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i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共5小题,每小题1分) 1. The telephone was dead

A. died B. went bad C. went wrong D. went out 2. Mary was absent from the class meeting yesterday.

A. didn’t attend B. did something for C. was late for D. appeared at 3. This problem is so easy that I can deal with it by myself.

A. of my own B. on my own

C. with someone alone D. have my own 4. The boy worked very hard. As a result, he got the first place in the final exam.

A. In addition B. What’s more C. Because of that D. Therefore 5. Wang Yuan denied taking my dictionary.

A. didn’t decide B. didn’t admit C. disliked D. refused

ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的`字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题1分)

6. --Wow, ________nice card! Let me take a look.

-- My best friend Jane _______ me the day before yesterday.

A. what; sent B. what a; sent C. how; send D. how a; send

7. If this book is______Tom’s _______Kate’s, Then it must be Jack’s because only the three of them were playing here.

A. either; or B. not only; but also C. both; and D. neither; nor

8.--Would you mind giving this note to Mary?

--__________. I’ll give it to her as soon as she ______back.

A. Not at all; comes B. It’s my pleasure; comes

C. Yes; will come D. Sure; comes

9.―Hi, Peter. I’ve ______ a part-time job through the Internet. Tomorrow is the first interview. --Great! You should _______a good first impression on them.

A. looked for; make B. asked for; leave

C. voted for; give D. searched for; give

10. -- Don’t make fun of others. It’s not ________.

--But she behaved ____________. She laughed at me first.

A. impolite; badly B. polite; badly

C. politely; bad D. polite; bad

11. --Did Mary ________ at Cathy’s birthday party yesterday?

--Yes. I could hardly _________ her

A. show up; recognize; B. come; recognize

C. turn up; remember D. come; know

12. --Mr. Li, would you please give me some _______on how to improve my English? I especially find _______hard to remember so many English words.

-- Sure. Try to read as many English stories as possible.

A. informations; it B. advices; that C. suggestions; it D. method; it’s

13.--Why does the girl refuse to go to school _____his father’s car?

--Because she thinks walking to school is a good way ______ the environment.

A. by; protecting B. in; to protect C. on; to protect D. in ; of protect

14. -- Your uncle speaks English like a native speaker. _______has he studied English? --He began to study English when he was in____________.

A. How long; the thirty B. How many years; thirty

C. How soon; his thirties D. How many years; his thirties

15.―Miss Li, is the boy in the room your student Jack?

-- No, It _______ be Jack. He, as well as his parents ________Beijing.

A. may not; have been to B. mustn’t; has gone

C. can’t; has gone D. needn’t; has been to

6. CWho helps Tom with his English? His English is getting better and better.

-- _______. He teaches________.

A. Anybody; him B. Somebody; himself

C. Everybody; herself D. Nobody; himself

17. --Tony, go out for a walk with me, __________?

--OK, no problem.

A. shall we B. will you C. don’t you D. aren’t you

18. --The environment is getting worse and worse. I am worried about it.

--Me, too. If there is ________ traffic, it must be _____ better.

A. less; far B. little; much C. fewer; little D. much; a little

19. CHave you decided ________________ to Guilin for a holiday?

-- Oh, not yet.

A. when do you go B. when you will go

C. when will you go D. when you would go

20. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?

A. This new bike isn’t belong to me. It’s Kate’s.

B. I really don’t know how to do

C. It’s possible for you to succeed if you work hard

D. My hometown is 50 kilometers far from the city.



thThe opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo was held at 8:10p.m on April 30. The

Expo is first ___21____by a developing country. It is ___22___ the first time that cities take part in a World Expo independently. A total of 14____23___ around the world have their own pavilions(展馆). Shenzhen is one of the cities and has ____24___ the chance to show ideas of city development.

Shenzhen’s pavilion ___25___thirty million yuan. It is a two-floor project. Shenzhen show films, photos, 16 paintings by Dafen artists, and multimedia installations in its pavilion. All these ___26____the story of Dafen Oil Painting Village from a small village into an art industry base.

