
时间:2022-06-23 05:36:22 申请书 收藏本文 下载本文






Dear _,

In connection with my application for acceptance into your Ph.D. program, I am enclosing the following statement concerning my life, professional activities, and tentative future plans.

I was born in Xiamen, Fujian Province in China on November 8, 1969. Later, my family moved to Beijing where I grew up. I am from a family of academics. My father is a professor of linguistics and Chief of the University Journal Agency of Beijing Language and Culture University (formerly Beijing Language Institute). My mother is a professor at the same university and teaches Chinese as a foreign language. From 1991 to 1993, my mother taught Chinese at Wittenberg University, Ohio and Indiana University at Bloomington. She encouraged me to apply for admission to advanced programs in the U.S.

I graduated from high school in 1988, and received the highest scores in my school at the National Entrance Examination for Universities. This made me an “Honor Student” at the national level. Upon acceptance to Beijing Language and Culture University, my major became English, with minors in linguistics, French and computer science. I was awarded consecutive scholarships for all four years in college. During my college years, I became more and more interested in linguistics. My senior year was largely devoted to topics in linguistics, and my required thesis work focused on the influence of cultural and educational factors upon the Chinese and English languages.

After college, Beijing Science & Technology University employed me. For the first year and a half I was assigned to a project aimed at creating improved computer program for idiomatic English-Chinese & Chinese-English translations. This project proved me with considerable experience linguistics, and further improved my understanding of the subtleties of both English and Chinese.

Since the project completion, I have been teaching intensive English courses at Beijing Science and Technology University. Since July of 1993, I have taught English listening comprehension at Beijing Language and Culture University. The latter classes are part of a program that provides adult Chinese professionals with opportunity to improve their English.

My interest in linguistics is initially based on my desire to better comprehend the English language, and, in the process, learn more about my own language. China is now opening and engaging in ever expanding cultural and financial relations with the English-speaking countries of the West. It has struck me, as it may have occurred to many of my compatriots that negotiations to bring about these new and improved relations sometimes break down because of mutual ignorance about each other’s languages. I am aware that this has been a popular problem for study, among Americans engaging in business and other fields, but I am not aware of any serious attempt to research this problem from a Chinese point of view.

Through my work in the U.S., I would hope to contribute to a better understanding of the problems inherent in the deep differences between the two languages.

I recognize that a thesis project in most graduate schools is chosen after on has studied in various programs in a department and after extensive discussion with one’s professors. Nevertheless, I would hope that investigating socio-cultural differences between English and Chinese might be considered a suitable topic. Such a study would focus on the cultural, historical, traditional and educational factors, which influence the two languages, and significantly contribute to possible misinterpretations.

My long-term plan is to continue working on comparative aspects of English and Chinese linguistics. I strongly desire to work in an academic environment combining teaching, research and writing.

I heard that your English/Linguistics Department has a reputation for academic excellence. I am applying to your program because I desire the best education possible for my professional career.

Yours sincerely,





2、也可以通过房地产公司来找到适合的房子。这些公司不但会代理房东进行 房子的出租,也会给房东进行 房子的管理。一般在确定要租房之后,房地产公司是会收一些手续费的。通过这些公司来找房子比较好的地方是选择性多,也能去实地看房子的情况。


































































研究生预科文凭(Graduate Diploma):新西兰留学读研选择此类型即学士后文凭,一年的全日制课程,主要针对已取得学士学位之大学毕业生而设置的,修读其所选专业在新西兰大学里才有设置、在中国没有修读过的的部分本科课程,该文凭与学士学位的就读领域与专业并不一定要相同。


研究生文凭(Postgraduate Diploma):一年的'全日制课程,主要针对已取得学士学位之大学毕业生设计的,该文凭与学士学位的就读领域或专业一定要相同,修读课程相当于新西兰硕士课程第一年。


硕士学位(Master):此类主要针对已取得学士学位之大学毕业生设计的,第一年是研究生文凭(Postgraduate Diploma),第二年是硕士(Master Degree)。对于本科欲转专业的申请人而言如果在新西兰留学生活完成硕士学位可能时间要三年之久。














新西兰承袭了英国教育制度的传统,教学质量优异。并且新西兰重视环境规划与保护,非常适合留学生的学习和生活。在各个国家的留学费用大涨的时候,选择移民政策利好,费用相对低廉的新西兰,不失为学生以及家长的上策之选。而对于拿到大学录取通知书的同学,只剩办理签证就可赴新西兰留学了。 几个要点分析:一个完整的签证申请书应包括以下几个重要内容:








