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traveling abroad

in recent years, more and more citizens here would like to travel abroad. in 1995, the number of people who would like to travel abroad was 10000, which increased to nearly 40000 in . and in , the number further climbed above 12,000. there are several reasons for the shocking rise.

the improvement of the economic conditions is probably the main reason for it. people do not need to worry about their diet and various other necessities. after visiting famous scenic spots throughout our country, the citizens’ taste has changed, with support of enough finance.

moreover, enhancement of personal capacity is becoming more and more a requirement for those who want to make greater success. with the development of economy and technology, citizens begin to take advantage of different foreign products as well as education. since most citizens have got used to their life at home, traveling abroad becomes one of the easiest ways to have direct contact with exotic cultures.

many advantages as traveling abroad may bring to us, it may also bring about many disadvantages. for instance, there are many elites who have ever traveled abroad may be attracted by the nicer living and researching conditions abroad and thus never return, which is really a pity to our nation.

comparatively speaking, traveling abroad is a serious decision to make. maybe, look before you leap is better.






范文 由

there are a huge number of reasons behind this phenomenon, of which the most important one is --china's booming economy.

thanks to the deepening of reform and opening-up, citizens of the middle kingdom enjoy a sharp improvement in their living standards. they have enormous consuming power to pursue higher level of living quality. perhaps getting tired of visiting scenic spots at home, an increasing number of them choose foreign countries as their tour destinations.

when it comes to what impacts it would bring, in my eyes, it would give a huge boost to tour industry both at home and abroad. and it would give chinese deeper insights into foreign cultures. of course, the dark side of this phenomenon also exists. for instance, the uncivilized behavior of some chinese tourists may have a negative impact on china's image. anyway, overseas travel is beneficial. what really needs to occur is consumer education.


script for cet-6

section a

1. m: mary, could you please tell tom to contact me, i hope he would help out with the orientation program next week.

w: i will certainly tell him if i see him. but i haven’t seen him for a few days.

q: what does the woman mean?

2.m: susan, i am going to change the light bulb above the dining table. would you hold the ladder for me

w: no problem. but be careful while you are out there.

q: what does the man want the woman to do?

3.w: it’s freezing cold. let me make some coffee to warm us up, do you want a piece of pie as well?

m: coffee sounds great. but i am going to have dinner with some friends in a while so i’d better skip the pie.

q: what does the man mean?

4.w: how come jim lose his job?

m: i didn’t say he’s lost it. all i said was if he did not get out and start selling a few cars instead of idling around all day, he might find him looking for a new job.

q: what does the man say about jim?

5. m: hello mary, this is paul at the bank. is tony home?

w: not yet, paul. i don’t think you can reach him at the office now either. he phoned me about five minutes ago to say he will stop for a hair cut on his way home.

q: who do you think the woman probably is?

6.w: oh, boy, i don’t understand how you got the ticket today! (交通场景,注意ticket此处指罚票!) i always thought you were slow even driving on a less crowded fast lane.

m: i am usually careful. but this time i thought i could get through the intersection before the light turned.

q: what do we learn about the man?

7.w: your dog certainly seems to know you are its master. did you have to punish him very often when you t

m: i found it much better to praise him when he obeys and not to be so fussy when he makes mistakes.

q: what does the man say about t

8. m: i am afraid there won’t be time to do another tooth today. make sure you don’t eat anything like snacks for the next few hours and we’ll fill another tomorrow.

w: all right, i must hurry to the library to return some books.

q: where does the conversation most probably take place?

9. w: i am worried about jenny going to college? college students are wild these days.

m: actually only a few are like that. most students are too busy studying to have time to cause trouble.

q: what does the man imply?

