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No.67, Lane123, Hope Road

Job District, Shanghai, China

(+86) 138-xxxx-xxxx


Seeking for a cameraman assistant position


Notable Achievements

Time Magazine, Top Photos of the Year for California Wildfire at Night

Banaker Excellence in Photography Fellowship, 1995.

Ventura County Times

Staff photographer, - Present

Regular coverage included: Sports, Lifestyle, & Metro. Successfully met tight deadlines.

Los Angeles Times

Summer Intern

Assisted lead sports photographer. Selected and assembled equipment according to subject material, anticipated conditions. Gained valuable knowledge of function and limitations of various types of cameras, lenses, and films.

MV 'Long Time No See': www.vedio.hujiang.com/a1s2d3f4g5h6j7k8

Micro Film 'thank you very much': www.vedio.hujinagyingyu.com/q1w2e3r4gf4

The appendix of works: www.picture.hujiangyingyu.com/zuopinji


Familiar with SONY DVCAM600P, canon 550, D50mm f/1.4

Proficient in production software: DreamWeaver, Photoshop, AE

National Photography occupation qualification certificate


Los Angeles Times

Summer Intern

Assisted lead sports photographer. Selected and assembled equipment according to subject material, anticipated conditions. Gained valuable knowledge of function and limitations of various types of cameras, lenses, and films.

Hu jiang culture media co. , ltd

Nov. - Jan.

Cameraman assistant

Assisted the photographer in the customer to enterprise propaganda film production

Xxx wedding company

Sep.2012 - Nov.2012

Recording editor

Responsible for recording and editing to deliver the wedding

Propaganda Department of Jobs university for nationalities

Jun.2012 - Aug.2012

Photography collector

Chose a location number of the newspaper and figure, based on the content requirements

The first qiaobu photography contest 'Best art modelling design'



Volunteer Association of Jobs university for nationalities

Sep. - Jun.2012


Participated in metro volunteer activities many times, including guiding the way and picking the parcel


Jobs university for nationalities

Sep.2011 - Jun.

Diploma of college, major in XXXX


Love photography, have many experiences and works

Mostly because I like drawing, but also because, while I am drawing I can assess what exactly needs to be done when making the cg version


Love photography and travel

Love football, basketball, badminton, swimming




在思想品德上,本人有良好的思想道德修养,并有较高的政治理论觉悟,平时积极地向摄影班委团委组织靠拢,参与摄影专业学生集体社区服务活动。在生活中,本人遵纪守法,经常关心和帮助摄影班其他同学,并以务实求真的精神热心参与各项社会活动与摄影知识公益宣传。 在学习上,我热爱自己所就读的摄影专业,各门基础公共课程和摄影专业课程均取得了比较理想的成绩。

此外,我还参加摄影相关资格考试xxx(列举自己获得的'摄影专业证书)。 在摄影专业实习期间,我经历里学校所没有的酸甜苦辣,感受摄影专业就业严峻的压力,也切身体会到父母劳作的艰辛。在摄影专业实习期间,我工作努力,将摄影课堂所学的知识应用于实践,认真设



尊敬的經理: 您好!感激您能在百忙中抽時間來閱讀我的 簡歷 ,給我一個從事自己熱愛工作的機會,在此我謹以一個職業攝影師的真實面目接受您的甄選。 本人XXXX,10月接觸攝影并開始狂熱發燒,在大學期間自修了攝影課程以及相關的美術課程, 冰淇淋店創業計劃書,畢業后曾到北京進修攝影,立志成為一名出色的專業攝影師。多年來孜孜不倦地鉆研攝影技術,在不斷的工作、學習、總結中,技術逐漸成熟起來,具備了專業的素養,全面而精湛的攝影技術。豐富的工作經驗, 大學生社會調查報告,從事專業攝影八年多,先后任職于廣州某網路科技有限公司、廣州市某美資遠程服務有限公司、開平市某視覺形象設計有限公司、廣州某包裝設計有限公司、廣東省梅州市某婚紗攝影世界等攝影設計公司(因工作的因素不便透露,見諒!),拍攝范圍涉及食品、衛浴、五金、塑料制品、工業外景、建筑、家居、首飾、化妝品、服裝服飾、人像等。擅長商業廣告攝影以及與攝影有關的領域。工作態度認真誠懇,勤奮能干,為影象的完美做出不懈的努力!本人性格誠實穩重,極具耐心, 大學生入黨志愿書,富有創新精神,在工作中,身為職業攝影師, 大學生實習周記范文,我時常嚴格要求自己:吃透客戶、設計師的意圖,本著“專業、敬業、樂業”的原則,以一絲不茍的敬業精神和追求完美的'恒心毅力,最大程度地把產品特有的魅力挖掘出來,讓產品的商業價值得到最大程度的凸現,為客戶提供最優質、最適合需要的照片。在職期間,精心拍攝每一張照片,照片的質量普遍得到了設計師、客戶的好評。 多年的工作,厭倦了四處奔波,我一直期望能夠找到一個好的發展空間,安穩的工作環境,能夠一展所長。 劍鳴匣中,期之以聲。非常盼望能與您進一步面談。攝影作品請到我的博客查閱!謝謝! 求職 意向地區:廣州市、廣東清遠市。 聯系方式:13000000 此致 敬禮



