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Novel describe and buy to sell through perfect art form wine upstart“American dream” that Gatsby pursue unreal the twenties Kill , has announced thetragedy of the American society。 Gatsby falls in love with Daisy and departureis actually a very ordinary love story。 But the author makes skilful openingmoves, regard girl whom Gatsby loved the symbols of the youth, money and statusdeeply as, Regard U。S。A。 as by means to pursue rich material life“ Dream of”。For pursue Gatsby Daisy e_haust own emotion and ability and intelligence, ruinone's own life。 He thought innocently : Can revive an old dream after havingmoney, redeem the lost love。 It's a pity , he is wrong。 He has misunderstoodthis one of Daisy Vulgar and shallow woman 。 He has misunderstood the boringsociety on the surface dissipated and lu_urious and hollowly on spirit。 Whetherit live he the dreamlike China, is abandoned by Daisy, treats for the societycoldly, Cast the tragedy that can't retrieve at last。

Gatsby is the typical American youth in the twenties。 E_perience of himwhether joyous song smile at portrayal in“ knight's times” of dance。 SweetheartDaisy of one's early years such as Gatsby marry rich and life dissolute Tom。 Forwin Daisy, by buy to sell he wine accumulate first a large sum of wealth againHe thought innocently : Can revive an old dream after having money, redeem thelost love 。But he fails to gain Daisy's heart finally, has e_hausted one's ownemotion and ability and intelligence in order to pursue Daisy, Ruin one's ownlife finally。 The illusion that Gatsby revived an old dream has gone for ever。The author poses a chilly and disappointed sad melody with the multicolourednote, leave somebody limitless thinking。



I have got a lot of interesting scientific knowledge from the books ofNational Geographic Reading E_peditions, some of which are about life, physics。I really can’t help losing myself in the colorful pictures and clear words inthe books。 After reading the books, I have been considering a question: What ifwe lived without science? Great changes have taken place in the world with thehelp of science。 In the past, life was nasty, brutish and short。 It is hard toimagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modernscience brings about。 Back then, only a small group of people enjoyed the veryfew forts。 But the majority of people didn’t even have sufficient food, letalong their privilege to be educated。 Anyway, it is science that changes theworld and makes people’s life better and better, although it also leads to somebad aspects at the same time。

From the discovery of the gravity to the first step on the moon, we humanbeings have e_perienced a long process of developing science。 And now, thisprocess is still continuing much faster。 New organisms are already beingengineered, and new genetically modified crops promise benefits from higheryields and less use of harmful chemicals and so on。 A lot of e_amples areshowing this point。 In the future, changes are likely to be even much greater asscience reaches out to shape life itself。 Maybe one day, the possibility thatlife e_isted on Mars billions of years ago will be potentially one of thegreatest discoveries of our time。 It is the force of the petition, we humanbeings’ inquiring mind and initiative that bring about the non-stoppeddevelopment of science。 Therefore, it is difficult and impossible to preventscience from changing the world and our life as well。

At present, we are in two minds about science。 On the one hand, we areenjoying the sweet life as a result of the evelopment of science, and e_pect itto continue。 And we are showing our interests into some scientific e_peditions,such as the astronomy, the alien civilization, etc。 On the other hand, we aredistrustful of it, due to the lack of understanding of science。 Some people thusfar are still very superstitious, and they would even believe in superstitionsrather than believe in science。

Stephen Hawking, one of the most remarkable scientists in the world, oncesaid, “In a democratic society, the public needs to have a basic understandingof the science, so that it can make informed decisions and not leave them in thehands of e_perts。” This has reminded me of Professor Alan G。 MacDiarmid fromAmerica, the person who got the Nobel Prize for chemistry in the year of __。 Inhis lecture at Peking University this year, he put forward that science ispeople。 He also e_pounded the importance of the basic science for the public。Evidently, every one of us does need science, or we can’t live without it。

