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Mr.Knott is a teacher. He is at home. The telephone rings. He answers the phone.He says,“Hello.This is 82654379. Who's that?”“Watt” a man answers.“watt's your name,please?”says Mr.Knott is angry.“Watt's my name!”the other man is angey,too.


My home town isevery beautiful. it stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. many people had no work. they lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. since then great changes have taken place there. the streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. the life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. all the more i love its people. they are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.


Hello everbody! My name is XXX(写上你自己的名字)I am 11 years old, I come from XXX(写上你在哪个省) province, I have a lively and happy-go-lucky personality, and I am full of humourous, I am very glad to know you all, I am very interested in XXX(写上你的兴趣爱好), I hope I can make friends with all of you.Thank you.


here is already a success for me!Good evening,I know it's 3:00pm now,But I always what to say good evening.People always call me .I think if I have a choice.I would tell my parents I want to be called .Ok,it's a joke.To be in this class is a wonderful thing.Because god has told me that we will be the NO.1 during the next 3 years.Fine, I shouldn't tell you this because god also has told me not to tell others.I like making friends with others a lot.So I think we will have a very good time together.But, don't expect me to tell you how to talk to god.Thank you.


Hello everbody! My name is (写上你自己的名字)I am 11 years old, I come from (写上你在哪个省) province, I have a lively and happy-go-lucky personality, and I am full of humourous, I am very glad to know you all, I am very interested in (写上你的兴趣爱好), I hope I can make friends with all of you.Thank you.


Nowadays,environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. It is time to take our responsibility to love and protect the environment because the Earth is our home.

To make our home better, my advice are listed as follow:

First of all,we should ride bikes or take buses more often instead of taking private cars. We can not only protect our environment but alsoexercise our body by riding bikes. Secondly,we should turn off the light which we don’t use .Turning off the light when we leave the room is a good habit as well. Thirdly,we can recycle the water,paper and live a low-carbon lifewhich can make the air and thewater be cleaner. What’s more, we aren’t supposed to drop litter anywhere but to put them into the trash bin. We can pick up the litter when we see them on the ground as well.In addition, we may also bringbags when we go shopping.At last but not least, planting more trees is necessary because it helps improve and beautify the environment.

As a college student,we can learn more to develop new and clean energy, like energy from the wind and solar. As the saying goes“A good beginning is half done”, we should start by doing little things around us from now on.

In conclusion, I think that if everyone does something to protect the environment, our world will be much better.


I really want to be a scientist. I think the scientist is the best job for me. A good scientist can make the world change a lot. If I become a scientist, I will make the desert be coverd with green trees and grasses, make the war never take places and so on. Now, although I am only a middle school student, I am interested in math and physics. Maybe I have a little of creativity. I will study science harder and harder. I believe that “There is a will, there is a way! ”



As we know ,trees are very important to human bings.They can make the air fresh,prevent the earth away.But nawadays,people have cut down millions of trees then forests have become deserts,animals will no place to leave.

The problem is very seriou,so we must do our best to protect trees.Here are some ways:

1.Use both sides of the papers.

2.Collet waste paper then sort them so that we can be recycled.For our best futre,we must do something now.




