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1. 选择题。

(1) c (2) c (3) b (4) b (5) b

2. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。

(1) can, i can

(2) class are

(3) how, spell

(4) likes, watches

(5) likes watching, on tv

3. 阅读理解。

(1) a (2) b (3) b (4) a (5) a


1. 单项选择题。

(1) b (2) c (3) a (4) a (5) a

2. 选词并用其适当形式填空。

(1) teacher's

(2) pens

(3) looks

(4) play

(5) climbing

3. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

(1) is

(2) gets

(3) has

(4) has

(5) like

(6) likes

(7) is

(8) doesn't like



(10) aren't


1. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

(1) his, my

(2) your, are

(3) whose

(4) yours, ours

(5) to go

(6) me

(7) babies

(8) chinese

(9) my teacher's

(10) parents

2. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空

(1) is

(2) an

(3) eyes

(4) have

(5) same

(6) grade

(7) classes

(8) school

(9) students

(10) teacher

3. 阅读理解

(1) d (2) b (3) b (4) c (5) d


1. 情景对话

(1) wearing

(2) how

(3) much

(4) is

(5) buy

(6) in

(7) shop

(8) colors

(9) do

(10) for

2. 完型填空

(1) b (2) c (3) a (4) c (5) d

(6) a (7) b (8) c (9) d (10) a



1. 单项选择题。

(1) d (2) b (3) b (4) b (5) c

2. 按要求改写句子。

(1) what's, like

(2) is playing

(3) what's, doing

(4) how's the weather

(5) are, doing


1. 单项选择题。

(1) b (2) c (3) b (4) c (5) a

2. 从b栏中找出与a栏相对应的答案。

(1) d (2) b (3) a (4) g (5) h

(6) j (7) c (8) e (9) f (10) i

3. 句型转换。

(1) he doesn't like thrillers, but he likes romances.

(2) do you want to go to a movie?

(3) do you know the girl over there?

(4) don't, is

(5) what does he, be

4. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

(1) is

(2) wearing

(3) children

(4) friends, friendly

(5) do, do


1. 单项选择题。

(1) d (2) a (3) c (4) b (5) b

2. 从b栏中找出与a栏相对应的答语。

(1) c (2) d (3) a (4) e (5) b

3. 根据短文及首字母写出单词。

(1) different

(2) help

(3) fan

(4) game

(5) drawing

(6) teaches

(7) about

(8) interesting

(9) sports

(10) playing


第一节1—5 CCBBB 第二节1—5 BABCA

第三节 1—5 CBBAC 第四节 1—5 CEDBA

21—25 CBCBD 26—30 CCCDA 31—35 BDCDA 36—40 CADBC

41. helps 42. swimming 43.eats 44.kilometers

45. make 46. be 47. am playing 48.easily

49. criminals 50. strawberries 51. washing 52.interesting

53. waiting 54. message 55. candles 56. went

57. ride 58. took 59. expensive 60. stayed

61.On the first night 62. played badminton

63.feel about the trip 64. learned a lot

65. took the (a) bus 66. one bowl of mutton soup

67. What kind of noodles 68. drew many pictures

69. long brown hair 70. medium build

71—75 CABCD 76—80 CABAD 81—85AACBC 86—90 CABGF



二、1. grandparents’ 2. each 3. exercises 4. kind 5. email

6. both 7. price 8. information 9. together 10. except

三、1 – 5 BBDCA 6 – 10 CDBAC 11 – 15 DBACD

四、1. Both; and; are 2. Does; watch 3. What’s; price 4. goes to; by bus 5. like; best

五、1. All of the students in our class like this story very much.

2. We often have dinner at my grandparents’ home.

3. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden.

4. I don’t often make this kind of model plane.

5. I hope you can enjoy yourself at the party.

六、1. There are some walkmans in this shop.

