高二英语05-06同步课程复习(一) 典型例题解析

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高二英语05-06同步课程复习(一) 典型例题解析(合集7篇)由网友“阿晖”投稿提供,今天小编就给大家整理过的高二英语05-06同步课程复习(一) 典型例题解析,希望对大家的工作和学习有所帮助,欢迎阅读!

高二英语05-06同步课程复习(一) 典型例题解析

篇1:高二英语05-06同步课程复习(一) 典型例题解析


【例1】If you fail in the examination, never________.

A.lose your heart B.lose a heart

C.lose the heart D.lose heart

【答案】 D

【解析】学生容易给出的答案是A。这是受从句主语的影响。其实知识点必须建立在lose heart的本意上。Lose heart意思为“气馁”,不应在其前加冠词,也不必随主语在其前加上相应的形容词性的主代词。而答案中的lose one’s heart则有“钟情于……,爱上……”之意,显然不符题意,故应选D。

【例2】She continued _______ her books,

A.to write B.writing C.write D.A or B


【解析】此题考虑continue的用法,有些学生只知道A“continue to do”正确,不知道“continue doing”也可以,故选D。


【例3】He joined the Party in _______1940s when he was in _______twenties.

A.the ; the B.the ; his C./; the D./; his


【解析】大多数学生由于不细心,很容易把题中1940s误作1940,肉而导致第一个空不选,并进而得出答案D,造成的失误。表示年代后加s或’s,意为几十年代,前边必须有定冠词the.该题中还有一个小知识点,即在某人几十风时(二十、五十等),整十的数词要变成复数,如twenties, thirties。

【例4】The teacher sat at the desk _______.

A.think about something B.and thought something

C.thinking about something D.thought something


【例4】此题有的学生选A,这是错误的。并列句应用and连接,并将think改成thought才行,也就是and thought about/of。如果选B,则think为不及动动词,须改为and thought of/about 才可以。C是现在分词短语作sat at the desk 的状语。

【例5】________I know, he will be away for a week.

A.As long as B.So far C.So far as D.As soon as


【解析】 这个题首先要弄清各个答案的含义及其在句子的功能;as long as“跟……一样长”;so far“到现在为止”,不能引导从句。so far as “据……,就……”之意,后跟一个表示程度的状语从句,这时候as far as = as far as. as soon as“一……就……”引导时间状语从句。这样A、D意义上不符,B结构上不对,故应选C。其形式so far I know/as far as I can see就我所知(依我之见)之意。

【例6】Each year, millions of smokers die ______ smoking.

A.form B.by C.off D.for


【解析】其中先不能选的答案是off,不和die构成动词短语,而for和die搭配,不表原因而表目的;by和die搭配则指因暴力、凶器而死,而die from后接衰弱、不卫生、不注意、负伤等。


【解析】此题学生易答C leave表状态时不与不式连用,此题考查remain的用法。Remain=stay例如 I will remain to watch the match.

remain+adj. He remains careful and modest.

remain+p.p The situation remained unchanged

remain+to do (to be done) A lot of things remain to be done to stop pollution.

remain+n. He remains a businessman.

【例7】“Not all the people smoke” means;

A.Some people don’t smoke. B.All the people don’t smoke

C.A and B D.All the people smoke.


【解析】此题考查部分否定not all、all …not、some… not、every…not、both…not等等。部分学生只选A或B,all…not也是部分否定,A and B正确。

【例8】All _____they need is something ________them feel better at that moment.

A.that, to make B.which, no make

C.which, to made D.that, make


【解析】 此题的关键要弄清句子的结构,前一部分是定语从句修饰all不定代词,此时关系代词只能用that.


【例9】误: It is a pleasure meet your.

正:It is pleasure to meet you.


另还可接that从句(主语从句),如:It is a pleasure that you are here.

但有时用this, that代替it,这时应是同位语从句,不是主语从句。

如:This is a pleasure that the girl could speak English.

另:It’s a pleasure. I will see you the next day.


-Thank you for helping me.

-It was a pleasure.

口语中常用物主代词替换不定代词,并省略“It is/was”。如:

-Thanks for your help.

-My pleasure.

另:With pleasure。常用于回答Could you/Would you …?如:

-Could you post the important package for me?

-With pleasure.


【例10】The day they looked forward to ______.

A.come B.coming C.came D.comes


【分析】 如果不认真分析句子,就会把looked forward to 当谓语看待,而选B。但该句中they looked forward to是定词从句,修饰先行词to day由此可见句子缺少谓语,故C项正确。

【例11】误:He shook hand with me eagerly.


(1)He shook hands with me eagerly.

(2)He shook me eagerly by the hand.

(3)He shook my hand eagerly.

(4)He has a handshake with me eagerly.

【解析】shake hands with意指“握双方的手”,“和……握手”;而shake sb. By the hand 或shake sb. ‘s hand,have/has a handshake with sb.仅指对方的手。

【例12】误:“Shall I help you?”“No, you shan’t.”

正:“Shall I help you” “No, thank you.”

【解析】回答由Shall I (we)…?Would(Will)you…?Could you…?表示征求意见的问语时,不用shall,will,(would),could作答。例如:Would you go there?回答时不用:Yes, I would. 而说:Yes, I will.回答:Could you help me with the suitcase?时,不用:Yes, I could.而说:Yes, I can.等等。

【例13】误:Shanghai is larger than any other city in Africa.

正:Shanghai is larger than any city in Africa.

【解析】学生在使用形容词、副词的比较级时,必须避免自身相比,有些学生一下就用than any other city。事实上,此题的考查对象只是“中国的城市与非洲的城市相比”,不属于同一范畴,不应用other来区分。

【例14】-When did the story happen?


A.Lately at night B.Later in night

C.Lately D.Later at night


【解析】首先要弄清lately副词,“最近”、“近来”之意,相当于recently。句子时态常用现在完成时。而later“较迟的”之意,故应在答案BD中选择。一般说at night或in the night所以答案应为D。

【例15】You should pay ______ attention to the sentence pattern.

A.especial B.special C.particular



Particular 着重强调同类事物中某一个具有独特性质的事例。如:

It is an event of particular importance.这是一个特别重要的事。



Small children need special(especial)food.



The girl returned home, specially to see her sick mother.这女孩回家专程看望生病的母亲的。

The trees turn green especially when the strong wind and heavy rain is over.

【例16】It is sure that he will win the first place.

【解析】这是一个错误的句子,应改为It is certain that he win the first place.


(1)I am not sure/certain where I found it.

(2)Be sure of / about 与be certain of/about,都有“对……自信”、“有把握的判断。”如:

She is certain/sure of her success.

Be/sure/ certain to do sth.指说话人代表自己或者他人的推测口乞,主语不一定是人。She is sure/ certain to come.

The bird can be certain/ sure to fly.

含的certain 与sure 的句子都可转化成不同的句子。如:

He is sure to come=He will surely/certainly come.

It is certain that our group will win= Our group will certainly win.

Our group is sure/certain to win.




He went to some place/ a certain place in Europe.



He is honest, I am certain he did not do it.

I am sure he will come this evening.

(3)be sure that从句结构中,主语保能是sb.不能是sth.。

be certain that you will yet there in time.

I am sure he will go.

I am certain he met me.

【例17】Before he died he was honored in a number of ways for his contribution to the film industry.

【解析】这是一个错误的句子,contribution须用复数,改成contributions。Contribute sb.(sth.) to sb.(sth.)

contribute to sb.(sth.)

give/make contributions to sb.(sth.)或give/make a contribution to

【例18】-Please don’t make a noise.

-_______.I’ll be as quiet as a mouse.

A.Yes, I won’t B.NO, I won’t

C.No, I will D.Yes, I will


【解析】回答祈使句时,用will 或won’t。因为反意疑问句用will you,该句可理解为Don’t make a noise, will you?A、C项是语法错误。D项跟前后文矛盾。

【例19】What a pity my new computer doesn’t work. _______must be something wrong with it.

A.It B.There C.This D.That


【解析】应该理解为There is something wrong with …句型,这样很容易找到正确答案。

【例20】Tom, _______sure to write to me soon.

A.is B.be C.are D.do


【解析】这道题应该选项前有逗号,说明Tom和后边句子并非主谓关系,应判断为祈使句“be sure to”意思是“一定要”。

【例21】Please tell me the way you thought of ______ the garden.

A.take care of B.to take care of

C.taking care of D.how to take care of


【解析】该题学生误解主要是依据of而确定答案的,自然而然就联想到名词或动名词。实际上“you thought to”是way的定语从句,“why”后面省略了关系词that或in which,后面应该用不定式短议事作目的的状语,因此答案应选B。

【例22】Many a student have made that mistake.(判断正误)


【解析】many 许多+名词复数,谓语动词用复数,如:

Many students have made that mistake. Many a+名词(单数)意义上等many+复数名词,但谓语动词用单数形式。

此句改为:Many a student has made that mistake.

【例23】The number of the people who _____cars______increasing.

A. owns; are B.own; is C.would be ;is D.own; are


【解析】 此题考查:(1)定语从句中谓语动词的数要与修饰的先行词一致,第一空和选D是错误的。

(2)主谓一致问题,不少学生见到number便认为谓语动词要用复数。要注意a number of, a great number of, a large number of 引起的句子作主语时,谓语动词单复数皆可。如:

A large number of students are form the U.S..

A large number of books is(are) lent from the library.

但the number of +名词复数作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式。如:

The number of the students in my school is 4000.


【例24】On each side of the street _______ a lot of trees.

A.stands B.grow C.is standing D.are grwn


【解析】多数不生答A,这是错误的。此题强调on each side the street,主语a lot of trees与grow位置全部颠倒。这时尤其要注意的是,谓语动词的数要与后边的主语保持一致。故B正确。

【例25】John, together with two dogs. ________for having broken the rules.

A.was punished B.punish

C.were punished D.being punished


【解析】初看这题时,大多数学生选择C。但要注意英语与汉语不同。在together with,with, as well as 等连接并列主语时,谓语的动词的数要与前面主语一致,故A正确。

(1)He, as well as his parents, ________.

A.are going abroad B.is going abroad

C.are abroad D.is abroad going

(2)John, with some boys, ________.

