
时间:2022-06-07 05:20:43 导游词 收藏本文 下载本文




“Je t'aime,Paris!”巴黎,史前还埋藏在海平面下的这块土地,在建城多年后的今天,这个名字不会让任何一个人陌生。这座世界历史文化名城被誉为花都、光之城、浪漫之都、时尚之都、美食之都……也许你只是想去蒙田大道纵情购物,也许只是想去塞纳河边散步,也许你只是想去米其林餐厅尝尝法式大餐,也许只是想去左岸喝喝咖啡,也许你只是想去卢浮宫看看蒙娜丽莎的微笑……也许这个地球上只有巴黎可以满足所有人的期许。 巴黎从最早的河心岛,到被塞纳河划分为左岸右岸,在经历数次扩张后,如今的巴黎已有“小巴黎”及“大巴黎”之分;小巴黎指的是划为20个区的巴黎市区,法国人口中的“Paris”以及地址里显示的“Paris”一般只是指的巴黎市区,邮编为750_,绝大部分景点比如埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫、巴黎圣母院等位于小巴黎,景点相对集中,所以步行也是不错的选择。大巴黎则是小巴黎加上周边的7个郊区省份组成的?le-de-France(法兰西岛大区),这里也有不少值得前去的地方,比如凡尔赛宫、枫丹白露、迪士尼乐园等。











巴黎导游词 (四)

法国人说,埃菲尔铁塔是“首都的瞭望台” 。它设有上、中、下三个瞭望台,可同时容纳上万人,三个瞭望台各有不同的视野,也带来不同的情趣。一个世纪以来,每年大约有300万人登临塔顶,俯瞰巴黎市容,叹为观止。






无论你在哪里 无论何时 假若你愿意回头看 我一直在守候。 所以在铁塔周围方圆不允许建造高楼大厦 所以在巴黎很容易就可以看到铁塔的存在




1889年欣逢法国大革命(French Revolution)100周年,巴黎举办大型国际博览会(Exposition Universelle)以示庆祝。博览会上最引人注目的展品便是埃菲尔铁塔(法语:La Tour Eiffel;英语:The Eiffel Tower),它成为当时席卷世界的近代工业革命的象征,也是现代巴黎的标志之一。浪漫的巴黎人给铁塔取了一个美丽的名字——“云中牧女”,一作“铁娘子”。

铁塔的设计者是法国建筑师居斯塔夫·埃菲尔(Gustave Eiffel, 1832.12.15 ~ 1923.12.28)。早年他以铁桥专家而闻名。他一生中杰作累累,遍布世界(其中有著名的“卡桑德拉大桥”),但使他名扬四海的还是这座以他名字命名 的铁塔。用他自己的话说:埃菲尔铁塔“把我淹没了,好像我一生只是建造了她”。

1887年1月28日,埃菲尔铁塔正式开工。 250名工人冬季每天工作8小时,夏季每天工作13小时,终于,1889年3月31日这座钢铁结构的高塔大功告成。铁塔的四个塔墩正好指向正东南西北,并 在塔下为埃菲尔塑了一座半身铜像。塔的四个面上,则铭刻了72位科学家的名字——那些为保护铁塔不被摧毁而从事研究的人们。

埃 菲尔铁塔塔身为钢架铆接结构,看起来就像是一堆模型组件堆砌起来的。不过,这些金属组件共有18038个,施工时共钻孔700万个,使用铆钉250万个, 总重量达7300吨(包括塔基混凝土材料在内,总重量超过10000吨)。据说它对地面的平均压强只有一个人坐在椅子上那么大。



每隔七年,法国人都要为埃菲尔铁塔刷上50-60吨的略带红色的绿漆(主要目的还是防锈)。之所以是略带红色的绿色,是因为这种颜色对蓝色的天空和铁塔下面战神广场(Champ de Mars)的绿地视觉冲击最小。





法国人说,埃菲尔铁塔是“首都的瞭望台” 。它设有上、中、下三个瞭望台,可同时容纳上万人,三个瞭望台各有不同的视野,也带来不同的情趣。一个世纪以来,每年大约有300万人登临塔顶,俯瞰巴黎市容,叹为观止。









“Je t 'aime, Paris!” Paris, prehistoric burial at sea level under the land, in the city of more than years later, the name will not let anyone strange. Huadu, the world famous historical and cultural city known as the city of light, romantic, fashion, food of all... Maybe you just want to go to the avenue montaigne likes shopping, maybe just want to take a walk to the river Seine, maybe you just want to go to Michelin restaurant taste French dinner, on the left bank may just want to drink coffee, maybe you just want to go to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa smile... Maybe the earth only Paris can satisfy everyone's expectations.

