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Determined to serve the country away from the government, with the pen from Rong into the police camp. I graduated in June , Yunnan Police Academy, the Communist Party members. Time away from the ivory institution, into the fiery red door, has been six months. In this unforgettable six months, I paid both youth and sweat, but also the success of the harvest and friendship. Under the guidance of the nurture and guidance, with the help of his comrades' concern and help, and through his own efforts, I have made great progress and great progress, both in ideology, training, learning and life. My six months of learning and training some of the feelings and experiences:

In ideology, I actively asked for progress, pay close attention to the training time to seriously study the party's theoretical knowledge, combined with practical training in-depth study and implementation of the party's seventh session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the spirit.Constantly with new knowledge, new theories, new ideas to enrich and arm their minds. On this basis, I always put the important spirit of General Secretary Hu Jintao “loyal and reliable, serve the people and dedication” three words as their code of conduct, establish a correct outlook on life world outlook and values, and always to the party line.Since taking part in the training, I have been steadfast in ideological stability and political conviction, and have consistently maintained a high degree of ideological, political and operational consistency with the Party. For the successful completion of training tasks and future progress laid a solid ideological foundation. In training, I have strict demands on themselves, in various subjects have made progress. In the queue training, I listened carefully to the instructor's actions to explain, and strive to do a good job in each queue action, and in the class under the ground practice, while paying attention to the daily queue to develop. In business skills training, I combine the theoretical knowledge of practical operation, and in strict accordance with the essentials of action, repeated practice. In physical training, I also put a lot of energy, active use of spare time and free time in the evening exercise, and constantly strengthen their own physique. Through hard training, lay a solid foundation for future grass-roots work.

In learning, I rely on the strong pursuit of knowledge, as well as the use of the requirements of the future work, assiduously, diligent and eager to learn, correct attitude, a clear goal, basically mastered the faculty of the border professional knowledge, and actively applied to the grassroots level Work exercise process, do the theory with practice. In addition to learning in the field of expertise, I also pay attention to all aspects of knowledge development, a wide range of other disciplines under the knowledge, so as to enhance their own scientific and cultural quality. Through hard work, for the first job to lay a solid cultural theoretical basis. In life, through training, I developed a good living habits, strict attitude towards life and a good style of life. In the house, from the quilt to the items placed, I have strictly in accordance with the provisions of the implementation of strict requirements from the details of their own, raise the level of cultivation. At the same time strict compliance with the rules of life and regulations of the day, life health, enrichment, and orderly. Friendly and generous, honest and helpful, able to live in harmony with his comrades, and coordination at all levels of leadership, and actively participate in the base of the

Activities, so as to continuously enrich their own experience and ability.


I have always been on the ideological consciousness of their own high demands on the individual's life ideals and development goals, with a relatively mature understanding and positioning. In the study of professional courses, according to their own research direction, targeted and carefully read the core curriculum, for their research work to lay a solid foundation; and studied part of the other courses, broaden their horizons. Learning achievement is good. In the research work, read a lot of academic works, and gradually clear the research direction, through their own efforts, as well as with teachers and students to explore the exchange between, and achieved some relatively satisfactory results. During this period, under the guidance of the instructor, access to information, comprehensive analysis of the basic qualities of continuous improvement, the ability to express written temper has also been temper, especially independent thinking and research ability to make a great progress, these for the future work Are also of great benefit. Usually life, manners and good warm, harmonious relationship with the students. In accordance with their own hobbies and abilities, amateur participation in a number of social activities for the comprehensive development of the overall quality of personal foundation. In the work practice, I actively participate in social practice, and *** company internship nearly six months, in-depth understanding of corporate culture, Contact with the actual work environment; in addition to improving the adaptability required to work capacity, but also to improve communication and communication skills, the quality of teamwork has also been further training, out of campus integration into the community ready.

In this period of study, life process, received quite good. From the academic, scientific research work, to personal qualities, have been fully nurtured and exercised. I believe that these experiences will become a valuable asset in my life on the road.


My name is xx, male, born in 19xx x month, xx city xx county, hubei province. 20xx graduated from xx University. 20xx x month to 20xx x month in xx electronic limited liability company, as xx commissioner. In the past few years of study and work, through school, social exercise, coupled with their own efforts to make their own ability to further improve.

Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the 'Three Represents.' Through the newspapers, books, networks and other media attention to the domestic and international situation, and constantly strengthen the theoretical knowledge of the party to enhance self-cultivation, and actively participate in the ideological and political, can adhere to study Mao Zedong Thought, To the specific practice.

In the moral character, for the people of the points, honesty, honesty, to be strict with oneself, wide to treat people, to practice the tradition of the Millennium heritage of traditional virtues, carry forward the hardships and plain living, thrift, respectful young and helpful tradition;Participate in group activities, have a good teamwork and collective sense of honor, to achieve collective goals and efforts to pay.