Personal Information:


Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Beijing

Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried



Work Experience:

Nov. - present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .

Summer of BIT Company as a technician ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;


1991 - August Dept.of Automation, Tsinghua University, B.E.

Achievements & Activities:

President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

Established the organization as a member of BIT

President of Communications for the Marketing Association

Representative in the Student Association

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills:

Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623; GRE: 2213


Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment. Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.



Name: Mr. Gao xx ID:

Nation: the current location of brave guy: Wuhan

Age: 24-year-old account location: Wuhan

Marital status: unmarried

Job search intention and work experience

Talent type: Full-time

Position: ceramic technology, glass / chemical processes, building materials and products

Work Experience: 0 Title: No

Job type: Full-time arrived to date: at any time

Monthly requirements: Negotiable hope that the working area: Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan

Personal experience:% 26 # 61656; -, propaganda as in the classes have been a member of the Propaganda Department in the Student Union General Hospital

% 26 # 61656; in September , Varistor ceramics factory in Wuhan, Chang-li glass, cement Wulongquan internship. Familiar with the glass, cement, ceramics production process and its equipment.

% 26 # 61656; in July , in Wuhan Branch Trade Co., Ltd. is a part-time marketing staff do

% 26 # 61656; in September 2005 to learn from entering the Amway

% 26 # 61656; in September 2005, Grand Formosa Regent Taipei in Shandong Texas Practice Group. Systematic understanding of the daily-use glass, flat glass, glass brick, glass and carbon fiber materials, such as cement production process and its equipment.

% 26 # 61656; in March 2005, will be the production of ceramic factory in Foshan internship. Systematic study of ceramic production process and its equipment.

Done college tutor, issued leaflets, and so did the company campus proxy

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Wuhan Engineering University

Highest level of education: undergraduate graduation date: May 2006

Studies by one: a professional engineering study II:

By education and training experience: 2002-2006, studied at Wuhan Engineering University (formerly Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology), the studies for the inorganic non-metallic materials (undergraduate), the system of learning and proficiency in the ceramics, glass, cement production processes and the process equipment.

The context of undergraduate education

% 26 # 61656; basic courses: College English, advanced mathematics, linear algebra, probability theory, basic computer and application program design basis, legal basis, the University of Physics, Principles of Political Economy, Marx's philosophy, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the “Three Represents”, ideological and moral cultivation, public sports and so on.

% 26 # 61656; professional courses: Inorganic Materials Physical Chemistry, inorganic non-metallic engineering materials, inorganic non-metallic materials in English, computer use in the material, Introduction to functional materials, fluid engineering infrastructure, powder works, in modern materials research methods, thermal Public infrastructure, electronic ceramics, functional ceramics, ceramic decoration technology, process design of inorganic materials, mechanical design, electronic ceramics and so on.

Language ability

Foreign Language: English Language: skilled

Mandarin level: the level of proficiency in Cantonese: poor

The ability to work and other expertise

Language ability

% 26 # 61656; have heard some English reading and writing skills.

% 26 # 61656; able to read and a good English translation of professional information, dissertation abstracts written in English.

% 26 # 61656; has a strong language ability and the ability to communicate with others, have a stronger capacity to convince

Computer level

% 26 # 61656; related courses: basic computer and applications, C language, AutoCAD and Oringin series of data processing software, CAD software applications master proe.