Paris from the earliest channel island, on the left bank to the river Seine is divided into the right bank, after several expansion, Paris now has “small Paris” and “greater”; Refers to the small Paris is divided into 20 downtown district of Paris, the French population “Paris” and indicated in the address of “Paris” generally refers to the Paris city, zip code for the 750 xx, most of the attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame DE Paris located in Paris, attractions relatively concentrated, so walking is a good choice. The greater is the small plus around Paris suburb of seven provinces of Ile DE - France (French island district), there are many worthy to place, such as the palace of Versailles, Fontainebleau, Disneyland, etc.

Once backpackers in Opera (Opera house), with the gradual rise of land price in Paris, has various levels of tourists all over Paris any corner of the left bank and Montmartre became to be bestowed favor on newly. Developed and convenient public transport is the first choice for travel, ride a bike or walk is also a good idea. In an urban area, drive is definitely not a good choice, the Paris government environmental protection very discouraged road trip to Paris.


The French capital Paris is one of the top ten cities in the world. It is located in the middle of the basin in northern France in Paris, the city across on both sides of the Seine. There are small points of Paris, a greater Paris. Small Paris in Paris city within the big ring road, covers an area of 105 square kilometers, population of more than 200; A greater includes seven provinces around the city, an area of 12000 square kilometers and a population of about 10 million, almost one 5 of the population. Is the largest city in France, it is also one of the world's most populous metropolis.

Paris celebrates its 1400 years of history, the city has 2000 years of history. People roaming the city, is one of the most profound impression: it retains much of the world famous historical monuments, and there are many magnificent modern buildings, there are “flowers” laudatory name.

Paris is France's political, economic and cultural center. In terms of cultural facilities, Paris has built the world's largest with electronic computer control of modern art and cultural center - pompidou national center for art and culture, also has many world famous monuments and artistic construction. Like the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame DE Paris, place DE la Concorde, the Louvre, Versailles palace, is to let people regretted leaving. The economic life, reconstruction and rebuilding the old central business district, such as the construction of the 210 meters high, 58 layer of manas skyscrapers. Construction and expansion of the satellite city of Paris around, make people have a more spacious and comfortable living environment.

Paris is not only the political, economic and cultural center of France, and is also an important part in international activities. The various types of international conference held here; Various international competitions, performances held here; Professional exhibition from all walks of life held here. Permanent international organizations are also many, such as the headquarters of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization is based in here.

Today in Paris, France is not alone, but also Western Europe's political, economic and cultural center, is the world's attention.









巴黎似乎从来就是一座梦想中的城市。在官方网页上,它被称为“光之城”,光在西方人心目中一向是上帝的化身,也许巴黎人认为自己离上帝更近一些。也难怪徐志摩当年曾感叹:“到过巴黎的一定不会再稀罕天堂。”也有人叫它“巴比伦”,那是美国作家菲茨杰拉德在小说 《重返巴比伦》 中对巴黎的称呼——一个只有奢华与享乐的梦想之都。也许没人能说清巴黎究竟是一个怎样的城市,但每个人都确信他们在巴黎度过的会是一生最难忘的日子。


只要搭上巴黎的地铁,就能清楚地感觉到这一点。巴黎地铁历史悠久,有些车站特意原封不动地保留了原来的风貌,看起来好像一座古董博物馆,而有的车站又充满未来气息,有如科幻世界,比如la défence地铁站。从这一站走上地面,矗立在你面前的就是全世界独一无二的夸张无比的“新凯旋门”。实际上这是一个可以容纳5000人办公的大厦,它的独特之处就是这个可以把整个巴黎圣母院放进去的大门。有趣的是,新凯旋门正处在卢浮宫——香榭丽舍大街——协和广场——凯旋门这条中轴线上,居心叵测地与凯旋门遥遥相望,大有打破完美和谐的野心。





