高三复习Unit 20(book2)

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“土豆丝不打电话”为你分享7篇“高三复习Unit 20(book2)”,经本站小编整理后发布,但愿对你的工作、学习、生活带来方便。

高三复习Unit 20(book2)

篇1:高三复习Unit 20(book2)

Useful expressions

1. prevent … from …阻碍使(某人)不做某事;阻挠 to keep / stop someone from doing something

What prevented you from joining us last night? 昨天晚上什么事使你不能参加我们的晚会? We were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything. 浓雾使我们看不到任何东西。

2. look forward to 盼望;期待

We are all looking forward to our holiday. 我们都盼望着假期。I'm looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation. 我盼望今年暑假见到你。The boy is looking forward to being given a birthday present.

3. end up 结束

The meeting ended up with the singing of The Internationale. 会议最后以唱《国际歌》而结束。 We ended the dinner up with fruit and tea. 我们以水果和茶结束宴会。We were going to go out, but ended up watching television.

4. as a matter of fact 事实上;实际上

In fact; actually: She doesn't like him much - as a matter of fact I think she hates him! 她不很喜欢他;事实上,我认为她恨他!--- I didn't think you'd mind me using your office. --- Well, as a matter of fact, I do mind.

5. as though / as if 好象, 仿佛

She spoke to me as though she knew me. 她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我似的。The animal was walking as though it had hurt its leg. 这动物走路的样子好像伤了腿似的。The lights were on and cigarettes still burned in the ashtray, as though everyone had left in a hurry.

6. at the latest 最迟 (区分: at least)

no later than the time mentioned: You should have it done by Tuesday at the latest. 你最迟得在星期二完成。I should be back by 11 o'clock at the latest.

7. in need of 需要

They are in need of food, food is a necessity for all living things. 他们需要食物, 食物对一切生物是必不可少的。A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真正的朋友。Many of the soldiers were in great need of medical treatment.

Sentence patterns

1. Not only does he have to type out the answer on a computer, but he also gets the computer to translate it into sounds. 他不仅要把答语打在电子计算机上,而且还要让计算机把答语转变成声音。

当not only… but also…连接两个句子且置于句首时,not only后面的分句要用倒装语序: Not only did we hear it, but we saw it. 我们不仅听到了,而且也看到了。 Not only do disabled people read, write, draw pictures, paint and cook, but they also study, go to university, take exams and have jobs. 许多坐轮椅的人体育运动很出色。残疾人不仅能阅读、写作、绘画、油漆和烹调,而且还能学习、上大学、参加考试和工作。

2. In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor.

这是一个倒装句,正常的语序应是:A professor sits in a lecture…. 在英语中,由于语法和修辞的需要,常把谓语置于主语前面,我们称之为倒装。如: In front of the house stops a new car. 在房子的前面停着一辆新车。Under the tree sat a boy. / In the middle of the room stood a little girl.

Language tips

1. Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine. 希望明天是个好天。

hopefully的意思是 it is hoped that…如:Hopefully our guests will be here by 8:00. 希望客人在8点以前来这儿。It is hoped that we will finish the work on Monday.希望我们会在星期一完成工作。turn out 相当于 prove to be 证明是 be in the end 结果是, 如: Everything turned out all right. 结果一切都很顺利。That person we met turned out to be Maria's second cousin. 还可接从句: It turned out that the message sent him was not correct. 结果是发到他那儿的信息是不对的。

2. I've always dreamt of coming to China, and now my dream has come true. 我做梦都想到中国来,而现在我的梦想成真了.

dream of 梦想…: I dream of having a house of my own.我梦想拥有一座自己的房屋。I dream of being the best footballer in the town. 我梦想成为全城最好的足球队员。come true 变为现实, 被实现: I wish my dream will come true one day. 我希望有一天我的梦想成真。

3. How do you manage in your wheelchair? 你坐在轮椅上怎么能旅游呢?

manage对付,完成,办到:I can manage by myself. 我自己能行。He tried to walk, but managed only a few shaky steps. How on earth do you manage without a washing machine? --- Do you want a hand with those bags? --- No, it's OK, I can manage.

4. I seldom have any difficulties. seldom 相当于 not often, rarely很少,不常:I've seldom see such a big orange. 注:含有seldom的句子的反意疑问句, 句尾用肯定:He seldom goes out for dinner, does he? 当seldom放在句首时,这时的句子要不完全倒装:Seldom does he eat lunch at home.

5. He had to find ways that would make it possible for him to speak, read and write, even though he could later only move the fingers of one hand. 他必须找到办法使自己即使今后只有一只手的手指能够活动也能讲话、阅读和写作。

even though / even if 即使,尽管, 引导让步状语从句: We will stand by you even if you don't succeed. 纵然你不成功,我们也会支持你。Even though he can afford it, he doesn't buy the car. 即使他能买得起车,他也不会买。

6. Although he had a disease of the brain which was getting worse, he decided to continue with his research and his writing. 虽然他患有日益严重的脑病,但是他决定继续从事研究和写作。

continue with 意思是 go on doing something 继续做某事: The teacher told the class to continue with their work while he was out of the classroom。老师告诉全班同学在他离开教室时要继续做作业。Continuing with this argument is very pointless.

7. Some people have the wrong attitude towards people with disabilities, considering them to be stupid. 有些人对待残疾人的态度不对,认为他们愚蠢。

短语considering them to be stupid 在句中作状语。注意consider的搭配 consider sb/sth (to be) wise/important etc认为或相信; 把…看作: We consider it (to be ) true.= (We consider that it is true.) 我们认为这是真实的。

8. As a matter of fact, many people have a disability.

disability 当它做“缺陷”的意思讲时是可数名词: Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability. 在巴黎不讲法语实在是一个缺陷。当它做“无能力;失去能力”的意思时,不可数名词。如:His disability prevents him from holding a job. 他的无能使他不能胜任工作。Even if none of this is true for us today, it is probable that one day we will end up with a disability. 即使我们今天一点残疾都没有,很可能某一天我们会变成残废。

9. It is often thought that disabilities are total. Once, people would often be referred to as “deaf” or “blind”. 人们常认为残疾就是完全残废。过去有些人常被称之为“聋子”或“瞎子”。

refer to sb. as 意思是“把某人称作……,把某人当作……”: The teacher refers to the poor child as his own son. 那位老师把那个可怜的小孩当做自己的儿子。Johnson referred to the discovery as a major breakthrough in medical science. 掌握refer to的其它用法: refer a question to an expert 把问题提交给专家(处理) ; refer to a dictionary 查字典; the question the teacher referred to 老师所谈到的问题; questions referring to yesterday's lecture 涉及昨天演讲的问题; He referred his success to the good teaching he had had. 他把他的成功归于他以前所受的良好教育。

10. When we design a building, we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor, as well as lifts, suitable bathrooms and toilets. 我们设计大楼的时候,既要在底层安排一个能够让轮椅通过的入口,也要考虑电梯、合适的浴室和厕所

provide…for…有两个意思: 1) 供给供应: This has provided valuable data for work in soil improvement. 这为土壤改良工作提供了宝贵资料。I'll provide food for the picnic. 我提供野餐吃的食物。2) 准备;做必须之事;防备: In our plans for the journey, we have provided for possible accidents. 在旅行计划中,我们为可能发生的意外事件作了适当的准备。They had already provided against the attack. 他们已做好应付进攻的准备。

11. They love having lots of friends, so do those with disabilities. 年轻人喜欢广交朋友,残疾人也一样。在以关联词so, such (…that)开头的句子,要局部倒装。如:So small was the mark that I could hardly see it. 斑点如此之小,我几乎看不出来。Such was his strength that he carried all the big boxes onto the fourth floor. 他的力气真大,把所有的大箱子都搬上了四楼。




完全倒装 (整个谓语移至主语之前) Out rushed the students to welcome the foreign friends. 学生们涌出去欢迎外国朋友。

部分倒装 (只把系动词,情态动词,助动词或表语放在主语之前。) Little did I think that he could be back alive. 我没有想到他竟能活着回来。


1. 在以here, there, now, then, in, away, up down等副词开头的句子中: Now comes your turn to play. 现在轮到你玩了。Away went the crowd one by one. 人们一个一个地离去。

2. 含有否定意义的副词或连词放在句首时

Never before have we seen such a sight. 以前我们从来没有见过这样的情景。Little did I think that he could be back alive. 我没有想到他竟能活着回来。

Not until New Year's Day shall I give you a gift. 我要到元旦那天才能给你礼物。

3. 副词only+状语放在句首时

Only then did he realize his mistakes . 只有在那时他才认识到自己的错误。Only in this way can you learn maths well . 只有用这种方法你才能学好数学。

4. 副词so或 neither(nor)在句首

He is interested in pop-songs, and so am I.他对流行歌曲感兴趣,我也如此。He hasn't been to the countryside, neither does he want to go there.他没有去过农村,他也不想去那里。

5. 在频度状语 often, always, many a time 等开头的句子中

Often did we warn them not to do so. 我们曾多次警告他们不要这样做。Many a time has she helped me with my English. 她不止一次地帮助或学习英语。

6. 在方式状语thus开头的句子中及程度状语so放句首: Thus ended his life.这样结束了他的生命。So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him . 他讲话的声音那样大,连隔壁屋子里的人都听得见。

7. 用在as/though(尽管)引导的让步状语从句中

Young as he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他年轻,却知道很多东西。

8. 虚拟语气条件从句中 (把从句中if省略将were,had或should放在主语的前面。)

Were they here, they would help us. 他们要是在这儿,他们会帮助我们的。Had I been informed earlier. I could have done something. 我要是早得到通知,我就能干事了。Should you fail, take more pain and try again. 万一你失败了,就要更加刻苦,重新再干。

Language record

In this unit I have learned to say in English:

Useful Expressions:

1.渴望来中国 2.尽可能地玩得开心

3.一流的物理学家 4.听起来有点怪

5.双目失明(双耳失聪) 6.在某人的私生活方面

7.以……而结束 8.最迟中午十二点结束

9.汽车来了 10.一个可坐的舒适的位子








7.他很少去看电影,不是吗?Seldom …….

