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熟练掌握财务及法律知识,熟悉金融、互联网市场,有较强的投行业务基础及管理经验,具备一定电子商务运营管理经验。 为人真诚,综合素质高,曾有过愉快的工作经历及海外留学背景,愿与您共创美好明天。







CFA,美国CPA通过财务会计和商业法规。 计算机技能:Bloomberg,SQL, VBA, Matlab,Excel, Word, PowerPoint 。


多年从事会计师事务所审计工作,有良好的宏观分析能力,熟悉行业的税收等法律法规和国家政策,涉及纺织,环保,贸易企业以及其他制造和服务业。良好的微观财务分析能力,熟悉各行业财务管理和会计处理,了解上市公司、创业板相关政策和财务信息处理办法,特别是金融衍生工具的财会处理,CPA通过税法和战略风险管理。 熟悉各类财务软件, 包括 SAP, 用友,金蝶等,学习能力强,善于沟通。


本人性格温和、成熟稳重、勤奋诚实,善于沟通,能够敏锐捕捉市场信息;积累了丰富的金融投资领域专业知识,具备一定的金融界的人脉,具有宏观和产业经济视野,服务于全球和中国领先的金融公司。较强的组织协调能力、沟通能力 ;较强的责任心与执行力 ;较强的`条理性与逻辑能力 ;具备高压力高强度环境下的工作能力,勇于创新,有很强的学习能力,善于接受新事物。














多年会计从业经历,经验丰富,能独立进行全盘账务处理,熟悉收支核算及财务分析,熟悉增值税一般纳税人财务核算及网上报税流程,,能熟练运用office办公软件及金蝶K3、用友等财务软件。 踏实肯干,吃苦耐劳,能适应各种工作环境。认真,负责,严谨但不失灵活,善良,正直。









本人熟练掌握财务及法律知识,熟悉金融、互联网市场,有较强的投行业务基础及管理经验,具备一定电子商务运营管理经验。 为人真诚,综合素质高,曾有过愉快的工作经历及海外留学背景,愿与您共创美好明天。








本人多年从事会计师事务所审计工作,有良好的宏观分析能力,熟悉行业的税收等法律法规和国家政策,涉及纺织,环保,贸易企业以及其他制造和服务业。良好的微观财务分析能力,熟悉各行业财务管理和会计处理,了解上市公司、创业板相关政策和财务信息处理办法,特别是金融衍生工具的财会处理,cpa通过税法和战略风险管理。 熟悉各类财务软件, 包括 sap, 用友,金蝶等,学习能力强,善于沟通。


本人性格温和、成熟稳重、勤奋诚实,善于沟通,能够敏锐捕捉市场信息;积累了丰富的金融投资领域专业知识,具备一定的金融界的人脉,具有宏观和产业经济视野,服务于全球和中国领先的金融公司。较强的组织协调能力、沟通能力 ;较强的责任心与执行力 ;较强的条理性与逻辑能力 ;具备高压力高强度环境下的工作能力,勇于创新,有很强的学习能力,善于接受新事物。




























Adjust the credit structure to promote the circulation of commodities is years under the state council put forward the governance and economic environment and rectify the economic order in the first year, the headquarters of a proposed “total control, adjusting structure, guarantee key, compression, timely adjustment,” the general policy of credit, how to put this central task to carry out into our business credit work, we put forward the slogan is: the structure, the insurance market, and promote circulation. The structure of the adjustment is the foundation, the market is the task, the movement is the target. After a year of positive work, the commercial credit structure has been effectively adjusted. At the same time make the city market appeared a good situation of stability and prosperity, to complete the purchase value of 205.48 million yuan, achieve sales of 241.78 million yuan, and profit tax of 6.79 million yuan, has obtained the good economic benefits.

Adjusted the two structure, activate the stock of money this year, the national fiscal and credit policy of the “double tight”, its purpose is to reduce the monetary investment, promote the adjustment and optimization of original production elements configuration, so as to control inflation, the purpose of stable development of the economy. The commercial sector is responsible for the return of the currency and prosperity of the market, and how it operates, it is important to stabilize the market and promote economic development. We believe that in the case of monetary tightening, slumped, support business enterprises, improve business efficiency, save the only way out is to activate the stock of capital market, adjust structure of two, to improve the original capital use efficiency, ease the contradiction of supply and demand.

(a) adjust one, two, three types of enterprise loan structure earlier this year, according to the classification of higher government line line standard, we combined with years of our own for “ten” classification line method “, consider countries and support sequences, put forward by the head office for all commercial enterprises are classified, and pursuit of enterprises have made a plan to ”increase, flat, decreases“, make loans to turnover, the holding point is clear, adjust the work for this year's win the initiative.

