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Do you suffer from sleep deprivation? Most teenagers need 8-12 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause delayed reactions or even learning disorders. Prolonged loss of sleep occurs for physical and mental reasons and has harmful physical and mental effects to the human body.

Prolonged sleep is caused by many different functions of the body. An important cause of prolonged sleep is a teenagers biological phase-delay or a tendency to fall asleep and wake up at different times. Changes that occur at puberty in the internal body clock governing their circadian biological rhythms can cause them to sleep irregularly.

Another good reasons why teenagers do not get enough sleep is because they simply do not make time for it. Some schoolwork, sports, jobs, girlfriends or boyfriends may take up most of a teenagers time or cause them to have stressful sleep.

Sleep deprivation can cause slow reactions of time. It may also cause headaches and nightmares more frequently. The mind will fall asleep if it cannot get enough sleep causing it to not function properly. Some side symptoms of chronic lack of sleep are feeling fatigue or depression as body becomes drained

A major problem caused by sleep deprivation is behavioral changes such as: irritability, short temper, impatience, and stressful situations with more anger or sadness, also can cause more fear than they would normally have. If you continue to have prolonged lack of sleep your immune systems will begin to break down and become unstable to fight diseases . To show how this is caused the researcher has done a study on how much sleep he/she got and how they felt that day.

Sleep deprivation has many harmful effects and there are some reasons you cannot stop prolonged lack of sleep. Sleep is essential to the studying and learning if you do not get enough sleep the mind can shut down from not having enough rest and can harm the human body.


Many people want to ask what is the best time for sleep? Do we need to sleep early or late? My opinion is to sleep early. Here is the reason why we should sleep early. First it will make you more healthy. Sleep late would cause illness long time not sleeping early will damage your body. Second many people had said that if you don't get many time to sleep and you sleep late would make black rim of the eye. That is not healthy also and it's not beautiful. We should give our body a rest. Sleep is the best way. Well there are certain time that is best for us to sleep. Sleep early is definitely better than sleep late. Also we should not keep awake the whole night. You don't feel the damage when you are young but when you get older the problem start to appear. Many disease of heart and lung started from not sleep at night. Many youth think it is fun to keep awake or sleep late. But I don't think so. Keep your body healthy. I strongly suggest to sleep early.许多人想问,什么是睡眠的最佳时间?我们需要睡得早还是晚?我的意见是早点睡觉。这里是我们应该早点睡觉的原因。首先,它会让你更健康。睡到晚会导致疾病,很长一段时间不睡早会损害你的身体。第二,很多人都说,如果你没有很多时间睡觉,你睡得很晚,会使黑眼圈。这是不健康的,而且它不美丽。我们应该给我们的身体休息。睡眠是最好的方式。嗯,有一定的时间,是最好的我们睡觉。早点睡肯定比睡晚了好。此外,我们不应该保持清醒的整个晚上。当你年轻的时候,你不会感觉到伤害,但当你变老的时候,问题就开始出现了。许多心脏病和肺开始在晚上不睡觉。许多年轻人认为保持清醒或睡到很晚是很有趣的。我可不这样认为。保持你的身体健康。我强烈建议早点睡觉。


Dear Dad(Mum)

You’re so busy every day that you don’t pay much attention to your health. I’m worried about your health all the time. I’d like to give you some suggestions. I hear walking is the best sport. Your company isn’t far from home is it? Why not walk to the office? You’d better take exercise at least once a week such as playing tennis in the gym. Going to swim is also a nice choice too. What’s more it’s necessary to have healthy food. Try not to stay up too late. Having enough sleep can help your brain work better.

Dad please accept my advice. I really wish you healthy!


With the development of the modern society .more and more people have difficulty in sleeping.someone may take some sleeping pills.But almost it doesn't work.

A famous doctor ever said that sleeping problem would be an important thing.As the doctor said.If you can't sleep well,you'll not concentrate on everything.Also you will lost the intrest in everything.It is sleeping pills that could help you with sleping.But it could cause many other changes in your body.

on average.60 per cent people has the problem.To solve the problem in a healthy way is usefull such as take exercise、have good deals and so on.If you follow this advice,you will have a good body.Believe yourself you can do it.




原因 1.作业过多;2. 家庭、学校一味强调学生成绩,而忽视学生的身心健康;3.多数学生睡觉前喜欢玩手机和iPad,导致休息很晚。4.各种压力和不好的心情。

对策 1.减少作业量;2.睡前远离数码产品;3.学生的身心健康需要关心。

注意: 1. 可以适当增加细节,使短文连贯、完整;

2. 参考词汇:调查survey;有负担be burdened with;数码产品digital devices。


According to a survey, we know most middle school students sleep less than 7 hours' each night, much less than required.

