
时间:2022-09-26 07:59:47 高一作文 收藏本文 下载本文




Parents are the best teachers.In my family,I have been taught to be honest,be confident and be warm with the others.These rules remind me of being a good man.

Last summer,our family spent the holiday in my hometown.Once Iwent fishing with my cousins in a river nearby by bike.When it was time to leave,we found one of our bikes was lost.We were really nervous at that time.At home our parents asked about the lost bike,nobody told the truth except me.But to my surprise,my parents didn't blame(责备)me.Instead,they said I was an honest boy.

I have benefited(受益)a lot from my family rules.Though I am not the best at school work,all my classmates believe in me and nearly everyone is willing to make friends with me.It helpes me know better about the meaning of “Honesty is the best policy(诚实至上).”


“Hey,ah,ah hey...” this is still in the bright lights in toil and hardship as the home ofthe dark night,let the home bright?Is our home!This is the light in the beacon in the night,in the community,rather than in Wenzhou,a group of the most shining.

Tell you,we are in hard working families from the unknown community.The four generation of ancestral generations of hard work!

Say,talk to them from her grandmother.My grandmother's age,but also busy.We walked in their study,work,she will use,left,right Shuashua washing at home,never idle.

Morning,grandma got up early,she helped us to prepare breakfast,start doingother work.I got a visual grandmother's every act and every move,dragged her voice is very light,as if fearful disturb my sleep.

I know my grandmother's body is not particularly difficult.Hard work time is too long,the body slightly.



Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice. It is truly a tough choice. Students opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in jobs, but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices.

As to myself, I prefer the latter view. A well-paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one’s job in terms of money, salary counts most when I choose my future career. In my view, our career choices largely depend on how and where we have been brought up. come from a poor urban family and my parents were both laid-off workers. In order to finance my tuition, they have been working hard over the past four years. As the only son in my family, I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family.

In short, salary is the first and only consideration in my choice of career.



Learning aims: 学习目标:

Master the grammar of this unit. ------直接引语和间接引语Direct Speech & Indirect Speech

Teaching procedures: 学习过程

一、 自主学习(self-study)

Step 1 了解学习背景


Step 2. 什么是直接引语和间接引语


1. 引用别人的原话,被引用的部分叫直接引语,直接引语放在引号内,不用连词连接;

2. 用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语,不用引号,但通常用连词与主句连接。


例如:Mr. Black said, “I am busy.” --------( ) 引语

Mr. Black said that he was busy. -------( ) 引语

二、合作探究(Co-exploration )


直接引语变间接引语的3种情况 (陈述句,疑问句,祈使句)


1. 陈述句

直接引语如果是陈述句,变间接引语时,谓语动词后常用连词that 引导(that在口语中常省略),主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said, 也可用told来代替。可以说sb. said that或 sb. said to sb. that,或sb. told sb. that,不可直接说sb. told that


He said, “I have been to the Great Wall.”

→ He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall.

→He said that he had been to the Great Wall.

→He told me that he had been to the Great Wall.


1) 人称的变化

He said, “I like it very much .” -------He said that he liked it very much.

He said to me, “I’ve left your book in my room.”------He told me that he had left my book in his room.

(学生自我检测: 你能找出哪些人称发生了变化了吗?)

2)时态的变化 (牢记下列规则)

时态的变化 例句(直接引语→间接引语)

一般现在时 → 一般过去时 She said, “I need a pen.” → She said that she needed a pen.

现在进行时 → 过去进行时 He said, “I am expecting a call.” → He said that he was expecting a call.

现在完成时→ 过去完成时

Tom said, “Our team has won the game.” →Tom said that his team had won the game.

一般过去时→ 过去完成时

Mary said, “I took it home with me.” →Mary said that she had taken it home with her.

过去完成时→过去完成时 He said, “I had finished my work before supper.” → He said that he had finished his work before supper.

一般将来时→过去将来时 Paul said, “I will call again later.” →Paul said that he would call again later.


1. 直接引语表述的是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变

The geography teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.” →

The geography teacher told us that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

2. 主句谓语动词的时态是现在时态或将来时态,在引述时,时态不变。

She says, “I’ll never forget the days in the country.” →She says that she’ll never forget the days in the country.

He will say, “The boy was lazy.” → He will tell you that the boy was lazy.

3. 直接引语是一般过去时,并且和具体的过去时间连用,时态不变。

She said, “I was born in 1983.” → She said that she was born in 1983.

(学生自我检测: 你发现上述时态发生了变化了吗?试试你记住这些规定了吗?)

1 一般现在时 →( ) 2 现在进行时 → ( )

3 现在完成时→ ( ) 4 一般过去时→ ( )

5 过去完成时→ ( ) 6 一般将来时→ ( )



指示代词: 1 this → 2 these →

时间状语: 3 now → 4 ago → 5 four years ago →

6 today → 7 tomorrow → 8 yesterday →

9 this week → 10 last week → 11 next month →

12 the day after tomorrow →

13 the day before yesterday →

地点状语: 14 here →

趋向性动词的变化:15 come → 16 bring →

2. 疑问句 (一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句)

一般疑问句变为由if /whether引导的宾语从句,其他方面变化同陈述句的变化,

即句型:sb. asked (sb.) if/ whether +陈述句


即句型:sb. asked (sb.) what/when/who +陈述句

选择疑问句 变成whether…or句型来表达,而不用if…or…,也不用either…or…

例如: He asked, “Do you speak English or French?” →He asked me whether I spoke English or French.

I asked, “Will you take bus or take train?” → I asked him whether he would take bus or take train.

He said, “Are you interested in English?” →He asked whether I was interested in English.

He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?”

→He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country.

3. 祈使句

转述祈使句时,将祈使句的动词原型变为动词不定式,并在不定时to 前根据句子的意思加上tell, ask, order 等动词,形成3 种句型

(1) 表示邀请、请求某人做某事时用ask sb. to do sth.

(2) 表示叫、吩咐某人做某事时用tell sb. to do sth

(3) 表示命令某人做某事时用order sb. to do sth .

表示否定时,在不定式前加not,构成句型ask sb. not to do sth., tell sb. not to do sth, order sb. not to do sth

例如: The old man said, “Don’t smoke in the hall.” → The old man told us not to smoke in the hall.

The officer said, “Go away.” → The officer ordered us to go away.

She said to us, “Please have a seat,” → she asked us to have a seat.

注意: 1. 当祈使句的直接引语变间接引语时,因为祈使句表示请求、命令等语气,所以不存在时态的变化,但是人称、指示代词、时间、地点状语等还要做相应的变化。

2. 祈使句中的please 在间接引语中必须省去,用句型ask sb. to do sth.

拓展: 1. 如果直接引语是表示“建议”的祈使句或疑问句,通常变为suggested that sb. should do sth或suggested doing sth

例如:He said, “ Let’s go to the park.” → He suggested (our) going to the park.

→ He suggested that we should go to the park.

2. 直接引语是感叹句时,间接引语可以用what或 how引导,也可以用 that引导

She said, “What a lovely day it is !” → She said what a lovely day it was!

→ She said that it was a lovely day.



I. Change the Direct Speech into Indirect Speech (解题技巧:先判断句子类型,再套相应句型)

1. “Shut up. ”she said to him.


2. “Speak louder, please,” he said to her.


3. “Can you speak louder?” he asked her.


