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... as soon as ...

As soon as I see him,I’ll give him the message. 我一见到他,我就把你的`消息告诉他。

... so+adj. / adv.+that ...

I was so tired that I didn’t want to speak. 我累得连话也不想说了。


Though I like writing to my pen-friend,it takes a lot of time. 虽然我喜欢给笔友写信,但它要耗费我大量时间。

be going to

This afternoon I’m going to buy a Qisu English book. 今天下午我要去买本奇速英语书。

be different from

I think this is different from Chinese names. 我认为这与汉语名字不同


Welcome to Shenyang!欢迎到沈阳来!

Welcome back to school!欢迎回到学校!

have fun doing

We’re going to have fun learning and speaking English this term. 这学期我们将兴味盎然地学习和讲英语。

... because ... / ...,so ...

I don’t know all your names because this is our first lesson. 因为这是我们的第一节课,所以我并不知道你们所有人的名字。

he was ill,so she didn’t go to school. 她生病了,因此没有上学。

Why don’t you ... / Why not ...

Why don’t you come to school a little earlier?为什么不早点到校呢?

Why not join us? 为什么不加入我们?

make it

Let’s make it half past nine. 让我们定在九点半吧!

have nothing to do

They have nothing to do every day. 他们每天无所事事。

be sure/ be sure of/ about sth. / be sure to do sb.

I think so, but I’m not sure. 我想是这样,但不敢确定。

I was not sure of / about the way,so I asked someone. 我对于怎么走没有把握,所以我问别人了。

It’s sure to rain. 必定会下雨。

between ... and ...

There is a shop between the hospital and the school. 在那家医院和那所学校之间有一家商店。

keep sb. / sth. +adj./ V-ing/ 介词补语/ adv.

You must keep your classroom clean. 你们必须保持教室干净。

Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等。

Can you keep him in the room ?你能让他在这个房里吗?

Keep them here. 让他们在这儿呆着



1. There be 结构

there be 结构和have has结构翻译成汉语都是“有”的意思,但含义不同。have (has)表示“某人拥有某物”,there be而结构表示“某人或某物存在于某地或某时”。

There are some apple trees in the garden.

We have some apple trees in the garden.

there be 结构中的动词 动词与后面的主语在数的方面保持一致。如果句中的主语是并列主语,即有两个或两个以上的人或物作主语,那么一般说来动词的数应与第一个主语的数保持一致。如:

There is a green apple and two oranges in the fruit bowl.

There are two oranges and a green apple in the fruit bowl.

2. I think he is very old.



I don’t think he is very old.

I didn’t think Wang Hai would enter for the high jump.



I don’t think he has finished the work, has he?

You think my brother told a lie yesterday, don’t you?

3. That’s right. That’s all right. All right.

“That’s right.”表示“对、正确”。一般在对话中用于肯定对方的回答或表示赞同对方的说法。 “That’s all right.” 是回答感谢话或道歉话的用语,意思是“没关系,不用谢”,相当于“You are welcome”、“That’s OK”或 “Not at all”“All right”一般用于同意别人的请求,是“好的、可以”的意思。如:

A: I think the correct answer is two. B: That’s right.

A: I am sorry I left your notebook at home. B: That’s all right.

4. He’s up there in the tree with Bill.

这句话的主语是“he”,“with Bill”不是主语,而是表示一种伴随状态,所以请注意谓语要和主语在数和人称称保持一致。一般在句子中我们经常用“with+名词”这种结构表示“有、带着或伴随着”的意思。如:

He went to the concert with me.=He and I went to the concert.

She answered me with a smile.

He went to sleep with the bedroom light on.

5. It’s time…


(1) It’s time to +动词原形

(2) It’s time for sb. +动词原形

(3) It’s time for +名词

如:It’s time to go to school.=It’s time for school.

It’s time for us to go to school.