To the end of a class of enterprise loan proportion reaches 65.9%, the year rose 4.7%, 2 kinds of enterprises 26.7%, down 2.6% compared with earlier this year, three types of enterprises 7.4%, down 2.1% compared with earlier this year. This shows that the loan structure is optimized by shifting the stock of loans.

Adjust business enterprise capital takes up structure (2) for a long time, because of our city commercial enterprise management level is not high, the flow of improper use of funds, more precipitation funds, unreasonable capital stock performance for three: one is problematic goods, the more the commodity nbre unreasonable; Second, the use of the settlement funds is on the high side, and the internal structure of the total liquidity is unreasonable. Third, there is less capital, and the proportion of total liquidity is not reasonable. Aimed at the three unreasonable, we spend big strength, hard to existing stock structure adjustment, activation of funds in the stock, mainly in the following several aspects:

1, push forward the internal bank, to the management to the money we do a good job of the pilot in years, on the basis of this year inside the have been introduced in all state-owned commercial Banks, perfect the enterprise working capital management mechanism, to reduce the liquidity of run, run, drip, leak, fund use efficiency improved obviously, liaocheng city department, after the big hug in the internal bank funds use decreased significantly, while the benefits increase significantly. Total liquidity this year has been up from last year. At 5%, the increase in purchase, sales, and profit was above 30%, and the turnover of funds increased by 27%. According to the statistics, this year, through the development of internal Banks, the business enterprise has an estimated savings of 4.5 million yuan.

2, we will focus on potential, to dig potential funds for business enterprise capital takes up high, the potential problems, we suggest that the municipal government held a clear potential work three times this year mobilization meeting, formed the potentialities and leadership at all levels' group, and formulated a series of rewards and punishment policy, caused a heavy potentialities and everyone in the city, each to extract the climax of getting bank a chorus of ”monologue“ for the fact the government, effectively promote the business enterprise development work in the city. To cooperate well off of the enterprise, we also have a ”off trilogy“ in the third quarter, sending the loan officer 28 people, help enterprises outside the city, city, outside the three level off, clear funds back 317, 5.81 million yuan, was praised by the height of the enterprise.

3, to urge the enterprise complement endowment, to squeeze spending money %, compression of settlement funds of 6.88 million yuan, make the settlement funds of all less liquidity to solve business enterprise own capital, poor ability to resist risk of the problem, we in addition to lending funds flow using interest rate lever to urge enterprise complement endowment, also widely publicity, actively mobilize, guide enterprises to austerity, variable expense funds for business. With our push, we have seven companies that spend $285, 000 on spending to participate in the turnaround. If the regional textile station has put off the building of the dormitory building, the 850,000 yuan will be retained for the replenishment of the current funds. This year, we urge commercial enterprises to invest $1.58 million, six times the annual plan.

Since we carried out the above work, make the city capital takes up the structure of the business enterprise get improved significantly, processing backlog of all kinds of goods totaled 5.95 million yuan, make the goods marketable rate rose from 85% last year to 91 ratio control under 32%.

For the whole year, the total amount of investment in the fund accounted for 1.58 million yuan, up 7.9% from 6.5% at the beginning of the year. By adjusting the structure of the two, and to promote the capital stock of positive corporate investment, accelerate the capital turnover, revitalize the large amounts of money, make capital demand big on the one hand, on the one hand, capital takes up serious unreasonable contradictions. It is the standard of judging the market for the goods to be monitored, whether the commodity is rich and the price is stable. Task of commercial credit is timely and sufficient to put money to acupuncture points, support business sector organizations supply market in time, to avoid market disruption, we take the measures are:

(a) goods queuing and monitoring in order to guarantee market supply, understand what consumer goods is the most sensitive and most need, at the start of the year, we take almost two months time to queue, 300 kinds of consumer goods for the goods from the 97 kinds of best-selling products, 134 kinds of plain pin 69 kinds of commodities and unsalable goods, through the line, found out the market situation, found a job. In order to make the business sector procurement can sufficient supply market, and can prevent the backlog, reduce capital takes up, we focus on the match, soap, milk powder, enamel equipment monitoring, 50 kinds of products such as set up a monitoring card, every ten-day unified into, sales and stock of these goods, the price monitoring analysis, and then to guide commercial enterprises adjust focus.

In April and may, we found a number of businesses with weak matches, market price chaos and timely financial support for department stores. In just seven days, the market matches were abundant and prices fell back to normal levels.