“巴黎不仅仅是个地方,它已经成了一种精神状态。”无论你是谁,都可以在这个既怀旧又前卫,既宁静又喧嚣,既国际化又本土化的城市找到自己需要的那一剂量心灵解药。从这个意义上来说,巴黎是最适合异乡人停留的。你可以去卢浮宫欣赏《蒙娜丽莎》,也可以去蓬皮杜中心看毕加索 ;你可以去巴黎歌剧院,也可以去香榭丽舍大街上的红磨坊 ;你可以到巴黎来逃避生活,也可以来这里纯粹地享受生活。








“香榭丽舍(Champs Elysees)”是由“田园(Champs,音“尚”)”和“乐土( Elysees,音“爱丽舍”)”两词构成,故其中文译名又为“爱丽舍田园大道”或“香榭丽舍田园大道”。“爱丽舍(Elysees)”一词原指希腊神话中众神聚集之地,因此又被译为“天堂乐土”或“极乐世界”。香榭丽舍横贯巴黎第8区,全长1910米,呈东南——西北走向。大道始于协和广场,止于凯旋门。香榭丽舍圆形广场(Rond-point des Champs Elysees)将大道分为东西两段:东半部分是条约700米长的林荫大道,道路两侧碧草茵茵,绿树成行,莺往燕来,鸟语花香,是闹市中一块不可多得的清幽之处;大道西段长约1200米,是商家云集之地,也是全球世界名牌最密集的地方。不太长的街道两旁布满了法国和世界各地的大公司、大银行、航空公司、电影院、奢侈品商店和高档饭店。从卢浮宫远望香榭丽舍,可以通过协和广场和凯旋门直望到巴黎郊外拉德芳斯区的新凯旋门。街道两边的19世纪建筑,仿古式街灯,充满新艺术感的书报亭都为这条大道凭添一种巴黎特有的浪漫气息。

香榭丽舍大道始建于1620__年,当时的皇后玛丽·德·梅德西斯(Marie de Medicis )决定把卢浮宫外一处到处是沼泽的田地改造成一条绿树成荫的大道。因此在那个时代香榭丽舍被称为“皇后林荫大道”。十七世纪中叶,凡尔塞宫的风景设计师勒诺特(Le Notre)在对卢浮宫前的杜乐丽花园的重新设计中延伸了花园中心小路的长度,新的林荫道从卢浮宫出发直至现今的香榭丽舍圆形广场。太阳王路易十四可顺着这条无任何建筑物遮挡的道路观看每天消逝在西方地平线上迷人的晚霞落日。

自1920__年始,香榭丽舍就成为了法国向世界展示它在各领域傲人成就的橱窗 ,现在它更成为一个国际知名品牌的汇集之地。沿街两旁的奢侈品商店(如娇兰Guerlain、路易威登Louis Vuitton)、高级时装店、高级轿车展示中心(如“梅赛德斯——奔驰”、“菲亚特” “雷诺”、“雪铁龙”)、电影发行公司、影剧院、娱乐品专卖店(如FNAC法雅克国家采购联盟、Virgin Megastore)、高品味餐厅(如马克西姆Ma_im's、富格Fouquet's)、酒吧和夜总会(如丽都Lido、好莱坞星球Planet Hollywood、坚石咖啡Hard Rock Café)星罗棋布,装点着这条浪漫又时尚的巴黎城最美的道路。