2、审核申请人的资金来源。一般情况下要求提供真实的银行存款证明书,银行存款历史至提交申请签证书之日不得少于6个月;也可提供真实的银行利息清单。如 果申请人的资金提供者属私企、法人,需出具企业营业执照、税务登记证、企业所得税税率证明、财务运营情况的凭证及企业所在地的官方有效证明;如果申请人的 资金提供者属股东,需出具股东证明、至提交申请之日起过去12个月的银行对账单及过去12个月的交割单;如果申请人的资金提供者是雇员,需提供所在单位加 盖公章的官方工作证明书(并要人事、财务部门的主要负责人签字)、近期的工资单、工资账户存折、个人所得税税率证明、所在单位营业执照的复印件;申请人资 金若需担保,要填写《学生资金担保表》并由担保人所在国的银行如实反映其财务状况。对于无法说明大笔资金来源的或以朋友刚还借款来搪塞的,拒签的可能性最大。



Dear _,

As a 28-year-old female, there has been nothing sensational about my past education and career experience. I do not feel any regret because I have always been making worthy efforts to achieve personal development and to enrich my life in my own way. Helen Keller serves as a paragon that I will emulate in my entire lifetime. The beautiful things that she brought to the world with her loving heart and her strength convince me that the power of the spiritual motivation is infinite. An individual lives a meaningful live only to the extent of benefiting the welfare of others. Both my education and my five-year work experience have unmistakably made me believe that economics is a science whose ultimate function is the improvement of human welfare. The motivation behind my current application for a Master’s program in economics is to pursue a more fruitful career development in the future so that the process of my self-actualization will also be a process of making contributions to others.

My education background makes me an appropriate candidate for your program. My education consists of two stages. From 1993 to 1995 I received a junior college education from the Business School of _ University, majoring in marketing. Then I proceeded onto an undergraduate program in the Department of Business Administration of _ University, waived of entrance examination because of my distinguished academic performance at the junior college (ranking top second among 31 students in the class). During my undergraduate program, I continue to maintain a satisfactory academic performance, ranking top ten among a total of 51 students. Completing my undergraduate program in , I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in economics.

Through my undergraduate program, I gained an increasingly deep understanding of the importance of economics. As far as I am concerned, economics is by no means an abstract discipline. It is closely connected with reality and is designed to explore and explain diverse economic phenomena and economic laws. For the foreseeable future, the conflict between the scarcity of natural resources and the infinitude of human demand will continue to persist, posing a long-lasting threat to the social development of all nations. The necessity to seek a solution to this conflict gave birth to Economics, which promises to maximize material wealth through an optimum allocation of resources. Because of my diligent efforts at coursework and my strong interest in economics, I managed to achieve a top-10 ranking in my class,winning the honor of Outstanding Student and a second-class scholarship. I familiarized myself with most classic works on economics and management, including Principles of Management by Harold Koontz, Economics by Samuelson, Competition Strategy by Porter and Wealth of Nations by Adam Smiths, etc. From the very beginning of my economics study, I have tried to expose myself to western perspectives.

Starting from the premise that economics will be lifeless unless it is applied to the problems in the real world, I paid special attention in my undergraduate program to the combination of theory and practice as a way of learning and applying my knowledge of economics. I once spent a whole summer vacation on conducting a survey of the fast food business in _ City. I sampled 15 fast food restaurants, carried out interviews with restaurant owners and the customers. I applied quantitative analysis to my statistics and proposed concrete measures for developing the city’s fast food industry through improving management, business environment, food variety and service quality.

My research ability was improved through writing my thesis –The Protection and the Development of China’s National Industry in the Age of Reform and Opening Up. The thesis focuses on China’s joining of WTO and its possible negative impact on the growth of national industry. My conclusion is that a careful balance must be struck between the protection of national industry and the introduction of foreign capital. The thesis was rated “Excellent” for its comprehensive theoretical formulation, detailed statistics and creative perspectives.

Yours sincerely,


























Monsieur le Président,

Dans le souhait d'une inscription auprès de votre université,j'ai l'honneurde vous exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.

J'étudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans,et j'obtiendrai malicence(bac+4) en juillet 20x .

Outre la langue fran?aise,j'ai étudié littérature fran?aise à laquelle jem'intéresse particulièrement.