当80后离开大学校园开始成家立业逐渐走向而立之年的时候,许多人就渐渐地产生了怀旧情怀。他们细数着童年时候玩过的游戏,怀念着童年时代吃过的零食,也许还会翻翻自己的箱子抽屉去寻找童年玩过的玩具,再次观看小时候喜欢的动画片,重温童年时代的电影电视剧,听一听童年时喜欢的歌曲,或许是回到母校去走一走看一看……80后的怀旧情怀逐渐地产生了共鸣,并在网络上产生了一些集体怀旧的现象,比如,80后网友们对李雷和韩梅梅的回忆。,正当1980年生人的80后进入而立之年时,中央电视台在电视指南频道数字飙榜节目中特别制作了80后回忆节目《生于80后 而立之年》。节目用了30集,对80后的生活进行了全面的回忆。 小学时他们一边在老师面前唱“太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早,你为什么背上小书包”; 初中时他们一边学人体生理卫生,一边看古惑仔,研究金庸武侠小说。 高中时他们一边传着纸条看着漫画,一边练习东西海三城模拟做四中黄冈试题。 大学时他们一边狂热世界杯读哈利・波特同居翘课,一边学邓论马哲毛概三个代表重要思想。 他们吃过“小豆冰棍“喝过”北冰洋汽水”,也吃过“哈根达斯”用过信用卡。 他们穿过秋衣秋裤,棉衣棉裤白球鞋,也穿过回力和耐克阿迪。 他们读过《雷锋的故事》、《钢铁是怎样炼成的》、《红岩》,也读过《神雕侠侣》、《绝代双骄》、《月朦胧鸟朦胧》、《幻城》。 他们学过唐诗宋词,也自学过三毛席慕容。 他们看过《家有仙妻》、《古惑仔》、《婉君》、《我爱我家》、《新白娘子传奇》,也看过《还珠格格》、《浪漫满屋》、《越狱》。 他们玩过魂斗罗和超级玛丽,也玩过任天堂NDS和索尼PSP。 他们喜欢过四大天王、成龙、李连杰、小虎队、周星驰、BEYOND、林志颖,也喜欢谢霆锋、F4、超级女生。 他们一边被人注目着,一边被人鄙视着。 他们一边任人宠溺着,一边任人声讨着。 他们让爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶姥姥姥爷默默保护着,和男朋友女朋友同学发小儿网友偷偷长大着。 他们――80年以后生人,被叫做“80后”,大多数人别称独生子女。 他们度过了没有电脑和综艺的童年,正经历着没有战争和饥饿的成年。 没有电脑游戏陪伴的童年大多是和很多很多的经典动画片和影视剧一起度过的。看了好多遍的西游记和葫芦娃,六神合体变形金刚,阿拉蕾,机器猫,圣斗士星矢,北斗神拳,黑猫警长,足球小将,灌篮高手,小小外星人,小龙人...太多了太经典了(附:部分动画片截图)。我们还能记得很多动画片的情节和主题曲,也正是这些东西陪伴我们一直成长着,所以很多80后都在无限怀念着这些美好的东西。其实我真的很怀念我的童年,有时候做梦都想在从新来一次,但是我知道这是不可能的,但是我真的希望,我们不要忘记我们童年的快乐,即使已经为人父母!美好的童年能换回多少我们青涩的记忆.......怀念 其实,我们80后,还有很多东西值得回忆。


“80后”主要是计划生育后的一代,童年度过了美好的一段时间,学历也较上代人高些。但相对较低的就业率和房价是该群体面临的主要困难,当然还包括与“70后”争夺女友的竞争。刚参加工作的他们也因低收入和物价上涨而成为非自愿的“月光族”。该群体同样面临着即将担负家庭重担的`压力,所以种种压力使得80后人群逐渐成熟起来。 “80后”已经成长为壮年,逐渐成为各个岗位的责任人,逐渐变的理性而不再冲动。“80后”大学生居多,在各个岗位上都冲在最前线,当然做苦力的事情也变的多了。“80后”独具个性和魅力,80后做什么的最多呢?是互联网,领军现代科技,将人们的生活引向新的时代。 “80后”也随着年龄的增长相继步入婚姻的殿堂,生儿育女。“80后”的角色正经历着微妙的转变,曾经是父母的掌上明珠,现正陆续背负起家庭的责任,面临着买房难买车难看病难生孩子难和上有老下有小的经济压力,体验着蜗居和候鸟式的生活方式。 “80后”的从出生到成年的人生经历是处于社会大变革大发展时期的独有经历,从计划经济转型市场经济,80后的物质生活与精神生活相对上一代人来说更加富足,耳濡目染的接受了发展变革带来的的新事物新思想,并且接受到较好的素质教育,但不得不说,80后所面对的现实社会压力是相对70年代以前生人的N代所不可比拟的,在严峻的生活压力甚至说是生存压力下,80后正坚韧不拔地向着幸福美好的明天挺身迈进!