4. “Don’t wait for me,” he said to them.


5. “Use your knife to cut the boots open,” the officer said to the guard.


6. He said, “Light travels much faster than sound.”


7. She said, “Did you see him last night?”


8. “What do you call your diary?” Anne’s sister asked her.


9. “When did you go to bed last night?” Father said to Lucy.


10. He said, “These books are mine.”


II. 单项填空 ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. He asked ________for the computer.

A did I pay how much B I paid how much

C how much did I pay D how much I paid

2. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. → He asked me__________.

A had I seen the film B have I seen the film

C if I have seen the film D whether I had seen the film

3. “ I am a teacher,” Jack said. → He said_____________.

A that I am a teacher B I was a teacher

C that he is a teacher D he was a teacher

4. “You have already got well, haven’t you?” she asked. → She asked___________.

A if I have already got well, hadn’t you B whether I had already got well

C have I already got well D had I already got well

5. He asked, “Are you a Party member or a League member?” → He asked me ____________.

A am I a Party member or a League member

B was I a Party member or a League member

C whether I was a Party member or a League member

D whether was I a Party member or a League member

6. He asked, “How are you getting along?” →He asked____________.

A how am I getting along B how are you getting along

C how I was getting along D how was I getting along

7. He asked me _______with me.

A what the matter is B what the matter was

C what’s the matter D what was the matter

8. The mother asked her daughter__________.

A what did she do the day before B where did she find her lost watch

C when she got up that morning D that if she had finished her homework

9. Mary said, “I went to China in .” →Mary said she _______to China in 1998.

A went B had gone C have gone D go

10. He said, “ Mother, the boy is very naughty.” → He ________very naughty.

A said his mother that the boy was B said to his mother that the boy is

C told his mother that the boy was D spoke to his mother that the boy was

11. Mr. Smith warned her daughter ________after drinking. (浙江高一检测)

A never to drive B to never drive C never driving D never drives

12. A famous website was making an online survey asking us ________the film Jaws.

A how do we like B how we liked C how did we like D how we like

13. The teacher asked us ________so much noise.

A don’t make B not make C not making D not to make

14. -----Please don’t stamp the grass.


-------I ___________stamp the grass. (20山东高一检测)

A tell you don’t B tell you not to C told you didn’t D told you not to

15. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when _______and see him.

A you will come B will you come C you come D do you come

四. 反思感悟(Reflection)

I have learned a lot about the grammar----direct speech and indirect speech.

I know___________________________________________________

五、作业 ( homework)

Key 1: 直接 , 间接

Key 2: 1一般过去时 2过去进行时 3过去完成时 4过去完成时 5过去完成时 6过去将来时

Key 3: 1 that 2 those 3 then 4 before / earlier 5 four years before / earlier 6 that day 7 the next /following day 8 the day before 9 that week 10 the week before 11 the next month 12 in 2 days’ time 13 2 days before / earlier 14 there 15 go 16 take

Key 4

1. 祈使句 She told him to shut up. 2. 祈使句 He asked her to speak louder.

3. 一般疑问句 He asked her if she could speak louder.

4. 祈使句的否定句He told them not to wait for him.

5. 祈使句 The officer ordered the guard to use his knife to cut the boots open.

6. 陈述句 He said that light travels much faster than sound.

7. 一般疑问句 She asked (me) if /whether I had seen him the night before.

8. 特殊疑问句Anne’s sister asked her what she called her diary.

9. 特殊疑问句 Father asked Lucy when she went to bed the night before.

10. 陈述句 He said that those books were his.

Key 5 1----5 DDDBC 6----10 CDCAC 7 What’s the matter? 做宾语时语序不变

Key 6 11---15 ABDDA


Period 1


1. Learn the useful expressions to talk about location and direction.

2. Have listening practice.


Step 1

Show the students a map of china and ask them to find out several places and tell the others the location of these places.


Step 2 warming up

Get eh students to look at the map of china and names of countries, islands and seas beyond China, Divide the students into groups of four and talk about the positions of the different places and waters in relation to china.

Step 3 listening

Ask the students to look at the map on page 37.this is the map of Dolphin island. Play the tape for the first time for the students to finish exercise 1. Play the tape again. This time the students are required to do Exercise 2.

Step 4 Speaking

The teacher asks one of the students “where are you from?” “Can you tell me the position of your hometown?” encourage the students to use “in the north/south/east/west of” or “to the north/south/east/west of “

Read the example dialogue. Then get the students to talk about the birthplaces of their grandparents. Parents and them selves in pairs. At the edn ask one or two pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the class.


Step 5

Finish off the exercises in workbook.



1. He lives in a town ____ the east coast.

2. Hainan Island id ____ the south of Guangdong province.

3. Henan province lie _____ central china.

4. The ship hi t rock ___ the west coast of the pacific:


1. 我父亲出生在这个城市以西30公里处的一个小村庄。

2. 我来自安庆,安徽西南部的一个小城市。

3. 安徽省位于江苏省的西边,河北省的南边。


1)1. on 2. to 3. in 4. off

2) 1. my father was born in a small village, which is about 30 kilometers west of this city.

2. I’m from Anqing a small city in southwestern Anhui province.

3. Anhui province lies on the west of Jiangsu, but to the south of Hebei.


高中英语 第一册 第一单元

Unit 1


introduce, practice, go away, go on doing , as a result, in one's opinion, take care of ,general idea ,give any regards to sb等等…


Nice to meet you. Nice meeting you. I'll introduce you, See you soon .

I must go now . I must be off now. Give one's best wishes to sb …


1、Which school were you at last year ? 你去年在哪所大学校读书?此句中的“at”也可用“in”来代替,意思不变。如:Which school are you in?

2、So was my friend Bob White.(=My friend Bob White was also at Centre school.)


“So +be/have/助动词/情态动词 +主语”,此结构中的语序是倒装的。这个以so开头的句子内容是接着前句而来的,表示so句中的情况与前句讲的情况相同。例如:

You are a student. So am I. 你是学生。我也是(学生)。

You can speak English ,and so can I. 你会说英语,我也会(说英语)。

He likes playing football. So does his elder brother. 他喜欢踢足球,他哥哥也喜欢(踢足球)。

A: I went to see a film yesterday. 我昨天去看了场电影。

B: Oh, did you? So did I. 哦,是吗?我也去了。

如果上句是否定句,下句就应该用neither或 nor 来引导一个倒装句了。例如:

You are not a student. Neither/Nor am I. 你不是学生,我也不是(学生)。

You have never been to the Great wall .Neither/Nor have. 你没去过长城,我也没去过(长城)。

3、I must be off now. 我现在得走了。

off在这里是副词,在句中作表语,表示“离开”“走开”的意思。当你表示要离开某人或谢绝对方的挽留时,你还可以说:I must go now .=I must be leaving now =I really must be going now.

4、Nice to meet you很高兴见到你。


I'm glad to meet you.(=Glad to meet you .)

I'm pleased to meet you.(=Pleased to meet you .)

It's a great pleasure to meet you.

而在分手时,人们常说:It was nice meeting you .(=Nice meeting you). It was nice talking with you (Nice meeting you.).

It was Nice to have talked with you.(=It is nice to have talked with you ).

