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During the summer vacation I went back to my hometown to help my grandmother, and I did a very interesting thing there. Do you know what it was? It's a dig in the ground.

“La la la, la la la, I'm a little connoisseur of the newspaper...” I hummed the little tunes and carried the hoe and grandma up the hill to dig the earth.

In the field, I saw the seedling of the ground shaking the tender body in the wind and dancing lovely! I can't wait to pick up my hoe and pick up the melon.

But the ground melon was very disobedient. No matter how I dig it, it will break or break. I clapped my hands and stomped my feet. At that time, there was a gentle voice from my grandmother. “my dear grandson, you need to take the seedlings of the earth.

After listening to grandma's advice, my confidence came back again. I picked up the hoe again, and I was ready to fight again. I picked up the hoe and carefully drew the seedling of the ground with the hoe. The result was the same as the last one, with a deep fissure in the melon.

I saw the top of the gourd, and the big belly seemed to say, ”little bit, will you dig me? Let your grandma dig me.“


Summer life is like a kaleidoscope. I do in the summer vacation has become a net in the memory, the net fishing every thing in life, one thing makes me feel very interesting, that is:

One day this summer, I went to the little girl's house, and my sister-in-law was going out, and I gave the little girl's son, yue le, a ”nanny“ for a long time.

Yue le is a little girl's baby, only 2 years old, the flesh is beep, little meat a pile of children, lovely! He didn't speak very well, and he often made jokes, and after a long time, I became his ”interpreter“!

I was writing ”summer homework“. I didn't do a few problems, and I heard joy crying. I went into his room, and when he saw me, he sent me ”orders“ immediately: ”the hungry drug river!“ ”What? Can you make it clear?“ I said. He said, ”stay, stay!“ I suddenly realized that he was saying, ”I want to drink milk!“ So I brought him milk to drink. Sure enough, he drank the bottle and threw it away. At this point, a typical ”white map“ appeared, and I immediately took the mop and wiped the map. Then he issued a ”command“ to me: ”point west, point west!“ I think he want to eat snacks, then send the bear cookies in the past, I didn't think he was ”angry“ danced said to me: ”read points west, west, west!“ Oh! I got it. He wanted to watch TV. I turned on the TV right away and he looked up, and it wasn't long before he fell asleep!

As soon as I came back, I complained to her, and my sister-in-law praised me for being clever and clever.

By this time, I knew my mother's hard work, and I understood that my mother's pain should not be worn out by my mother.


The summer vacation arrived, and my father took me to grandma's house. As soon as I walked in, I was caught by the big pig in the pigsty. The big fat pig is full of white and red, and the protruding mouth makes the sound of ”breath smell“. It's fun! How about teasing it? I took a bamboo pole from one side and beat the fat pig's body lightly. But the pig didn't respond, except that the little tail was rolled into the word ”9“ and didn't even look at me. This time, I was angry and thought: don't take me seriously? See how I treat you! I had a brainwave and beat it with a bamboo stick. This one is true spirit, the pig angry, ”card.........“ ”Cried the earth, and stared at me. You're finally starting to notice me. As soon as I was happy, I hit him on the nose a few times. Unexpectedly, the big fat pig rushed to me at once, “bang” hit the fence. It looked as if it were going to eat me, and it made me fall to the ground.

“What? What? When grandma came, she saw the scene and hit the trough with the stick of the lard. The pig, like wu, would hear the order, and immediately went to war.

When grandma quelled the war, she said to me, ”longhua, what kind of pig is it?“

”There's a lot of lean meat on the market right now. I'm trying to lose weight to pigs!“ I am busy defending myself.

Grandma listened to the music: ”can


The thing is, my aunt sent a message one day, saying that she would take us to happy valley. The news made the laughter bubbling up in our house, in particular, I heard the happy valley these three words, one jump three feet high, I can't believe it, immediately almost passed out happily, because happy valley is a place where my dream.

Looking forward to what, finally, I expected, my aunt was in a happy mood, and we sat on the 105 bus and headed for the happy valley.

In happy valley, I really want to rush into happy valley and have a good time.