6. What’s wrong with you?

这句话的意思是“你怎么了?”,既可表示问身体有什么不舒服,也可以表示问出了什么事,介词后还可以跟物品名称,表示问某样东西怎么了(是否出了什么毛病)。与其类似的句型还有:“What’s the matter with…? / What’s the trouble with…?”这三个句型在使用时要注意wrong是形容词,所以在它有前面不加冠词,而matter和trouble都是名词,在它们前面要加定冠词。如

What’s wrong with Bill?

What’s the matter (the trouble) with Bill?

7. They looked like saucers.

在本句中like是个介词,解释是“像。。。”,常和动词 be或 look连用。请注意不要错把它当成动词“喜欢”。

8. You had better come early next time.

此句中的had better是一种习惯用法, 意思是 “最好…”成, 一般用来表示向别人提建议或劝告.这一句经常可以与祈使句或带有情态动词should 的句子进行替换.在使用had better 时请注意以下几点: (1) 它没有人称、时态和数量的变化。(2)它的后面只能跟动词原型。(3)它的否定式为had better not,后面同样只能跟动词原型在疑问句中,通常是把had提到主语之前。如

We had better not go fishing on such a windy day.

9. be + adj. + (for somebody) to do (something)

在此句型中谓语动词一般不用被动语态。同时请注意动词不定式都有动宾关系, 因此如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,那么它的后面一定加上适当的介词。

The problem is not very difficult for me to work out.

10. I hope… / I wish…

Hope 与wish 都可以解释为“希望”,但它们所表达的意思和用法都有所不同。 在意思上Hope所表达的愿望是比较实际的,是可能实现的,而 wish所表达的是不太可能实现的梦想, 所以wish引导的宾语从句大多用虚拟的语气。在用法上它们的唏不完全相同,区别在于wish可以用于wish sb. to do, 而hope没有这种用法。:,

They hope to win the game in the afternoon.

We all wish him to bring us the good news.

11. My dad will come back in two days.

“in + 一段时间”常用来表示将来的一段时间以后,对它提问用 “how soon” 。如果表示将来的某个时间点以后,一般用“after +某个点时间”,对它提问要用 “when / what time”。如:

How soon will you finish your homework?

I will finish my homework in an hour.

When / What time will you come back?

I will come back after dinner.

12. I’m afraid…

I’m afraid…常用于表达与别人意见不同后拒绝别人的请求,有时也可以用在表示不肯定或推测的话前面,是口语中十分常用的短语。它的后面可以接从句,也可以加或。如

A: Must I hand in the report today?

B: I’m afraid you must

“be afraid of +名词或动名词”的用法也很常用。表示“害怕”。如:

She is afraid of going out at night.

13. Sorry, I forgot to tell you that.



He forgot to return the money to me. 他忘记还钱给我。(表示钱还没有还。)

He forgot returning the money to me.他忘记已经把钱还给我了。(表示钱已经还了,但他忘记了这件事。)

(2) stop后面跟不定式表示停下来去做别一件事,如果加动名词就表示停止这个动作。如:

Please stop talking and listen tome. 请不要讲话,听我说。

Please stop to have a rest 请停下来休息一下。

14. This one is much better than that one.



初中阶段常用的原级比较句型为:as…as…, not as (so)…as…。使用时注意它们的.含义,as…as… 表示“和。。。一样”,而它的否定结构表示“不如。。。”。如

Is the Huanghe River as long as the Nile?

He does not work so hard as his brother.

(2)最常用的比较级用法是“比较级别+ than ”。另外两个相同的比较级用连接起来可以表示“越。。。越。。。”。如果要表示“两个中较为。。。的一个” ,在比较级之前要加一个the,一般可以修饰比较级的有:much, far, a little, a bit, even, still.

It is even colder than it was last month.

More and more people are helping fight pollution.

His handwriting is better than any other student in his class.


Among all the sports I like soccer best.

I am the eldest girl in my family.