8.仅靠洗衣服我母亲仍设法养活了全家人。Only …….

篇2:高三复习Unit 24(book2)

RSEFC 2A Unit 9 Saving the earth



“热身”(Warming up)部分,运用图片导入法,通过对所展示图片的讨论,引出环境保护、拯救地球的主题,初步了解学生对现状、原因、解决办法的掌握程度,并通过提问了解学生对本单元学习内容、学习策略、学习途径的愿望,以便教师及时调整其后课堂教学的内容、难度、和深度的把握。

“听力”训练由两大部分组成,分别安排在“听力”(Listening)和“综合技能”(Integrating Skills)两个部分。前者又由两部分组成,第一部分为纪念“世界地球日”活动上的讲话,阐述了保护水资源的必要性和紧迫性。第二部分围绕保护水资源的主题,介绍了如何保护水资源的具体措施;后者,作为综合语言运用部分,听力内容主要为其后的写作作为铺垫,除了敏锐捕捉语言信息以外,学生还需要了解发言稿的开篇、论证、以及结束。


“语言学习”(Language Study)要求学生利用构词法的知识,灵活运用词形变化进行正确运用,在第二部分要求学生正确辨别-ly结尾词的词性。


“综合技能”(Integrating skills)采用高一课本中未曾出现过的展示方式,选用听力方式展示写作模式,通过口头讨论等方式,巩固学生对本单元知识的掌握,从而有效地指导学生进行写作练习, 并通过Unit 2中的checklist对所写的书面表达进行修改。


Period 1 Warming up, listening and Speaking

I. Goals:

1. To make Ss know pollution and present situation throughout the

world and encourage them to find solutions to this problem.

2. To encourage Ss to activate the relevant vocabulary.

3. To develop Ss' speaking by practicing supporting an opinion.

II. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greetings

2. Talk about the pictures

Present the students a series of pictures to assure them how serious the pollution is

and ask them some questions about these pictures.

⑴ ⑵ ⑶

⑷ ⑸ ⑹

Q1: What can you see in these pictures? How does it happen?

Q2: What causes the problem?

Q3: What are the biggest problems facing the earth? Why do you think so?

Q4: Have you ever done something bad to the environment?

Q5: Can you give me more examples that happened in people's daily life and is bad

for the environment?

Step 2 Listening

1. Lead in

More and more people are realizing the damage that is being done the environment and learning more and more harm that the environment is doing to our human inhabit. People are celebrating International Earth Day, when varieties of activities are held so that more people will be involved in environment protection.

2. While-listening

Listen to Part 1 and answer the questions.

1) Why is she giving this speech?

2) What does she think the most serious problem is?

3) What does she say that we should do about it?

4) What do you think she will say next?

Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks with what Ss hear.

Argument 1: We should _____________.

We must _________________________.

We should _______________________.

If we _______, we ________________. Argument 2; _______________________

Problem: _______________________

Solutions: _______________________

3. Post-listening

Pair work: Infer what the speaker will say next, list like the above one and share the speech with the partner and the class.

Group work: Discuss with group members about the measures that we may take to protect air, forest; animals; grassland.

Ask Ss to deliver their speech on environment protection.

Step 3 Speaking

1. Talking about what Ss can see in the picture.

(1) (2)

Q1: What is being piled in the picture 1?

Q2: What can coal be used for?

Q3: What is being giving off from the workshop?

Q4: What is being polluted?

Every coin has two sides. It is true with coal, which is a valuable resource that can be used to produce energy, but it can also cause serious pollution.

2. Group work: A debate Coal is/isn’t a valuable resource.

pros cons

A businessman An environmentalist

A scientist A local citizen

A local leader

… …

Period 2 Reading Welcome to the Earth Summit

I. Goals:

1.To promote the students' understanding of the text

2. To get the students to grasp the detailed information of the text

3. To enable the students to master some words and expressions

4. To improve the students' reading ability

II. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warming up

Ask the students some questions connected with pollution

Q1: Did you use to go swimming in a river when you were young?

What about the children today? Why not?

Q2: Do you use one-off chopsticks while having fast food?

Q3: How do you deal with the plastic bags?

Q4: What do you think of the air today?

Q5: What do you think of the relationship between economy development and


Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Discussion

Read the title and discuss in pairs what problems will be discussed at the summit.

(As the title states, problems related to the earth will be discussed at the summit, like air, water, forest, desert, grassland, etc)

2. Prediction

Group work: Fill in the chart with what Ss predict about what each part of the text will be about.




3. Problem-solving

Go through the whole passage and compare whose guess is the closest to the content of the passage.

4. Find the answers to these two questions.

Q1: When and where was the Earth Summit held?

(In in Johannesburg in South Africa.)

Q2: Which Chinese officer attended the meeting? What did he say?

(Premier Zhu Rongji; Stressed the need for quality and fairness in the world. )

Step 3 While-reading

1. Individual work

Get the students to read the text carefully and ask some students to answer the following questions in their own words.

Q1: What was the meeting held in 1972 about ?

Q2: What's the main theme of the Earth Summit?

Q3: Do you know the 'big three’? What are they?

Q4: Where do you think usually has 'the big three'? Why?

Q5: What does global development mean nowadays? What should developed

countries actually do?

Q6: What's the use of conferences like the Earth Summit?

Q7: What's the key to the future? As a student, what should you do?

2. Reading for information

Introduction Name The Earth Summit

When In 2002

Where Johannesburg, south Africa

Theme Sustainable development

How to continue developing the world without damaging the environment


The “big three” Contaminated drinking water; 20%

Poor sanitation:

Air pollution: three million deaths; in rural areas in developing countries

Global development Equality Each country takes part in


International cooperation Rich counties help poor countries; Prosperity of developing countries; Possible sustainable development


Impact 1. help to understand the existing serious problems

2. there’s still time to take action

3. change the way we live to save the earth

4. Ss are learning “earth issues”

5. a place to find solutions for the future

Step 4 Post-reading

1. Retelling

Suppose you were the Chinese girl who attended the Earth Summit, tell what she heard and saw at the Summit. Begin with “Hello, everyone. I’m the luckiest girl to attend the 2002 Earth Summit in Johannesburg. Now let me tell you about the summit. …”

2. Interview

Ss work in pairs, playing the role of a newspaper reporter, attendants from different continents attending the Earth Summit. Finally the teacher invites some pairs to act out their interview

2. Design the coming Earth Summit

Group work:

Task: Prepare the coming Earth Summit

Arrangement: S1: organization

S2: Prepare necessities for the Summit

S3: Mess media

S4: Attendants invited

S5: budget

S6: Transportation & accommodation

Have Ss present the preparations for the Summit in groups.

Period 3Language Study & Grammar

I. Goals:

1. To get Ss to learn and master the usages of the new words and the useful expressions in this unit.

2. To enable Ss to grasp the grammar: Inversion.

II. Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Greetings

2. Play a guessing game: first some items are shown on the screen, and each item is the paraphrase of one new word. Divide the class into four groups. Ss are encouraged to guess the word as quickly as possible. This game is to enlarge Ss’ vocabulary.

(1) To make a place or substance dirty and dangerous by adding sth to it.

(2) To make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan, report etc.

(3) The situation or experience of being poor.

(4) A position or situation in which people have the same rights, advantages.

(5) To do sth in order to protect someone or sth from being attacked

(6) To do sth that produces an effect or change in someone or sth

(7) .Behavior that is intended to hurt other people physically

(8).Not right or fair

(9).Sth that you can choose to do or use instead of sth else

contaminate, summarize, poverty, equality, defend, affect;

violence, unfair, alternative )

Complete the following sentences with the words from the bracket, using the correct form.

1. According to the report, the environment has become a major _______ worldwide.

One in five children before age five die from diseases caused by environmental

problems. ( kill )

2. Internet use has been spreading at a(n) _________ speed in China. “Have you surfed the net?’’ has become a more common greeting than the traditional “ Have you eaten?’’ ( alarm )

3. The word “netizen”, which means a person who uses the Internet, comes from “net” and “________”. ( city )

4. During the interview, the young man asked about the job ____________ as a sales manager. ( responsible)

5. How many Chinese ______________ will be sent to the international meeting in Stockholm, Sweden? ( represent )

6. The people who listened to the report were shocked by the ________ of the villagers. ( suffer )

7. It was there people’s __________ to work hard and well that impressed me most. ( willing )

( possible answers: killer, alarming, citizen, responsibility, representatives, suffering, willingness )

Step 3 language points and useful expressions

1. Attend: 出席,上(大学等),照料

To go to an event such as a meeting

eg: Only 7 people attended the meeting.

To go regularly to a school, church etc

eg: All children between the ages of 5 and 16 must attend school.

To look after someone, especially because they are ill

eg: The nurse attended the patient daily.attend to sb/sth 处理,照应

eg: I may be late – I have got one or two things to attend to.

Are you being attended to in a shop?

Then do some exercises to enable Ss to distinguish the following words:

attend / join / join in / take part in / join sb in sth Ex: Fill in the blanks with the expressions given.

1. He’ll _________ an important meeting tomorrow.

2. Almost all the teams in our school __________ the basketball match.

3. My wish is to ________ the army after graduation.

4. We’ll _______________ social activities during the summer vacation.

5. They didn’t ___________ the wedding.

6. I ________ the party last year.

7. Our headmaster will _______ us ____ the discussion this afternoon.

( possible answers: attend, join in, join, take part in, attend, joined, join in )

2. take notes: 作笔记,记录

take action: 采取行动

Eg: Do you takes notes of the lectures?