Après l'obtention de mon dipl?me,j'aimerais poursuivre mes études delittérature fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement delittérature.

Or,pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires,j'ai besoin d’un certificatde pré-inscription délivré par votre université. C'est pourquoi je vous demandequelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sontles attesations que je devrais fournir.

Si c'est possible,pourriez-vous me faire parvenir,à l'adresse ci-dessus,undossier d'inscription ?

Vous remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance,je vous prie d'agréer,Monsieur le Président,l'expression de mon profond respect.


I am a student,graduated from BaoYang middle school,Nanning,GuangXiautonomous region,in 20x. I am still studying in high school now,because Iwas not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently,I have a dream tostudy abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient andsuitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First,New Zealand is a multicultural country,which has the most advancededucation in the world. Second,the tuition is lower than other countries’,which I think is mo

re reasonable for me. Finally,the climate of New Zealand is similar with theclimate of the South of China. Considering above reasons,I told my parents myplan on going to New Zealand for study,and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl,I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays,Chineseparents,who want their children to get better education,pay more attention topreschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education,I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leavingcollege.

My plan is as follows:first,I plan to study English in language institutefor about a half year in New Zealand. Then,I will study specialized curriculumson preschool education.

I believe I have the ability of study abroad,because I have finished allhigh school curriculums. Besides,my parents both have job and have rich income,so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study,I willreturn to my homeland and work on preschool education,so as to realize my lifevalue.


I'M GOING RUNNING TODAY. I am not concerned about my calorie consumption forthe day,nor am I anxious to get in shape for the winter season. I just want togo running。

I used to dislike running. “If you don't win this game,you're all runningfive miles tomorrow,” the field hockey coach used to warn,during those lastdays of October when the average temperature seemed to be decreasingexponentially. And so,occasionally,my grief-stricken team would run numerousmiserable laps around the fields. At the end of these excursions,our faces andlimbs would be numb,and we would all have developed those notorious flu-likesymptoms; but the running made us better in the long run,I suppose.Nevertheless,I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season,vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again. Then I surprised myself bysigning up for outdoor track in the second half of sophomore year. I was foolishto have believed that I could ever escape this insidious and magneticaddiction。

Anyone would have thought that I'd be off the team in a few days,but thelast week of January caught me splashing through puddles of melted ice,andFebruary winds nearly blew me off the track. I looked forward to practices thistime around,to the claps and the persistent cheers of my fellow trackies. I wasfeeling a “runner's high” spurred by the endorphins released by exercise. But toattribute my affinity for running solely to chemistry diminishes the personalimportance that running has for me。

I like running―in the cool shade of the towering oak trees,and in the warmsunlight spilling over the horizon,and in the drops of rain falling gently fromthe clouds. Certain things become clear to me when I'm running―only whilerunning did I realize that “hippopoxxxxxi” is possibly the funniest word in theEnglish language,and only while running did I realize that the travel sectionof The York Times does not necessarily provide an accurate depiction of theentire world. Running lends me precious moments to contemplate my life:whilerunning I find time to dream about changing the world,to think about recentdeath of a classmate,or to wonder about the secret to college admission。

Running is the awareness of hurdles between me and the finish line; runningis the desire to overcome them. Running is putting up with aches and pains,relishing the knowledge that,in the end,I will have built strength andendurance. Running is the instant clarity of vision with which I can see myfuture just one hundred yards in the distance; it is the understanding thatthese crucial steps will determine victory or defeat。

Running is not the most important thing in the world to me,but it is whatfulfills me when time permits. And right now,before the sun goes down,I liketo take advantage of the road that lies ahead。


Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economicsplays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position.Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch upwith the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field inChina, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management inEngland.

The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to mychildhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modernentrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his businessventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. Mymother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simplecalculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would somedaybe able to enter the realm of business.

With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy mycuriosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered.Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and myknowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasingrapidly.

As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the CollegeEntrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were neverexcluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 20x, Iwas so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in thedepartment of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional ChineseMedicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be afailure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realizedthat I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At thatmoment, I lost my direction and objectives.

My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter offact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some booksabout management by Peter F.Drucker. I began to notice something interesting:Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell morethan others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing thesame difficulties?

With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I waslucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which JohnA. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for acompany. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. Ishould manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shopeven made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the runthe shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business hasbeen greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I wasdoing. By December, 20x, I had finally determined to take business managementas my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived togain more practical work experience in some big companies.

Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in theArchitecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as anassistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the differentdepartments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadenedmy perspective of management conditions and business performance in differentindustries. The experience showed me that management is much more important thanthat of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work inthis company. In May, 20x, the company offered me an opportunity to participatein an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depthdiscussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me topursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual abilityand the brand new ideas I mentioned.

During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degreein management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence inmanagement, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challengingenvironment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related tomanagement to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission willbe my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application,and await your favorable reply.


Dear Professor Zhiyong Lan:

My name is Lan Xi, a Ph.D. candidate studying Land Resource Management inCollege of Public Management, China University of Geosciences. I intend to spendone year of my doctor years in ASU School of Public Affairs by the end ofSeptember 20x for a Ph.D. Mobility Program which I can acquire more knowledgeabout international policy of land management.

The land resource management is really an important major in ChineseUniversity. It’s a subject of applied science which is combined both land policyand planning of land, and it helps the government to optimize the distributionof land resources. I’ve been studying the land resource management at least 7years since 20x when I was a college student, and I also love this major for 7years.

I’ve read about your papers about land policy published on some magazines,and I can feel your abundant knowledge and lofty personality in words. Moreover,your altitude about sustainable development affects me a lot. As myself, it’s sothankful for my 7 years studying of land resource management and 5 moreprojects. It makes me become an accomplished and experienced person. And I’msure I can help you and your team with some land projects.

I really want to join your team to learn more about the land resourcemanagement and exchange the experience. And I would greatly appreciate it if youcould send me more information about the application at your earliestconvenient.











































“All I know about leadership I learned from . . .” What items could a person use to describe leadership qualities?

Inspired by the student council advisors at my high school.

Student council was a big part of my life in high school. I have participated in it since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined, I was quiet, na?ve, and unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared to meet new people and afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half way through my frst year in student council, one of the advisors can up to me and asked why I did not participate that much. I did not have an answer for her and did not know how to respond. After this, I began to think of an answer. I became frustrated and decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a great time. I realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. In my sophomore, junior, and now my senior year of high school, I asserted myself and took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out the answer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of this question.

When I looked up leadership in the dictionary, it said that it was the capacity to lead and the act or instance of leading. These are two very broad defnitions of leadership. Many people have different notions of what this word actually means. When I was challenged to use different items to describe what leadership actually is, I thought this was going to be a hard and obnoxious task. What could I learn from comparing leadership to a stuffed animal or a rubber chicken? But when I sat down to come up with a couple of answers, I realized that leadership could be compared to almost anything a person wants.

All I know about leadership I learned from a calculator. A calculator can add everything together to come up with the best answer. It can delet e what is unnecessary and only include what is important. It can solve any type of problem. These are all important equalities a leader has to have. A leader has to be able to add all of the ideas together to make the best possible plan. Leaders have to know how to decipher the good and the bad out of an idea. They have to be versatile and know how to deal with different types of issues.

All I know about leadership I learned from a ball. A ball is able to bounce back up after it is dropped. It is round and has no creases. A ball can be thrown back and forth to different people. All of these qualities are also leadership qualities. A leader has to be ready for every situation that is thrown at him or her. He or she has to be able to bounce back from any setbacks and never dwell on the past. Leaders have to exhibit many qualities and never be closed-minded about a situation. A leader must be able to delegate when he or she cannot get the work done. They have to trust everyone they lead to be able to “catch the ball” and keep a project rolling.

This activity made me realize that being a leader is so much more than just having authority and having the ability to take control of a situation. A leader has to be trusting of all the people he or she leads and, leaders must be able to combine ideas into one encompassing idea. They cannot sit in the background and watch events happen; they have to jump in and be involved. They should not delegate all their responsibilities away.

Leadership is more than what the dictionary says it is.

I learned through all of this that I have many of these qualities.

I have the ability to solve problems, lead through adversity, and be versatile. From answering this question, I realized that I could lead effectively, even if my leadership style is different from other individuals. When I joined student council in my frst year of high school, I did not have these qualities because I was never put into a situation where I had to lead. I was too reserved to try. When I tried, I learned that I could succeed in this. I did not realize until I answered this question about leadership. I was never able to see that being a leader is not just about taking control of a group and telling everyone what to do.www.liuxue.la When I was a freshman, I thought leadership was this. I did not know that did not have to be forceful and strict. I stereotyped a leader then. Thisis where I went wrong. A leader is about being yourself and never letting anyone change you. I thought I had to change to be a good leaderOnly when I expanded my comfort zone did I realize this was not trueIt only took three years and a silly question/game to fgure this out.