We played a lot of exciting games in the happy valley, like mine car, snow mountain flying dragon, perfect storm, space shuttle, and... But the funniest and funniest of all is the arctic adventure.

We lined up for a long time, and finally we played. My brother and I got up in a huff, picked up the pistol and set out. Have set off for a long time, but I only 118 points, but the brother had 227 points, I defy spirit, then loudly shouted to the younger brother: “feed, you don't play, you have 228 points!” The younger brother met and said, “I want another 400” /. I gave him a shot when I was unconvinced. He hit me. After a while, we started to get up, and the big sister in the back looked and couldn't help laughing.

Time flies, and the winter break passes. But the shadow of happy valley stays in my heart forever!


The summer vacation arrived, and my father took me to grandma's house. As soon as I walked in, I was caught by the big pig in the pigsty. The big fat pig is full of white and red, and the protruding mouth makes the sound of “breath smell”. It's fun! How about teasing it? I took a bamboo pole from one side and beat the fat pig's body lightly. But the pig didn't respond, except that the little tail was rolled into the word “9” and didn't even look at me. This time, I was angry and thought: don't take me seriously? See how I treat you! I had a brainwave and beat it with a bamboo stick. This one is true spirit, the pig angry, “card.........” “Cried the earth, and stared at me. You're finally starting to notice me. As soon as I was happy, I hit him on the nose a few times. Unexpectedly, the big fat pig rushed to me at once, ”bang“ hit the fence. It looked as if it were going to eat me, and it made me fall to the ground.

”What? What? When grandma came, she saw the scene and hit the trough with the stick of the lard. The pig, like wu, would hear the order, and immediately went to war.

When grandma quelled the war, she said to me, “longhua, what kind of pig is it?”

“There's a lot of lean meat on the market right now. I'm trying to lose weight to pigs!” I am busy defending myself.

Grandma listened to the music: “can't think my grandson is a pig's weight loss expert!” I smiled sheepishly


Summer fun

At noon the game began. First of all, dad was kicking, he was one, two... The frantic kick of the ball. When the shuttlecock fell to the table, the shuttlecock fell to the table, and dad tried to kick the shuttlecock out, but he accidentally kicked it to the table. “Oh,” he said, and he found a chair and sat down with a painful expression on his face. My mother and I were laughing and laughing.

Then I played very well and I played 47, and I thought: “I've played so much today and I should have won the championship.” Finally, my strong opponent -- mom, she kicked the right foot on the right foot, and soon overtook me and dad. However, when she played until 63, suddenly kicked the left foot, an oblique to back a few steps, almost fell a fall, very not easy to remember. At that time, I also don't know how mother is playing to his right foot, is on the side laughing, father also found the opportunity to revenge, delighted to laugh. We asked mom how she kicked her right foot. Touch the right foot, “my mother as she replied,” the shuttlecock fell on the left, and I don't respond so fast, don't know is to play with his right foot or left foot, so... “When I heard that, my father and I were teaching more loudly.

That day, although I didn't win the championship, I felt that it was the happiest day of my summer vacation. I thought: if mom and dad could play with me like this every day.








Skating is a very interesting thing. I still find it amusing when I think of my skating.

What fun it is! One night in the ice, a round moon was rising, and the silver moon reflected a few silky, feathery clouds, like the moon. My mother and I went to the cultural square to skate. As soon as I got there, I saw countless people on the ice rink. I forced myself to put on my skates and slip away. Suddenly, a sudden brake came. I fell to the ground, like a penguin. Mom looked at me and laughed, and I couldn't help laughing. My mother had to help me find a coach. The coach taught me patiently. Put your hands behind your back, feet, knees forward. I did what the coach taught me to do. Finally, I learned to skate. My heart was almost flying with joy, with a smile from my heart. For a moment I slipped like a monkey, and then slipped like a duck, and then slipped like a penguin. I slipped to my mother and she said to me, ”you are great!“

As the saying goes, ”nothing is impossible in the world, but there is a willing heart“. There is nothing wrong with that. Whatever we do, as long as we have confidence and perseverance, we can do well with patience


During the summer vacation, my aunt and sister came to my home with my sister, brother and sister, which gave me an infinite pleasure in my boring summer life.