让我们先来看看80后们的生活面貌和精神状态。 1、陶醉、煽情和力量 有80后说,很多人都说自己有双重性格,而我们是多面性的。我们能躺在沙发上,听一天周杰伦的歌,陶醉得不吃饭。我们能坐在电脑前打游戏,彻夜不眠。我们能骑着挚爱的摩托车,风驰电掣,在马路上狂奔时速100迈。我们能在繁闹的街边路旁,开一个属于自己的小店,寻求经商下海的刺激,而不在乎赔与赚。我们能将篮球场、足球场上的气氛,推到热血沸腾的顶峰,让对手崇拜得五体投地。我们能吸引白马上的王子,跪下来向我们求爱。我们能让骄傲的公主,变成爱情的囚犯。我们,有的是力量。 2、读书没用,学历贬值 他们说,辛辛苦苦小学六年,勤勤恳恳初中三年,废寝忘食高中三年,眼看要走进高考的考场了,却赶上国家扩招,任他猫猫狗狗也都能混个大学文凭。稀里糊涂大学混了四年,使尽浑身解数拿到英语四级、计算机等级证,但却不一定用得着。毕业证、学位证,二证齐全了,却怎么也找不到如意的工作。有的就连一般的工作都找不到――刚毕业就失业了。 3、职业不稳定,挣钱少 千辛万苦进了外企当白领,还是世界五百强的大企业,进去了才发现,原来中国遍地是外企,五百强中有499家都在中国有分号。干白领的活,承受巨大压力,天天加班。可是,挣得的钱,比没上大学的民工又多不了多少。稍微发点牢骚,就有老外拍桌子:你是什么玩意儿?上午把你fire,下午我就能找一个! 4、住房,买不起 福利分房早已成为明日黄花。房改优惠政策与己无缘,住房公积金补贴少得可怜。80后没有属于自己的住房,离开爹妈,只有睡马路上。又赶上无耻之徒们,像畜牲一样遍地炒房,越炒越热,越炒越贵。辛辛苦苦工作了一年,忽然发现,如果不吃不喝睡马路,一年攒的钱买不了几个平米住房。贷款买新房吧,贷款合同就像一张卖身契,一点都开心不起来――要还的贷款啊! 5、学用不符,有反差 小时候老师教育要做个诚实的孩子,中学大学又普及诚信教育。工作后,却不得不抽假烟、喝假酒、说假话,人家拿着假文凭,把我们顶得真够呛。虽然假话不敢说,但假酒喝了不少。明明知道,抽烟有害健康,可是还得抽,那叫人在江湖,身不由己。 哦,原来是如此80后! 有人说过,80后的人不热衷政治,不关心社会。因为他们出身在一个更加开放的世界,他们没有经历社会变革所带来的挣扎和痛苦,他们崇洋媚外,喜欢韩国肥皂剧和法国的时尚,还有来自更多其他国家的非主流文化生活,他们无病呻吟,习惯在富足的生活之中寻求忧郁和悲伤。 汶川这个名字,反复被人们提起、不断铭记在心。在举国同心,抗震救灾的日子里,全国各界表现出的团结和友爱同样在这场特殊的战争中被人们铭记。而新一代的80后,更是在国难面前表现出无所畏惧的精神面貌,他们勇敢,他们善良,他们崛起。在这场灾难面前,越来越多的80后走进抗震救灾队伍,捐款、义卖、甚至深入最前线。源源不断救灾物资、善款汇聚成巨大的数字,这其中也凝聚着80后对灾区同胞的爱与祈祷。 民族的成长需要经历阵痛,少年的成长需要时间的考验。80后在始料未及的国难中用无私的奉献和牺牲精神,扛起了时代的使命。



上世纪七八十年代,30岁的人,孩子都已满地跑了。刚步入30岁的80后,不少人才刚刚结婚。 调查数据显示,最早一批迈入30岁门槛的80后中,只有73.8%的人结了婚,而70后在30岁时,近九成的人都已成家。 随着结婚年龄的推迟,要孩子的时间也在向后推迟。首批80后中,有45.3%的人还没有孩子,而70后在30岁时,74.1%的人都有了孩子。 不少80后认为,刚刚结婚,身上背负着房贷等巨大压力,不想那么快成为“孩奴”。