10.w: you didn’t seem terribly enthusiastic about the performance.

m: you must be kidding. i couldn’t have clapped any harder. my hands are still hurting.

q: what does the man think of the performance?

section b

passage 1

born and raised in central ohio, i am a country girl through and through. (我是个地道的乡下丫头。)

) i am currently studying to become a physical therapist, a career path that marked great achievement for me. at ohio state university, admission into the physical therapist program is intensely competitive. (录取竞争很激烈。)i made it pass for applying for the program the first year, but it was turned down for admission(但是未被录取) i was crashed (我崩溃了),because for years i have been determined to become a physical therapist. i received advice from friends and relatives about changing my major and finding another course for my life (我的亲戚朋友们奉劝我改变专业,选择另外的人生道路). i just could not do it. i knew i could not be as happy in another profession. so i still for myself and begin to work seriously for another year and reapplied. happily i received notice of my admission. later, i found out that less than 50% of the applicants had been offered positions that year. now in the first two years of professional training, i could not be happier with my decision not to give up my dream. my father told me that if i want it badly enough, i would get in. well, daddy, i wanted it, so there.(我想得到,所以就得到了。) after graduation, i went to travel to another country, possibly a latin american country and work in a children’s hospitals for a year or two. so many of the children there are physically handicapped but most hospitals don’t have the funding to hire trained staff to care for them properly (但是医院里面没有钱雇佣受过训练的医生给这些残疾儿童恰当的治疗). i would like to change that somehow.

11. what is the speaker’s field of study?

12. according to speaker, what contributed to her admission to ohio’s state university?

13. why does the speaker want to go to another latin american country?








1万人近4万 12万以上


from the table, we can see that in the past 10 years, the number of people in a given city who have gone traveling abroad has increased considerably. especially in the recent 5 years, the figure has been more than tripled, surging from 40,000 to 120,000.

there are several reasons for the change. firstly, with the development of economy, more and more people become better off. and their ability to finance their trip abroad is growing. secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the decade. travel agencies offer not only domestic packages but also travel specials abroad. in addition, individuals today are expected and encouraged to go outside to widen their horizon and to face the real world of globalization. in this way they hope to keep themselves informed of what is going on around the world.

from the changes reflected in the table, we can predict that the number of individuals going out of the country will boost. this encouragingly and inevitably facilitates the cultural exchange between ours and the rest of the world and this trend will be irreversible.



21. b

22. d

23. c

24. b

25. c

26. d

27. a

28. d

29. b

30. d

31. b

32. c

33. d

34. a

35. d

36. b

37. c

38. b

39. a

40. d


41. a

42. c

43. a

44. a

45. d

46. b

47. c

48. a

49. b

50. d

51. a

52. b

53. c

54. b

55. a

56. b

57. d

58. c

59. d

60. b

61. a

62. c

63. a

64. d

65. b

66. a

67. c

68. c

69. b

70. d


s1 master → mastering

s2 that → which

s3 in an effect→ 去掉an

s4 stupidity → stupid

s5 which → that

s6 affecting → affected

s7 at same time → same前插入the

s8 year → years

s9 relative → relatively

s10 with → without


traveling abroad

in recent years, more and more citizens here would like to travel abroad. in 1995, the number of people who would like to travel abroad was 10000, which increased to nearly 40000 in 2000. and in 2005, the number further climbed above 12,000. there are several reasons for the shocking rise.

the improvement of the economic conditions is probably the main reason for it. people do not need to worry about their diet and various other necessities. after visiting famous scenic spots throughout our country, the citizens’ taste has changed, with support of enough finance.

moreover, enhancement of personal capacity is becoming more and more a requirement for those who want to make greater success. with the development of economy and technology, citizens begin to take advantage of different foreign products as well as education. since most citizens have got used to their life at home, traveling abroad becomes one of the easiest ways to have direct contact with exotic cultures.

many advantages as traveling abroad may bring to us, it may also bring about many disadvantages. for instance, there are many elites who have ever traveled abroad may be attracted by the nicer living and researching conditions abroad and thus never return, which is really a pity to our nation.

comparatively speaking, traveling abroad is a serious decision to make. maybe, look before you leap is better.

篇6:恩波教育:6月17日六级权威答案 A卷


1. c she is not sure she can pass on the message.

2. d hold the ladder for him

3. b he’d like some coffee

4. c he might get fired

5. a tony’s secretary

6. a he was fined for running a red light

7. c he finds reward more effective than punishment

8. b at the dentist’s

9. b he doesn’t agree with the woman’s remark

10. a it was applaudable.