A.leaves of Beijing B.leave of Beijing

C.leave Beijing D.is leaving to Beiing

根据上述原则,可知答案:(1)B (2)A

【例26】 He is the only one of the students who ______ criticised(批评)。

A.are B.is C.have D.has



注:此句定语从句,由于从句修饰的先行词前有the only,定语从句不是修饰“students”而是修饰“one”故从句谓语动词要与“one”保持一致。

【例27】Don’t’ lose _______, boys and girls. You’ll be ______ sooner or later if you work still harder.

A.hearts, unsuccessful B.your heart, succeeded

C.heart, successful D.your heart, successfully


【解析】 该题中的lose heart 是固定短语,不随主语给前边加形容词性物主代词,也不能变复数;同时,第二空根据意义理解应用形容词,句意须用successful,故答案应为C。


(1)I am not good at maths and she is no better than I.

(2)I am not good at maths and see is not better than I.



如:She is not stronger than I.她并不比我结实。



【例29】判断正误:(1)A book is laying on the ground.

(2)A book is lying on the ground.





Japan lies the east of Asia.

【例30】判断正误:(1)You ought to have told him about it the day before yesterday>

(2)The child ought not to have been allowed to go alone.

(3)You ought to be reading English articles now.


【解析】(1)句子是“ought to have+done”结构,表示“过去应该做的事而实际来做”。

(2)句是“ought not to have+done”结构,表示“本来应该做而做了”。

(3)句“ought to be+doing”(进行时结构)




【例31】判断正误:(1)Such persons as she is to be scolded.

(2)Such persons as she are to be scolded.


【解析】因为as she 是定语从句作persons的定语,因此谓语动词的数与persons保持一致,要用复数。

【例32】判断正误:The ground was covered with falling leaves.


【解析】falling leaves“正在落的叶子”(表示正进行);fallen leaves落叶(表示完成)。应用fallen leaves.

如:developing country发展中国家,developed country 发达国家

boiled water 开水,boiling water正在开的水


(1)The building was damaged in a big fire.

(2)The building was destroyed in a big fire.




(1)In all there are probably no more than a total of 400 tigers left in China.

(2)Not more than twenty girls passed.

【解析】两句都是对的,但意义不同,这里要注意区分no more than和not more than。

在数量上进行比较时,no more than=only,作“仅仅”、“只有”解,有“少”意,not more than, 作“至多,不超过”解释,说明一个事实。

从程度上比较时,no more…than…有“两者都不”之意,not more…有“不及”之意。如:

The book is no more interesting than that book.

=Neither this book nor that book is interesting.

=The book is not interesting. Nor/Neither is that one.(两者都没有趣。)

但The books is not more interesting than that one.

=That book is more interesting than this book.(这部书不及那本书有趣。)

【例35】判断正误:(1)Do me favor to put on this shirt.

(2)Do me a favor to put on this shirt.

(3)Do a favor for me to put on this shirt.


【解析】favor 是句词,常见的词组有:do sb. a favor to do(或do sb. the favor to do) do a favor for sb. to do.

【例36】判断正误:It doesn’t seem to fit very well.


【解析】(1)to fit very well 作真正主语


(3)seem to do, to do为不定式,有如下几种结构:

seem to do

seem to be doing

seem to have+p.p

seem to have been+p.p

seem to have been+doing

seem 除了接不定式外,还有以下几种用法:


2)it seems that+从句(主语从句)

3)it seems /looks as if it is doing to snow.


My raincoat got caught in the door and the bottom button came off.


【解析】“come off”此外意为“从……离开”;另有“下班”之意。

如:He came off the work.

另,come off 还有“举行,大获成功,实现”之意。如:

The conference will come off next.

The experiment came off this match.

【例38】判断正误:(1)It looks as if it is pure gold.

(2)Did he act as if he heart of it?

(3)He talked as if he had been there several times.


【解析】(1)句是as if引导的表语从句]



1)as is +从句(be用were)

2)as if+从句(用过去式)

3)as if+从句(had+p.p)

【例39】判断正误:No matter what you think, you must apologize her.


【解析】apologize vi. 不及物动词

apologize to sb.(for sth.)或make an apology to sb. for sth.

如:I apologized to my teacher for my being late.

【例40】We have just heard a warning on the radio which a hurricane is likely to come.(改错)



引导同位语从句的名词有fact, news, promise, idea, truth 等,属于名词性从句的一种,连接同位语从句的连接词用that不用which,连接副词有how, where, when, why等。

She asked the reason why there was a delay.

The news that be is going to our factory is true.

【例41】It will be over 100 years after the country begins once again to look as it did before.(改错)


It will be a year before he can go to Canada.过一年后他才能去加拿大。

She finished writing his composition before he watched TV. 她写完作文才看电视。


(1)She married a man last year.

(2)The old man married his daughter to a worker.

(3)She got married three years ago.

(4)He has married for three years.




如第一句marry sb.“嫁给某人,娶人为妻”

第二句marry sb. to sb.“将某人嫁给某人,让某人与某人结婚”

(2)作不及物动词,“结婚”。He married one year ago.

(3)注意:1)marry不与介词with连用(但名词marriage可与with连用),但可说get/be married to sb.

2)marry为短暂性动词,因此当用于完成时态时,不可与表示时间段的状语连用。如第4句可说He got married three years ago.

He has been married for three year. 不说He married for three years.

3)作不及物动词语时,marry后可加副词late, early, well等,表示婚期姻状况。如:Shang Li married late.


She has three marred children.

【例43】判断正误:The rest of work is to be finished the next day.


【解析】该题考查the rest of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的数要与谁保持一致的问题,the rest of +不可数名词,work为不可数名词谓语动词用单数形式。



some ,any, most, none, all,

more, half, the rest, part 这些词以及分数词作主语时,要根据意义一致原则确定谓语动词的单复数形式。

如:All are silent , so the meeting hasn’t improved.(all 指人,用复数)

All has been done well, so the work is finished ahead of time.(all 指工作,用单数)

此句中的the rest of+单数→单数(谓语)

the rest of+复数→复数

【例44】判断正误:Jack had his money steal in the library.



have sth. done表示“某事已做了”。


I have my temperature taken in the hospital.


When I climbed up the mountain, I had my leg hurt.


We had had your food prepared.这种结构的否定式表示“不允许”,如:

We won’t have anything said against the Party.

除了have sth. done,还可说get sth. done. Done过去分词作宾语补足语。


1)have sb. do sth. “让人做某事”

Jane will have him call a taxi fro her.

2)have sb.done “使某人被感受……”

I’d love to have him educated in Japan.

If you don’t observe the rules, I’ll have you fired.

3)have sb. doing sth.“使某人主动地去做,或通过一些手段使之愿做”

She told us the story to have all of us laughing.

4)have sth. doing“让某事发生”

He had his car waiting for us.

5)have sth. to do(不定式作定语)

She has an important thing to do. 这种结构中的不定式和它修饰的名词有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以不定式短语中的动词要使用及物动词,短语动词,有时要加有关介词。

We have nothing to worry about.

6)have sth. to be done“使某事得以完成”

Do you have any clothes to be washed?

【例45】The paths were difficult _______especially at night.

A.walk to be on B.to walk

C.to walk on D.walking


【解析】有的学生根据句意选A、B,这是错误的。此句中的不定式to walk on 在句子中作状语,这种动词不定式作状语时和主语有动宾关系。注意结尾介词的使用。

The picture is beautiful to look at.

Water is fit to drink.


【例46】For centuries travelers have returned from abroad with seeds and young plants to add to the centre’s collection.

【解析】此句中的with seeds and young plants to add to the …为“with +n. +to do …结构”


With+n. +prep.短语

如:She came into the room with a ruler in his hands.


She had to go home on foot with money stolen.


She often goes to do morning exercise with children outside.


(1)As a young man, he was a leader.

(2)My home town is no longer the same as it was.

(3)As is well known, she is honest.



as 作连词引导从句,如(1)句as引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时候”,不是介词,后省略As he was.

As 除了表示时间外,还可引导下列从句:

As he was ill, he could not go there.(原因)

He raised his voice so as to be heard by his students.(目的)

You must do it as I tell you.(方式)

Young as he is, he knows a lot.(让步)

The work is as easy as I think.(比较)

I have never seen such persons as John and Mary. (定语)

(2)、(3)句中as作代词,2)句中the same as像……一样,(3)句中as关系代词代表后面主句表达的整个内容,句子中作主语。

【例48】Hurry up, we are going to set off.(改错)

【答案】be going to 改为be about to

【解析】be going to 在时间上指不久的将来,可以加上时间状语来修饰,有“打算”之意。

be about to 指最近的将来,不可加时间状语,有“马上出发”之意。


(1)We have produced much more color TV sets since 1990.

(2)The business man will earn many money the next year.

【答案】(1)句错误 (2)句错误

【解析】这两个句子主要是考查many more, much more 的区别,两者都作定语,但many more用修饰可数名词,much more修饰不可数名词,所以第2句中的many more改成much more,第1句中的much 改成many more.

另:much more短语作形容词词组用时,它在句子中可作表语,不论其句子主语是可数名词还是不可数名词,但many more不能这么用。如:Water there is much more.

much more 可用来修饰多音节的形容词,如:This bike is more beautiful than that one.

二者都可作代词用,在句子中可作主语,宾语,但many more代表可数句词much more代表不可数名词。如:Some people for the suggestion, but many more as against it.


A 人物介绍

参考篇目:Unit 1. Hawking. Einstein

注意:1. 表格变为段落




be born when he/she was ……years old /at the age of

later begin to graduate from

spend time doing discover

评价:be considered to be / be regarded as

be rewarded…… contribute

devoted oneself to sth.


Date of birth: March 14th, 1879 Place of birth: Germany

Childhood: curious, slowing in learning

Education background:

1886 : study in Munich, mathematics, religion

1896 : graduated from high school

1900 : become a maths teacher

1905 : receive a doctor’s degree

Achievement: develop the Theory of Relativity by 1915

prove light is bent when passing the sun

won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922

Evaluation: one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born on March 14th,1879 in Germany. When he was a child,he was curious about everything, but he was considered to be slow at learning. In 1886, he began to study in Munich. He studied mathematics as well as religion. In 1896,Einstein graduated from high school at the age of 17.

Four years later, Einstein became a maths teacher. In 1905, he received a doctor’s degree. By the year 1915, he had developed the famous Theory of Relativity and became famous in the world. He proved that light is bent as it passes the sun. Because of his great achievement, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.

Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in the 20th century. Some people say that he was a genius. But I think the main reason why he was so successful was his hard work .

B. 说明文

参考篇目:Unit2.News Media 不同观点对比。阐述自己观点。


对比:while, but, however, on the contrary, on the other hand,

类比:as well, besides, also, too,

表达观点:I think, in my opinion, it seems to me……

1. 适当增加与要点有关的语句加以说明;

2. 主要陈述自己观点,对对方观点要提及并加以驳斥;

3. 在结尾处重申自己的观点



Side A Side B

1. Museums can help understand what happened in the past

2. Museums can educate people

3. Museums are centers for research.

4. Museums can attract tourists to the city 1. Museums use up a great sum of money

2. Museums are usually in old buildings, so they need protection

Most cities have at least one museum, but how important are museums to people living in the 21st century?

Some people think that museums use up the money which could be spent on other things. Besides, museums are usually in old buildings, so they often need protection.

In my opinion, museums can help people understand what happened in the past. If we have a better understanding of the past, we may improve our life in the future. Museums play an important role in educating people and they are centers for research. Also, museums are very important for tourism. They attract a lot of tourists to the city each year.

To sum up, it seems to me that museums are an important part of our life. They are worth visiting and protecting.

C. Safety Rules

参考篇目:Unit8 First Aid

Useful expressions:

You should always… Please don’t ….

You ought to ….. You should not….

You must…. Never…..

Make sure that …. You must never….

Always remember to ….


Use the lists of dos and don’ts below to write a passage about safety rules in the chemistry lab.

Dos Don’ts

wash your hands before & after the experiment

keep the air fresh

put on gloves when doing experiments

be careful with fire and dangerous chemicals taste chemicals

eat anything

touch anything without teacher’s permission

run about in the lab

An emergency may happen every day. But if we are careful and follow some safety rules, some can be avoided. Let’s take chemistry lab as an example.

First of all, you should wash your hands before and after the experiment. And you should keep the air in the lab fresh. You’d better put on the gloves when doing the experiment. Be careful with fire and dangerous medicine.

Never taste chemicals or eat anything in the lab. Always remember not to touch anything without teacher’s permission. You shouldn’t run about in the lab.

Only in this way can you keep yourself safe in the lab.

D. 记叙文

参考篇目:Unit 7 Living with disease / Diagnosed with Cancer



表示时间的短语:one day, while, when, then, a moment later, as soon as…

因果关系:so, as, as a result……



根据以下图示,以Naughty Tommy为题,写一篇短文,描述在公园里所发生的事。

1 2

3 4

Tommy was a naughty boy. One day he saw a girl playing happily under a tree. He decided to play a trick on her. So he picked up a stone and hid himself behind the tree. Then he threw the stone at the girl. Hit on the back, the girl began to cry. Tommy was very happy and went away with a smile.

A moment later, he saw a dog sleeping on a bench. He picked up a stone again

and hit the dog. The dog woke up and jumped at him. Tommy was so frightened that

he ran away as fast as he could.

E. 过程描写

Useful expressions:


as soon as

be about to do….when….

just as….

suddenly / all of a suddenly

happen to do…/ It happened that…


How to write a process paragraph?

1. 审题: 文字,图表 2.文体

3. 人称 4. 时态

5. 内容要点

a) 时间

b) 地点

c) 人物

d) 事件经过

6. 所需词汇及句型:

Practical writing:


假设你是李华,在美国探亲。2月8日清晨,你目击一起交通事故。 警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况。请根据下列图画写出报告。

注意:1 目击者应该准确报告事实;

2 词数100左右;

3 结尾已为你写好。


After two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.

Possible version:

It was 7:15 on the morning of February 8, 2000. I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. Suddenly the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a cry. The car didn’t stop but drove off at great speed heading west. I noticed the driver was a young woman and the plate number was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.



At 7:15 on the morning of Feb,8th ,2000, I was heading east on the south side of the Park Road, taking my morning walk as usual. I saw an old man on the other side of the road outside the gate of the City Park. He was just crossing the street when a car on the 3rd Street made a sudden right turn at the crossing. The car was so fast that the old man even didn’t have time to dodge and the car hit the elderly hard. I thought the driver would stop to help but she didn’t. Instead, she just drove off, leaving the old man still lying on the ground in pain. Fortunately, I noted down the details: it was a yellow car, the plate number of which was AC864, and the driver was a young lady. After that I went over to check out the old man.


It was 7:15 on the morning of Feb,8,2000. I was walking along the southern side of Park Road. I noticed that an old man coming out of City Park was going to cross the road. There was no car at the moment, so the old man started to cross the road. What happened next really surprised me. A yellow car roared down the 3rd Street, made a right turn and knocked the old man down. It happened in such a short time that the old man had no time to react. Seeing this, I rushed to the place where the old man was hit just in time to see the plate number of the yellow car. It was AC864.

F. 地点描写

参考篇目:Unit 5 The British Isles

Useful expressions: be located in / lie in / be situated in

in the west of, to the west of

off the east coast of

cover an area of …… square kilometers

be made up of / consist of

be separated from

be surrounded by

has a population of

******** ********* ******

Location: north-west of Beijing Area: 3.5 square kilometers

History: built in Qing Dynasty, 150 years of construction

in 1860, Anglo-French Forces invaded Beijing, set fire,

took away treasures, ruins,

new China, protected, part of it, rebuilt in 1980’s,

Yuanmingyuan Park

Yuanmingyuan , which is a ruined park, is located in the north-west of Beijing. It covers an area of 3.5 square kilometers. It was built during the Qing Dynasty. After 150 years of construction, it became one of the most famous palaces in China as well as in the world.

However, when Anglo-French forces invaded Beijing in 1860, the whole palace was set on fire. Treasures were taken away and stones lay in ruins.

It was not until the founding of New China that it began to be protected. Part of it was rebuilt in 1980’s.

The stones take on a golden color at the sunset, as if they were telling the story of yesterday.



It was 7:15 in the morning of February 8,2000. 1._________

I was walking along Park Road towards to the east 2. ________

when a old man came out of the park on the other 3. ________

side of the street. Then I saw a yellow car drive up 4. ________

Third Street and made a right turn into Park Road. 5. ________

The next moment the car hit a man while he 6. ________

was acrossing the road. He fell with a cry. The 7. ________

car not stop but drove off at great speed heading 8. ________

west. I notice the driver was a young woman, 9. ________

the plate number was AC 864. About two minutes 10. _______

later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to

the nearest hospital.

1. in→on 2. to去掉 3. a 改为an 4. 正确 5. made改为make

6. a 改为an 7. acrossing应为crossing 8. not前加did

9. notice→noticed 10. the plate number前加and

篇3:高二英语05-06同步课程复习高中英语第二册(上)Unit 9, Unit 10

高 二 英 语(第20讲)

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)







ecology summarise premier prosper sustainable alternative hurricane erupt sanitation sulphur swear responsibility


access, in harmony with, affect, on end, flee, knock about/around



1、20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.

这是on earth = in the world/on the earth在这个世界上之意又例:

New York is the largest city in the world.

on (the) earth.

转义时只用on earth/in the world,位于疑问词后,以强调语气:

What in the world are you doing that for? 你到底为什么干那事?

on earth

2、… there exist serious problems … 存在严重问题

这是there be结构的变体,又例:

There lived a very old witch in the small village.

There stood a leaning tower in the west of the city.

There sat four people around the fire.


×There built a bridge across the river.应为:There a bridge was built across the river.

3、And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars.


less of a problem是英语中名词的比较,比较问题的轻重,一些有程度等级差别的名词都可以使用这种比较:

He is more of a fool than I thought he was.

In this developing country government corruption is more of a problem than any other thing.

It is as much of a success as I expected.

less of a success than

4、flee v.i./v.t. 逃离

v.i. The robbers tried to flee, but they were caught.

His troubles fled. (转义)他的烦恼已烟消云散。

Color fled from her cheeks. (转义)她脸色变得苍白。

v.t. The boy fled the kidnappers and phoned the police.


They all fled (from) the burning hotel.

The great musician fled his nativeland during the Cultural Revolution.



①由as, though, that引导强调让步从句,只是表语或状语,偶或谓语一部分提前,从汉语习惯似为倒装:

Rich as he is, (yet) I don’t envy him.

Child as he was, he knew that was the right thing to do.



Much as we admire Shakespeare’s comedies, we cannot agree that they are superior to his tragedies.

Try as he would, he might fail again.


△“It was cold yesterday.”

“So it was.”

△“He has passed the exam.”

“So he has”


Seated around the fire were a group of children.

Visiting our school were 100 Japanese students.



Away with him! 叫他滚!

Off with your hat! 脱帽!

Down with dictatorship! 打倒独裁!


That I could go with him to England!

Oh that he were here!

Would that I had known it!

If only I had taken father’s advice!

Oh, to be in England! 哦,在英国多好!

Oh, for a friend to keep and advise us! 哦,有个朋友关照我们多好!


To think that in just a few days we’ll be parting! 想想几天就要分开,真扫兴!

To think of your leaving us soon! 没想到你要那么快就离开我们!


How come they left you alone here ? 他们怎么能留你一个人在这儿?

How come you didn’t tell me about this before? 你为什么以前不告诉我?

What about playing pc games?

How about some more drink.

What if/though World War Ⅲ (should) happen? 第三世界大战爆发会是怎么样的?

Why go there alone?

Why not close the windows?


×Why not clean the classroom yesterday? 应该改为Why didn’t you clean …?



1、Not until I began to work _______ has much time I had wasted.

A. didn’t I realize B. realized I C. did I realize D. I realized

2、“John won first prize in the contest.”


A. So he did B. So did he C. He did so, too D. So was he

3、No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything _____ going on in the world.

A. it is B. what is C. as it is D. there is

4、So ______ that no fish can live in it.

A. the river is polluted B. polluted is the river

C. polluted the river is D. is the river polluted

5、On the bus the plain policeman caught a girl ______ her hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. to put B. to be putting C. put D. putting

6、Luckily, we brought warm clothes, without ______ we would be frozen in the sudden snowstorm.

A. that B. which C. them D. what

7、With a year’s pay _______, the poor peasant jumped into the river to drown himself.