15. (not)…until (till)

在这一句型结构中until (till) 引导的是时间状语(从句),因此从句中不能用将来时,只能用一般现在时代替。如果主句的谓语动词或until (till)前面的动词是一个瞬间动词,那么该动词必须用否定形式。一般地来说until和till的意思与用法都基本相同,唯一的区别在于可以置于句首,而不能。如:

He watched TV until (till) his parents came back.

We couldn’t go back home until the rain stopped.

16. be pleased…

这个短语后面既可以另动词不定式,也可以加适当的介词。 加不定式be pleased to do表示“做......很高兴”, 而加介词 be pleased with / at / by......表示“对......感到很高兴,很满意。”如:

We are pleased to plant trees by the river every spring.

My parents are pleased with my hard work.

17. You should go out instead of staying at home.

Instead of 可解释为“代替,而不是”,介词 of后面可以跟名词或动名词。有时没有必要说出被代替的人或物,也可以只用instead

He stayed at home to read the book instead of going out to play basketball.

If you don’t want to go, I can go there instead.

18. I don’t like it any more.

No more, not any more, no longer, not any longer这几个短语都表示“不再......,再也不......”。在使用时请注意它们在句子中的位置。如:

She ins’t a teacher any more = She is no more a teacher.


1. It’s time for supper. It’s time to have supper.

2. It’s good for your health.

3. You’d not smoke in the room.

4. It took me two hours to finish my homework.

5. What’s wrong with you? (What’s the matter with you?)

6. I used to get up at 6 in the morning.

7. I’d like a cup of coffee. / I’d like to have a cup of coffee. Would you like some coffee? / Would you like to have some coffee?

8. I can’t wait to tell you the good news.

9. Speak louder so that I can hear you clearly.

10. The more you read, the more you will understand.

11. He was late for class yesterday.

12. It is said that Li Ping has gone to US.

13. I enjoy reading. (hate, finish, like, go on, be busy, keep, keep on, carry, feel like)

14. My mother told me not to get up too late in the morning.

15. I saw him enter the room. I saw him coming towards me.

16. My teacher made me do a lot of homework. My mother just let me play.

17. He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him.

18. The book is too difficult to read.

19. He is not only my teacher, but also my friend.

20. I prefer Chinese to English.

21. Both he and I are middle school students.

22. Neither he nor I am a teacher. / Neither I nor he is a teacher.

23. I have two books. You can choose either this one or that one.

24. He didn’t came back until 10 o’clock.

25. I’m afraid of dogs. / I’m afraid to go out alone at night.

26. It’s important for us to learn English.

27. I don’t think you are right.

28. When my mother came back, I stopped to do my homework./ I stopped playing.

29. Give/ bring/ show/ tell, lend, me a book.

30. I spent 20 yuan on books last month. / I spent two hours in doing my homework. / I spent two hours on my homework.

31. What do you mean by saying “It’s strange”?

32. I like swimming. / I like to go swimming this afternoon.

33. What about a cup of coffee? What about going out for a walk?

34. Why not stop and have a rest?

35. It’s better to go home now.

36. It’s two meters long. I’m twelve years old.

37. I am as fat as you (are)./ I am not as/so fat as you.

38. I often help my mother do housework on Sunday. I often help my mother with housework on Sunday.

39. What do you think of the film? / How do you like the film?

40. He likes English very much. So do I.

41. I forget (remember)to bring my book here./ I forget(remember) telling him the news.

42. The teacher stopped/ kept/ prevent him from talking loudly in the classroom.

43. I prefer to go home by bus rather than (go home) by bike.

44. I have nothing to do that matter.

45. He speaks such good English that I think he is an American.

46. I’m proud of my class.

47. I am able to swim across the river.



1.There is no doubt + that + 句子:毫无疑问,……

例句:There is no doubt that the economy is recovering. (毫无疑问,经济已经逐渐复苏。)

2.It pays to + V + O(宾语):……是值得的。

例句:It pays to help others. (帮助别人是值得的。)