My mother my brother and I learn English is taught every morning, mom is mainly teaches us dialogue, practice spoken English, learned knowledge in the game, our English by leaps and bounds. My brother and I listened carefully while mom was talking. When we do our homework, we write it hard. After finishing your homework, you can also eat delicious fruit and play interesting poker games.

Learning is tiring, sometimes we play hide and seek, although our home is very small, but we still play the game.

Once, my sister looked for it, we hid it. I hid in the empty space between the sofa and the curtains. I lay down on the ground, my head was in my head, my head was covered with my hands, and my head was covered with curtains and my buttocks were pouting. After a while, my sister didn't come to me. I still insist. Suddenly there was a big laugh. When I looked back, my sister, my sister, my aunt, my mother, and my brother were all looking at me. It turned out that I had just kept my head hidden, but I forgot to be naked. That's a great deal! I stood up and my face became hot and hot, like a red apple!

We sometimes play pranks. On one occasion, my brother found that I have a lot of small balloons, and together with me with water, drag it to the edge of the window, and then give up, our balloon out of water at the same time, really like a waterfall. At this moment, there is a ”wang wang“ barking dog, and we see that the water is sprayed on the dog, and it is watered down to the ”soup dog“. We ”hahaha“ laughed.


























This morning, the sun was shining brightly. The weather is good and my mood is good. Jumping out of bed. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I sat down at the table, ate breakfast, and drank the milk slowly, and the crumbs could not fall. The egg is cut into petals.

After breakfast, sit at the table and open the workbook. Start writing your summer homework. Oh, yeah, that's a tough one. Think about it in a different way, no. In a different way, well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Two hours passed, and finally finished, I a had rushed into the room, open the computer, crossed the watch, suddenly, my mother in my side, said: ”an hour watching the computer“ I'm coming, pouting out of the net, mom the chance to look up the computer, an hour later, she also not bottom, I deliberately cheat her toilet there are cockroaches, such as mother came in and sat before the computer, my mother, in distress situation of say: ”small net insect, to see the computer, deceiving mother.“

In the afternoon, I picked up a book in the home, it was easy to find a cartoon, gu not the dust of the body, with relish the view. Mother said, ”go, go to the shop with me.“ I listened, changed into clothes, backpacks, my mother took my hand, and walked slowly down the stairs. A few hours later, as soon as I got up, I ran into the study and continued to read the cartoon. No matter three or seven twenty-one.

This is my fun day, OK, in the diary tomorrow night.


During the long summer vacation, I experienced a lot of interesting things. One of the things I had to remember was the fact that I had a shell in a public house.

One day, when I was out of business, I called my cousin cousin and said, ”let's play the shell!“ ”Good!“ said the cousin.

As soon as I did, I went to prepare the tiles and put the brackets on the balcony of the second floor, and my cousin went to prepare dry, stubble, and the cousin went to the river to find the shell. After a while, ready to do a good job, we began to action, I put the shells on bricks on supporting the tiles, caught a big put straw into tiles, light straw, wheat straw burning speed too fast, burn out, quickly put out the fire, and shells have not burning hot, my cousin said, should put the straw and plant evenly in some, like wheat straw to deadwood ignition, set fire to burn for longer periods of time. I did as my cousin said, and it was successful. And burned more than ten minutes, I use hand gently touched the shells on the tiles, shells is a bit hot slightly, in order to make the shells is very hot, I again to add a little bit of prodding, cousin came down with a fan again, hard to making it lighter, fan dust flying, my eyes were fascinated, tears flow down. I hasten to wipe with the hand, the brush is tight, I became a big flower cat, cousin cousin was laughed down, and I wash a face to the downstairs quickly, suddenly heard footsteps getting closer, I slip out, also to go wash my face, loudly say: ”grandpa came back!“ Cousin cousin listened to, and quickly ran downstairs and I pick up a few bowl of water put the fire out, kid to clean up the battlefield, then don't pretend what happened, leisurely played the game. Outside the door of the public push door came in to see us a few good ground play, satisfied smile, we several also all in the heart secretly smile.