A. stolen B. robbed C. stealing D. to rob

8、Even if ______ according to the direction, the drugs would have side effects on you.

A. taking B. taken C. to take D. to be taken

9、_______ our football team will defeat the team of Class 3.

A. There is possible B. It is a good chance

C. It is perhaps D. There is a good chance

10、What ______ the traffic accident to happen?

A. forced B. made C. caused D. got

11、You can’t find such a person in ______ life.

A. true B. virtual C. actual D. real

12、Would you mind if I use your cell phone?

A. Yes, please B. Of course C. Go ahead D. Sure

13、It’s _____ day; we’d better stay home.

A. too cold a B. a too cold C. too a cold D. too cold

14、We’ll check _______ the door is locked. Choose the wrong answer:

A. that B. if C. whether D. for

15、They didn’t succeed in the experiment, but they __________.

A. could B. had to do C. could have D. should have done

16、You’ll find a true friend _____ Max.

A. in B. on C. with D. of

17、The Italian food didn’t _____ me; I felt sick.

A. fit for B. agree with C. taste for D. fit

18、I remember ______ my laptop on my desk, but now it is ________.

A. to put, lost B. putting, missed C. to put, gone D. putting, gone

19、We often _______ ideas about how to play CS.

A. share B. share in C. exchange with D. share for

20、“I slipped on the ice. I think my arm is broken.”

“Oh, I ________.”

A. don’ t hope B. hope not C. I hope not to D. don’t hope to


Today, air travel is far safer than driving a car on a __1__ motorway. But there is a danger that __2__ every year. Airliners get larger and larger. Some __3__ over 300 passengers. And the air itself becomes more and more crowded. If one giant airliner crashed into __4__ in mid-air, 600 lives could be __5__.

From the moment an airliner takes off to __6__ it lands, every movement is __7__ on radar screens, Air traffic controllers tell the pilot __8__ when to turn, when to climb and when to come down. The air traffic controllers around a busy airport __9__ London-Heathrow may handle 2500 planes a day. __10__ of them actually land at the airport. Any plane that flies near the airport comes __11__ the orders of the controllers there. Even a small __12__ on their part could cause a disaster.

Recently such a disaster almost happened. Two large jets were flying __13__ the airport. One , with 69 passengers, had come from Toronto, and the other, with 176 passengers, __14__ Chicago. An air traffic controller noticed on his radar screen that the two planes were __15__ close to each other. He ordered one to turn to the right __16__ to climb. But he made a mistake. He ordered the __17__ plane to do this. So __18__ turning away from the second plane, the first plane turned towards it. Fifteen seconds later it flew directly __19__ the second plane. They avoided each other by the smallest part of a second. The __20__ between them was less than that of a large swimming pool. This is an example of the danger that grows every year.

1、A. wide B. narrow C. busy D. country

2、A. faces B. grows C. rises D. drops

3、A. carry B. have C. bring D. fetch

4、A. the other B. another C. others D. the others

5、A. crushed B. dead C. missing D. lost

6、A. where B. the place C. the moment D. the airport

7、A. made B. watched C. known D. started

8、A. exactly B. correctly C. straight D. carefully

9、A. of B. as C. like D. in

10、A. All B. A few C. Many D. Not all

11、A. out of B. under C. on D. to

12、A. mistake B. pause C. shortcoming D. hesitation

13、A. off B. in C. at D. towards

14、A. from B. to C. at D. in

15、A. so B. very C. too D. just

16、A. not B. or C. but D. and

17、A. very B. larger C. wrong D. right

18、A. not B. without C. not by D. instead of

19、A. in front of B. away from C. behind D. after

20、A. way B. room C. distance D. area


Most teachers are anxious to help their students in any way they can, and it is polite for the students to help the teacher when they see something they can do, especially if the teacher is a woman and the student a young man. Sometimes the blackboard needs to be cleaned, or the door or window shut or opened. Sometimes there are papers to collect or give out. This kind of help is always appreciated. The writer knows a woman teacher, rather small and not very strong, who carried her bicycle for years up three short flights of steps to the school building, where her students stood waiting for her!

Few students like to talk in class while their teacher is giving the lessen. If he has something to say on the subject, the student should wait till he has a chance to say it to the whole class. If it is not on the subject, keep it till the class is over. Who has not been annoyed by having his attention taken away from something interesting he really wants to hear? And it is especially rude to the teacher, making it very difficult for him to continue the lesson.

1、Students should help their teacher _______.

A. when he gives lessons B. if she is a woman teacher

C. unless he gets into trouble D. in any way they can

2、It is not polite for a student _______.

A. to be free to talk in class B. to put up his hand before answering the question

C. to carry the bike upstairs for a woman teacher

D. to talk to his teacher

3、The writer gives us ______ in the passage to show the good manners for a student to help his teacher.

A. many examples B. one example

C. two examples D. two examples in class

4、When the teacher tries to teach his students everything he knows, his students should ________.

A. do everything they can after class for him in return

B. help each other

C. show off their cleverness or knowledge in class

D. show respects to their teacher in every way

5、Which of the following is correct?

A. Greeting the teacher is the only way the students have respect to their teacher

B. It is especially polite to the teacher to clean the blackboard.

C. Good manners at school are important to happy relations between teachers and students

D. It is impolite to wait for a chance to say something on the subject in class.


Men sometimes say, “We are better and clever than women. Women 1._______

never invent things, but we do.” It is true that man invented many 2._______

useful things, but women invented one very important thing, that 3.________

has changed history. They invented agriculture.

After the invention, men were all hunters. They were hunting every 4.________

day. Sometimes they killed animals; sometimes animals killed themselves. 5._______

Life was too difficult. Women had to go out, too. They had to hunt for

food as roots, fruits and grasses. Then, one day thousands of 6._______

years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. They grew and

the first wheat born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots 7._______

and fruit trees. Then they should stay home and look after 8._______

children and animals. They kept the first man-raised animals: 9._______

dogs, cows, sheep and goats. Then their husbands didn’t have to

go hunting. They built villages or cities. Men began civilization 10._______

but it was after women invented agriculture.

参 考 答 案

一1、C 2、A 3、D 4、B 5、D 6、B 7、A 8、B 9、D 10、C 11、D 12、C 13、A 14、D 15、C 16、A 17、B 18、D 19、A 20、B

二、1、C 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、D 6、C 7、B 8、A 9、C 10、D 11、B 12、A 13、D 14、A 15、C 16、D 17、C 18、D 19、A 20、C

三1、D 2、A 3、A 4、D 5、C

四、1、clever → cleverer/move clever 2、man → men 3、that → which 4、After → Before 5、themselves → them 6、∨as → such 7、∨born → was 8、should → could 9、√ 10、or → and

篇4:高二英语05-06同步课程复习高中英语第二册(上) Unit 7, Unit 8

高 二 英 语(第17讲)

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)







narrative immune contract fierce disrupt category ambulance conscious circulate thermometer


live with free from on the contrary choke upside down witness panic



1、live with:


The little girl lived with her aunt.


I don’t enjoy the pain on my back, but I have to live with it.

You’ve lost all your money, now you must learn to live with the situation.

2、free from 不受…(损害等),远离(不好的事物)

He wished to live a life entirely free from troubles.

Officials should be free from corruption.

Mum kept the TV set free from dirt by covering it with a blanket.

3、choke 使窒息,掐死,哽住

v.t. The smoke almost choked me.

Her voice was choked with sobs.

Tom choked his wife last night.

v.i. He choked when he ate too quickly.

The baby choked on the candy.

4、in honor of 向…表示敬意,为庆祝(纪念)…:

There is a party tonight in honor of our new president.

cf: I have just finished a long poem in memory of John Keats.

in memory of … 纪念,只用于已故人物或过去的事情。

[语法补遗] 虚拟语气在一些句型中的使用

1、If only … 代替 I/We wish …:

If only you had let me know earlier. = I/We wish you had ….

If only we could be together.

he would swim.

I could have been with you .

I had been with you.


If he were only here now!

If you would only try harder!


It’s (high) time he learned to look after himself.

It’s about time

It’s the right time


I’d rather he hadn’t told me about it. 我宁愿他那时没有告诉我这件事。


3、in case, lest及for fear 作以免,万一解,后面从句用虚拟语气:

I’m taking an umbrella with me in case it should/might rain. (也可不用虚拟式,如:… in case it rains.)

They spoke in whispers lest they (should) be heard.



I bought the car at once for fear (that) he might change his mind.

Shut the window for fear (that) it may rain.

(for fear之后一般常跟may, might)



1、Guards in large companies usually get _______ by the hour.

A. paying B. paid C. to pay D. pay

2、Those T-shirts ________ $20 each.

A. are cost B. are worthy C. are worth D. have cost

3、_______ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films often.

A. If it was not B. Were it not C. Should it not be D. Had it not been

4、On the way to Shanghai, my car ______.

A. broke out B. broke in C. broke down D. broke away

5、________ the interview tomorrow, he went to sleep at ease.

A. Prepared for B. Preparing for C. Getting prepared D. Having prepared

6、The young policeman got his leg _______ fighting with the robber. Choose the wrong answer:

A. hurt B. injured C. wound D. broken

7、Without computer life today _______ quite different.

A. is B. will be C. were D. would be

8、If only I _______ so much time playing!

A. didn’t waste B. hadn’t wasted C. wouldn’t waste D. shouldn’t waste

9、The smile on her face suggested that she _______ the exam.

A. passed B. should pass C. had passed D. could pass

10、I don’t think it is the right time that you _______ there.

A. will go B. went C. should go D. didn’t go

11、He is talking so much about Tokyo as if he ______ there.

A. had been B. were C. has been D. had been to

12、Rather than ________ a crowded bus, he always prefers _______ a bike.

A. take, ride B. taking, riding C. to take, to ride D. take, to ride

13、Close all the windows _______ there should be a storm this afternoon.

A. so that B. in case C. in order that D. for fear

14、The foreign guest _______ to the warm welcome with a smile.

A. answered B. thanked C. responded D. replied

15、Though _______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked B. lacking C. lacking in D. lack of

16、Mum can’t help _______ the windows because she’s busy cooking.

A. to clean B. cleaning C. in cleaning D. with cleaning

17、“Could I use your laptop? ”


A. Yes, you could B. Yes, help yourself C. Yes, you may D. Yes, go on

18、“You are so lucky.”