First of all, the students have too much homework. Second, schools and parents pay less attention to their sleep. Another important reason is that many students play with their cell phones or iPads before sleeping. This is one of the main reasons for bad sleep. Other reasons include stress and bad moods.

So we must take some ways to stop this. First, less homework should be given to the students by teachers and parents. Second, students need to keep away from digital devices for at least an hour before sleep .Last, more attention should be paid to their health.







According to a survey, we know most middle school students sleep less than 7 hours' each night, much less than required.

First of all, the students have too much homework. Second, schools and parents pay less attention to their sleep. Another important reason is that many students play with their cell phones or iPads before sleeping. This is one of the main reasons for bad sleep. Other reasons include stress and bad moods.

So we must take some ways to stop this. First, less homework should be given to the students by teachers and parents. Second, students need to keep away from digital devices for at least an hour before sleep .Last, more attention should be paid to their health.








原因 1.作业过多;2. 家庭、学校一味强调学生成绩,而忽视学生的身心健康;3.多数学生睡觉前喜欢玩手机和iPad,导致休息很晚。4.各种压力和不好的心情。

对策 1.减少作业量;2.睡前远离数码产品;3.学生的身心健康需要关心。

注意: 1. 可以适当增加细节,使短文连贯、完整;

2. 参考词汇:调查survey;有??负担be burdened with;数码产品digital devices。


According to a survey, we know most middle school students sleep less than 7 hours' each night, much less than required.

First of all, the students have too much homework. Second, schools and parents pay less attention to their sleep. Another important reason is that many students play with their cell phones or iPads before sleeping. This is one of the main reasons for bad sleep. Other reasons include stress and bad moods.

So we must take some ways to stop this. First, less homework should be given to the students by teachers and parents. Second, students need to keep away from digital devices for at least an hour before sleep .Last, more attention should be paid to their health.







睡眠的重要性 The Importance of Enough Sleep

Enough sleep is very important. It affects we are happy or not. We can easily find if we sleep enough in the night, we usually have a good mood next day. But, if we do not have enough sleep, sometimes we will feel depressed without a reason. What’s more, sleep also affects our study or work. Try to imagine that a sleepy person how can he listen to the teacher in class or work in their position. It must be a hard job or in low efficiency. Thus, if a person sleep enough, he can do better in their life. In addition, do you find that a person with good sleep usual do not have acne, because enough sleep balance their internal secretion and detox. Knowing the importance of enough sleep, do you still stingy about sleep? Do you still dare to sleep late?





Today is world sleep day, our dormitory the night lessons ready to sleep early and enjoy the day of sleep.

“Wu Jiaqi, I sleep with you tonight, or you will can't sleep, can you?” I lay in my bed for Wu Jiaqi said. “Yeah, warmly welcomed in, you bring a pillow and a quilt cover me.” Wu Jiaqi readily agreed. “Oh,” I picked up the pillow walked up to her bed, cover the quilt, and she began to chat: “Wu Jiaqi, do you think you of the 9 days you'll think you mom and dad?” “Yes.” “That ` ` ` ` ` `” I had a long chat and Wu Jiaqi, imperceptibly, fell asleep in a daze.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up. Beside only hear the sound of waves “shout shout”, has always been I turned and looked at, it turns out that there is Wu Jiaqi snore. So noisy! At that time, I found that she not only play the snoring, also is so crowded that I left a small piece of place. Wow, good uncomfortable, probably more than 30 cm ` ` ` ` ` ` I gently pushed her, want her to stop snoring, at the same time, give me a small piece of the position of the bed. Wu Jiaqi, however, did not give me the position of the bed, there is no snoring, rather more loud snoring, give me the location of the smaller bed. Well, really sad ah! In my helpless, had to pick up the pillow moved.

Moved back to the my “home”. Moved back to the “home” after Wu Jiaqi snore also echoed in our voice, when I was the last straw, next to a bed Yu Run heart suddenly stood up from the bed, scared me. She is going to do? I thought to myself, you turn your head to the position of her go, saw only Yu Run heart rushed to the front of the Wu Jiaqi bed, pinched her nose. Wu Jiaqi “hum” for a moment, turned around, finally don't snore, alas! Nightmare is finally over.

Alas, this world sleep day, it's really a tragedy, I have to continue to sleep again tomorrow.








Now,more and more students can't have enough sleep.We all konw that it will do great harm to our life if we don't have enough sleep.The following is the harms.

Firstly,it will affect our study.We may feel sleepy and can't listen to the teacher carefully during the classes.Secondly,it will have bad effects on our health.We may have a bad headache and don't want to eat anything.But how can we improve our sleep.Here are my advice.

Above all,you can do some sports during the daytime such as:running,jogging, payling basketball and so on.It will improve your sleeping quailty.What's more,you'd better have a noon nap.With sleeping at noon,you mind will be clearer.Last but not the least,when you are ready to sleep,put all the troubles away your mind.It will help you have a good sleep.