The shell didn't burn successfully, but I found it very interesting.


One day at noon on summer vacation, the hot sun is scorching the sun! After eating, I saw my mother washing the dishes and said to my mother, ”mom, you've been busy all day. Let me wash the dishes for you.“ Mother agreed happily.

First, I put my sleeves up high and put the plug on the water. Then I shoved the dishes into the sink and put some hot water in it, and I put some washing on it, and I put my hand down. Suddenly he came back. A: hi! I was so careless that I forgot to add cold water. I turned the tap on the tap and cold water. It was so slippery that the flax was on the bowl, and it seemed as if it had been coated with grease, and, carelessly, a bowl of ”slapstick“ was slipping out of my hand. I hadn't figured out what was going on, and it got into the water with a noise, and the water splashed all over my face. I had to take them out of the water, and put them in the cupboard and wash them slowly, so that the dishes were all washed up. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and rubbed ”chuffed and chuffed... How nice of you to hear it! Suddenly, not only, they fell out of my hand, and lying on the ground like a game stick, I had to pick it up and wash it again. Finally I cleaned the spoon


Autumn, I excitedly lying on the sofa, silently want to want to all of a sudden, I thought of the day of the summer vacation, I feed the pigeons in the square in the open: my right hand holding a spoon, left hand holding a GeShi, at this time, a group of pigeons fly all food, and I dug one scoop a spoonful of again, the last remaining spoon, I thought: this spoon until dusk, give them something to eat!

Dusk, I went back to the open square, and then, a large group of pigeons to fly, they rob to eat again, but, as only last one teaspoon, so have a female pigeon didn't steal to eat, at this time, she holds the tears, as if to say: that's ok, as long as their children eat satisfied! I couldn't help but shed tears.

This great mother love made me think of my mother!


One day, my father and I went upstairs. My father said that he would teach me to study the computer.

Dad taught me how to start up first, and then teach me how to open the file, also taught me to learn to draw, finally, teach me how to shut down, I am serious in learning. After a few days, I want to try and see if I have learned it. I've done it several times, and I can find the file successfully. I've really learned it! In the future, I will use the Internet to help me to learn more knowledge that I can not learn in the textbook, solve more problems, the computer will always be my good friend!

In this case, I know that it is possible to study hard and to do anything, so that all difficulties can be solved.


It is very hot and wet today and is called sauna weather.

During my mom did the cooking in the kitchen, I saw her head was sweaty. I told her I could help her and she accepted.

After cooking, we were all sweaty .However, mum and I all felt happy. She said I was growing up and became her good assistant.





Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that, it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day!




This July, I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school. Therefore, I had a happy and leisure summer holiday. In the middle of July, I attended to a summer camp. It’s about English. There were twenty five students in the camp. We all like English very much. Together, we studied and played. There were many activities, team work or single performance. We tried our best to put ourselves into this big family. Most of the time, we talked to each other in English. If we really don’t know how to express in English, we could ask for help. Our teachers were so great that they could help us a lot. They were so active that make us acted as they did. I am happy to attend this activity.





There are a great number of subjects in school。 Different subjects teach students different knowledge。 They’re both very useful。 However, different students like different subjects。

As for girls, most girls like art Chinese。 Maybe girls think these subjects are very interesting very easy。 But most girls usually hate some subjects like math, chemistry or physics。 Girls have a really hard time with these subjects they found out the worst report was from these subjects’ teachers。

And what about boys? Of course, most boys’ heart are in math, chemistry physics。 So boys always get good grades in these subjects。 But most boys dislike Chinese or art。 Perhaps they think Chinese art are really boring。

Boys girls both like English。 So English is the most popular subject in 。

At last, what’s your favorite subject? You could write a letter to tell us。



I enjoy summer vacation very much.

Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. We have more than fifty days to rest. Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends.

We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes, so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents. It's a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.


Learn to be Tolerant

When I am making mistakes, my parents will never be angry with me. I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me. I learn many things from my parents, they show me how to be a tolerant person. They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will educate me in the gentle way. Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids, they will be very angry and said the hurting words, making the children feel sad. Being tolerant to other people’s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem. People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way.









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