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(1)语言结构:含情态动词的被动语态 should be allowed to


词汇:allow, drive, pierce, driver, license, silly, earring, instead of等。

句型:I think students should be allowed to go out with their friends. I agree. / I disagree.

Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night? No, I don’t think so.等




1、如何运用 should be allowed to 结构表达自己对各种规章制度的看法。


难点:含情态动词的被动语态结构should be allowed to。






学生学情分析:初三的学生经过两年多的英语学习,有了一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读 写的能力;同时,学生们对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣。经过两年的新课程理念的熏陶及实践,很多学生有了初步的自主、合作、探究的能力。但各班学生存在不同程度的差异,在教学过程中也就出现了各种问题主要体现在以下几个方面:


2)通过六个课时的学习,80%的学生能够正确使用be allowed to do的结构.但是,在使用的同时容易出现丢掉be动词的现象.在引入被动语态的概念之后,学生对语态和时态开始有混淆。在练习当中反映出,学生能够用正确的句子结构来描述家庭中一些要遵守的规则.但是在具体操作,例如句型转换等题目中,就有些无能为力的感觉。说明学生在接受知识时还是比较生硬。在以后的教学中,不仅仅是将书中的知识讲授,应该在同时马上简单做些变化.在不增加课堂内容的情况下,培养学生灵活思维,不定向思维.在某些习题中,仅仅是变换了一个主语或者是一个动词,学生就手足无措.同时在以后的课堂中.要适当的激励和鼓励学生积极参与课堂.在知识性的同时适当增加趣味性。

3)在写作运用过程中,有些学生对be allowed to do的结构、should be allowed to do的结构以及allow sb. to do sth结构有混淆。弄不清主语是谁,到底是谁允许谁去做某事。还有个别学生不知道be allowed to do的结构中要用to do.


科目 英语

年级 高一

文件 high1 unit3.3.doc

标题 American English(美式英语)

章节 第三单元

关键词 内容



在过去3左右的时间里,美国英语(American English)和英国英语(British English)都发生了很大的变化,它们的发展自然不尽相同,但二者之间区别并不是天壤之别。多数英国人和美国人可以很容易地互相听懂,两国的书面语言也非常近似。对于学习英语的中学生来讲,了解英语单词是美式拼写还是英式拼写,是美式发音还是英式发音,对知道某份书面材料到底是源出于美国还是英国是很有帮助的。从另一个角度来看,随着我国改革开和的步伐向21世纪的纵深加快,广播教学和录像教学日益普及,日常生活中对美国英语的直接接触更为广泛。目前中学英语中录制的各种英语教学磁带也多属美国英语。因而,特别注意对美语的学习,并不断扩充富有时代特色的美语式交际英语无疑是非常必要的。本单元将给同学们打开一扇了解美式英语的窗口,那就请同学们从本单元中边窥视它的区别点,边欣赏它们各自的独特魅力吧!



1.[i:]wheel reason 2.[ ]plan gas Spanish character

3.[u]cookbook 4.[ ]fall store

5.[ei]explain tape pronunciation mail 6.[au]pronounce however howl

7.[ ]European 8.[ ]Indian

9.[ ]Europe European 10.[z]reason

11.[i]difficult movie Indian direct indirect explain character pronunciation British

12.[ ]difficult pronounce however western Europe European pronunciation character holiday Britain




(1)have some (no, little, much, a lot of, a great deal of )difficulty/trouble+(in)+doing在……有困难 如:They have no difficulty in talking with each other in English. 他们用英语交谈毫不费劲。

(2)have some (no, little, much, a lot of, a great deal of, great )difficulty/trouble+

with+n.在……有困难 如:She has much difficulty with such a long speech.她作这样长的一个报告有很大困难。

(3)with difficulty“困难地,费劲地”是副词短语作状语。He breathed with difficulty.

(4)without difficulty容易地,不费吹灰之力地

(5)in difficulty“处于困境中”是介词短语起形容词的作用。

注意:sth+be+difficult+to do(习惯上不用to be done)。如:This play is difficult to enjoy.欣赏这部戏剧不容易。(不用to be enjoyed)

2.plan作可数名词是“计划,打算,规划,方案”。如:Fred is excited about his family’s plan for a vacation in California.弗雷德对于他一家人要到加利福尼亚去度假的计划感到非常激动。


He plans to go to Australia some day.他计划有朝一日能去澳大利亚一次。

He began to plan what he would do with his Sundays.他开始计划怎样度过星期天。


(1)该词的过去式、过去分词和现在分词要双写字母“n”。如:Have you planned your trip?你打算作一次旅行吗?

(2)a five-year plan一个五年计划,in a planned way有计划地

(3)make plans for为制定计划

(4)plan on +doing打算 如:I am planning on going to Beijing next month.我打算下个月去北京。

(5)plan ahead提前计划


--Have you planned to go abroad?

--Yes, I’ve planned to.(省去了go to abroad)



(1)给某人一些药give sb some medicine

(2)吃药/服药take/have some medicine

(3)学医study medicine

(4)medicine的形容词为medical“医学的,医术的,医疗上的,医疗界的”。如:a medical college医学院,free medical service

4.British不列颠的,不列颠人的,英国的,英国人的 如:the British Museum大不列颠博物馆

He is German, but his wife is British.他是德国人,他的妻子是英国人。

Britain不列颠(英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰的总称) 英国的全称:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国



(1)常把however置于句首,句子使用倒装结构,即把后部的形容词和副词直接跟在however之后。如:She always goes swimming, however cold it is不管天气多么冷,她总是去游泳。

However hard the work may be, we must finish it on time .无论这工作多么难,我们必须按时完成。


However, we still look into the matter later.不过我们以后要调查这件事。

He was ill, however, he decided to go.他病了,然而他仍决定要去。

(3)He said that it was so, he was mistaken, however.他是这样说的,可是他错了。


a movie fan电影迷,a movie star电影明星,a movie house电影院,moviegoers常看电影者,go to the movies=go to the cinema=go to see a film去看电影



(1)by mail通过邮寄 如:I sent her a dictionary by mail.我寄给了她一本字典。

(2)作不可数名词时常和a lot of , much, a large amount of连用,表示大量的信件。如:

There was much mail last week.上周邮件很多。


The ship sank and the mails were lost .船沉了,邮件全丢失了。

(4)作及物动词用,如:He mailed /posted a parcel last month.他上个月寄了那个包裹。


These are our reasons for doing it .这就是我们干此事的理由。

You have no reasons to get angry.你没有道理生气。


There is a great deal of reason in his advice.他的劝告中有许多道理。


reason with sb for/against为了赞成或反对……和某人评理。


(1)the reason作主语其后的表语从句中用that连接。如:The reason why we are late is that our car did not come.那就是我们要你来的原因。(注意不要选why)

(2)the reason后的定语从句的连接词可以是why, that或者省略。如:That’s one of the reasons (why, that, ×)I asked you to come .那就是我要你来的原因。

(3)reason的形容词为reasonable。如:His words sound reasonable.他的话听起来有道理。




(1)explain后不能紧接双宾语,应用:explain sth to sb。如:She explained the reason to ne carefully.她认真地向我解释了原因。(注意不要用:explain sb sth)

(2)explain后可以接that, how, why等引起的从句。如:

Please explain to me how this sentence is read .请给我解释一下这个句子怎么读。(不要用:explain me how …)


(4)explain oneself交待清楚。如:She was made to explain herself at the meeting .会上要求她交待清楚。



(1)in character在性格上 The twins are different in character.那对双胞胎的性格不一样。

(2)She is a woman of a firm character.=She is firm in character.她是个意志坚强的人。

(3)She is a woman of character.她是个有个性的人。


1.(1)have some (no, little, much, a lot of , a great deal of )difficulty/trouble+(in)+doing在……有困难 如:They have little difficulty in mailing the letter. 他们向国外寄这封信毫不费劲。

(2)have some (no, little, much, a lot of, a great deal of ,great) difficulty/trouble+with+n.在……有困难如 She has lots of difficulty with her geography.她学习地理有很大的困难。

2.ask sb for sth向某人要某物,向某人询问某事。如:

He entered, asked for a coffee and sat down.