Visitors to the pavilion are welcomed by 12 young volunteers from Shenzhen. They can speak English __27___Chinese.The volunteers ____28___ thousands of visitors each day.

One of walls in the Shenzhen pavilion is decorated with thousands of postcards. Visitors can ___29_____ their dreams and wishes on the cards. Visitors are all _____30___ the exhibition. A Shanghai visitor wrote, “through the changes of Dafen Village, I feel the city’s energy and see the hope of our country.”

21. A. had B. hosted C. given D. happened

22. A. even B. so C. not D. also

23. A. countries B. cities C. villages D. nation

24. A. taken B. got C. gained D. given

25. A. spends B. pays C. costs D. takes

26. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk

27. A. as well B. but also C. as well as D. so well as

28. A. receive B. see C. notice D. meet

29. A. discuss B. write down C. put up D. talk about

30. A. disappointed with B. interested in C. surprised at D. amazed at




A composition titled My Father is a Panda written by 12-year-old Zhang Lintong, a first-year junior high school girl from Henan Province, was popular on the Internet. The composition was bought by a foreign art collector for 100,000 yuan.

This composition, more than 1,000 words in length, attracted Uli Sigg, the former Swiss ambassador(大使) to China and an international collector. He bought it during the “Commonweal Art Auction Exhibition (公益爱心艺术拍卖展览)” held at Henan Art Gallery.

All money from the auction of the exhibition will be used to set up a rest home for the elderly and orphans on the banks of Yellow River.

Zhang and her classmates learned of the news of the rest home and the creative works regarding pandas during their weekend painting class. Therefore, they decided to take part in the competition.

“At first, I want to draw pictures. However, many people would draw pictures, and I want to be different form others. I also made a panda sculpture, but my father said it didn’t look like a panda,” Zhang said.

Zhang also said during the exhibition that she finally decided to write the composition because of a flash of intuition(直觉) came to her mind.

31. Zhang Lintong was popular on the Internet because _________.

A. she is a famous writer in Henan Province.

B. her composition was bought for 1000 yuan

C. her composition cost 100,000 yuan.

D. a foreign art collector bought her composition for 100,000 yuan.

32. The money the composition was sold for ____________.

A. belongs to Zhang Lintong’s father B. will be used to build a rest home

C. will be given to Zhang Lintong D. belongs to the former Swiss ambassador

33. Which of the following statement is true?

A. Zhang Lintong decided to write a composition at first.

B. Zhang Lintong’s father takes care of pandas in a zoo.

C. the panda sculpture made by Zhang Lintong looks like a panda.

D. Zhang Lintong gave up drawing a picture because she wanted to be different from others.

34. The underlined phrase “set up” in the third paragraph means ________.

A. 出发 B.起飞 C.建立 D.帮助

35. The best title of this passage is ___________.

A. Commonweal Art Auction Exhibition held in Henan

B. An Article of Junior 1 girl sells for 100,000 RMB

C.A 1000-word Composition

D. An unforgettable competition


For many of us, money is tight at the moment. Perhaps you’ve got a friend in need of support, or you want to contribute to charity ? but you just don’t have any cash to spare. Thankfully, money isn’t the only thing that you can give. In fact, it may not even be the most useful. Just think about the following possibilities instead:

☆ Time

However rich or poor you are, you’ve got 24 hours in every day and seven days in every week. Can you give an hour or two of time to someone who really needs it? That might mean: Taking care of a friend’s kids so she can have a breather; Volunteering for a local charity; Helping out at a community event; Visiting a friend or neighbor in hospital; Listening to a relative who needs to talk


You’ve got a set of useful skills, whether or not you realize it. Instead of giving money, look for ways to give practical help. In some cases, your skills could save someone spending a lot of money on making mistakes or hiring someone to do things for them. Perhaps you could help with: Teaching a young relative how to cook simple meals; Editing a friend’s résumé; Designing a logo for a friend’s new business; Driving an elderly neighbor to the store


Think of a time in your life when someone’s encouragement made all the difference. Perhaps you weren’t sure whether or not to apply for college, but a teacher or relative supported you. You don’t need any special skills to encourage someone, or even much time. A few kind words, or a simple note, could make a huge difference.

