英语律动How are you

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英语律动How are you(整理6篇)由网友“猛男”投稿提供,以下是小编为大家汇总后的英语律动How are you,希望能够帮助到大家。

英语律动How are you



Haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?


How are you feeling today?


Hi! How are you doing?


How are you going to help him?


How are you keeping these days?


Well, how are you?


How are you going to plan for the future?


'How are you?' —'All the better for seeing you. '




johhy,johhy,yes pa pa.

指小朋友 小朋友手托下巴点头

eatingsugar,no pa pa.

往嘴巴喂糖 小朋友托下巴摇头

telling lie,no pa pa.

生气指小朋友 小朋友托下巴摇头

open your mouth,ha ha ha.

两手在嘴旁打开手指 小朋友张开手笑

you're dirty,take a bath.指向小朋友,然后两手搓背洗澡

beng cha cha,beng cha cha.

ai ya ya,ai ya ya.

i'm clean.两手摊开

happy happy,ha ha ha.两手食指在嘴角往外划,然后两手往两侧打开,张开五指笑

angry angry,heng heng heng.卷袖子,跺脚

cry cry,wu wu wu.两手食指擦眼泪

shy shy,mm mm mm.两手抱胳膊作害羞状

篇3: Howareyou第一课时教案



1、学习四个学习用品类单词:pencil, pen, ruler, book及其复数。

2、熟练掌握日常交际用语“how are you?”“fine, thank you.” “fine, thank you. and you?” “i’m fine, too.” “not so good.” “i’m sorry.”



1. 掌握学习用品类单词pencil, pen, ruler, book及其复数。

2. 掌握日常交际用语“how are you?”“fine, thank you.” “fine, thank you. and you?” “i’m fine, too.” “not so good.” “i’m sorry.”。







3. 铅笔、钢笔、尺、书的头饰


unit 5 how are you?

pencil(s) jfine, thank you.

pen(s) how are you? l not so good.




step1. free talk

t: good morning, boys and girls.

ss: good morning, miss zha.

t: what’s your name?

s1: my name is …

t: introduce s2 to me, ok?

s1: he is ××.

t: nice to meet you, s2.

s2: nice to meet you, too.

step2. presentation:

1. sing a song: hello, hello, how are you?


2. 承上歌曲t: how are you? s: fine, thank you.(根据歌词回答)

教学fine, thank you. 并板书,操练此句子。

t: how are you, ××? s: fine, thank you.(师与多名学生问答)

3. 教学how are you? 并板书,操练句子,点题:unit5 how are you?

s: how are you? 师面带微笑: fine, thank you.

(师面带微笑,配上这个肢体语言,帮助学生理解fine, thank you.的'句意)

4. practise in pairs

5. 幻灯出示半支铅笔的图片,请学生猜一猜。t: what’s this?


s: it’s a pencil. (引导)

t: yes, it’s a pencil. (展示全幅图片,并拿着一支铅笔教学)

t: show me your pencil.

s: pencil, pencil, my pencil.(生站起来拿着自己的一支铅笔说)

篇4:英语律动How are you

英语律动how are you


how are you

hello hello how are you?fine fine fine thank you.


hello hello how are you?oh just so so .


hello hello how are you?no i am terrible.


round the garden

round and round the garden 绕着花园走呀走(用手指在孩子掌心画圈)

goes the little mouse 小老鼠不停的走(继续画圈)

up up up he cree 向上,向上,它向上爬(手指沿着孩子的胳膊往上爬)

up into his house.爬进了它的家(挠挠孩子的胳肌窝).

five fingers

one finger,one finger,point,point,point.一根手指点点点。

two fingers,two fingers,cut,cut,cut.两根手指剪剪剪。

three fingers,three fingers,miaow,miaow.miaow.三根手指喵喵喵。

four fingers four fingers,touch,touch,touch.四根手指摸摸摸。

five fingers,five fingers,on the desk.五根手指放桌上。

let's make friends(让我们交朋友)

hello,hello,how do you do?