A student asks his or her parents for money and clothing.

You can write to BBC English and ask for any information you need.

注意:ask after问候,ask out邀请外出

3.more or less或多或少;大体上;差不多

The work is more or less finished.

This train arrived more or less on time.

注意:neither more or less正好,恰如其分

What you said is neither more or less.你说得恰如其分。

4.come about产生;发生=happen, take place

How did these differences come about ?

注意:come across越过,偶然碰见,come after跟踪而来,come alive活跃起来,come along一道来,进展,come around绕道而来

5.the same as; the same…as和……一样

At first, the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain.起初,这语言与英国使用的语言一样。

She is the same age as you.她和你同龄。

6.a great many=a good many=a large/great number of很多,相当多的


A great many books in the library are new.图书室中的很多书是新的。

A great many of the books in the library are new.图书室的书中有相当一部分是新的。

7.and so on等等

The clothes were red, green, blue, yellow and so on.

They spent their time visiting friends, reading, watching television, and so on.

注意:and so on =and so forth=etc.=and so on and so forth=and the like =and things

8.bring in引来,引进,介绍,收入,领……进来

Stick to the point;don’t bring in things that are not important.紧扣要点,不要把不重要的话题扯进来。

They started to use English, but they also brought in some words from their own languages.他们开始使用英语,但把他们自己语言中的一些词也带了进来。

Someone wants to see you .Shall I bring him in ?

注意:bring about带来,造成,bring back归还,bring up抚养,呕吐,bring down打落,使……降低,bring out发表,拿出


Please change these sentences into indirect speech.把这些句子变成间接引语。

Heat changes water into steam.加热使水变成蒸汽。

I’d like to change these pounds into dollars.我很想把英镑换成美元。

注意:有时change into是指发生了化学上的变化。

10.over the centuries=in the past few centuries在过去的几个世纪中(注意句子的时态常用现在完成时)

American English has changed over the centuries, too . 在过去的几个世纪里,美国英语也发生变化。


如何突破语言障碍(How to smooth away the language difficulties)

1.文化背景(Culture Notes)

◆作为外语初学者,与外国人交流时,难免有听不懂的时候。此时,最好不要哑口无言,要找一些恰当的话语使交流自然地进行,如必须把下列功能套用语熟烂于心,并朗朗上口:I beg your pardon?/Would you please repeat it ?/Could you say it more slowly and clearly?/Pardon ?/I’m sorry I know only a little English./ I’m sorry I don’t quite follow you./How do you pronounce the word ?/How do you spell your name?/What does“fall”here mean ?/I didn’t catch you./I don’t understand what you mean./May I ask a question ?Could you repeat what you said just now ?……



◆A:Please get me a drink from the fridge, Tang jing.

B:Pardon ?

A:Please--a drink--fridge.

B:What do you mean by“fridge”.

A:Oh, that’s the short form for“refrigerator”.

B:Oh, you mean“refrigerator”.

A:Yes .

B:Ok, just wait.





1.直接引语是陈述句时,间接引语是由连词that引导的宾语从句,that常可省略。主句中的say to sb.常根据需要改为tell sb。

①He said, “I’m a doctor.”→He said(that)he was a doctor.

②She said to me, “I’m studying English these days.”→She told me that she was studying English those days .


③She asked, “Are you preparing for it ?”→She asked whether(if)we were preparing for it .


④“Shall we meet at the theatre?”he said.

→He suggested that we should meet at the theatre.

→He suggested our meeting at the theatre.


⑤He asked,“Which one do you like best?”→He asked which one I liked best .

4.直接引语为祈使句时,变成“ask /tell/order等动词+宾词+to不定式”。如直接引语是let引起的祈使句,改为间接引语用“should+动词原形”。

⑥He said,“Get everything ready in two hours.”→He asked us to get everything ready in two hours.

⑦Tom said, “Let’s have a cup of coffee.”→Tom said that we should have a cup of coffee.



⑧The teacher said to the pupils, “The earth is round.”→The teacher told the pupils that the earth is round.


⑨My father said to me ,“I was born in 1945.”→My father told me that he was born in 1945.


如直接引语要变为间接引语,转述发生在当天、当地的事,直接引语中的come here, tomorrow, this morning, today, yesterday等不必随着改变。

10.He said ,“I’ll come here this evening.”→He said he would come here this evening.

11.This morning he said ,“I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow.”→This morning he said that he was leaving for Beijing tomorrow.



12.He said,“You are in Class Two.”

→He said that I was in Class Two.(A对B、C转述)

→He said that you were in Class Two.(B或C对A转述)

→He said that he(he-指A)was in Class Two.(B对C或C对B转述)


13.I said to her, “I have done my best.”→I told her that I had done my best.


14.He said, “Will you do it ?”and I said ,“Yes .”→He asked if I would do it and I said that I would.





1.--You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?

--. How I wish to go there!

A. Yes , I have B. Yes, I haven’t C. No, I have D. No, I haven’t

2.--Please don’t make a noise.

--___.I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.

A. Yes, I won’t B. No, I won’t C. No, I will D. Yes, I will




1.--You won’t go there by bus, will you ?

--No, I won’t .I’ll just walk.是的,我不会,我将步行。

2.--You never fall asleep in class, do you ?

--Yes, I do sometimes.不,我有时睡。


3.--Please don’t be late for class.

--No, I won’t . I will be as early as possible.是的,我不会,我要尽可能地早到

4.--I hope you weren’t ill.

--No, Jeanne, I wasn’t ill.是的,让娜,我没病。


5.--Didn’t you have a good time at the meeting ?

--Yes, a very good time.不,玩得很痛快。

6.--Can’t you remember doing the silly thing ?

--Yes, I can. I regret having done it.不,我记得,干了这件事我后悔。



1.--Tom doesn’t like dancing, does he ?

-- ,but he used to .

A. yes, he does B. Yes, he doesn’t C. No, he does D. No, he doesn’t

2.--The book isn’t easy for Jack to understand, is it ?

-- .His foreign language is far better than expected.

A. Yes, it is B. No, it isn’t C. I don’t think D. Yes, it does

3.--You didn’t go to the concert, did you ?

-- .I ought to have gone.

A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn’t C. Yes ,I didn’t D. No, I did

4.--Shouldn’t we invite more people to the dance ?

-- .A small dance is the most fun.

A. Yes, we should B. No, we should

C. Yes, we shouldn’t D. No,we shouldn’t



A Story About Four People

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was a very important job to be done, and Everybody thought that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed(责备)Somebody when Nobody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could easily have done.






1.(1)Do you know the difference the two verbs?

(2)The two words are different the Chinese meaning.

(3)The word“past”is different the word“passed”.

2.(1)Ted cut the apple half.

(2)Ted cut the apple halves.

3.(1)It’s very kind you to help me with my studies.

(2)Our neighbour is always king us .

4.(1)The teacher is writing a piece of chalk.

(2)The teacher is writing red ink.

(3)The teacher is writing a piece of paper.

(4)The teacher is writing an old friend of his.

(5)The teacher is writing a letter an old man who can’t write.

5.(1)Meat does not keep good hot weather.

(2)Our teachers are always good us students.

(3)The girl is good drawing animals.

(4)Fresh air is good your health.

6.(1)We had learned 1,000 words the end of last term.

(2)We have the final examination the end of every term.

(3)They all passed the entrance examination the end.

7.(1)The teacher is rather strict his pupils.

(2)The teacher is rather strict his work.

8.(1)Paper can be made wood.

(2)Wood can be made paper.

(3)The chairs and tables can be made wood.

(4)The football team is made twenty players and a coach.

9.(1)The children are waiting the railway station their mother.

(2)The children wait their sick mother hand and foot.

10.(1)Henry dropped in Mr Crossette yesterday evening.

(2)Henry dropped in Mr Crossette’s yesterday evening.


1.between,in,from 2. in,into 3.of ,to 4. with,in,on,for 5. in,to,at,for 6.by,at,in 7.with,in 8. from,into ,of ,up 9.at,foron 10. on,at




















1.--What will Jimmy do next Sunday ?