5、I want to introduce my friend Jane. 我想介绍一下我的朋友简。

introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给某人,其中“to sb”可以省略。例如:

I'd like to introduce myself (to you). 我想自我介绍一下。

Let me introduce my friend Peter to you? 让我把你介绍给写了先生。

May I introduce my friend Peter to you? 可以向你介绍一下我的朋友彼特吗?

Please allow me to introduce Miss Liu to you all. 请允许我把刘小姐介绍给你们大家。

6、Find out the things which are different in your part of China. 找出与中国你所在地区不同的情况。

find和find out都有“发现”、“找到”的意思。 find通常是指凭一时的感觉或偶然发现,而find out 则是指经过一番努力,研究,计算或探询而发现某物某事,通常有“找出,查明,发现,搞清楚”的意思。例如:

He woke up and found himself in hospital. 他醒来发现自己在医院里。

I found a $5 note on the pavement. 我在人行道上发现了一张5英镑纸币。

Can you find out what time the train leaves? 你能查问出火车什么时候开吗?

They tried to find out who had broken the window. 他们试图查明谁打破了玻璃窗。

Later, he found out a new method of learning English. 后来,他找到了一种学习英语的新方法。

7、I hope you are very well .我希望你一切都好。


I'm not feeling well today .我今天觉得身体不大舒服。

Is she well enough to travel?她身体康复,能够旅行了吗?

He is much better now, thank you.他现在身体好些了,多谢你的关心。(better是well的比较好)

Be, feel, get, look + well 身体好,康复,气色好。

8、So every day I work from dawn until dark. 因此,我们每天 从早到晚地劳动。

from until/till/to 冒意思是“从某时到某时”例如:from morning fill night从早到晚

from beginning to end 自始至终,从头到尾。

9、Sometimes we go on working after dark by the lights of the tractors.


go on doing sth 意思是“继续(做某事),连续不断地(做某事)”

go on to do sth表示(在干完某事后)“接着干另一件事”,即接下去干与原来不同的另一件事。例如:

Although if was raining hard ,they still went on working in the field.


After he finished writing the litter,he went on to read the text of lesson one.


10 、Although the farm is large,my Dad has only two men working for him.


have sb/sth doing 这一结构表示“使某人或某物持续做某事或动作持续的状态”。在句中have是“使”,“让”的意思, working 是现在分词作宾语two men的补足语。例如:

Don't have the car waiting out side the gate all the time. 不要让汽车一直在门外等着。

The two cheats had the lights burning all day long. 两个骗子让灯整天亮着。

Don't have the water running all day long. 不要让这自来水整天花花地流。

I won't have you talking to Mother like that. 我不允许你对妈妈那样说话。

11、It doesn't often rain in the summer here, As a result we have water the vegetable garden.


As a resulf (由于的)结果;因此常用在有上下文的情况下。例如:

It was late at night and there was no bus.As a resulf , we had to walk to He village.


He had some bad fish , As a result ,he felt sick his morning .


As a resulf of (=because of… )意思是“由于”例如:

As a result of fog the flight was delayed. 由于有雾,航班误点了。

He got a rist as the result of his hard work. 由于他工作勤奋,所以他长了工资。

Thousands of people lost their lives as the result of the war.由于那场战争,成千上万的人民丧失了生命。

另:在本句中“To water the vegetable garden”,water一词是用作动词。在英语中有些词虽然词形相同,但词类发生变化,由某一词类(如名词)变成另一词类(如动词)。如下下列句子中Pump, water即有名词,也有动词的用法。well即可用作副词,也可用作名词。

There is a pump is the village.it works very well.we often pump water from the well to water the vegetable garden.

12、Americans eat a lot of meat too much in my opinion.美国人吃肉很多,依我看吃得太多了。

in my opinion =in my view意思是“在我看来,依我看”。近似于I fhink/guess/feel/suppose(我想、我认为、我觉得)等表达形式,都是用来表示个人的看法或意见等。

what was the nicest part of your holiday in your opinion?


In my opinion ,autumn is the best season in beijing.在我看来,秋天是北京最好的季节。

In charlie's opinion ,Americans should eat less meat.在查理看来,美国人应该少吃一点肉。

In my opinion and in the opinion of most people.it is a very sound investment.照我的和大多数人的看法,这是一项很可靠的投资。

13、In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the states.


There are five different time areas in the states 美国有5个不同的时区。

以上两句中的The states都是指The United States of America .美国,美利坚众国略作U.S.A或U.S.。

下句In my state中的state 是指写信人所在的那个州,这时state的开头字母不大写。另外, time areas和 time zones同义都是指时区。

14、Please give my regards to your parents.请代我向你父母问好。

Regard vt. 是动词,作“认为,视为”解。regard sb as a hero 认为某人是英雄。 regard sth as a crime 把某事看作是一种罪恶。例如:

He is regarded as the best dentist in town..他被看作是域里最好的牙医。

在名中regards 是名词,作“问候,致意”解。give my regards /love /best wishes to sb作“代我向某人问好”解。remember me to sb 也有同义。例如:

Please give my best wishes to your wife (=Please remember me to your wife.)请代向你妻子问好。

15、Best wishes. 祝好。

该句通常用于信尾,谨致问候之意,还可以说best regards 祝好!Wishing you good luck /success! 祝你走运/成功!


Mid-Autumn Festival The 15th day of the 8th lunar month The joyousMid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox. Many referred to it simply as the “Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon”.This day was also considered as a harvest festival since fruits,vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant. Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates, melons, oranges and pomelos ight be seen.

Special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro and water caltrope, a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns. Some people insisted that cooked taro beincluded because at the time of creation, taro was the first food discovered at night in the moonlight. Of all these foods, it could not be omitted from the Mid-Autumn Festival.l love Mid-autumn Festival very much!


Chusok (“fall evening”) is a Korean “Harvest Moon” (Han-gawi) festival set on the 15th day of the eighth lunar moon. Chusok (韩国中秋节), also known as the Korean Thanksgiving or Mid-Autumn Festival, is one of the most celebrated Korean holidays. It occurs during the harvest season. Thus, Korean families take this time to thank their ancestors for providing them with rice and fruits.

The celebration starts on the night before Chusok and ends on the day after the holiday. Thus, many Korean families take three days off from work to get together with family and friends.

The celebration starts with a family get-together at which rice cakes called “Songphyun” (蒸糕) are served. These special rice cakes are made of rice, beans, ()sesame seeds, and chestnuts. Then the family pays respect to ancestors by visiting their tombs and offering them rice and fruits.

The Koreans visit the graves of their ancestors to bow and clean the area for the coming winter. In the evening, children wear their favorite hanbok (traditional Korean clothing) and dance under the bright moon in a large circle. They play games and sing songs. Like the American Thanksgiving, Chusok is the time to celebrate the family and give thanks for their blessings.

Community activities include masked dance, Kanggangsuwollae, an ancient circle dance, tug-of-wars and the tortoise game, kobuk-nori (乌龟游戏), in which two men dress as a tortoise and tour the villagedancing and performing for food and drink. Most of all, Chusok is a time to give thanks for the autumn harvest and reaffirm familial and community ties.



Music could be created in any place when you have inspiration. At most times, we enjoy music like symphonic music. Even pop music, there is needn't to understand what are they wanting to tell us. We just need to hear it carefully. Therefore, music shouldn't have national boundaries.