2. I get happy when I dance.

3. Father goes to work without having breakfast.

4. Let him fly his kite in the par


1. 请选择下表中的单词完成对话,填在对话后的横线上。

(1) me

(2) pen

(3) you

(4) your

(5) color

2. 完成句子,每空一词。

(1) What color is, white

(2) What's, a computer game

(3) the key, lost, found

(4) Please call, at, morning

(5) is, cousin, these, parents

(6) What's

(7) What is

3. 阅读理解

(1) T (2) F (3) T (4) F (5) F


1. 选择题。

(1) D (2) A (3) B (4) A (5) A

2. 改错,把错误的选项写在前面的括号里,然后将其改正在后面的横线上。

(1) B 去掉are

(2) C 改为at

(3) B 改为playing

(4) B 改为plays

(5) B 改为buy

3. 用代词填空。

(1) your

(2) your

(3) My

(4) my

(5) Her

(6) your

(7) it

(8) its

(9) your

(10) his



1. 单项选择。

(1) b (2) c (3) a (4) b (5) a

2. 补全对话。


(1) are

(2) fine

(3) thanks

(4) what's

(5) it's


(6) nice

(7) is

(8) this

(9) welcome

(10) thank


1. 请选择下表中的单词完成对话,填在对话后的横线上。

(1) me

(2) pen

(3) you

(4) your

(5) color

2. 完成句子,每空一词。

(1) what color is, white

(2) what's, a computer game

(3) the key, lost, found

(4) please call, at, morning

(5) is, cousin, these, parents

(6) what's

(7) what is

3. 阅读理解

(1) t (2) f (3) t (4) f (5) f


1. 句型转换。

(1) are they, they are

(2) what is this

(3) is he, he is

(4) photo of

(5) thanks for the photo of your family.

2. 完成对话:在对话后面的句子中选出正确的答案填入空白处。

(1) c (2) e (3) a (4) b (5) d


1. 选择题。

(1) d (2) a (3) b (4) a (5) a

2. 改错,把错误的选项写在前面的括号里,然后将其改正在后面的横线上。

(1) b 去掉are

(2) c 改为at

(3) b 改为playing

(4) b 改为plays

(5) b 改为buy

3. 用代词填空。

(1) your

(2) your

(3) my

(4) my

(5) her

(6) your

(7) it

(8) its

(9) your

(10) his



1. 选择题。

(1) c (2) c (3) b (4) b (5) b

2. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。

(1) can, i can

(2) class are

(3) how, spell

(4) likes, watches

(5) likes watching, on tv

3. 阅读理解。

(1) a (2) b (3) b (4) a (5) a


1. 单项选择题。

(1) b (2) c (3) a (4) a (5) a

2. 选词并用其适当形式填空。

(1) teacher's

(2) pens

(3) looks

(4) play

(5) climbing

3. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

(1) is

(2) gets

(3) has

(4) has

(5) like

(6) likes

(7) is

(8) doesn't like



(10) aren't


1. 用所给单词的适当形式填空

(1) his, my

(2) your, are

(3) whose

(4) yours, ours

(5) to go

(6) me

(7) babies

(8) chinese

(9) my teacher's

(10) parents

2. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空

(1) is

(2) an

(3) eyes

(4) have

(5) same

(6) grade

(7) classes

(8) school

(9) students

(10) teacher

3. 阅读理解

(1) d (2) b (3) b (4) c (5) d


1. 情景对话

(1) wearing

(2) how

(3) much

(4) is

(5) buy

(6) in

(7) shop

(8) colors

(9) do

(10) for

2. 完型填空

(1) b (2) c (3) a (4) c (5) d

(6) a (7) b (8) c (9) d (10) a



1. 单项选择题。

(1) d (2) b (3) b (4) b (5) c

2. 按要求改写句子。

(1) what's, like

(2) is playing

(3) what's, doing

(4) how's the weather

(5) are, doing


1. 单项选择题。

(1) b (2) c (3) b (4) c (5) a

2. 从b栏中找出与a栏相对应的答案。

(1) d (2) b (3) a (4) g (5) h

(6) j (7) c (8) e (9) f (10) i

3. 句型转换。

(1) he doesn't like thrillers, but he likes romances.

(2) do you want to go to a movie?

(3) do you know the girl over there?

(4) don't, is

(5) what does he, be

4. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。

(1) is

(2) wearing

(3) children

(4) friends, friendly

(5) do, do


1. 单项选择题。

(1) d (2) a (3) c (4) b (5) b

2. 从b栏中找出与a栏相对应的答语。

(1) c (2) d (3) a (4) e (5) b

3. 根据短文及首字母写出单词。

(1) different

(2) help

(3) fan

(4) game

(5) drawing

(6) teaches

(7) about

(8) interesting

(9) sports

(10) playing



二、1. grandparents’ 2. each 3. exercises 4. kind 5. email

6. both 7. price 8. information 9. together 10. except

三、1 – 5 BBDCA 6 – 10 CDBAC 11 – 15 DBACD

四、1. Both; and; are 2. Does; watch 3. What’s; price 4. goes to; by bus 5. like; best

五、1. All of the students in our class like this story very much.

2. We often have dinner at my grandparents’ home.

3. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden.

4. I don’t often make this kind of model plane.

5. I hope you can enjoy yourself at the party.

六、1. There are some walkmans in this shop.