卢浮宫(Musée du Louvre)位于巴黎市中心的赛纳河北岸(右岸),是巴黎的心脏,始建于1220__年,历经700多年扩建重修达到今天的规模。占地约198公顷,长680米,分为新老两部分,老的建于路易十四时期,新的建于拿破仑时代。宫前的金字塔形玻璃入口,是华人建筑大师贝聿铭设计的。它的整体建筑呈“U”形,占地面积为24公顷,建筑物占地面积为4.8公顷,全长680米。是世界上最著名、最大的艺术宝库之一,是举世瞩目,艺术殿堂和万宝之宫。同时,卢浮宫也是法国历史上最悠久的王宫。王宫最初始建于12世纪初,从15-18世纪历经4次改建和扩建。藏品中有被誉为世界三宝的《维纳斯》雕像,《蒙娜丽莎》油画和《胜利女神》石雕,像更有大量希腊、罗马、埃及及东方的古董,还有法国、意大利的远古遗物。陈列面积5.5万平方米,藏品2.5万件。





馆所收藏的绘画之全、之珍贵是世界上各艺术馆不能比拟的。绘画馆共有35个展厅,2200多件展品,其中三分之二是法国画家的作品,三分之一来自外国画家,14~19世纪的各种画派的作品均有展出。比较杰出的作品有:富凯的《查理七世像》(15世纪)、达·芬奇的《岩间圣母》(16世纪)、拉斐尔的《美丽的园丁》(16世纪)、勒南的《农家》(17世纪)、里戈的《国王路易十四像》(18世纪)、路易·达维德的《拿破仑一世在巴黎圣母院加冕大典》(19世纪)、德拉克鲁瓦的《肖邦像》(19世纪)、安格尔的《土耳其浴室》(19世纪)等。 有所有绘画作品中,最为杰出、最受人瞩目的自然是达·芬奇在1520__年完成的不朽杰作《蒙娜丽莎》。《蒙娜丽莎》被置放在卢浮宫二楼中间的一个大厅中,外面用玻璃罩着,显然是特别的保护。玻璃罩周围射出的柔和的灯光,足以使观众看清画面的各个细节。《蒙娜丽莎》又称《永恒的微笑》,被认为是西欧画史上首幅侧重心理描写的作品

展品1000多件,多为表现宗教题材的作品,部分为表现人体和动物的作品。在这里可以看到着色髹金的木刻《基督受难头像》、《十字架上的耶稣》、《圣母与天使》、意大利的雕塑《圣母与孩童》、17世纪的《童年时期的路易十四》,18世纪的名人像《伏尔泰》,19 世纪的群塑《舞蹈》等。 珍宝馆 珍宝馆原来是雕像馆的一部分,后来由于珍藏品增多,1893年便独立组成展馆。最初,珍宝馆的展品主要是大革命时从王室没收而来的珍宝。后来,博物馆组织人马到处收购,加之有人捐赠,展品便大大丰富,现在有展品6000多件。其中有重达137克拉的大钻石,有镶满宝石的王冠,还有镀金的圣母像、历代王朝王室的家具、装饰用具等。




巴黎圣母院两边的商店也很有名气,可以买到很多精美的纪念品,最受欢迎的是一种造币机:投进一个2欧元硬币,它就会吐出个新的纪念币,其图案是圣母抱圣婴。巴黎圣母院卢浮宫这也许是全世界最著名的博物馆和艺术殿堂,同时也是法国最古老的王宫。 与卢浮宫有关的电影有《卢浮魅影》等。这里包含雕塑馆、绘画馆和古埃及艺术馆,最著名的镇馆之宝包括米诺斯维纳斯、胜利女神和《蒙娜丽莎》等等。这里哺育出不少世界艺坛名家。当然更多的普通游客是把这里当做观赏世界艺术精品的殿堂。



Paris, the capital of the French republic, historical and cultural city, one of the world's most bustling metropolis.

A history of years, as the capital of France also has more than 800 years, is an ancient capital city

And there is a beautiful name - huadu

But the meaning of the “flower” is not the flowers, it is the “romantic”.

Paris is the city of real flowers. Call it “flower”. Whether it is on the table, on the balcony, in the yard, or in front of the window, the street, people's arms, eyeful is blooming flowers, intoxicating fragrance filled the air. And those colorful flower blossoms and park, is to let people linger. This is a city with a history of more than 2000 years.

