to.

d. dynamic vlan assignment are made through the command interface.

13.which statement is correct about 802.1q trunking? (select all that apply)

a. both switches must be in the same vtp domain.

b. the encapsulation type of both ends of the trunk does not have to match.

c. the native vlan on both ends of the trunk must be vlan 1.

d. 802.1q trunking can only be configured on a layer 2 port.

e. in 802.1q trunking, all vlan packets are tagged on the trunk link, except the native vlan. need to take advantage of fastethernet ports. which two actions avoid configuration problems that cause the port to be automatically disabled? (choose two)

a. allow some ports in a channel to be disabled.

b. configure the ports in a channel as dynamic vlan ports.

c. configure all ports in a channel to operate at the same speed and duplex mode.

d. assign all ports in a channel to the same vlan or configure them as trunk ports.

15.what is the cause of jitter?

a. variable queue delays

b. packet drops

c. transmitting too many small packets

d. compression

- bcran

16.regarding dhcp, dhcp relay and dhcp server are mutually exclusive.

a. none of the choices.

b. true

c. false only for certain ios version

d. false

e. false only for ios version below v10

17.a lapd address field can be 1 or 2 bytes long.

a. true

b. false

c. true only in the us

d. true only in asia

e. true only in europe

18.which of the following are valid functions of the lock dte modem attribute (choose all that apply)?

a. disable uart.

b. enable uart.

c. locks the data speed between the computer motherboard and the rs232 port.

d. locks the data speed between the modem and the dte device.

19.which of the following are not the valid types of atm addresses (choose all that apply)?

a. dcc

b. gct

c. bsp

d. icd

e. nsap

f. aed

20.which of the following are not the valid types of x.25 plp packet fields (choose all that apply)?

a. user data

b. lci

c. gfi

d. pti

e. none of the choices.

- cit are a technician at your newly appointed abc trainee wants to know what the similarities between topology diagrams and network configuration tables are.

what would your reply be? (choose all that apply.)

a. both share few components.

b. both share many of the same components.

c. both define physical memory components.

d. both are used for troubleshooting.

e. both use lines and symbols to represent network components. are a technician at your newly appointed abc trainee wants to know what the default action for the output of debug and system error messages is. what would your reply be?

a. output goes to the remote console if logging is off.

b. output is sent to the console terminal.

c. error logging automatically invokes debug output to the designated tftp server.

d. output configuration requires a tftp server to write files

e. output is written to a syslog server. are the network administrator at abc has a switched network. you want to control the designation of the spanning-tree root bridge in the abc network. what should you do?

a. by enabling uplink-fast on the ports of the desired switch.

b. by lowering the bridge priority on the desired switch.

c. by setting a lower mac address on the designated switch.

d. by raising the bridge id on one switch. are a technician at abc. you receive a report from several abc users who complain that they get slow responses when sending and receiving email, especially when browsing the internet. you investigate the complaint by checking the output of a ping command issued from her computer and find that it indicates intermitted success and failures messages, when attempting to contact the email server. a tracert to the corporate internet gateway router shows high latency and occasional time out messages.

what would be the most effective troubleshooting approach if you are to determine the cause of the slow response time?

a. bottom-up approach

b. random access approach

c. divide and conquer approach

d. top-down approach

e. top-down rule-out approach are a technician at your newly appointed abc trainee wants to know what features make ospf more suitable than rp in large network installations. what would your reply be? (choose all that apply.)

a. diffusing update algorithm

b. no hop count limitation

c. higher routing update overhead

d. faster convergence

e. lower routing update overhead

ccie are the network administrator at abc. you are troubleshooting a network problem. you want to trace the route to a unix workstation that you want to reach through the internet. however, traceroute does not work.

currently, there is an inbound access-list applied to the serial interface on router 1. an entry in the access-list states “access-list 101 permit tcp any any”. what access-list entry may you need to be added to the access-list in order to get traceroute to work?

a. access-list 101 permit udp any any

b. access-list 101 permit icmp any any time-exceeded access-list 101 permit icmp any any port-unreachable

c. access-list 101 permit icmp any any time-exceeded access-list 101 permit icmp any any net-unreachable

d. access-list 101 permit icmp any any echo access-list 101 permit icmp any any net-unreachable

e. access-list 101 permit udp any any access-list 101 permit icmp any any protocol-unreachable

27.what does the bgp backdoor command do?

a. it changes the distance of an ibgp route to 20.

b. it changes the distance of an ebgp route to 200.

c. it changes the distance of an igp route to 20.

d. it does not effect any changes in distance of the route.

e. it changes the distance of an igrp route to 200.

28.which of the following dns resource records is not valid?

a. ns

b. ptr

c. mx

d. fqdn

e. a

29.which of the following features is provided by rip v2 that were previously not possible with rip v1? (choose all that apply.)

a. classless routing and split-horizon.

b. poison reverse and updating to multicast addresses.

c. poison reverse and classless routing.

d. classless routing and updating to multicast addresses.

e. route tag and classless routing.

30.which of the following statements is valid when taking custom queuing into account?

a. custom queuing has the ability to restrict a particular type of traffic to a given bandwidth not matter what is load is like on that link.

b. custom queuing looks at groups of packets from the similar source-destination pairs.

c. custom queuing will not proceed to a next queue unless the current queue is empty.

d. custom queuing can prevent one type of traffic from dominating a busy link.











































