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Time flies, the sun and the moon flies, nervous, full -x years is coming. In this year, under the guidance of the leadership of care, with the support of colleagues with the help of my hard-working to complete their own work, but also successfully completed the task assigned by the leadership itself has improved in all aspects, are Will this year's study, work, etc. to do the following self-identification:

First, focus on learning theory, improve their political quality

Usually pay attention to study and implement the party. . . . Spirit, and strive to practice the “Three Represents” important thought, and constantly improve their political theory, and strengthen the political ideology and moral qualities. We have carefully studied the Central Committee's Decision on Major Issues in Building Socialism and a Harmonious Society, and have gained a profound understanding of the construction of a harmonious society and put it into practical use in the construction of a harmonious society.

Second, strengthen learning, work diligently, improve work performance

In order to better adapt to the work of the new situation demands, reflect the comprehensive implementation of the scientific concept of development requirements, this year I still clutching business learning, seriously study the “People's Republic of China Highway Law”, “Administrative Permission Law” Management regulations “and other road management policies and regulations, to lead the older generation to learn their good experience, a good way to further improve their level of business knowledge and ability.One-sided grasp of their work business is not enough, I usually focus on other business units to learn # From the familiar with the understanding of a variety of work processes, in the multi-learning , More contact to enhance their business level, improve the efficiency, so that they better serve the community and serve the people. During the day-to-day work, I can strictly abide by the rules and regulations on the station, earnestly complete the higher level, the task assigned to the leadership. But also abide by the purpose of serving the people, so polite, warm service, patient and meticulous. According to the actual situation of work to actively explore new ideas and new methods of work, improve road traffic safety and capacity.Work over the deployment of super-governance as the focus of work, and actively study the scientific and feasible governance measures.

Third, honesty and self-discipline

In the actual work, he strictly abide by the Central, Sheng Municipal Committee on the construction of clean government and other aspects of the provisions, in accordance with the ”ten not allowed“, ”six are not allowed,“ the right to treat the hands of the power, according to the law, According to principles, civilized service. Adhere to establish a correct concept of power and scientific development concept, strict self-discipline, just and strict, in accordance with the rules and regulations, strict control of their own law enforcement behavior.

Overall, this year, I improved in all aspects. Although I have made some achievements, I have also realized that there are some shortcomings in my own life. The new year is coming, and I always stick to it. I will try my best to overcome shortcomings and respond to the call of the party and the government. Implement the scientific concept of development, and strive to participate in the construction of harmonious society, and effectively serve the masses.








1、本人组织能力强,在职工作时善于组建团队,组织培训,制定计划,并达成目标。善于资源分析,能充分利用各种资源。有较强的独立性。有较强的分析能力。能够适应快节奏的工作,有较强的实战经验和实际操作能力, 工作中能够独当-面。性格乐观开朗,做人本分,原则性较强,戒骄戒躁,有比较沉稳的性格。对工作认真负责,经常得到领导的好评。







































1、 努力学习新业务知识,在巩固原有知识的基础上,通过自觉不断充实自己的知识面与工作技能,务求清晰所有系统的使用途径和熟悉维护方法。除着系统的完美,除国际业务的黄金买卖外,其他的如fmis,cms,人行的反洗钱系统,人事管理系统,工会财务系统等等等系统都已经换成网页版,每更新一个系统,都会主动了解相关操作及技术情况,通过不断的学习和虚心请教,使自己永不落后。

2、 处理好同事之间关系,做到用最快的速度去解决故障,如一时去不到,会说明原因,所有故障尽量在两个工作日内解决,特别是重要部门,比如五楼的行长室和各老总办公室电脑,都是有故障做到马上解决。平时经常提醒同事及时备份,重要文件一定要存放在非系统盘,并耐心解答同事各种电脑疑问。平时想同事所想,急同事所急,通过耐心细致的工作,既赢得了同事的认同也提高了科技部在机关中地位。


20XX years, I passed the civil service examination was recruited to record X Bureau, a glorious national civil service. Over the past year, under the guidance and guidance of the leaders of the Bureau, concerned about the training, with the help and support of my colleagues and close cooperation, I have continuously strengthened my ideological and political studies, perfected the work, perfected the various tasks, personal thoughts Political quality and operational ability have made some progress for the future work and study laid a good foundation, now the specific work is summarized as follows:

First, in the ideological always adhere to the Deng - small - ping theory and the important thought of ”Three Represents“ as guidance, conscientiously implement the party 's xx and xx session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session, seriously strengthen ideological and political learning,Policies, and measures to continuously improve their political and theoretical level, firmly establish the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly and the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, strengthen self-awareness of honesty and self-discipline, so that the ideological awareness and their own quality has a New improvement. At the same time actively to move closer to the party organization, and submitted to the party organization to join the party application.