Compared to its reputation as a “romantic” in Paris, I felt more “flowers” this title is more appropriate, because it implies the diversity of the city. Indeed, one thousand people in the face of Paris, as in the face of one thousand different Paris. Noble, broad, solemn and quiet, energetic, and dissension, different people will have different feelings.

Paris city covers an area of 105 square kilometers, with seven provinces around it, and constitute a greater, covers an area of 12000 square kilometers, about more than 1000 people, this is Western Europe metropolis. The towering Eiffel Tower, resplendent and magnificent palace of Versailles, solemn arc DE triomphe, world famous Notre Dame DE Paris, etc., attracts tourists from all over the world come.

Paris, the famous landscape in addition to the Eiffel Tower, the arc DE triomphe, the Louvre ` Notre Dame DE Paris, there are more than 70 museums, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, the church square, if want to savor, 1 year is not enough.

Regardless of the other, say first Paris... !

Notre Dame DE Paris is located in the centre of Paris on the Seine cite, was founded in 1163, is the archbishop of Paris, Maurice DE sully decided to build, the whole church was completed in 1345, lasted more than 180 years.

Once had many great ceremony held here, such as read winning the second world war in 1945 hymns, and such as France's President, general DE gaulle's funeral in 1970. Notre Dame DE Paris is a stone building in the world history of architecture, known as the level of large stone symphony. Although this is a religious building, but its flashing the French people's wisdom, reflect people's pursuit and yearning for a better life.


“Champs Elysees (Champs Elysees)” is the “rural (Champs, the sound” is “) ”and“ paradise ”the Elysee“) (Elysees, notes, ”the word, so the Chinese translation for“ the Elysee rural road ”or“ Champs Elysee rural road ”. The word “the Elysee (Elysees)” originally refers to the gathering place for the gods in Greek mythology, therefore has been translated into a “paradise” or “heaven”. Champs elysees across 8 district of Paris, total length of 1910 meters, in the southeast, northwest direction. Road began in the place DE la Concorde, the check from the arc DE triomphe. Champs Elysees circular plaza (Rond point des Champs Elysees) will strip divided into two sections: the eastern half of the treaty is 700 m long boulevard, the road on both sides of the green green grass, tree-lined, warbler to yan, charactizing a fine spring day, is a rare peaceful place in downtown; Road is about 1200 meters long, for the western businessmen gathered place, is the world famous brand the most densely populated parts of the world. Not too long on both side of the street was full of France and big companies around the world, the big Banks, airlines, cinema, luxury stores and luxury hotel. Seen from the Louvre champs elysees, can pass the place DE la Concorde and la defense at the arc DE triomphe in Paris suburbs district the arc DE triomphe. The 19th century buildings on both sides of the street, pseudo-classic style street, full of new artistic kiosks are unique to a Paris on the avenue of romantic breath.

Champs elysees was founded in 1616, when queen Mary DE sith medel (Marie DE Medicis) decided to outside the Louvre everywhere a swamp land converted into a tree-lined boulevard. So in the era of the champs elysees is known as the “queen's park avenue. The middle of the seventeenth century, the valve plug house (Le Notre) -his landscape architect in the redesign of the Louvre in the tuileries garden extends the length of the garden center lane, new avenue from the Louvre until today's champs elysees circular plaza. The sun king Louis xiv can follow this without any building block road to watch every day pass in the west charming the sunset on the horizon.

Since 1900, the champs elysees became France to show the world its proud achievements in the field of the window, it is now become an international well-known brand collection of land. Down the street on both sides of the luxury stores (such as Guerlain Guerlain, Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton), couture, limousine exhibition center (e.g., ”Mercedes - Benz“, ”fiat“ ”Renault“, ”Citroen“), cinema, entertainment, film distribution company store (such as Jacques FNAC laws purchasing alliance, Virgin Megastore), high taste restaurant (such as Maxim Maxim 's Fouquet, rich grid' s), bars and nightclubs (e.g., Lido Lido, Planet Hollywood Planet Hollywood, flint coffee Hard Rock Cafe) dotted, decorated with a romantic and fashion city of Paris is the most beautiful way.