--He plans_____fishing.

A. to go B. to go to C. going D. going to

2.--How about going for swimming this Sunday ?

--_____very much.

A. I’ll like it B. I’d like C. I’ll like to D. I’d like to

3.Tom is strong,_______his brother is weak.

A. when B. though C. however D. while

4.I don’t know how the result comes____.

A. about B. on C. out D. over

5.MissShut, who teaches us ____English language, is _____European.

A. the ;an B. the; a C. 不填;an D.不填;a

6.She didn’t find the word____to pronounce.

A. easily B. is easily C. easy D. to be easy

7.I’m going to buy the same dictionary ____you bought .

A. like B. as C. that D. if

8.--Shall I explain it again ?

--Yes, Please. I couldn’t quite what you said.

A. agree with B. know about C. think of D. follow

9.Could you ___how to use the new computer ?

A. explain me B. explain to me C. explain for me D. talk to me

10._____he was interested in medicine, but now he wants to practise____.

A. First;drawing B. At first;drawing C. First;to draw D. At first,;to draw

11.In our hometown, people grow wheat, rice ,cotton,____.

A. and so on B. on and on C. for example D. so far

12.The English_____their language with them when the travelled to other countries.

A. brought B. carried C. took D. taught

13.Have you any trouble _____this problem ?

A. in B. of C. with D. to do

14.It takes ____hard work to finish the experiment.

A. a great many B. a good many C. a number of D. a lot of

15._____English is a bit more difficult to master than _____English.

A. Speaking;writing B. Speaking;written

C. Spoken;writing D. Spoken;written

【答案与简析】1.选A。plan to do“打算干”和go fishing“去钓鱼”的结合。2.选D。当接受别人的邀请时常用:I’d like/love to。意思是“很乐意”。3.选D。因为是两个不同对象比较,while含有对比性。4.选A。 5.选B。6.选C。句型为:find+…+形容词+to do。形容词作宾语补足语。7.选B。the same…as“和……一样”(暗指同一类),the same…that“和……一样”(暗指同一个)。8.选D。从再需要解释可知是用follow表示“明白,听懂”。9.B。explain sth to sb。10.选B。first“首选”,at first“起初,开始时”,practise+-ing。11.A。and so on =etc.=and so forth。12.选C。bring去带……,carry运载……,take随身携带。13.选C。have…trouble/difficulty+(in)+ing=have…trouble/difficulty+with+名词。“在……有困难”。该句型中习惯上不用to do。14.选D。A、B、C都修饰可数名词。D可修饰可数和不可数名词。15.选D。spoken Enlish口语英语,written English书面英语。


用间接引语将下列对话改写成短文。开关已给出,请续写。(Y--Yang Mei;S--Sara)

Y:Good morning, Sara. I’m Yang Mei.

S:Good morning, Yang Mei. Nice to meet you.

Y:Now we are in the same class. I come from China. I just learned a little English. I have some problems in pronouncing some of the words in English.

S:No, you are doing well. I can follow you.

Y:Thank you.

S:What are you going to do at the weekend ?

Y:I’m going to see a film. Will you go with me ?

S:Yes, with pleasure.

Sara and Yang Mei were new students in the same class at school in America. Before class they had a talk. First, they said“Hi”…



Unit 3


Sara and Yang Mei were new students in the same class at school in America. Before class they had a talk, First they said“Hi”to each other. Then Yang Mei told Sara she came from China and she knew only a little English. She also said she had some problems in pronouncing some of the words in English. Sara said Yang Mei was doing fine and she could understand what she said. Yang Mei was thankful. Sara asked what she was going to do at the weekend. Yang Mei was going to see a film and asked Sara to go together.


科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit3.doc

标题 Mainly Revision

章节 第三单元





二会: L10 gesture Arab Puerto Rico

L11 communicate host

三会: L9 manage dining room type composition

L10 wave nod

L11distance fist juice one another

四会: L10 body language handshake agreement disagreement Asian kiss custom proud

L11 manner manners comfortable guest


Would you like me to …?

Would you like me to do this for you ?

No, thanks. I can manage it myself.

Is there anything else I can do for you ?

No, thank you. Thanks for all your help.

Can/Shall I help you ?

Would you like some help ?

Thanks/Yes, please.

That’s very kind of you.




Lesson 9

1.…Would you like me to carry it ? 要我帮你提着它吗?

No, thanks. I can manage it myself. 不用,谢谢。我自己能行。


1)当你主动提出帮助某人时(offering help),可以使用以下用语:

Can I help you ? 我可能帮忙吗?

Can I do sth for you ? 我能帮你干点什么事吗?

Would you like some/any help? 你要帮忙吗?

Would you like me to do sth. for you? 要我帮你做某事吗?

Do you want me to do sth.?你要我做某事吗?

Let me do sth .for you. 我给你做些事吧。

Is there anything (else ) I can do for you ? 还有什么事我能帮忙吗?


Thanks. 多谢。

Yes, please.好的。

Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

That’s very kind/nice (of you). (你真是)太好了。


It’s all right. Thank you all the same. 不用了,谢谢你。

No, it’s Ok. Thank you all the same. 不,没关系,谢谢。

No, thanks, but I can manage. 不,谢谢,我能行。

That’s very kind of you, but I can do/manage it myself.



A. Can I help you with the housework ? 我来帮你做家务吧。

B.No, thanks, but I can do it myself. 不,谢谢,我能自己做。

2.It’s a pleasure to meet you .我很高兴见到你。


1)It’s good to see/meet you.

It’s nice to see/meet you.

It’s exciting to see/meet you.

It’s wonderful to see/meet you.

It’s delightful to see/meet you.

2)I’m pleased to meet/see you.

I’m delighted to meet/see you.

I’m glad to meet/see you.

I’m happy to meet/see you.

3)I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.

I’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time.

Lesson 10

1.Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words.


1)此句是一个复合句。主句是We make ourselves understood not just by words. 它带有两个从句。When we talk with others是时间状语从句;Although we may not realize it是让步状语从句。

2)make sb/sth +过去分词意为“使某人/某事被……”

句中的make ourselves understood直译为“使我们自己被别人了解”,意为“使别人了解我们”。

例如:①The teacher raised his voice trying to make himself heard by the students at the back.


②When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood.


2.Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement.



例如:①I like sports, while he enjoys music. 我喜欢运动,而他喜爱音乐。

②Mum was cooking while Dad was watching TV.妈妈在做饭,而爸爸在看电视。


①While I was sleeping, a thief came into the house.我睡觉时,小偷进了我的屋。

②While in America, I studied music and painting. 在美国时,我学习音乐和油画。


则while从句中的主语连同be动词,助动词或连系动词一块省略,可用这种结构的还有when, after,

once, until, though, as, since等等。例如:

①While watching TV, she fell asleep.当她看电视时,她睡着了。

②When going to school, I met a friend of mine .上学时,我碰到一个朋友。


3.These gestures are accepted both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meanings.



①I can’t accept you as my assistant.我不能接受你作为我的助手。

②We accept the conclusion as true. 我们承认这个结论是对的。

③Waving one’s arms can be accepted as crying for help. 挥舞双臂可能被人认为是呼救。

4.Take nodding the head for example. 比如说点点头这一动作吧。

Take …for example意为“以……为例”,“比如说……”例如:

①Take this problem for example.以这道题为例。

②Take my family for example.就说我的家庭吧。

5.In some Asian countries it means not “yes” but “No”在某些亚州国家,点头的意思不是“是”,而是“不”。


1)Not I but he is a teacher. 不是我而是他是一名教师。

2)I saw not Mary but Joan. 我见到的不是玛丽而是琼。

3)That’s not a pen but a pencil. 那不是钢笔而是铅笔。

4)My mother asked me not to go out but to stay at home. 我妈妈要我呆在家里不要出门。

5)He was born not in Beijing but in Tianjin. 他不是生于北京而是生于天津。


Not the students but the teacher is hoping to go there. 不是学生而是老师希望去那儿。

Not the teacher but the students are hoping to go there. 不是老师而是学生希望去那儿。

6.French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people.