He sat quietly in the corner taking notes carefully.

They took action to stop him.

The police took action to deal with this thing immediately.

The medicine will not take action for several hours.


The pill takes effect as soon as you swallow it.

take turns

take measures/steps

take place

take care

take medicine

take time

take cold

take notice

take sides

Eg: You always takes sides with him without even listening to me.

3. content:

1). n. 内容,目录 (常作 ~ s ) ; 容量,容积

Eg: the contents of a book

a table of contents

Look up the contents at the beginning of the book.

a bucket of more than usual content

2). Adj. 满足的,满意的

be content to do sth

be content with sth

content oneself with sth

He is quite content to watch TV for hours.

I’m very content with my life at present.

As there’s no butter we must content ourselves with dry bread.

access: 进入,接近

Eg: The dead-end street was the only access to her home.

Access to the mountain-town is often difficult because of the bad roads.

have access to :

Eg: Twenty percent of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.

have sth that you can use

Eg: The public don’t have access to the site.

the right to enter a place

Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation.

Until 的三种句式

I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back. ( 陈述句 ) v

Not until my mother came back did I go to bed. ( 倒装句 )

It was not until my mother came back that I went to bed. ( 强调句 )直到她母亲把一切对杰克和盘托出,杰克才明白她为什么跟自己生气。

1).Jack didn’t understand why she was angry with him until her mother told him everything.

2).Not until her mother told him everything did Jack understand why she was angry with him.

3).It was not until her mother told him everything that Jack understood why she was angry with him.

A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act.

As 此处的用法与so相同。

Eg: He is a patriot, as are his bothers.

David works hard, as do his classmates.

Harry is unusually tall, as are his sisters.

He believed, as did his family, that you were telling the truth.

With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with


in harmony with 与---- 协调 ,和谐

Eg: The color of the sofa is in harmony with the sitting room.

He soon found himself in harmony with his new co-workers.

Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project.

…perhaps put an end to the death and suffering caused by the big three.

put an end to 结束,毁掉

Eg: Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems.

The discussion was put an end to by his sudden arrival.

The wind put an end to the pier.

wipe out : 擦洗---- 的内部,去除,消灭To make sth inside clean

Eg: wipe out the coffee pot

To destroy, remove, or get rid of sth completely

Eg: wipe out the enemy’s major military targets

Half the population was wiped out by this disease.

informal ) to make you feel extremely tired

Eg: The heat had wiped us out.

And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chance that we will see -------

there is a good chance ( that ) ----

“有 可能发生某事 ”Eg: There is a good chance that I’ll finish the work tomorrow.

There is a good chance ( that ) he will be gone by then.

affect: vt.影响,感动,(疾病)侵袭

effect:n. 影响,效果,作用

Eg: This country was affected by draught.

The amount of rain affects the growth of crops.

The sight affected her to tears.

It may be the effect of the illness.

This accident had an effect on the future of both mother and son.

Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation.

Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.

Had I known that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.

There exist serious problems and there is still time to take action.

Among the speakers was China’s then Premier Zhu Rongji.

A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act.

Without international cooperation, developing countries cannot prosper, nor will sustainable development be possible.

Study the structures of inverted sentences and g

A. Here comes the bus.

There goes the bell.

Down he went.

On the wall hangs a picture.

B. Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.

Never have I seen such a wonderful film.

Step 6 Practice

So neither nor as

1. Richer countries have a responsibility to protect the environment, ___________ the

poor countries.

2. We shouldn’t waste so much water,________ we use things that are harmful to the environment.

3. Air conditioners cause much pollution,________ cars.

4. Many people are determined to change the way they live.___________ I.

5. I don’t buy products that cause pollution, ________ most people I know.

6. She is interested in environmental protection,________________ her mother.

7. If you don’t stay at the party,_____________ will I.

8. I can’t attend the meeting and _______________ you; we have some other work to do.

9. A: How old are you?

B: Can you keep a secret?

A: Sure.

B: ______________ I.

Possible answers: (so/as do, neither/nor should, so/as do, so/as am, neither/nor do, so/as is, neither/nor, neither/nor can, so/as am )

II. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with the underlined part.

1. We will not have enough drinking water until we stop polluting our lakes and rivers.

Not until_______________________________________________

2. We can save the earth only by learning to live in harmony with nature.

Only __________________________________________________.

3. I knew that air pollution causes almost three million deaths every year only after the meeting.


4. Sustainable development can only be possible with international cooperation.


5. The Earth Summit is not only a place to talk about problems, but also a place to

find solutions for the future.

Not only___________________________________________________.

6. People will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature only with better education.


7. We seldom think of the small changes that we can do to make a big difference.


8. I have never realized that water is so precious.

Never ____________________________________________________.Try to be clean in our daily activities;

c. Use environmentally safe products Dispose of trash properly Recycle household waste, yard waste, and hazardous chemicalsDon’t pour waste water into rivers and lakes without being cleaned.Recycle the used battery.Use paper bags instead of plastic bags. 2. Report the ways to stop pollution in class.

I. 参考网址:


(World Day for Water )

6. http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/index.html

7. http://www.un.org (联合国)

8. http://www.ukabc.org/wssd.htm

9. http://www.earthobservationsummit.gov

10. http://www.danknapp.com/speechcn.htm (how to plan and prepare a speech)

II. 补充语法

倒装语序分为“全部倒装”和“部分倒装”。在全部倒装的句子中,整个谓语都放在主语的前面;在部分倒装的句子中,只是谓语中的一部分(如助动词、情态动词或系动词be等)放在主语前面,其余部分仍放在主语后面。一、由there, here 或now 等引起,谓语为come(或go)的句子,例如:

There comes the bus! There goes the bell!

Here comes Mary! Now comes your turn.


There he comes! Here she comes!

二、由then 引起,谓语为come(或 follow)的句子,

Then came a new difficulty.

Then followed eight years of the Anti-Japanese War.


Here is China’s largest tropical forest.

Here are some picture-books.


Here you are. / Here we are. / Here it is


Society has changed and so have the people in it.

He plays the violin quite well. So does my sister.


--It was cold yesterday.–-So it was!

五、由neither或nor引起的,表示前面所说 的情况也适用于另一个人(或物)的句子,

-- I won’t do such a thing.

–-Neither / Nor will I.

-- I haven’t done my homework.

–- Neither / Nor have I.

If you don’t go, neither will I.

I didn’t read the notice, nor did he.

六、在if引导的非真实条件句中,如有助动词had, should或were时,可以省略if,进行倒装,

Had I come five minutes earlier, I would have met the famous scientist.

(If I had come five minutes …)

Should anyone call, tell him to wait for me here.

Were I ten years younger, I would with you.

Should you change your mind, let us know.

七、out, in, up, down, away等副词放在主语前,主谓倒装

Up flew the red balloon.

Out rushed a policeman from among the crowd.


Away they went./ Down it flew. / Up it went.八、当as引导让步状语从句时,把表语提到前面来, 用“形容词(或副词、名词+ as +主语+谓语”这种形式

Child as he is, he knows a lot.

Tired as he was, he continued to work.

Hard as I work, I can’t catch up with you.

Much as we like the place, we can’t stay here.

九、当always, often, many a time等词放在句首时,后面常用倒装语序,如:

Always did he come to help us.

Often did we warn them not to do so.

Many a time did he go swimming in the river.



Only in this way can you hope to improve the situation there.

Only then did I realize that I was wrong.

Only once did his father discuss his future with him.

Only yesterday did I realize what was going on.

Only after he came back was I able to see him.


Only socialism can save China. 十一、含有否定意义的副词、连词或短语构成的状语放在句首时,常用倒装语序

not, never, hardly, seldom, little, rarely,

scarcely, not until, not only…but also…,

neither…nor… no sooner…than…,

hardly…when …, scarcely…when

Never shall I forget the day.

Not until I began to work did I realize Ihad wasted much time.

Not only did he read the book, but also he remembered what he had read.

No sooner had he arrived than he fell ill.

Hardly / Scarcely had he arrived when he fell ill.


另外,not only…but also连接两个主语时, 不用倒装,如:

Not only the students, but also the teacher wishes for a holiday.


So loudly did he speak that he was heard upstairs.

So angry was he that he couldn’t speak.

So hard does he study that he is the best in the class.

Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken.

Such was his strength that he could bend iron bars.


Such was the result.

Such were her words.

Such was the story he told.十三、在下列结构中也常用倒装语序:

In front of them stood a great castle.

On the bed lay a sick old man.

Under the tree sat an old man.

Seated on the ground are some young men.

Lying on the floor was a boy.


1. Not until I began to work ______ how much time I had wasted.

A. didn't I realize B. did I realize

C. I didn't realize D. I realize

2. - Do you know Tom bought a new car?

- I don't know, _______.

A. nor don't I care B. nor do I care

C. I don't care neither D. I don't care also

答案为B。 Not until 引导从句位于句首,后面的主句要倒装。

答案为B。句中的nor引出部分倒装结构,表示“也不”。由 so, neither, nor引导的倒装句,表示前一情况的重复出现。其中, so用于肯定句, 而 neither, nor 用在否定句中。 典型例题

- Why can't I smoke here?

- At no time _______ in the meeting-room.

A. is smoking permitted B. smoking is permitted

C. smoking is it permitted D. does smoking permit

答案A. 这是一个倒装问题。当否定词语置于句首以表示强调时,其句中的主谓须用倒装结构。这些否定词包括no, little, hardly, seldom, never, not only, not until等。本题的正常语序是 Smoking is permitted in the meeting-room at no time.

Not until the early years of the 19th century _______ what heat is.

A. man did know B. man know

C. didn't man know D. did man know

答案D. 看到Not until…的句型,我们知道为一倒装句,答案在C,D 中选一个。改写为正常语序为,Man did not know what heat is until the early years of the 19th. 现在将not提前,后面就不能再用否定了,否则意思就变了。 典型例题

No sooner _______ than it began to rain heavily.