what's your name?what's your name?

my name is mark.my name is mark.

and what's your name?

my name is body.my name is body.

let's make friends,let's go to play


1、One two three four

one two three four ,clap your hands (1 2 3 4,拍拍手)

two two three four,stomp your feet(2 2 3 4 ,跺跺脚)

three two three four,nod your head,(3 2 3 4 ,点点头)

four two three four,hands on knees.(4 2 3 4 ,小手放到膝盖上)

2、Let’s count

one two ,tie your shoe (伸出手指数数,作系鞋带状)

Three four ,touch the floor(伸出手指,蹲下摸地面)

Five six ,stir and mix (伸出另一只手数数,作搅拌状)

Nine ten ,count again (双手反过来再数一遍)

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten (一只手指,一只手指的再数一遍)

3、Clap stomp snap bump

clap clap clap (拍拍手)

Stomp stomp stomp (跺跺脚)

Snap snap snap (打响指)

Bump bump bump (打击膝盖)

4、Shake your body(1)

shake your shoulders,shua shua shua (上下抖动肩膀)

Shake your hands ,clap clap clap (甩甩手,拍三下)

Shake your hip ,pia pia pia (扭扭屁股,打三下)

Shake your feet ,dong dong dong (抖抖脚,跺三下)

5.Shake your body(2)

Shake shake up (胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)

Shake shake down (胳膊和手全部向下摇摆)

Shake shake shake shake (摇一摇,摇一摇)

Let’s turn around (转一圈)

Shake shake up (胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)

Shake shake down (胳膊和手全部向下摇摆)

Shake shake shake shake (摇一摇,摇一摇)

Let’s sing a song (做出唱歌的样子)

6、Finger play

one finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a toothbrush ,shua shua shua

(两只手各出 示一只手指,变成一个牙刷的样子,在嘴边上下刷动)

Two finger, two finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a rabbit ,jump jump jump


Three finger ,three finger,turn turn turn ,turn to a fork ,cha cha cha


Four finger ,four finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a cat ,meow meow meow


Five finger ,five finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a tiger ,aw aw aw



Hello ,hello ,how are you (左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开)

Fine ,fine,thank thank you (依次伸左右大拇指,拱手感谢)

Hello ,hello ,how are you (左摆手,右摆手,双手头上打开)

No no ,just so so (双手胸前摆手后体前交叉低头摇晃身体做不好意思状)


1、Oh rabbit

Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit (双手做兔耳朵学兔跳两下)

red red eyes (双手OK眼前晃三下)

Oh shua ,oh shua ,oh shua shua shua (双手向前开合五次)

Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit (同上)

long long ears (双手兔耳朵往上伸三次)

Oh wu ,oh wu ,oh wu wu wu (左右手交换做聆听状)

Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit(同上)

Short short tail (右手放臀后)

Oh pia, oh pia, oh pia pia pia(轻拍屁股五下)


Knock konck knock (敲门三下)

Who is it (手放耳边听)

It’s mummy (捏鼻子装妈妈的声音)

Open the door (双手打开门)

Come in please (招手)

Oh ,no (双手胸前摆手)

Big bad wolf (打狼)

Go out (双手推狼出去)

Big bad wolf (打狼)

3、daddy mummy (曲调同‘对面的女还看过来’)

Daddy mummy ,look at me ((左摆手,右摆手,双手OK眼前晃一下)

Look at me ,good baby (双手OK眼前晃一下,依次伸左右手大拇指)

Daddy mummy look at me (同上)

Clap your hands, follow me (拍手,指自己)

4、follow me

Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)

Hands up ,hands down (双手头上举晃腕,向下晃腕)

Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)

Stand up sit down (起立,坐下)

Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)

Let’ s turn around (转一圈)

Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)

Let’s sing a song (手拿话筒做唱歌状)