Second, in the work of the work in a positive, serious and responsible attitude, conscientiously abide by the rules and regulations, with an open mind to the leadership and experienced comrades ask, and strive to learn the business knowledge. In accordance with the requirements of the leadership to participate in X supervision and inspection work and X reporting platform, work in the search for ways to learn, through continuous learning, continue to accumulate, and gradually grasp the X supervision and inspection skills and laws, the work efficiency and quality of work Greatly improve, better completed the work tasks.

Third, in the course of the work, deeply feel to strengthen oneself study, improve the quality of their own urgency, therefore, every day out of a certain time to continuously enrich themselves, correct attitude, improve the method, extensively absorb all kinds of ”nutrition“. At the same time to learn from the surrounding comrades, and always maintain a modest and prudent, humbly ask for advice attitude, take the initiative to the leadership and colleagues to ask, learn their hard working, realistic and pragmatic work style and approach to problems in their own efforts in the shortest possible timeFamiliar with the work, and the knowledge used in practical work, in practice, the knowledge of the test, to find the lack of self-improvement, to prevent and overcome the tedious, little knowledge of the tendency.


Control the performance of the leadership team performance objectives at the beginning of the content of the plan, now my goals for the year , the task report is as follows, please review.

First, the completion of key work objectives

1, the completion of the tasks assigned by the superior center. This year, the higher level of the central task of more, involving me mainly two, one is the basic organization ”five basic construction“ and ”A Good“ activities, a people - the main comment on the wind activity. These two tasks, the Bureau of party committees have arranged effective competent leadership, my role is mainly involved in co-management. This is a major theme in party building work this year. In the face of heavy tasks and more activities and demanding high pressure, I was mainly involved in a series of follow-up activities, such as ”five basic constructions“ and ” Supervision activities. For example, in June and December this year, we carried out two comprehensive supervision, to promote the work carried out and in-depth, but also for the inspection and acceptance of Jingzhou City, the necessary preparations, passed the inspection and acceptance of Jingzhou City. Besides, the main comment on the work of the popular style of government, my main responsibility is to lead the publicity and education group. Throughout the event, we carried out a number of publicity and education activities, the city's health system people - the main comment on the work style of popular wind, and made wind and water, sound and color. In particular, the propaganda of public commitment system, the propaganda of large-scale volunteer activities, the selection and propaganda of “double top ten”, and so on, played a very good public opinion-oriented and guiding role in the critical moment of the people's appraisal.

2, the completion of the new rural construction objectives. This year, 16 units of the health system have counterpart support village-level organizations work tasks. In charge of leadership, I mainly assume the program development, upload and release and inspection and supervision and other aspects of the work. We strengthened the leadership, the implementation of training, follow-up supervision and other means to promote the health system of 16 rural task force to achieve the “selected people in the village, to ensure working hours, conscientiously do a good job of discipline,” fulfilled the “ To formulate development plans, to develop special economy, to promote public utilities, to strengthen organization construction, to strengthen mission training ”. The system-wide contact in 16 villages contact poor households or members of the “double band” model households 165, 33 on-site office, to support cash and material 210,000 yuan, looking for 30 development projects.

Second, the completion of the daily work objectives

1, the completion of the Bureau of funds directly under the unit unions task.This year, trade union funds, one task increased by 15%, the second is a half year or a year to settle the practice, the implementation of the monthly or 15 days after the initiative to declare the payment method. To this end, we actively do a good job 9 units directly under the coordination and supervision work, in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the completion of the union funds on time 91918 yuan.