A. the game began B. has the game begun

C. did the game begin D. had the game begun答案D. 以具有否定意义的副词放在句首时,一般采用倒装句(谓语前置)。这类表示否定意义的词有never, seldom, scarcely, little, few, not, hardly, 以及not only…but (also), no sooner…than, hardly… when scarcely… when等等。

注意:只有当Not only… but also连接两个分句时,才在第一个分句用倒装结构。如果置于句首的Not only… but also仅连接两个并列词语,不可用倒装结构。

Not only you but also I am fond of music.

About World Day for Water

The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/47/193 of 22 December 1992 by which 22 March of each year was declared World Day for Water, to be observed starting in 1993, in conformity with the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) contained in Chapter 18 (Fresh Water Resources) of Agenda 21. States were invited to devote the Day, as appropriate in the national context, to concrete activities such as the promotion of public awareness through the publication and diffusion of documentaries and the organization of conferences, round tables, seminars and expositions related to the conservation and development of water resources and the implementation of the recommendations of Agenda 21.

hat is World Environment Day?

World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to raise environmental awareness and to encourage action to protect the environment.


In 1992, more than 100 heads of state met in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the first international Earth Summit convened to address urgent problems of environmental protection and socio-economic development. The assembled leaders signed the Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity, endorsed the Rio Declaration and the Forest Principles, and adopted Agenda 21, a 300 page plan for achieving sustainable development in the 21st century.

The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was created to monitor and report on implementation of the Earth Summit agreements. It was agreed that a five year review of Earth Summit progress would be made in by the United Nations General Assembly meeting in special session. This special session of the UN General Assembly took stock of how well countries, international organizations and sectors of civil society have responded to the challenge of the Earth Summit.

篇3:高三复习Unit 3 Body language(Book2)

Unit 3 Body language

Useful expressions

1. one another 互相、彼此

Liz and I have known one another for years. | They often stay at one another's houses. 对比: They were holding each other's hands. | We had a lot to tell each other about our trip.

2. take … for example 以… 为例

Take nodding the head for example. 以点头为例吧。Take water for example , it is made up of two gases──hydrogen and oxygen .以水为例,它是由氢和氧两种气体组成的。对比: Let’s take Lei Feng as a good example for all of us to follow .让我们把雷锋当作我们大家学习的好榜样。

3. do research on … 对…做研究

He has done a great deal of research on that subject. 他对那个课题做了大量研究。Scientists have done some research on “Touch” in different countries. 科学家已经对不同国家里的“接触”情况进行了一些研究。

4. follow the custom 遵守习俗

Foreigners should follow these customs when they are visiting these countries. 外国人在访问这些国家的时候,必须遵守这些习惯。掌握下面follow的意思: You should follow the rules of the lab when you are doing experiments. 做实验时你们应该遵守实验室的规则。 Follow his suggestions, and you'll be successful sooner or later. 遵循他的建议,你迟早会成功的。

5. keep away 远离、不许靠近

Children should be kept away from the river. 小孩子应该远离这条河。You'd better keep away (from me). I have a bad cold.我患了重感冒,你最好不要靠近我。The Arab who is friendly will stand close to his friend, but the Englishman will move back in order to keep a certain distance away. 表示友好的阿拉伯人会站得离他的朋友很近,而英国人则会往后退,以保持一定的距离。

Sentence patterns

It's a pleasure to meet you. 很高兴认识您。In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning. 在法国,每天早上跟办公室里的人握手是一种习惯。

it 在这里的虽然占着主语的位置但却好像没有实际内容,实际充当主语的是to后的成份。为了避免头重脚轻情况出现,英文中出现了形式主语的结构,它的构成一般是这样的:It is /was + 名词/形容词 + (for/of sb) to do sth 如:It is the duty for us to help each other. 帮助别人对我们来说是一种责任。 It is very difficult to learn English well. 学好英语很难。

Language tips

1. You must be Dr Yang. 你一定是杨博士吧。

must 在这里表示猜测。如:It's already ten o'clock. My mother must be angry. 已经十点钟了,我妈妈一定生气了。We thought the teacher must be joking. 我们以为老师一定是在开玩笑。 It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地上湿的。

2. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. 不,谢谢。我可以自己提。

manage在本句中指“设法对付”: It's heavy, but I can manage it. 它很重,但我能对付得了。 The bear can manage to live through the winter without eating anything. 熊一冬天不吃东西也能活下来。又manage与try的辨异: manage常指“想方设法而成功地做成某事”,强调结果。try常指“试图或努力做某事,成功与否不清楚”。如:He managed to get the housework done with very little help .在没有多少帮助的情况下,他把家务活干完了。He tried to get the housework done with very little help .他企图在没有多少帮助的情况下,把家务活干完。

3. Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words. 当我们和别人谈话的时候,我们可能没有意识到我们并不仅仅通过词语表达自己的意思。

短语 make sb./sth.do/done 意思是:使某人或某事被...。make sb/sth do,宾语与动词之间是主动关系。make sb/sth done 宾语与动词之间是被动关系。如:He makes me clean the table.

他让我擦桌子。(我主动进行清理工作)I tried my best, but I couldn’t make my view known. 我尽了最大努力,但未能使我的观点被知道(被别人知道)。I had to shout to make myself heard above the music.

掌握realize的用法: Do you realize that you're an hour late? None of us realised the danger we were in. Tim didn't realize his mistake until the next day.

4. Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement. 点头表示赞成,而摇头表示不赞成。

这里的while是连词,连接两个并列分句,表示对比,相当于我们汉语的“而”。当然它表达的转折含义不如but强烈。如:I like music, while he enjoys sports. 我喜欢音乐,而他喜欢运动。对比: They arrived while we were having dinner.

5. But not all body language means the same thing in different countries. 但是,并不是所有的体态在不同的国家里都表示相同的意思。这是部分否定,全部否定应怎么说?

6. Men do not kiss each other in either China or English-speaking countries. 在中国或在讲英语的国家里,男人们见面时彼此不亲吻。

either... or... 表示“(两者之中)…或… (之一)” 如:You may stay either in a hotel or in a private house. 你可以住在饭店或私人的家里。I want to visit either Paris or London. 我想去巴黎或者伦敦游览一下。Either you or I am wrong.不是你错就是我错。

注意:either...or…多为“两者之中的其中之一”的选择,但有时也可表示三者之中的选择。如:You can have either milk, orange juice or cola.牛奶、橙汁、可乐三种之中,你可以挑任何一种喜欢的来喝。

7. French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people. 法国人在问候和告别时相互亲吻多于英国人。

kiss (sb) goodbye/ hello 与某人亲吻问好或告别。如:They kissed goodbye when they departed.

他们互相吻别。 He kissed me hello when we met. 见面时,他亲吻我表示问好。 英文中这样的结构并不少见,除了kiss (sb) goodbye/hello 之外还有 wave sb goodbye 挥手道别。

8. Generally, people from English-speaking countries do not touch each other very much. 一般说来,讲英语国家的人互相之间没有太多的身体接触。 “一般说来”还可译为 generally speaking

9. 区别custom与habit

custom主要是群体性的不断演变而成的习惯,代表一个国家或者地区的传统,即“习俗、风俗”。habit是指一个动作反复发生,习惯成自然。如:Social customs are greatly different from country to country .各个国家的社会风俗习惯很不相同。Biting his fingers is his habit .咬手指是他的习惯。可用在一起:Their customs and habits are different from ours .他们的风俗习惯与我们的不同。

10. In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. 在亚洲一部分地区,坐着时不允许把脚朝着别人。

这里出现了“with+复合宾语”的结构,由with + 名词+-ing”形式组成,在句中做伴随状语,进一步说明sit的姿势。如:I lay on the grass, with my eyes looking at the stars in the sky. 我躺在地上,眼睛望着天空的星星。point at指向,对准: He pointed his gun at the thief .他把枪对准了小偷。

11. It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking. 对阿拉伯人来说,和朋友谈话时站得很近,是有礼貌的。

manners 这里是“礼貌”的意思,当这个意思讲时它总是以复数的形式出现。如:It's bad manners to speak with your mouth full. 说话时嘴里塞满东西是不礼貌的。have good manners有礼貌,have no manners没礼貌

12. City people in Britain and the United States stand closer than those who live in the country. 英国和美国的城里人又比那些住在乡村的人站得更近。

我们常用that代替前面所提到的名词单数, 用those代替复数: The weather here is much warmer than that of Beijing. In my opinion the finest wines are those from France. 依我看来,最好的酒是法国出产的酒。

13. Using body language in a correct way will help communicate with people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable. 正确地运用体态语有助于人们进行交际,而且会使人们在外国逗留时感到轻松又愉快。

本句是动名词结构做主语,又如: Reading a lot helps (to) improve English. 大量阅读对提高英语水平有帮助。make sb/sth + 形容词, 表示“使...成...”,如:His gift made her very happy. 他的礼物令她非常快乐。Please make yourself comfortable. 请自便。



They don't like to be too close to one another. 作宾语

They will move back to keep a certain distance away. 作状语

Would you like me to do something for you? 作宾语补足语

Have you got anything to say? 作后置定语

It is a pleasure to meet you. 作主语

Waving one's hand is to say “Goodbye”. 作表语

I don't know how to communicate with foreigners. 与疑问词连用

Language record

In this unit I have learned to say in English:

Useful Expressions:

教你怎样使用打字机 向周围的人传递信息

点头 被作为……接受或认可

以……为例 吻别

说英语的国家 对……进行研究

对着,指向…… 遵守这些习俗

保持一定的距离 住在乡下








篇4:人教Book2 unit20 Mainly Revision-人教版[]

Unit 20 Mainly Revision

Teaching Plan

Tianjin Experimental High School


天津市实验中学 英语 学科课堂教学素质教育目标

章、节课 题 Unit 20 Mainly revision

教养性目标 基础知识 To master the following new words and phrases: yet, myself, cousin, cousin, engineer, cancer, care, take care of , sad, death, page, palace, the Summer Palace, herself, turn on, while, after a while, turn off, any more, make faces, whole, wonderful, have a cold, once, himself, tooth, kill, etc.

