
时间:2023-02-25 07:53:18 演讲稿 收藏本文 下载本文





Feelings, Failure and Finding Happiness


Thank you, President Hennessy, and to thetrustees and the faculty, to all of the parents andgrandparents, to you, the Stanford graduates. Thank you for letting me share this amazing daywith you.


I need to begin by letting everyone in on a little secret. The secret is that Kirby Bumpus,Stanford Class of '08, is my goddaughter. So, I was thrilled when President Hennessy asked meto be your Commencement speaker, because this is the first time I've been allowed on campussince Kirby's been here.

我决定透漏一个小秘密给大家来作为这次演讲的开始。这个秘密就是Kirby Bumpus,斯坦福的毕业生,是我的义女。所以当Hennessy校长让我来做演讲时,我受宠若惊,因为自从Kirby来这上学以来,这是我第一次被允许到斯坦福来。

You see, Kirby's a very smart girl. She wants people to get to know her on her own terms, shesays. Not in terms of who she knows. So, she never wants anyone who's first meeting her toknow that I know her and she knows me. So, when she first came to Stanford for new studentorientation with her mom, I hear that they arrived and everybody was so welcoming, andsomebody came up to Kirby and they said, “Ohmigod, that's Gayle King!” Because a lot ofpeople know Gayle King as my BFF [best friend forever].

正如你们知道的那样Kirby是一个非常聪明的女孩。她说,她希望大家通过她自己的努力了解她,而不是她认识谁。因此她从来不希望每一个第一次见到她的人知道她认识我。当她和她妈妈第一次来到斯坦福参加开学典礼时,我听说每个人都十分热情。他们说:“我的天啊,那是Gayle King”。因为很多人都知道Gayle King是我最好的朋友。

And so somebody comes up to Kirby, and they say, “Ohmigod, is that Gayle King?” And Kirby'slike, “Uh-huh. She's my mom.”And so the person says, “Ohmigod, does it mean, like, you knowOprah Winfrey?”And Kirby says, “Sort of.”

有些人走到Kirby面前,对Kirby说:“我的天啊,那是Gayle King吗?”Kirby说:“嗯,她是我妈妈。”然后人们说:“我的天啊,难道说,你认识Oprah Winfrey。”Kirby说:“有点吧。”

I said, “Sort of? You sort of know me?” Well, I have photographic proof. I have pictures which Ican e-mail to you all of Kirby riding horsey with me on all fours. So, I more than sort-of knowKirby Bumpus. And I'm so happy to be here, just happy that I finally, after four years, get tosee her room. There's really nowhere else I'd rather be, because I'm so proud of Kirby, whograduates today with two degrees, one in human bio and the other in psychology. Love you,Kirby Cakes! That's how well I know her. I can call her Cakes.

我说:“有一点。你有一点认识我”。我还有照片为证。我可以把Kirby 和我骑马时的照片e-mail给你们。因此我不仅仅只是有点认识Kirby Bumpus。我非常高兴来到这里,因为四年来我第一次来到她的寝室。我为Kirby感到自豪,因为她获得了人类生物学和心理学的双学位,


And so proud of her mother and father, who helped her get through this time, and her brother,Will. I really had nothing to do with her graduating from Stanford, but every time anybody'sasked me in the past couple of weeks what I was doing, I would say, “I'm getting ready to go toStanford.”


I just love saying “Stanford.” Because the truth is, I know I would have never gotten my degreeat all, 'cause I didn't go to Stanford. I went to Tennessee State University. But I never wouldhave gotten my diploma at all, because I was supposed to graduate back in 1975, but I wasshort one credit. And I figured, I'm just going to forget it, 'cause, you know, I'm not going tomarch with my class. Because by that point, I was already on television. I'd been in televisionsince I was 19 and a sophomore. Granted, I was the only television anchor person that had an11 o'clock curfew doing the 10 o'clock news.

我就是喜欢这样说Stanford(用一种奇怪的语调)。因为这是真的,我知道根本不会拿到我的`学位,因为我没有去斯坦福念书。我去了Tennessee 州立大学。但是我本来不会拿到我的毕业证,因为我本应该在1975年毕业,但是我少了一个学分。我认为我还是会忘了这件事。你们知道,我不会比得上我的同班同学。因为我已经上了电视。我在19岁还是大学二年级的时候就已经上了电视。我是唯一一个电视节目主持人,虽然有11点的宵禁,却做着10点钟的新闻。

Seriously, my dad was like, “Well, that news is over at 10:30. Be home by 11.”

But that didn't matter to me, because I was earning a living. I was on my way. So, I thought,I'm going to let this college thing go and I only had one credit short. But, my father, from thattime on and for years after, was always on my case, because I did not graduate. He'd say, “Oprah Gail”—that's my middle name—“I don't know what you're gonna do without thatdegree.” And I'd say, “But, Dad, I have my own television show.”