Monsieur le Président,

Dans le souhait d'une inscription auprès de votre université, j'ai l'honneur de vous exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.

J'étudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans, et j'obtiendrai ma licence(bac+4) en juillet 20 .(1)

Outre la langue fran?aise, j'ai étudié aussi...la littérature fran?aise à laquelle je m'intéresse particulièrement.(2)

Après l'obtention de mon dipl?me, j'aimerais poursuivre mes études de littérature fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement de littérature.(3)

Or, pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires, j'ai besoin d’un certificat de pré-inscription délivré par votre université. C'est pourquoi je vous demande quelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sont les attesations que je devrais fournir.

Si c'est possible, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir, à l'adresse ci-dessus, un dossier d'inscription ?(4)

Vous remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Président, l'expression de mon profond respect.

(trois lignes d'interligne)




Letters of recommendation are a very important part of the application process. As colleges become more and more sought out from the increasing number of applicants each year, the need to stand out from the competition is also increasing. Below we will provide helpful information on how to write a college recommendation as well as advice for tailoring each letter.

Know the candidate - it may sound obvious, but it is important that you know the candidate well. After all, how can you write a college recommendation letter for a someone you know little about? Recommendations written for candidates with a vague familiarity are often identifiable and can do more harm than good.

Obtain a rsum - another tip on how to write a collage recommendation letter is to first obtain the student's rsum with a listing of his or her GPA, activities, awards, leadership roles, community service, employment experience and special skills. The more information you have about a particular candidate, the more constructive your recommendation can be.



Growing up in a modest village in China, I hardly ever had the chance to see many examples of modern technology; people who dig wells by hand to obtain drinking wateruse ox-driven plows to cultivate their fields don’t have much use for televisiopersonal computers. But when my father gave me an old radio to play with, I wanted nothing more than to take apart the contraptionsee what i ide made such interesting sounds. Sitting on the floor with a confused grin, surrounded by wiresmetal, I looked up at my fatheraskedthe noises were…

……I first read this paragraphMadame Curie as a 14-year-old child,I still remember how wonderful I felt. I remember thinking, “What esteemed men they were! How hard they worked!” As I grew older, this paragraph became a source of encouragement in the face of adversity. I begin to feel a magical blue light twinkling in my heart, kindling a love of science,encouraging me to charge bravely into the unknown world.

I never forgot my adolescent idol, Maria Curie. As I re-read the book, another pa age leaped out: “She was now 24-an age when some of her great contemporaries were to be on the brink of major discoveries… Maria took the trainWarsaw to Paris, the intellectual Mecca.”



I live in Pakistan-a country destroying itself with bombs,guns and governments' blabber to find justifications for what it is going through;a country where a former president is murdered in public,where the nation's constitution and parliament are suspended at the same time,and where the voice of a common man is unheard.

Since the last few years, I had aspired to become a doctor.The idea of “scalpels,” “opened chests” and “sutures” had always intrigued me.And then it happened!The recent unprecedented events in my country wiped off the dust of disillusionment from my eyes;I lost my will to become a doctor.However,the turmoil in the country led me towards newspapers and news channels,and hence Politics.

As I involved myself into politics,I realized that it is all-embracive-wielding its way over social and economic life-it is the omnipotent of Pakistan.It can mobilize public opinion,gear up propaganda machinery,make or repeal laws and what not.Backed up by public opinion,supported by the majority of the legislators,armed with the means to keep the people in a state of ignorance,political power crosses the limits of dictatorial powers.Political power,like the most powerful intoxicant,makes the persons in power to forget social ethics,political morality and obligations.

Most of the learned youth in this country consider Politics to be “a refuge for the scoundrels” and this derogatory remark may be true if we look at the deceptive and degenerated type of politicians indulging in a dirty game.All these political parties are votaries of democracy,but the way they conduct themselves inside their own parties is nothing but senseless authoritarianism.Therefore a very few students choose to pursue Politics as a profession,but what they don't realize is that if we don't take a stand the system can never be changed.Thus,I want to study Politics so I can come back to my country and contribute what little I can do for my homeland and its people.If I can inspire even a single person,it would be worth it.The world today is growing global.We are now not only to think of our own nation but as and when we think of it,we have to keep the international perception in mind;consequently,I chose Politics with International Relations as one of my courses.