% 26 # 61656; can use a simple C language applications.

% 26 # 61656; familiar with Windows, can skilled use of office software office.

% 26 # 61656; familiar with Internet applications, to effectively use the Internet resources.


☆ Personal Information


sex: Male

Date of birth: June 1979

Height: 172cm

Place of origin: Jinan City

Place of residence: Jinan City

National: Han

Political landscape: non-party personages

Graduate institutions: Shandong Electric Poputer Information Management

Mobile phone:


This article from the biographical notes edited, reproduced from the biographical notes on the source keep reprint.

☆ job intentions

Sales manager, sales executive manager / director, sales manager

Educational experience ☆

Shandong .10 --- .7 --- 20xx.7 First School 1999.10 Shandong Electric Popanies

PC chassis so the channel

20xx.9 ---- 20xx.12

Development Co., Ltd. Beijing Chaoxing

20xx.12 ---- 20xx.5

Shandong steel net

Responsible for the management of the company's business and operations

20xx.7 ---- so far

Aladdin Information Technology Co., Ltd. Shandong

Involved in the operation and management of projects

Skill levels ☆

The application of computer proficient and be able to negotiate better

Self-evaluation ☆

Inner calm yet restrained passion, the more mature.


Personnal Data






Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Marital Status:Single

Address:23 South Seaside Avenue, South China Computer Company, Haikou 57000



Position Sought

Computer Programmer puters extensively, coupled puter Programmer, South China Computer Company, Haikou, from 20xx to date.

-Coded puter machine instructions using Java or C.

-Coded subroutines follopleted.

-Tested, debugged and assembled programs.

-Adept at operating IBM-PC and Legend computers.

Educational Background

Beijing University of Technology

B. S. in Computer Science, July 20xx

Courses included:

-Computer Science Systems Design and Analysis

-PASCAL Programming Operating Systems

-COBOL Programming Java Programming

-FORTRAN Programming D--BASE Programming

-Systems Management

Beihai No. 14 Middle School, 1992—

English Proficiency

A good command of English in science and technology.


Homepage building and on-line chitchatting.

References: Will be supplied upon request.





xxxx.9-xxxx.7 shulan no.15 middelschool.

xxxx.8-xxxx.7 shulan no.1 middelschool.

XX.9-XX.7 dept.of german, yanbian university of science and technology.

academic main courses


german culture german pronunciation practice german conversation

german composition( 1,2.3) english grammar english reading

german translation german practice

international trade

principles of management principles of accounting principles of economics

economy writing human resource management chinese economic law

introduction to statistics


korea conversation korea writing korea reading

computer abilities

skilled in use of word, excel, powerpoint and other programs; chinese, english and german typing

german and english skills

have a good command of both spoken and written german and passed german-4 test.

have a good command of both spoken and written english and passed englisch-4 test.

scholarships and awards

xxxx.9Dxxxx.9 tuition scholarships from american

xxxx.9 tuition scholarship from american


general business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

have a passion for the internet, and an abundance of common sense

interests & hobbies:

literary writing, reading, participation in various conferences and colloquia, computers, cooking, movies, travel .




Current Industry Computer Software Senior Software Engineer

Target Industry Telecommunication (Equipment• Operation• Value-Added Service), Internet• e-Commerce, Computer Software, Computer Hardware• Network Equipment, IT service• system integration

Internet Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, R&D Engineer, System Analyst, Software Engineer

Working Experience:

/04-Present Longtop Development DBA

Company Profile: Longtop Group, established in ,

is one of the leading China-based integrated IT service providers in the world.

Longtop provides globally sourced strategic IT consulting, software development,

enterprise application implementation and maintenance,

and system integration services to Fortune companies across China and North America.

According to recent data from CCID Consulting, one of the leading market research firms in China,

Longtop is one of the leading banking IT service providers in China and one of the top service providers in

ATM and foreign exchange software.