According to my personal experience, music has a more positive effect on our life. When we are in a blue mood, we could listen to some foreigner song. The music is that we needn't to realize what are they singing. When you listen to their rhythm and style, you will feel your heart be touched and shake in a blue mood. Then, you will be enlightened and acquire power.

On the other hand, different music could promote society develop. As everyone knows, KFC and Mcdonald's are popular in China, as well as, there is nothing in the world can delight me so much as having a hamburger in these store. There are three major reasons and other details. The foremost reason first one is convenience. Second is save time. The third is delicious. However, the detail is also essential for the fast-food store. Music is one of them. The music rhythm is factor that if they play a smooth music, the customer will find the taste of food better. If the store plays a rapid pace of music, people will eat their food more speedily when the store is rush time. That will provide more desk and table for client to available.

Music has more effect and application of us around that I was not mentioned. In a word, music helps country and people more good than harm.




1.I do not think everybody will find my kind of humour funny.


(1)这是一个含有 that 引导的宾语从句的复合句.请注意汉语与英语在表示否定时位置的不同.在英语中,有一种否定转移现象,主句在形式上是否定的,而在意义上实际上是否定从句.这种情况常出现在think,believe,imagine,suppose 等作主句谓语的句子中.

e.g.I don’t suppose he cares,does he?我看他不在乎,对吧?

She doesn’t believe he is at school.她认为他不在学校.

(2)当主句的谓语动词是think,believe 等与情态动词连用时,不存在否定转移.

e.g.We couldn’t believe he was at home.我们真不能相信他当时在家.

We didn’t believe he was at home.我们认为他不在家.


Will you find Mary her tennis racket?你愿意替玛丽找一找网球拍吗?

We found him (to be) dishonest.我们觉得他不诚实.

He found the door closed.他发现门被关上了.

He found a wallet lying on the ground.他发现一只钱包躺在地上.

I find it difficult to understand him.我觉得难以理解他.

2.What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.在喜剧中,喜剧演员同其他演员的共同之处是玩文字游戏.


(2)have...in common(with)意思是“与……有共同之处”.

She has nothing in common with her sister.她和姐姐毫无共同之处.

(3)in common 意思是“公有,公用”.

They two own the factory in common.他俩共有这家工厂.

3.I cycled as fast as I could.我尽可能快地骑.

(1)as fast as...意思是“尽可能快地……”.as...as意思是“如同……一样”,表正面比较,第一个as为副词,修饰中间的形容词和副词,第二个as后接名词时,作介词用;接从句时是连词,从句常为比较状语从句.否定形式是not so/as...as...意思是“不如……那样……”,“没有……那么……”.

It is as white as snow.像雪一样白.

I am as tall as you (are).我跟你一般高.


e.g.I cycled in front of him.我骑车绕到他的前面.

Last night,I watched a cycle race.昨晚,我观看了一场自行车比赛.

I had to brake hard and I hit another cyclist.我不得不拼命刹车,结果撞上了另一个骑车的人.

4.I was still so angry that I went up to tell him what I thought of him.



e.g.He is so kind that I like him very much.他是如此和善,以至于我很喜欢他.

(2)go up to意思是“走上前去”,由so构成的短语:

go in for从事于,酷爱go all out全力以赴go against违背go ahead前进

All things went well.万事大吉.










































































































Unit 1 School Life


第一部分 听力




21. The new game can be downloaded ________ from the Food Force website, www.foodforce.com.

A. free B. for free C. spare D. for spare

22. _____ the whole school safer and more pleasant is an important part of school development.

A. Make B. MadeC. Making D. Makes

23. If you waste your time on these video games, you won’t get enough grades to _____ a good university.

A. take B. join C. go D. attend

24. Could you please tell me the way ______ a notice about a school activity?

A. writingB. write C. to write D. written

25. My parents want me to take _____ maths lessons at the weekend, but I want to relax and have fun.

A. extra B. average C. former D. scary

26. A play is quite different _______ an article in a magazine or a newspaper.

A. in B. from C. on D. at

27. The new driving test is more _______ and so fewer people pass it.

A. challenging B. average C. expensive D. important

28. This is one of the most interesting books ________I have ________ read.

A. that; never B. which; never C. that; ever D. which; ever

29. Be serious about your aims in life and work hard to _____ those aims. This will ______ your mother.

A. receive; proud B. prepare; respect

C. develop; regret D. achieve; please

30. Tom failed in the exams again. He has never ________ his examinations.

A. make enough preparations B. made enough preparation for

C. made enough preparations for D. make enough preparation for

31. Mary seems to have ______ most of her friends. She felt very lonely.

A. dropped B. respectedC. informedD. pleased

32. Look at your room! It requires _________.

A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. be cleaned

33. Lu xun, ____was zhou Shuren, wrote many famous novels and essays.

A. the real nameB. what his real name

C. whose real nameD. his real name

34. – It was right to tell the teacher the truth.

– But I regret ________ that. It hurt my best friend.

A. to do B. doing C. done D. do

35. You have done a good job in the competition. But you’d better __________ your body language.

A. to pay attention to B. pay attentions to

C. to pay attentions to D. pay attention to




Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, a distance of about eighty miles.

It was late. I was 36 and if anyone asked me how fast I was driving, I’d have to beg the Fifth Amendment (美国宪法的第五条修正案) to avoid (避免) self-incrimination (自证有罪).

Several times I got caught 37 a slow-moving truck on a 38 road with a solid(不可超越的)white line on my left,and I was clinching(握紧)my fists(拳头)with impatience.

At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroads with a 39 . I was 40 on the road by now, but as I came close to the light, it turned 41 and I stopped.

I looked left, right and behind me. 42 . Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, 43 there I sat, 44 the light to change,the only human being for at least a mile in 45 direction(方向).

I started wondering why I 46 to run the light. I was not 47 of being arrested(逮捕)because there was obviously (显然地) no policeman around,and there certainly would have been no 48 in going through it.

Much later that night, 49 I’d met with a group in Lewisburg and had climbed into bed near midnight,the question of 50 I’d stopped for that light 51 to me.

I think I stopped 52 it’s part of a contract(约定)we all have with each other. It’s not only the law, 53 it’s an arrangement(协议)we have,and we trust each other to honor it:we don’t 54 red lights.

Like most of us, I’m more likely to be stopped from doing something 55 by the social rules that disapprove of it than by any law against it.

I was so proud of myself for stopping for the red light that night.

36. A. early B. late C. sad D. happy

37. A. behind B. before C. next toD. near

38. A. wide B. flat C. rough D. narrow

39. A. gas station B. policeman C. traffic light D. driver

40. A. lonely B. alone C. single D. only

41. A. out B. green C. red D. yellow

42. A. No B. None C. neither D. Nothing

43. A. but B. and C. so D. however

44. A. waited for B. waiting for C. to wait for D. wait for

45. A. some B. all C. any D. both

46. A. managed B. refused C. failed D. tried

47. A. afraid B. sure C. certain D. careful

48. A. chance B. time C. way D. danger

49. A. after B. before C. when D. since

50. A. when B. how C. where D. why

51. A. brought back B. called back C. came back D. returned back

52. A. because B. since C. as D. for

53. A. also B. and C. so D. but

54. A. go away B. go throughC. go off D. go over

55. A. good B. luckyC. important D. bad




What would you&nb



a. suggest 提议,建议

[搭配]suggest + n. / + doing sth./ (to sb.)that + 主语 + should do

(l)They suggested another development program to the government.