2, to promote the system workers to participate in the city's model selection activities. In accordance with the city's “once every two years,” the model selection mechanism, this year is exactly the mode of ratification in recognition of the year. 51 on the eve of our extensive publicity, bottom-up, trade union review, the party decided to approach, recommended the City Maternal and Child Health Hospital Tan Yanping, Municipal People's Hospital of Chen Jian, Shishi City labor model, recommended City People's Hospital Xie Honghua Jingzhou City, participated in the advanced workers. As we are fair and impartial, strict pre-trial, recommended positive, complete materials, three people were elected to the appropriate level of the model workers and advanced.

3, the organization staff to actively participate in the system, “5.1” festival and other festivals. And the medical department together, organized the “5.12” nurse festival art show. Recommended City People's Hospital group dance program “Desert Rose” to participate in Shishou Federation of Trade Unions 5.1 Labor Day cultural activities, Jingzhou City, “5.12” Nursery Festival and Jingzhou City Federation of Trade Unions “Voice of Jingjiang” Staff Culture and Art Festival of theatrical performances.

4, the organization of veterans to actively participate in the system Chung Yeung Festival activities. We adhere to the veteran's political treatment and economic treatment, but also often organize veteran cadres to carry out healthy and beneficial fitness activities. Especially the organization of the annual celebration of the Chung Yeung Festival activities. On the day of the Chung Yeung Festival, we organized the retired veteran cadres of the city's medical units to participate in the city's collective mountaineering activities. For each retired veteran cadre who participated in the activity, the memorial items were issued. The retired cadres Bureau of retired veteran cadres collective discussion and dinner, so that retired veteran cadres feel the warmth of her family.



20xx years, I passed the civil service examination was recruited to record X Bureau, a glorious national civil service. Over the past year, under the guidance and guidance of the leaders of the Bureau, concerned about the training, with the help and support of my colleagues and close cooperation, I have continuously strengthened my ideological and political studies, perfected the work, perfected the various tasks, personal thoughts Political quality and operational ability have made some progress for the future work and study laid a good foundation, now the specific work is summarized as follows:

First, in the ideological always adhere to the Deng - small - ping theory and the important thought of “Three Represents” as guidance, conscientiously implement the party 's xx and xx session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session, seriously strengthen ideological and political learning,Policies, and measures to continuously improve their political and theoretical level, firmly establish the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly and the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, strengthen self-awareness of honesty and self-discipline, so that the ideological awareness and their own quality has a New improvement. At the same time actively to move closer to the party organization, and submitted to the party organization to join the party application.

Second, in the work of the work in a positive, serious and responsible attitude, conscientiously abide by the rules and regulations, with an open mind to the leadership and experienced comrades ask, and strive to learn the business knowledge. In accordance with the requirements of the leadership to participate in X supervision and inspection work and X reporting platform, work in the search for ways to learn, through continuous learning, continue to accumulate, and gradually grasp the X supervision and inspection skills and laws, the work efficiency and quality of work Greatly improve, better completed the work tasks.

Third, in the course of the work, deeply feel to strengthen oneself study, improve the quality of their own urgency, therefore, every day out of a certain time to continuously enrich themselves, correct attitude, improve the method, extensively absorb all kinds of “nutrition”. At the same time to learn from the surrounding comrades, and always maintain a modest and prudent, humbly ask for advice attitude, take the initiative to the leadership and colleagues to ask, learn their hard working, realistic and pragmatic work style and approach to problems in their own efforts in the shortest possible timeFamiliar with the work, and the knowledge used in practical work, in practice, the knowledge of the test, to find the lack of self-improvement, to prevent and overcome the tedious, little knowledge of the tendency.


This year, in charge of all levels and colleagues with the guidance and help, I feel very fast growing. Their skills continue to improve at the same time, also know that the electrode design needs to learn a lot.

Now summarize the year-end summarized as follows:

1. Actively complete the tasks assigned to the competent arrangement, and the effective working hours of more than 98.8% per day.

2. This year the work of detailed, 365 days without exception.

3. Participation in the work of the quality inspection within the group to help solve this group of colleagues in the design of the problem, the goods seized NG electrode ratio of only 0.1%.

4. Training and guidance of new work to help new people understand the electrode design specifications, master the electrode design process, so that new people faster into working condition.

5. Eliminate a number of major security risks, to avoid the occurrence of abnormal.

6. Actively communicate with the site to optimize the design and processing programs to reduce unnecessary work hours, effectively improve the design and processing efficiency.