2. I get happy when I dance.

3. Father goes to work without having breakfast.

4. Let him fly his kite in the par



一. 1. grandparent 2. weekend 3. suitable 4. year 5. start 6. resyaurant 二. 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 三. 1. have rice 2. be good at 3. come from 4. look after 5. every year 6. play badminton 7. walk home 8. wear a pair of glasses 9. after school 10. work hard 11. many hobbies 12. 为校足球队得分 13. 世界杯 14. 看起来快乐 15. 在阅读俱乐部 16. 足球场 17. 在午餐时间 18. 带狗出去散步 19. 用英语说某样东西 20. 互相理解 四. 1. has 2. go 3. Dose live 4. flying 5. don’t watch 6. dosen’t get 7. studies 8. takes 9. cleanning 10.do 五. 1.A birds 2.B have to 3.D singing 4.B from me 5.D American 六. 1. good at playing 2. takes in 3. say in 4. a member of 5. doesn’t do 6. Dose live 7. How does go 8. How is look like 七. 1. How are you 2. am 3. sure study there’re love good 4. Where is she from 5. How is she look like 八. CBDADBCDAB 九. 1.He wants a penfriend 2.five 3.England 4.music and football . NO WHY 5. tom99@madefish.com 十. I have a cousin. His name is LiYang.He is good at Maths and PE. He has long black hair and big eyes.He is polite and helpful. He lives in Suzhou. He likes playing computer games and playing basketball


一. 1. listen to music 2. make model plane 3. read newspaper 4. write e-mills 5. play volleyball 6. watch too much TV 7. wake up 8. do moring exercises 9. spend about an hour doing homework 10 twice a week 11. 向某人问好 12. 做课外活动 13. 找乐 14. 所有的时间 15. 游泳馆俱乐部的一员 16. 每天三小时 17. 期待 18. 借些钱 19. 学到更多关于世界 20. 那个问题的答案 二.. 1. she 2. you 3. They 4. He 5. We 6. it 7. me them 8. her 9. them 10. it 三. 1. has s good time 2. spend me 3. dose his homework 4. is worker 5. What would like 6. Why do you love reading 四. 1. lies 2. field 3. gain 4. ousin 5. orrow 6. ounds 7. lasses 五. 1. Is it time 2. go for walk 3. are looking forward seeing 4. spend free time on 5. How like 6. shouldn’t

六. 1. writes 2. talking 3. wrting 4. more 5. Don’t wake 6. closed 7. activities 8. dancing 9. doing 10.to have 七. BDCBDCCDCDCDAA 八. ADBCB


一. 1. What dose she always do? 2. How many horses are there on that farm? 3. How much do you will spend on the sweater? 4. How long does it take you together? 5. How often does your mother go to the supermarket? 6. When dose Jane will finish the work? 7. How far does it from here to the country? 二 BDCAFE 三 1. cut out 2. go fishing 3. speak french 4. a long holiday 5. see the doctor 6. 捉弄某人 7. 在中国的传统节日 8. 敲门 9. 涂我们的脸 10. 用南瓜做灯笼 四. HCBGDJIAEF 五. 1. like 2. as 3. with 4. in 5. for after 6. at 7. by 8. on of 六. 1. Thank you for telling me my son’s studies 2. He cuts out a happy face on the red apple 3. Uncle LEE usually makes toys for me 4. Spring Festival is ny favourte season in the year 5. Look so many people. I am very happy 6. How do you spend the holiday 七. 1. to finish 2. give 3. first 4. dresses 5. candy 6. traditional 7. him 8. neighbours’ 9. Is 10 called 八. 1. D TV 2. C some 3. A look at 4. B to do 5. B Tom and me 九. CDBAA Spring Festival is in January or February . It usually very cold..People usually eat ‘jiaozi’ or ‘yuanxiao’. People are all get together and play chess or cards



一. DCCCAB 二. 1. called am 2. they the 3. the a an little only 4. a the the a the 5. an 三. 1. are 2. under 3. forty 4. have 5. Do 四. 1. ealthy 2. avourite 3. areful 4. imporant 5. ired 6. vegetables 7. mangoes 8. less 9. carry 10.kilos 五. 1. plan to do sth 2. a top student 3. any more 4. get fat 5. many times a week 6.跳舞一小时 7.改变某人的生活方式 8.祝你好运 9.不同种类的食物 10.需要许多能量 六. 1. Are you hunry? Let’s cook some fish and soup 2. Mother asks me to buy two packets of salt 3. You will miss a meal. If you don’t hurry 4. Jenny spend many money on the books 5. I will watch lion dance tomorrow. Have fun 七. 1. do 2. What dose have 3. There is a basket 4. on feet 5. are look like same 6. How often does 7. Why not go by taxi 8. takes me to does 八. CDBBBCDCBC 九. best healthy eating never feel like with healthy 十. ACABBCBACD