严肃地说,我爸爸告诉我,“好吧,新闻10:30结束。11点之前到家。”但是这对我并不重要,因为我已经自食其力了。我在走我自己的路。所以我想,我不能让关于我大学的那件事就这么过去,我还少一个学分。但是我的父亲从那时起却成了问题。由于我没有毕业,他总是说:“Oprah Gail(我的中间名字),我不知道没有学位你能做些什么。”然后我说:“但是,爸爸,我已经有我自己的电视节目啦。”

And he'd say, “Well, I still don't know what you're going to do without that degree.”

And I'd say, “But, Dad, now I'm a talk show host.” He'd say, “I don't know how you're going toget another job without that degree.”




1、Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the nextmoment.


2、Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.


3、Doing the best at this moment puts in the best place for the nextmoment.


4、I do not believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed theprocess.


5、Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.


6、So go ahead. Fall down. The world looks different from the ground.


7、The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of yourdreams.


8、Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.


9、You can have it all. You just can’t have it all at once.


10、As you become more clear about who you really are, you'll be better ableto decide what is best for you - the first time around.


11、Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Dobetter the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who nevermount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.


12、I always knew I was destined for greatness.


13、I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity tochoose love over fear.


14、I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes.


15、I'm black, I don't feel burdened by it and I don't think it's a hugeresponsibility. It's part of who I am. It does not define me.









弄清自己想成为什么样的人后,我们需要坚定不移地走下去。梦想需要实干来支撑。也许,在这个过程中,我们会遭受失败与痛苦,正像我们已经遭受并正在遭受的一样。但失败并不可怕。奥普拉说,当你处于低谷时,要给自己悲伤的时间,想想自己失去了什么,之后的事情才是最重要的,要学会从每一次失败中汲取营养,因为每一次经历、挫折、尤其是你所犯的错误都会让你更加明白你是什么样的人并帮助你成为你想成为的人。坚定不移地走下去,就会如一句古老的格言所说,“ 渐渐地,黎明的曙光终将到来!”

成为自己想要成为的人,无疑是件幸福的事。但在这个过程中,我希望我们也不要忘记让自己成为一个有价值的人,为这个社会贡献一点正能量。因为毕竟我们能够生存并活得越来越好,靠的是许多我们知道或者不知道的人的默默奉献。奥普拉说,“W,hen you learn,teach.When you get,give.(有所学时,便去施教。有所得时,便去给予。)”在当今世界,我们这一代似乎在变得越来越冷漠,许多人也许对此观点会嗤之以鼻。但我们是这个社会的一份子,责任的丧失,冷漠的蔓延,将会带给我们自身痛苦。这是一个需要奉献,需要改变的社会,而实施者只能是我们!




President Powers, Provost Fenves, Deans, members of the faculty, family and friends and mostimportantly, the class of . Congratulations on your achievement.

It's been almost 37 years to the day that I graduated from UT.

I remember a lot of things about that day.

I remember I had throbbing headache from a party the night before. I remember I had aserious girlfriend, whom I later married-that's important to remember by the way-and Iremember that I was getting commissioned in the Navy that day.

But of all the things I remember, I don't have a clue who the commencement speaker wasthat evening and I certainly don't remember anything they said.

So…acknowledging that fact-if I can't make this commencement speech memorable-I will atleast try to make it short.

The University's slogan is,

“What starts here changes the world.”

I have to admit-I kinda like it.

“What starts here changes the world.”

Tonight there are almost 8,000 students graduating from UT.

That great paragon of analytical rigor, Ask.Com says that the average American will meet10,000 people in their life time.

That's a lot of folks.

But, if every one of you changed the lives of just ten people-and each one of those folkschanged the lives of another ten people-just ten-then in five generations-125 years-the class of2014 will have changed the lives of 800 million people.

800 million people-think of it-over twice the population of the United States. Go one moregeneration and you can change the entire population of the world-8 billion people.

If you think it's hard to change the lives of ten people-change their lives forever-you're wrong.

I saw it happen every day in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A young Army officer makes a decision to go left instead of right down a road in Baghdad andthe ten soldiers in his squad are saved from close-in ambush.

In Kandahar province, Afghanistan, a non-commissioned officer from the Female EngagementTeam senses something isn't right and directs the infantry platoon away from a 500 poundIED, saving the lives of a dozen soldiers.

But, if you think about it, not only were these soldiers saved by the decisions of one person, buttheir children yet unborn-were also saved. And their children's children-were saved.

Generations were saved by one decision-by one person.

But changing the world can happen anywhere and anyone can do it.

So, what starts here can indeed change the world, but the question is…what will the world looklike after you change it?

Well, I am confident that it will look much, much better, but if you will humor this old sailorfor just a moment, I have a few suggestions that may help you on your way to a better a world.