1)kiss sb. goodbye/hello意思是say goodbye /hello to sb. with a kiss.

I kissed her good night. 晚上我与她吻别。

She kissed her mother hello as soon as she got home. 她一到家就亲吻她的妈妈表示问好。

2)kiss v.(风、浪)轻拂

The wind was gently kissing the trees. 微风轻拂着树枝。

7.Generally speaking, people from English-speaking countries do not touch each other very much.


English-speaking countries意为“说英语的国家。”English-speaking是复合词,作定语,修饰countries,这三个词在逻辑上有主谓宾的关系,speaking可看作是countries的动作,是主动关系,因此用-ing形式,English可看作为speaking的逻辑宾语。

8.In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right hand; the left hand is not used at all.


此句中的using the fingers of you right hand是-ing短语,在句中用作方式状语,修饰谓语动词作eat。例如:

①Children usually count the numbers using their fingers .孩子们通常板着指头来数数。

②We show disagreement shaking our heads.我们摇头表示不同意。

9.In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.


with your feet pointing at another person是一种“with+复合宾语”的结构,又叫独立主格结构,它是由“with+名词+分词或分词短语”组成,在句中作状语表示伴随动作。分词的形式取决于该动词与前面名词之间的关系,是主动关系,用现在分词,是被动关系,用过去分词。

例如:①The boy lay on the grass, with his eyes looking at the stars in the sky.


②Father usually works in his study with the door locked.


10.Foreigners should follow these customs when they are visiting these countries.



We should follow the rules of the lab when we are doing experiments.


Lesson 11

1.It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking.



例如:It is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye. 不辞而别很不礼貌。


It is/was +adj/n +(for sb)to do sth.

句型中的for sb to do sth是不定式的复合结构,它是形式主语it所代表的真正主语,其中

的for sb是不定式的逻辑主语。例如:

①It is important for us to learn English well. 学好英语对我们来说很重要。

②It is our duty to help others .帮助别人是我们的责任。

2.The Arab who is friendly will stand close to his friend, but the Englishman will move back in order to keep a certain distance away.

表现友好的阿拉伯人会站得离他的朋友很近,而英国人则会往后挪动,以保持一定距离。句中的keep a certain distance away意为“保持一定的距离”其中certain意为“某个”,“一定的”“某种程度,”在句中作定语。例如:

There is a certain distance between the village and the railway station.


3.City people in Britain and the United States stand closer than those who live in the country.


句中的those who…相当于peope who,意为“凡……的人”。表示的是两者以上的不定数量。例如:

Those who want to visit the exhibition may write down your names here.


试比较:①Anybody who breaks the rules is punished.任何违反规章制度的人将受到惩罚。

②Those who break the rules are punished.


在①句中,主句的主语是Anybody,谓语是is punished, 用单数,Who breaks the rules是定语从句,修饰Anybody, who在从句中作主语,代表Anybody,所以谓语动词breaks也要用单数形式。

在②句中,主句的主语是Those, 谓语是are punished。用复数,who break the rules是定语从句,修饰Those、who在从句中作主语,代表Those,所以谓语动词要用复数形式break。

Lesson 12

Grammar: the Infinitive动词不定式


They don’t like to be too close to one another(不定短语作宾语)

They will move back to keep a certain distance away.(不定式短语作目的状语)

Would you like me to do something for you ?(不定式短语作宾语补足语)

Have you got anything to say ?(不定式短语作定语)

It’s a pleasure to meet you.(不定式短语作主语)

Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”.(不定式短语作表语)

I don’t know how to communicate with foreigners .(不定式短语作宾语)



To learn English well isn’t easy 要学好英语不容易。

【注】①由于主语过长,所以常用it作形式主语。It isn’t easy to learn English well.



Our work is to clean the windows. 我们的任务是擦窗户。

My idea is to plant some flowers in our garden. 我想在花园里种些花。


I want to visit the Science Museum. 我想参观科学博物馆。


I’ve got a bad cold. The doctor advised me to have a rest.



I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事要告诉你。

I’m very busy. I have a lot of work to do .



He woke up only to find every body gone. 他醒来发现人全走了。

He made up his mind to work harder so as to catch up with the others in his class.




1.Will you speak louder so as to make yourself ?

A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear

2.David was busy at work his wife played cards all day long .

A. however B. while C. so D. therefore

3. Is possible to do the experiment in another way ?

A. that B. this C. what D. it

4. He lives in a house which is close a river.

A. by B. to C. with D. from

5. Not the teacher but the students excited.

A. is B. remains C. are D. being

6. It is very important the lessons before the class.

A. previewing B. to preview C. preview D. of previewing

7. They walked towards the mountain with a boy the way.

A. to lead B. leading C. led D. leads

8. I like reading my brother likes sports.

A. when B. as C. then D. while

9. I found it difficult his question.

A. to answer B. answering C. answer D. in answer

10. The two young men looked at as if one didn’t know the other.

A. each other B. one another C. one other D. the other

11.I think it bad to talk with your mouth full of food.

A. manner B. manners C. behavior D. polite

12. Though he had often made his little sister , today he was made by his little sister.

A. cry, to cry B. crying , crying C. cry, cry D. to cry, cry

13.My mother will not us to go out at night.

A. have B. let C. agree D. allow

14. The scientist came into the lab, by a group of students.

A. following B. to follow C. followed D. to be followed

15. She waved her hands in order to make herself .

A. seeing B. see C. to see D. seen

16. to take the English evening course please fill in this form .

A. Those who want B. Anybodny wants

C. Those that want D. people want

17. Canada is country. Have you ever been there ?

A. an English-spoken B. a speaking-English

C. a spoken-English D. an English-speaking

18. He usually works in his room with the door and windows .

A. closed B. close C. closing D. to be closed

19. you must be quiet or leave the room.

A. either B. both C. neither D. never

20. There was a terrible noise a sudden flash.

A. Was followed B. following C. to follow D. followed



A well-known old man was being interviewed(采访)and was asked if it was correct that he has just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday.

“That’s right.” said the old man. “Ninety-nine years old, and I haven’t an enemy in the world. They’re all dead.”

“Well, sir ”, said the interviewer , “I hope very much to have the honour of interviewing you on your hundredth birthday.”

The old man looked at the young man closely, and said, I can’t see why you shouldn’t. You look fit and healthy to me !”

1. The old man said he had not an enemy in the world, which show that he was a very.

A. friendly man -he never made any enemies.

B. healthy man-he lived longer than all his enemies.

C. lucky man-his enemies had all died.

D. terrible man -he had got rid of all his enemies.

2. When the interviewer said that he hoped very much to have the honour of interviewing the old man again the following year.

A. he was trying to make the old man happy.

B. he wished he himself would live another year.

C. he did not believe the old man would live to be one hundred.

D. he did not believe he would interview the old man again.

3. When the old man said, “I can’t see why you shouldn’t,” what he meant was .

A. “you must try to live another year to interview me again next year. ”

B. “of course you can see me again since you’re so fit and healthy.”

C. “If I live to a hundred years, you should interview me again

D. “unless you live another year, you wouldn’t be able to interview me again.”

4. What kind of man would you say the old man was ?

A. He was silly.

B. He was unpleasant.

C. He was very proud and sure of his health.

D. He was very impolite to young people.


Annealing is a way of making metal softer by heating it and then letting it cool very slowly. If metal is heated and then cooled very quickly, for example by dipping(浸)it in water, it will be very hard but also very brittle(脆)-that is it will break easily. Metal that has been annealed is soft but does not break as easily. It is possible to make metal as hard or as soft as is wished, by annealing it. The metal is heated, and allowed to cool slowly for a certain length of time. The longer the heated metal takes to cool slowly, the softer it becomes. Annealing, can also be used on other materials, such as glass.

