Dali tower is located in the north of Dali should Bruno lafont, three towers, vigorous, is one of the surface between the erhai lake. Dali had been known to the charm of three towers, I want to go to play in Dali three towers once, finally in the last summer vacation, mom and dad took me to visit three towers for a day. Remember that day, the weather is sunny, we go to where, then take the three towers tourism special line, Dali footprints to Dali tower park.
In the three towers outside the park gate, got off the bus, I was fascinated by the view, palatial doors, door on the eaves and on both sides of the door, painted is full of all sorts of color is gorgeous; In the front of the door is a clean SLATE road, stone path in front of an artificial dug out of the stream, stream on the bottom, the small stone bridge built several with white marble frame in the stream, stream lined with weeping willows, a vibrant spring scenery, make the person feel better a lot.
We bought tickets, from the door of the park to walk in. Comes in at the door, first of all to meet us is paved with marble slab channel, channel is grass and all kinds of trees and white green belts on both sides, I also heard the wonderful music in the park, I am curious looked around and found in some corner of the green belts, put some miniature sound, the sound of the outside packing in some of the stones, if there is no music, thought it was an ordinary stone, I hear the music is coming out of these seemingly ordinary stones. I admire landscape stylist elaborate design, it's not easy. Continue to go forward, got to the square in front of the tower, the magnificent marble tower like optimus prime help standing in front of us, the whole square is paved with a film strip of marble, it gives three towers added a kind of elegant, solemn atmosphere. Along the ascending the steps of the square, near the bottom of winter jasmine flowers open, seems to say to us: “welcome you”. Standing under the three towers, face them, I couldn't help to awestruck by three towers, the experienced so much snow, rain, wind and frost still stood upright, witnessing the history change, have no fear.
After finished visit magnificent tower, we also visited some other tower park attractions, the buddhist temple is one of the most. Each of the appearance of the buddhist temple architecture and design are the same, just the inside of the figure of Buddha, listen to the tour guide said, it's because of the different buddhist temple consecrate Buddha, such as the drop of a buddhist temple consecrate is the god of wealth, the statue is like the god of wealth. Each to a buddhist temple, there are a lot of visitors to bow down, and burn incense there, some people, to worship, incense, chanting in the mouth, my mother told me that it was telling the Buddha that his wish. Buddhist temple in the tall statue is let me remember in the face of the shining smile in the Ursa major statues of maitreya Buddha, legend has it that he USES his smile purdue beings, makes the peaceful country and safe people, he was the first buddhist, with the power of the universal, and because of his kindness, so love the world.
A day's journey to end soon, it grew dark down, and return the original way, we had three towers that I want to do the coach in the park, but mom and dad don't agree with, say walking exercise can also save money slowly appreciate the scenery in the park again. Swim three tower park really is happy one day, if there is an opportunity, I want to go to swim three tower park.
The footprints temple tower as early as March 1961 was released by the state council as one of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. From 1978 to 1981, the state funding for three towers over three years maintenance. In the maintenance, there are two important findings: one is tower footing instead of groundmass soil base, 2 it is cleared of Buddha, writing scripts, such as more than 680 precious relics, this is so far found that one of the most abundant, the most important of a group of nanzhao and Dali kingdom in the period of cultural relics. These cultural relics be historical data to study the history of nanzhao and Dali kingdom. In the kingdom of nanzhao and Dali kingdom period, Tibetan Buddhism, India tantra and zen in the central plains and other religious culture in Dali to meet and merge. So the Dali sociologists call “Asian cultural crossroads of the ancient capital”.