上个世纪80年代初,我国开始实施严格的一胎化生育政策。如今,80后的青年男女逐步进入婚育阶段。十八大三中全会过后,不仅是“双独”家庭可以生二胎,“单独”家庭也将迎来生二胎的政策,尝试过“一家一个孩儿”的孤独,二胎开放了,80后可能是历史上为数不多的独生子群体。 实际上,尽管媒体上炒得热火朝天,但市民对“二胎”也都是停留在说嘴的层面上,很多年轻夫妻双方都是独生子女,但都对“二胎”意兴阑珊。有网民就说,“在北京能生二胎的,要么是爱心泛滥,要么是金钱泛滥,而爱心泛滥的是少数。”因此,不少人发现平素辛苦工作挣来的钱,在支付房贷、孩子抚养教育的开支之后,往往手头拮据甚至入不敷出,这令他们对“生二胎”敬而远之。政策放开了,养孩子还得靠自己,生不生二胎年轻父母还得看自己情况而定。




沈星辰从小妈妈和别人跑了,导致了他爸爸车祸死亡,所以她从那以后就住在了舅舅家,舅舅家有个儿子,后来舅舅和舅妈离婚了娶了个新舅妈,又生了个女儿,但是星辰和弟弟关系很好,明远家里很有钱,但是是走私得来的财富,他爸爸帮明远的妈妈顶罪去坐牢,后来得知他老婆跟了别人在牢里自杀,给明远带来很大的心里阴影。沈星辰和明远是从小认识,是邻居,后来明远妈妈带着他搬家了,然而读至高中他们被巧合地分在同一个班,那个时候明远的同桌是闻嘉,闻嘉一直喜欢着明远,星辰的同桌是杜子豪,杜子豪喜欢星辰。高考后沈星辰去了北京大学,明远在中国美院,闻嘉也一起报了明远的学校。 大学的时候发生了几件事:北京申奥成功;张国荣去世;非典。非典期间明远感染了非典被隔离,闻嘉买了隔离人员穿的衣物偷偷跑去看明远,后来星辰得知他感染非典想方设法的回来,然而火车飞机全部停运,她失去了明远的消息。等非典结束星辰来明远的学校找明远的时候,她看到闻嘉和明远在一起很开心的样子。星辰冲动的撒了闻嘉一身水,明远护着闻嘉和闻嘉走了,同一天陈墨因为偷钱给生母治疗癌症被同父异母的妹妹发现,意外用剪刀剪断妹妹两根手筋,被抓去坐牢;明远因为帮他妈妈脱罪,私藏枪械,也被抓去坐牢,在牢里,陈墨因为一次事故救了明远被箱子砸死。大学毕业后星辰在一家大型外企工作,发现闻嘉已然成为自己老板的妻子,于是她辞去了工作,自己和几个好朋友建了一个茶室。明远出狱后的早上偶然在茶室的照片里看到星辰和陈墨的照片。于是他跑到了墓地,后来星辰猜到明远出狱,于是她追着明远去了墓地,故事的结尾是星辰说了一段话:“我一直在想,我们在进入爱情之前,都带着伤疤,但是所有的方法都试过了,吵过,放弃过,分开过,都是那么令人难过,可不可以,不分开了?” 片中男女主角经历了长达十五年的爱恨纠缠,他们不仅要遭遇家庭变故、生离死别、爱恨情仇,更要面对他们自己内心深处――少年时的伤痕。十五年,他们一直在为挣脱心灵的枷锁和宿命的羁绊而挣扎。对待彼此的不同态度和方式,让他们作出了不同选择,更让他们付出了最惨重的代价。 有三个80年代出生的孩子,在很小的时候遇到同一个问题:世界上是否原本就没有永远的爱,就如同没有纯粹的白?成年之后,他们历经坎坷,尝过爱恨之后惊觉慨叹:我们都绝望地渴望被爱,却不懂得如何去爱人!从始至终,这三颗相似而又不同的灵魂相依为命,以各自的生命来求索“爱”这个复杂难解的谜题。