(2)May I suggest going there by train?


(3)She suggested (that) we (should) }lave lunch at the new restaurant.


(4)I suggested to him (that) he (should) join the club activities.


[用法] suggest

suggest 表示 “建议” + 名词, 代词, 动名词.

(1) He suggested a visit to the museum tomorrow.

(2)Did he suggest anything to the boss?

(3) I suggest putting the meeting off.

(4) She suggested sending for a skilled worker to get the machine repaired.

suggest + 疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句, (可用 should, could,不能用 would)

(5)He didn't suggest what to do (where to go, how to deal with it).

(6) He didn't suggest where I should (could) park my car.

(7)What do you suggest we should (could) do?

suggest + that 引导的宾语从句, 从句中用 (should ) + 动词原形.

should 可以省略, 不能用 would, must 等其它情态动词.

(8) The doctor suggested that the new hospital (should) be set up on the hill.

(9)She suggested that the class meeting not be held on Saturday.

在现代英语中, 表示 suggest 具体建议的 that 从句中, 常省略 should,

否定式也可用 don't, doesn't 代替 should not.

(10)I suggest you ask Mr Wu.

(11)I suggest that you don't (not, should not) ask him home for the vacation.

suggest 在脸上表情让人知道他在生气, 并非 “建议”.

此时, that 从句中的谓语动词用 was, 不用 should be.

Suggest 的名词形式为suggestion,

(12)Does any one have a suggestion? 有谁要提出建议吗?

(13)His speech was full of suggestion. 他的演说充满了暗示.

名词 suggestion 后表示具体建议的表语从句, 同位语从句同样应用

should + 动词原形, should 可省略.

(14)His suggestion was that the debts (should) be paid off first.

(15)They made a suggestion that the patient (should) be sent to hospital without delay.

suggest 表示 “暗示”, “表明”, 即 “并未明言, 但看了或看了之后不禁

想到”的意思. 其主语往往代表事物, 而不是人.

(16)His pale face suggests bad health.

(17)Her expression suggested that she was angry (= suggested anger.)

b. contain vt. 包含,包括;<能)容纳,(能)装入

(1)The jar contains sugar. 那个罐子里装的是糖。

(2)The box contains child’s toys.那个箱子里装了那个孩子的玩具。

(3)This book contains a lot of illustrations.这本书中有很多插图.

(4)The auditorium will contain 3000 people. 这座礼堂可以容纳3000人.

(5)How much does this bottle contain? 这个瓶子容量是多少?

[比较] contain与include


(l)The parcel contained a dictionary. 那包裹里装的是-本字典.

(2)The parcel included a dictionary. 那包裹里包括一本字典。

c. hurt vt 使……受伤/疼痛.伤害……vi.受伤,疼痛

(l)He jumped from the top of the wall and hurt他从墙上跳下扭伤了腿。

(2)Be careful not to get hurt. 小心不要受伤了。

(3)I’m all right and I'm not hurt. 我没事,没受伤。

(4)These shoes are tight and hurt me(my feet).这双鞋紧得使我(的脚)感到疼痛.

(5)My injured left leg still hurts.我受伤的左腿还疼。

(6)He (His remarks) hurt her feelings.他(他的话)伤了她的感情。

d. a11 the time一直,始终,老是

(1)She kept crying all the time 她一有哭着。

(2)I cough all the time.我老是咳嗽。

e. ripe adj.(果实、谷物等)熟的,成熟的;(人等)老练的

(1)ripe oranges/grain地成熟的柑橘,谷物

(2)The apples are ripe enough to be picked.苹果已经热得可以采收了。

(3) a ripe judgment 纯熟的判断

(4) He is ripe in experience. 他经验丰富。

[拓展] ripe的反义同为green(指果实,谷物等不成熟或无经验),例如:

(1)These tomatoes are still too green to pick. 这些番茄还未成熟.不能采摘.

(2)I'm not so green as to believe that. 我不至于那么不成热,而去相信那件事.

f.keep up with不落在……后面,跟上

(1)He walked so fast that she couldn't keep up with him.


(2)keep up with the changes in fashion. 跟上时尚的变化,跟上潮流。

g. be good / bad for 对。。。。。。有好处/坏处

(1)The cream is good for insect bites. 这药膏对于昆虫蜇伤有效。

(2)Watching much is bad for our eyes. 电视看得太多对我们的眼睛有害.

h. base on/upon 以。。。。。。为基础(根据)

(l)You should base your conclusion upon careful research.


(2)This story is based on facts. 这故事是有事实根据的。

i. choose vt. 挑选,选择,决定

[搭配] choose + sth

+ between / from + sth.

+ sb. sth. = choose sth. for sb.

+ to do sth.

+ that 从句 / wh-从句

(1)He chose a reference book from the library. 他从图书馆中选了一本参考书.

(2)There are too ninny cakes to choose from. 蛋糕太多了,不知要选哪个好。

(3) I want to choose her a nice present. 我想要挑选一件精美的礼物送给她。

=I want to choose a nice present for her.

(4)She chose to stay at home because she had a cold.


(5)He choose that his son (should) change his school. 他决定让他的儿子转学。

(6)You may chime what you like. 你可以选择你喜欢的东西。

(7)Have you chosen where to go for your holiday yet?你想好了要去哪儿度假吗?

j. short adj. 缺乏的,短缺的,不足的

(1)short weight/measure 重量/材积不足

(2)I'm short of money this week. 我这星期缺钱。

(3)I need filly dollars, but Pm ten dollars short. 我需要五十美元,但还差十美元。

k. refuel vt. vi. 给(飞机、汽车等)补给燃料;给(人等)增加营养、能量

(l)Please refuel the car. 请给小车加油。

(2)We need Io refuel every day. 我们得每天都增加(些)能量。

l. best of all adv. 尤其;特别;最

(1)My father loves golf best of all. 我的父亲特别喜爱打高尔夫球。

(2)Best of all,they taste great! 最重要的是,它们味道特好。

m. had better (not), should (not), ought(not) to 的用法

had better(not)


后接不带 to的不定式,否定形式为had better not

(1)We had better go now. 我们最好现在就走.

(2)You'd better get some rest. 你最好休息一下。

(3)You'd better not eat fruit that isn't ripe. 你最好别吃没有熟的水果。

Should (not)

意为“应该”多指主观上有责任,有义务干某事,语气比 must稍弱,也比

ought to弱。其否定形式为should not(shouldn't)。

(1)We should speak more English. 我们应该多讲些英语。

(2)Everyone should know some first aid. 每个人都应掌握一些急救的知识。

Ought(not) to


ought not to(oughtn’t to)十动词原形.

(1)You ought not to write carelessly. 你不应当写得这样潦草。

(2)Oughtn’t we to give him a chance to try? 我们难道不应该给他一个尝试的机会吗?


a. compare vt. , vi.

[搭配] compare A to B . 把A比作B

compare A with B .把A和B比较起来

(l)Try on both these coats and compare them.把这两什外套都试穿看看,比较-下。

(2 )I compared the translation with the original. 我把译文拿来和原文对照一番.

(3)Be rudely compared my homemade bread to a lump of rock.