1. Annealing can make metal

A. hard and tough(韧) B. hard but brittle

C. soft but tough D. soft and britte

2. Why do people put hot metal in water ?

A. To make it hard B. To make it soft

C. To make it cool D. To make it brittle

3. In annealing, the required hardness of a metal depends on

A. the quantity of water used B. the temperature of metal

C. the softness of the metal D. the timing of the operation

4. As suggested by the text, how can glass be made less brittle?

A. It can be heated and then cooled quickly.

B. It can be cooled and then heated slowly.

C. It can be heated and then cooled slowly.

D. It can be cooled and then heatly quickly.

【 参考答案】


1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. A

11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. B


A.1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C

B.1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C


科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit3.3.doc

标题 Mainly Revision

章节 第三单元










1.[ ]manage handshake Arab manner

2.[ai]type dining-room

3.[d ]gesture juice

4.[ ]composition nod

5.[u:]communicate juice

6.[ei]handshake wave Asian communicate

7.[i:]agreement disagreement

8.[i]manage composition kiss distance fist

9. [ n]composition Asian

10.[ ]handshake Asian

11.[ ]composition agreement disagreement Arab custom manner distance communicate comfortable




She has managed the company for many years and managed it very well . 她管理这家公司已经很多年了,而且管理得非常好。

Mike knows how to manage wife when she’s angry . 当他妻子生气时,迈克知道怎样对付。


We managed to finish the hard work in time . 我们设法及时完成了那项重活。




He manageed to get the housework done with very little help .在没有多少帮助的情况下,他把家务活干完了。

He tried to get the housework done with very little help .他企图在没有多少帮助的情况下,把家务活干完。

(2)在交际英语中常用I can manage to / I can manage .


(1)作可数名词是“波,波浪,波涛,光或者声的波”。如:The waves rolled on .波涛滚滚。sound waves声波。long / short waves长 / 短波。

(2)作及物或者不及物动词是“波动,漂动,挥手”。如:The flags waved in the winds .旗帜迎风飘扬。

(3)指“情绪的波动,人群的潮涌”。如:Waves of strikes hit the country .罢工的浪潮冲击着这个国家。


wave sb sth = wave sth to sb向某人挥手……

She waved me a greeting . = She waved a greeting to me .她向我挥手致意。

He waved good-by to us .他向我们挥手告别。



(1)in agreement表示同意。如:She nodded her head in agreement . 她点头表示同意。

(2)in agreement with和…一致。如:Her opinion is in agreement with mine .她的意见和我的意见一致。

(3)agreement的反义词是disagreement。express one’s disagreement表示某人的不同意见。


The two balls kissed .两球轻轻相碰。

A soft breeze kissed her face . 轻风拂过她的脸。


(1)kiss sb + on + the + check吻某人的脸蛋

(2)kiss sb goodbye = kiss goodbye to sb向某人吻别,kiss hello to sb向某人问好

(3)give sb a kiss吻某人一下

(4)习语:kiss the dust / ground承认彻底失败,kiss of life人工呼吸


Their customs and habits are different from ours .他们的风俗习惯与我们的不同。




Social customs are greatly different from country to country .各个国家的社会风俗习惯很不相同。

Biting his fingers is his habit .咬手指是他的习惯。

(2)customs常作“关税”,the Customs海关。

6.proud骄傲的;自豪的。该词的名词形式为pride .


(1)be proud of对……骄傲

We are proud of our great motherland . 我们为我们伟大的祖国骄傲。

(2)be proud to do干……骄傲

She is proud to have taken part in the Asian Games .她为能参加了亚运会而自豪。

(3)feel proud that为……自豪

Our football team feels proud that it has won every match this year .我们的足球队今年每次比赛都赢了,这使全队都感到骄傲。

(4)take (a) pride in以……自豪,对……得意

He takes pride in his success .= He is proud of his success .

(5)with pride = proudly骄傲地,自豪地

(6)谚语:Pride will have a fall .= Pride goes before a fall . 骄者必败。



(1)用作单数是“方式,方法,风格,手法”。如:I love duck cooked in Chinese manner / way .我爱吃中国烧法的鸭子。I don’t like his manner of speaking .我不喜欢他的说话方式。

(2)with manners有礼貌,without manners没礼貌

(3)have good manners有礼貌,have no manners没礼貌

(4)区别下列表达“方法”的名词,注意各自的介词搭配:manner , way , means , method

manner指“行为的特殊方式或独特的个人方法”。in the Western manner以西方式的,in a manner = in a way在一定程度上

way常指“一般方式,方法”。in this way用这种方法

means多指抽象或概括性意义的“手段,方法”。by this means有这种方法

method着重为达到目的或解决问题而采取的有系统、有步骤的方法,着重方法的准确有效。with this method用这种方法



(1)at a distance稍远一点,at a distance of two miles在2英里的距离处,in the distance在远方。如:This oil-painting looks beautiful at a distance .这幅油画站稍远一点看很好看。

In the dark night , we could a light in the distance at sea .在漆黑的夜晚,我们在海上能看到远处的灯光。


(3)What is the distance from…to …?哪离哪有多远?

(4)make a long distance call打长途电话


1.It is a pleasure to do …很高兴地干……

2.Would you like me to do…?你想让我干……?

3.I can manage it myself .我自己能解决。

4.help sb with cooking a meal帮某人做饭

5.show sb to the dining room领……去餐厅= lead sb to the dining-room

6.do the shooping购物,买东西

7.make oneself understood让别人理解自己 make oneself +过去分词“让自己被明白”make sb do让某人干……

8.by words(抽象的)凭借语言,in words口头上,with words用具体的语言,in deeds行动上

9.not just不只是 You can go there not just by bus , but by train .到那里不仅可以坐汽车,还可以坐火车。

10.send messages to sb向某人传递信息 With the help of satellites, we can send messages to other parts of the world .借助卫星,我们可以向世界其它地区传递信息。

11.accept A as B认为 / 承认A是B The police accepted the story as true .警方认为这事是真的。

These gestures are accepted both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meaning .这些手势和姿态对说汉语的人和说英语的人都是一样的意思。

12.take…for example以……为榜样,take…as an example以……为榜样

Take water for example , it is made up of two gases──hydrogen and oxygen .以水为例,它是由氢和氧两种气体组成的。

Let’s take Lei Feng as a good example for all of us to follow .让我们把雷锋当作我们大家学习的好榜样。

13.shake hands握手,shake hands with sb = shake sb by the hand和某人握手

14.more often than比……更经常 You watch TV more often than I .你看电视次数比我多。

15.do research on从事……研究 = make research on

16.point at指向,对准,point out指出,point to朝……指去 He pointed his gun at the thief .他把枪对准了小偷。

17.follow customs随俗 Foreigners should follow these customs.外国人应该遵守这些习俗。

18.hold up举起,抬起,支撑,耽误。He held up his hand to ask the teacher a question .

The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather .天气恶劣,新路的修筑受到延误。

19.be close to靠近,接近The bus stop is close to our village .公共汽车站离我们村很近。

20.keep a certain distance away (from)与……保持一定的距离

21.communicate with与……交流(通讯、联系) We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone .我们能够用电话同世界上的大部分地区联系。

22.wait in line 排队等候,wait in a long line排长队

23.shou one’s anger at / on对……发泄脾气

24.worry about / over为……烦恼,be worried about担忧……

25.a day or two = one or two days一两天

It is good manners to write or telephone a day or two later to thank your host .一两天后写信或打电话对东道主表示感谢是礼貌的。


1.Offers and Responses(提供帮助和应答)


Can I help you ?/ What can I do for you ?/ Is there anything I can do for you ?/ Do you want me to call you a doctor ?/ Let me carry the luggage for you . / Would you like some coffee ?


Would you like me to get you a book ? / Do you want me to call you a taxi ? / If you don’t mind , I’ll go and buy them for you . / Here , take my umbrella .


Please don’t worry . I can manage it myself . / Please don’t bother . / Thank you all the same . / No thanks . / Thank you all the same .

2. Model Dialogues(提供帮助和应答的交际示范)

Rose: Hi , Tom . You are carrying so many books .

Tom: Yes , they are very heavy .

Rose: Can I give you a hand ?

Tom: That’s very kind of you . I’m told you are busy these days .

