
时间:2022-08-30 07:40:45 其他范文 收藏本文 下载本文




I'm very sad these days, because we were going to travel to Guangzhou. Because of the outbreak of this new coronavirus in Wuhan, we can't play anymore.

Last night, my mother told me about the picture book of the new coronavirus. I learned from it that the virus was originally grown on wild animals, but because some people eat wild animals and kill wild animals, the new coronavirus ran to our human beings and settled down. Although the virus is very dangerous, there are still ways to deal with it, especially those doctors who are working hard to treat the infected patients, some of whom have recovered and left the hospital. I stay at home with my grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and brother. I dare not go out. If someone wants to go out to buy food, I will remind him: “don't forget to put on the mask!”

The virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, “come on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! ”


The Spring Festival in , in the hearts of all Chinese people, is destined to be a memorable memory forever. The novel coronavirus's raging force makes the bell ring for the old and new year more heavy, and the mask on people's faces makes the Spring Festival feel cold.

This winter, the plum blossom is still quietly open; this winter, the blue sky is still bright and clean; this winter, Wuhan is very difficult, but the people of the whole country are very difficult. On this special day, we would like to follow the doctor 's advice and stay at home quietly. We are worried about Wuhan, we are happy with the increase of cured cases, and we are worried about people in Wuhan.

At the same time, there are a group of people, they are rushing forward, using their ordinary bodies to build a fortress for the hundreds of millions of Chinese people behind them. They leave their small homes for everyone, sleepless, fighting in the forefront of this battlefield without smoke of gunpowder. They are the most beautiful rebels from all over the country. They are the most beautiful pioneers in the new era. They are amiable and respectable angels in white.

Among these people, there is an 84 year old academician named Zhong Nanshan. 17 years ago, the old academician fought in the forefront of anti Africa and made great contributions to the fight against SARS. 17 years later, he was ordered to take the high-speed railway to Wuhan and go to the front line of fighting the epidemic again. Professor Dong zongqi, 86, sat in a wheelchair and saw more than 30 patients in the morning. He said, “my life is to save people”; Professor Li Lanjuan, 73, knew that the country was in trouble. She did not hesitate to go to Wuhan and firmly said her oath: “I intend to stay in Wuhan for a long time and fight with the medical staff there!”

There is no time in this world that is quiet, just because someone is carrying the weight for us. There is no natural hero in this world. Only because people need, can someone be willing to sacrifice themselves to become a hero.

Although I don't know who they are, I know who they are for. They may not be rich, or even poor; they may not be tall, or even thin; they may not be bright, or even a little humble, their image in my heart is so fuzzy, but their spirit in my heart is so bright; regardless of life and death, do not ask for return, they stick to silently, guard health, protect life.

Ordinary we can't reach the front battlefield to fight against the virus. We can only do our logistical work well, not going out, not going out, washing hands frequently, wearing masks, so as not to give them trouble, and wish them a safe and early victory.

Rainbow as evidence, eternal, I want to sing. For the joy of life, all things sing of your love, and the earth speaks of your kindness.

Salute the angel in white!

Salute the most beautiful rebel!

Pay homage to everyone fighting the epidemic!


Patriotism is a kind of nostalgic feeling formed through practice.

Novel coronavirus infection is coming quietly at the beginning of the year, just as people are ready to celebrate the Spring Festival. A battle against the virus has also started. At the time of outbreak and prevention and control, there are always some unknown heroes who build a solid “protective wall” for us in a “retrograde” attitude. They are fighting an epidemic war without smoke of gunpowder, which is a never-ending and inevitable resistance war. They are the most beautiful rebels of this era.

To fight against the epidemic, he is our “Dinghaishenzhen needle”

On January 18, academician Zhong Nanshan rushed to Wuhan from Guangzhou. From Wuhan to Beijing on January 19, I went to bed at two o'clock in the morning. On January 20, at the national teleconference press conference, the live media connection was busy late into the night. In fact, academician Zhong Nanshan has been active in the front line of science. Before he came to Wuhan, he didn't retire and have no comfort. He once said: “the hospital is the battlefield, as soldiers, who don't we rush to?” he is the unparalleled national, but also the sea god needle! There is no time to be quiet, but he and his comrades risked the risk of sacrifice to carry forward for us.

There is no time to be quiet, but someone is carrying the weight for you. As long as all people are united, there will be no mountains that cannot be turned over; as long as all people are united, there will be no barriers that cannot be crossed. We need to be confident and start with ourselves. After growing up, we will continue to move forward for you! Come on, Wuhan!

Please believe that when spring comes, we can all go to the streets, without masks, and share the bright spring!



Novel coronavirus infection is a very unusual year in the Spring Festival. But a new outbreak of pneumonia in a new coronavirus infection has swept the whole country in , and it has touched the hearts of millions of people.


The war on “epidemic” is a big test. In this resistance war without smoke of gunpowder, whether it is the “soldiers” in the front line or the masses of self-control, the whole country, the whole people's Anti Japanese War, overcome the difficulties.


