
时间:2023-04-01 08:23:56 推荐信 收藏本文 下载本文






我是xx学院的校长,我认识她是在xxxx年,她进入计算机班。 在课堂上,他是最出色的学生之一,我也发现他很擅长其他的学科。课余时间,我们也有几次私下的聊天。








to whom it may concern:

i am very pleased to recommend xxx for admission to your university program.

as her guidance counselor for three years i have watched this young woman develop both academically and personally into a mature individual ready in every way for her college years.

x is bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well rounded.

her grades have been consistently above average in all of her courses, and she has actively participated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from track and field and chorus to the school yearbook and our drama club.

x has also spent considerable time outside the school involved in the community.

this has included work with meals on wheels and volunteering 10 hours a week at one of our area's shelters for battered and abused women.

they think so much of her at the shelter they have offered her a paid internship for next summer.

previously, this internship had never been awarded to anyone before the end of their college sophomore year.

despite all the preparations that will be required for going off to college next fall, x told me she is absolutely thrilled about this opportunity and feels it will enhance her university studies.

unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, x has made clear to us all that her goal is to do social work.

to this end she has worked tirelessly in our pilot program for mentoring special education students mainstreamed into our school.

in closing, let me take a moment to recount an incident which i believe speaks volumes about the superior nature of this candidate.

two years ago i was returning from lunch to my office when i saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound x, arms stretched out between two 180+ pound students, one a special ed student and the other a school bully.

other students were standing by motionless or laughing while x showed the leadership and courage to immediately put an end to the embarrassing fight that had erupted.

it is clear to me as i hope it is to you that this young woman, x holden, is an exceptional candidate, one that would contribute greatly to any program.

i wholeheartedly recommend her and wish her the very best in all future endeavors.



senior counselor

xxxx high school










1 、要写实际的,具体的,特色的。



是讨论式的,还是lecture 式的,等等。然后描述该学生课堂表现如何。该学生对你的这种教学方式的反应如何;同其他学生之间的互动如何。大学之所以想知道这些,是来推测这样的学生到了他们大学后是否会在课堂上有所表现和贡献。大学不想找来的一群高智商的,但课堂却是冷冰冰的。







Recommendation Letter

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am Head of Department of Spatial Information and Digital Technology in the School of Communication Engineering at the University, perhaps the most prestigious university in Information Technology and Electronics in China, and I am writing to recommend Mr.ZHANG, one of my favorite students, for acceptance into your Master's program.

For the last 20 months , as Head of the our Department, I got to know Mr.ZHANG and often talked with him when he came to ask me about the questions that he had come across in the course of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ,which is one of the core subjects of our department.

He studied conscientiously and showed great interest in it.

As we talked, I found that ZHANG was very skilled in expressing his ideas through diagrammatic curves and mathematics.

He thus left me with a deep impression.

Studying with conscientiousness, Mr.ZHANG often came up with creative ideas.

Unlike some other students, he studied not to just pass the exams but to practice and improve his knowledge and expertise.

That has won him appreciation from not just me but my colleagues as well.

But he did do well in exams too.

He got high score in the final exam of experiments of GIS and Database system.

Well grounded in the theories of economics and the methodologies of economic research, and proficient in English, Mr.ZHANG should make an outstanding student in graduate studies.

In view of all that I know of him, I strongly recommend him.

Yours Sincerely,


Head of Department of Spatial Information and Digital Technology

School of Communication Engineering



Tel:86- -


To whom it may concern:

I am writing to enthusiastically recommend xxx for acceptance into your university.

Upon our careful consideration and evaluation, he has become one of the few outstanding candidates who can be most qualified to attend your university.

We understand that the University of Hong Kong is an excellent school and I understand how fierce the competition would be for a student to be admitted, but I believe xxx has got all the qualities, abilities and motivation required and he will surely complete his studies at your university successfully.

I’ve known him since he was a year 10 student.

One day I noticed a big boy who was walking on campus with the help of a pair of walking sticks, which drew my attention.