1、舅妈问:“这么多颜色,你最喜欢哪种?” 幼年沈星辰答:“白色” 舅妈道:“世界上根本就没有真正的白色,所有白色的东西,最后都会变黄,你找出一个不会变黄的白色给我看看!” 2、明远道:“可是我看着我喜欢的女孩,不知道有一天她会对我做出什么可怕的事情来......会不会也离弃我,这时候我就知道我忘不掉,永远都忘不掉” 沈星辰挥手笑道:“阿姨好!”摄影师道:“星辰看镜头!” 3、闻嘉问:“不喜欢焰火吗?” 明远答:“喜欢有什么用,再漂亮,也只是转瞬即逝,不能长久,再美再好也会改变,听着真令人难过,对不对?” 4、闻嘉道:“那天看焰火时候你说过,再美再好的东西,只要变了就会令你难过,我来是想告诉你,不管你是健康,还是生病,我都不会变” 5、明远怒叫:“星辰!” 沈星辰道:“你们俩泡在我的眼泪里,舒服吗?” 6、沈星辰:“我绝望地渴望被爱,却不知道如何去爱人。” 7、沈星辰:“我一直在想,我们在进入爱情之前都带着伤疤,但是所有的方法都试过了。吵过、放弃过、分开过,都是那么令人难过,可不可以,不分开了?” 8。陈默:“星辰......是......我姐......“


《天长地久》 演唱:陈楚生(原版:张国荣《有谁共鸣》) 词:毕成功曲:谷村新司 流浪是天生的本领 因为你 越走越远 回忆是后来的故事 因为你 回到原点 谁留下的伤痛的伤痕像年轮 在掌纹中刺透了单纯 谁借口 坚持终究是天真 转过身的人怎么看懂 这条路若没有你只有尽头 哪里有 天长地久 无畏是曾经的辛苦 因为你 不解孤独 无辜是如今的残酷 因为你 我当幸福 谁听信了风以为是离别的歌 在眼眶中淹没了快乐 谁借口 是不经意的经过 错过的人岂知是犯错 这时光若没有你只有昼夜 任时针 划过岁月 谁听信了风 以为是离别的歌 在眼眶中淹没了快乐 谁借口 是不经意的经过 错过的人岂知是犯错 这条路若没有你只有尽头 谁伴我 天长地久 路尽头若没有你牵我的手 算不算 天长地久 《这么近那么远》 演唱:张靓颖 词曲:彭青 我离开钱塘的第三年 时常想起那个夜 走在古旧城墙边 记得特别清晰夜风的气味 还有划过周围的脸 我怎么能不想念 满目皆是黑夜 扇扇门挡在我面前 唱起歌来的时候回声穿越 好像回到第一天 却没有情景再现 呼吸和说话填满雾气的脸 这么近那么远 走在世界的后面 我埋首寻路 不愿看见内心的牵连 这么近那么远 现实和梦境相叠 月光皎洁 水晕光线 也许这是一个人的思念


I like blue,because blue likes sky

I like blue,because blue likes water

I like blue,because blue likes water dragon

I like blue,because my dad’s cat is blue

Blue,I love you.Yshhh!

Happy family

I have happy family,it is my father,my mother and me.

My father is very fat,he is a civil servant,he works very hard. Father is very funny,put my family very happy. I’m very happy.

My mother is very thin,she is civil servant,too. She is a good cooker,she cooks food for everybody. She is quiet,and she likes books and swimming.

I’m a little girl in the family,maybe I’ll be a writer. I like hamburger,chips,books,swim.

This is my happy family!



My name is Li Hua。 I am a student and I am twelve years old。 I am from China and I am Chinese。 I live in Foshan with my parents。 I am in Class Two, Grade Seven。 My favorite food is eggs。 I can speak Chinese, but I can’t speak English。 I can play basketball, but I can’t play tennis。

我叫ⅹ ⅹⅹ。我是一名学生。我十二岁了。我来自中国,我是中国人。我和我的父母住在佛山。我在七年级二班。我最喜欢的食物是鸡蛋。我会讲汉语,但不会讲英语。我会打篮球,但不会打网球。


I'm a middle school student. I have many subjects at school, such as English, Chinese, math, history, art and P.E. English is my favourite subject, because it's so interesting and useful.

I get up early and I'm never late for school. Every day we have classes, play basketball and play football. Sometimes we play games in class.

I love my school life.


An Accident

One sunny afternoon, when I was merrily riding home, I heard ”Help! Help!“. I rode to the riverside and found a boy of about five in the river struggling. I jumped into the water, swam to the boy and dragged him to the river bank. the boy said he was trying to catch a fish near the river bank and carelessly fell into the water. I asked him where his home was and sent him home. ”Thank you very much!“ the boy”s parents said, when I left his home. Though I got home late that afternoon, I was very happy.