Now that everyone needs science, why not take advantage of some means togive the public the right basic scientific knowledge? So when they face theproblems such as acid rain, the greenhouse effect, nuclear weapons, environmentdestruction and some other problems, they can also make informed decisions onthese subjects, just as what Hawking said。 One aspect relies on what is taughtin schools。 But science is often taught in an uninteresting way and moststudents just learn it by rote to pass e_aminations。 However, the final goal oflearning science is not to pass e_aminations or to get a higher score; instead,we should try to make full use of it to change our world and life。 Whilelearning, we should try to ask more questions and we should have the courage ofsuspecting the knowledge in the books, as some of the scientific conclusions arelikely to be corrected in the future。 Who knows。 So not only must we change ourattitude towards science, but also the way of teaching and learning scienc


In addition, science is always changing at a fast rate, and who we learn atschool isn’t that sufficient to last a lifetime。 So the mass media including TV,radio, newspaper, magazine and publishing pany will play an important role inreporting the latest science in time。 Moreover, the mass media can alsopopularize basic science to the public, because only in this way will morepeople realize what on earth science is。

“Scientists and engineers tend to e_press their ideas in the form ofequations because they need to know the precise values of quantities。 But forthe rest of us, a qualitative grasp of scientific concepts is sufficient, andthis can be conveyed by words and diagrams, without the use of equations”, saidStephen Hawking。

I agree with him very much, and, I’m fond of the wonderful words above,from Stephen Hawking。

For the development of science, are you ready?



I've just fininshed reading the first 4 Harry Potter books for about the5th time through, and they're just as magical and affecting as they have everbeen。 Everything is in here: suspense, adventure, mystery, humour, danger。There's even some pretty satisfying paybacks。 The characters are fantastic andfantastically realistic。 There are bad people who turn out to be good guys andgood people who turn out to be bad guys, just like life。

I think the thing I like best about these books is the message that it'sokay to be different - to be not “normal。” I would love for everyone in schoolto have hear that message。 It would probably reduce the bullying around theschool。

These books value real thoughts。 Much has been made of Harry's rulebreaking, but only once in the series so far does he break a rule for arbitrarypersonal gain。 Most of the time he makes a decision that what's right is moreimportant than what's written。 And you know what? Life's like that sometimes。 Ithink it's great that kids are getting an e_ample of how to do what's right evenwhen it involves breaking rules。 The Potter books also show that there areconsequences for rule breaking。 If not getting caught and getting a detention,then a spell going wrong and someone getting turned into a cat。 This shows thatwhen you make a decision to go against the rules that things may not go as youe_pected and you have to take responsibility for the oute。


“ Hamlet ” of Shakespear is a classical representative work。 This bookcertainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with thehistorical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for thefather, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies。Just like thedramatis personae Horatio said: “ you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusualrepair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows thehand murder , as well as falls into suicide result。” Windingly elects the plot,tightly centers on the revenge to launch。 Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back thehome in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, 99。,enables himto accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed themother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wrightsuspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle withfather's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle

Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father。To this, hestarted the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest withClaudius。 Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius。


My favourite book

Do you know Harry Potter?one of my favourite sparetime readings and it’swritten by J。 K。 Rowling。 She had the idea about Harry Potter when she was ontrain, “Harry just walked into my head。” She said later。 She started writing thefirst edition of Harry Potter the ne_t day。

Harry Potter is a magical school student who wears glasses and has noparents, now he is 16 years old。 He is very brave and known by everyone becausehe is the only person who will not die by devil。 At school, he has two goodfriends, they are Rone and Henry。

When read the book my first time, I feel very e_citing and interesting。 SoI read it again and again, each time I have different feelings, sometimes I evenfeel as if I’m one of Potter’s partners。 Now there are five edition of HarryPotter published and they are very popular with young students。 Books aboutHarry Potter have sold millions of copies all over the world。 Do you like HarryPotter? If you haven’t rea

d the book yet, read it now and you’ll find a wonderful world。



I have never been to Troy, but David Maule made me feel as if I werestanding on the high wall of Troy, watching the fierce war。 Thanks to thisBritish author, who adapted the famous Homer’s poem into a lively story, I foundit easier to understand this story。

Though the story happened over 3000 years ago in a remote place, I wasdeeply fascinated by it。 The mysterious plot is one of the reasons why I lovedThe Story of Troy so much, yet I am more interested in the human heroes of thewar。