Later I found that he never missed a day of his regular study at school after his ankle was badly injured in an accident, which impressed me deeply.

He really had incredible persistence and endurance.

After that, I often talked to him and learnt more about this amazing student.

He has been a class monitor for three years, so I often met him regularly on campus when I held monitor meetings.

I found a strong sense of responsibility and leadership abilities in this student through a series of our school’s community service and social practice.

He helped me a lot in arranging and running the school’s activities.

He often helped collect the fees from his classmates and made detailed plans for the activities.

Usually we had successful endings with all the students back to campus safely.

I believed other class monitors would not be able to finish this challenging task so successfully and creatively as him and it also showed his good cooperation abilities.

What’s more, he would rather to be an unknown hero, willing to make contributions to others, so he often does things silently.

Being a principal in charge of the school’s teaching, I have chances to know all the students’ study profile.

xxx received an overall score of xxx this year in the College Entrance Examinations.

He got a high score:142 in English and a full score in the subject of basic science, which are not easy for a student.

To be frank, his overall score is not so high,compared to other applicants, but I would like to emphasize that the score can’t really represent a student’s all sides.

I can say that xxx is a potential student and he is always on his way to making progress and achieving his goals.

I often hear other teachers praise him for his diligence and constant progress.

All his course teachers at my school agree that he is an excellent and top student.

Vice Principle XX

Shenzhen Middle School















D寻人启事ecember 31, 20XX

In re: Rose

To whom it May Concern:

When approached to write a letter of reference on behalf of the above student, I was so happy to comply.

As her teacher of Politics, I have had the pleasure of having this fine young lady in my class. The Politics course, a comprehensive subject involving knowledge of various fields, such as economics, philosophy, politics and culture, mainly focuses on cultivating students’ personality and building up a solid knowledge background. She has excelled in those subjects. She’s included in the category of top-notch students I’ve ever acquainted with. And I believe she will continue to do well in the further study in your university.

It is worthy to mention her critical thinking and special interest towards social phenomena. She always came to me with penetrating questions and new ideas in different fields, most of which was derived from her extensive reading. She has written an article discussing the effect of collision between Chinese tradition and western culture on Chinese spending psychology, in which I can see her profound and active thought. To collect data, she investigated nearly three thousand people in our school and in the shopping mall. And I was surprised to find that she has read all the books I recommended to her as reference, such as the Positioning by Trout, Pricing and the Psychology of Consumption, and Psychology and Consumer Culture. More importantly, I found that she had in-depth understanding to some key chapters when she discussed with me. Her idea and solutions are creative and critical, went far beyond the knowledge of her peers.

Since I have been teaching in this school for about 20 years, I have had the opportunity to assess the analytical abilities of many students. Miss Rose is definitely not a study machine. She is always ready to the road of exploring the wisdom rather than simply accumulating materials. She is never afraid of facing difficulties and failures, and she could pack up and restart her journey to study. I appreciate such kind of student like Miss Rose with so much aspiration to study and persistence in pursuit of her dream. I believe she will be your treasure as she usually was in our school and you will be proud of her as I do.

And therefore, I strongly recommend Miss Rose to your esteemed university.

Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,


Politics Teacher of the Class

School: Beijing National Day School

E-mail: *******9@qq.com


to whom it may concern:

i am very pleased to recommend xxx for admission to your university program.

as her guidance counselor for three years i have watched this young woman develop both academically and personally into a mature individual ready in every way for her college years.

x is bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well rounded.

her grades have been consistently above average in all of her courses, and she has actively participated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from track and field and chorus to the school yearbook and our drama club.

x has also spent considerable time outside the school involved in the community.

this has included work with meals on wheels and volunteering 10 hours a week at one of our area's shelters for battered and abused women.

they think so much of her at the shelter they have offered her a paid internship for next summer.

previously, this internship had never been awarded to anyone before the end of their college sophomore year.

despite all the preparations that will be required for going off to college next fall, x told me she is absolutely thrilled about this opportunity and feels it will enhance her university studies.

unlike many students who are not sure which field to pursue, x has made clear to us all that her goal is to do social work.

to this end she has worked tirelessly in our pilot program for mentoring special education students mainstreamed into our school.

in closing, let me take a moment to recount an incident which i believe speaks volumes about the superior nature of this candidate.

two years ago i was returning from lunch to my office when i saw ahead of me in the hallway 90 pound x, arms stretched out between two 180+ pound students, one a special ed student and the other a school bully.

other students were standing by motionless or laughing while x showed the leadership and courage to immediately put an end to the embarrassing fight that had erupted.