Today, some shops on the champs elysees has changed, but some emerging designers composite shop (Multi - BrandShops) has made this ancient commercial street constantly enriched. Although these young designer's brand is not known, but their works show the talent to have a sense of future fashions, and the price is generally not high, very suitable for the pursuit of personality and alternative of young people.


Through the window, everything was silent, silent in the milky light mist. The fog, gently, as if between people, things and things with a layer of soft veils, and like rain from the sky in a thick and wide big curtain. Became a blur the line of sight, there are only a few comings and goings of vehicles. Sometimes a few double loom glittering slowly close to the ”big eyes“, while, it disappeared in the soft fog.

Slowly, a clear mysterious river appeared in front of our eyes. A gust of wind blowing, the river is dimpled one full of life, from a small round of expansion, gradually expand...

This is the world-famous river Seine. Although it is not the Nile long; No stream clear; Not the blue like the sea. But, you always have others no efforts; You have not seen any other style; You didn't always experienced others experience wind and rain; You have not seen others' success. Every one has its own specialty, every thing has its own light. Is the same as the Seine river, it has the shore is the most beautiful, most of the scenery.

Don't you know the Seine ivor near the Eiffel Tower? Don't you know the thirty-six bridge on the river Seine? Don't you know the Seine at the side of the Louvre? Don't you know the Seine at the side of the arc DE triomphe? Don't you know the Seine beside the harmony of the square? Don't you know the Seine near champs elysees? Don't you know...

Yes, the Seine also has its own window. You see, ivor Eiffel Tower solemnly stood beside the Seine, straighten the waist, eyes scanning the surrounding. Because, the earth to its highest in Paris, the strong body, good let it better to protect the Seine her graceful posture, so it moment constantly stick to his post.

You see, Notre Dame DE Paris tightly nestled beside the Seine, solemn told us a story for thousands of years of wind and frost. Oh, even the little angel could not help but quietly sat on his shoulder, myself being naughty, quietly listening to the endless aftertaste endless history.

You see, the Seine 36 children naughty and stood in the middle of the river, one leg on the left bank, another leg on the right bank. They make friends on both sides of the comings and goings, provide people with convenient, let the flowers of friendship are full of on both sides, make happy flowers float in all directions, let the pairs of lovers in the far away. far away. the bridge under the blessing of happiness forever.

You see, a giant crystal embedded in the square, with a blue ripples, as if a with a twinkle in her eyes, and like a transparent pyramids in Egypt. People like the ants moving, surrounded around it. Yes, this is the Louvre museum, having infinite treasure here, here is the heaven of the collector; Is the treasure house of photography fans; Arcadia is painting a picture enthusiasts. Here is the Chinese and foreign famous Mona Lisa, here is the man brokeback Venus ”, there is famous, the goddess of victory, there is a household name “scream”, there are well-known Chinese and foreign the eternity of time... And so on famous works.

You see, the arch of a giant stands in the square, filled with bloody names on the arch, some still under the name painted lines alarming crawly horizontal line. The name is the name of all the soldiers, the following names scratched dash is died. Yes, this is the arc DE triomphe, as napoleon series of victory in the war, 1806-1806 by Pierre francois that Dan and le bair blanchard west of design, construction. Looking at the arc DE triomphe, like I pictured in the battlefield, the blood of the pieces of red flowers blooming the slaughter of the battlefield.

You see, a tree-lined road runs through Paris, France famous attractions, as if she is the soul of Paris, and a look, she is like a bond, connect the great big small places of the ancient land. Sometimes she over the air force fleet formation flying over the street, the plane jet blue Bai Gongsan color smoke, sometimes above the arc DE triomphe The searchlight shot blue, white, red three color light, hand in photograph reflect with the bright lights of the street. Her from the arc DE triomphe, east to place DE la Concorde. The most chic is in her 700 meters on both sides of a tree-lined avenue, there is a in place of leisure. In green trees and green basket, charactizing a fine spring day, is the figure of the fragrance place to draw attention of the world. However, she is wonderful, beautiful avenue in the paper was originally for rural paradise. With the moving of the bus, the passage of time, a day in the past. Slowly, the sun is more and more close to the river, from time to time, to go to the other side of the earth. My thoughts down the river, with the hope for tomorrow, slowly flow to the distance...