Hector was the eldest son of king of Troy, Priam。 He was not only a realhero of Trojan, but was regarded the highest moral hero in Greek classic bylater historians。

The war started because of the mischief of his brother, Paris, whom hedidn’t appreciate。 However, since Hector was the mander of the Trojan army, hewas obliged to fight with all force。 It was really a tragedy that such a valiantman died in the duel with another great warrior, Achilles。

It is natural to see death in a war。 As a famous Chinese parable says, “Alife can be as slight as a piece of feather, or as weighty as Mount Tai。”Sometimes, one’s glory walks hand in hand with one’s doom。 Achilles was such atypical person。 His personal charm made The Story of Troy more attractive。

He was so crucial because his every appearance in a war encouraged hisfellow soldiers and terrified the enemies。 Actually, Achilles was half-god whowas almost invincible in people’s mind。 That’s why his name was memorized longafter his death。

Besides the two great men, the wisdom of Odysseus also proved him to be agreat hero。 He didn’t want to attend the war because he was happily married andhad a lovely son。 However, since his country was allied to Mycenae, he had totake the mand given by the king of Mycenae。

I’m quite sure that the story of the wooden horse is widely known, however,few people know who thought of the brilliant idea, that’s why I admired Odysseusso much because he was the person who got the idea。 Thanks to the horse, theten-year war came to an end at last。 If you want to know how the wooden horseworked, just read the book。

The ancient Greeks believed that the gods and goddesses also playedimportant roles in the origin, process and ending of the whole story。

The story of the golden apple was such an example。

When Eris, the goddess of argument and disagreement, threw out the goldenapple to a wedding ceremony on Mount Olympus, a dispute happened。 Hera, thequeen of gods, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Aphrodite, the goddess of loveand beauty, were all involved in the argument for the apple。

None of them was willing to give way, so they turned to Paris for a finaljudgment。 Tempted by Aphrodite’s beauty and promise, Paris handed the apple toher。 To keep her word, Aphrodite helped him to get Helen, the most beautifulwoman in the world, as his wife。 That was the cause of the war。

Paris’s choice obviously annoyed the other two goddesses。 So during thewar, they helped the Greek alliance army while some other gods, such as Apolloand Aphrodite, guarded Troy。

When Paris dueled with Helen’s former husband Menelaus, Aphrodite savedParis when he was about to be finished off。

After the duel between those two people, there was a truce between theGreek alliance and Troy。 However, both Hera and Athena were not happy to seeit。

Hera pursued her husband ZEUS:“ Now, will you send Athena to make theTroyjans break the peace?”(Page 22) Then with Zeus’s permission, Athena wentdown to start the war again and finally she brought the Greeks to success。

From the whole story, we can see that in ancient Greeks’ view, godssometimes played a much more important role in their life。 However, with therapid development of science, we have learned that the Greek gods never existed。This is why a recent movie of Troy has not mentioned a single god。

Everything happened due to men’s ambition, love, loyalty or jealousy。 Withthose emotion and people’s effort, we human beings can acplish wonders and bemaster of the world。

God are of less importance than they used to be。 Nonetheless, the gods andgoddesses made The Story of Troy more mysterious and marvelous。

I have learnt from the book more than the wonderful story of history, loveand war。 I believe that human can determine their destiny by their own。 I highlyremend this book to my friends with the same interest。


小王子英文读后感《A Book that Impacted Me Most》

I don’t remember the exact year I first read The Little Prince 。 Though thegolden snake in the book plays a cameo role , I never forget the scene that heflashed kissed gently on the little prince’s ankle。 It made me be afraid toreread this book。

Later, I listened a Michael Wong’s song named Fairy-tale Story, the princein his song is different from the prince in The Little Prince, the prince in thesong is the same as Andersen’s tales’ princes, they all have happy endings。

However, I think The Little Prince is a sad story。 There is a saying: Thereare a thousand Hamlets in a thousand peoples eyes。 Now, let me talk about myreading feeling。 This simple story flies over every corner of the world: a pilot(the narrator) who had an accident with his plane and crashed in the Desert ofSahara then he met the little prince from the planet B-612, and the narratorlistened little prince’s travel experience of seven planets。 On the sevenplanets, he met a variety of persons。 They are the king, the conceited man, thebusinessman, the tippler, the lamplighter, the geographer and so on。

