
时间:2022-06-15 05:36:15 简历 收藏本文 下载本文




Personal information


Gender: male

Ethnic composition: the han nationality

Age: 25

Marital status: single

Professional name: network game development

Major: computer class

Political landscape: the masses

School: fujian normal university

Graduation time: in June

Highest degree: bachelor

Computer level: good

Working experience: above two years height: 180 cm weight: 120 kg

Home now: xinluo district household register: xinluo district


Hope is engaged in the occupation: baidu bid

Expected salary: 3000-4000

Expect work areas: xinluo district

Expect nature of work: full-time

The fastest arrive time: arrive at any time

Must provide housing: no need


Education background:

School name: fujian normal university (September - June 2014)

Professional name:

Education: bachelor degree

Location: fuzhou certificate:

Trained experience:

Work experience

Company name: xiamen Yi Er tong network technology co., LTD. (on June 6, - March )

Industry: Internet, e-commerce company nature: joint stock company

Company size: 500 ~ 500 people working location: xiamen software park

Job title: risk control ombudsman

Job description: dealing with online after baidu website, baidu customer complaints, dealing with customers, phoenix nest system problem to assist sales to complete customer online baidu promotion, assist customer service to achieve customer website construction and promotion. Proficient in baidu bidding rules, proficient in baidu promotion process, proficient in creative optimization, improve the show.

Leaving reason: back to the development of longyan

Company name: shenzhen long southeast electronics co., LTD. (August 2014 - February 2015)

Industry: nature of Internet, e-commerce company: private. Private enterprises

Company size: 10 to 50 people working place: shenzhen

Job title: quality inspectors

Job description: responsible for testing the quality of the products, completeness, appearance, and performance. Responsible for marketing docking, help marketing website product optimization and market research, joint logistics department, assist the product smooth, fast out of the list.

Leaving reason: the company no prospects for development, are too far away from longyan

Self assessment

Self assessment: minimum 2 years work experience, experience in team coordination, good at learning.

Language ability

Language name master degree

Good English

Proficient in mandarin




性别: 男

民族: 汉族

年龄: 25

婚姻状况: 未婚

专业名称: 网络游戏开发

主修专业: 计算机类

政治面貌: 群众

毕业院校: 福建师范大学

毕业时间: 6月

最高学历: 本科

电脑水平: 良好

工作经验: 两年以上 身高: 180cm体重:120公斤

现所在地: 新罗区 户籍: 新罗区


期望从事职业: 百度竞价员

期望薪水: 3000-4000

期望工作地区: 新罗区

期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 随时到岗

需提供住房: 不需要



学校名称: 福建师范大学(9月-206月)


学历: 本科

所在地: 福州 证书:



公司名称: 厦门易尔通网络科技有限公司(6月-3月)

所属行业: 互联网·电子商务 公司性质: 股份制企业

公司规模: 500~1000人 工作地点: 厦门软件园

职位名称: 风控监察专员

工作描述: 处理百度客户上线以后网站问题,处理百度客户投诉问题,处理客户凤巢系统问题,协助销售完成客户上线百度推广,协助客服完成客户网站建设及推广。精通百度竞价规则,精通百度推广流程,精通创意优化,提高展现。

离职原因: 回龙岩发展

公司名称: 深圳长隆鑫电子有限公司(2014年8月-202月)

所属行业: 互联网·电子商务 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 10~50人 工作地点: 深圳

职位名称: 质量检测员

工作描述: 负责检测产品质量,完全性,外观,以及性能。负责对接市场部,帮助市场部网站产品优化及市场调研,对接物流部,协助产品流畅,快速的出单。

离职原因: 公司没有发展前景,离龙岩太远


自我评价: 具有2年工作经验,有团队协作经验,善于学习。


语种名称 掌握程度

英语 良好

普通话 精通




性 别: 女 年 龄:21岁

身 高: 157 CM 婚姻状况: 保密

户 口: 广东云浮 现居住地: 广东广州

学 历: 大专 工作经验: 无

毕业院校:  主 修:

计算机能力: 良好 英语水平:CET4

海外工作/学习经历: 年以上  证件类型:其他


希望工作地点: 广州  月薪要求: 1500-元  求职类型: 全职

希望工作岗位: 互联网/电子商务/网络游戏/计算机服务 经理助理 其它 行政/后勤 /人力资源

补充说明: 电子商务类或者文职类工作都可以。


- 就读于广东松山职业技术学院 大专


基本技能:1、熟悉常用的电脑办公软件以及电子商务工作流程和电子商务平台后台管理,有网络营销经验。 2、会网页设计和制作,掌握市场调查与分析能力,可以独立经营网店,熟悉地完成网上买卖流程,有一定的策划能力。 3、具备相关的商业礼仪知识和公关意识,懂得和客户进行沟通和服务。 4、有自学过证券基础知识以及学校有开展相关的专业,对投资行业有一定的认识。


/7 -- 2010/8 商务代表 7月1日到8月20日,在广州天河鑫望角信息科技有限公司进行专业实习,职务为商务代表,日常工作是通过打电话来开发新客户,需要时到会场担任服务岗位,并在两个月内取得了两万多的业绩,能很好地和客户进行沟通和良好的.服务意识。





个人简历的成功因素有很多,成败因素也有很多。求职者在编辑个人简历时一定要多用心,少耍小聪明。 个人信息


性 别: 男

民 族: 汉族 年 龄: 25

婚姻状况: 未婚 专业名称: 网络游戏开发

主修专业: 计算机类 政治面貌: 群众

毕业院校: 福建师范大学 毕业时间: 6 月

最高学历: 大专 电脑水平: 良好

工作经验: 两年以上 身 高: 180 cm 体重:120公斤

现所在地: 新罗区 户 籍: 新罗区


期望从事职业: 百度竞价员 期望薪水: 3000-4000

期望工作地区: 新罗区 期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 随时到岗 需提供住房: 不需要



学校名称: 福建师范大学 ( 9月 - 206月 )

专业名称: 网络游戏开发 学历: 大专

所 在 地: 福州 证书:



公司名称: 厦门易尔通网络科技有限公司 ( 6月 - 3月 )

所属行业: 互联网·电子商务 公司性质: 股份制企业

公司规模: 500~1000人 工作地点: 厦门软件园

职位名称: 风控监察专员

工作描述: 处理百度客户上线以后网站问题,处理百度客户投诉问题,处理客户凤巢系统问题,协助销售完成客户上线百度推广,协助客服完成客户网站建设及推广。精通百度竞价规则,精通百度推广流程,精通创意优化,提高展现。

离职原因: 回龙岩发展

公司名称: 深圳长隆鑫电子有限公司 ( 年8月 - 202月 )

所属行业: 互联网·电子商务 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 10~50人 工作地点: 深圳

职位名称: 质量检测员

工作描述: 负责检测产品质量,完全性,外观,以及性能。负责对接市场部,帮助市场部网站产品优化及市场调研,对接物流部,协助产品流畅,快速的出单。

离职原因: 公司没有发展前景,离龙岩太远


自我评价: 具有2年工作经验,有团队协作经验,善于学习。


语种名称 掌握程度

英语 良好

普通话 精通

拓展阅读:想要打造完美的个人简历 了解两点必不可少


① 求职者在编写个人简历前要了解用人单位


② 作为求职者你真的了解自己吗?





Basic information

Name: YJBYS height: 181 cm

Gender: male employment time: -11-15

Ethnic composition: han degree: bachelor degree

Born years: the 1987-04-01 professional: electronic and information engineering

Native: Shanghai reside a dwelling place: the city of Shanghai

Marital status: single mobile: 139 * * * * * * * * *

Id: 3302 * * * * * * * * * E E-mail:

Work experience

* * * Shanghai x network science and technology limited company interns

Mainly in Linux engaged in a large people under the network game's background development. The independent development of one of the delivery server, name server and family database server, and participated in the game logic server development work.