11. b. medical care

12. c. her determination to fulfill her dream.

13. b. to help disabled children there.

14. d. in a small village in chile.

15. a. by expanding their minds and horizons.

16. d. she made outstanding contributions to children’s education.

17. a she won the 1945 nobel prize in literature.

18. c. how animals protect themselves against predators.

19. b. its plant-like appearance.

20. a. it helps improve their safety.


21 d showing violence is thought to be entertaining

22 b most studies exaggerate the effect of media violence on the viewers.

23 c assert a direct line between violent media and aggressive behavior.

24 d their definition of violence

25 a more studies should be conducted before conclusinons are drawn.

26 a a quarter of americans can't afford their prescription drubs.

27 d exercising price control on brand-name drugs.

28 b high prices are essential to funding research on new drugs.

29 c to allow the vast majority to enjoy its benefits. b

30 c reducing supplies to uncooperative canadian pharmacies.

31 a offering senior citizens discounts has become routine commercial practice

32 c the elderly,being financially underprivileged,need human help from society.

33 b intensify conflicts between the young and the old

34 c it benefits the old at the expense of the young.

35 d senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age

36 a crime against humanity

37 c deep-rooted socio-economic inequality

38 b the blacks are not compensated for their unpaid labor

39 d has been accumulated from generations of slavery

40 b inequality of many kinds remains virtually untouched.


41.a originality

42.d aspiration

43.c rigorous

44.d indispensable

45.b commonplace

46.c thrilled

47.a retrieved

48.d nominated

49.b overwhelming

50.a startling

51.c cherished

52.a interacting

53.d transcending

54.c deprived

55.b prone

56.d donated

57.b gorgeous

58.b trait

59.c transition

60.a distort

61.d hierarchy

62.a abnormal

63.d genetic

64.b indicative

65.a disturbance

66.c durability

67.d stunned

68.b drastic

69.a descendants

70.c extinct


s1 master → mastering

s2 that → what

s3 in an effect→ 去掉an

s4 lazy→ laziness

s5 which → that

s6 affecting → affected

s7 at same time → same前加the

s8 year → years

s9 relative → relatively

s10 with → without



1.a.she is not sure she can pass on the message.

2.d.hold the ladder for him

3.a.he'd like some coffee

4.b.he might get fired

5.c.tony's wife

6.d.he was fined for runing a red light

7.a.he finds reward more effective than punishment.

8.c.at the dentist's

9.c.he doesn't agree with the woman's remark

10.b.it was applaudable

11.d.medical care

12.a.her determination to fulfill her dream

13.c.to help the disabled children there.

14.a.in a small village in chile.

15.b.by expanding their minds and horizons

16.c.she made outstanding contributions to children's education

17.d.she won the 1945 nobel prize in literature

18.b.how animals protect themselves against predators.

19.a.its plan-like appearance

20.d.it helps improve their safety


21. c crime against humanity

22. c prejudice against minority groups

23. d there is no guarantee for blacks to exercise their rights

24. b has been accmulated from generations of slavery

25. c inequality of many kinds remains virtually untouched

26. d offering senior citizens discounts has become rountine commercial practice

27. a the elderly ,being finacially underprivileged,need humane help from society

28. d intensify conflicts between the young and the old

29. b it benefits the old at the expense of the young

30. d senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age discrimination

31. b showing violence is thought to be entertaining

32. c most studies exaggerate the effect of media violence on the viewers

33. d assert a direct link between violent media and aggressive behavior

34. a their definition of violence

35. d more studies should be conducted before conclusions are drawn

36. b a quarter of americans can't afford their prescription drugs.

37. c excercising price control on brand-name drugs

38. b high prices are essential to funding research on new drugs

39. a to allow the vast majority to enjoy its benefits.