3.An advantage of + 名词结构+ is that + 句子:……的优点是……

例句:An advantage of using solar energy is that it won't create any pollution.(使用太阳能的优点是它不会产生任何污染。)

4.There is no denying that + 句子:不可否认……

例句:There is no denying that the quality of our life has gone from good to better. (不可否认,我们的生活质量日益改善。)

5.the + 形容词最高级 + n. + (that) + S(主语) + have ever seen / known / heard / had / read, etc

例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.(海伦是我见过的最美丽的.女孩。)

6.Nothing is + 形容词比较级 + than to + V(谓语)

例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. (没有比接受教育更重要的事。)

7.S cannot emphasize the importance of sth. too much:再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过。

例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. (我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。)

8.On no account can we + V:我们绝对不能……

例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. (我们绝不能无视知识的价值。)

9.It is universally acknowledged that + 句子:全世界都知道……

例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable[不可或缺的] to us. (全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。)

10.The reason why + 句子 + is that + 句子:……的原因是……

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air. (我们必须种树的原因是它们能给我们提供新鲜空气。)

11.be closely related to sth.:与……息息相关

例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health. (做运动与健康息息相关。)

12.So + 形容词 + be + S + that + 句子:如此……以致于……

例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it. (时间是如此珍贵,它经不起我们浪费。)

13.It is time + S + 动词过去式:该是……的时候了。

例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. (有关当局是时候采取适当措施解决交通问题了。)

14.S + enable + O + to + V:……使……能够……

例句:Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed. (听音乐使我们获得放松。)

15.be + forced / obliged / compelled + to + V:不得不……

例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports. (既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。)

16.a. + as + S + be, S + V + O:虽然……, 但是……

例句:Rich as our country is, the quality of our life is by no means satisfactory. (虽然我们的国家富有,但我们的生活质量仍差强人意。)

17.It is conceivable / obvious / apparent that + 句子:可想而知/明显/显然……

例句:It is apparent that knowledge plays an important role in our life. (显然,知识在我们人生中扮演着重要角色。)

18.The + 形容词比较级 + S + V, the + 形容词比较级 + S + V:……愈……,……愈……

例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make. (愈努力,愈进步。)

19.Since + S + 动词过去式,S + 现在完成式: 自从……,……一直……

例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard. (自从上了高中,他一直很用功。)

20.By + V-ing, S can V:通过……,……能够……

例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. (通过做运动,我们能够保持健康。)

21.be based on sth.:以.……为基础

例句:Progress in society is based on harmony. (社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。)

22.That is the reason why +句子:那就是……的原因

例句:Summer is sultry[闷热的]. That is the reason why I don't like it. (夏天很闷热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。)

23.There is no one but + V + O:没有人不……

例句:There is no one but longs to go to college. (没有人不渴望上大学。)

24.Due to / Owing to / Thanks to + sth. / V-ing:因为/ 多亏……

例句:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream. (因为他的鼓励,我终于实现了梦想。)

25.For the past + 时间, S + 现在完成式: 过去的……来,……一直……

例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination. (过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。)

26.What a + a. + n. + S + V!= How + a. + a + n. + V!:多么……!

例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise! / How important a thing it is to keep our promise! (遵守诺言是多么重要的事!)

27.get into the habit of + V-ing = make it a rule to + V:养成……的习惯

例句:We should get into the habit of

28.keeping good hours. (我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。) leave much to be desired:令人不满意

例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired. (我们的交通状况令人不太满意。)

29.Those who + V + O:那些……的人

例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished. (违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。)

30.have a great influence on sth.:对……有很大影响

例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health. (抽烟对我们的健康有很大影响。)

31.spare no effort to + V:不遗余力地……

例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. (我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。)

32.do good / harm to sth.:对……有益/有害

例句:Reading does good to our mind.(读书对心灵有益。)

33.pose a great threat to sth.:对……造成很大威胁

例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence. (污染对我们的生存造成很大威胁。)

34.bring home to + S + O:让……明白……

例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard. (我们应该让人们明白努力的价值。)

35.do one's utmost to + V = do one's best to + V:尽全力去……

例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life. (我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标。)


1.Recently,the problem of ... has aroused people's concern.