Self assessment

Has the rich programming experience, solid C foundation, has the rich experience and practice experience, and have a variety of programming tools and programming language. I am learning result is outstanding, the field grade above won many scholarships, take part in the national nature of the games are also have yielded substantial results. Learning ability, for new knowledge can quickly grasp. Be good at thinking, independent, strong subjective initiative, self-motivated. Perseverance and perseverance, can work under high pressure. Have the responsibility and the collective sense of honor, and one can get along.


Expect the nature of work: full-time

Expect working location: the city of Shanghai

Expect work industry, electronics, machinery

Expect jobs: electronic engineer

Expect work treatment: the negotiable

To the time: interview



Male 22 years old

Education: college

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 1000- yuan

Working location: guangzhou - tianhe

Objective: the Java software development engineer

Strong learning ability The good faith integrity a strong sense of responsibility Composed inside collect With entrepreneurial experience

Working experience (1 year, made a job)

The school to the workshop

Working hours: between January and January 2015 in [1]

Job title: development work content: between the maintenance optimization of the website

Education experience

Graduated in June Guangzhou institute of technology of profession of large mobile development

Self description

With a little calm composure Composed of a little sharp



Male 22 years old

Education: college

Working years: 1 to 2 years

Expected salary: negotiable

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: the Java software development engineer

Work experience (work for 10 months, 1 year for 1 job)

Modern science and technology co., LTD. Wuhan wisdom

Working hours: between January 2015 and November [1 years 10 months]

Job title: Java development engineer

Working content: mainly engaged in the development of Java project. Specific work: be responsible for the realization of the system function, system bug modification, the system test.

Achievements: regularly completed the company's mission, and could improve the level of self! Analysis of demand more skilled!

Education experience

Graduated in June 2015 Liuzhou in guangxi university of science and technology mechanical and electrical integration

Professional skills

Java: skilled experience: 2 years



1. 主要工作任务是使用Erlang进行游戏服务器端功各能模块开发,使用Protobuff实现客户端和服务端之间使用的协议的细节,负责服务器内业务逻辑的开发和维护

2. 服务器端架构和框架设计与开发,战斗场景和战斗模块、卡牌升级进阶、以及邮箱模块、聊天及好友模块、用户模块、数据库、消息接收推送模块的.开发

/5 – /8:XX有限公司[1年3个月]



1. 熟悉OTP行为,负责排除修正服务端运行过程中所遇到的问题同时负责了后期上线的各平台SDK接入工作

2. 在职期间,一共负责了X个手游项目的服务器开发工作,同时也负责了部分客户端开发任务。


/8— 2013/6 西安电子科技大学 信息与计算科学 本科


/12 大学英语四级






Resume number: Updating date:                          
Current Place:YuexiuHeight/Weight:165 cm?54 kg
Marital Status:SingleAge:26 years
Career Objective and Work experience
Application type:01
Preferred job title:Sales: buyer 、 Trade: 、 Internet Development & Application:
Working life:4Title:Middle title
Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a week
Expected salary:¥3,500--¥5,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou
Work Experience :
Company's name:E&P Import and export ltd,coBegin and end date: 2010-11--09
Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Computer/Internet/Communication/Electronics
Job Title:Merchandiser 
Job description:    This is a oversea company. They sell the electric items and home appliance to oversea from China. I was in charge of everything in China for him. When they give me the enquiry, I need to search for the product in the fair and the wesite as per their market, then discuss the quotation with him, go to the factory for visiting.  Then order, follow up the order, arrange for the shipment till they receive the goods. And after service .And making theri catalog, etc 
Reasons for leaving:Impove myself 
Company's name:United sales agency ltd,coBegin and end date: -03-2010-10
Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trading/Imports & Exports
Job Title:Merchandiser 
Job description:     This is a trading company runned by one foreigner. This is a small company, but I learnt so many important things from this company.