(4)My works doesn't compare with yours. 我的作品不能和你的相比。

(5)Compared with /to her mother, she is tall. 和她的妈妈相比,她算是很高了。

b. know of 听说过。知道有(某人或某事)

(l)I know of the man, but I haven't met him. 我听说过那个人,但没见过面。

(2)I don't know the man, but I know of him. 我不认识那个人。但我听说过他。

c. celebrate vt. 庆祝(节日等),过节

(1)How do you celebrate Christmas? 你们如何庆祝圣诞节?

(2)Today is her birthday, so we're going to celebrate it.



We gathered together for the celebration of her birthday.


d. dress up盛装,使打扮

(l)We dressed up for the wedding. 我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。

(2)The mother dressed her baby up. 那位母亲将自己的宝宝打扮-番。

e. during prep. 在……期间,在……之间

(1)It rained during the day. 白天下了一整天的雨。

(2)She kept on talking during the meal. 整个用餐时间中她讲个不停。

(3)I went swimming in the sea twice during the vacation.


(4)Mr. Scott phoned you during your absence.


[比较] during 与 for


(1)I was in hospital during June. 我六月间-直住院

(2)1 was in hospital for a month. 我住院一个月。

(3)He stayed with mc for five days during the summer.


During 与 in


(l)We’re going on vacation during/in August. 我们八月份要去度假。

(2)He was injured in the match. 他在比赛中受伤了。

(3)He was on the bench during the match. 他在比赛时间内做替补选手.

f. common adj. 普通的,常见的

* common = shared by two or more people, 意为“共有的”,“公共的”.

work for the common good(为公益工作),

work for the common cause (为共同的事业而工作)

* common = usual and ordinary, 意为“普通的”'“一般的”'“平常的”.

the common reader (普通读者),the common people (老百姓),

a common saying (俗话),a common mistake (常见错误),

the business of common life(日常事务)

in common表示“共同的”, We have many things in common. (我们有许多共同之处.)

(1) The husband is French, the wife is German and the servant is Italian, but

they have English as a common language.


(2) Tom’s trouble is very common to boys these days.


(3) They have nothing in common (with each other).


[区别] common, general ,ordinary和usual在意思上有所差异.

(1) Colds are common in winter. 冬天感冒是很普通的。

(2) I use ordinary gasoline. 我用普通汽油.

common 侧重“普通”.表示“时时发生,人所共有”,井含有“并不高贵.地位低下”之意味.其反义词为rare.

common saying(俗话).a common wish(一个共同的愿望).



an ordinary(or a common)event(一件极平常的事),

an ordinary(or a common)person(一个普通人).


如:It's a usual thing with him.(这对他来说是平常事).

g. believe vt. 相信;认为

(1)I believe him (to be) right. 我认为他是对的.

(2)1 believe his report. 我相信他的报告。

(3)Long ago, people believed (that) the earth was flat.



(1)I don’t believe that he is at home. 我相信他不在家.

(2)He doesn’t believe that she knows the truth, does she?


[比较] believe 与 believe in

believe表示“相信事物的真实性或人的诚实”后接名词,代词或从句作宾语,也可接复合宾语(名词+不定式);believe in中的in是介词,后接名词或代词,表示对某人的信任,对真理, 主张、宗教的信仰。

(1)I believe him. = I believe what he says. 我相信他的话.

(2)I believe in him. = I believe that he is a good man. 我信任他(为人可靠)。

h. create vt. 创造,创作,塑造,制造(事端)

(l)God created the world. 上帝创造了世界。

(2)All men are created equal. 人人生而平等。

(3)Shakespeare created many famous characters. 莎士比亚创作了许多有名的人物。

(4)His words created an awkward situation. 他的话引起了尬尴的场面。

i. play tricks on捉弄,戏弄

(1)The children used to play tricks on each other.那些小孩以前常常互相捉弄。

(2)Don't play tricks on old mere 。别捉弄老年人。

j. take in 根据语境,有很多不同的含义)

(1)Please take the washing in, if it rains. 如果下雨,请把洗好了的衣物收进来。

(2) He took in a deep breath. 他深深地吸了一口气.

(3)He was homeless, so we took him in. 他无家可归,所以我们收留了他。

(4)My mother takes in sewing. 我母亲在家承接缝纫工作。

(5)The tour takes in some famous old castles.


(6)I couldn't take in why you are angry. 我无法理解你为什么生气。

(7)The salesmen have taken in the old people and made them buy their poor

quality goods. 那些推销员欺骗老人,让他们购买低品质的货物。

k. prepare

prepare vt. 直接带宾语 (表示在准备什么)

1. Mother is preparing a meal while we were doing our homework.


2. He is preparing his speech for tomorrow's meeting. Don't interrupt him.


3. The teacher is preparing the students for the coming examination.


prepare vi. 与介词 for 搭配, 表示在 “为......作准备”.

4. Will you help me prepare for the evening party?


5. The farmer are busy preparing for the autumn harvest.


be prepared to do, be prepared for...表示结果,表示 “已作了充分的准备做某事”.

6. I'm not prepared (=ready) to listen to your excuse。我不想听你的辩解.

7. He is not prepared (=ready) to accept others' ideas. 他不大愿意接受别人的观点.

8. The students are well prepared for the sports meeting.

学生们为运动会作了充分的准备. (for = to take part in)

9. They were not at all prepared for the bad news.



10.He is getting prepared (= is preparing) for the exam.


11.He's trying to prepare himself as a basketball player.


l.情态动词must, should,ought to, have to

▲ must表示必须” “肯定”,在表示推测意义的 “肯定”时,只能用于肯定句.如:

1. You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.


2. We must get help. 我们必须取得帮助.

3.She must be injured.她肯定受伤了.

▲ should意为应该”,‘应当”,语气比must稍弱.如:

4. Everyone should know some first aid. 每个人都应当懂得急救知识.

5.You shouldn't.move if you are badly hurt.如果你受了重伤.就不应该移动.

▲ “ought to”意为“应该”,更强调责任、义务.如:

6. Elder brothers should take care Of their younger brothers and sisters.


7. Students ought to attend class on time. 学生应该准时去上课.

▲ have to 强调客观上的“必须”。

8.Do you often have to go to the dentist's? 你必须常常去看牙吗?

9.The children don't have to go to school on Saturday. 孩子们周六不必上学.

m. get together为动词短语,常用来指为讨论或社交活动而进行的某种“聚会”


1. Let's get together one evening and talk about old times.


2. The students of Grade Three got together for an English evening.


3. It's a long time since I got together with Robert.


4.We'd better get together to discuss the students' suggestions. “said the headmaster. 校长说:“我们最好聚会一下讨论学生们提出的建议”。

5.Teachers in our school often get together to have discussions on how to improve their teaching methods. 我们学校的老师经常聚会讨论怎样改进教学方法。

6.”How often do you get together?” asked Mr Smith.


7.He has a large family and all the members get together once a year.


8.On New Year's Eve, when all the members get together, my parents are very happy. 除夕之夜,当全家人团聚在一起的时候,我的父母亲总是非常高兴。

9.It was a very cold evening, but the room was warm and bright with all the members getting together, singing and laughing over the dinner.


10.We often miss each other after we part, but when we get together, it seems that we have nothing to say.


▲get together还可作“收集”解释。如:

11.In the past ten years, Mr Smith got together over two thousand stamps, including Chinese and foreign stamps.


12. Quick, Tom, get your things together. We'll start off.


13. In a few years, he got together a good record collection.


14.The little boy got together all kinds of seashells.


