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On a rain soaked asphyxia of mud, the delicate touch of ice cold slide into the gap, fair skin with black mud, is who is more clean! What is different, what is left heartbroken tears, perhaps this is the Ching ming.


Slanting rain rustling through the window cold, who knows the personnel to be old, but do not forget a word of his pride. When you look around the tomb of buildings, it is a kind of detached the magnificence of life, there is no fear is free and easy, natural, covered with wounds of the heart secretly stretch, the comfort -- quiet, serene. I am not sad horror, just afraid of hypocrisy, the sad sad sad!


A sad how much melancholy to spectrum, every crevice of life are blooming with bright blue, go Shi Bushi will be forgotten with life. Qingming, tomb sweeping, would you please tell me the rain is not you cry, you should see the sorrow of parting numb! May you tell me, in fact you are one of the most sentimental. But you said nothing but to cry.


“Rain wet eyes, well look forward to return every year according to the hall are most afraid of not feel tears open two lines is Qingming rain......”


Qingming Festival, also known as Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb-sweeping Day, is one of the 24 segments of the Chinese calendar. It normally falls on the 4th or 5th of April, between spring plowing and summer weeding, and is a time to pay respects to one's ancestors and to tidy their gravesite. On this day, whole families, young and old, go to the gravesite of deceased family members to burn incense and perform a ritual offering while clearing away plant overgrowth from the gravesite.

Qingming Festival is when Chinese people visit the graves or burial grounds of their ancestors. Traditionally, people brought a whole rooster with them to the graves visited but the occasion has become less formal over time. The festival originated from Hanshi Day (寒食节, literally, Day with cold food only), a memorial day for Jie Zitui (介子推). Jie Zitui died in 636 BC in the Spring and Autumn Period. He was one of many followers of Duke Wen of Jin before he became a duke.

Once, during Wen's 19 years of exile, they had no food and Jie prepared some meat soup for Wen. Wen enjoyed it a lot and wondered where Jie had obtained the soup. It turned out Jie had cut a piece of meat from his own thigh to make the soup. Wen was so moved he promised to reward him one day. However, Jie was not the type of person who sought rewards. Instead, he just wanted to help Wen to return to Jin to become king.

Once Wen became duke, Jie resigned and stayed away from him. Duke Wen rewarded the people who helped him in the decades, but for some reason he forgot to reward Jie, who by then had moved into the forest with his mother. Duke Wen went to the forest, but could not find Jie. Heeding suggestions from his officials, Duke Wen ordered men to set the forest on fire to force out Jie. However, Jie died in the fire. Feeling remorseful, Duke Wen ordered three days without fire to honour Jie's memory. The county where Jie died is still called Jiexiu (介休, literally “the place Jie rests forever”).

篇3: 清明节的英语日记



Today, my family and I went to the martyr cemetery to visit the tombstone. In front of the tombstone, I felt extremely sad and mourned the martyrs who died for their country. They will live in the hearts of the people forever! After walking through the martyr cemetery, my mood can't be calm for a long time. I wish the martyrs could look at our country growing stronger and smile underground.


Qingming Festival, also known as grave sweeping festival, Guijie, joss Festival, and the Ghost Festival July 15 and October 15 of that section 3 Ha Yuen Ming Festival, and the worship spirits.

Ching Ming Festival, called Ta-Qing Festival, according to the solar calendar, it is in each of 4 to 6 April between springtime vegetation Tulu is the season, it is also people Spring Outing (Ancient called Ta-Qing) good , so there are the ancient Ching Ming Ta-Qing, and a series of sports practices. March ancient Ching Ming festival is also called, has years of history.

For the calendar before the Ching Ming Festival on April 5, is one of the 24 solar terms. In the 24 solar terms, is a cycle is the only Ching Ming festival. Ancient Chinese Tomb Sweeping Festival will be divided into three-designate: “Tong Sihwa designate a second designate voles into losing; Rainbow designate only see three.” Means in this first season of Pittosporum open, and then the voles disappeared Hi Yam, all return to the ground floor of the cave, and then see the rainbow after the rain the sky.