学科能力 To master the following sentences: Your parents must be worried. I can’t leave her by herself. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. It broke in the wind. He told me not to bring you anything. With these words the tiger jumped into the river.Grammar:Revise the grammatical items in the unit15, unit16, unit17, unit18, unit19.

思想方法 To use the language and fulfill activities of listening, speaking, writing and other exercises in the unit.

教育性目标 德育渗透 1. 通过凌峰的故事培养学生乐于助人的好品质。2. 通过猴子战胜老虎的故事培养学生机智勇敢、不畏强敌的精神。

发展性目标 良好心理素质的培养 1. 通过凌峰想方设法哄孩子的故事,培养学生的挑战性。2. 通过Word Puzzle,Word game培养学生的瞬时记忆能力。3. 通过对以前知识的复习培养学生思维的准确性。

Unit 20 Mainly Revision

I. Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. The Ss revise the words and expressions in the last 5 units and learn to use them.

2. The Ss learn to use the language and fulfill activities of listening, speaking and exercises.

3. Practice the use of modal verbs, the basic 5 sentence types, use of linking verbs and predicative, indefinite pronouns and reflexive pronouns(不定代词与反身代词).

II. Teaching Key Points:

1. The ways of expressing the happy and sad things.

2. Reading the text “A Page From a Student’s Diary” and the text “The Tiger and the Monkey”

3. Revise the use of modal verbs, the basic 5 sentence types, use of linking verbs and predicative, indefinite pronouns and reflexive pronouns.

III. Teaching Difficulties:

1. To consolidate the grammar in the past 5 units.

2. To let the Ss understand the fable moral of the stories learnt in the unit..

3. To use what they have learnt to fulfill the tasks the teacher gives.

IV. Teaching Methods:

Group cooperation, task-based learning, drill and practice.

V. Teaching Media:

Tape, recorder, computer, multi-media sys. courseware.

VI. Time Allocation:

Period 1: Lesson 77 of TB, WB, QTB(《质量监测》).

Period 2: Lesson 78 of TB, WB, QTB(《质量监测》).

Period 3: Lesson 79 of TB, WB, QTB(《质量监测》).

Period 4: Lesson80 of TB, WB, QTB(《质量监测》).

Period 5: Revision on English Weekly and other exercises

Period 6: Revision for the Mid-term Examinations

Period 1 Lesson 77

I. Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. The Ss can read and act out the dialogues.

2. The Ss learn the language to express happy and sad things.

II. Teaching Key Points:

The daily expressions about happy things and sad things.

III. Teaching Difficulties:

To use the language freely when making sentences according to the situations.

IV. Teaching Medias:

Tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step1. English Song learning (5min)

1. Listen to the “If you are happy” and learn to sing along.

Step2. Revision (10min)

1. Ask one student from each group to recite the rhyme “Wake-up Time”.

2. Do some exercises in class. (slide)

Step3. Read and act(15min)

1. Listen to the first dialogue and finish the listening exercise in QTB(《质量监测》).

2. Answer the questions:

Does Han Mei know how to use it? No, she doesn’t.

What does Han Mei’s cousin do? She is a computer engineer.

3. Language points:

○1 buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. Sth.

e.g. He bought a new shirt for his father. àHe bought his father a new shirt.

Who do you buy them for?

○2 how to use it wh-word + to do复合不定式结构, 可以变成由wh-word引 导的从句。

e.g. Where to go tomorrow is still a question.

à Where we shall go tomorrow is still a question.

My question is how we can get there. à My question is how to get there.

I don’t know how I can write. à I don’t know how to write.

He showed me how I can use the computer.

à He showed me how to use the computer.

○3 yet adv. until now, now (often in questions and negative sentences) 还,尚

e.g. Have you read the book, yet? Not yet.

He is yet a child. It was not yet dark.

○4 learn ...... by oneself = teach oneself

e.g. I learned English by myself when I was a child.

àI taught myself English when I was a child.

He learned to use the computer all by himself.

àHe taught himself to use the computer.

learn/teach to do

swimming, skating , driving等具有技术含义的词已被看作名词,可直接用。但 是如果要说某个特指的动作,则用to do形式。

e.g. He learns swimming by himself. He teaches himself swimming.

Do you learn driving all by yourself? I learned to drive this car by myself.

He taught me to swim in the sea.

○5 learn & study : learn指在人指导下学习,通常指为了获得基础知识或技能,也有 学习精神或教训,或获取信息。study是在导师指导下或自己对某领域的内容进行 学习和研究。

e.g. We have learned/studied English for five years.

Scientists(科学家) are studying the universe(宇宙) these years.

He is learning how to mend the computer.

It’s never too late to learn. You should learn from each other.

I am studying the reasons(原因) for the death of the animals.

I learned from your letter that you were ill again.

4. Listen to the second dialogue and finish the listening exercise in QTB(《质量监测》).

5. Answer the questions:

Why did Paul have to take care of himself and his little brother?

His uncle is ill because he has cancer. So Paul has to take care of his younger brother and do some cooking.

6. Language points:

○1 must be 表示推测语气

e.g. He must be sixty now. You must stay here until 5 o’clock.

○2 take care of = look after / take good care of = look after …. well

e.g. Please take care of your brother. à Please look after your brother.

We must take good care of the young trees.

à We must look after the young trees well .

care [n.] careful [adj.] careless [adj.] carefully [adv.] carelessly [adv.]

e.g. Take care not to get lost. Who cares! 管他呢。

Do you care for a cup of tea? = Would you like a cup of tea?

○3 do the cooking; do the cleaning; do some washing; do some shopping/ reading

○4 * think of , think about, think [vi]

e.g. I think (that) he is good at studying. I don’t think you are right.

She is thinking what to do next. He is thinking about the plan.

I am thinking what to say. I am thinking about my speech.

He is thinking about/of changing his job. He always thinks much of others.

The old photo makes me think of my childhood.

Step4. Write (10min)

Write your answers in the exercise book.

What makes you happy? What makes you sad?

What makes her happy?

What makes her sad? It makes … happy when Yao-ming wins a basketball match.

Think of Mei Yanfang’s death… I felt … when I came back from the space.

Step5. In-class Exercises (5min)

1. Gap filling and language use.

2. Check the exercises in WB:page91-Ex2

Step6. Homework (1min)

Write in the same exercise book a chart like this:


What makes you happy?

What will you do if you are happy?

What makes you sad?

What will you do if you are sad?

Ask other members in your group these questions and make the form.

Each group turn in the exercise book as a group. 每组六张表一起交。

Period 2 Lesson 78

I. Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. The Ss can retell the story and learn the format of writing an English diary..

2. Give the Ss the demands about the mid-term exams.

II. Teaching Key Points:

1. The way to write an English diary.

2. join, leave, talk to, -er+-er, not…ant more/longer, face, whole and all.

III. Teaching Difficulties:

The Ss learn the different use of the same words or different words for the same meaning.

IV. Teaching Medias:

Tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Enjoy the English Song

“Seasons in the sun”, if they find it difficult to write the lyrics, give them the words as the gap filling.

Step2. Pre-read

1. Learn how to write an English diary.

First, note down the day of the week and the date on the top right hand corner of the page.

Monday April 18th, (We needn’t write about the weather, but you can write it as your own habit.)


2. What can be written in a diary?

What you did in the daytime, what you think about your schoolmates or classmates, what you learn through the days, or just your feelings about something that happened to other people. Anything as you like will do. It’s your own diary. Often the English-speaking people will mainly use past tense in the dairy and “I” is often omitted.

Today we are going to learn a page from a student’s diary. What did he write about in this page of diary? Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions here.

Step3. Read

1. Listen and answer?

○1 Where did Ling Feng’s classmates go that afternoon? The Summer Palace.

○2 What about Ling Feng ? Why not? He helped Aunt Wang to look after her baby.

○3 How old was the baby? She was about ten months old.

○4 Why did the baby begin to cry when she woke up? Because she didn’t see her mother.

○5 How did Ling Feng make her stop crying at last?

Ling Feng sang songs for her, made faces , jumped like a monkey and did all kinds of funny things to make the baby stop crying.

2. Gap-filling(slides)

3. Using the key words or phrases, try to retell the story.

Step4. Language points

1. join v. to be a member of some people or a group

join in (doing) to do something together with somebody else

e.g. 他们去踢足球了,但我没有合他们一起去。

They went to play football, but I didn’t join them.

你愿意和我们一起去散步吗?Will you join us in a walk?

你什么时候入队的?When did you join the Young Pioneer?

他们把两个城市用一条铁路连接起来。They joined the two big cities by a railway.

Where do the two rivers join? 这两条河在哪里会合?

take part in / attend take part in the school’s sport meet attend Ms Xie’s English class

2. leave (left)one by oneself to let someone stay by himself

e.g. = go away: She is going to leave for England in a week. My uncle left his job yesterday.

She has been away from here for a year.

Never leave the baby by himself. He left the windows open and left.

Some things are better left unsaid.

Don’t touch anything here, just leave them as they are.

His father died and left him a lot of money.

Oh, dear me! I left my bag in the taxi! I forget (to bring) my watch. (* at home)

3. talk to sb. 同某人谈,侧重一方说一方听。 Listen to the teacher, don’t talk to me!

talk with sb. 与某人交谈,双方相互交谈。 May I talk with your boss?

talk about sth./sb. = discuss 谈论 The students are talking about their hobbies.

-Look, Mike is talking with a man.

-The man is his father. He is now talking to Mike.

- They are talking about Mike’s study at school.