At work, to respect the leadership, unity colleagues, take into account the overall situation, humbly ask, take the initiative to learn, conscientiously completed the work assigned by the leadership and tasks. I will be in the future life and work adhering to the “live to the old, learn the old” concept, and constantly strengthen the study, and strive to upgrade their ability.

In the law-abiding, to seriously study and abide by the laws and regulations, good at fighting against bad behavior, can do a study of law, knowledge, law-abiding, usage of good citizens.

In short, sum up their years of study work, life, despite some achievements and progress, but there are many deficiencies in future work, I will strive to overcome their shortcomings, strengthen learning, self-improvement, and strive to do A qualified socialist builder.


With a yearning for the military life, sophomore when I decided to choose to go to life training. I am cheerful, mature and stable, self-confidence, hard-working. Have a strong sense of responsibility and good learning ability and analytical skills, can continue to learn to improve themselves; individuals are very much hope to engage in accounting work, and hope in the future development in this area.

In the army during the rank of a rank of non-commissioned officers, enlisted five years, two times was awarded the third class, for 3 consecutive years was named “outstanding soldier”, won 5 awards, 1 “outstanding sergeant”, “excellent monitor”. Due to all aspects of performance are excellent, by the head of the same affirmation, and joined the Communist Party of China become a member of the Communist Party. I am serious in work, careful and have a strong sense of responsibility and enterprising, diligent, very enthusiastic; cheerful, willing to communicate with others, with good and skilled communication skills, strong teamwork ability; , To be able to complete the leadership of the delivery of the work, and comrades-in-arms relationship harmony and harmony, with the department heads responsible for the successful completion of the work well; actively learn new knowledge and skills, focus on their own development and progress, Through training and learning, to improve their overall quality in the future to apply their knowledge.

Attaches great importance to the team honor and development of loyalty and team united front, continued a new high, through thick and thin, do not abandon, do not give up, never give up!

Strong communication and understanding, ability to resist pressure, studious, pay attention to personal moral conduct and personal service, successive: soldiers, vice squad, instruments, monitor. Have a certain class experience, organization and command and persuasion!

With a certain writing instruments, and the handling of daily office! Only hope to have a chance to interview! Very grateful !!!

Dare personality, strict organization and discipline, rigorous and pragmatic work style, serious work attitude and not afraid of hardship, the courage to struggle and the spirit of innovation. I have a strong organization, command, implementation, coordination, communication and other skills, good at administrative affairs. Usually, good with their own practical actions and excellent work to prove that the military's own value, reflecting the military's unique personality charm.







二、创新学习工作认真负责 在工作上该同志服从集体和领导的工作安排为人踏实稳重责任心强有着强烈的集体荣誉感和良好的团队合作精神想问题、做事情能从大局出发以集体为重。做事积极主动迎难而上不怕苦不怕累。

敬岗爱业尽职尽责在教学工作方面经常有创新的理念、方法提高了教学效率深受学生喜爱所讲公开课和论文多次获奖在教育方面多次担任班主任工作在班级管理中 2 / 2 尽心尽力工作到位卓有成效深受家长好评所带班级多次荣获区、校级荣誉。在完成主要工作之余还及时完成领导交办的各项业务活动和突击任务积极协助其他同事做好其它工作。


三、生活作风严谨生活习惯良好 生活上该同志严格遵守国家法律法规和单位规章制度尊敬领导团结同事能勤俭节约爱护公物讲究卫生热爱劳动严于律己诚实守信注意保持人民教师的形象。平时工作和生活中乐于助人积极营造和谐的人际关系深受领导同事的认可与赞同。
















In the army during the rank of a rank of non-commissioned officers, enlisted five years, two times was awarded the third class, for 3 consecutive years was named “outstanding soldier”, won 5 awards, 1 “outstanding sergeant”, “excellent monitor”. Due to all aspects of performance are excellent, by the head of the same affirmation, and joined the Communist Party of China become a member of the Communist Party. I am serious in work, careful and have a strong sense of responsibility and enterprising, diligent, very enthusiastic; cheerful, willing to communicate with others, with good and skilled communication skills, strong teamwork ability; , To be able to complete the leadership of the delivery of the work, and comrades-in-arms relationship harmony and harmony, with the department heads responsible for the successful completion of the work well; actively learn new knowledge and skills, focus on their own development and progress, Through training and learning, to improve their overall quality in the future to apply their knowledge.

Attaches great importance to the team honor and development of loyalty and team united front, continued a new high, through thick and thin, do not abandon, do not give up, never give up!

Strong communication and understanding, ability to resist pressure, studious, pay attention to personal moral conduct and personal service, successive: soldiers, vice squad, instruments, monitor. Have a certain class experience, organization and command and persuasion!

With a certain writing instruments, and the handling of daily office! Only hope to have a chance to interview! Very grateful !!!