2.Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


3.Nowadays, ... has become a problem we have to face.


4.It is commonly believe that...


5.Many people insist that...


6.With the development of science and technology more and more people believe that...



1.People's views on ... vary from person person.Some hold that ... However,others believe that...


2.Attitudes towards ... vary from person to person.


3.There are different opinions among people as to...


4.Different people howww.chddh.com/zuowen/ld different attitudes towards failure.



1.Taking all these factors into consideration,we naturally come to the conclusion that...


2.Taking into account all these factors,we may reasonably come to the conclusion that...


3.There is no doubt that(job-hopping)has its draw backs,as well as merits.


4.All in all,we can’t live with out...,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.



1.It is high time that we put an end to the trend.


2.It is time to take the advice of ... and to put special emphasis on the improvement of ...


3.There's no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ...


篇6:初中英语there be句型知识点

1. 基本结构

There be +主语 + 地点 /时间状语。如:

There is a computer in the room. 房间里有一台电脑。

There are two TV plays every evening. 每晚有两场电视剧。

2. 主谓一致


There is a pen, two rulers in the box. 盒子里有一只钢笔,两把尺子。

There are two boys and a teacher at the school gate. 门口有两个男孩,一个老师。

3. 主语后的动词形式

在there be 句型中,主语与动词是主动关系时用现在分词;是被动关系时用过去分词。如:

There is a purse lying on the ground. 地上有一个钱包。

There are five minutes left now. 现在还有5分钟。

4. 反意疑问句

反意疑问句应与there be对应,而不是依据主语。如:

There is a radio on the table, isn't there? 桌子上有一台收音机,是吧?

There are more than fifty classes in your school, aren't there? 你们班有50多名学生,是吧?

5. there be 与have的替换

there be表示所属时可与have替换。

There is nothing but a book in my bag. =I have nothing but a book in my bag. 包里只有一本书。

6. there be后接不定式时常用主动形式表示被动意义。

如:There is a lot of work to do. 有许多工作要做。

注意:当该句型主语是something, anything, nothing等不定代词时,后面的不定式用主动形式或被动形式,意义各不同。

There is nothing to do. 没有事可做。

There is nothing to be done. 没有办法(束手无策)。

7. 与其它词连用,构成复合谓语。


There may be a rain this afternoon. 今天下午可能有雨。

There used to be a cinema here before the war. 战争之前,这儿有一家电影院。

8. 变体

there be结构中的be有时可用live, stand, remain等代替。


Once there lived a king who cared more about new clothes than anything else. 从前有位国王喜欢新服胜过别的任何东西。


There is no good /use (in) doing sth. 做某事没有好处/用处;There is not a moment to lose. 一刻也不能耽误。例如:

There is no good making friends with him. 和他交朋友没有什么好处。

He is very ill. Send him to hospital. There's not a moment to lose. 他病得厉害,把他送到医院去,一刻也不能耽误。

There be句型专项练习

1.There ________ no tea in the cup.

A.is B.are C.has D.be

2.There ________ in the next room.

A.is Tom B.are some boys

C.are they D.is the boy

3.There is some ________ on the plate.

A.apple B.bread C.banana D.sandwich

4.There ________ some paper and a pen on the desk.

A.is B.are C.have D.has

5.There ________ a school at the foot of the hill.

A.have B.stand C.are D.stands

6.There's going to ________ in tomorrow's newspapers.

A.have something new B.have new something

C.be something new D.be new something

7.There is some milk in the bottle, ________ ?

A.isn't there B.aren't there C.isn't it D.are there

8. ________ is there on the table?

A.How many apples B.How much bread

C.How much breads D.How many food

9.There are sixty minutes in ________ hour.