I commuicate with the clients by MSN , SKYPE and Outlook . After that, I start to search the good suppliers from the internet.After inquery, then send the samples to the client for confirmation, finally, I need to make the documents. Somethimes, some country allow to import the goods with the imported certificate. So we need to arrange for everything in case of the mistake, like make sure the delivery , then make appointment with the checking people.

So I need to in charge of the whole line after the client place the order.Then inspection and loading the container .

When the clients come to China , I need to translate for the client and dicuss the client idea with the factoy.

When the fair come,  I will go with the client and know abt the maket . 

Reasons for leaving:wanna see more 
Company's name:Strong Bunch International Ltd.,Begin and end date: -02-2007-07
Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trade/Consumption/Manufacturing/Operation
Job Title:Merchandiser 
Job description:    Handle shoes products made in China for European, American and south Africa market on trading business. For instance, documents making for exporting as per L/C. Checked the suitcase, and arranged shipment. L/C , B/L checking , Form A, CO and custom invoice for Canada etc. and payments collection

Follow up on shipments, booking containers, shipping documents handling. Contact the forwarders and deal with some problem for the shipment. Like apply for latecome,etc.

Familiar with ERP system operating resource planning and integrate and data and processes of and organization.

Deal with vendors for problems

Communicate with QCs for problems exposing and shoot the troubles together. And as a assistant for the QC to inspect the products

Follow up with the production schedule, sample making ,etc.

In charge of the trail for the mass production

Dealt with the problems for the production with the stuffs in the factory. 

Reasons for leaving:wanna learn more 
Educational Background
Name of School:Guangdong Textile Polytechnic Institute
Highest Degree:AssociateDate of Graduation:2007-07-01
Name of Major 1:international tradeName of Major 2: 
Education experience:
Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No
-092007-07Guangdong Textile Polytechnic Instituteinternational tradecet-4cet -4
Language Ability
Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:excellent
Language ability:I can speak english well, as well as the reading and writting.
Chinese level:perfectCantonese Level:perfect
Relevant skills and abilities
 I can speak english well, also the computer
Self-recommendation letter

Including courses:

English Intensive Reading  Oral English  Interntional Trade   Oral Interporetation and Translation   Business correspondence  English Extensive Reading  English Listening and Speaking  Fashion English  Textile Englihs  Computer  International Finance and so on


I am an open mind girl from China. I like English & French.Especially,I can speak English well. I always chatting with the peopel all over the world. So I can communicate with the foreigners well. My mother tough is cantonese, and I have good command of mandrine./信息来源于大学生个 人简历网(hTtp://WwW.yJsJl.oRg)请注明)

What's more ,I can use the computer well.I can use the software well.For instances, MS-OFFICE, DREAMWEAVER,PHOTOSHOP,FIREWORK.

I am a trustworthy girl . I believe I can make into your computer.

Work Tel: Home Tel: 
Mobile Phone: msn/QQ: 
Email: Web/Blog:




个人技能特长有很多方面,像是英语能力、 计算机能力、 设计能力、绘画能力还有其他方面的能力等等。充足的.技能以及具有含金量的特长,即可达到提高个人简历的内涵,这也是衡量个人简历的标准之一。


Name: yjbys telephone :      
Degree : Bachelor Professional: Information and Computational Science  
Experience : 3years national : Han  
School: *** University Of Electronic Technology  
address : ***
E-mail : /jianli
Self Assessment :

Be proficient in C/C++, JAVA, PHP, SQL, SHELL,and some general algorithms. Know MYSQL, ORACLE, SQL SERVER,SYBASE and basic operations of Unix, Linux well.Be able to read and comprehend general English books of computer. Have ability in accomplishing task independently. Passed examination of each college course for the first time.
Target Job :

Desired Job Category: System Analyst | R&D Engineer | Senior Software Engineer | Software Engineer
Desired Job Industry: Software | Banking
Desired Salary: Negotiable
Desired City: ***
I can start from: within 1 month
Work Experience :

.7-2011.2 ***-,Inc


Responsibilities and Achievements:

Design and Develop user mode programs, compose document for NFSARK V2.0. It's calculated fully in extension and implicit demand, well done in uncertain factors, which makes the program run strongly and less BUGS.