4. harder and harder à -er and –er

e.g. The little girl is becoming more and more beautiful.

It’s getting warmer and warmer these days.

He had more and more money. You are growing taller and taller.

The train went faster and faster and soon went far away.

5. not … any more = no more, not … any longer = no longer (延续性动词)

e.g. After that, he came no more. / He didn’t come any more after that.

You are no longer a little boy/ not a little boy any longer. You have grown up now.

6. make faces = make a face

e.g. The two big buildings stand face to face on each side of the street.

Kate has a round face. [c.n.] I don’t have the face to laugh at him.

He came in with a smile on his face. He hit me in the face.

My house faces the south. We are facing a lot of difficulties.

7. all + 定冠词(指示、物主代词)+ 名词,侧重数量之和;可以指未分割或已分割的,既可以修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词或物质名词。

定冠词(指示、物主代词)+ whole + 名词,侧重整体;只可以指未分割的事物,不能修饰不可数名词或物质名词,修饰复数名词时前面有数量名词。

e.g. the whole story à all the story ; my/the whole family à all my/the family

all the classes; all the students; all the people; all our books; the whole class/all the class

all the money; five whole days à all five days

Step5. Exercises in class

WB-page 92- Ex2

Step6. Homework

1. Review the diary and try to retell it in your own words.

2. Write a diary in the writing exercise book according to WB-page 3 on page 92.

Step7. Supplementary demands for the study after the Mid-term exams. (print)

1. Adapt the groups and your English names. A new form is going to be done.

2. No.3s gives the scores for the group members for these two weeks. (By the end of this week)

3. After the exams and May-first holidays, we are going to start duty. At least 5 tasks will be given to the group on duty. And the group leader on turn will assign these tasks to different students. One group for one week. We’ll draw lots to decide the group on duty. The students who represents the duty tasks will gain at least 5 points; if they use Aiding PPT courseware, 1 more point; date, the day and the weather report, 1 more point; any games or something that can ask more other students to take part in, 2 more points; the fluency of your spoken English, 1 more point.

The tasks are different from unit to unit. One is unchanged: English song learning. For the week you are on duty, your group must prepare an English Song and give other students the lyric before the class. At the very beginning of the class, teach them sing the song. Other tasks are related to our unit learning, so I will give time for you to represent your duty when I reach the exact part of the unit. Each duty is given 5 minutes to the most. Come to me and ask for tasks of your group when it’s your turn by drawing lots, which takes place a week ahead of the time. And if you have any PPT courseware to link to mine, turn in before I start a new lesson.

4. Copying the new words of each unit: the assistants of English help make the records of the dictation and the new-word-copying.

5. The texts in each lesson must be read 3 times and ask your parents to sign the name on each page of the texts. The group leaders check the signatures of your exchange group on the Friday Morning. The assistants of English or I will check the work from time to time. If anyone doesn’t finish this work and the group leader hasn’t report to me or the assistant of English, both the two will lose points.

Period 3 Lesson 79 & 80

I. Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. The Ss can finish the exercises by themselves and check the answers in group work.

2. Give the Ss the correct answers to the exercises in TB, WB, and QTB.

3. If time available, give the answers to the white papers. (形成性练习)

II. Teaching Key Points:

1. Dialogues about the May 1st holiday and use the target language about planning.

2. Listening text.

III. Teaching Difficulties:

The Ss can practice and review the use of the language learned in the previous units and fulfill the tasks given by the teacher.

IV. Teaching Medias:

Tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Enjoy the English Song

“Seasons in the sun”, if they find it difficult to write the lyrics, give them the words as the gap filling.

Step2. Read and act

1. Divide the whole class into two groups and read the dialogue for the first time; and ask the boys and the girls read it again as two parts.

2. Explain the following points:

a. “and me”

e.g. You, Linda and I are in the same class.

They will take Tom and me to Shanghai.

b. “find one’s way to a place”

e.g. lose one’s way to make one’s way to

the way to Rome the answer to the question the key to the door the visit to N.Y.

Step3. Listening text

(WB: P94)Listen to the text and check the answers with the class.

Step4. Checking the exercises

1. The Ex2 on page 28, Ex3 on page28, Ex1 on page 29 and give 2 more examples for each type of sentences, Ex3 on page 29 and ask one member to write the answer on the Bb, the Ex 4 on page 29.

2. The Ex2 on page91, Ex2 on page 92, Ex2 on page 2, Ex2, 3 on page 94, Ex 4, 5 and 6 on page 95.

Step5. Group-work

1. Group A-C: Role play the text of “The Tiger and the Monkey”.

2. Group D-F: Role play the story according to Ex3 on page 93.

3. Group G: Read the story of Ex7on page96, one read the story, one act out, and the third write down the unlucky things that happened to Ted.

4. Group H: Give the ending to the 1st story in Ex8 and read the whole story together.

5. Group I: give the ending to the 2nd story in Ex8 and read the whole story together.

I will give the whole class 10 minutes to prepare, if you have finished your own tasks, you may discuss about any exercises of other groups.

Step5. Task report (Time not defined)

Step6. Checking

1. The teacher check up any incorrect points left among the tasks.

2. Check the exercise in QTB.

Step7. Homework

1. Preview the story and finish all the exercises in QTB about Unit20.

2. 完成形成性练习上所有的单选,阅读和带提示语的作文。组长明天检查。

3. 周二、周五早自习对QTB答案,和对形成性答案。

篇5:人教版 高三复习Book2 Unit 1-2 重点词组与重难点

高三复习Book 2 Unit 1-2

I. 重点词组

compare to/would rather do

/relate to /rather than/get sb to do sth/bring…back to/even though/adapt to /be addicted to/draw attention to…/on all sides/comment on/current affairs/be concerned about/be crowed with/retire from…/burn down/fall in love with/get noticed/agree with/go up/for once/suffer from/look up to/change one’s mind /be on fire/be similar to sth/have …in common/be known for/work on/be(get)engaged to sb/in fact/be addicted to/go on with/dream of(about)/give lectures /in the early 1970s/answers to questions/a number of/on the other hand/turn out /be happy with/make differences/learn from/be satisfied with/be described/all the time/from time to time/believe in/experiment with


1. mean vi&vt意指,意欲

mean to do sth=intend to do sth打算(做某事)

mean doing sth意味着(做某事)

meaning n意义,意图

means n方法=method/way(单复数同形)

by means of 用/以/通过…方法

典题 I meant____you, but I was so busy.

A. to call on B. calling on C. to call at D. calling at

2.be similar to类似于;与…相似

the same… as与…相同

eg. ① My opinion is similar to yours.

② My opinion is the same as yours.

典题(上海)Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise. ____, our minds are developed are developed by learning.

A. Probably B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally

3.send away开除;解雇;打发…走

send for sb派人去请某人

send off散发;发出;送行

send out tight/heat/smell发出光/热/气味

send up发射

send in交上去

send down使降低

send sb to do sth派…去做…

send sb doing sth使…做(变得)

send sb adj/prep使…变得


-Will someone go and get Dr. White?

--He’s already been_____.

A. asked for B. sent for C. called of D. looked for

4.face sth 面对某物

联想:face north=face to the north朝北face the north

face the facts/situation/difficulty/the window/the enemy面对事实(这种局面,困难,窗子,敌人)

in (the )face of…在…面前

look sb in the face直视某人

to one’s face当着某人的面

make a face=make faces扮鬼脸

face to face面对面

5.Match vt 的用法

1)与…相配=go with

eg. Her clothes don’t match her age.


eg No one can match her in knowledge of classic music.

n. 比赛;相配;与…棋逢对手

eg This tie is a good match for your suit.

典题What surprised us was that he ____his shooting skill against the expert’s.

A. matched B. fitted C. showed D. made

6. blame n&vt 责备,责怪

criticize批评 语气逐渐加重

scold vt责骂,训斥


典题 Who is____the fire?

A. to blame for starting B. to blame to start

C. to be blamed for starting D. to be blamed to start

7.It is hoped that人们希望

It is said that据说

It is reported that据报道

It is believed that人们认为

It is supposed that人们认为

sb be told/informed that有人被告知

典题____that at least a score of buildings will be built soon.

A. It hopes B. It is hoped that

C. We are hoped D. It is wished that

8. curiously adv好奇地

be curious to do sth渴望去做某事(强调好奇心态)

be curious about对某事好奇

It is curious that… …是奇怪的

be curious wh-对…有兴趣

out of curiousity由于好奇,出于好奇

curiousity about… 对…的好奇心

eg The boy is curious about the origin of mankind.

I’m curious to know what he said.

典题If you are____ about Australia cities, just read the book written by Dr Johnson.

A. interested B. anxious C. upset D. curious

9. turn on 开(灯/水龙头/煤气)

turn off关(灯/水龙头/煤气)

turn up出现,开大音量/亮度

turn down调小音量/亮度

turn out 最后的结果是

turn away把…打发走

turn over翻动

eg ①He promised to come, but hasn’t turned up yet.


②She turned against her old friend.她转而反对她的老朋友。

③The English evening turned out a great success.


典题I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please___?

A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off

10.dream of 向往,渴望,梦想

注意:dream of+doing sth梦见/梦想/渴望做某事

dream of sb/sth梦见/梦想/渴望某事

dream可用作及物动词,接同源宾语(dream a good dream)或接宾语从句;用于否定句表“做梦也没想到”或“从未想到”。

eg①When I was young I dreamed of becoming a driver.


②Little did I dream of hearing such beautiful music.


③I dreamt that I was flying in the sky.我梦见我在天上飞。

典题In the evening we smoked and talked and never___ going out ___exercise.

A. dreamt of , except B. dreamt, except for

C. dreamt of , except for D. dreamt, except

11.one 指代上文的单数可数名词(同类异物),表泛指。




those用来代替可数名词,表示特指。有时the ones和those可互换,要求有后置定语。

Eg. The price of meat is higher than that of fish.