一. 1. go shopping 2. follow me 3. just a minute 4. now 5. right now 6. try on trousers 7. a new pair of shoes 8. write sb 9. what’s size 10. packet money 11. 买一些礼物给他 12. 许多书打折 13. 一个新的购物中心 14. 没关系 15. 看一看 16. 搭配你的T-恤衫 17. 打110寻求帮助 18. 告诉我关于那个 19. 想要打车 20. 下一个门 二. CEABGJIOHF 三. 1. What is he doing 2. He is swimming in the swimming pool now 3. They have a comic book in their school bag 4. Can you help me carry the bag 5. There are always many people in this shop 四. 1. is works 2. teaches does 3. is drinking don’t like 4. is 5. is fiying Do like have to buy 6. Would to go 7. are doing am playing Do want to 8. am looking Do know 9. does is doing 10. watches 五. 1. on 2. in 3. on 4. of 5. about 6. At in 7. at 8. of 六. 1. pair matches very well 2. to buy enough 3. Can help looking for 4. How much are They’re 5. Are playing 6. is carrying shopping 7. What doing waitting for them 8. quite expensive costs 9. quite too expenxive Do pair 六. 1. goes well with 2. Take a look 3. Never mind 4. is writing 5. to buy for 6. is chatting 7. to try on 8. am sure 9. are looking for 10. find 七. AAAAD


(此为拓展单元,答案错误率较高) 一. CCDCBBABBCBA 二. BCACCCCBDBDACDA 三. ABC DBAD DBC 四. HAGFCDBE 五 1. ome 2. each 3. all 4. own 5. cost 6. nother 7. loares 8. closed 9. No one 10. Hers 11. Last 12. is 六. 1. lives with 2. more than 3. of 4. Don’t put 5. for bed 6. may be 7. on my life 8. Take and 9. for carrying 10. without water 七. 1. can’t wait for 2. can not open 3. sleeps to 4. thanks grateful with 5. turn left to 6. fanaticism at 7. looking forward to getting 八. Rose is good at drawing and swimming. She learn thing is fast an work hard. She is good at study. She is consider. She plans to any thing all very well. She helps students at Maths. She please the desk to older. She visit older falt. She helps older clean the house


The 1st Day

一、1. clever 2. easy 3. newspapers 4. windows 5. masters.

6. glasses 7. newest 8. funny 9. wonderful 10. cameras.

二、1 – 5 DDBCD 6 – 10 DBBCD


四、1. don’t do 2. Is there any 3. watches 4. Where does; live.

5. When does;play 6. for Millie’s 7. good swimmer 8. was born.

五、1. has 2. are 3. Does; take 4. to play 5. don’t watch.

6. drawing 7. do; do 8. to keep 9. asking 10. visiting.

六、1 – 5 ACBCA 6 – 10 DCCAC

七、1. My cousin also has a pair of football shoes.

2. This is a photo of my family.

3. Tom is the best at swimming in our class./ Tom is the best swimmer in our class.

4. The ticket for each adult is ten dollars.

5. Basketball players look tall and strong.


The 2nd Day

一、1 – 5 DGAJB 6 – 10 IEFCH

二、1 – 5 DDCBD 6 – 10 BDBBA

三、1. spends; writing 2. buy; for 3. is lying 4. I am; friend 5. Which man

6. Let’s go to school. 7. Don’t open the door, please

8. Are there any chairs; Yes, there are

四、1. A How 2. D Uncle John 3. D there is 4. C has 5. C be late

五、1. Are you; I’m 2. This is; twin brother 3. are nineteen students; a teacher

4. know this boy 5. best swimmer

六、1 – 5 BDCCB


The 3rd Day


二、1. grandparents’ 2. each 3. exercises 4. kind 5. email

6. both 7. price 8. information 9. together 10. except

三、1 – 5 BBDCA 6 – 10 CDBAC 11 – 15 DBACD

四、1. Both; and; are 2. Does; watch 3. What’s; price 4. goes to; by bus 5. like; best

五、1. All of the students in our class like this story very much.

2. We often have dinner at my grandparents’ home.

3. There are many kinds of flowers in the garden.

4. I don’t often make this kind of model plane.

5. I hope you can enjoy yourself at the party.

六、1. There are some walkmans in this shop.

2. I get happy when I dance.

3. Father goes to work without having breakfast.

4. Let him fly his kite in the park.

5. What is your hat made of?

七、1 – 5 ABBDC 6 – 10 CBCCD



一.1.event 2.nation 3.cannel 4.extrem 5.destroy


三.1,dug out 2.thought little of 3.right away 4.a number of 5.at an end


一.1,on july 28 2.as usual 3.one-third of the nation 4.two-thirds of the children 5.in 15 terrible seconds



四.1,were too nervous toeat 2.even when no planes were in the sky 3.instead of water


1~5aadbc 6~10daacb 11`15bcdcd 16~20cabac



一,1.track 2.shock 3.rescue 4.disaster 5.shelter


三.1.are prond of 2.run out of 3.in ruins 4.fall down 5.as if


一,1.the number of people who were killed or injured 2.later that afternoon 3.those who were trapped 4.the dead 5.to the north of the city



四.1.how long the disaster would last 2.whose homes had been destroyed 3.have you speak 4.as you know