A.an B.the C.a D./

10.There is ________ old woman in the car.

A.× B.a C.the D.an


2.B。注意D项的错误在于there be句型中一般主语不能特指,如把the boy中的the改为a,则此项也为正确选项。



5.D。there be句型中的动词be也可换用stand,lie,live等动词。

6.C。there is(are)going to be...是there be句型的将来时态。形容词修饰something,anything等复合不定代词时应后置。






1、be worth doing 值得做……

2、be busy doing 忙着做……

3、be good/bad for 有利于/有害于……

4、too … to do 太……而不能做……

5、It takes sb. some time to do sth.


6、sb. spend some time doing sth.


7、It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth.


8、It's up to sb. to do sth.


9、sb. have some difficulty/ trouble in doing sth.


I have some difficulties in finishing this project.

10、sb.can do nothing but do sth.

=have no choice but to do


11、It is said that …


12、not … until/till …


I didn’t go to sleep until my parents came in.


I find it interesting to see this film.


如此……以致于 such+n.+that …

The lady is so happy that she can’t say a word.

It is such a wonderful day that we’re going out for picnic.

15、why not do sth.


Why not protect the world together?

16、It's time to do sth.


17、sb. devote oneself/one's life to sth./doing.


18、It is/ was+被强调部分+that/who…

19、I don't think/believe/suppose/expect+that


I don’t think he will win the game.

20、would like to do 愿做某事

feel like doing 想做某事

had better (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事

would rather do 宁愿做……

21、主语+have no idea+从句 不知道……

22、no matter when/where/what/who/whether/how+从句+主句 无论……

23、used to do 过去常做某事

be used to doing习惯于做某事

24、as soon as …从句+主句

I will call you as soon as he comes back.

25、It is possible/probable/likely that … 可能……

26、Do you mind if I do?/Would you mind if I did …? 我做某事你介意吗?

27、wish sb.+n./adj. 祝愿某人……

I wish you good luck.

I wish you success.

28、I hope + that

I hope you can succeed.




引导原因状语从句,“因为”。 但不能和so连用,英语中表达“因为……,所以……”时,because和so只能用一个。


If 引导的是条件状语从句,“如果;假如”。如主句用一般将来时,if从句要用一般现在时(主将从现)。



1、Welcome back to… eg. Welcome back to school/the factory.

Welcome back home.

2、It is much better than having class

3、Some of the apples are hard to reach2.

4、Work must come first.

5、The other students in the class keep their eyes closed

例如:Don't keep your mother waiting

Keep the students in/out.

6、You had3 better stay at home.

7、You'd better stay at hom, hadn't you?

You'd better not stay at home.

8、Walk(Go) along、down the road/street, and take the first turning4 on the left.

=Turn left at the first turning

9、We live in a place named Da Lian.

10、I like to keep busy.

11、Better late than never.

12、There was5 a telephone call for you.

Here is a letter for you.

13、Thank a lot/very much/you for asking me to your party.

14、Which is the way to….?=How can I get to/reach/arrive in(at)/find….?

Is there a …..near here?=Where is the…..?=Could6 you tell me the way to…..?

15、It's too dangerous to cross the street.

( He is too young to go to school=He isn't old enough to go to school.=He is so young that he can’t go to school.)

16、the Read family= the Reads=Mr. and Mrs. Read

17、the way you speak.

18、He is on a visit to England.

19、Come out for a walk in the park.

20、I can wear it in my new hat.

22、It was a pleasure7 ( for me).= With pleasure.

21、The book cost8 me five yuan.

I paid9 five yuan for the book.

23、We won't go until10 we get it back again.(Wait until we come back)

24、Chocolate is good for your heath

25、Do you think it is good to do some housework?

26、Either11 mum or I cook supper.

27、Neither12 Dad nor13 my brother helps.

28、Why don't men do a bit14 of housework?

29、May I take your orders15 now?

30、Could we have the bill16?

31、China is very famous17 for its food in the world.