①Mr Zhang gave the text books to all the pupils except____ who has already taken them.

A. the ones B. ones C. some D. the others

②I was disappointed with the film. I had expected____ to be much better.

A. that B. this C. one D. it

12.what if倘使…将会怎样,即使…又有什么要紧

what if还可以用来表示“建议、邀请或要求”,从句中常用一般现在时或一般过去时。

What for?为什么?

So what?是,又怎么样?

What about…? 怎么样(办)?

eg. ①What if they should be thieves?如果他们是贼的话怎么办?

②What if she finds out that you have lost her book?


③What if we fail/failed/should fail?万一我们失败了,怎么办?

④What if a storm should come up?暴风雨要是来了怎么办?

⑤--You broke the glass?

--So what?

⑥--I’m leaving for Tibet.

--What for?

⑦What if you join us for lunch?请跟我们一起吃午饭吧!

⑧What if you go instead of me?你代我去,好不好?

13.relate vt 把…联起来


be related to与…有关系

①It is difficult to relate these results with/to any known cause.


②I can’t relate what he does to what he says.


③His fear of people is deeply related to his unhappy childhood.


④Physics is closely related to mathematics.


篇6:人教版 高三复习Book 1 Unit 19-20

高三复习Book 1 Unit 19-20


have an effect on/move around/go against/ lead to/charge into/be used for/make a decision/make money/a waste of time/take notes(of)/make choice/as far as/in one’s opinion/over time/as well as/make a use of/allow sb to do sth/bring in/be friendly to/protect…from…/no matter how/in other words/do research into/a variety of/all over /cut in /turn red/knock off/enrich one’s life/in great surprise/be angry with/act the role of/make-up/act out/the way to do/date back to/in common/in the direction/lay down/in the future/be famous for/ in total silence/act as/at least/the way of doing/make jokes/carry out /devote to/year after year/a wide audience/in the same way/play on words/do experiment/next to/not only…but also…


intend to do 打算做

intend doing打算做…有意图做…

1. intend that从句

intend sb to do 打算让…做…

intend for打算给,作…用

eg.He explained to us what they intended doing in the coming year.


典题---Why didn’t you come to my party last night?

---I ____, but my car_____on the way.

A.intended to; broke up B.intended to; broke out

C.had intended to; broke down D.broke down

2. play a part/role in 在…中起作用,在…中扮演角色

eg.The teachers have played an important part in the development of education.教师们在教育的发展中起了重要的作用。

典题 Now women play____in TVprograms; so they are playing____in the TV program industry.

A. a part; a part B.parts; parts

C.parts; a part D.a part; parts

3. as well adv.也…

as well as 而且…,既…也…

as well as (well adj.)身体一样好

as well as (well adv.)做…一样好

典题 John plays football____,if not better than, David.

A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as

4. prove (vt.) +从句

证明 +n.(pron.)

prove(link-v)+ a.

to be +a.(被证明是…)

eg. ①Can you prove where you were on March 2nd?

②I was unable to prove the truth of what he said.

③The instrument has proved(to be)most useful.

典题 Premier Zhou____to be unforgettable in the hearts of the Chinese people.

A.proved B.regarded C.thought D.considered

5. a common name(tree,flower…)


a common event常有的事

the common people普通民众

have a lot(nothing)in common有很多/没有任何共同之处

in common with当…一样

比较:usual adj.平常的;惯常的

make all the usual excuses用尽司空见惯的借口

eg.①She arrived later than usual(as usual).

②When the accident happened, the usual crowd gathered.

典题:___other young men, he also enjoys pop music.

A.Compared with B.In common with

C.As usual D.Speaking of

6. date back(to)始于,属于,追溯到。此短语多用于一般现在时态中,且无被动语态,可用现在分词作定语。

date from 与date back to相等

eg.My interest in stamp collecting dates from my schooldays.我集邮的兴趣起于学生时代。

典题This custom____the seventeenth century is unknown to some young people.

A.dated from B.dates in C.dated in D.dating from

7. effect n.效果,效力,功效

with effect有效地

bring/carry…into effect 实行…,实施

come/go into effect开始实施,开始生效

take effect 生效,奏效

eg.①The medicine didn’t take effect.


②His new way of teaching produced a good effect.他的新教法产生良好的效果。

③The medicine had a good effect on me.


8. not…but…不是…而是…

not only…but also… 不但…而且…



连接并列成分作主语,谓语动词的数与靠近的一致。注意:as well as 连接并列主语,谓语动词的数与as well as前的主语保持一致。

eg.I as well as my brother am going abroad this summer.

典题:Not the wonderfull views but the warmth of the host___moved us all.

A.has B.have C.was D.are

9. promise sb sth=promise sth to sb答应某人某事物

Promise to do sth.答应做某事

romise sb to do sth向某人答应做某事


promise+that从句 答应…

promise(to be)+名词、形容词 有…希望


make a promise 许下诺言

keep a promise守约=keep one’s word

carry out a promise履行诺言

break a promise 违约

eg. ①He promised me a book.

=he promised a book to me.他答应给我一本书。

②He promised to help us.

③He promised me to come.他向我答应,他要来。

④He promised that he would do it.

⑤The weather promises (to be)fine tomorrow.

⑥He promises (to be)a scientist.他有望成为一名科学家。

典题:---Nancy is not coming again.

----But she____.

A.promises B.promised

C.will promise D.had promised

10.large populations人口众多

注意:population一般不用复数,此处表示世界人口的种类。表人口多或少,应用large 或small, 不可用many/ much或little/ few.

典题:The population of China___ very ____and seventy percent of the population___ peasants.

A.is; much; is B.are; large; are

C.is; large; is D.is; large; are

11. bring down 使倒下,使下降

bring about 引起,实现

bring in收(庄稼),得到收入

bring on使发生,引起

bring up提出,提起,抚养,培养

bring out说明,引出

eg. ①The wind brought down a number of trees.


②This kind of weather often brings on hay fever.


③In the course of study they brought up many questions.


典题 He tried to bring____the price of the computer,but the shop assistant refused.

A.about B.in C.up D.down

12. direction n.方向;指导

in…direction/in the direction of朝…方向

in all directions 朝四面八方

under the direction of 在…的指导下


follow one’s directions遵照某人的指示

eg. ①He has a poor sense of direction.他的方向感很差。

②I received inquiries about the matter from all directions.


③He walked in the opposite direction.


④The red car was running in the direction of the airport.


⑤The birds flew in all directions/in every direction.


⑥We did the experiment under the direction of our teacher.

⑦Read the directions carefully before taking the medicine.


13. look into调查,研究

look after照看


look down on/upon


look for寻找

look forward to盼望

look (up)on…as把…看作

look out查出,找出,向外看,当心

look over审阅

look through看一遍

look up 查找

eg. They often came to the plant to look into our difficulties.



①The government will___the working conditions of the workers.

A.look through B.look into C.look up D.look on

②She___all the waiters and treated them badly.

A.looked down B.looked down on

C.looked up D.looked on

14. suit vt.合适;使满意;相配;适宜于


be suited to/for…适合于…,对…适宜

eg. ①Let’s fix a day. Would Monday suit you?


②Your terms do not suit me,sir. I will leave.


③This climate doesn’t suit her.这儿的气候不适合她。

④It ’s a small apartment but it suits our needs.


⑤The new dress suits her very well…fits her very well.


⑥They tried to suit the play to the audience.


⑦He isn’t suited to such a hard life.


⑧This car is not well suited to rough roads.


⑨He is suited to teaching.


篇7:Unit 20


太原一中 黄晓红



1. After teaching this unit, get the students to master the grammar of “Imperative Sentences” and of “There be” structure. They can use them correctly in spoken and written English.

2. They can talk about the pictures of lesson 78 and lesson 79.


1. Words: Four skills: swim, fly, jump, sing, make, do, basketball, run, with, high, river, near

Three skills: like this/ that, ride

Two skills: frisby


Four skills: Please don’t worry!

Nice to meet you.

Don’t throw it!

It’s easy!

It’s too hard!

Three skills: Do you want a go?

There is/ are…


One skills: They’re throwing a frisby.

Pick up…

Don’t use your hand!

Here, have a go.

I’m going!

Oh, look out!


The lesson in this whole unit are connected with each other. Lesson 77 revises greetings; and also it introduces the characters of the unit-Jim, Ling Feng and Bill. They make dialogues in the following two lessons. Oh the other hand, we can see the use of Imperatives is through these dialogues and the listening passage. Therefore, each of the lessons is closely connected with each other.

1. Use objects: drawing, teaching cards, slides, to help teaching.

2. Teaching of word families:

o /u/ // // /u:/; oo /u:/ /u/; oa /u/; ou /аu/; ow /аu/ /u/.

3. Teaching the students to sing:


4. Use body language to help teaching.



Lesson Seventy-seven

Teaching contents

1. Focus: Four skills: please don’t worry!

Nice to meet you!

One skill: They’re throwing a frisby.

Teaching aids:

1. The tape-recorder and speech cassette

2. The drawing and objects

3. The body languages

Teaching procedure:

Teacher and students greet each other.

Step 1: Revision

T: How are you today, S2?

S2: I’m fine, thank you. And you

T: I’m fine, too.

Nice to meet you, S2!

S2: Nice to meet you, too.

T: Please go on asking, S3.

S2: How are you today, S3?

S3: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

S2: …

Step 2 Presentation

T: (Draw a picture of a person being hit by a frisby.) This is Jim. What’s this? It’s a frisby. (Show a real frisby)

Ss: It’s a frisby.

T: Do you often throw it? (Body language)

Ss: (Answer)

T: Do you like throwing it?

Ss: (Answer)

T: It hits Jim. Is it light or heavy?

Ss: It’s heavy.

T: (Face Jim) Oh, sorry! Are you OK?