The Little Prince is a story belongs to adults who have childlikeinnocence。because children don’t understand the little prince’s deepsadness。This is not so much a fairy tale, as it is a tragedy。 This story tellsthe grow-ups’ world is full of empty,lost and loneliness with kids’ perspective。Among the story, the alcoholic is impressive。 He was surrounded by a pile ofbeer bottles when the little prince saw him, and prince asked him why he isdrinking, but he answered he want to forget his shame of drinking。 This shortplanet visit plunged little prince into deep puzzled。 He think the grow-ups arecertainly very, very odd。 In kids' eyes, beautiful things must look with heart。But the adults pay more attention on things’ appearance that is just a shell andthey don’t believe the eyes are blind and the heart is true。

Through this story, it also made me understand what’s the love---love'smore mineral, more dense, more bitter and more weighty than the earth'sprofoundest matter。

When I first read The Little Prince, I can’t understand the mean of loveand never to think why should the little prince leave alone since he love hisrose so deeply。 For years, I reread the story and think about it。 The simpletrue was first love。 The little prince didn’t know how to love and It wasdifficult to make him understand the rose’s heart, so it may lead tomisunderstanding and hurts from time to time。 He leaved his planet because hecan not accept the rose and himself。

This is why the little prince don’t know he have to leave : at that time,he had no idea he was in it。 The little prince don’t understand the meaning oftame until he met the fox later。 Then he produced the endless yearning for theroses and realized his responsibility。

“Do you want to be domesticated?” For me, this is a profound question。 Inthe book, the little prince met a fox and invited the fox to play with him, buthe was refused。 The fox told him that he was not tamed。 “what does thatmean--tame?” little prince asked。 The fox answered:” it means to establish ties:to me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundredthousand other little boys。 And I have no need of you。 And you, on your part,have no need of me。 To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousandother foxes。 But if you tame me, then we shall need each other。 To me , you willbe unique in all the world。 To you, I shall be unique in all the world。”

Gradually the little prince was beginning to understand, because heremembered his rose and he thought his rose had tamed him。 So he chose to goback to his planet in the end。 But to the fox, the little prince’s farewell willmake her sad, but the hurts because of love, she should learn to accept itgradually。 I believe there are full of hurts within serious and true love。

As long as the little prince flied to different planets and met a varietyof persons can he understand himself andhis rose。 So I think traveling is a goodway to experience life。



To Live

When I read the book To Live, I know I have own a lot of happiness in thisperiod。 To Live allowed me to see the people’s suffering and hardship in oldChina。 But the most important is the spirit that age gives to them。

To Live described Fugui’s life who lives in The Cultural Revolution andGreat Leap Forward。 Fugui borns in a host family, when he was young, he oftenwent outside gambling。 So that in the end he spent all the property under thetrap which others had designed。 At that time, he had got married with his wifeJiazhen。 One day, when he went out to borrow money for looking doctors for hisparents, he was caught to join the army。 Almost all the soldiers had died, buthe struggled to live and luckly got together with his family, when his motherhad gone and his daughter Fengxia had been a dumb because of illness。 His familywere very happy because of his ing back。 For he had not been assigned to thelandlord constituents, they lived a poor and happy life。 Of the past with eachpassing day, his little son was going to middle school, but his disaster beganagain。 His son lost his life for saving his classmate whose father is the mayorof the town。 Backlog of the pain and frustration, he and his wi

fe as if had lost a lot and they nearly lost confidence of living。Fortunately, they have a sensible daughter, although she couldn’t talk, but shehelped her parents go through the pains。 Later Fengxia married to Erxi who is anhonest man, but fate still made fun of this hard-working and simple girl, shedied from giving birth。 And then later, in the heavy blows, Fugui’s wife lefthim forever。

Life had lost all his family, leaving him, last remaining alive。 I don’tknow how I can experience his life in that age, his disease that he had to face,but I know Fugui had learnt to respect for life, be properly alive。