“What do you mean _______ that?”

A. for B. with C. by D. in

19、The plane takes off at 6.00 pm. So I have to be at the airport ________ 5.00 pm at the latest.

A. by B. after C. around D. till

20、It said in the newspaper that an old lady ______ a fish bone in a restaurant.

A. choked with B. choked by C. choked on D. was choked on


I was eight years old when I got my first ___1___ of football boots. This may not seem important now, but __2__ days, clothing was limited __3__ the war, and I knew my father had to go without a coat to give __4___ to me for my birthday.

The school __5__ I went to play football was in a park at the other end of the town, and __6__ my first game I walked across the park to the bus stop. Halfway home, when we were passing the town center, I happened to look __7__ and saw I was holding just one boot. I looked under the seat but there was __8__ sign of the other one. Of course, I was only eight and not used to __9__ boots together. One of them must have dropped on the road. You could imagine my parents’ faces when I __10__ them I had lost it.

I jumped __11__ the bus and caught one going __12__ the opposite direction. To my surprise, a lady who was a friend of my mother’s was on it, and she was __13__ too, because she did not understand __14__ I was going that way __15__ that time in the afternoon. I told her what happened and she wished __16__ luck.

When I got to the park, I started walking __17__ across it, trying to remember all of the various possible routes I had __18__. Suddenly, about 100 meters ahead, I saw the boot __19__ all by itself in the middle of the grass. It seemed __20__ a miracle that I had found it.

1. A. set B. pair C. couple D. one

2. A. in these B. during these C. on those D. in those

3. A. since B. because of C.to D. at

4. A. it B. them C. that D. those

5. A. which B. where C. after which D. that

6. A. before B. during C. after D. for

7. A. down B. up C. to D. out

8. A. a B. the C. no D. little

9. A. put B. putting C. holding D. hold

10.A. said B. told C. explained D. talked

11.A. out B. down C. off D. on

12.A. to B. in C. for D. on

13.A. surprised B. glad C. happy D. worried

14.A. why B. how C. where D. that

15.A. in B. at C. during D. on

16.A. my B. good C. her D. me

17.A. hurriedly B. calmly C. slowly D. nervously

18.A. gone B. taken C. walked D. passed

19.A. lying B. lie C. lay D. lain

20.A. like B. only C. such D. so


People are very careless with money. One occasionally hears that pet dogs or even small children have eaten dollar notes. Goats are supposed to be particularly fond of them. Many people have lost their homes in fires which have also destroyed precious bundles of money hidden in mattresses. In this regard, banks are a great blessing because people no longer have to hide money in places where it can easily be destroyed or stolen. However, accidents still happen as I found out to my regret recently.

I gave my wife an old pair of jeans to wash and went out to work in the yard. My wife usually goes through my pocket before washing anything, but for some reason she did not think of it this particular time. As I was raking leaves in the front yard, I suddenly remembered that there was a fifty-dollar note in one of the pockets of the pants I had given her to wash. I dropped my rake and rushed into the house. But it was too late. My wife told me that my pants had been in the washing machine for ten minutes already! I stopped the machine and pulled them out as quickly as I could. I nearly tore off the pockets as I frequently searched for the note. Finally, I managed to find the soggy bits of paper which had once been a fifty-dollar note. To my great disappointment I discovered that no one could make the bits a note again!

1. People put their money into banks because _________.

A. they want their money to be kept safe

B. they want to double their money

C. banks give gifts to their customers

D. people like to go to banks

2. A good title for this selection is ________.

A. Always Check your Things Before Washing

B. Animals Like to Eat Money

C. People Should Safeguard Their Money In Banks

D. People Should Safeguard Their Money At Home

3. The man’s fifty-dollar money note _________.

A. was eaten by his pet goat

B. was stolen from his pocket

C. was washed in the washing machine

D. was lost on the way home

4. At home, people often hide money in their ________.

A. car B. mattress C. door D. pockets


There are no rules about the sleep. Generally speaking, 1. _________

growns-up sleep about 7 hours each night and probably 2.__________

more than 60 percent get up between 7 and 8 hours. But 3.__________

perhaps eight percent is happy with 5 hours or less, 4.__________

and four percent or so find they want 10 hours or more. 5.__________

If you feel right, you are probably getting enough sleep. 6.__________

The important thing is not to worry about how many other 7.__________

people sleep – their needs may be difference. Exercise 8.__________

doesn’t seem to increase the need of sleep. Office workers, 9.___________

for example, sleep for about so long as people doing 10.__________

physically active work.

参 考 答 案

一、1、B 2、C 3、D 4、C 5、A 6、C 7、D 8、B 9、C 10、B 11、A 12、D 13、B 14、C 15、B 16、A 17、B 18、C 19、A 20、C

二、1、B 2、D 3、B 4、B 5、B 6、C 7、A 8、C 9、C 10、B 11、C 12、B 13、A 14、A 15、B 16、D 17、C 18、B 19、A 20、A

三1、A 2、C 3、C 4、B

四、1、the → the 2、growns-up → grown-ups 3、up → up 4、is → are 5、√ 6、∨right → all right 7、many → much或many∨ → hours 8、difference → different 9、of → for 10、so → as

篇5:高二英语05-06同步课程复习高中英语第二册(上)Unit 5 Unit6

高 二 英 语(第13讲)

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)




narrow diversity Atlantic influence conquer council prediction contemporary necessity genetics identify imitate virtual absurd definition


require, in store, indicate, ensure, make the most of, influence, approach



1、country, nation及state:


Canada is a country nearly as large as China. 加拿大几乎与中国一样大。

Cuba is a small country. 古巴是一个小国。


At the news of Lincoln’s death, the whole nation was deep in sorrow.


联合国:the United Nations,指不同国家与民族的联合。


a state visit 国家访问 head of state 国家元首

a welfare state 福利国家 a state farm 国营农场

2、consider v.t. 考虑,认为……,常见用法:

Please consider my suggestion.

I considered moving into the countryside.

Teachers consider Tom (as) a good student.

to be

Most people considered him (to be) honest.

Everyone considered it greatly improved.

I considered Tom to have passed the exam. (cf: Tom is considered to have passed the exam.)

I considered that Tom had passed the exam.

3、need, require及want等等,见以下例子:

My bike needs repairing. = My bike needs to be repaired. 我的自行车需要修理。

wants wants


The teacher wanted them not to make so much noise. 老师要求他们不要那么吵。





They wanted to know the truth of the accident. 他们要求知道事故的真相。





4、trend v/n 趋向:

The road trends to the south.(原义)以下转义:

His opinion trends towards open minded ways. 他的观点比较开放。

The trend of prices is still upward. 物价依然看涨。

The trend of modern living is away from many old customs.




You look as if you don’t care. 你看上去似乎不在乎。

She felt as though Jack were a member of her own family.

Now it was as if she had known me for years. 现在她好象认识我多年了。

That’s because he has been ill. 那是因为他病了。

I think the teacher’s anger is because you were late again this morning.




1、The special class _______ 20 boys and 18 girls.

A. makes up B. consists of C. is made of D. is consisted of

2、His ________ in democracy led him to _______ against the “gang of four”.

A. belief, fight B. believes, fighting C. spirit, fight D. confidence, fighting

3、When I looked out of the window, I found the train was _______ Shanghai Station.

A. coming in B. going close C. approaching D. getting into

4、Now net games have turned out to be a bad ________ on middle school students.

A. effect B. influence C. impression D. result

5、He is absent. It is ______ he has attended another important meeting.

A. because B. why C. that D. the reason why

6、He asked _________ for the laptop.

A. how much did I pay B. that how much I paid

C. how much I paid D. how I paid much

7、Word came _______ we were defeated in the football game.

A. that B. which C. what D. why

8、They did ________ to rescue the people in the flooded area. Choose the wrong answer:

A. all they could B. what they could C. all what they could D. all that they could

9、It is said ______ has been imported from Germany.

A. that B. that that C. that what D. that which

10、It is generally _______ unwise to buy a house far away from downtown.

A. considering B. considered C. considered being D. considering to be

11、________ the students well ______ for the mid-term exam, the teacher felt satisfied.

A. Seen, prepared B. Seeing, prepared C. Seen, preparing D. Seeing, preparing

12、When was it beside the dustbin ______ you found the dead girl?

A. where B. in which C. which D. that

13、_______ works out the maths problem will win the prize.

A. Whoever B. No matter who C. Those D. Anyone

14、Is this house _______ he lived ten years ago?

A. where B. the one C. in which D. that

15、India is a large ________ with a history of 5000 years.

A. nation B. state C. country D. government

16、Now our country has become the society where more and more old people ______. Choose the wrong answer:

A. need taking care of B. want taking care of

C. require to be taken care of D. want to be taken care of

17、30 years ago almost all factories in our _______ were owned by _______.

A. country, the state B. country, the nation

C. nation, the state D. nation, the country

18、Here’s my first email. Let’s keep _______ each other.

A. in touch of B. in touch with C. into touch for D. in connection with

19、_________ you’ll surely succeed _______.

A. Work hard, in time B. Working hard and, in time

C. Work hard and, in time D. Working hard, on time

20、The young policeman didn’t know __________ so serious a traffic accident.

A. what to deal with B. what to do with

C. how to do with D. how dealing with


Tom used to work at a little railway station. He was very __1__ about “rules”. For __2__,he never smoked in a nonsmoker, nor __3__ a passenger to do so.

He was there for 50 years and then he had to __4__. He asked for a part of an old railway carriage which, he thought, would remind him of the __5__ days he had spent at the station.

About a week later, a carriage was __6__ and was taken into Tom’s back __7__. Tom worked at it, just as he had worked at the station. It was __8__ and painted, and in a week __9__ so it looked very nice.

One day, I went to visit old Tom. It was a __10__ day for a visit. It was raining hard. I walked to the front door and __11__, but there was no answer. However, the door wasn’t __12__, so I opened it and went in. He was __13__ to be seen. I thought he __14__ be in that old railway carriage. So I went to the back. Sure enough, he __15__ there, but he wasn’t sitting in the carriage; he was outside, on the step of the carriage, __16__ his pipe. His head was __17__with a sack and the rain was running down his __18__. “Hello, why on earth are you sitting here? Why don’t you go inside the __19__ out of the rain?”