Rose: Certainly , we’ll have our final exam .

Tom: What can I do for you then ? Can I help you with your English ?

Rose: Please don’t bother . Thanks a lot .






1.The patient was warned oily food after the operation .(96)

A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating

二、完成形式 (to have + 过去分词)



3)ought to have + 过去分词“本应该做,结果却未做”。

2. I would love to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report . (97)

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

3.Robert is said abroad , but I don’t know what country he studied in . (99)

A. to study B. to have studied C. to be studying D . to have been studying


4.-I’ll be away on a business trip . Would you mind looking after my cat ? (95)

-Not at all . .

A. I’ve no time B. I’d rather not C. I’d like it D. I’d be happy to

5.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street , but his mother told him .(95)

A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to

6.-Alice , why didn’t you come yesterday ? (97)

-I , but I had an unexpected visitor .

A. had B. would C. was going to D. did


7.Paul doesn’t have to be made , he always works hard .(95)

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning




8.We agreed here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet . (95)

A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met

9.-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting . (95)

-Well , now I regret that .

A. to do B. to be done C. to have done D. having done


10.-Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls ?

-Yes . They have better players , so I them to win . (99)

A. hope B. expect C. prefer D. want


11.-I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s . (99)


A. Oh , that’s very nice of you B. Congratulations

C. It’s a pleasure D. Oh , I’m glad to hear that


12. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier , it more difficult . (99)

A. not make B. not making C. not to make D. do not make E.作表语

13.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door “Sorry to miss you ;will call later .” (99)

A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading

参考答案:1-5 CBBDA 6-10 CBCDB 11-13 DCD




1.His French was very poor , so he couldn’t make himself . But we made him us . That is , he was made all this .

A. understand ; understand ; to understand

B. to understand ; to understand ; understand

C. understanding ; understanding ; understand

D. understood ; understand ; to understand

【简析】答案选D。了解使役动词make的句型可知为什么选D:make + sb + do使别人干……,make + oneself + 过去分词“使别人明白自己”,sb be + made + to do某人被迫去干……

2. I would love to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report .

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

【简析】答案选B。本题大意为:昨晚我本想参加晚会,但我不得不加班工作完成报告。would love / like to do很想干……,would like / love to have done当时很想但未能干……

3.The celebration of Christmas is a western .

A. habit B. manner C. movement D. custom


4. I talked for a long time , and in the end I make her believe me .

A. tried to B. managed to C. could D. succeeded to

【简析】答案选B。manage to do设法干成了……,try to do设法干……,succeed in doing成功地干……从语境in the end可知最后说服了对方。

5.My first teacher last week and said he was still in good health .

A. shook me by the hand

B. shook me by my hands

C. shook my hand

D. shook hand with me

【答案】选A。和……握手:shake sb by the hand , shake sb’s hands , shake hands with sb。



The shoulders can bear heavy things . Your father has a great responsibility for the family on his shoulder . When faced with difficulty , the family should stand shoulder to shoulder to overcome it . You should not turn a cold shoulder to your family members . Nor should you give your friends the cold shoulder . Both expressions mean treating others coldly .

肩膀能够负重,你父亲就肩负起家庭担子(have a great responsibility for the family on his shoulder)。有困难时,一家人就应该肩并肩(shoulder to shoulder),同心协力,克服困难。你可不要对家人态度冷淡(turn a / the cold shoulder to sb ),也不要对朋友严厉拒绝(give / show sb a / the cold shoulder),两个短语的意思都是不理睬或者冷落别人。

(二)Indian Sign Language

How would you talk if all your friends spoke a different language ?

Maybe you would talk by making signs the way that American Indians used to do .Long ago , when Indians of one tribe(部落)met Indians of another tribe , they had to make signs with their hands to understand each other .

There are some of the signs they made . Maybe you can make them , too .

When you are hungry , you move your right hand back and forth across your stomach .

When you mean “Let’s eat”, you cup(使成杯形)your right hand and move it up and down in front of your mouth .

When you have had enough to eat , you spread your thumb(姆指)and first finger(食指)apart , and move your hand from your chest to your chin(下巴).

If you have a stomachache , you put both hands on your stomach , and move them back and forth .

1. In what situation would sign language be used ?

A. When the Indians met each other long ago .

B. When people don’t understand each other’s language .

C. When people who don’t share the same language want to make themselves understood .

D. When people do not make much noise .

2. Long ago , .

A. the Indians had spoken languages .

B. the Indians talked with each other with their hands

C. the Indians of different tribes used sign language to understand each other

D. the Indians preferred to use sign language rather than spoken language

3.Which of the following pictures shows that the Indian was full ?

4.The above picture C shows that .

A. the Indian was inviting us to dinner

B. the Indian had a pain in the stomach

C. the Indian was hungry

D. the Indian had eaten enough

答案:1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B




The following gestures were used by actors in the 19th century . What did they mean , do you know ?

Match the actors’ speech to the gesture :

1. “Please , please , my darling never leave me …or I shall die !”

2. “Never ! How can you think that I would do such a thing !”

3. “I warn you , young man . If I find you doing that again , I shall punish you !”

4. “Of course , my dear , help yourself !”

5. “Please be sensible ! You must stop this stupid behaviour(行为)or you will lose everything !”

6. “I don’t care what I do .”

7. “Get away from me , you filthy, filthy beast(畜生)!”

8. “Of course !Don’t worry about it ! I’ll do it !”

9. “ I will finish my work even if it kills me !”

10. “I don’t agree with you . Now you listen to me !”

11. “Don’t do it . Please don’t do it !”

12.“Perhaps you would like to come for a little walk with me ?”


1.B 2.C 3.E 4.C 5.H 6.F 7.K 8.D 9.I 10.J 11. L 12.A






pay attention to注意、lead to导致、according to按照、object to反对、refer to参考,指、stick to坚持、refer + ing…to + ing喜爱……不爱……、belong to属于、add up to总起来,总结着、next to挨着、get (become、be) used to习惯于、listen to听、do good to对……有益、do harm to对……有害、help oneself to请吃……、be accustomed to习惯于、say hello to向……问好、in addition to除……之外、turn to翻到,求助于、look forward to盼望、set five to放心、devote…to …献于……

1. (MET’88)Mother us stories when we were young .

A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling

sb . be used to doing习惯于、sb . used to do过去常干、sth . be used to do被用来干……故选C。

2. (MET’90上海题)We’re looking forward to your country .

A. visiting B. visit C. be visiting D. being visiting

3. (MET’95上海题)She looks forward every spring to the flower lined garden .

A. visit B. paying C. walk in D. walking in

只要掌握look forward to中的to为介词,那么2选A,3选D。至于短语动词中的夹杂状语起修饰性并不喧宾夺主。如:

She found herself looking forward more and more eagerly to the holiday at home .

They looked forward very much to seeing him again .


so as to以便做、It’s worth while + ing (to do )值得做、in order to目的是做、ought to应该做、be willing to乐意做、It takes sb . time to do花时间做、be anxious to急于做、happen to碰巧做、be eager to渴望做、It costs sb + money to do花钱做、be afraid to怕做、chance to恰巧做、be ready to准备做,乐意做、be so + adj + as to do如此……以致于……、be about to正准备做,将做、make up one’t mind to决心做、pretend to假装做、be + adj + enough to do足以做、intend do打算做、used to过去常做、be too …to do太……以致于、would / should love to很想做、plan to计划做、expect to期待做、prefer to do…rather than do宁愿做……而不愿做……

4. (NMET’94) Rather than on a crowded bus , he always prefers a bicycle .

A. ride , ride B. riding , ride C. ride , to ride D. to ride , riding

5. (NMET’90) Tom kept quiet about the accident lose his job .

A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to

6. (MET’93上海题) Children at the beginning of this century a lot and themselves greatly even without television .