The Seine river is one of the biggest river in France, it is like a jade belt, quietly through the downtown Paris, take a cruise on the Seine appreciation on both sides of the places of interest, you can see many places of interest, such as the Louvre, the grand palace and the palace, orsay museum, Notre Dame DE Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the national assembly, about Summer Palace, etc. Don't have a taste. Cite is located in the center of the Seine, is the birthplace of Paris. The 36 bridge on the river Seine is an integral part of Paris, they and other places of interest, as a contribution for the beauty of Paris: aleko Alexander iii bridge Pont AlexandreIII bridge was built in 1896 to 1900, was established in order to celebrate the Russian and French alliance, 107 meters long and 40 meters wide, on both sides of the bridge will be the champs elysees and les invalides square.

Bridge of flowers flourish, lamps and lanterns, by holding a winged Cupid, implicated the demon god of the sea image constitutes the theme of the bridge decoration. On the right two columns have a symbol of the ancient and modern France France flag, the left two columns with on behalf of the Renaissance and a sign of Louis xiv of France, on both ends of bridge columns at the entrance of ornaments have a symbol of the river Seine and the Neva river implicated respectively.


In Paris, I deeply feel the charm of it. The Eiffel Tower is attractive. The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris.

The tower is all made of steel. It stands on the right bank of the Seine Mars square in the centre of the city. About a dozen stories tall. On the third floor, I can have a bird's eye view panoramic view of Paris. The place DE la Concorde is attractive. The square of the area is larger than two wulin square. In the middle of the square there was a huge fountain. The fountain is busy work. I want to splash water must be very cool. Fountain is surrounded by flower beds, flowers are colorful, trim trees very neatly, grass green, and is very smooth, like a green blanket. The Seine is attractive.

The Seine in the tower under the soles of the feet, it is flowing quietly, like a green ribbon around Paris. Driving the stars boat over the river. It is with the visitors to watch the beautiful scenery on both sides. The Louvre is also attractive. Give a person a kind of momentum into the Louvre, resplendent and magnificent feeling. At the top is lifelike giant oil painting, carving beside the golden statue. Here has a famous statue of Venus brokeback.

You see her grave, ancient Greek white dress stared at the front. Also has a leonardo Da Vinci is famous Mona Lisa, painted the Mona Lisa smile is so peaceful, so sweet. And Egypt's collection, one collection is so delicate, so realistic.


The Louvre (Musee du Louvre) is located in the centre of Paris Seine river (the right), is the heart of Paris, was founded in 1204, after 700 years the expansion of the rebuilt to today's scale. Covers an area of about 198 hectares, 680 meters long, divided into two parts of the old and new, the old built in the Louis xiv period, the new built in the Napoleonic era. Palace pyramid glass in front of the entrance, it is Chinese building great master pei. Its overall construction is “U” shape, covers an area of 24 hectares, the building covers an area of 4.8 hectares, the total length of 680 meters. Is one of the world's most famous and one of the biggest art treasure house, is remarkable, art gallery and Wan Baozhi palace. At the same time, the palace of the Louvre is the longest in the history of France. At the beginning of the palace was originally founded in the 12th century, from 15 to 18 century after four reconstruction and expansion. Collection of known as the “Venus” statues of the triple gem in the world, the Mona Lisa painting and “the victory goddess” stone carvings, as more of a large number of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Oriental antiques, ancient relics, Italy and France. Display area of 55000 square meters, 25000 collection.