Dali three reflection tower tower park. Is in the 80 s by the late '50 s when the great leap forward to build the reservoir of ji shui tan is derived. Park covers an area of 27 acres, has a water area of 10 mu. Park sit north to south, backed by the footprints temple tower, one km away in the park pool can very clearly reflected three towers named figures of high precision, it is the three pagodas Mosaic stiffness forceful proudly through the ages, and made a side can display the image looks glittering and translucent bright mirror, let the sky tower standing in beautiful scenery added a lot of the beautiful and graceful, campus buildings have bai local-style dwelling houses of couplets zhaobi, have acknowledged carved marble kiosks monument, a shadow Yang bo kiosks, shake the water. There are all kinds of camellia garden planting, laurel, GuiJuan simeon, and many other different grass, flowers. Visitors to recite poetry couplets, or ornamental grass bouquet of flowers, or in connection with the water tower scenery photography as a souvenir to pick the perfect place, linger. It not only wonderful on a sunny day, but also the best water in the moonlight night, month reflected three towers is the perfect beauty is the real “, ”the moon reflected on the tower.
Three towers reflection for its iconic symbol of Dali - three towers with the blue sky white clouds, moon and stars and framed into snow, ever-green flowers inclusion and of the perfect beauty, make the world a wonderful praise, grace and popularizing of the Dali proud of beautiful scenery, attracting numerous Chinese and foreign guests to this sightseeing and photography as a souvenir, was printed on many posters, books, cover and stamps and postcards, for many years to win a big name for Dali know degrees, and yunnan of the Dali and China have won the reputation of many... The footprints of three and three towers reflection park supplement each other against each other and complement each other, grace facies are given, is the most can represent important cultural landscape and beautiful symbol of Dali image.
Dali tower, located in Dali city about one km. As one of the Dali city. Known as the symbol of Dali ancient culture. Three main tower of the tower, named qianhe tower, 69.13 meters high, is square 16 layer dense canopy tower, with size of xi 'an wild goose pagoda is a representative of the tang dynasty. Look under the tower, the tower were laid in the cloud, the cloud moved in, like a dump. Base of the tower square, the second floor, the lower side length of 33.5 meters, surrounded by a boulder fence, bar the corners of stigma carved stone lions; Upper side length 21 meters, the Middle East have stone zhaobi, qian MuYing frenzy on seed MuShiJie topic “yong town of mountains and rivers” four characters, solemn Japan, have boldness of vision. Zhaobi state after the provincial people's government of the rebuilt tower “. The first floor of the tower, 13.45 meters high, is the highest level in the whole tower. East gate 2 meters from the base plane, west gate tower collapsed in nearly six meters. The tower walls 3.3 meters thick. 