In support of business enterprise management, we also think big, guide enterprises combine recent market and the forward market, combine short-term benefit and long-term benefit, combine enterprise with social benefits, to ensure long-term stability of the market. In June this year, the garlic moss in our city made a big harvest, the price of garlic moss market quickly fell, and the vast majority of farmers were worried about the market and price. We believe that if the price of garlic moss hem is too low, must want to hurt the enthusiasm of farmers, next year's vegetable market certainly be affected, to quickly solve problems, maintain long-term stability of the vegetable market, we suggest that the municipal government held by fiscal, tax, the township, city vegetables companies and other 27 units to participate in the coordination meetings, timely protection lennon and vegetables the interests of the company policies, straighten out the relationship between the various aspects. We timely issue loans of 1 million yuan, support external storage garlic moss greens lai company 1.2 million jins, stabilize the market price quickly, save the market, eliminates the hidden danger for the vegetable basket problem, the city government highly appraise to our work.

(2) pressure group, the state-run, key support state-owned retail enterprises state-owned retail enterprises are facing consumers directly, the enormity of the task for the supply market, control prices, its good or bad matter to the market; However, the collective enterprise management level is low, and the responsibility of protecting the market is not borne by the pursuit of profit.

To this end, we have identified the collective, state, and key support for the distribution of loans to retail companies. This year, loans for six state-owned retail companies rose by 1.5million yuan, while 17 businesses fell 232, 000 yuan. Due to our limited and clear, make state-owned retail enterprises obviously improve the social and economic benefits, complete the purchase, sales and profit is 40.79 million yuan, 67.88 million yuan and 67.88 million yuan, respectively, than the same period last year growth of 25.6%, 31.4%, 29.8%, and cash flow to speed up 7.5% from a year earlier. Attaches great importance to the final review, do a good job in comprehensive reflection to make our business enterprises to achieve substantial economic benefits, maintain liquidity intact, we in the end of spare special personnel to review all the benefit of the business, a total review of false profit is 1.34 million yuan, and promptly take decisive measures to urge the enterprises to adjust the accounts, ensure the authenticity, accuracy of year-end accounts.

This year, we also focus on the comprehensive reflection, to be a good leadership staff, total write economic activity analysis, survey report, project summary, thesis, economic information, such as 249, be employed by relevant departments of the forwarding of up to 169, through writing, the comrades of the service quality have improved obviously.

Fourth, grasp the political and ideological work, and promote the cultivation of clean government this year, we always put the political and ideological work as a important part of the work, we will unswervingly implement the party's line, principles and policies, consciously, firmly resist corruption by bourgeois liberalization trend. To punish corruption and revitalize the party, we are also vigorously promotes the cultivation of clean government, formulate the implementation plan, resolutely do not accept an invitation to dinner, not only, not to borrow readers, honest, and make us a united collective, the fight collective, full of vigor and vitality of the collective.

years passed and the New Year is coming, we are determined to firmly carry out the total square meter of the reorganization of the governance, adjust the credit structure, and innovation achievements, to a new level, promote our city of commodity circulation, for the development of the economy, to contribute to the revitalization of liaocheng.



作为积极乐观新时代青年,本人深深的认识到知识的重要,除了努力掌握各种金融和人力资源的理论知识,还不断的充实自己,现在正在攻读华南师范大学的人力资源管理本科,也希望以后还能继续接受更高的教育,还积极参与各种实践活动,培养自己的创新能力、分析能力与商业头脑。我为人热情,活泼,大方,交际能力强,有较强的自学能力,富有责任感和进取心,有较强的组织能力和工作能力,此外, 对时间观念性十分重视.








In * * city financial work to increase financial support to the economy as the main line, actively promote the supply of credit, widen the direct financing channels, improve financial ecological environment, good results were obtained:

First, the important work of the year

(1) the main indicators are completed

1, credit work

* * in the loan balance of the banking financial institutions in the city the local * * one hundred million yuan, up 18.1% from a year earlier, * increase one hundred million yuan from a year earlier, compared with the increased one hundred million yuan * * more, 104% of the 17 billion yuan of the provincial government issued new task, ranking second in the provincial cities.

2, listing work

Jinchen machinery through the introduction of strategic investors, intermediary institutions, complete the enterprise restructuring, after entering is reported to the counseling process, * * in the first quarter is expected to declare the material. The company has launched preparations for the ipo, and the company has been in close talks with the brokerages.

Fund financing work

Exceptional equipment manufacturing, giant into the teaching of science and technology, forword industry, chemical industry and so on enterprise and the fund company negotiated, intends to introduce the fund size of a total of 540 million yuan. Everbright Macquarie China infrastructure fund is interested in controlling or participating in public utilities such as sewage treatment, heating and gas supply.

Multi-channel financing

By expanding the financing channels, to promote the business outside the watch, financing lease, trust, such as multi-channel financing, financing for the whole year more than 26 billion yuan, the 17 billion yuan target required by the provincial government plan.