.12-2010.6 ***,Inc


Responsibilities and Achievements:

The corporation mainly provide service for the three exchange carrier of***the incumbency,I configure the plat and make conclusion of the similar operations to develop programs to do that instead, which reduce the possibility of error and work more efficiently;

implement interface for other companies,make slutions for some uncertain factors successfully,achieve the project ahead of schedule,which gain enough time for inner testing,corporate with other corpotion for joint debugging,and submit the project on schedule.

2009.8-2009.11 ***Inc


Responsibilities and Achievements:

The corporation provide Email services.In the incumbency,I design new core programs to improve the old system,and the new program runs efficiently,which will promote the system's functionality;develop stable and efficient software for customs as soon as possible;maintain old programs and modify bugs,of which enhance the stability.

2008.9-2009.8 ***Media,Inc.


Responsibilities and Achievements:

Programming to collect datas from daily business records,and compute the result,then report it to correlatives,which suit a good convenience for them to grasp the commercial state,to estimate the strategy,or to promote a new one.

Design new programs to implement functions for new business.With good extensibility,it's saving time to develop for similar services,which will serve more business order.

Rewrite or optimize old programs,and improve the efficiency of those programs substantially,which will release resource of the server to do more jobs.

Education :

2004.9-2008.7 ***University Of Electronic Technology


Major Category:

Information and Computational Science

College Info

Rank/Out of a Total of:

Top 10/30people

Other Awards:

2nd scholarship






Name: yjbys Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 170 cm 55 kg
Marital Status: Single Age: 29 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: CFO/Finance Director/Manager: stocks 、 Sales Engineer: trader 、 Foreign Trade/Import-Export Specialist/Assistant: translation
Working life: 7 Title: No title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In three days
Expected salary: ¥5500~¥6499 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Foshan Zhongshan
Work experience
Company“s name: ****CO., Limited    Begin and end date: -01-2014-07
Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Trade/Consumption/Manufacturing/Operation
Job Title: Merchandiser 
Job description: Handle the garments sample from artwork to reality. manager every details & solve problems

in production. 

Reasons for leaving:  
Educational Background
Name of School: DaLian Vocaltional & Technical College
Highest Degree: Associate Date of Graduation: -07-01
Name of Major 1: stocks Name of Major 2: Development manager 
Education experience:
Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No
-09 2007-06 Dalian Vocational & Technical College Securities stock subject  
Language Ability
Foreign Language: English Level: normal
Chinese level: excellent Cantonese Level: normal
Relevant skills and abilities
  Skilled in every process of jeans manufacture.

Have enough experience about fabric & sewing & washing

Excellent in English writing & speaking

Good at computer office software & photoshop


Name: yjbys nationality: China

At present location: guangzhou national: han

Seat of registered permanent residence: guangdong province figure: 173 cm to 100 kg

Marital status: single age: 23

Education background

Graduate school: fresh graduate employment nets university

The highest degree: college graduation date: -03-01

A major: Chinese literature major 2:

Objective and work experience

Talent type: ordinary applying for a job

Applied position: Internet development and application, computer software,

Term: 20 title:

Job types: full-time date available: a week

Monthly salary requirements: 5000-8000 hope work area: the tianhe district

Personal work experience: the company name: start-stop years: 2011-01-

The company properties: private enterprise by sector: the computer/Internet/communication/electronic