15. The rebel leader auld not get an army together.


16.In the darkness, the soldiers can get their things together in less than one minute. 黑暗中.战士们健在不到一分钟的时间内把一切收拾好.

▲ get together也可引伸为“取得一致意见”.如:

17. We finally got together on his suggestion.


18. At last the committee got together on its proposals.


19. Can you get together on raking the plan?


20. Having got together on the plan, they started their work separately.


21. They couldn't get together on the plan and quarreled all night.



a. recognize

作“认出”解,强调从外表上辨认出,指一时性的动作。(瞬间动词) 不同 know

= to know and remember sb. or sth. one has seen before



1. I know him, but when I saw him last night, I could hardly recognize him.


2. I recognized her voice over the phone. 我在电话里听出她的声音来了。

3. He had changed so much that one could hardly recognize him.


[注]不能说 I recognized him ten years ago. I knew him ten years ago.或I knew him ten years ago.

应该说:I got to know him ten years ago.


recognize 承认, 认可 = to accept as being lawful, real, or having value

4. They recognized the new government. 他们承认了那个新政府。

5. That's recognized method of teaching English. 那是一种得到认可的英语教学法.

6. He refused to recognize her as his lawful heir. 他拒绝承认她作为他的合法继承人。

意识到, 自认 = be ready/ prepared to admit, + that 从句

7. After the accident, he recognized that he was not fit for the work.


8. I clearly recognized from that matter he was far more clever than I was.


b. hope 与 wish

hope (vt.) + that 从句, 可以达到的希望

+ 不定式 但不能接 “宾语十不定式”.

1. We hope to see you again. = We hope we can see you. 我希望能再次见到你.

2. I hope you can help me with my maths.

希望你能帮助我学数学.(不能说I hope you to help me with my maths. )

wish 想要, 希望 = would like, want

+ that 从句, 强烈而难以实现的愿望

+ 不定式/ 宾语 + 不定式

wish后面接不定式或宾语+不定式”都可以,其意义相当广“想要’.“希望”(=would like或want).wish接that从句时一般表示某种强烈而又难以实现的愿望”,而hope表示的是可以实现或能达到的希望’.例如:

3. I wish to place an order right now. 我想马上订购.

4. I wish him to make progress. 我希望他取得进步.

5. I wish I could fly like a bird. (用 can *)


6. I hope he can do that. 我希望他会干哪件事.



7. I wish you happy. 祝你幸福.(不用hope)

8. I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快.(不用hope)

在简略句中,如要表示希望某事不会发生时,应说I hope not,而不说I don’t hope so.


c. accept 与 receive


receive仅指客观上“收到”,“接到” accept是主观上“接受”,“领受”。试比较:

1. I received a present from Jack, but as I wouldn't accept it, I returned it to the sender.


2. She did receive your invitation but she refused to accept it.


3. Dr Barker replied to the invitation, accepting it.



4. I can't accept (=take) you as my secretary.


5. I can't accept(=recognize) my defeat. 我不能承认我失败了.(不能用receive)

6. He had to accept our explanation. 他只好接受了我们的解释.

7. His new theory was widely accepted/received (= recognized).


8. The young man was accepted/received (=admitted) into the organization.


[注]如果不强调主观.而把某事作为一种客观情况来叙述.则receive 也可用来表示“吸收”或“承认”.

receive 自然获得 (= get), 接待 (= welcome), 遭受 (= suffer) 瞬间动词,


It's five days since I received your letter. = I received your letter five days ago

(不能用: I have received your letter for five days. )

9. He received (=got) a good education. 他受到过良好的教育.

10.She received (=got) a doctor's degree at the age of twenty-eight.


11.You will receive (=get) a warm welcome when you get here. 你到时会受到热烈欢迎.

12.He received (= welcomed) his guests with a smile. 他向来宾微笑表示欢迎.

13.She went to the door to receive (=welcome) her visitors. 她走到门前迎接客人。

14.The soldier received (=suffered) a bad wound in the head. 那士兵头部受伤严重.

d. invite sb. to a place 表示“邀请某人去某处”,to是介词,后面可接表示活动或聚会地点的名词.

invite,b.to do sth 表示邀请某人做某事”.to为不定式符号.

1. We shall invite one of our friends to dinner tonight.


2. I was invited to give a talk at the meeting. 昨天我应邀在会上发言.

e. cost, take, pay, spend

cost v. 花费金钱,时间,劳力, 事物作主语

n. (u. c.)作名词时表示‘成本’、‘价钱”、“费用’,用作可数或不可数名词.

living costs生活费用

the cost of a book一本书的成本

What's the cost of the car? 那辆汽车得花多少钱?

take 花费时间, 事物作主语

1.The composition cost (took) me three hours. 我用了三小时才写成这篇作文.

2. How much did the radio cost you? 这台无线电花了你多少钱?(不用take).

3. The work cost them much labour. 这件工作花费了他们很大的劳动.(不用take)

4. It took them over two years to build the bridge. (少用 cost)


spend 一般用来表示花费钱或时间,主语是表示有生命的名词或代词(一般为人)。

常用”spend…onsth.”或”spend…(in)doing sth.结构。

5. I spent 50 dollars on the camera. 买这只照相机,我花了50美元.

6. He often spent his spare time (in) helping the poor.



7. I spent 20 dollars on the coat. = The coat cost me 20 dollars.

= I paid 20 dollars for the coat. = I bought the coat for 20 dollars.

= I bought the coat at the price of 20 dollars.

pay vt. 付...报酬, 付款

8. Have you paid the doctor yet? 医生的酬金付了吗?

9. You have to pay me first before I do it. 你得在我于以前先付钱。

10.When will you pay back the money? 你什么时候还这笔钱?

11.I paid 200 yuan for the radio. 买这台收音机我花了200元。

12. How much did you pay for all these things?


pay vi. 付款, 赔

13.If you have lost it, I'm afraid you will have to pay for it.


14.It was time to pay for the things on the list.


f. after all

说话人在使用after all这一短语时要强调的是尽管有前面某种情况,但后面这种情况不能不考虑.用来引出对方似乎忘了的某个重要论点或理由.这时after all大多位于句首,意思是“不管怎么说”,“毕竟”.带有‘We mustn't forget...”之意.例如;

1. Mary didn't pass the exam, but after all she had done her best.


2. I think we should let her go with her boy friend. After all, she's a big girl now.


3. It's not surprising you're tired. After all, you were up until last night.


after all含有“虽然有前面说过的话” 或 “与预料相反”之义 (用在句尾)

4. I did promise I would lend you money, but I'm sorry I can't manage after all.


5. I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I passed it after all.


g. instead 与 instead of

instead (adv.)

instead of (prep.) + n. / pron. / -ing

1.If Harry isn't well enough to go with you, take me instead.


2. Come another day instead. 改日来吧.

3. If you have no jewellery, can't you wear a flower instead.


4. Last year I went to Japan. This year I am going to Hongkong instead.


5. I will go instead of you. 我代你去.

6. If I hadn't got a headache, I'd be working instead of lying here in bed.


不能说:instead to lie

h. marry

marry vt. + sb.

在大多数情况下,marry用作及物动词,表示与……结婚”,嫁”,娶”.后面直接带宾语,从来不与with连用.有时可用get married to代替.(get married to sb.)