The poem18 was famous as1 Li Bai.

32、Take the second turning on the left= Turn left at the second crossing.

33、Either (Neither) of the answers is right.

34、I like the film, and so dose19 he. (He likes the film. So he does.)

35、We have to get up early in the morning

=We have to be up early in the morning.

36、How did20 he make the baby stop crying? (see ,watch, look at, notice,hear, listen to, feel ,make let ,have, help) eg. I saw21 her go into the house. Let me go.

We noticed22 him come out .

She was seen23 to go into the house.

37、He told me not to bring you anything?

38、finish+doing enjoy +doing be busy +doing practise +doing feel like+ doing… have fun doing sth. Can't help, be worth, He finished25 doing his homework. We are busy making some kites.

We are going26 to have fun learning27 and speaking English this term.

39、stop doing sth./stop to do sth. remember doing sth./remember to do sth.

forget doing sth./forget to do sth.

Eg. She stopped crying. She stopped to cry.

I remember posting the letter.. I remember to post the letter.

I forgot28 doing my homework. I forgot to do my homework.

40、There are three girls walking in the park.

41、We are going to have fun learning and speaking English this term.

42、They have (get) some problems31 (difficulty) (in) doing sth.

43、I don't know where he comes=I don't know. Where does he come?

44、Do you know if/whether he got29 up early yesterday morning?= Do you know?

Did he get up early yesterday morning?

45、Why don't you wait for me here? = Why not wait for me here?

46、He likes swimming in summer. He likes to swim.

47、He found32 it very difficult to sleep./I think it very important33 to learn English well.( make,feel)

48、I little (never,) dreamt of (about) seeing you here.

49、I little (never) dreamt that I saw you here.

50、I have been to the factory.

He has gone to the factory.

51、I have been in the factory for two years.

52、It takes/took34/will take sb. st. to do sth. eg. It took me an hour and a half to work out the difficult problem30.

It takes me one and a half hours to go to school on foot.

53、I have two brothers. One is a worker.. The other is a doctor.

54、There are lots of children playing in the park.

Some are singing. Others35 are playing games.

55、There are fifty students in our class. Thirty are girls. The others are boys.

56、Let's make it 8:30/a little/a bit earlier

57、He is as tall as I/me. He doesn't run as、so fast as I/me.

58、He is interested36 in the film. The film is interesting.

59、Not everyone likes sandwich.= Everyone doesn't like sandwich.

Everyone likes sandwich. No one likes sandwich/None(None of them) like(s) sandwich.

60、I don/t think he is right, is he? He doesn/t think you are right, does he?

( think, guess, except37, suppose38, imagine39, believe40.)

61、There is little water in the bottle, is there/There is a little water in the bottle, isn't there?

There are few41 books on the table, are there? There are a few books on the table, aren't there?

62、Do you have one more to say?

There are another three mooncakes left.

Do you have one more to eat?

63、The lights are still on. He must be at home, isn't he?

He must have come here yesterday, didn't he?

64、Do you mind42 my opening43 the door?

65、Everybody44 is looking forward45 to May Day with great joy24.

66、He can't help crying.

67、I am a student , aren't I?

68、What's he?=What does he do?=What's his job?

69、Jim is short for James

70、Help yourselves46 to some grapes and watermelons.

71、We often go on a picnic/our first field47 trip/a long journey48 to the west of China.

72、I often see some students at school talking to each other in English.(see, find, watch, hear)

73、Sometimes we find them driving the tractors49 on the farm.

74、I think every minute counts.

75、He was unhappy50, wasn't he?

76、He used51 to get up early, didn't/usedn't he? He didn't use to get up early.

Did he use to get up early? = Used he to get up early?

He is used to getting up early, isn't he? He isn't used to getting up early.

77、He eats too much food so he grows fatter and fatter.

The book is much too expensive

78、Give me a book=Give a book to me.

Show him a spade52= Show a spade to him.