Recently I have read a famous Chinese classical novel-The romance of theThree Kingdoms and I felt benefit a lot。 Let me tell you about my feelings。

The romance of the Three Kingdoms is one of the four great Chinese masterpieces。 It was written by Luo Guanzhong, who was born in 1330。 It describesnearly 200 characters and tells the story from the late Eastern Han dynasty tothe unified of Jin dynasty。

The minute I started to read this book, I was deeply impressed by thesentence at the beginning of the novel: “The empire, long divided, must unite;long united, must divide。” It is so philosophical。 It reflected the main historyof the Three Kingdoms, from the rebellion of the Yellow Turbans to thereplacement of the division of the country into Three Kingdoms (Wei, Shu and Wu)by the Jin Dynasty。 In these periods, it showed a lot of heroic deeds, and whatthe heroes did had made a brilliant history。 In this novel, the hero I admiremostly is Guan Yu, the general of Shu。

“A man of enormous height, nine spans tall, with a two-foot-long beardflowing from his rich, ruddy cheeks。 He had glistening lips, eyes sweepingsharply back like those of the crimson-faced phoenix, and brows like nestlingsilkworms。 His stature was imposing, his bearing awesome。” This is Guan Yu'sappearance。 He was called as hero not only because of his handsome looking, butbecause of his precious characters。

He is the embodiment of loyalty, wisdom and bravery。 Once, when Guan Yu washaving a battle with Cao Cao (the Master of Wei), he lost connection with LiuBei(the Master of Shu), and finally he had to surrender because Liu Bei's familywas with him。 Cao Cao appreciated Guan Yu's talents, he provided a fabulouspalace and lots of money to Guan Yu。 Despite Guan Yu was taken good care of inthe Cao Cao’s camp, but his heart was still with the Liu Bei’s camp。 He hadnever given up looking for his master。 As soon as he got the news of Liu Bei,Guan Yu had forced five passes and slew six captains, finally he found hismaster。 His behavior showed not only his loyalty to his master but also hisbravery。[由Www.QunZou.Com整理] Admittedly, Guan Yu's death is also a lamentable。Because of his placency, he looked down on the army of Wu, lost Jingzhou (animportant City), finally, he flopped, and was killed by his personal enemy。

With his personal likes and dislikes, regardless of the consequences, itled to the disruption of the alliance between Wu and Shu, the whole situationwas changed greatly。

Guan Yu’s lesson tells us: No matter how talented you are, you’d betterremain modest and be humble。

This is a great novel that depicts the countless legendary stories。 We canlearn not only the characters of the heroes, but also the political and militarystrategies。 It is a best way to experience the profound Chinese ancientculture。



本周就如何表扬小朋友方面,我结合自己平时带班的经验谈谈相关的心得体会。 作为一名幼儿教师,首先要做一个美的发现者。教师要在细微之处见真谛,善于在平凡中找出不平凡,挖掘幼儿不明显的优点加以赞扬。表扬不要老是停留在幼儿习以为常的优点上,而是要去挖掘幼儿身上一些鲜为人知的优点,让幼儿得到一些新的肯定,表现出教师独特的眼光,效果反而更好。 表扬要实事求是。教师表扬幼儿时一定要做到公正、合理、符合实际。夸大其词,不符合实际的表扬和评价,非但不能起到积极的群众心理效应,而且对受表扬者也不会产生好的影响,甚至还会影响教师自身的威望。  表扬运用的'次数和范围要恰当。表扬不宜太多。“频率”不宜过高,这样才能造成幼儿的期待心理,但使其进行自我激励和自我监督,表扬的范围过大,次数过多,会使幼儿失去新鲜感,产生心理惰性。这时的表扬就失去了应有的激励效应和教育力量。 注重对差一点的幼儿的表扬。教师的表扬能促使幼儿产生积极向上的情绪,增强自尊心、自信心,并促使将这种积极情绪迁移到今后的学习中。但在实际中,差一些的幼儿应表现差而与表扬无缘。这对其成长十分不利。如果教师在教学中根据差一些的幼儿的不同特点循序渐进逐步提出要求,只要他们通过努力达到了要求,就及时给予表扬鼓励,使他们每进一步都能产生成功的情绪体验,并在精神上得到了满足,从而使他们更有信心去实现教师提出的更高要求。如此,我们必能使学生逐步具备由后进变先进的强大的内驱力。   在竞争中适当应用表扬。   有表扬便有竞争。竞争效果的好坏取决于教师的指导水平,为了确保竞争在学生中始终产生积极的效果,教师应该对竞争的性质有足够的认识,保证做到“兴利除弊”,鼓励幼儿去参加竞争,提高自我参与的竞争意识。提倡幼儿自己和自己进行纵向竞争,争取这次比上次做得好,下次比这次更进步。   赞扬行动和品性而非个人。赞扬幼儿既要有效力,又不养成其骄傲自满的情绪,就要赞扬其所做的事和其品性,而不要扩大到他这个人。   微笑是一种不着痕迹的表扬。微笑能给幼儿带来亲切感。灿烂的笑容可能赢得幼儿的爱戴,并且常常成为幼儿笔下描绘的画纸,给幼儿心里留下持久的影响,轻轻一展笑容,它将胜过千言万语。所以做为教师,在教育幼儿时千万不要吝啬你的微笑。  







