Graduate School of International Studies Korea University

Anam-Dong, Sungbuk-ku Seoul, 136-701, KOREA Tel: (82-2) 3290-1391 Fax: (82-2) 929-0402 Email: gsis@korea.ac.kr

Please type or print

Applicant: After completing this section, put this form in an envelope and give it to the person writing your recommendation. When that person returns this form to you, enclosed in a sealed envelope, include it with the other application material. Photocopies of this form may be used.

Applicant's name:  Mr. Ms. √ Recommender's name and position:

& professor,

Vice-president, the Faculty of Asian Languages and Cultures, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangdong

Institute or agency and address:

` nameQuan Yong Genposition  Doctor

Do you agree to waive the right to see the contents of this information after you are admitted to the Graduate School of International Studies?

√ Yes, I agree to waive the right to see the contents of this recommendation.

No, I will not waive the right to see the contents of this recommendation.


Recommender: The Graduate School of International Studies would appreciate it if you will write to the best of your knowledge about the applicant, describing his/her weaknesses as well as merits. This recommendation will remain confidential during the admission process, and will be used by the GSIS only in its decision-making procedures related to admission and financial aid. After completing this form, please place it in a sealed envelope and return it to the applicant.

1. How long, and in what capacity have you known the applicant?

2. Please comment on the applicant's strengths and weaknesses.

3. Please describe some activities or programs in which the applicant was involved, which illustrate  his/her abilities.

4. Please rate the applicant in the areas indicated below.

In these ratings I have compared the applicant with:

5. Please comment on anything which concerns the applicant's ability to complete the program at the Graduate School of International Studies and fulfill his/her career objectives.

Miss Chen is an intelligent, motivated and industrious individual. Teaching and advising her has

Signature: Date:

Name: Position:


Dear School’s teachers:

How are you!

As ’s(whose English name is Yuchung)parents, we feel very pround that my son Yuchung will be a member of your school! Knowing that my son has the opportunity to accept better education in your school, both of us not only feel joyful, but also be worry about him. For one thing, we are very happy that my son has been growing up, who is going to take his first step in his life road; for another thing, we are worry about my son being lack of confidence because of unfamiliar environment! Dear teacher, your are the instructor and leader of our child’s life! We are willing to show our highest respect and deepest gratitude!

and self-protection capabilities need to develop further more. However, he has strong language skill and ability to understand, these are his advantages. We wish our child will grow up healthily and happily under your teachers’ care and observation.!

teachers with deep gratitude!

Hope that our parents and teachers maintain unblocked communications with each other, and be possible to become friends!

Wish teachers work happily in the new semester!


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for a place in the MA program in Economics of your university for the 20xx-20xx academic year.

I am presently a fourth-year student at the Department of Economics, Beijing University. In the past three years, I have done well and have received quite a number of scholarships and honors. When I graduate and take my Bachelor's degree in June 20xx, I wish to work for my Master's degree in Economics at your Graduate School.

I would be grateful if you could send me an Application Form for Graduate Admission and a Financial Aid Form as well as information about your university. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Jia Ming


Directions: Suppose you are Wei Qiang and you will graduate from university. Write a letter of inquiry to the Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, asking for admission as a graduate student.

July, 20xx

Dear Sirs,

I am very interested in undertaking graduate work in your university. I have read research papers by two of your professors Dr. Thomas Bay and Mr. Sherry Haily. I’d like to study under their guidance.