(tell, hand, bring, return53, send ,leave, offer54 pass, cause)

79、Buy me a book=Buy a book for me. Get me an apple.=Get an apple for me.

( take sb. sth.= take sth.for sb./to sp. do, play, fetch55, find, ask, get, take)

80、He who does not work neither shall56 he eat.

81、I'll have、get my hair cut.

82、Will you please say it again more slowly57?

83、The wall needs/wants painting58.

The wall wants to be painted.

84、What can I do for you?= Can/May I help you?

85、Hurry up, and you'll get there in time.= If you hurry up, you'll get there in time.

86、Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. = If you don't hurry up, you'll be late for school.

87、Neither answer you have given59 is right

88、Lin Tao didn't know anything about it, neither/nor did Tom.

89、I didn't know anything about it. Tom didn't know anything about it, either.

90、He has come here, and so have I. I have also come here. I have come here, too

91、He goes there, and so do I. I also go there. I go there ,too.

92、He is a student, and so am I. I am also a student. I am a student ,too.

93、In Britain60, sales61 of cigarettes62 have been reduced63 by 30% in the last ten years.

During64 the past two years, I have learned65 English words

94、The number of the students has reached66 1700.

95、A number of the students have come here already67.

96、It's a mistake68 for you to go there at night.

97、It's very kind of you to help me.

98、The number of the students has reached 1700.

99、A number of the students have come here already.

100、It's a mistake for you to go there at night.

101、It's very kind of you to help me.

102、What's wrong with you?=What's the matter with you?=What's your trouble69?

103、He comes from Hennan.=He is from Hennan.

104、What's the time?=What time is it (by your watch)?

105、Whose shirt is it?=Whose is this shirt?

106、What's in a name?

107、All right/That's all right/That's right/That's all/That's OK

---Thank you.---That's all right、That's OK. Time is up. That's all for today.

---Shall we go to school now? ---All right/OK

---He must be ill. ---That's right.

108、I can't help laughing at the news70. I can’t help to carry that heavy box for you.

109、I regretted71 saying72 so much words at the meeting73. I regretted to tell you about it.

110、I tried making the kite yesterday. I tried to work out the maths problem yesterday.

111、You must keep your son from going there. You can't keep your mother waiting there so long.

112、She preferred74 singing to dancing. She preferred him to go home. She preferred to stay at school rather75 than go home. She preferred to go shopping after school.

113、I spent two days in doing my homework. I spent five yuan on that book.



I’m confident of success. 我确信会成功。

seem to do / seem +adj. / (介词短语)

He seems to be angry. 他似乎生气了。

The house seems too noisy. 这房子似乎太吵了。

be angry with / about / at(doing)

We’re all very angry with ourselves. 我们都很生自己的气。

I was angry about his decision to build a factory here. 我很生气他决定把工厂建在这儿。

I was angry at being kept waiting. 这样一直等我很生气。

pay for / pay … for

He paid for the book and went away. 他付完书款便离开了。

I paid him £200 for the painting. 买这幅画我付了他200英镑。

There+be +主语+地点状语/ 时间状语

There’s a boat in the river. 河里有条船。

There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。

What’s wrong with+sb. / sth. ?

What’s wrong with you?你怎么啦?

What’s wrong with your watch?你的手表有什么毛病?

How do you like...?

How do you like China?你觉得中国怎么样?

What do you like about...?

What do you like about China?你喜欢中国的'什么?

had better(not)+动词原形

You’d better ask that policeman over there. 你最好去问问那边的那个警察。

How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!

What a/ an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语!

How cold it is today !今天多冷啊!

What a fine picture it is!多美的一幅图画呀!

Thank+sb. +for(doing)sth.

Thank you for coming to see me. 感谢你来看我。

So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语

He is a student. So am I. 他是一个学生,我也是。

... not ... until ...

He didn’t have supper until his parents came back. 直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。


The baby cried harder and harder. 那孩子哭得越来越厉害






