A. used to read …enjoying

B. used to read …enjoyed

C. were used to reading…enjoy

D. were used to read …enjoying

答案:4.C 5.B 6.B



to tell (you) the truth说真的、Truth to tell实不相瞒、to begin / start with首先、to be more exact确切地讲、to make a long story short长话短说,简而言之、to be fair公平地说,凭心而论、to be sure肯定地,毫无疑问地……


-Would you like to come to dinner tonight ? (NMET’94)

-I’d like to , but I’m too busy .

-Tom , do you plan to go skating ?

-Yes , we plan to .


To see is to believe . = Seeing is believing .

It’s better to laugh than to cry .


a monument to the heroes、a bridge to knowledge、a visitor to the city、answer to this problem、keys to the exercises、the entrance to / of a valley、the key to the door、the key to success、a traitor to one’s country、the passage to the room、the notes to the text…


to one’s (great) surprise / satisfaction / joy / disappointment / regret…


I guessed from the hurrying to and fro〈来来回回〉in the house that something unusual was about to happen .


1.agree to同意

I don’t agree to his proposal . (to是介词)

He agreed to help me two days later .(to是不定式符号)

2.come to来;谈论

He has a lot of money coming to him . (to是介词)

He came to realize that he was wrong .(to是不定式符号)

3.get to到达;逐步

When did you get to the station . (to是介词)

You’ll get to like the work . (to是不定式符号)

4.on the / one’s way to在……途中;即将……

I lost my pen on the way to school . (to是介词)

She is on the way to see a film . (to是不定式符号)

5.happen to发生;碰巧

What happened to you ? (to是介词)

He happened to pass by the station . (to是不定式符号)


go to college上大学 go to school去上学 face to face面对面 put to use利用 get to know知道…… go to bed上床睡觉 go to cinema看电影 sentence sb. to death处死…… come to a stop停止


To-infinitive , Infinitive Without To or Just To


1.Don’t ask him to do that if he doesn’t want . (to do , do , to)

2.They could do nothing but . (to wait , wait)

3.We wondered whether (to go , go) forward or turn ,to turn) back .

4.Do what the teacher has told us . (to , to do , do)

5.Hearing this Tom didn’t know whether to laugh or . (to cry , cry)

6.-Would you like to go to the concert with me ?

-Yes , I’d like . (to go , to , go)

7.She doesn’t have to get up so early as she used .(to , to get up)

8. I would rather (to walk , walk) home than (take , to take) a bus .

9.The little child had no choice but . (to cry , cry)

10.Hadn’t you better (to hurry , hurry) if you want to catch the first bus ?

11.-She has to make a special trip to the store to get some salt .

-Does she have ? (to make , to , ×)

12.The policeman let those boys (to go , go), hoping they would learn from their mistake and (to obey , obey) the rules in the future .

13.That’s too good a chance (to let , let) .(pass , to pass)

14.I don’t think he need (tell , to tell) me .

15.I’ll try to help you it . (to do , to )

16.He went to America pennilessly , (return , to return) home forty years as a millionaire .

17.My brother has made a radio (listen , to listen ) to music .

18.They did all they could (help , to help) her .

19.-Ought I to go ?

-Yes , I think you ought . (to , ×)

20.Since you’re tired and sleepy , why not (have , to have) a good sleep ?

21.She has never dared (ask , to ask) them .

22.I dare (to say , say) , it’s going to rain .

23.Are we (bring , to bring) our books to the lecture ?

24.Do (ask , to ask) me if you want anything .

25.Crocodile may , and often do , swimmers . (to attack , attack )


1.to 2.wait 3.to go , to turn 有对照之意,两个不定式都要带to。 4.to do 5.两个答案都对:whether to laugh or (to) cry可看成成语,译成“啼笑皆非”。6.to 对Would you like to…的回答是:Yes , I’d like to. 7.to 8.walk , take 9.to cry 10.hurry 11.to 对have / has to的回答应该是to。12.go , obey 13.to let , pass 14.tell need第三人称后无词形的变化,说明它是情态动词。 15.to do 16.to return 分词作结果状语表示必然的结果,不定式作结果状语表示没有预料到的结果。 17.to listen has made中的made含义是“制作”,不定式作定语。 18.to help 19.to 20.have why not后接原形动词表示建议。 21.to ask 22.say。I dare say是个固定形式。 23.to bring be to表将来。24.ask。Do / Does / Did放在动词原形前,起强调作用。 25.attack and often do看成插入语,may后接原形动词。




1.When the f preaches , take care of your g .

2.Use a book as a b does flowers .

3.Two d fight for a bone , and a third runs away with it .

4.Though your enemy seem a m , yet watch him like a l .

5.A black h lays a white egg .

6.All a wag their ears .

7.He who rides a t is afraid to dismount .

8.A m remains the same though dresses in silk .

9.Take the b by the horns .

10.Never repeat the words of others like a p .

11.An o is taken by the horns , and a man by the tongue .

12.As the old c crows , so does the young .

13.A thief knows a thief , it is the same with the w .

14.If you run after two h , you will catch neither .

15.Catch the b before you sell his skin .

16.Where the d is slain , some of her blood will die .

17.As well be hanged for a sheep as for a l .

18.If two men ride on a h , one must ride behind .

19.If one s leaps over the ditch , all the rest will follow .

20.Who will bell the c ?

A.有谁敢去冒这个险哪? B.先捉到熊再卖皮。(勿过早乐观。) C.勿鹦鹉学舌。 D.黑鸡生白蛋。丑妇生俊儿。 E.听到狐狸说教,当心鹅儿被盗。 F.榜样的力量是无穷的。 G.一心不能二用。 H.处理难局要果断。 I.即使敌人像老鼠,也要当作狮子防。(不怕强敌,只怕轻敌。) J.像蜜蜂采花那样利用书。(读书要善于吸取其精华。) K.驴子都爱扇耳朵。(驴子摆耳朵,傻瓜装聪明。) L.鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。 M.老公鸡怎么啼,小公鸡怎么叫。(子女学父母。) N.牛因长角而被执,人因失言而陷身。 O.豺狼识豺狼,小偷识小偷。(同声相应,同气相投。) P.雁过留声,车过留辙。 Q.一不做,二不休。(索性蛮干。) R.骑虎难下,进退两难。 S.即便身穿绸缎,猴子还是猴子。 T.凡事总有先和后。(有先必有后。)


1.fox , geese 2.bee 3.dogs 4.mouse , lion 5.hen 6.asses 7.tiger 8.monkey 9.bull 10.parrot 11.ox 12.cock 13.wolf 14.hares 15.bear 16.deer 17.lamb 18.horse 19.sheep 20.cat



科目 英语

年级 高一

文件 high1 unit3.doc

标题 American English(美式英语)

章节 第三单元

关键词 高一英语第三单元


高中英语 第一册

Unit 3



pronounce , medicine , British , however , European , reason , explain , have some difficulty in doing……, ask…for , and so on , more or less , change…into…, come about , bring in , a great many ,等等……。


Would you please say that again more slowly ?

How do you pronounce/spell… ?

I’m sorry I know only a little English .

I have some difficulty in doing sth .

I’m sorry I don’t quite follow you .

What does this word mean ?


1.I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English .


have some difficulty (in) doing sth


其中介词in常可省略。在此句型中difficulty是用作不可数名词,所以前面不能加不定冠词“a”,也不能改为复数形式。但difficulty前可加any , no等词,例如:

Do you have any difficulty in translating this sentence into English ?




2.When do you take your near exams ?


注意本句中用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作。本句相当于:When will you take your next exams ?



When does the winter vocation begin ?


What time does the train leave for Shanghai ?


The plane takes off at ten A.M.


3.Pardon ? Would you please say that again more slowly ?


Pardon ? =Beg pardon ? =I beg your pardon?

是“对不起,请原谅”的意思。这里当没听清楚或没听懂对方话时,希望对方重复一遍的礼貌用语。意思是“I didn’t hear/understand what you said”同下句“I’m sorry , I don’t quite follow you .”一样,也是希望对方重说一遍的用语。

4.Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America , though there are some spelling differences .


more or less 作“或多或少”、“大约”、“差不多”、“几乎”解。


This work is more or less finished .


I’ve more or less finished reading the book .


It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling .


I think it’s more or less a crime .