Oriental art museum was built in 1881, a total of 24 exhibition hall, 3500 exhibits. These exhibits mainly from west Asia and north Africa region, including Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Iran and other countries. These exhibits from the very old s, such as the statue of 2500 BC, 2270 BC in carved stone, in 2000 BC as the clay, etc. The winged ox, with majestic statue man (the 8th century BC) is the most famous, in dole shah lukin (now the hull sand bud) guard over the Assyrian king sargon ii's palace gate. Two statues in the display at the Louvre in 1847 of the world's first museum of Assyria, and the third the statue survived the shipwreck of schott, transported to Paris in 1856. The fourth statue is sink to the bottom, a plaster statue of alternative, the fifth statue is the only a head to visitor's bull. In the fourth hall “Oriental museum of ancient prose”, there is one thing we are familiar with the cultural relics: the code of hammurabi, the code from around 2000 BC to Babylon, a total of 282, with this form text on a black basalt. Basalt is 2.5 meters high, 282 law in full, the upper figures like sitting of the god of justice to the standing of hammurabi law pro king, the king is right to acknowledge, in order to show respect to divine law.

The ancient Egyptian art museum was established in 1826, early east art museum, a total of 23 exhibition hall, rare and precious cultural relics collection of 350 pieces. These relics include ancient Nile river west bank residents used clothing, ornaments, toys, Musical Instruments, etc. There is an ancient Egyptian temple broken wall, door, mummies, and 2600 BC statue's head, etc. Ancient Greek and Roman art museum of ancient Greek and Roman art museum built in earlier time, about 1800 years to the public, which is more, there are about 7000 pieces.

Collection based on the French royal collection. Napoleon's French victory in Italy, loot a lot of ancient art of Italy, will be shipped

To enrich the Louvre museum in France. Later, France and from various aspects constantly enrich the collections inside. A dominant position within the museum sculpture, sculpture including marble, copper, ivory, etc. In ancient Greek and Roman art museum, there are two widely praise immortal works, the most impressive one is “Sam's victory goddess”, 2 it is to love god “Venus”. “Sam, the goddess of victory” created in the 3rd century BC, 3.28 meters high, standing on a stone, is a headless statue without hands, 1863 from Sam's island discovered in the temple ruins. The statue although has lost his hands and head, but could see that she is the wind wings, self-respect, announce the victory of the war to the world. For people are more familiar with the “Venus”. She is 2.02 meters in height, the creation in the 2nd century AD. She is the beauty of the Greek god, don't know how many admirers dumped, around her every day filled with the audience. Her half-naked body, very dignified, natural, is considered to be the most outstanding works of female beauty.

Building collection of paintings, all of the precious is the museum of art in the world can't match. Painting house a total of 35 exhibition hall, more than 2200 exhibits, two-thirds of them French painter, one third from foreign painter, 14 ~ all kinds of painting in the 19th century were on display. More outstanding works include: rich kay's Charlie vii “(15th century), the virgin of the rocks of leonardo Da Vinci (16th century), Raphael's beautiful gardener, (16th century),” the farm “(17th century), south, and in the king Louis xiv like (18th century), Louis of vader's” napoleon I in Notre Dame DE Paris coronation “(19th century), Della crewe watts of” Chopin like “(19th century), the Angle of the Turkish bath (19th century), etc. Have all the paintings, the most prominent and most spectacular natural was completed in 1503 leonardo Da Vinci's immortal masterpiece ”Mona Lisa“. The Mona Lisa was placed in the middle of a hall on the second floor in the Louvre, with outside the glass, is clearly a special protection. The glass around the injection of downy lamplight, enough to make the audience to see all details of the picture. The Mona Lisa is also called ”the eternal smile,“ point is considered to be Western Europe's first painting by focusing on the psychological description

Exhibits more than 1000, more than for the performance of religious subjects, part of the human body and animal's works. Here you can see color xiu king wood head is ”passion“, ”Jesus on the cross as a“, ”the virgin and angels“, Italy's sculpture ”the virgin and child“, the childhood of Louis xiv in the 17th century, 18th century celebrity like voltaire, group of plastic ”dance" and so on in the 19th century. pride Pride turned out to be a part of the statue pavilion, later due to the increasing, gave rise to 1893, independent of the pavilion. Initially, the pride of exhibits mainly treasures from the royal expropriation of revolution. Later, the museum organization team buy everywhere, and people donate, the exhibits were greatly rich, now has a exhibits more than 6000. 137 carats of diamonds, including a gem-studded crown, and gilded Chinese dynasties, Madonna, royal furniture, furniture, etc.





