And while these lessons were learned during my time in the military, I can assure you that itmatters not whether you ever served a day in uniform.

It matters not your gender, your ethnic or religious background, your orientation, or yoursocial status.

Our struggles in this world are similar and the lessons to overcome those struggles and tomove forward-changing ourselves and the world around us-will apply equally to all.

I have been a Navy SEAL for 36 years. But it all began when I left UT for Basic SEAL training inCoronado, California.

Basic SEAL training is six months of long torturous runs in the soft sand, midnight swims in thecold water off San Diego, obstacles courses, unending calisthenics, days without sleep andalways being cold, wet and miserable.

It is six months of being constantly harassed by professionally trained warriors who seek tofind the weak of mind and body and eliminate them from ever becoming a Navy SEAL.

But, the training also seeks to find those students who can lead in an environment ofconstant stress, chaos, failure and hardships.



Thank you Bevan, thank you all!

I brought one of my paintings to show you today. Hope you guys are gonna be able see it okay.It’s not one of my bigger pieces. You might wanna move down front — to get a good look at it. (kidding)

Faculty, Parents, Friends, Dignitaries... Graduating Class of 2014, and all the dead baseballplayers coming out of the corn to be with us today. (laughter) After the harvest there’s noplace to hide — the fields are empty — there is no cover there! (laughter)

I am here to plant a seed that will inspire you to move forward in life with enthusiastic heartsand a clear sense of wholeness. The question is, will that seed have a chance to take root, or willI be sued by Monsanto and forced to use their seed, which may not be totally “Ayurvedic.” (laughter)

Excuse me if I seem a little low energy tonight — today — whatever this is. I slept with myhead to the North last night. (laughter) Oh man! Oh man! You know how that is, right kids?Woke up right in the middle of Pitta and couldn’t get back to sleep till Vata rolled around, but Ididn’t freak out. I used that time to eat a large meal and connect with someone special onTinder. (laughter)

Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. How do I know this? I don’t, but I’m makingsound, and that’s the important thing. That’s what I’m here to do. Sometimes, I think that’sone of the only things that are important. Just letting each other know we’re here, remindingeach other that we are part of a larger self. I used to think Jim Carrey is all that I was...

Just a flickering light

A dancing shadow

The great nothing masquerading as something you can name

Dwelling in forts and castles made of witches – wishes! Sorry, a Freudian slip there

Seeking shelter in caves and foxholes, dug out hastily

An archer searching for his target in the mirror

Wounded only by my own arrows

Begging to be enslaved

Pleading for my chains

Blinded by longing and tripping over paradise – can I get an “Amen”?! (applause)

You didn’t think I could be serious did ya’? I don't think you understand who you're dealingwith! I have no limits! I cannot be contained because I’m the container. You can’t containthe container, man! You can’t contain the container! (laughter)

I used to believe that who I was ended at the edge of my skin, that I had been given this littlevehicle called a body from which to experience creation, and though I couldn’t have asked for asportier model, (laughter) it was after all a loaner and would have to be returned. Then, Ilearned that everything outside the vehicle was a part of me, too, and now I drive aconvertible. Top down wind in my hair! (laughter)

I am elated and truly, truly, truly excited to be present and fully connected to you at thisimportant moment in your journey. I hope you’re ready to open the roof and take it all in?! (audience doesn’t react) Okay, four more years then! (laughter)

I want to thank the Trustees, Administrators and Faculty of MUM for creating an institutionworthy of Maharishi’s ideals of education. A place that teaches the knowledge and experiencenecessary to be productive in life, as well as enabling the students, through TranscendentalMeditation and ancient Vedic knowledge to slack off twice a day for an hour and a half!! (laughter) — don’t think you’re fooling me!!! — (applause) but, I guess it has some benefits.It does allow you to separate who you truly are and what’s real, from the stories that runthrough your head.

You have given them the ability to walk behind the mind’s elaborate set decoration, and tosee that there is a huge difference between a dog that is going to eat you in your mind and anactual dog that’s going to eat you. (laughter) That may sound like no big deal, but many neverlearn that distinction and spend a great deal of their lives living in fight or flight response.

I’d like to acknowledge all you wonderful parents — way to go for the fantastic job you’vedone — for your tireless dedication, your love, your support, and most of all, for the attentionyou’ve paid to your children. I have a saying, “Beware the unloved,” because they willeventually hurt themselves... or me! (laughter)

But when I look at this group here today, I feel really safe! I do! I’m just going to say it — myroom is not locked! My room is not locked! (laughter) No doubt some of you will turn out to becrooks! But white-collar stuff — Wall St. ya’ know, that type of thing — crimes committed bypeople with self-esteem! Stuff a parent can still be proud of in a weird way. (laughter)






