Dare personality, strict organization and discipline, rigorous and pragmatic work style, serious work attitude and not afraid of hardship, the courage to struggle and the spirit of innovation. I have a strong organization, command, implementation, coordination, communication and other skills, good at administrative affairs. Usually, good with their own practical actions and excellent work to prove that the military's own value, reflecting the military's unique personality charm.


Determined to serve the country away from the government, with the pen from Rong into the police camp. I graduated in June 20xx, Yunnan Police Academy, the Communist Party members. Time away from the ivory institution, into the fiery red door, has been six months. In this unforgettable six months, I paid both youth and sweat, but also the success of the harvest and friendship. Under the guidance of the nurture and guidance, with the help of his comrades' concern and help, and through his own efforts, I have made great progress and great progress, both in ideology, training, learning and life. My six months of learning and training some of the feelings and experiences:

In ideology, I actively asked for progress, pay close attention to the training time to seriously study the party's theoretical knowledge, combined with practical training in-depth study and implementation of the party's seventh session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the spirit.Constantly with new knowledge, new theories, new ideas to enrich and arm their minds. On this basis, I always put the important spirit of General Secretary Hu Jintao “loyal and reliable, serve the people and dedication” three words as their code of conduct, establish a correct outlook on life world outlook and values, and always to the party line.Since taking part in the training, I have been steadfast in ideological stability and political conviction, and have consistently maintained a high degree of ideological, political and operational consistency with the Party. For the successful completion of training tasks and future progress laid a solid ideological foundation. In training, I have strict demands on themselves, in various subjects have made progress. In the queue training, I listened carefully to the instructor's actions to explain, and strive to do a good job in each queue action, and in the class under the ground practice, while paying attention to the daily queue to develop. In business skills training, I combine the theoretical knowledge of practical operation, and in strict accordance with the essentials of action, repeated practice. In physical training, I also put a lot of energy, active use of spare time and free time in the evening exercise, and constantly strengthen their own physique. Through hard training, lay a solid foundation for future grass-roots work.

In learning, I rely on the strong pursuit of knowledge, as well as the use of the requirements of the future work, assiduously, diligent and eager to learn, correct attitude, a clear goal, basically mastered the faculty of the border professional knowledge, and actively applied to the grassroots level Work exercise process, do the theory with practice. In addition to learning in the field of expertise, I also pay attention to all aspects of knowledge development, a wide range of other disciplines under the knowledge, so as to enhance their own scientific and cultural quality. Through hard work, for the first job to lay a solid cultural theoretical basis. In life, through training, I developed a good living habits, strict attitude towards life and a good style of life. In the house, from the quilt to the items placed, I have strictly in accordance with the provisions of the implementation of strict requirements from the details of their own, raise the level of cultivation. At the same time strict compliance with the rules of life and regulations of the day, life health, enrichment, and orderly. Friendly and generous, honest and helpful, able to live in harmony with his comrades, and coordination at all levels of leadership, and actively participate in the base of the

Activities, so as to continuously enrich their own experience and ability.


In order to implement the Ministry of Education and the four headquarters “on strengthening the national defense military training and training of the implementation of the views of the implementation of the work,” PeiPingShi officer led us to August 10, 20xx to August 30 in the air force of a regiment with a soldier work out. 20 days of “military training” so I have a grass-roots level, to understand the situation of officers and men, to experience the soldiers life opportunities. I not only increased knowledge, rich experience, and re-understanding of the self, for the future into the army laid a solid foundation.

First, the ideological and political aspects. In the absence of internships before the troops know little about the firm idea of some of the army can not be stable, worried about their fitness suited to the troops, can develop good, with the monitor, non-commissioned officers of the exchange, and their own during this time to see The news, to dispel my concerns, more determined to root the roots of my base camp of faith. As a national defense student, a republic of the paramilitary officers, to keep in mind the party and the people's expectations, not afraid of hardship, to achieve the motherland's strong military dream and life.

Second, the quality of military and political aspects. Through the comparison with the grassroots officers and men, I think I still need to strengthen the quality of military and physical strength is a piece of our short board. Because there is no strict requirements before, during school did not strengthen their physical training, making themselves and the company there is a big gap between the officers and men. In later life, I should be strict with oneself, insist on physical training, so that their physical level has a big increase. In terms of psychological quality, I feel some impetuous, do what are feathery. For example, in the company cleaning, production of labor when they are always calm down to do things down. In the future life, I will continue to hone their own, so that they can threw himself into the work of learning.

Third, the work style. Because the local university life has been learning, and less contact with the troops, while their own requirements are not strict enough, leading to their own style of loose. When I first came to feel particularly suited to the company, daily routine and completely different, there are many feel cumbersome rules and regulations. I also recognize their lack of these areas, so I humbly ask the officers and men, with their help in my style has been significantly improved, I phase

This will bring great benefits to my future development.