40. d reducing supplies to uncooperative canadian pharmacies


41.b.retrieved 42.c.startling 43.a.transcending 44.a.donated 45.d.transition

46.b.abnormal 47.c.genetic 48.a.durability 49.c.stunned 50.d.extinct

51 a.originality 52.b.rigorous 53.c.thrilled 54.b.indispensable 55.a.nominated

56.b.deprived 57.d.indicative 58.c.disturbance 59.d.drastic 60.b.aspiration

61.a.overwhelming 62.c.interacting 63.a.descendants 64.d.prone 65.b.gorgeous

66.a.distort 67.c.commonplace 68.c.trait 69.b.cherished 70.d.hierachy


s1 master → mastering

s2 that → what

s3 in an effect → 去掉an

s4 lazy → laziness

s6 affecting → affected

s7 at same time → same前插入the

s8 year → years

s9 relative → relatively

s10 with → without










we’re writing this letter to recruit volunteers on summer vocation. and we do hope more students are willing to join us and enjoy this activity joyfully during the following month.

it is necessary for us to show our plans and arrangements to you. our plan is to set off next weekend, when the summer vacation officially begins. and, our purpose is to service the olympic games. the first stop is nanjing, the world-renowned city for its beauty and mild temperature. we’ll get there by t

those interested please contact me either through email (xxx@126.com) or phone call (12345678).

we are waiting for you sincerely.




(1) 给小何写信感谢他接待你在云南旅游

(2) 回忆美好的旅行经历

(3) 邀请小何来你的家乡做客

June 17th ,

Dear Xiao He,

Thank you ever so much for having invited me for the tour of Yunnan, your home province. I had a fantastic time with you and your family. Your great hospitality will be unforgettable throughout my life.

When I think of those gorgeous places of scenic beauty you showed me around, I couldn’t be more delighted. And the pineapple pie Grandma prepared for me is out of this world. I had never had so delicious food! Indeed, I am still missing your snug log-cabin, small and cozy, which was turned into my dream house in fairy land those nights.

Would you come to Harbin, my home town, some time this summer vacation? Harbin, a beautiful place frequently referred to as Oriental Paris, offers a picture of another kind. I can assure you another pleasant tour. My family and I cannot wait to see you here.


Li Ming





September, 11

Dear President,

I am a sophomore with the Department of Law. My name is Wang Ming. I am writing to you today to intimate you with something undesirable that I have found in the University Library.

You may or may not realize how much our library, the landmark of our university or even of our town, weighs in our minds. It is a place we are most proud of and where we like to spend most of our time. In such an honorable place we have noticed recently some phenomena which hurt our eye. Some seats in the reading rooms are ‘permanently reserved vacant seats’, that is, some students “occupy” some seats they never come to use. What a terrible waste of valuable resource! Some other students are too noisy, talking among themselves, leaving mobile phone beeping anytime. And some library staff is ill-mannered and rude and not helpful most of time. These and other undesirable things have already done damage to the fame of our university and caused a lot of inconvenience to the users.

Dear President, we hope that something can be done to change and reverse the current situation. Let our cozy, comfortable, quiet, effective library come back.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely


例:A Welcome Back Celebration


2.班上同学准备cheer her up.


Yang Ling is my fellow classmate and friend. Recently she had a terrible condition and has been hospitalized for over a month. She was depressed, sad and downhearted. She told us so many things are working against her, and she didn’t know how to change and redirect herself.

The day before she was released from hospital, we, some of her friends decided to give a surprise to cheer her up the next day. That night, she came back, shoulders bent and head fallen. She was so deep in her bad mood that she didn’t realize that her dorm is the only one in the building that is dark. She turned the key in the lock and opened the door when the room was suddenly lit like a bright day. Her eyes sparkled with delight and surprise. She saw all her classmates crowded in this tiny room. Everyone was holding something in his hand, flowers, fruits, cards, cheering, “Welcome back!” She was so moved that she burst into tears. And smile returned to her pretty face. She said “Thank you all.” heartedly.

Ever since that day, happiness and delight have stayed with her. Life is so wonderful.


例:Buying or Borrowing Books?

(1) 有些人认为书应该借来看

(2) 有些人认为书应该买来看

(3) 你的选择?

Buying or Borrowing Books?