☆Physical Items

Do you own any tools or equipment that you could give or lend to someone who needs them? For instance, instead of keeping old computers or other unwanted possessions cluttering up your home, try looking for a local charity or a neighbor who’d be glad of them. When you do that, you not only get to clear some clutter, you also get to do someone a good turn.

36. The main idea of this passage is _____________.

A. In some cases, your skills could save someone in great need of money

B. You should think of a time in your life when someone give you encouragement

C. Money isn’t the only thing that you can give to people in need.

D. Friends’ encouragement made all the difference

37. How many possible things are mentioned that can be given to people instead of money?

A. 2 B.3 C.4 D.5

38. According to the passage, you can spend some time to help people do the following things except_________.

A. look after a friend’s kids so that she can have a rest

B. work as a volunteer for a local charity

C. Listen to music with a relative who needs to talk

D. Visit a friend or neighbor in hospital

39. The author writes this passage to ____________.

A. do an advertisement for a charity

B. complain about life without money

C. tell readers some ways of helping others instead of money

D. teach readers some life skills

40. The author mentioned “old computers or other unwanted possessions” in paragraph 5 as a example in order to________.

A. tell readers that older computers went wrong and they are unwanted possessions.

B. tell readers that we can give away these unwanted things to those in need.

C. tell readers that we can clear these unwanted possessions

D. tell readers that how he dealt with old computers and unwanted possessions


Gym Tells Woman She's Too Fat for Workout EquipmentOKLAHOMA CITY -- A woman said a gym she joined told her to stop using certain equipments because she was too overweight.

Five months ago Sandra Ruiz gave birth to her son but with that came some extra weight she wanted to get rid of. Ruiz said she weighs about 385 pounds.

Ruiz joined Mademoiselle Fitness Center in south Oklahoma City. During one of her visits, Ruiz said a worker came over to her while she was on a stationary bike and told her to get off.

Ruiz said that's what she is now doing and why she wants out of her contract and doesn't feel she

should have to pay their cancellation fee.

The owner of Mademoiselle Fitness Center said Ruiz had been informed from the start that there were certain pieces of equipments she couldn't use for her own safety, and also because of the equipment's weight limit. Ruiz said she was never told that. The owner said two weeks ago he had already decided to let her out of her contract.

41. From the passage we know that Sandra Ruiz can use __________.

A. all the equipments in the gym

B. none of the equipments in the gym

C. only certain equipments in the gym

D. few equipments in the gym

42. Sandra Ruiz became overweight ______________.

A. After she gave a birth to her son B. After she used certain equipments

C. when she went to the store D. after she joined a gym

43. On which page of a newspaper can you probably read this article?

A. Today of the World B. Language Classroom

C. Sports and Music D. Weekly News

44. The results of Sandra Ruiz becoming overweight are as follows except_____.

A. she can no longer go to the store B. she can't find suitable clothes

C. she hasn't worn jeans for a year D. She is so worried about her weight

45. From the last paragraph we can infer _______.

A. Sandra Ruiz won’t go to the gym any more

B. Sandra Ruiz was told not to use certain equipment in the gym

C. The owner of the gym hadn’t told Sandra Ruiz not to use certain equipment in the gym

D. Both Sandra Ruiz and the owner of the gym didn’t tell the truth.


Children view more than 40,000 television advertisements every year. This can have seriously bad effects on children’s health, behavior and habits.

Food Advertising and Obesity

According to a study, half of all TV ads are for unhealthy food. Advertisements for healthy snacks, on the other hand, make up only 3 percent. As a result, children request more junk food, which leads to obesity.