“Can’t you see?” said Tom. “The carriage they sent me was __20__.”

1. A. careful B. serious C. strict D. worried

2. A. some reason B. some time C. safety D. example

3. A. allowed B. persuaded C. forbad D. advised

4. A. rest B. retire C. return D. leave

5. A. sad B. happy C. busy D. interesting

6. A. made B. repaired C. sent D. posted

7. A. room B. kitchen C. shed D. garden

8. A. cleaned B. washed C. rebuilt D. fixed

9. A. or B. and C. as D. then

10.A. bad B. good C. terrible D. cold

11.A. entered B. stopped C. looked D. knocked

12.A. closed B. shut C. locked D. opened

13.A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. elsewhere

14.A. must B. might C. can’t D. might not

15.A. worked B. stood C. was D. wasn’t

16.A. cutting B. eating C. examining D. smoking

17.A.tired B. covered C. wrapped D. hidden

18.A. legs B. back C. arms D. chest

19.A. house B. tent C. carriage D. train

20.A. too small B. too dirty C. a smoker D. a nonsmoker


Dorothea Shaw is 71 years old and nearly blind, and she chose to live alone far away from people. She lives in Belize -- a county the size of Wales with a population only that of Swansea. Her home is at Gales Point, a tiny village which can be reached only by sea or air; after a 10-mile walk into the hills one finally reaches a piece of land and two small houses so hidden in the thick over-grown forest that only a handful of people know Dorothea is there.

She lives happily and totally alone – growing her vegetables, looking after her trees and dogs, cats and chickens. Once a month or so an old friend passes by with her food supplies and letters--usually including a letter from her sister in Scunthorpe and some bits of clothing from friends in Canada. Sometimes a local man will come and cut wood for her and a group of British soldiers will come across her and be greeted with the offer of a cup of coffee.

At night she lies in her tiny sleeping room with the dogs on the floor, the cats on the table near the typewriter and one of the hens settled down in a corner of the bookshelf, and listens for hours to any Spanish, English, German or French broadcasts she can find on her radio. Sometimes she gets lonely but most of the time the animals and the radio are company enough.

But recently the very things which she had tried to get free from so well have begun to catch up with her. The peace of the forest has been destroyed by the noise of earth-moving machines not many miles away. What she once only heard of distantly on the radio is now on her doorstep. Things began to change three years ago. The new main north-south road in Belize was cut through the forest only four or five miles away. “Now more people know I’m here.” She says. “I feel more and more uneasy each day.”

1、Dorothea’s small houses ________.

A. are entirely surrounded by trees B. have always been her home

C. were built for just a few people D. are in a county with the same population as Wales

2、Dorothea lives in the tiny village because ________.

A. she doesn’t like living near people B. she is too old to move

C. machines destroyed her home D. there’s nowhere else for her to live

3、Dorothea doesn’t get lonely since she has _______ with her.

A. her sister B. some animals C. friends from Canada D. a postman

4、Dorothea spends a lot of time __________.

A. growing all the food she needs B. cutting down trees

C. listening to the radio D. studying languages

5、Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Dorothea doesn’t hear from her sister once a month or so.

B. The cats and hens are settled down in a corner of the bookshelf.

C. More and more people come to visit her now.

D. Dorothea’s quiet life has been affected because of the making of a new road.


There is a great deal land in the fifty United States, but there 1________

also a great many of people. Where did people come from? 2________

The first Americans were Indians. Today there are about 900000

American Indians. There is one part of country with an especially 3________

large Indian population. That is the southeast of American. 4________

The black people first came to America from Africa for slaves 5________

President Lincoln freed the slaves in 1863. About eleven percent the 6________

present population are black people.

The first immigrants in American history come from England and 7_______

the Netherlands. Soon immigrants began to come from many other 8_______

countries. In 1790 the new nation had fewer four million people. 9_______

Today there are more than 210 millions, including the people 10_______

from every part of the world.

参 考 答 案

一、1、B 2、A 3、C 4、B 5、A 6、C 7、A 8、C 9、B 10、B 11、B 12、D 13、A 14、A 15、C 16、C 17、A 18、B 19、C 20、B

二、1、C 2、D 3、A 4、B 5、B 6、C 7、D 8、A 9、A 10、A 11、D 12、C 13、A 14、A 15、C 16、D 17、B 18、B 19、C 20、D

三、1、A 2、A 3、B 4、C 5、D

四、1、deal ∨→ of 2、of → of 3、of∨ → the 4、American → America

5、for → as 6、percent ∨→ of 7、come → came 8、√ 9、fewer∨→ than

10、millions → million

篇6:高二英语05-06同步课程复习高中英语第二册(上)Unit 3,Unit 4

高 二 英 语

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)





architecture preference convenient concrete balcony fantastic fantasy atmosphere embrace insane


prefer impress set aside sort come into being contribute

三、语法: 过去分词非谓语用法小结


1、prefer,preference及would rather v.t. 宁愿,更喜欢

He preferred the town (to the country).

I prefer pink to red..

Do you prefer living abroad (to staying home)?

We preferred to walk (rather than take the bus).

比较We’d rather walk than take the bus.

I should have preferred him to do it in a different vay.

Jane preferred her mother not to come.


She preferred that he (should) do it in the kitchen.

Would you prefer that I (should) come on Monday instead of on Tuesday?

比较:Would you rather I came on Monday instead of on Tuesday?

would rather 之后用过去式型虚拟从句。

a preference for … 对……偏爱

I have a preference for green tea (rather than coffee). 我偏爱绿茶(不喜欢咖啡)。

2、set a side , put aside 及put away


I’ll have to set something aside for my retirement.


=I’ll have to put something away for my retirement.


At such a time of crisis, we must try to put aside all differences of party or class.



Professor Smith set aside the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes.




If you have finished the work, please put these tools away.


v.i./v.t. 捐献,捐赠

He often contributed to the church and the Red Cross.

The old teacher contributed 1000 yuan to the Hope Project.

Einstein contributed his Theory of Relativity to modern physics.

contribution n.

make a contribution to …… 对……作出贡献

4、besides and except


比较:We study many subjects besides Chinese.


He spent much time on all the subjects except politics.



Nobody knows the truth except/besides him. Who can speak French besides/except you?


It’s too late to go out now. Besides, it’s beginning to snow.

**except与except for

The room has no furniture, except a chair.

The room is empty, except for a chair.

只用except时必须与句中所指的是同类,如第一句家具与椅子。但第二句房间与椅子不是同类,必须用except for:

You composition is well written except for some grammar mistakes.


The skirt fits her well, except for its dark color.


5、belong 解释属于时,一般只接to:

The book belongs to the school library.

Power should belong to the people.

What club does he belong to?


You don’t belong in a science class.

The cups belong on the shelf.

The chair belongs in the corner of the bedroom.


She doesn’t belong among those girls who are vain of their beauty.

A person of great patience belongs in teaching.

He didn’t belong with the street gang.



1、I took _______ of them because I didn’t know which was my preference.

A. no one B. neither C. all D. nothing

2、He said he preferred ________ alone ________ with his family.

A. to live, to staying B. living, to stay

C. living, rather than stay D. to live, rather than stay

3、I’d rather he ________ well in English.

A. did B. should do C. do D. does

4、When he got home, he found his apartment ________.

A. breaking in B. broken into C. broken in D. breaking into

5、Green GDP means ________ economy without _______ nature.

A. to develop, going against B. developing, against

C. to develop, against D. developing, going against

6、The audience ________ Liu Dehua’s performance.

A. were most impressed by B. were most

C. most impressed on with D. were most impressed on

7、Shakespeare compared the world _________ a stage.

A. to B. with C. as D. for

8、It is ________ that you can’t pass the exam.

A. surely B. certain C. sure D. certainly

9、Is that ________ Lincoln was born?

A. where B. which C. in which D. the one

10、_______ many times, the theory is still difficult for most people to understand.

A. If explained B. To be explained C. When explaining D. Explained

11、Don’t touch anything in the lab unless ________.

A. asking to B. asked to C. asked D. being asked

12、Unlimited power will _______ corruption.

A. surely lead to B. sure lead to C. lead to cause D. surely lead it to

13、________ the large amount of money, the experiment ________ in failure.

A. Because of, ended up B. Though, ended

C. With, ended up D. Despite, ended

14、_________, they kept on working in the building site. Choose the wrong answer:

A. No matter it was raining B. However hard it was raining

C. No matter how hard it was raining D. Even if it was raining hard

15、This song ________ in my mind my childhood.

A. called up B. reminded me C. called on D. reminded of

16、Choose the wrong sentence:

A. To whom does the house belong?

B. The large table belongs in the center of the room.

C. He felt he didn’t belong among those back street kids.

D. Those high officials always think all the achievements belong under the leadership of them.

17、She’s good at music and literature as well as English, who ______ at school.

A. stands B. stands out C. stands up D. stands by

18、________ I can see, there’s one possible way to keep away from Sars.

A. As soon as B. As well as C. As long as D. As far as

19、When you put part of a chopstick in a glass of water, it looks as if it _________.

A. is broken B. were broken C. should break D. had broken

20、It was cold in the train, so they sat ________ each other.

A. close to B. closely to C. closely D. close


One of the commonest and dangerous causes of home accidents is wrong and careless use of electrical equipment. People continue to use a loose plug __1__ pull out a plug without first turning off the power. __2__ warnings, one will carry an electric heater __3__ the bathroom when he is going to have a __4__. Sometimes one forgets to cut off the power __5__ mending a lamp or something __6__. __7__ this will cause accidents. So the rule about anything that works by __8__ is: Switch off before you touch anything __9__ don’t pretend you __10__ when you actually don’t.

If you’ve got children in the house, it’s always best to __11__ medicines of any kind out of their __12__. Otherwise, they may be taken __13__ candies or a new kind of drink. When there are __14__ people living with you, you have to take particular care in a number of __15__ in order to make them safe and __16__.

Fire, of course, is always a __17__. So, remember not to dry clothes in front of fires, or leave stoves __18__ rooms __19__ they can easily be __20__ over. And don’t __21__ to keep the children away from __22__. __23__, too, may cause fire. So you’d better give it up.

Safety First may mean a little more time and __24__, but it may save you a lot of __25__.