Studying in UK will breed a sense of individuality and self reliance.I would be able to interact with people from everywhere and get to know about their culture.This would not only open new horizons for me,but would also clear some preconceived notions one has about the other.I have always been an active participant of debates.I have participated in 3 Model UN conferences out of which I was awarded with the Best Delegate award in two. I was also one of the two students to be selected from my school to participate in the English Speaking Union '08.Moreover, I've taken part in Parliamentary style debates too.Therefore I believe I can communicate effectively in public and language will not be a barrier in my education.Furthermore, I have worked as an internee at Al-Shifa Eye Hospital for a month in summers.Here I learnt how to deal with patients,use the Auto Ref, handle files and punctuality.We also campaigned to a remote area near Murree where we helped the doctors in examining the patients free of cost.Another experience which taught me a lot was when me and my fellow colleagues volunteered to paint walls for the SOS Children's Village.In addition,I worked with SUNGI (NGO) where a group of 5 of us had to organize an event to pay tribute to 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize.

I enjoy Literature,especially the works of Shakespeare,Tennessee Williams,Thomas Hardy and Andrew Marvell.I'd be delighted to study in a challenging atmosphere where I can focus on my studies.I commit to my work and my ability to think out of the box,keenness for Politics and my perception of things,I understand,gives me an edge over others.I believe in myself,and if provided with an opportunity,I'd make the university proud.









I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in . I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.

My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.

I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.



Personal Statement

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am with great pleasure to submit this personal statement in support of my application for continuing my university education in your esteemed university and wish you could give my application a positive and favorable assessment.

Currently, I am a junior student in International College of Hubei Normal University majoring in Accounting. Thus, I have obtained great knowledge about business for the past three years. Depending on that, I have determined to pursue a Bachelor degree at your distinguished university. There are there reasons leading to me choose business, the most important reason is that I am very interested in business. In my opinion, handling good business is the same as successful work of art. That’s an exciting thing. The second reason is that I have already learnt it for three years, so I want to broaden my knowledge about business which will benefit my future life. The third reason is that I want to become a successful business lady which is my dream all the time.

To be honesty, I am an average student but I have diligent and strong confident heart. I believe that a good attitude can change bad situation. So I am always keeping a positive attitude on my life. I never ever give up any chance of promoting my study. During my three years in Hubei Normal University,I never fail a class and always do my best for assignment. However,in my mind, social activity is as the same important as class study. In my spare time, I took part in student union and took charge of minister in arts department. Our well-organized activities attracted many students to practice themselves. Last summer, I joined the Work and Travel Programme to be a staff in an American company for three months. I made good use of that chance to improve my oral English and tasted western culture. I think I can understand and adapt to a foreign culture in a short period.

I firmly believe that anyone could acquire success by their right way and fighting. This is one of the reasons why I want to go abroad. What’s more, I want to taste and accept some western education. I hope that I can learn more differences between Chinese and British university education and widen my horizon. Furthermore,as we know, UK is a very modern country. It owns the most advanced education system and top universities in the world. And graceful school environments deeply attract me. By the way, if I can learn in your university I would cherish and appreciate this chance. In the future, I also mean to apply Master’s Degree in UK. But after that, I will go back to my country and look for a job related to business.

I really want to own a colorful campus life in your school, further develop my overall capabilities including organizational ability, teamwork spirit etc. I believe I can adapt to a foreign life and acquire best degree. With all the above mentioned, in terms of my understanding of business and my enthusiasm for it, I hope that I can be up to the standard of the admission requirements in your university. I believe that my strong interest in this subject. last, my positive attitude and comprehensive ability will facilitate my successful completion of the proposed program. Thank you for your time!

Sincerely yours, Wanbin Xu



Monsieur le Président,

Dans le souhait d'une ins-cription auprès de votre université, j'ai l'honneur de vous exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.

J'étudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans, et j'obtiendrai ma licence(bac+4) en juillet .(1)

Outre la langue fran?aise, j'ai étudié aussi...la littérature fran?aise à laquelle je m'intéresse particulièrement.(2)

Après l'obtention de mon dipl?me, j'aimerais poursuivre mes études de littérature fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement de littérature.(3)

Or, pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires, j'ai besoin d’un certificat de pré-ins-cription délivré par votre université. C'est pourquoi je vous demande quelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sont les attesations que je devrais fournir.