Miss Wang is my English teacher。 She looks very young。She's about thirty years old, she has long hair,two big eyes and small mouth。 She is funny , but she is strict with us。 She wants us to study hard, Her lessons are interesting。 We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons。 She is a good teacher, we all like her。



Ihavemanyhobbies,suchasplaying computer games, reading comics,watching TV, reading andsoon.But listening to music is my favorite hobby

Ilikelisteningtomusic very much.Becauselisteningtomusicmakesmerelaxed.WhenIamtired,IwilllisteningsomeEnglishmusic,thatmakesmesleepveryquickly.Myfavoritemusicis‘thatswhyyougoaway’.because it’s very nice and it can make me comfortable. Ilovelisteningtomusic.Iwillkeepthishobbyforever


Football is connected with the people throughout the world.

It has become a part of people's life..Every day, man), football matchesare going on here and there around the world.

Pick up a newspaper and you can learn the the results of the footballmatches. We enjoy playing football, watching football games after work. Duringthe football matches of the World Cup,millions of people watch the matches onTV.

When their favorite teams win, they will give them three cheers. When theyfail,they feel sad. We all hope our national team will be the strongest one inthe world.


It was Sunday and I didnt have to go to school. I finished my homework the day before. So I decided to help mother do housework. I washed some clothes after I got up. Then I went shopping with a basket. I bought some meat, eggs and some vegetables in the market. After I came back, I started to cook dinner for the whole family. In the evening, I sat at the table and began to write down on my notebook what I had done during the day.


Lets take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours.Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight.A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain,The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six.Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two.We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng.Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four.


Mark suddenly had a bad bellyache before class began this morning. His classmates immediately sent him to the Peoples Hospital nearby. In the hospital, the doctor gave him a medical check-up. The result of the examination showed that he was suffering from acute appendicitis and he needed an operation right away. The monitor of his class quickly called Marks father and asked him to come to the hospital at once. After a while,Marks father came and the operation began in no time. Several days later,Mark recovered.


During the summer holidays, the programme “Super Girls” is people“s favourite. People would lock the ”Hu Nan“ TV as sn as possible on Friday evening. These super girls have different characters and each of them has different charms, so both the young and the old like them very much. They both sing and dance very well. One of them --Li Yuchun is my idol.

The disport said, ”Li Yuchun was born for the stage,“ because she has different charm and a very cl face with a tall figure which absorbed almost everyone. I think in the future, she will be another Jay. She will be even more famous than Jay. As sn as her disc comes out, I will be the first to buy it. I will support you all the time--my super girl--my corn.


I love the motherland, love people, love mom and dad, love my hometown - shaoxing more! ”The long no water, sweet shaoxing wine.“ Simple and honest in shaoxing people has created a generation of great men. Shaoxing is a of the famous historical and cultural city, bridge township, the winelands, of course, is also a tourist resort.

I love my hometown river, its green let a person enchanted, like a green and clean water. And like a wall, every one in shaoxing, guarded day and night. It clear enough to let us see the fish in the water.

I love the hometown of the shade, its lush leaves open to all around, as if in to meet one another out-of-town visitors. Its branches grow again and again, as if in said to us: ”you want to study well, like I grow higher and higher, the more to learn, the better!"


I have a good friend. His name is Li Lei. He is 14 years old. He is of medium build and of medium height. He has short straight black hair. And he has two big eyes. He likes playing basketball, swimming and drawing. He also likes listening to music.

His favorite food is fish and chips. His favorite star is Michael Jordan. And he wants to be a basketball player like Jordan.


Yao Ming is one of the best-known chinese playing .Lets go to look he .Heis 34 years old .He was born in chinese.

What does he look like ?He looks very strong ,He have black hair and smalleyes .The eyes are look very beactiful. He looks friendly and kind ,but sometimehe is very strict .What is he like ?He often smiles, He is polite and sometimehe is quiet .What is he happy like ?He likes playing computer games andlistening to music.He likes running and playing football .He began to practiseplaying basketball at the age of 9. He loves animals and he likes helping others.He often gives a lot of money to help poor children in china .Many people likeshim very much.


















my past life初一英语作文2022-05-07



