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As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.


We found many beautiful shells on the shore.


She sells seashells by the sea shore.


The shells she sells are seashells.



Living near the seashore may lead to an interest in shells and shell collecting.


A protein substance that is the organic basis of mollusk shells.


Betty sells shells on the back of a red shell.


Small seashells were often used as a primitive kind of money.


The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck.

Use shells to decorate boxes, trays, mirrors or even pots 用贝壳来装点盒子、托盘、镜子甚至是花盆。

Her favourite subjects are shells spotted on beach walks 她最喜爱的题材是那些在海边散步时发现的贝壳。

We collected shells on the beach 我们在海滩拾贝壳。

Last night's tide washed up some quite beautiful shells 昨晚的潮水冲上来一些非常漂亮的贝壳

The sea cast up shells on the beach 海水把贝壳冲到沙滩上来了

My children love collecting seashells 我的孩子们喜欢收集贝壳

She rendered the walls in cement and, while it was still wet, applied the shells 她用水泥抹墙,并趁它还没干时粘上贝壳。

She takes her inspiration from shells and stones she finds on the seashore 她从在海滩上捡到的贝壳和石子中汲取灵感。

The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck 这个小姑娘将贝壳穿在一起,戴在脖子上

I feel like a small child on the shore of the ocean who has picked up a prettyshell 我感觉自己像一个在海岸上捡拾美丽贝壳的小孩子

Dance the night away to the music of the Seashells 听着远方海贝壳的音乐跳舞

I collect shells and interesting seaside items 我收集贝壳和海边有趣的小玩意儿。

One of the first kinds of money was shells 贝壳是最早的一种货币

The children picked up many sea shells at the seashore 孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳

The beach was strewn with countless shells, and they crumbled underfoot 海滨贝壳密集, 它们在脚下被踩得粉碎

After very hard work, he made a hole through the shell 经过一番苦干, 他终于在贝壳上打开了一个洞

The lobster is a shellfish 龙虾是水生贝壳动物

We found some beautiful shells on the seaside 我们在海边找到一些美丽的贝壳

She sells seashells on the seashore 她在海边卖贝壳

The seashore was covered with shells 海滩上到处是贝壳


In the morning, the sea is low tide, it is a good time to pick up shells, we drive to the seaside, ready for a big fight. I took off my shoes and stepped on the soft sand. A few islands in the distance, like a shining pearl, shower in the embrace of the mother. Although the scenery is beautiful, I don't care about it, because I find the shells on the beach are beautiful. Looking down, these shells are of various shapes and shapes. The two ends of the circle are sharp, round and prickly. It is too difficult to describe.

I picked it up, and summed up the experience: you can harvest a few in the water with your hands; The most common place to pick up is on the fine beach; If you dig sand with your hands, there may be many shells waiting for you.

Why is there a long line on the ground? Looking down the line, it turned out to be a crab, the little guy, with his eyes poking out, and as soon as he saw me, I drew back. I poke it with a branch, and it creeps into the depths, occasionally poking out its round eyes and looking at me, as if protesting. Finally, it got used to it, and it was too bold to hold the branches with pliers.

At that moment, my father came over, he was so rich, he caught two little crabs, and his mother was not bad. The two plastic bags were full, and the seal was tight. The most beautiful shell is the crab. The white spray was riding on the mother's arm and gently patting her brother on the beach. The tide began to rise and we had to leave the lovely beach! Good bye! Beautiful beach!


The time of happiness is always too fast, the summer vacation is gone, but there is one thing that I still remember. My mother and I went to lake erhai to collect shells. That day, my mother and I walked to erhai lake and saw an arch bridge in the distance. Mother said; 'come on, I'll show you the sights. We walked along the roadway, followed the sound of the waves, and headed for the seaside. Little by little, the sound of the waves grew louder and louder, and the sound of the waves beating on the sand was almost audible. The wind blew the skirt and tipped the straw hat. When we came to the sea, we didn't dare to straighten up, the wind was very strong, and we rolled up the waves. The vast sea could not see. The waves washed away the sand, and brought with it the most precious treasures of the sea - shells and pebbles. All kinds of seashells are scattered like stars on the sand, and beautiful, smooth pebbles, white sand beaches like fairies on the human chessboard. From time to time there are three or five groups of naked men swimming in the beach, tired, picking up dead branches, stealing corn from the fields and burning them to eat. The salty sea breeze and the sweet smell of corn filled the air. It is a beautiful picture, and it has a deep imprint in my heart. Summer vacation passed, I still often think of, the dream haunt.


So many beautiful shells I found, and of course I couldn't put them down, and I cried out, “come and see, shells, there are shells!” Hearing this, everyone rushed over.

We carried a mineral water bottle, bare feet, and looked carefully at the shells on the sand, and put beautiful and brightly colored into the water bottles.

All of a sudden, my eyes lit up and looked closer. It was a long shell, circled around and spotted. I put the shells into the bottle with care and joy. And to the children nearby said: “the shell is really beautiful here, pick up some more home.” “Yes, yes!

So I picked up a flat, white one, and put it in a bottle. The more I picked it up, the more I found it, and the speed with which I found it became happier, different colors, shapes, stripes. And like coral. Soon the bottle was half full.

Picking it up, there came a cry from her grandmother, ”it's getting late and it's time to go.“ I answered my lips, and my hands continued to turn, and the urge of my grandmother to return.

The white waves of the sea were still coming in, and we seemed to welcome the new arrivals. Look down at the lovely little gifts the sea has given me.

Today is really ”a big bright boat to borrow an arrow."


When we got to the end of the world, we got out of the car. It drizzled in the sky and blew into my shoes from time to time. Rain falls on the ground, like the sound of bamboo, quiet and soothing.

Walk past love square, come to the sea side. The sea was already in my sight, and the rows of snow were rolling, and I took a deep breath of the fresh, salty air, and I took a few steps to the beach. Standing on the beach!

I didn't know how long I had gone, and finally I went to the end of the world, writing the world and writing the cape. To the end of the world, it is the blue sky, to the cape, it is the sea. After we took pictures, we wandered around. The sea breeze gently caresses my face, my hands gently across the green water, making you feel in heaven. Suddenly, a big wave from, splashing the white waves, the waves in the sun, reflects the colorful light, like a fairy was born from the color of jade.

Wave slowly retreat, the surface of the ocean suddenly appeared a wonders appeared a variety of shells in the golden beach, two head is pointed, round, oval, barbed, tiger spot, speckled, wavy lines, small and exquisite, also has a flashing green light... It is too difficult to describe. The colors are different too. There are yellow, red, white, blue and purple... It dazzles you.





