Si c'est possible, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir, à l'adresse ci-dessus, un dossier d'ins-cription ?(4)

Vous remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance, je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Président, l'expression de mon profond respect.



Dear Professor,

I am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. I am a Chinese undergraduate from __, which is one of the top 10 universities in China, and I will graduate in . After that, I want to continue my education by pursuing a master degree in France.

I am now in the department of __. My primary interest is in international commerce, and I notice that ESSEC is on top of that field, so I decide to exert myself to get in. Your research in “cross-cultural relationship marketing”, especially your publications on business of China as well as Southeast Asia, are of particular interest to me. And I would like to deal with business between Europe and China in my career. That's why I seek entry to your theme. During my university years, I am used to working in a team environment. For example, I was administrative vice minister in Student Union, and organized and schemed activities along with competitions in university. For my excellent job, I gained the scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities. After passing College English Tests 4&6, I turned to learn French last year and I got a score of 463 in TCF. I am preparing for IELTS currently, and if GMAT is necessary for applying master degree in ESSEC, I shall take the test after the IELTS test.

With so much admiration and enthusiasm, I hope I would have the opportunity to work under your supervision. If admitted, I am able to continue working along the lines of your present research.

Thanks for your kindness and consideration.

Yours sincerely, __



I am a person keen on thinking and experiencing. My lively character and vigorous energy have made me very active in extracurricular events in which I have sought an all-round personal development. Sociology Studies will provide me with the kind of constant real life thinking I have always craved, while helping me to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. Also my concern and curiosity about society and its people inspired me to pursue this subject for my higher education, as I believe Sociology Studies sums up a lot in the changing nature of society.

My education has schooling my perception of society and people leading me to be acutely aware of social events, inequality, identities, cultures and religious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I come from - China. I was practicing in the Chinese Hope Project during summer holidays and volunteered to investigate the issue of low educational attendance rate for female students in rural China with my tutor from my high school and that was a very good experience as it not only made me realise how traditional cultural influence could remain unchanged in some of those rural areas in China and also the way parents and children interacting. I always have wondered why for many Chinese students just like me, hundreds of them fail to choose what they really want to student and do as a career. Chinese parents are definitely having strange influences on their kids' decision making in terms of education and career or in the worst cases; the parents decided what their kids should do solely. My mother believes that I should go for Finance studies, while I clearly know that my interest has never been in the Mathematical formulas and numbers, I always find the diversities of societies, people, beliefs, cultures and the way people interacting together very fascinating. So, during this summer, my thoughts kept returning on why I worked so unsuccessfully towards studying finance and economics as my mother expected? And how can I truly become my own master by progressing a BA that I really like to engage more research and enrich myself with? How did all the cultural and beliefs affecting the way we acting the roles in the community? In which way an individual could actually build up and refine his/her identities?

In pursuing a Sociology degree, I seek answers to these questions. A thorough examination of the Sociology behind human behaves could reveal the beliefs, values and identities; it enables us to exam and understand ourselves better. While knowledge of Sociology will certainly benefit the social services providing, I also maintain a passion for Culture Studies for that same reason. Cultural behaviour study appeals to me because it tells us why we act in a certain way - under a cultural atmosphere. Also for being in the UK for 3 years, the knowledge about the outside world has given me a unique and balanced perspective to examine the reality of Chinese society too. In this historical epoch in which China is becoming closely integrated into the international community and playing an influence role in the world arena, I wish to gain insights into our society in its socio-culture aspects and to study how Chinese culture can respond to the globalization process.

By combining these thoughts into a good BA in Sociology degree programme, I can pursue my professional goal of doing education and community service work for the government and perhaps focusing in promote public welfare. My experience in the past in social practices has not only equipped me with an intellectual foundation for my future studies but has also supplied me with my career plans. In my eyes, China's several thousand years of history has given rise to the deep-entrenched rule by man instead of rule by law and nature. In dealing with such issues like economic development, poverty elimination and the promotion of law, the framing and application of government policies seem to play a greater role. Therefore, it is obvious that to contribute to public welfare and to national development, it is more realistic and useful to become a well-trained and well-qualified public administrator. In this lies the motivation of my application for an undergraduate programme in sociology at your esteemed department.