Effects of Alcohol and Cigarette Advertising

Producers of alcoholic drinks spend about $5.7 billion a year on advertising. At $11.2 billion a year, producers of cigarettes spend even more on advertising. More than 20 studies have found that children who watch cigarette advertisements are more likely to become smokers.

Children’s Television Act

The Children’s Television Act was passed in 1990 in the US to protect children from watching too many TV advertisements. It limits advertising on children’s programming to 10.5 minutes per hour on weekends and 12 minutes per hour on weekdays. However, during prime time(黄金时间), advertising can reach an average of nearly 16 minutes per hour.

46. From the passage we know that____________.

A. The Children’s Television Act was passed in 1990 in the UK.

B. Children who watch cigarette advertisements are more likely to become smokers.

C. thirty percent of all TV ads are for unhealthy food

D. Producers of alcoholic drinks spend about $11.2 billion a year on advertising

47. This passage mainly tells us __________.

A. advertising is bad for children

B. over 40,000 advertisements are for children

C. Children’s Television Act was passed in 1990 to limit advertising on children

D. Food Advertising leads to children’s Obesity

48. The underlined word “It” refers to ________.

A. television advertisements B. Children’s Television Act

C. children’s programming D. effect of alcohol and cigarette advertising

49. According to the Children’s Television Act, the time of advertising on children’s programming on weekdays should be limited within _________.

A. 10.5 minutes per hour B. 12 minutes per day

C. 12 minutes per hour D. 11.2 minutes per hour

50. From the passage we can know the numbers used are ___________.

A. counted by the writer himself B. based on certain studies

C. provided by US government D. offered by TV stations


Ledou Foreign Language School

Wang Ping, Teacher of English

Honghe Street, Ledou, China

Tel: 0972-8623568

Fax: 0972-8623752

E-mail: Wangping@126,com

Zip code:810700

Daqian Children’s Hospital

Li Hong, Doctor

12 Xining Road, Changchun,Jilin





E-mail: cclh@163.com Guang Ming Farm Zhang Hui, Farmer Shanhu Village, Jiangsu, 419100 Tel:0735-8261944 13789032672( mobile) Tiantai Company Yang Jun, Driver 23551. Tongzhi, Hangzhou Zhejiang31007 Tel: 0571-7038385 13942985168(mobile) Fax:0571-7065834 E-mail: hzyi@163.com

51. We can learn English from __________.

A. Wang Ping B. Zhang Hui C. Li Hong D. Yang Jun

52. You may telephone _______ for help if your grandmother is ill.

A. Wang Ping B. Zhang Hui C. Li Hong D. Yang Jun

53. We can call _____ when we want to take a taxi to Hangzhou Railway Station.

A. 13704358529 B. 13789032672 C. 0431-5645972 D. 13942985168

54. Of the four, we can’t send fax to the _______.

A. driver B. teacher C. doctor D. farmer

55. If you have some questions about your health, please send an E-mail to _____.

A.Wangping@126,com B.cclh@163.com

C. hzyi@163.com D. hhmx@163.com



A. works as B. realize C. keen on D. come true

E. opinion F. be proud of

A. What’s your ___56___ in the future after graduation from college?

B. I am ____57____Chemistry, so I would like to be a doctor. I want to be a person like my father?

A. What does your father do?

B. He ____58_____ a doctor.

A. Oh. Your father must ____59___you! And I hope your dream will ____60____.

B. Thank you very much! Any way, whether I will succeed or not, I should try my best.

A. Absolutely.


A. Here’s your change

B. Do you sell Christmas cards?

C. How much are these magazines please?

D. Can you help me?

E. What can I do for you?

F. I also want to buy a dictionary. A: Good morning, _______61_________

B: I was trying to find some magazines.

A: Magazines are on the shelves over there. B: ___________62____________

A: Here is one of our best sellers. You may take a seat and have a look at it. B: Thank you. _________63_______________

A: Yes, we sell very beautiful ones, but they are on the third floor. B: Good. ________64________________

A: Let me see. Well, it’s ¥27.