The 24-cycle comparison objectively reflect all year round temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of phenological changes, the ancient working people use it for farming activities. “Huainanzi astronomy lecture,” saying: “after the spring equinox on the 15th, fighting means B, Tomb Sweeping Festival to the wind.” By the “100-year-old, asked,” saying: “At this time of things, are clean and bright, clean. So that the Qingming Festival. ”Qingming one that elevated temperature, rainfall increased, it is a good kind of spring for spring plowing season. Therefore, “Qingming around point melon grow beans,” “afforestation, Wu Guo Qingming Festival” were made by the farmers. This shows that agricultural production cycle and has maintained close relations.

However, as the Qingming Festiival, and the cycle has simply different. Phenology is the cycle of change, seasonal sequence of signs, and festival includes a certain amount of customs activities and a commemorative significance. Ching Ming Festival is China's traditional festival, the most important festival of worship, and the graves of ancestors day. Commonly known as Shangfen graves, a deceased worship activities. Most of the Han nationality and ethnic minorities are in the Ching Ming grave-sweepers. According to the old custom, the graves, people carrying Jiushi fruit, paper money, and other items to the cemetery, food festival with relatives for the tomb, then incineration of paper money for a new graves pui soil, a few Nenlu% of the new sticks planted on the grave , and then kowtowing via worship, eat Jiushi final home. Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's poem “Qingming”: “Qingming have rain season, the road to pedestrians powder. Asked by restaurants where? Vaquero Yaozhi Xinghua Village.” Wrote the special atmosphere of the Ching Ming Festival. Until today, the Ching Ming Festival worship ancestors, deceased relatives mourning customs are still prevalent.


Its Chinese name“qingming” literally means “clear brightness”

In this hoilday, first,I spend a lot of time on my homework and do many useful exercise .Second,I often help my parents do some housework .

On wednesday, It was very windy ,so,I went to fly the kites with my friends in the park. The wind blew hard and our kite flew very high and very well. The wind blew hard and our kite flew very high and very well.In this day,we had a good time!


On Saturday, our whole family went to the hometown to ancestral tombs.

The ancestral graves on the hillside, I picked up the broom, sweep around the ancestral graves leaves such as garbage. Then pick up the dishcloth, with clear water, carefully wipe the tombstone. After a vigorous after wiping, ancestral grave ancestral grave as new spotless, if brightness is new. Before long, ancestral graves were we sweep, after we worship, and went home for lunch.

After eating a delicious lunch, I lay in bed, thinking in the heart: tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship is a festival, is we should all do, grave we praise, want to come but can't come to also want to give praise. But it never occurred to grave should be criticized and condemned! You ever think, ancestors of the credit have how old? Ancestors left the land for us, let us to build, a land... You ever think, if there are no ancestors, we, the ancestors of the credit is not ah! But now some people are at the qingming festival, the idea of no grave, the ancestors leave, has died, let weeds overgrown tomb. Such people should not be condemned by the people?

Is a tomb-sweeping day, this is the eternal I couldn't help thinking of tu mu: “rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go......”


春节见闻日记 推荐度:英语寒假生活日记 推荐度:寒假生活英语日记 推荐度:暑期见闻作文 推荐度:暑假见闻作文 推荐度: 相关推荐


The wind gradually stopped,the sky darkened,the class is still floating sporadic rain. Holding a small umbrella,with a bunch of flowers,radial cemetery walk.

The path is in the middle of the forest. The sun shines from the clouds. The dew on the leaves reflects another world. The flowers are bleary,waiting for bees and butterflies. Occasionally I can hear birds singing in the woods,and my heart starts to empty here. There are several families living here. The houses are still in the 1950s and 1960s,surrounded by walls,which do not show anger. When I came closer,I saw two pairs of old people sitting opposite each other vaguely. They looked sad. There were some paper photos on the table and so on. Then I heard one or two sniffs. All of a sudden,a branch of the sound of breaking,a few sparrows will fly in a hurry,rain drops fall down,ice.