People's hearts move together. First of all, the strong power to win the prevention and control of the epidemic comes from the concerted efforts of hundreds of millions of people under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee. General secretary Xi Jinping novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control work to make a series of important instructions, for our win the prevention and control of the war of resistance against disease provides a fundamental guide to follow and action.


At present, the key to preventing and controlling epidemic situation is to achieve the same goal and the same direction. The key is to integrate the broad masses of cadres and masses' thoughts into Comrade Xi Jinping's important speech, the spirit of important instructions and the decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee. Novel coronavirus is responsible for the prevention and control of the disease. In order to win the epidemic prevention and control, the leading group of the party and government responsible for the new coronavirus infection is set up by the Party Central Committee and the party organizations at all levels. The leading group of the new type of coronavirus infection pneumonia is unified leadership, unified command, and classified guidance to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control.


“The vicissitudes of the sea show the nature of heroism.”. The more urgent and critical the situation is, the more severe the challenges and special circumstances are, the more we need to give full play to our organizational advantages and the more important the role of Party organizations and Party members. We must conscientiously study and implement the requirements put forward by Comrade Xi Jinping and the relevant documents issued by the CPC Central Committee to the party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres at all levels. We must rely more firmly on the strength and strength of organizations to mobilize Party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres to actively participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation, and transform the party's political advantages, organizational advantages and close ties with the advantages of the masses. Strong political advantages of epidemic prevention and control.


In order to win the battle of prevention and control of epidemic, we must carry forward the great national spirit, mobilize all the positive factors contained in the masses of the people, and form a “national soldier” for prevention and control of epidemic and elimination of virus. The great national spirit nurtured, inherited and developed by the Chinese people in their long-term struggle has provided a strong spiritual impetus for coping with this major challenge. In the process of winning the Resistance War of epidemic prevention and control, the people of the whole country have been brave and determined to build a steel great wall to fight against the epidemic; they have made great efforts to love each other and help each other, forming a national chess game of joint prevention and control of all forces and emergency rescue of various resources.

篇5: 疫情期间英语日记



This Spring Festival, we went back to my mother-in-law's house to prepare a lot of places to play. It turned out to be a terrible infection.


Every day, Grandpa and grandma don't let me go out. They are fully armed and dare to go out with thick masks.


Every day at Grandma's house, my sister and I don't go anywhere except to do homework and read extracurricular books. Mom thought we were too poor, so she made dumplings for us. As a result, my mother didn't know how to make dumplings. The dumplings we made were ugly, but we had a good time.

篇6: 疫情英语日记



The long-awaited Spring Festival finally arrived, but the Spring Festival did not go as expected.


On New Year's Eve, the family sat around eating hot pot, watching me spend a day, paste the Spring Festival couplets, Fuzi and cartoon mice, I was a little happy. The novel coronavirus caused pneumonia spread on New Year's day. I comfort grandma. It's okay. It will soon be over. But within a few days, the community was completely closed.


The epidemic is spreading too fast and needs to be isolated in order to screen out more suspected patients. The school community began to investigate. My mother also reminded me to wash my hands and wear a mask every day. The West Ring Road is just outside the window. It's full of traffic on weekdays, but now it's Sparrow. The school has also been delayed. This is really a special spring festival, but I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to overcome the epidemic and usher in the spring!




These days, we dare not go out to play, mother said there is a virus in the air will infect people. So, my mother asked my brother and I to put on masks so that the virus would not enter our body from our nose and mouth. But it's a little sultry to put on the mask. My mother said that the mask is to protect us from getting sick. So even though it's uncomfortable to put on the mask, I'll stick with it. I hope you will wear masks when you go out. Don't get sick, so we can go to school early!


The epidemic, like a big quagmire, people fell in one by one. This new year is an unusual one. Every day, we are fighting against the virus. In normal times, we may be strangers or friends, but in the battle field against the virus, we are all comrades in arms!

Look at the bravest and loveliest people on the battlefield - Angels in white. In spite of the danger, they perform their duties as doctors and stick to their posts all the time. They infect everyone in the battlefield with fearless courage, firm belief and amazing perseverance. When we enter their hearts, we will know that the angels in white are not easy, they also have family members, they will also have concerns about home, and there will be a flash of worry in their hearts: in case I am infected, what should my children do But more importantly, as a white angel, their sense of mission and responsibility made them sacrifice too much and insisted on the belief of saving lives. They rush to the forefront of the battlefield and fight directly against the virus. Let's salute the angels in white!

Although we ordinary people can not go to the front line, no matter where we come from, no matter where we go to the ends of the world, we are all family, we can use a heart full of love to refuel each other. So, let's take care of each other with warm eyes, optimistic smile and beautiful encouragement, and rush forward with firm steps, and work together to win the virus eradication war. As long as we are heart to heart, hand in hand, United, let the virus taste the power of unity, we will be able to win!

This winter must be tough, but spring always comes. Even if the night is long, the day will come. When the spring is bright, you guys go out together, play together, compare hearts together, and then shout “we win!”






