Oh lei ,oh lei ,oh lei (双手头上晃两下)

Go go go (左手叉腰,右手握拳上举三次,同时跺脚三下)

5、one two three four five

Point up point down (双手食指上指,下指)

Show me one (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示1)

Jump up jump down (学兔上下跳)

Show me two (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示2)

Look up look down (双手OK在眼前上下看)

Show me three(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示3)

Stand up sit down (起立坐下)

Show me four (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示4)

Hands up hands down (双手上举放下)

Show me five (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示5)

One two three four five (依次出手指表示1、2、3、4、5后砍头)

6、up and down

Up up touch your head (单手依次上举然后摸头)

Down down touch your toes (单手依次向下摸脚)

Up and down (双手齐上下)

Touch your hips (摸屁股)

Turn around (转一圈)

Touch the ground (摸地)

Yeah ! (双手上举欢呼)

7、c ome on

Come on ,come on (单手依次招手)

Join me join me (单手依次半握拳于胸前)

Let’s play a ball(左手拍球状)

Let’s play a ball (右手拍球状)

Ok ? ok ?(双手OK晃)

Yeah ! yeah ! yeah !(双手上举欢呼)

8、Nod your head

Nod your head ,yes yes yes (点三下头)

Shake your head , no no no (摇头)

Raise youe hand ,one two three (举右手伸手指示1、2、3)

Put down your hand, one two three(放下右手伸手指示1、2、3)

Look at me ,look at him ,chua chua chua (双手OK指自己,指任一男小朋友,前伸手三下)

Look at her ,chua chua chua (指任一女小朋友)

Clap your hands pia pia pia (拍手三下)

Very good ,ha ha ha (双手胸前绕圈,放嘴边大笑)

Two big eyes chua chua chua (双手做望远镜状前伸手三下)

Two big ears wu wu wu ,wu wu wu (双手放耳边倾听)

One small nose ,eng eng eng (单手指鼻子,学小猪拱三下)

One little mouth , bo bo bo (指嘴,啵三下)收起


I. Reception入园接待

1. Hi! / Hello! 你好!

3. Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you.


4. How are you? I am fine, thank you.


5. Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy. 请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。

6. Come in, please. 请进。

7. Come on. / come here, please. 请过来。

8. Take off your coat. 脱掉外套。

9. Please put on your morning check- card. 请把晨检牌带好。

II. Group Activity集体活动

1. Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

2. Let’s start. 让我们开始。

3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me?


4. Look at me. 看着我。

5. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。

6. Be quite. / Keep quite. 保持安静。

7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. 坐好。

8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 把手举起来 / 把手放下。

9. Stop talking. 别说话。

10. Is that clear? / Do you understand?


11. Read with me. 和我一起读。

12. Return to your seat. 回座位。

13. Stand up. / Sit down. 起立 / 坐下。

14. Listen carefully. 仔细听。

15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music.

听我说 / 听音乐。

16. Say it in English. 用英语说。

17. Do you know? 你知道吗?

18. Let’s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。

19. Let’s write / draw something.

让我们来写点什麽 / 画点什麽。

20. Let’s dancing / singing.


21. Let’s listen to a story.


22. Let’s listen to the tape.


23. Let’s watch TV / a play.

让我们看电视 / 看表演。

24. Let’s say it together. 让我们一起说。

25. What did you hear? 你听到什麽了?

26. Who has finished? 谁做完了?

27. Who want to try? 谁想试试?

28. How do you know? 你怎麽知道的?

29. Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?

30. Put your hands on your knees.


31. Attention. 注意。

32. You are right. 你是正确的。

33. You are so good! 你真棒!

34. Paint it in red. 把它涂成红色。

35. Open / close your book, please.

打开/ 合上你的书。

36. Don’t be afraid / shy.

别害怕 / 害羞。



三年级上册《How are you》教案





《Do you like pears》英语教案



英语律动How are you
《英语律动How are you.doc》

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