1. Jack is going to marry Mary. 杰克将和玛丽结婚.

2. His sister married (= got married to) a rich man. 他的姐姐嫁给了一个有钱人.

当marry不带宾语时.更为常见的说法是be/get married

3. They are going to get married. 他们将要结婚.

4. He got married last week. 他上周结婚的.

5. Is she married? ( = Has she got married? ) 她结婚了吗?

marry vi.

6. He married young. 他早婚。

7. She didn't marry until forty. 她一直到四十岁才结婚。

i. try on, put on, pull on

try on 试穿 put on 穿上 pull on 匆匆穿上

1. You tried the necklace on ( tried on the necklace) and it looked wonderful on you. (on)


2. She put on the skirt and looked more beautiful in it. (in) 她穿上裙于,显得更漂亮.

3. He pulled on his overcoat and it seemed just to cover him like a blanket.


[注]动词dress也可表示穿的动作.但dress的宾语是人的名词或代词.如She dressed herself/her baby.(她穿上衣服/她替婴儿穿上衣服.)不能说She dressed her clothes.

Wear 不能表示穿的动作,只能表示“穿着”这一状态.如She wears a red skirt today these days.(她今天/这几天穿着一条红裙子.)

wear 表示佩带饰物等

wear glasses, (戴着眼镜), wear a sword,.(佩着剑)

wear a necklace / flower / watch / gold ring... (戴着项链/花/手表/金戒指)

have on 状态,也表示‘穿着”不能用于进行时.

He had on a red hat. 弹(他戴着一顶红帽子.)

The boy has nothing on. (那孩子一丝不挂.)


j. call on和call at

call on后面接表示人的名词或代词,call at后面接表示地方或


1. I called on (=went to see) Mr Smith yesterday. 我昨天拜访了Smith先生。

2. I called at (= went to ) Mr Smith's yesterday. 我昨天去了Smith先生的家。

3. I called on the Smiths yesterday. 我昨天拜访了Smith一家人。

4. I called on the doctor's yesterday. 我昨天到了Smith家。

5. I called on the doctor/my sister yesterday.我昨天去拜访了医生。

6. I called at the doctor's/my sister's yesterday.


[注] 注意中英文表达“叫”时的差异。我们可以说I called John to come.I called to John to come或 I called out to John to come.意思是“我大声叫John来。”You may ask him to help意思是“你可以叫他帮忙”,而You may call him to help则表示“你可以高声喊他来帮忙”。You can tell him to come tomorrow一句中的tell不能用call。另外,“他的名字叫Jack”一句应说His name is Jack或

He's named/called Jack,不能说His name is called Jack。

[注] What do you call this in English? 和How do you say this in English? 两句都正确,注意两句的疑问词What和How不能换用。前一句中的call可带复合宾语,What为宾语补足语,不能用How。第二句中的say没有这种功能,How为状语。

What do you call this in English? (call + 复合宾语)

How do you say this in English? ( how 为状语)

k. well

well并不总是表示“好”的意思.有时可用来表示“很”,“相当”,指程度,常与一些特定的介词、形容词、动词连用.这时不能用very,quite或very much等词代替.下面句子中一般都使用

well,而不用very或very much.

1. Mr Smith is well past forty. 史密靳先生有四十好几岁了.

2. I can't reach it. It is well above my head. 那东西我够不着.它高出我头很多.

3. This book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一读.

4. I don't know him well enough. 我对他了解得还很不够.

5. He is well known in this city. 他在这个城里很出名.

6. It fits you well. 你穿这很合身.

7. I didn't understand his lesson well. 他的课我听不大懂.

l. true 与 real


true 作定语, 表语 ( 真的, 不假, 符合实际的, 忠诚的)

real 只作表语 (真的, 不假, 真正的不是想象的,)

1. That necklace you borrowed from me wasn't a real / true diamond n



Fun is what we experience during an act, happiness is what we experience after an act. The latter is a deeper, more abiding emotion. Watching a movie or television is fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness, but in fact, the opposite is tree. More often than not, things that lead to happiness involves some pain. It seems no fun undertaking some hard work, but when you finish it successfully, you will feel happy.

The moment we understand that fun does not necessarily bring happiness, we began to lead our lives differently. We should not merely seek fun in life, but try to pursue happiness even if we may undergo pains and difficulties.



There is something in the world. It has no shape, no color and no weight. It can’t be seen or touched. But everyone wants it very much. People try to get it in many ways. Some people think money means it, so they try to make more money; some people believe that knowledge can bring it to them, so they study very hard; some other people find only good health can make themselves get it, so they take part in all kinds of sports and games. Now, you may ask what on earth the mysterious thing is. That’s happiness.

From my point of view, being in a good mood anytime and anywhere is the first thing for those who want to be happy. There is an old saying going like this, “happy is he who is content.” I cant agree with it any more. I still remember a story my mother told me when I was a child. A millionaire tried every means to seek after pleasure but to feel unhappy, but its counterpart that poor men who dose not have a thing always feel happy. Why are they so different? The answer is that the rich is being thinking how he can gain more while the poor is satisfied with what he owns at hand-health, freedom, love and so on.

Furthermore, love makes great difference to happiness. If you have love in your heart, you will have happiness in your life. Love consists of two parts, one is to love others, and the other is to be loved by others. Lei Feng set a good example for all of us. He served the people wholeheartedly until the last minute of his life. He regarded serving the people as the happiest thing. There are numbers of similar inspirational stories to be found. In addition, being loved by others can also lead you to happiness. Courage from your parents when frustrated, care from your lover when ill, help from your friends when in trouble… all of these will make you the happiest person in the world.

The last but not least is to act happily. Putting on a happy face and thinking interesting things are helpful to trigger happy feelings.

But I’m sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways. They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others’ shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have destroyed others’ happiness.

From I have discussed above ,we may safely draw the conclusion that happiness means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to otherms can make yourself happy.


Ladies and gentlemen,

It's my honor to stand here and say something about friendship.

First, I think everyone needs friends and is eager to get friendship.When you are happy, you can share your happiness with your friends and when you are sad, you can complain to your friends.If you are arrogant, your friends can persuade you and they can make you confident and brave when you are discouraged.

Second, as we all know, friendship is valuable.It can touch your heart and give you hope.Many people are proud of having a good friend.We must cherish our friends when we are happy with our friends.We should try our best to protect the friendship from being hurt.

We will meet a lot of friends in our life.We should find the people who can understand us and share not only happiness but also sadness.When you lose it, both you and your friend will feel very sorrowful.So you can't give up those friends, please don't forget to keep in touch with your old friends, because staying with old friends is cherishable.

Finally, just as an old saying goes, love comes and goes but friendship stays.It's sweet and poetic, full of tears, hopes and happiness.So let's cherish friendship!

That's all.Thank you for listening.


Military Training

When September comes, it is the time for students to go to school, for the freshmen, they need to join the military training at the beginning of the semester. It will be a hard time for them, because they are princes and princess at home, now they need to be burned in the hot sun, how terrible it is. But the military training is good for the new students, they will learn to be a strong person, they have to bear the hot sun, listen to the order. Comparing at home, most students will give orders to their parents, they are spoiled by their parents. But when they come to the school, they need to live alone, so they must learn to get along with others.

When they meet troubles, sometimes they need to get over them, military training teaches students to be a strong person, no matter what difficulty they have met.





