5.How did these differences come about ?


come about意思是“发生”,“造成”。与happen , take place意思相近。

How did this accident come about ?


Nobody knows how the change came about ?


Can you tell me when it came about ?


6.At first ,the language stayed the same as the language used in Britain ,but slowly the language began to change from one part of the world to another.


1)句中的stay是连系动词,作“保持(某种状态)”解。相当于remain , keep的意思。通常后边跟形容词作表语。


This restaurant stays open till twelve o’clock .


The temperature has stayed high this week .


2)the same as/the same…as



Your bike is the same as mine .


I have the same trouble as you(have).


I feel just the same as you do .


Jenny looks the same as before .


Mary is about the same age as your mother .


7.Sometimes , the English spoken in America or Canada or Australia changed ; but sometimes the language spoken in these places stayed the same , while the language in England changed.


1)在句中“spoken in America or Canada or Australia”和“the language”,其作用相当于定语从句。

如:Sometimes , the English which was spoken in America or Canada or Australia changed ; but sometimes the language (Which was spoken)in England changed .



He is tall while his elder brother is short .


English is understood all over the world while turkish is spoken by only a few people outside turkey itself .


8.But Americans still talk about “fall” just as people do in some parts of western England .


1)本句中的助动词do与下句“In the same way Americans use the expression”I guess “(meaning “I think ”) just as the British did 300 years ago .”中的did的用法是相同的。它们分别代替上文中出现过的谓语动词“talk”和“use”,以避免不必要的重复。

2)just as , as是连词,引导一个表示方式的状语从句,意思是“正如”,“恰似”,“按照”。


Please do as I’ve told you .


I have changed it as you suggest .


She loves singing and dancing , just as her mother does .


Please leave everything just as you find it .


9.a great many + 名词/of代词,这里一个固定搭配用法,作“许多”,“非常多”解(=a large number of ). many在句中可用作形容词,也可用作代词。


A great many workers went on stride last week .


Now a great many of them are out of work .


10.There are several reasons for this .


1)the/ one’s reason for sth or doing sth是一个固定搭配的用法,作“…的原因、理由”解,the reason后不能用of。

the reason why +从句,意思也是“…的原因”。在口语中也可以用the reason that .


Give me your reasons for doing it .


What is the reason for your hurry ?


This is the reason why he didn’t pass the examination .


The reason that he didn’t pass the exam was that he didn’t work hard enough .



reason与cause作名词时都有“原因”和“理由”的意思。reason通常指产生某种行为 或想法的推理上的理由,而cause通常指导致某一事件发生的起因。reason常和for连用,而cause常和of连用。


Please give me your reason for absence .


The cause of the fire is still unknown .


11.…they also brought in some words from their own languages .


bring in是动词词组。意思是“带进来”,“请进来”,“赚得”,“带来收入”。


We’ll bring in a professor to give us a lecture on the difference between American English and British English.


Don’t bring Peter in .He will do nothing to help us .


His orchards bring(him)in $ a year .


He does odd jobs that bring him in ten to twelve pounds a week .


12.I have some difficulties with pronunciation .


在这句中difficulty是可数名词,意思是“sth difficult to do or understand =难事,难做的 事或难懂的事。”


She met with many difficulties when she was traveling in Japan .


I want to marry her , but my parents are making difficulties .


13.I don’t have any more tapes .


not…any more/no more 意思是“不再”,“再也不”。


She said that she wouldn’t go there any more .(=she said she would go there no more .)


We couldn’t stand it any more .


I don’t want to see him any more .


14.I practised writing them for homework .


practise sth or doing sth 练习做某事。注意practise后要跟名词或动名词,不能跟不定 式。


They are practising speaking English with some foreigners now .


He practises running every morning .





gas/gasoline(美)──petrol(英); baggage(美)──luggage(英);

package(美)──parcel(英); mail(美)──post(英);

movie(美)──film(英); subway(美)──underground(英);

stairway(美)──staircase(英); soccer(美)──football(英)等。


check(美)──cheque(英); jail(美)──gaol(英);



color──colour; favor──favour;



center──centre; meter──metre;



marveled──marvelled; quarreler──quarreller;





此外,像dance , class , fast , half , past这些词中的元音字母a ,美国英语读作[ e ],英国英语读作[ a :],如[dens](美)──[da :ns](英);[kl es](美)──[kla :s](英);[f est](美)──[fa:st](英)等。


在表示汉语“有”的概念时,美国英语多用动词have,英国英语多用动词完成式have got。

例如:I have a new car.(美)──I have got a new car.(英)。又如,美国英语说I insisted that everything be ready by six o’clock that evening,而在当前标准英国英语里,这类虚拟语气形式是“should”+动词原形,也就是:I insisted that everything should be ready by six o’clock that evening .



Whenever you turn on a light,listen to recorded music,or watch a motion picture you are enjoying one of the discoveries of Thomas Alva Edison.

In fact,it's difficult to go through a single day without using one of his many important discoveries.

Having received 1093 patents in his lifetime,Edison helped us communicate better through his improvements to the telegraph and telephone.He brought music into our homes with his invention of the phonograph.

He lit our houses with electricity by designing and building the first indoor electric lighting system.

Experience Edison's music as it was originally recorded before CDs!

Credited with the invention of the first phonograph,you will hear Edison's early recordings played on vintage “hand-cranked” cylinder and diamond disc model phonographs.

Then try to guess the many different uses proposed by Edison for this remarkable invention.

Transmit messages in Morse Code via working telegraph keys.

Explore the period boarding room which depicts Edison's life in Louisville in 1866-67,and discover the significance of the telegraph.


When I'm free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I've put my heart into it so that I'll forget all the troubles. It's in this way that I've formed the habit of reading in any time.

Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, and essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.

Reading “The Emperor's New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldn't keep me from crying for her misery. “Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller's patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn't before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.

I'll never forget this famous saying,“Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”









































姐姐依次打开千纸鹤,发现上面写了一些字,粉色的上面写着:静谧的天宇,每颗星都有自己的轨迹;繁忙的人生,每个人都有自己的位置。在自己的位置上真实地活着,不要去刻意掩饰什么,有眼泪也有微笑的人生,才经得起人生的推敲。看完这里,姐姐的脸上明显有几分感动,但她很快笑着打开第二张水蓝色的纸,纸上写着:幸福的人生不是没有眼泪,而是擦干眼泪继续前进;幸福的人生不是没有痛苦,而是放下痛苦后迎接新的太阳;幸福的人生不是没有坎坷,而是历尽坎坷后依然自信。姐姐笑了,很欣慰的笑了,随后又打开第三张紫色的纸,上面写着:即使失意也要飞。看完后姐姐沉思了一下,说:是的,即使失意也要飞…… 当 依 赖 成 为 了习惯 … … 本以为自己是个很独立的女生,从不会依赖着一个人。但经历了寒假,我才发现我依赖上那个迷糊的姐姐。


我不敢把友爱叫做永恒,毕竟今年过了,大伙儿天各一方,又有谁能在将来清楚的记得曾经与某人有过一份永恒的友谊。曾竟就有人说过:70年代的友谊似金——珍贵,80年代的友谊似钢——坚固,90年代的友谊似铁——易锈,而现在人们的友谊就像玻璃一般脆弱。又有谁敢把这玻璃般的爱称之为永恒呢? 我不敢把爱情称为永恒,因为我没有经历,也不知它的保温期到底有多久……















































当天下午,演讲比赛在一阵阵排山倒海的掌声中爆发了。我坐在座位上心急火燎地望向前方。听着同学们绘声绘色的讲出一口流利的英语,我担心自己会不会因为人多而感到害羞从而发挥失常……“下一位――朱元真。”我被这声音猛然一惊, 慌忙战战兢兢走向演讲台。我回忆着:“平时那么多的努力,就是为了今天的这一刻吗?我又有什么理由不要去勇敢面对呢?”想着想着,我心里顿时充满了无数的力量。我坦然自若地走向演讲台,放开喉咙,讲出宛转的英语故事。话音刚落,下面立刻想起一阵轰雷似的掌声。





