1. A. to B. and C. or D. but

2. A. Because of B. Whether or not C. In the face of D. Despite

3. A. off B. out of C. away from D. into

4. A. cold B. bath C. wash D. rest

5. A. before B. while C. after D. when

6. A. else B. old C. shining D. special

7. A. And B. For C. All D. Only

8. A. a plug B. a heater C. electricity D. a lamp

9. A. that B. you C. but D. and

10.A. do B. touch C. know D. switch

11.A. get B. put C. store D. keep

12.A. reach B. sight C. mind D. touch

13.A. as B. by C. for D. to

14.A.old B. strange C. famous D. grown-up

15.A.people B. other things C. ways D. medicine

16.A. happy B. asleep C. thin D. awake

17.A. friend B. risk C. cause D. warn

18.A. beside B. outside C. at the back of D. in the middle of

19.A.which B. that C. where D. so that

20.A. knocked B. jumped C. handed D. carried

21.A. forget B. mind C. stop D. mean

22.A. danger B. fire C. death D. pollution

23.A. Cooking B. Smoking C. Lighting a lamp D. Heating a stove

24.A. labor B. work C. energy D. care

25.A. money B. expense C. pay D. trouble


The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world. Only the Pacific and the Atlantic are larger. More than one fifth of all the world’s water supply is in the Indian Ocean.

The Indian Ocean touches four different continents. To the south is Antarctica and to the east is Australia. Africa lies to the west and Asia lies to the north. There are several important islands in the Indian Ocean. These include Madagascar, the largest one, which is near Africa, and Sri Lanka, which is near India. There is also a group of islands in the Seychelles near the African coast.

The Indian Ocean is extremely important to the countries in Southeast Asia. Strong winds from the Indian Ocean bring warm weather and heavy rains which are necessary for growing crops.

1、From the passage we can conclude that _________.

A. India is larger than Antarctica B. the Indian Ocean is to the east of Africa

C. Madagascar is smaller than Sri Lanka

D. the Indian Ocean is smaller than any of the others

2、Madagascar lies _____________.

A. in the east of the Indian Ocean B. in the north of the Indian Ocean

C. to the north of the Indian Ocean D. in the west of the Indian Ocean

3、Of all the oceans in the world, the Indian Ocean contains more than _______.

A. 5 percent of the world’s water B. 15 percent of the world’s water

C. 20 percent of the world’s water D. 50 percent of the world’s water

4、The word “supply” in the first paragraph means _______.

A. offer B. system C. store D. amount

5、From the passage we may guess that the countries in Southeast Asia _________.

A. often suffer from the bad weather

B. have too much rainfalls to grow crops

C. are extremely important for the development of the Indian Ocean

D. are developed in agriculture


Look at your watch for just one minute. During that

time, 239 babies were born to the world. Perhaps you 1._________

think that isn’t much. But in next hour, over 14000 more 2._________

babies will be born on earth. So it goes, hour after an hour. 3._________

In one day, people have to feed about 34000 mouths more. 4._________

Just think how many more in one year! How will happen in 100 years? 5.__________

The population problem may be in the greatest today. Two thousand 6.__________

years ago, there were only 250 million of people on the earth. Four hundred 7.__________

years ago the population was over 500 million.

In the beginning of last century, however, the world’s population was 8.__________

about 1700million. In , this figure was over 7000 millions. According to 9._________

a UN report, in about 600 years, there will be standing rooms only on earth. 10._________


一、1、C 2、D 3、A 4、B 5、D 6、A 7、A 8、B 9、A 10、D 11、B 12、A 13、D 14、A 15、A 16、D 17、B 18、D 19、B 20、A

二、1、C 2、D 3、D 4、B 5、A 6、A 7、C 8、C 9、D 10、C 11、D 12、A 13、C 14、A 15、C 16、A 17、B 18、D 19、C 20、A 21、A 22、B 23、B 24、D 25、D

三、1、B 2、D 3、C 4、D 5、D

四、1、to → in 2、∨next → the 3、an 4、√ 5、How →What 6、in →among

7、of 8、In → At 9、millions → million 10、rooms → room


高 二 英 语(第25讲)

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)

Unit11 Scientific achievements 单元综合检测题




1. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. An athlete called Liu Xiang.

B. Competitions in the world.

C. 2004 Olympic Games.

2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. By the window.

B. In a post office.

C. On the steps.

3. How does the woman really feel?

A. Surprised. B. Light-hearted. C. Worried.

4. What is the time now?

A. 8:45. B. 9:00. C. 9:15.

5. What does the man take finally?

A. The blue tie.

B. The yellow tie.

C. Both the two ties.

第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What are the two speakers going to do?

A. Go for a walk.

B. Go for a picnic.

C. Go out for supper.

7. How will they go there?

A. On foot.

B. By taking a taxi.

C. By driving a car themselves.


8. What’s the weather like these days?

A. It’s very hot.

B. It’s very cool.

C. It’s warm.

9. How does the man feel at home?

A. Sad. B. Disappointed. C. Bored.

10. What’s the woman’s idea?

A. Watching TV at home.

B. Going to Green Park.

C. Talking on the phone.


11. Where is the woman going?

A. Hawaii. B. Los Angeles. C. The airport.

12. When is the woman’s sister’s wedding?

A. On Oct. 12th.

B. Tomorrow.

C. On Oct. 11th.

13. When will the woman leave?

A. In a few hours.

B. Right now.

C. On Oct. 9th.


14. How does the girl find the news her father is watching?

A. Unforgettable.

B. Uninteresting.

C. Unfortunate.

15. What does her father advise her to know about?

A. Current world situation.

B. The news media.

C. Something about TV.

16. Why does the girl tell her father to change to Channel 7?

A. The program on Channel 7 is very interesting.

B. She likes to see a musical play on Channel 7.

C. The anchorman on Channel 7 is very popular.


17. At what time did Sally give up her tennis dreams?

A. After she entered a college.

B. After she earned her degrees.

C. After she spent 3 months practicing.

18. How many degrees did Sally earn in Stanford University?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

19. When did Sally ask for the space program?

A. In 1970. B. In 1977. C. In 1978.

20. How many women were among the 35 people?

A. Only one. B. Five. C. Six.




21. - Goodbye, Joyce. Please remember me to your parents.

- ______.

A. Thanks, I will

B. It’s very kind of you to say so

C. My pleasure

D. Thank you. What a good idea

22. The success of this project ______ everyone making an effort.

A. relies on B. cares for C. reminds of D. calls up

23. The student couldn’t ______ what the teacher was trying to explain.

A. recognize B. grasp C. study D. achieve

24. Her examination paper was ______ except for one spelling mistake.

A. private B. humanoid C. perfect D. economic

25. As is known to all, ______ great scientific achievements may have ______ positive effect on our life as well as society.

A. /; a B. the; a C. the; / D. /; /

26. He ______ a plan for the committee to consider.

A. put away B. put off C. put forward D. gave up

27. The school has ______ a special class to help poor readers.

A. set up B. set aside C. come true D. come into being

28. Scientists have made a great ______ in the treatment of cancer.

A. principle B. breakthrough C. conclusion D. introduction

29. - Is it ______ that the spaceship will be launched within this week?

- No, I don’t think so.

A. probably B. perhaps C. possibly D. likely

30. Selecting a digital camera for personal use is no easy task because technology ______ so rapidly.

A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change

31. The development of modern science will soon

______ it possible for some patients to recover from these illnesses.

A. make B. find C. consider D. think

32. - I really like the record you lent me last week.

- ______.

- And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.

A. I’m glad you like it B. That’s all right C. Don’t mention it D. I hope you like it

33. He sent her a telegram ______ his immediate re-turn to London.

A. announced B. announcing C. has announced D. announces

34. The company wishes to ______ its new factory beside the river.

A. find B. stand C. locate D. arrange

35. Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach. I ______so much fried chicken just now.

A. shouldn’t eat B. mustn’t have eaten C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat



The area of California that is called Silicon Valley is about seventy kilometers southeast of San Francisco. It is about forty kilometers long and about fifteen kilometers wide. You will not find the (36) Sil-icon Valley on any maps of California. But it is a very (37) place. There are thousands of high-technology companies in Silicon Valley today.

The (38) begins with Stanford University. (39) World War II, Stanford University was having financial(财政的) problems. It also (40) several thousand hectares (公顷) of land that was not being (41). A professor at Stanford did his best to (42) the problem. He learned that the university could not legally sell the land. The Stanford family made it legally impossible to sell any of the land (43) they gave it to the university. However, the professor discovered there was (44) to prevent the university from (45) companies to pay the university to use the land. This idea (46) the development of an area called Stanford Industrial Park. This business area was (47) in 1954. Several leading companies moved their offices there. These (48) businesses influenced other companies to move into or near the Stanford Industrial Park.

The area became known as Silicon Valley (49) the beginning of the computer age. In the early 1970s, a(an) (50) named the area Silicon Valley in a series of stories for a publication called Electronic News. Young computer engineers with little (51) started companies in this area. Many of these companies are now large international businesses. One (52) is Apple Computers.

Silicon Valley is a name that has become so popular today that it is often used to (53) any area that is home to many electronics companies.(54) the first and most important Silicon Valley can still be (55) in California.

36. A. position B. name C. city D. direction

37. A. distant B. deserted C. important D. interesting

38. A. situation B. reason C. result D. story

39. A. After B. Before C. During D. Since

40. A. owned B. sold C. bought D. provided

41. A. shared B. forgot C. used D. seized

42. A. think B. deal C. mention D. solve

43. A. because B. though C. when D. if

44. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

45. A. permitting B. persuading C. ordering D. obliging

46. A. belonged to B. led to C. referred to D. added up to

47. A. gave up B. handed in C. set up D. used up

48. A. useful B. helpful C. peaceful D. successful

49. A. at B. on C. with D. for

50. A. engineer B. reporter C. employer D. boss

51. A. thought B. knowledge C. success D. money

52. A. model B. example C. form D. shape

53. A. explain B. describe C. believe D. suggest

54. A. But B. So C. Then D. Thus

55. A. continued B. protected C. touched D. found




Have you ever heard the old saying, “Never judge a book by its cover.”? This is a good rule to follow when trying to judge the intelligence of others. Some people have minds that shine only in certain situations. A young man with an unusual gift in writing may find himself speechless before a pretty girl when he speaks. He may not be able to find the right words. But don’t make the mistake of thinking him stupid. With a pen and paper, he can express himself better than anybody else.