The construction of small loan companies and financing guarantee companies

* * opened the city approved microfinance company 51, the amount of registered capital is 2.68 billion yuan, year accumulative total for the small and medium-sized enterprises and the ”three rural“ issue loans 20 pen, * one hundred million RMB, loan balance is RMB 2.03 billion. 22 hefei has approved the opening of financing guarantee company, registered capital RMB one hundred million * *, the cumulative for * RMB 4.36 billion for issuing guaranteed loans of small and medium-sized enterprises, guarantee loan balance of 4.6 billion yuan.

Main job:

We will actively promote credit delivery and encourage credit orientation.

The work is to establish a credit to promote coordination mechanism, every ten-day scheduling credit work, the last week of every month for all financial institutions on day scheduling, aggregate, said Saturday.

Goals second is to set up a credit evaluation system, the new loans will be 20 billion yuan target decomposition to various financial institutions and various city, park, the government of all kinds of preferential support credit outstanding financial institutions of deposit.

Three is sorting out the city * * at the beginning of year 171 financing needs projects, needs 43.7 billion yuan of funds, organized according to the requirements of capital financing, key project financing and the import and export many special fields such as bank business promotion.

Fourth, we have actively introduced the foreign port bank, socgen and everbright bank to open the branch in our city. By the end of * * * * years, nine outgoing bank loan balances has housed * * one hundred million yuan, 16.7% of the loan balance in the city, the annual new loans of 6.69 billion yuan, accounting for 38% of the city's new loans.

Five is to guide credit support for small and medium-sized enterprises and the ”three rural“, the city and the people's bank of holding the ”county“ financial support agriculture activities, holding consists of small and medium-sized enterprise service center for financing platform, in collaboration with CDB loans to support small and medium-sized enterprises in zhuhai was 100 million yuan, up to now totaling more than 300 small and medium-sized enterprises loans of 1.4 billion yuan.

Many measures will be used to promote the listing of enterprises.

First, we will accelerate the preparation of key enterprises to go public, so that enterprises such as * * machinery and China magnesium group have launched their public offerings in a timely manner.

Second is to intensify policy support, the city government issued policy measures to support listed companies, to keep our city support for capital and the provincial government, with the proportion in place.

Third, we will cultivate a reserve enterprise to help enterprises improve their quality, set up image and accelerate development, and strive for early access to market conditions. Four is for listed company (service, coordinate to solve the problems such as land, capital, specification, together with the city industrial and commercial bureau, the city the irs issued public policy support. Five is privately raised company bonds for the start of the new three board and small and medium-sized enterprises work to build the foundation, established new three board reward policy, contact agency to carry out the new three board and training in the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprise privately raised company bonds.

We will increase prevention and treatment of illegal fund-raising.

One is to propaganda work to implement, produced 20xx0 vice advertising poker to extend to the grass-roots units, 15 units organized and the urban square publicity activities, made 1 time in * * journal reports.

Second, we will clean up the work. In the whole year, we have conducted two rounds of checks, and two cases have been dealt with. At the same time, we should be able to understand and understand the situation of the people's visit, and then, in accordance with the principle of discrimination, do a good job to promote the promotion of education.

Third, the financial office of the people's government of yingkou city has a contingency plan for dealing with illegal fund-raising events.

Improving financial innovation capacity.

Is a financial innovation to promote port, the draft submitted to the provincial government on setting up ”yingkou port financial innovation experimental zone" for instructions, the provincial government approval, zhuhai symposium held its logistics business and financial operations, respectively, at the same time in Shanghai, ningbo and other 5 city learn advanced experience, completed the first draft of financial innovation experimental zone of yingkou in August.

Second, we will carry out trials of science and technology finance. Establish venture investment funds, to encourage small and mid-sized enterprise, risk investment institutions, private capital participation in investment, yingkou HuiYing company will provide seed money 15 million yuan.

We will support the development of microlending companies and financing guarantee companies, and strengthen oversight of the two industries.

First, we will vigorously promote institutional development and sustainable development. In 20xx, the new batch of open guarantee organization has five, and the small loan company has opened 20 new batch. The distribution of branches is more reasonable, and the microloan company can realize all the county districts. We have recommended a group of microlenders to CDB for financing support. It also highlights the characteristics of large, specialized microlenders and financing guarantee companies.

Second, we will improve oversight measures in the industry. We will promote the construction of two industry regulatory systems in the city, and conduct on-site inspections in the form of linkage, adjustment and coordination of municipal and county supervisory departments. To organize the daily use of the supervision system of microloan company in the city, to realize the real-time monitoring of risk.

Third, we will promote the self-discipline of the industry, establish and improve the industry association of microlending companies, and focus on the work of the association to carry out the training of employees in the season.





