Books can arm us with knowledge and information we need to make success of life. There are generally two ways in which we can have access to books: borrowing or buying. While millions are borrowing books, I still think buying them best suits me and gives me the greatest pleasure.

Many people choose to borrow books. For one thing, borrowing books can save us huge amounts of money. For another, if we borrow books from the library or friends, we normally have deadline to finish them. And consequently we can read more books in a limited time, just as a famous Chinese saying goes, “books can not be read unless borrowed.”

I believe that advantages for buying books are more obvious and compelling. Firstly, we can keep the books as long as we wish. Secondly, we can take whatever notes on the margin of the pages of the books. Finally, the process of selecting and keeping books can be a great fun.




A: staying at home

B: traveling

C: doing social investigation

D: other ways

From the two charts, we can see that in the past ten years the students who go traveling and do social investigations during vacations have increased greatly while those who stay at home have decreased a lot.

There are several reasons for the changes. Firstly, with the development of economy, many people have become better off. Students can get financial support from their parents for traveling. Secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the past ten years. Many new scenic spots have been built and exploited. In addition, the students today are expected and encouraged to participate in facing the real world. In this way they can obtain the necessary experiences required when they go job-hunting upon graduation.

From the changes in the charts, we can predict that more and more college students will make their vacations interesting and worthwhile by going to the outside world instead of staying at home.



1. 简述上周五系学生会搞的一次以环保为主题的`到某一湖区拾trash的活动。

2. 上述活动的效果及存在的问题。

3. 你的建议。

My fellow students,

Last Friday, the Students’ Union of our Department organized a clean-up project to Zhongshan Lake. The purpose of this project is to enhance(加强)the environment awareness of general public. Late in the afternoon around 4, a group of 35 volunteers went to the park where we pick up the trash(垃圾)left by some tourists. As head of the group, I would like to report to you on the event.

Actually, we did a wonderful job. When we were collecting the trash near the lake, many people paused to watch and then came to our help, showing considerable appreciation and support. But our work still left some to be desired. For one thing, since our project started late in the afternoon, hours were not long enough to attract enough people as we had predicted. For the other, lots of people passed by apparently not knowing what we were doing. But for these two drawbacks, our project could have been much better and more effective.

So, following are two of my suggestions: next time we have similar activities, try to start earlier, say in the morning. In this case we can put in more hours. And also, as we are getting along, we can put up some posters to tell people what we are doing and call their attention to environment protection. Thank you.



an announcement for a voluntary program

1. 校学生会组织一次暑假志愿活动,现招聘志愿者

2. 本次活动的目的、内容及安排

3. 报名条件和联系方式

model essay:

dear fellow students,

attention, please! we are now recruiting volunteers to participate in (take part in / get involved in) a voluntary program held by the student union during the summer break.

the details of our activity are listed as follows. first, this activity is aimed at cultivating (giving a boost to ) your sense of responsibility, broadening your vision and sharpening your edge because, as our economy evolves at an incredible speed, it is becoming increasingly vital for young adults in the ivory tower to get in touch with the real world. second, our activity begins at july 10th and ends at july 20th. . plus, the schedule involves blood donation, looking after senior citizens and conducting a survey on the city's traffic system to put forward our suggestions.

any full-time or part-time students in our college are welcomed to join our team. for further information,

come on, guys!





人: individual / character / folk / young adult / old adult / senior citizen / people in their late adulthood

网络: the net / the internet / the web / the virtual world / the electronic world / the cyber world

地球: earth / the planet earth / our mother planet / global village

电脑: the computer / the machine / the device

校园: the campus / the ivory tower / the relatively isolated place

社会: the society / the real world

中国: china / the middle kingdom / this ancient country

随着...的发展: as... evolves

...变的越来越重要.. is becoming increasingly vital

...变的越来越普遍.. is becoming increasingly prevalent

人们对...越来越重视 people have a growing respect for sth.

人们重视/看中/珍爱某物 place a high value on sth.

增强竞争力 sharpen one's edge

使某人具有优势力 give sb. the edge

...很重要 is vital / crucial / essential

起...重要作用 play a central role in





