In September of 20xx I was enrolled in the Computer School of the XYZ University as a computer major. Throughout the four years of study, I take this field as one of great potentials for my country. I feel the need to study further in order to develop well in this area.

I would appreciate receiving your materials such as departmental brochure or pamphlet, and a university catalog or bulletin.

Thank you for your consideration. I am looking forward to your reply.




Dear Colleagues:

I am Head of the Department of International Finance in the School of Economics at the Beijing University, perhaps the most prestigious university in China, and I am writing to recommend Mr. Hui Dushu, one of my favorite students, for acceptance into your Master&aposs program.

I got to know him personally last semester when he was taking the course of Special Topics on International Finance that I was teaching. In the class, he showed great interest in economics. He studied conscientiously and often talked with me after the class about the questions that he had come across in his readings. Once when we talked about the country&aposs ongoing restructuring of its tax system, he delved into the increasing cost of tax evasion. We then discussed several methods of calculating the cost. As we talked, I found that he was very skilled in expressing his ideas through diagrammatic curves and mathematics. Recognizing that the government&aposs attitudes to acts oftax evasion will affect not only people&aposs behavior but also the cost of levying taxes, he saw possible solutions to the problem in the Game Theory. I encouraged him to pursue this idea. He said he didn&apost know much about the Game Theory and proceeded to borrow some essays by Nash from me. He thus left me with a deep impression.

Studying with conscientiousness, Mr. Hui often came up with creative ideas. Unlike some other students, he studied not to just pass the exams but to really improve his knowledge and expertise. He stands out among his fellow classmates with an unmistakable thirst for genuine understanding of the country&aposs economic realities and problems. That has won him appreciation from not just me but my colleagues as well. But he did do well in exams too. In the final exam of last semester, he got a high score of 90 for my course.

He often talks with me about his ideal to become an economist. To help quench his thirst for knowledge, I have lent many of my own books to him andtutored him in his self-study program. He has been much more engrossed in doing independent research than preparing for exams, but his grades still keep him ranked among the top 25% of his class. I think he is a very intelligent young fellow.

Mr. Hui has a good command of the English language. As he is well acquainted with me, he has often helped me in my own research by translating some English essays that I am too busy to translate. His translations are usually quite good. His oral English is good too. Compared with other Chinese students who may be applying to your program, I think Mr. Hui should be considered more favorably.

Well grounded in the theories of economics and the methodologies of economic research, and proficient in English, Mr. Hui should make an outstanding student in graduate studies. I have not seen many Chinese students who are so intent on achieving an academic career in economics. If you accept him, you will find that his drive and sense of purpose very contagious among the students. In view of all that I know of him, I strongly recommend him. If youwant to know more about him, please don&apost hesitate to contact with me.


Ming Jiaoshou

Professor of Economics

Head of Department of International Finance

Associate Dean, School of Economics, Beijing University





2)就读美国大学暑期课程。美国大学会在暑期向大学在读学生及高中在读学生提供短期的课程。对于高中生来说,想要和教授面对面交流,可以参加美国大学的Summer School。如果在学习过程中表现杰出的话,也是可以拿到教授的推荐信的。但赴美上暑校价格较高,且申请难度大。

3)就读在中国开办的暑期课程。近两年,中国也有一些机构开办了Summer School。以北京交通大学GSS国际暑期学校为例——该校聘请的教授80%教授来自常青藤院校等美国知名院校,包括美国耶鲁大学、麻省理工大学、布朗大学,哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、纽约大学、卡耐基梅隆大学等顶尖级北美大学,开设的大学基础课程涉及面广,商科、社会科学、艺术都在其中,而且根据还未申请的国内高中生,北京交通大学GSS国际暑期学校还专门开设了班型,与国外回来的大学生分开学习,有助于同学间相互讨论交流心得,为学生提供了不出国门即可享受原汁原味美式课堂的机会,受到了越来越多国内学生和家长的认可和青睐。

















































应征信 范文2022-10-13

日本留学推荐信 范文2022-09-02