2 to 15 layer structure is basically the same, same size. The 16th floor to the top of the tower. Passing from the footprints temple tower built in nanzhao and period, was found in the top of the tower in the nanzhao and Dali period of more than 600 important cultural relics. South and north second tower, located in the main tower, the distance between two tower 97.5 meters, and the main tower 70 meters apart, the tripartite confrontation of three tower, two towers are eight welcome eaves type hollow brick, a total of 10, each 43 meters high
两座小塔均为十层八角形密檐砖塔,高42.19米,每层分别雕券龛、佛像、莲花等,塔身外涂抹一层白色泥皮,塔顶有伞形铜铃和三只铜葫芦。 l
三月街每年农历三月十五日开始在大理古城西门外举行,会期七至十天。结棚为市,万商云集,大宗交易各地土特产品、中草药材、骡马牲畜和日用百货。节日期间,举办传统的赛马、赛龙舟、射弩、打秋千? 等民间体育比赛以及大本曲演唱、洞经古乐、民族歌舞表演,年年如是,热闹非凡。
从民间习俗和神话传说方面来讲,三月街起源于观音讲经庙会。相传大理苍洱大地原先被一个名叫罗刹的恶魔盘踞。他专以吃人眼为生。观音大士来到大理,巧妙施展法术,制服了罗刹。为防止罗刹东山再起,每年三月十五日聚集万人于苍山神祠前(也就是至今不变的街场)讲经说法。观音大士为了不让百姓耽误生计,让百姓可以同时做些买卖,因而也就形成一年一度的盛大集市,以至历来也常将三月街叫作观音市。 从历史记载方面来看,唐、宋、元、明、清,历代三月街演变的过程都有史料可资。唐代南诏国时期,最重要的历史事件就是南诏第六代王异牟寻于唐德宗贞元十年(公元794年)与唐朝使臣崔佐时会盟于点苍山神祠,立铁卷一式四份,发誓与唐朝永远和睦相亲。异牟寻晓谕万民,每逢三月十五在神祠前的广场聚会,来纪念这重如苍山的盟誓,从此有了三月街。从这个意义上说,三月街也是祖国统一和民族团结的见证。
宋代大理国时期,三月街成了我国南方最大的马匹、药材交易市场。大理国第十七代国王段正兴(也就是段正淳的孙子、段誉的儿子)即位于宋高宗绍兴十七年(公元1147年),他在位的三十一年间,一方面积极主动与中原王朝修好,一方面大力发展经济。当时大理国因出产良种马闻名中原,南宋王朝在广西邕州专门设立买马司,进口大理马。于是段正兴便把三月街变成马匹交易市场,每年成交良马1500多匹以上。史籍记载,马市万商云集,来自湖广四川的商贩以丝绸、纸笔、胭脂花粉、人参等百货交换大理的马匹、刀剑、药材以及来自土蕃、西域各国的象牙、犀角、鹿茸等名贵特产,会期长达二十多天。大理国的'相国高量成还在马市设了马擂,也就是赛马,从此三月街有了赛马的传统。入夜,五华楼前踏歌宴舞,户户张灯结彩,王室后妃也出游闹市,与民同乐。这时期的三月街已发展成我国南方最大的边贸集市。 明代《徐霞客游记》中明确描述了三月街“十三省无物不至,滇中诸蛮物无不至”,“男女杂沓,交臂不辩”的热闹场景。明代白族学者李元阳在《云南通志》中也写道:“三月十五在苍山下贸易各省之货。自唐永徽年间至今,朝代累更,此市不变。” 清代的三月街,发展规模越来越大。当时,大理的留日学者李燮羲曾写诗描绘三月街盛况:“昔时繁盛几春秋,百万金钱似水流,川广苏杭精巧货,买卖商场冠亚洲。”足见三月街已具有了相当的国际影响。
三塔之中主塔又名千寻塔,建于唐代南诏国时期(公元836年),高69。13米,是16层方形密檐式空心砖塔,造型与西安小雁塔相似,为唐代典型的塔式之一————密檐式塔。说到这里,我们脑海里一定会浮现出我们所见过的一些形态各异的塔。大家知道塔按形式可以分为几种吗?还是让我来告诉大家吧!一般来说可分为4种:楼阁式,如西按大雁塔;密檐式,如西按小雁塔;覆钵式,如北京妙应寺白塔;金刚宝座塔,如北京真觉寺金刚宝座塔。听到这里,有人禁不住会问:西按的小雁塔,杭州的雷锋塔和大理千寻塔都是密檐式塔,它们又有什么不同之处呢?大理千寻塔高69。13米,而西安小雁塔仅高46米,如果把小雁塔比做苗条端庄的少女,那么在千寻塔面前也会黯然失色。杭州的雷峰塔建于宋代,只有5层,而大理千寻塔建于唐代,高16层,历史的久远和建造技法的高超无一不显示出大理三塔独特的'魅力。尤其是明正德九年(公元1514年)大地震,千寻塔”裂二尺许,形如破竹“,但”旬日复合“;民国十四年(1925年)强地震,大理城十室九塌,而千寻塔仅塔刹震落,金鹏倒毁。这不能不说是奇迹。大家仔细看一定发现了塔前照壁上刻有”永镇山川“四字,字体苍劲有力,耐人寻味。为什么 千寻塔底座会有”永镇山川“四字呢?因为在历史上,大理是一个多水患的地方,”永镇山川“反映了当时修建三塔的一个重要原因是镇伏水患。同时,这四个字也体现了大理三塔的重要历史地位。顺便提一下,古往今来,塔的功能大致可以分为崇扬佛教,镇灾降邪,观赏三种。而千寻塔兼具三种功能于一身,具有教高的文化艺术价值。
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