7. Annual attendance zero anomaly, zero late, zero early leave, zero leave.

8. Update / produce electrode design copy materials, to facilitate the timely sharing of information

9. The production of video courseware for easy visual communication.

10. Write technical briefings, service team, and jointly improve.


xxxx years, I am keen on their own work, strict demands on themselves, straighten the workplace, always keep humble, cautious, self-disciplined attitude, in the leadership of the cultivation of care and the help of colleagues to support, always diligent study, proactive, Self-improvement, and always work hard, conscientiously complete the task, perform good job responsibilities, excellent performance in all aspects, has been the leadership and the masses affirmed. Now a year to study and work summarized the following:

First, self-discipline, and consciously strengthen party spirit, political and ideological consciousness to progress.

Over the past year, we have consistently applied Marxist-Leninist attitudes, perspectives, and methods to uphold the correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, and used them to guide our own study, work and life practice.Love the motherland, love the party, love of socialism, a firm belief in communism, and party organizations to maintain a high degree of consistency. Conscientiously implement the party's line, principles, policies, work proactive, hard work, not afraid of arduous, due diligence, hard working, in ordinary work to make whatever contribution.

First, earnestly study the important thinking of the Three Represents, thoroughly understand its scientific connotation, earnestly study the report of the 16th CPC National Congress and the spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 16th CPC Central Committee. In particular, in the second batch of educational campaigns to maintain the advanced nature of CPC members, which began in July this year, we have carefully and systematically studied the Party's basic knowledge and various theoretical works, further consolidated the theoretical foundations and advanced party spirit. Moral quality.

The second is to seriously learn business knowledge, and always maintain a modest and eager attitude towards business knowledge of learning. Over the past year, under the guidance of the teacher Pan Xiangzhang, take the village households, to participate in the village representatives, seminars and other meetings, to production, construction site visits, learning a lot of rural work methods, but also directly with the masses directly Contact, really deep into the masses. Usually, more to see, ask, think, take the initiative to the leadership, to the masses to ask questions, organs of learning, a variety of work meetings are a good opportunity for my study. In addition, seriously participate in various types of training, a year to participate in the civil service training, anti-drug urine training, e-government training, are excellent results through the assessment, skilled grasp of business skills. Business knowledge of the study so that I grew up in work quickly.

Third, hard work, conscientiously complete the task.

Over the past year, I always adhere to strict demands on themselves, hard work, always bear in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and strive to make their own work. Because I rarely work staff, especially in charge of the party and government office and comprehensive management office of a fellow, my task is more important, now work mainly has two large, one party and government work, One is the comprehensive management of work, in addition to part-time safety inspectors, food quality monitoring, thousands of members of the Office and other duties. A year of work due diligence, hard working, and strive to do a good job in the service work, a good consultant assistant.


Over the past year, under the leadership and love of leaders at all levels, I have tried to learn various medical policies, strengthened my own ideological and political and business knowledge learning, and comprehensively improved my overall quality and successfully completed the whole year's work.

First, the political and ideological aspects

Conscientiously study and consciously implement the Seventeenth National Congress of the medical and health aspects of the principles and policies, and strengthen the morality of learning and training, adhere to the patient as the center and quality as the core concept of care services, to serve the people contributing to society.

Second, business learning

Actively participated in the hospital organization of business learning activities, especially learning basic theory of Chinese medicine, with the theory of dialectical therapy to guide the daily nursing work. The second is to participate in the post-graduate education. In the case of very busy work to adhere to self-learning, is about to obtain nursing undergraduate degree. At any time not forget to improve their basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills. Nurses annual assessment and identification of the end of the work.

Third, efforts to complete the job tasks

To strictly enforce the operation of norms, for the patients responsible for the leadership assured. The work of demanding high standards. Can do everything possible for the sake of patients suffering. To master the relevant nursing work system, job responsibilities, nursing routine, operating procedures, the correct implementation of the treatment, care measures, serious enthusiasm for each patient.

Fourth, to strengthen their own rest, improve self-sentiment

Respect for the leadership of respect for the higher, unite the old comrades, love new comrades, work attitude clear, never accept the patient to eat, frugal life, cultivated as a medical workers noble sentiments.





