In the position of: secretary

Language ability

Foreign languages: Russian

Mandarin level: general cantonese level: generally






Name: yjbys gender : male    
Birth : *** telephone :    
Degree : Bachelor Professional: Packaging Engineering  
Experience : 10years national : Han  
School: Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication  
address : ***
E-mail : /jianli
Self Assessment :

Talented Oracle Database, EBS and software development professional; Understanding well about the development and implementation projects based on Oracle Database, PL/SQL, Forms and Reports, etc; Knowing the development and implementation well in the Oracle EBS environment (11.5.4 -11.5.10); Strong ability of the team, project and process management; Widely knowing the popular commercial application software. Having overseas working experience (at Singapore). 
Target Job :

Desired Job Category: ERP Technical/Application Consultant | Project Manager/Supervisor | DBA/Database Development Engineer
Desired Job Industry: Software
Desired Salary: Negotiable
Desired City: Beijing
I can start from: within 1 month
Work Experience :

2006.4-Now ***Reuters

Technical Specialist,PrincipalSoftwareEngineer

Responsibilities and Achievements:

•        Focused on the Thomson Reuters financial market data (instrument data) maintenance system design, development, migration, implementation and support, based on Oracle Database, Forms and PL/SQL, etc., for internal customers, covering the global markets; Conducting the Global Exchange Data Administration (GEDA) Team Leader and Technical Specialist.

•        Led the Thomson Reuters Global Quote System (GQS) project on GEDA side; Responsible for the software design, development and implementation; GQS project is the core system upgrade project to enhance the system performance and solve the capacity issues by upgrading the current systems with new architecture, new applications, to migrate the core business data, covering the global markets.

•        Led the Thomson Reuters Edison system America/Europe transition project on GEDA side; In charge of the software design, development and implementation, to integrate the area or exchange specific applications, supporting global users.

•        Responsible for the design, development and implementation of Thomson Reuters Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) project, for Europe, on GEDA side. MiFID project, the Thomson Reuters core system enhancement project, supports Europe exchanges to implement the technical solution based on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive.

•        Involved in the Thomson Reuters Phoenix Project SG transition project, as the one of the key members, to hand-over Global Exchange Data Administration (GEDA) from Singapore to Beijing.

•        Mentor of internship student.

•        Thomson Reuters CRM/CPM system (Siebel) part-time trainer for Beijing development center.

2005.8-2006.4 ***r Inc. (Contractor of Motorola’s***IT Solutions***, Beijing, China)


Responsibilities and Achievements:

•        Focused on the design, development and migration of Motorola finance customized software, based on Oracle Database, Forms, Reports and PL/SQL, etc., under the Oracle EBS environment.

•        Responsible for the design and development of Motorola finance customized software migration project, mainly for Oracle EBS Finance Payables (AP), from Motorola’s Israel and Brazil local systems to global finance system, to meet the software integration requirements.

•        In charge of the design and development of Motorola finance Outerbay Purging & Achieving report development project, for Oracle EBS Finance Payables (AP) and Receivables (AR), to validate the purging and achieving operation of Outerbay application.

•        Responsible for the design and development of Motorola finance interface encryption project for Oracle EBS Finance Payables (AP), to meet the security requirements for the personal credit card information, by using PGP.

2004.10-2005.7 ***International, Inc

Technical Consultant

Responsibilities and Achievements:

•        Involved in the Haier Co.,Ltd. BI (Brio) project, which was implemented by the former Hyperion; Responsible for software technical consulting and development, to provide the analysis and report service, based on the business data.

•        Focused on the P.R. China Ministry of Finance (MOF) Oracle EBS Finance implementation project, which was implemented by Oracle; In charge of the Oracle EBS Finance Payables (AP) interface customization development, to integrate the core finance system and external non-tax revenue systems, mainly the software design and development, based on Oracle Database, Forms, Reports and PL/SQL, in the Oracle EBS environment.

Education :

1996.9-2000.7 Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication


Major Category:

Packaging Engineering






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