WanSheng High School where I was studying is a key provincial high school that attracts best students from every part of the province. In fierce academic competitions, I have managed to remain top-ten in my high school academic performance and was recommended by the school to Highbury College, Portsmouth to study my foundation course. I passed the foundation course successfully in 20__ and was an outstanding student of my class. I believe that my previous social practices activities and academic preparations have built a solid background for me to further my intensive and fruitful research in your BA in Sociology studies. After gaining knowledge of both Sociology and different cultures at the highly regarded University of Leicester, I plan to work for social services to use my knowledge of social human behaviour to aid members of the public.





Dear _,

I got my very first glimpse into law by watching my father, my hero, a Ph.D. of law and now the Chinese ambassador to Barbados. I have been inspired by his work as an international lawyer and a career diplomat while growing up. For many years, I have been preparing myself through academic and extra-curriculum activities, hoping that I can make a difference for the world. I believe pursuing the Master’s degree in Law at Cornell University will assist me in striving towards the goal.

With my dedication and my parent’s unconditional support, I successfully entered the …… University, one of the top law schools in China for legal education. I have explored a wide range of different law theories in the Civil Law field and had an opportunity to work on logical writing. It has been these years of study at …… University that has enlightened me and laid a solid foundation for my legal career.

In addition, I have also participated in various extra-curricular activities. As class monitor, the head of the Information Department in Student Committee, and the head of Research Department in our college, I am entrusted with many responsibilities. My leadership skills and organizational abilities have been greatly enhanced. Through various volunteer experiences, I have had more opportunities to help the under-privileged. All of these extracurricular activities are integral parts of a multiple legal education and have contributed to my professional growth.

Amid my strenuous study, I had an opportunity to participate in the American Legal System Study Program summer of my sophomore year and I was exposed to the great American culture. I engaged in an internship program at Michigan District Court, where I followed Judge ……. It was a great opportunity for me to see how the courts operate in the United States. The differences between the US and China legal systems provoked my curiosity. I was eager to explore how to ensure substantive justice in a case while following due process and how to apply precedents to different situations. I went on my second exchange study-abroad program to ……University fall of 2012 and participated in their LL.M. program. During this exchange study period, the issue of how to balance crime control and protection of human rights perplexed me. From then on, the thought of completing the LL.M. program in Cornell Law School, a school with unsurpassed legal education, has propelled me.

As a part of my degree, I interned at different legal departments. I was very fortunate to have an opportunity to intern at the Beijing office of ……. By involving myself in cases such as security offerings by Chinese corporate issuers and US security class actions against China-based companies listed on US stock exchanges, I became more aware of how a practicing lawyer gets involved in international trades. I researched on whether some foreign statutes are effective and I participated in legal work and preliminary drafting of research reports. It was the first time that I felt like I was making a contribution to society as lawyer. I sought for other internship opportunities to elevate my professionalism after my experience at ……. At Beijing …..People's Court, I learned the trial procedures in the Chinese court. Through drafting, imputing and proofreading legal documents, I have become more familiarized with the writing process and became more able to write with greater accuracy. The internship at Beijing …… Law Firm brought my overall abilities into full practice. From filing a marriage case, collecting evidences, putting it on trial to settling it, I participated in the whole process. With my sight set on more challenges, I would like to deepen my legal skills and be equipped for international experiences. To that end, pursuing an LL.M. at Cornell Law School seems to be the best option.

I believe that pursuing an LL.M. at Cornell University would provide me with the necessary foundation to understand the nuances and intricacies of different legal systems, and help me add an international perspective. I am most interested in taking courses at Cornell Law School such as International and Foreign Legal Research and International Law and Foreign Direct Investment, as well as being an active member of the Briggs Society of International Law. As one of the Ivy League universities, Cornell University combines outstanding, preeminent faculty with a diverse and talented student body. I would like to attend various special lectures and activities Cornell Law School offers to supplement the core curriculum. Completing the Cornell Law School’s LL.M. program will bring me to the next phase of my professional career.

Yours sincerely,




就如之前所提到的,去海外学习作重要的好处之一就是能够学习不一样的语言和文化。理论认为最快速学习一门语言的方法就是尽量在该语言环境中更多的使用这种语言。 当留学生被迫在不一样的语言环境中使用新语言时,更加流利使用新语言的能力也很有可能增加了。再者,学生能够体验到新的文化,对自己所处的世界能够从另一方面得到新的认识,学会认同新文化的美食、语言、社会风俗和经济环境。这些都是一直接受本国文化教育的学生所不能体验到的。
















































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