Roman Holiday is a fun romantic comedy, but stays realistic with its

commentary on society and royalty.

The story is about a beautiful young princess named Ann, making a goodwill tour of Europe's capitals. However, she is tired of the responsibility and

unhappy everyday till she meets her true love--a reporter Joe. Obviously, they have a good time and some comical adventures. It goes without saying that the time is unforgettable. Nevertheless in the end the truth comes out and the princess realizes that her duty to her country and family comes first. So she has to return to her official role reluctantly. If rewind the clock, the princess will make the same decision on account of the importance of her duty I think.

Love is the essence of the life. Nonetheless every story couldn't be

perfect.At the end of the holiday, pain is happy, this is life.


Roman holiday book review

The story is about a young princess named Ann, making a goodwill tour of Europe's capitals. She is tired of the responsibility and demands of the role she has been born in to and longs to experience the every day pleasures of an ordinary person. In Rome she finally rebels. Waiting until after everyone in the embassy where her party is

staying has gone to sleep, she slips out a window and finds herself alone on the streets of Rome. She is found by Joe Bradley, a hardened and somewhat cynical reporter, on his way home from a late night card game. Not knowing who she is but seeing that she has no place to stay he takes pity on her and invites her to his apartment for the night. In a comical scene, he offers her a pair of his pajamas and points to the couch where she can sleep. Innocent aristocrat that she is, she asks for a nightgown and help undressing. Bradley helps her take off her tie and then leaves the room. When he returns a few minutes later he discovers her sound asleep on the bed, leaving him the couch. Leaving her sleeping the next morning, Bradley shows up late for work and tries to cover himself by saying that he had an interview with the princess. But his editor shows him a newspaper with her picture and headline stating that she was taken ill the night before and canceled all appointments for the day. Bradley immediately realizes who he has in his apartment and gets the editor to agree to pay $5,000 if he can get a real interview with the princess. On the way out Bradley contacts a

photographer friend, Irving Radovich and arranges for him to met him later with his camera for a big scoop. Returning to his apartment, Bradley picks up the princess for their planned tour of the city. Bradley's real aim is to get the pictures and story he promised his editor. But the innocent charm of the princess softens him and the two start to fall in love. They end up having a good time and some comical adventures. Bradley conceals the fact that he is a reporter who knows who she really is and she doesn't tell him that that she is a royal princess. But in the end the truth comes out and the princess realizes that her duty to her country and family come first and she

reluctantly returns to her official role. The two meet briefly at the end during her press conference with other reporters. She addresses Bradley as Mr. Bradley just like the others. As he is leaving, Bradley, quietly slips her the photos that his friend Irving had taken and lets her know that his story and pictures of their time together will never be published. The charming Audrey Hepburn plays a modern princess who takes a day on Rome. She meets up with reporter Peck and wise-cracking photographer Albert. Peck and Hepburn fall in love, though Peck plans to sell an “exclusive story with the princess.” Roman Holiday is a fun romantic comedy, but stays realistic with its commentary on society and royalty.





