Out of the path,at a glance,is the Yellow waves surging cauliflower field,the middle of a winding mud. Maybe it“s because there are more people passing by. The mud has become muddy. Many people hold their feet carefully. It seems that they can”t bear it. But what expensive shoes they are!I paused,the middle is muddy,the dew of cauliflower on both sides is thick,forget it,at will!So I took the first step,the second step

The road is long,I turn into mud.

Across the bridge,there is a rolling cemetery. There is a small river here,which encircles the cemetery and then pours it into the river. It seems to last day and night. From a distance by the river,it looks like the eight trigrams of Taiji in ancient books. The vegetation is very dense,climbing,covering most of the inscriptions. Where the wind passes,the leaves brush towards the tombstone,making a strange sound from time to time. Apart from the grass branches,the tombstone is reflected in the eyes,with a line of inscriptions on the surname of the target vaguely engraved on it — with the passage of time,all of them are gradually eroded. I will engrave my own name here!

Grandpa tried to cry,and then told their incomplete story — their good,I am unforgettable!Standing in the boundless sky,in the smoke of gunpowder,my heart is sour,but what can I do?The past is gone. I want the survivors to live forever. I want them to enjoy the blessings of thousands of years. Close your eyes and take a breath. I will do something.

On the way back,everything has not changed,but deep faith.


Time is like an arrow. It's another year's Qingming Festival. It's drizzling in the sky. Me and my parents. My aunt drove back to her hometown to sweep the grave for Grandpa.

On the road, I saw the diamond poplar standing tall and straight by the road through the window. Its gray body was light green, and its branches spit out dense buds, swinging gently in the humid breeze. The charming and colorful weeping willows have long hair and dance in a whirl. The green wheat field in the distance can't be seen at a glance. There was a constant stream of vehicles on the road, and everyone hurried to sweep the grave. Outing.

When I came to grandma's house, according to the custom of my hometown, grandma ed willow branches on both sides of the gate. Me and my father. Uncle prepared burning paper to sweep grandpa's grave. People in twos and threes were all going to sweep the grave. Mother fried leek dumplings when she came back.

Tomb Sweeping Day is a time for everyone to sweep tombs. On the festival of mourning, I will visit Grandpa's grave next year.




Thousands of miles of solitary graves, speechless, inexplicably feel a heavy gas dense upward, with sad thoughts gradually away. Diaries first grade Diaries.


I can't resist this sudden memory, and I can't forget the deep feeling surging in my heart. Stand choking, pieces of red intestine, let tears wet eyes.


The distance between mountains is a kind of despair, the distance between waterways is a kind of sadness, and the distance between heaven and the world is how to describe the sadness of “red fragrance dissipation” for a rebirth. Helpless love, helpless love, the interpretation of the helpless change, from now on for a few years, Tianpan alone.


Once upon a time, there was always someone holding me and listening to stories like crow and fox, here's no silver, thumbs and so on. He always laughed at the foolishness of crows, admired the cleverness of foxes, admired the courage of thumbs. His childhood dream was full of fantasy and magic. When I was a kid, my favorite thing was to eat wonton with him. At that time, I had a big appetite. Sometimes I could eat two bowls, but he never ate them himself. The way I wolfed them down often made him laugh. He often took me to the old age association in the village, and pointed to me happily and said, “this kid has a big forehead, and is blessed!”


I'll never forget that moment when my mother flew me to the hospital. My mother and the doctor were talking. She almost fainted. I cried. Suddenly I felt a shock gushing from the bottom of my heart, shaking my whole body. Standing in front of the hospital bed, looking at his pale and fragile face, he was at a loss. When he saw me, his face showed a very excited smile, so brilliant but so sad. “My child Don't forget grandpa when you grow up! ” This is the last sentence he left me, a sentence that is too common to be ordinary, but contains his infinite love for his grandson. What he needs is that his granddaughter can remember him. That's all. This is the most sincere voice of an old man.


Grandpa, it's Qingming again this year. When I came to you, do you remember the last words I said to my granddaughter? Don't worry, I will always remember you. In this rare day, I am wandering around in the world, looking for your sky. I will accompany you and accompany you well. Can you hear me? Can you feel it?


Tomorrow morning, you can see the red light, the bees and butterflies flying, and you can see the sky, leaving only a blank





