B: Here you are. A: _________65________



66. The burnt boy must________(send) to the hospital at once.

67. The Smiths_________(have) lunch when I got to their house.

68. He is a/an___________(honest) boy, so we seldom believe what he says.

69. Thank you for your _________(invite) to the movie.

70. Never mind ________(offer)your help to people in trouble!

71. In order to make their hometown more beautiful, a lot of trees and flowers _____________(plant) since .

72. Look! The Browns are having a party for Mr. Brown’s __________(fifty) birthday.

73. If you want to lose weight, you should go on a diet. _________(much)you eat, the fatter you will be.

74. Kitty is moving as ___________(slow) as a snail. Her mother asks her to hurry up.

75. Both ties suit my father. I really can’t decide which _________(take)!


你校正在进行一年一度的“阳光学子”的评选活动,要求每班推荐一名候选人。请你根据下面的提示写一篇推荐报告,推荐你班的王鑫同学为你班的阳光学子候选人。开头结尾已给出。不包括已给的内容,80词左右。 提示:




I would like to recommend Wang Xin for the Most Sunshine Student Award in our school.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We will be very happy if Wang Xin can have the award.


I saw an interesting scene from a TV show. A girl and a boy were forced to have the blind date, and they know nothing before they came to the dinner table. They felt embarrassed and after introducing each other, the girl began to speak English with the boy. The parents did not know what they were talking about, but they felt happy to see them communicating. Actually, the boy and the girl said they didn’t want this date and decided to tell their parents the truth, and they felt relieved. Mastering another language provides people more ways to communicate. Sometimes we can use it in the fun way.



Olympic Games is the biggest event for the players, because it holds every four years. I remembered that my father watched the games at midnight many years ago, and I did not understand why he was so crazy about it. Now I watched the game with him and I started to appreciate the charm of sports. No matter what the result is, standing in the biggest stage and competing with the greatest rivals make the players feel proud. They chase to be higher, stronger and faster and these are the spirit of Olympic Games. When the audience see the players break the record and challenge human being’s limitation, how excited it is.














非谓语动词指的是在句中起名词,形容词或副词作用的动词形式,而不是作谓语的动词形式。 动词的非谓语形式分为动名词,分词,动词不定式。

Climbing mountain is a good exercise. (Climbing..., 动名词起名词作用)


Do you know the man wearing a white shirt. (wearing ... 分词起形容词作用)


He gets up early to catch the first bus. (to catch .... 不定式起副词作用)



3) 谓语动词在句中可单独作谓语,而非谓语动词不能单独作谓语。

Miss Mary teaches us English.

玛丽教我们英语。(teaches 动词作谓语)

Mr.Victor came to our classroom to have a talk with us last week.


(to have a talk.... 不定式作状语)

4) 谓语动词受主语的人称和数的限制,而非谓语动词形式没有这种限制。

Larke likes the pop music.



Larke has nothing to do today.

拉克今天没什么事要做。(do 用原形)


3 如果非谓语动词是及物动词,后面须跟宾语。

Studying English is my favorite.

学习英语是我的`爱好。(studying 后跟宾语)

To help him is my duty.

帮助他是我的责任。(help 后跟宾语)

4 非谓语动词可以带有自己的状语或逻辑主语。

Working under such a condition is terrible.


(under such a condition 是 working 的状语)



笔试 (45)