Type of Company: Joint Venture

Size of Company: 1000+

Location: Xiamen

Number of People under My Supervision: 3 People

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Project: Dubai Stock trading system

Client: Dubai Exchange Company

Role: Development DBA

Environment: Java, Jboss, Oracle 10g, Times ten 6.03


1. System analysis and Data modeling

2. PL/SQL programming

3. Research on Times ten

4. SQL review

5. Production environment maintenance.

Project: ASD HR Plum tree portal system

Client: American Standard

Role: Development DBA

Environment: .Net, Plum tree, PeopleSoft data source, Oracle 9i


1. Performance tuning

2. SQL review

Project: Erickson RLTV website

Client: Erickson Company

Role: Development DBA

Environment: .Net, windows , SQL Server


1. Database design

2. T-SQL programming

2005/04-2006/04 Fujian KIND Technology LTD Senior Software Engineer

Company Profile: It was built at 1988; the domain includes system integration, information security,

electronic government affair, e-commerce, machine manufacturing, tenancy and import and export commerce.

It was identified by ISO9001:2000 quality control system and considered as high-tech

enterprise in Fujian Province.

Type of Company: State-owned Company

Size of Company: 100 - 499

Location: FuZhou

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Project: Fujian organization information management system

Client: Government office of Fujian province

Role: main developer

Environment: .Net, Windows 2003, Oracle 9i


1. Database design, implement

2. PL/SQL programming

3. Performance tuning

4. Organization tree coding(c#)

/03-2005/04 Hunan NET Electronic Technology Corporation Software Engineer

Company Profile: It develops Education Software and is one of the TOP-10

Education software company in China.

Location: ChangSha

Responsibilities & Achievements:

Project: Fangsheng Education technology managing system

Client: Production

Role: developer

Environment: .Net, Windows 2003, SQL Server 2000


1. Implement 2 sub-modules of this product: equipments stock and borrow.

2. Response for application deployment.


2000/09-2004/06 Central South Forest University

Computer science technology Electronic Science and Technology Bachelor

2006/08/01 Oracle database advanced technology training(Guangzhou, )

Duration: 1 Week

2005/09/01 RUP software development training(FuZhou, )

Duration: 2 Weeks


English: Fluent

Grade of English: Not Passed

Oral English: Fluent


1. 4 years of database related working experience.

2. Familiar with OOA/OOP/OOD.

3. Experienced in Oracle database performance tuning and high availability.

4. Proficient in Data modeling.

5. Skilled in Times ten.

6. Good skills of communication, analysis, and team working.

7. 1+ years of using English as a working language.




Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx Computer Science Dept. of Computer College, Northeast Normal University. Courses taken include: data structure, principle of database, principle of compiling, principle of computers, operating systems, C , Java, computer architecture, computer networks, VB.net, photoshop

Sep.xxxx—Jul.xxxx No.1 Middle School of Qingyuan City, Guangdong

Computer Abilities

A good understanding and working knowledge of computers.

Have hands-on experience in PC operation.

Database programming and (networking knowledge)or (knowledge of networks.)

Good at computer operation of Windows. =? (“computer operation of windows”=? Guess: Good at computers operating with Windows.)

Knowledge of php and asp programming.

English Skills

Have a good command on both spoken and written English; passed CET-4.

Scholarship and rewards

xxxx-6 won the third place in Jilin's in “challenge cup ” competition of scientifical and technological works ( competition between universities/university students, or what?) ...e.g. Jilin's “Challenge cup” for science and technology competition among university students. (Not clear as to what the “works” are. What is the name of that competition in Chinese ?)

xxxx-5 won the title of Excellent League Member in the university.

xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent president in the dept.

xxxx-9 won the first place in Jilin in college student in national of math model compentition (If this is a national competition, it cannot be a “Jilian prize”) -->won first place in the National Math Model competition as the college student representative from Jilin.

xxxx-12 won the title of Excellent Leader in dept.

xxxx-1 Awarded the “an Excellent Learner” scholarship from the university


xxxx-now Leader of a web studio in the university

xxxx-now leader of a web studio in the dept.

xxxx-xxxx class president

xxxx Vice President of English club in the university

xxxx president of a volunteer association in Computer Science dept.

xxxx won the third place in web design contest from school

Work Experiences

xxxx-9—now work as a administratorin the Job Direction Center of University

xxxx-2—xxxx-5 used Asp Access to design a web page for the Physics College of Physics

xxxx-10—xxxx-12 used Php Mysql to design a web for The Student Office of the University

xxxx-2—xxxx-5 used php Mysql to design a web for The Job Direction Center of the University

References will be supplied upon request.





