20 days of “military training” Although the time is very short, but I followed the deep friendship of the officers and men, as the lyrics written in the “war friendship and love to really express”. During this time, I would like to thank the officers and men of the company for their care, as well as the leadership of the selection of training my concern. Through this military training I realized that their own shortcomings, but also correct their own direction of life, I will be strict demands on themselves, and constantly narrow their own

Lattice of the gap between the officers, after graduation better qualified for their own work and make unremitting efforts.










1.Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit.

2.Completed all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and DIY skill; Very adaptable and Good at leaning.

3.Having played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational capability.

4.Having a wide range of hobbies, including oral English, music, movies and literature .

5.Fluent in oral English , with fairly good of reading and writing ability; Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese.

6.Good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software, able to program with C and Fortran languages, obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like Autocad, Photoshop, Coreldraw and Dreamweaver.






Strong perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.

Diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.

Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.

Good image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity; good at getting along with people.

Patient; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.




First, in the study of theory, firm ideals and beliefs on the communist model.

learning theory has a depth, there is a high level of understanding, check the pendulum problem and anatomical problems have the intensity. therefore, we should pay more attention to the collection and study of marxist-leninist books and treatises, and collect more than 60 articles of the “three represents” and “three represents”, and apply relevant articles to the political study of the departments. recognizing that the ideals and beliefs of communism are not produced out of thin air, they are derived from the scientific understanding and rational gra of the law of human social development and the value of life, and arises from the armament of marxist theory.

Second, learning modern management knowledge, improve management ability to set an example.

Scientific and cultural management knowledge is the basis of social civilization, is the basis of social civilization, is the ladder of human progress, knowledge of the world economy is now emerging, economic globalization, the pace of information technology is faster and faster. self-deep not wait for my urgency, therefore, can continue to learn the management of hotel and hotel knowledge, and from time to time to enrich the work to go. actively promote the “model meeting room” in the department, named “service star”, “recommended two books a month”, calligraphy competition and other health activities.

Third, in the work attitude, style of doing a good example.

As a department manager, always forget the trust of the organization, treat the work diligently and earnestly, every day early, late, take the lead to comply with the rules and regulations of the unit, the leadership assigned to work can actively do a good job. dare to clarify their own point of view, his integrity, style decent, able to put themselves under the leadership and supervision of the masses, not the hands of the power for personal self-interest.





























1.I have a strong interest in English, law secretarial, administrative clerks, administrative assistants, etc., but also willing to challenge other work of nature

2. Have a good ability to adapt to the environment, adaptability and team spirit; work rigorous and patient, with good professional conduct, obey the instructions and arrangements

3. Attach importance to the strength of teamwork, take the initiative to communicate with partners, in continuous learning and practical exercises to improve their professional quality, self-realization

4. To obtain a computer application ability certificate. Familiar with office software, such as word, excel, etc., while mastering dreamweaver, coreldraw, photoshop and other software applications. To be competent clerk, secretary, planning and so on.


Strong collective sense of honor, sense of responsibility and team spirit, solid professional knowledge, hard to ask, doing things steady, willpower, with a pragmatic, seeking the spirit, can quickly accept new things, can withstand certain work pressure.

Give me a chance, I will also give you a wonderful! I would like to start from the grassroots, modest and responsible, hard work, in practice, continuous learning, do my best to work into, to create their own value!

Familiar with the ka system operating procedures and daily business, with good negotiation skills and communication skills, practical work, stable, team-work spirit, to adapt to the larger elastic work, and challenging. Can often travel.

I am cheerful, optimistic, warm and easy-going; with entrepreneurial spirit and team spirit, good coordination and communication skills and strong practical ability; adaptable, positive; have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility so that I can face all the difficulties And challenges; and constantly improve their work to adapt to the needs of the work. Proficiency in computer office software.


Good communication skills; Strong adaptability, quick response, positive, flexible, innovative, unique ideas; and have a certain degree of social communication skills , With excellent organization and coordination.

Strong sense of responsibility, be patient and meticulous in work, good at discovering, have good insight into things; be good at communicating with others, openly accept opinions and correct others, have good interpersonal relationship, be a good collaborator and be a leader ; Action, the concept of time strong, higher self-demand.

In college and students can get along very well, with good language skills.Serious, easy-going, can be a very good interpersonal relationship, a team spirit. Character cheerful, affinity, it is easy to get along with others. Easy to accept new things, have a strong learning ability, have a strong ability to adapt.

Years of administrative personnel management experience. Can reasonably handle labor disputes. Work experience in employee training, performance appraisal and mechanism framework establishment. Decisive, good manners, responsible for the work, communication and smooth, with excellent quality of integrated management. Cheerful, able to withstand stress. Long-term stability, the development potential of the work of enterprises.






