Other people may fool you into overestimating(过高估计) their intelligence by putting up a good front. A student who listens attentively and takes notes in class is bound to (一定会) make a favourable impression on his teachers. But when it comes to exams, he may score near the bottom of the class.

In a word, you can’t judge someone by appearance. The only way to determine a person’s intelligence is to get to know him. Then you can see how he reacts to different situations. The more situations you see, the better your judgment is likely to be. So take your time. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

56. The passage suggests that ______.

A. a good writer may not be a good speaker

B. a good writer is always a good speaker

C. a speechless person always writes well

D. a good writer will find himself speechless

57. According to this passage, a student who listens attentively and takes notes in class ______.

A. is an intelligent student

B. may not be an intelligent student

C. will score better in exams

D. will not be a good student

58. The passage suggests that we should judge a per-son’s intelligence through ______.

A. his teachers

B. his deeds in the classroom

C. his appearance

D. his reactions to different situations

59. The writer of this passage wants to tell us not to______.

A. judge a book by its cover

B. make the mistake of thinking a young man stupid

C. overestimate a student’s intelligence

D. judge a person’s intelligence by his appearance


One night in February 1962, John H. Glenn, Jr. flew over Australia. The man in the Mercury (水星) capsule was alone, but friendly voices reached him by radio. Over the dark land 100 miles below, he saw sparkling lights. It marked the city of Perth, where people had turned on their lights as a greeting to him.

In Friendship 7, Glenn radioed, “The lights show up very well. Thank everybody for turning them on.” His capsule moved on to the east.

During his three orbits of the earth, Glenn could always reach one of the 18 tracking stations. Some of them were on ships at sea. Others were in the United States.

Many of the stations had been built with the help of other countries. These countries allowed Americans to bring in radio equipment and set it up. Without the help of such lands as Nigeria, Zanzibar and Mexico, there would have been breaks in the worldwide radio network. John Glenn, Jr. was the first American to orbit the earth. For his flight, the tracking network (跟踪网络) covered 60,000 statute miles (法定英里). 500 men worked in the stations along the route. Since his flight, the network has grown. Today, it covers more than 100,000 statute miles and has about 100 stations. One-third of these stations are outside the United States.

60. This passage is mainly about ______.

A. talking to ships at sea around the world

B. breaks in the worldwide network

C. the first American to orbit the earth

D. a satellite which fell into the ocean

61. From the passage we can see that ______.

A. Friendship 7 stopped in Perth, Australia

B. all tracking stations are inside the United States

C. radio equipment is important in space flight

D. many people could see Glenn in his capsule when he made the flight

62. During his flight Glenn could always ______.

A. see lights on the ground clearly

B. reach ships at sea

C. reach one of the tracking stations

D. arrive at Mercury in his Friendship 7

63. Why did people in Perth turn on the lights?

A. They wanted to guide Glenn to land.

B. It was too dark for them to see in the room.

C. They wanted to see Friendship 7.

D. They wanted to greet Glenn.


The Beatles had a song that once was a hit on US college campuses, back in the 60s, that went like this: “They say the best things in life are free, but you can keep them for the birds and bees. Now give me money. That’s what I want.”

That may have been almost 40 years ago, but those words are still true for some students today, according to a survey of students’ attitudes.

The American Freshman Survey of more than 267,000 students at 413 colleges and universities nationwide showed more than 50 percent of them said they went to college for “financial well-being in the future”. Fewer than 40 percent saw higher education as a way of developing a meaningful philosophy of life.

University of California education professor Linda Sax, the director of the survey, said this reflects a longstanding tension between material rewards and the value of education, something that has been strengthened in recent years.

“Students also increasingly concentrate on prestige(声望) and college rankings, making them more concerned about where they go to school than why they’re going,” Sax said.

Dustin Grant, a freshman of University of Southern California, said the survey results matched his views on what students think about as they leave high school.

Grant, who is a business major, thinks the high costs of college fuel this materialism.

“This is a major investment - like US$40,000 a year. When you’re putting so much in, you’re going to expect to get something out of it,” he said.

But, the 20-year-old added: “Required courses in humanities and the intellectual life on campus can encourage students to think critically about their values and beliefs. College surely opens up new perspectives(景象). Seniors probably express a greater concern for finding meaning in life.”

64. The survey tells us ______.

A. the differences between the students today and those of 40 years ago

B. some students today take the same attitude to money as those of 40 years ago

C. money is more important than a free life for all the students

D. the different meaning between money and life

65. The third paragraph suggests ______.

A. over 267,000 students are at 413 colleges and universities

B. more students surveyed live a well-off life

C. some students will improve their value of life

D. the meaning of money plays an important part in students’ life

66. From what Linda Sax said, we may find ______.

A. material rewards replace the value of education

B. a college with high ranking attracts more students

C. students show more interest in making money

D. professors are anxious about the value of education

67. The word “hit” in the first paragraph means “______”.

A. successful performance B. popular song C. heated argument D. discussing topic


If you go to Brisbane, Australia, you can easily get a small book called Discover Brisbane free. The book tells you almost everything in Brisbane: the restaurants, the shops, the cinemas, the streets, the buses, the trains, the banks, etc. Here is something about banks on page 49:

ANZ Banking Group

Cnr. Greek && Queen Sts ……………… 228 3228

Bank of New Zealand

410 Queen Street ……………………… 221 0411

Bank of Queensland

229 Elizabeth Street …………………… 229 3122

Commonwealth Banking Group

240 Queen Street ……………………… 237 3111

National Australia Bank Ltd

225 Adelaide Street …………………… 221 6422

Westpac Banking Corp

260 Queen Street ……………………… 227 2666

Banking hours are Mon.-Thu. 9:30 am to 4 pm. Fri. 9:30 am to 5 pm. All banks close Sat. Sun. && Public Holidays.

Australia has a decimal currency(十进币制) with 100 cents to the dollar.

Notes available are: $100, $50, $20, $10, $5

Gold coins are: $2 && $1

Silver coins are: 50, 20, 10&&5 cent

Copper coins are: 2 && 1 cent

68. You can find ANZ Banking Group on ______.

A. Queen Street B. Elizabeth Street

C. the corner of Greek Street and Queen Street

D. the corner of Queen Street and Elizabeth Street

69. ______ seems to be the most important street in


A. Greek Street B. Elizabeth Street C. Queen Street D. Adelaide Street

70. On Saturdays, you can go to ______ to put your

money in or take your money out.

A. ANZ Banking Group B. Bank of Queensland

C. National Australia Bank Ltd D. no bank

71. In Australia, the banks have their longest service hours on ______.

A. public holidays B. Sundays C. Saturdays D. Fridays


A 17-year-old boy from the northeastern state of Massachusetts has won the top prize in the Intel Science Talent Search. The competition is the oldest program in the United States that honors the science projects of high school students. The Intel Science Talent Search is 63 years old this year. The winners receive a new computer and money for a college education. A record says 1,652 students from 46 states entered projects for the competition this year. Their research involved nearly every area of science, including chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science and social science. 40 students were invited to Washington, D.C. for the final judging. A group of well-known scientists judged them on their research abilities, critical thinking skills and creativity. The judges also questioned the students about scientific problems before deciding on the winners.

The top winner is Herbert Mason Hedberg. He received 100,000 dollars for his college education. He developed a faster, more effective method to tell if a person has cancer. He explored a way to separate telomerase, an enzyme(酶) found in most cancer cells. His findings have helped advance research into ways of stopping cancer cells from growing. Herbert said he started the project after watching his grandmother struggle against cancer. The second place winner is 17-year-old Boris Alexeev. He received a 75,000-dollar scholarship. His research in computer science could be used in the study of genetics(遗传学). The third place winner is 17-year-old Ryna Karnik. She won 50,000 dollars for describing a new way to build microchips(芯片) used in computers.

Andrew Yeager of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center was chairman of the judges for the Intel Science Talent Search this year. Past competition winners have gone on to receive many of the world’s highest honors for science and mathematics.

72. ______ of the competitors were invited for the final judging.

A. 1,652 B. More than 40 percent C. Less than 3% D. Ten in thousand

73. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Ryna Karnik is a 17-year-old schoolgirl.

B. 10,000 dollars was given to the top winner.

C. The competition is the oldest program in the United States.

D. Andrew Yeager is one of the winners.

74. The purpose of the Intel Science Talent Search is to _______.

A. continue the program with a long history in the United States of America

B. give the winners a new computer and money for a college education

C. support the students to take part in the Inter Science Talent Search

D. encourage more high school students to devote themselves to science

75. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Three Top Winners B. The Intel Science Talent Search Winners

C. Intel Science Talent Search D. A Famous Competition



What should you do when your parents become angry? If your 76. __________

parents get mad, try to have conversation with them 77. __________

about it. Remembering not to shout at them. They also 78. __________

try to change. But they will take some time because they 79. __________

get angrily all their lives, and that is all they know. You 80. __________

might have to change for your methods a couple of times. 81. __________

Do any nice things for your parents that they don’t expect 82. __________

like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes, or clean 83. __________

the floor. If this doesn’t work, turn to your friends that 84. __________

you feel comfortable with, and have him or her to help you. 85. __________


以“Why a sense of humor is important”为题写一篇100词左右的短文。提示如下:

1. 幽默能体现个性;

2. 幽默有益于身心健康;

3. 幽默能融洽与他人的关系。



(Text 1)

M: Liu Xiang became an athlete in 1999 and has taken part in many competitions in the world.

W: I know. He set a new record at 2004 Olympic Games.

(Text 2)

M: I need some stamps and some envelopes as well.

W: Will you step right over to the second window, please?

(Text 3)

M: I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?

W: Oh, I’m really worried about it.

M: I’m not surprised.

(Text 4)

W: Excuse me, sir. What’s the time by your watch? I don’t know whether I can catch the 9: 00 train.

M: Take it easy. You still have a quarter of an hour left.

(Text 5)

W: Which tie would you prefer, the blue one or the yellow one?

M: I prefer blue. But I’ll take them both to have a change sometimes.

(Text 6)

M: Let’s go!

W: Wait a minute. We have to get some things ready.












高二英语05-06同步课程复习(一) 典型例题解析
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