31. Anne has _______ uncle, his uncle works in ______ university.

A. a, a             B. an, a            C. an, an           D. a, the

32. CWould you like ______ basketball? C No, I’d rather ____ the piano.

A. play, to play    B. to play, to play C. play, play       D. to play, play

33. He said they would go to Beijing, ______?

A. didn’t they     B. wouldn’t he     C. didn’t he        D. wouldn’t they

34. There is still _______ hope of our getting there in time. Let’s hurry up.

A. little           B. few              C. a few            D. a little

35. The visitors are very _______ to see so many changes _______in Shenzhen since 1979.

A. surprise , have been taken place ,    B. surprisng , took place

C. surprised , have taken the place      D. surprised , have taken place

36. We will go camping tomorrow if it___________.

A. will be fine      B. doesn’t rains   C. is rainy        D. is fine

37. The yellow River is ______ river in China .

A. a second long      B. the two longer C. the second longest D. the second longer

38. Can you tell me _______ Beijing?

A. what time their plane will reach &nbs












上一篇:深圳市中考作文题解 下一篇:桂林中考满分作文:这不是件小事儿 相关推荐 好想把你写成书作文_江南作文900字 书是一面镜子 在那花开的时节作文900字 河北中考作文满分作文点评——“反省”帖子ABC 满分作文:我美丽,因为我热爱自然 中考满分作文:母爱 沟通作文1000字 作文指导:描写法--让你的文章靓丽N倍 2012淮安中考满分作文:那条河 名师建议:中考前初三生要分类搜集作文素材 上海市杨浦区中考一模作文:这也是一种美丽 2012哈尔滨中考语文试题及答案












上一篇:2012桂林中考满分作文:这,让我感动 下一篇:深圳市中考作文题解 相关推荐 好想把你写成书作文_江南作文900字 书是一面镜子 在那花开的时节作文900字 2007河北中考作文满分作文点评——“反省”帖子ABC 满分作文:我美丽,因为我热爱自然 中考满分作文:母爱 沟通作文1000字 作文指导:描写法--让你的文章靓丽N倍 2012淮安中考满分作文:那条河 名师建议:中考前初三生要分类搜集作文素材 20上海市杨浦区中考一模作文:这也是一种美丽 2012哈尔滨中考语文试题及答案





1. He began to do his home work after supper.

A. held B. learned C. tried D. started

2. The film will last for an hour and half.

A. get ready B. hold on C. get on D. go on

3. The plane to Wuhan will take off as soon as the cloud lifts.

A. passes away B. comes out C. gets up D. puts up

4. She was able to ride a bike when she was four.

A. had to B. must C. would D. could

5. James gets a letter from his penfriend every month

A. hears of B. gives a call to C. is on a visit to D. hears from

B)从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。6. --‘Is first impression very important?’

---Yes, it is, because you never get___ second chance to make___ first impression.

A. /, the B. a, theC. the, the D. a, a

7.--City air is very dirty, so it would be wise ___ you wash your hair often.

---I know, but it is not easy ____ me to do that every day.

A. for, of B. of, of C. of, for D. for, for

8.--- I hope you don't mind my opening the window. --- ____. It's a bit hot here today.

A. Certainly B. Of course not C. All rightD. Never mind

9.I think this talk is worth .

A.to listen B.to listen to C.1istening D.1istening to

10. Tom said, “I ___ one million smiles in my heart ____ one billion dollars in my


A. don’t like; but B. prefer; than C. would rather; than D. prefer; to

11. Not all the students would rather __________ computer games than __________.

A. play; study B. playing; studying C. to play; to study D. playing; study

12. The boy looks nice _______ white while the red sweater looks good _______the girl.

A. with; on B in; on C. on; inD. in; with

13. This morning I tried on some coats in the shop, but _______ of them looked good.

A. nothing B. all C. noneD. neither

14. --- I’m sure I will get good marks in the mid-term exam.

--- I believe your parents will ______ your study if you try your best.

A. be satisfied with B. be angry with C. be bored of D. be worried about

15. --- Mary looked a bit _____. It seemed that she didn't know what to do.

--- Right. After all,it was the first time she _____ a speech in public.

A. nervous; had made B. proud; had made

C. nervous; has made D. proud; has made

16. --- Pay attention to your _____. I think you should learn how to _____ yourself.

--- OK,I will.

A. behavior; surprise B. word; raise C. behavior; control D. word; play




(本网 m.unjs.com整理)







(一) 易安的黄花



(二) 汩罗河边的芦苇



(三) 东坡的明月






(本网 m.unjs.com整理)

(一) 思想之风

