J: Yes, I’m fine. Please don’t worry.

(Repeat the simple dialogue)

Ss: (Read after me)

Step 3 Listen, read and act

T: Open your books, look at the pictures of Part 1. (Point to each boy.) This is Jim, and this is Bill. What are they doing? They’re throwing a frisby. Do you know who this boy is? He’s Ling Feng. Now listen.

Ss: (Listen, then repeat.)

T: (Ask one group to act)

Step 4 Presentation

T: (Get three students to come to the front of the clsss.)

This is Jim. He’s English. (Sa)

This is Betty. She’s American. (Sb)

This is Zhang Jian. He’s Chinese. (Sc)

(Ask them) Are you Chinese?

Sb: No, I’m American.

T: (Go on asking)

T: Is she English?

Ss: No, she’s American.

(Go on asking)

Ss: (Answer)

T: Please ask some questions like these.

S3: (Ask)

S4: (Answer)

Step 5 Listening

T: Don’t look at your books, and listen please.

Ss: (Listen)?

T: Answer the questions. Is Jim American?

Ss: (Answer)

T: Is Bill American?

Ss: (Answer)

T: How do Bill and Ling Feng greet each other?


Ss: Nice to meet you.

T: Right. Please read the dialogue.

Ss: (Read)

Step 6 Read and act

T: Practise in the groups of three.

Ss: (Practise)

T: (Ask some groups to act out their own dialogues, with their rreal names.)

Ss: (Act)

T: Do Ex.3 in your workbooks. Make free talks of your selves.

Ss: (Practise and act)

Step 7 Homework and homework

T: Turn to the workbook, do Ex.1 orally.

(Then check)

T: Write one of the dialogues of Ex.1 in the exercise book, and do Ex.2 as your homework.

Lesson Seventy-seven

Oh, sorry!

Please don’t worry.

Nice to meet you.

Bb design


Lesson Seventy-eight

Teaching contents

1. Words: Four skills: swim, fly, jump, sing, make, do, basketball

Three skills: ride, like this/ that

Two skills: frisby

2. Focus: Four skills: Don’ throw it!

It’s easy!

It’s too hard!

Three skills: Do you want a go?

One skill: Pick up…

Don’t use your hands!

Teaching aids:

1. The tape-recorder and speech cassette

2. The drawing

3. The pictures

4. The body languages

Teaching procedure:

Teacher and students greet each other.

Step 1 Revision

T: (Call out three students) Practise the dialogue in L.77.

Ss: (Act)

T: (Show the pictures) What’s this?

Ss: It’s a football.

(Repeat with a frisby, a kite, a basketball, etc.)

Step 2 Presentation

T: (Show a picture os a frisby) What is it?

Ss: It’s a frisby.

T: (Make a gesture of throw a frisby) Can you describe it?

Ss: Play a frisby.

T: We should say “throw a frisby”, instead of “play a frisby”. (Write “throw a frisby” on the Bb)

(Go on with other actions, like playing basketball, riding a bike, swimming, flying, jumping, singing, etc.)

T: Let’s play a game. Listen to my order, if I say “jump”, you must jump, understand?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s begin. “sing”.

Ss: (Do it)

Step 3 Read and say

T: Look at the picture in part 1, and listen to the tape.

Ss: (Listen)

T: Please read.

Ss: (Read)

T: How to say “Do you want a go?” in Chinese?

Ss: 你要试一试吗?

T: (Write “Don’t throw it like that.” On the Bb)

What about this sentence?

Ss: 不要像那样扔。

T: That’s right. This sentence is the negative form of Imperatives, and “like” here is a preposition, means 像什么。

T: Read it again.

Ss: (Read)

Step 4 Presentation

T: (Draw Jim on the Bb) Jim, can you throw a frisby?

J: Yes, I am. It’s easy. (Write “It’s easy.” On the Bb)

T: Could you repeat?

Ss: (Repeat the dialogue)

T: (Divide the class in halves)

Sa: Jim, can you throw a frisby.

Sb: Yes, I can. It’s easy.

T: (Draw Lin Feng on the Bb) Lin Feng, can you throw a frisby?

T: No, I can’t. It’s too hard. (Write “It’s too hard” on the Bb)

T: (Follow the same steps as the above.)

Step 5 Practice

T: Can you throw a frisby? (With gestures)

S2: (Answer)

T: Can you play football?

S3: (Answer)

T: Very good. Please listen and repeat.

Ss: (Listen and repeat)

T: Ask and answer with your partners.

Ss: (Practise)

Step 6 Workbook

T: Turn to the workbook. Let’s do Ex.3 first.

Ss: (Read and act)

T: Make a dialogue in Ex.1 with your partners. (Then check)

Step 7 Homework

T: Write one of the dialogues of Ex.1 and Ex.2 in the exercise book.

Bb design

Lesson Seventy-eight

throw a frisby

Do you want a go?

Don’t throw it like that.

prep. It’s easy. It’s too hard.


Lesson Seventy-nine

Teaching contents

1. Words: Four skills: run, with, high, river, near

2. Focus: Three skills: There is/ are…


One skill: Here, have a go.

I’m going!

Oh, look out!

Teaching aids:

1. The tape-recorder and speech cassette

2. The objects

3. The slide

Teaching procedure:

Teacher and students greet each other.

Step 1 Revision

T: Read the dialogue in L.78

Ss: (Read)

T: Practise part two in the groups of four.

Ss: (Practise and act)

Step 2 Presentation

T: Listen to the tape and repeat.

Ss: (Listen and repeat)

T: Can Aun fly the kite?

Ss: (Answer)

T: Is the kite broken?

Ss: (Answer)

T: Listen and read it again.

Ss: (Listen and repeat)

T: Well, look at the last sentence. What does “Great!” mean?

It is the same as “Good!”. In Chinese, we can say it 太棒了!

T: Now please practise in pairs.

(Then get a few pairs to act.)

Step 3 Presentation

T: (Place a number of objects on the desk.)

There is a pencil on the desk.

(Point to the pencil) What’s on the desk?

There is a pencil on the desk.

T: What’s on the desk?

Ss: There is a pencil on the desk.

T: (Point to the book) What’s on the desk?

Ss: There is a book on the desk.

T: (Teach “There are” in the same way)

There are too pencils in the pencil-box.

Step 4 Practice

T: Let’s do some exercises. 门后有两把扫帚。

Ss: There are two brooms behind the door.

T: 桌子下面有一把椅子。

Ss: There is a chair under the desk.

Step 5 Listen, read the learn

T: Close your books and listen to the tape.

Ss: (Listen)

T: Whose room is this? (Show the slide)

Ss: (Answer)

T: What’s on the wall?

Ss: (Answer)

T: What’s in the picture?

Ss: (Answer)

T: What’s in the river?

Ss: (Answer)

T: Listen again and repeat.

Ss: (Listen and repeat)

T: (Get several students to read this part.)

T: Read after me.

Ss: (Read again)

Step 6 Listen and answer

T: Turn to the workbook, look at the questions in Ex.1

Ss: (Go through the questions.)

T: Listen. (Play the tape twice.)

Ss: (Listen, then do the exercises.)

T: (Check the answers.)

By the way, do you have any questions.

(Discuss any questions with the students.)

Step 7 Workbook

T: Now let’s do Ex.4. Please ask and answer in pairs.

Ss: (Ask and answer.)

T: (Correct any mistakes.)

Step 8 Homework

T: Do Ex.2 and Ex.3 in the exercise book.

Bb design


Lesson Eighty

Teaching contents

1. Words families: o /u/ // // /u:/ oa /u/ oo /u:/ /u/ ou /аu/ ow /аu/ /u/

2. Stress and intonation

3. Checkpoint 20

Teaching aids:

1. The tape-recorder and speech cassette

2. The teaching cards

Teaching procedure:

Teacher and students greet each other.

Step 1 Revision

T: Let’s revise “There is/ are…” structures.

(Get them to say the sentences.)

Ss: There is a picture on the wall.

There are two books in the bag.

There is a ruler in the box.

Step 2 Word families

T: (Show the teaching cards) Please read.

Ss: /u/, //, //, etc.

T: Listen and repeat.

Ss: (Do it)

T: (Show the cards of words) Look at the words and read.

S1: Photo.

S2: Trousers.

S3: Coat.

S4: Blouse.

T: Open your books and listen, read again.

Ss: (Listen and read)

T: (Sum up on the Bb, then ask them to do Ex.1)

Step 3 Stress and intonation

T: Close your books, and listen. Pay attention to the stresses. (Play the tape.)

Ss: Listen

T: (Play it again.)

Ss: (Repeat.)

T: Look at the blackboard. (Write “Yes. Yes? Yes! Ye-es. Oh the Bb)

These four “yes” have different meaning. Because their intonations are different.

Yes.↘ 表示肯定。Yes?↗ 表示疑问。Yes! ↘ 表示感叹。Ye-es↗↘ 表示不确信。Listen to these sentences.

Do it like this. ↘ (Make a gesture to show its intonation)

Can you make a cake? ↗ (With a gesture)

T: Now let’s listen again. This time, you should pay attention to the intonation and the stress of each sentence.

Ss: (Listen and repeat)

T: (Call out several individual students to read)

Step 4 Song

T: (Teach them sing the song)

Ss: (Listen and sing.)

Step 5 Checkpoint 20

T: Go through this part as usual and ask any questions you don’t understand.

Ss: (Read through it and ask)

Step 6 Test

T: Please take out a piece of paper. Let’s do a short dictation.

A: Can you fly a kite?

B: No, I can’t. It’s too hard.

A: No, It’s easy. Let me help you.

B: Thanks very much.

(Then check)

Step 7 Workbook and homework

T: Turn to your workbooks and do Ex.2 orally in pairs.

(Then check)

T: Write the sentences of Ex.2 in the exercise book.

Bb design











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