March 21st is the World Sleeping Day.It means the sleeping problems have caused worldwide attention.So,just have a good sleep for your future.Hope my words can help you.






Now,more and more students can't have enough sleep.We all konw that it will do great harm to our life if we don't have enough sleep.The following is the harms.

Firstly,it will affect our study.We may feel sleepy and can't listen to the teacher carefully during the classes.Secondly,it will have bad effects on our health.We may have a bad headache and don't want to eat anything.But how can we improve our sleep.Here are my advice.

Above all,you can do some sports during the daytime such as:running,jogging, payling basketball and so on.It will improve your sleeping quailty.What's more,you'd better have a noon nap.With sleeping at noon,you mind will be clearer.Last but not the least,when you are ready to sleep,put all the troubles away your mind.It will help you have a good sleep.

March 21st is the World Sleeping Day.It means the sleeping problems have caused worldwide attention.So,just have a good sleep for your future.Hope my words can help you.







According to a survey, we know most middle school students sleep less than 7 hours' each night, much less than required.

First of all, the students have too much homework. Second, schools and parents pay less attention to their sleep. Another important reason is that many students play with their cell phones or iPads before sleeping. This is one of the main reasons for bad sleep. Other reasons include stress and bad moods.

So we must take some ways to stop this. First, less homework should be given to the students by teachers and parents. Second, students need to keep away from digital devices for at least an hour before sleep .Last, more attention should be paid to their health.


Last summer, my friend asked me to go to his hometown to spend the summer vacation. I asked my parents for permission and they said yes. When I got to his place, I was so surprised because there was a beach near his house. It was so beautiful, many kids played there. The water was so blue under the sunshine. It was so fun to swim in the water. In the morning, I woke up early and took a walk along the beach, and I could hear the sea water’s coming voice. I saw a lot of people traveled here and took pictures. In the evening, when the sun was down, we played the games and sometimes we swam. It was such a good memory for me. I liked the leisure lifestyle. When summer comes, I will always think of the happy days in the beach.




Mo Yan, is a famous contemporary Chinese writer. In20xx, he became China's first writer who won the Nobel Literature Prize. As is known to all, graduated from Beijing Normal University, Mo Yan has won several awards. For example,in , his full-length novel “Big Breasts and Wide Hips” won the Da Jia Literature Prize, a money prize of 100,000 Yuan. As a matter of fact, Mo Yan won the Nobel Literature prize, can be said to be China's contemporary literature attained an important symbol of the world recognized. His works not only carries on the traditional culture, also refer to the foreign culture , not only reflects the folk characteristics, also has a distinctive modernity. Nowadays, Mo Yan's works have been translated into more than 20 languages, 100 kinds of version, released in many countries and regions. It reflects that the international community pay attention to Chinese literary greatly. It plays an important role in improving the international influence of China as well. Generally speaking, I believe that Chinese contemporary literature and art will have a better tomorrow.


In our parents’ generation, there are less people have the eyesight problem, because the digital products were not so developed at that time, but nowadays, with the development of these products, more and more people have the problem of short eyesight. When I look around my classmates, I find only have few student don’t wear glass. People’s bad reading behavior makes their eyesight weaker, they can do the right things to correct it. First, we should not read in the dark situation. Many students like to read in the dark before they go to bed, it hurts the eye so much. Second, we should not stare at the book or the TV and computer in a long time, we need to take a rest every 40minutes, looking at the distance or the green color will ease our eyes. Eyes are window of our soul, we need to protect them.



I like English. I think I can share my English learning method with you. First of all, develop interest on English. My way to make it is to watch movies from abroad. At first, I will watch the movie with subtitle. Then I will remove the subtitle, only English left. Gradually, show great interest in English. Secondly, recite vocabularies. Vocabulary is the necessary foundation to start learn English. This time you have to force yourself to remember words. Thirdly, understand basic grammar thoroughly. It is hard for me to understand the meaning of a sentence if I don’t know the basic grammar. Last but not least is to speak more. The basic purpose to learn a language is to communicate. So talk in English as much as you can. And don’t worry about losing face, because everyone makes mistakes. Those are my methods.





























In every class, there will be some bad students, they are very active and annoy other students. The bad students don’t want to study, they will interfere other students to listen to the class, which also bothers the teachers. Bad students are not welcomed everywhere, so students will stay away from them, some teachers even give up on them. But some day, when I went home after school, I found a bad student who was in my class carry a cat, he handed the cat to a woman, the woman said thank you to him for help her find the cat. I was surprised, I saw the good side of a bad student. I think I need to be nice to the bad students, they are not that bad, maybe they just want to attract other people’s attention. If we give them more chances, they will be good students.



It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.

As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don't work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.

In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What's more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.


Nature is the mother of mankind. We get almost everything from her. We live on natural food. We make clothes from natural materials. And we build our houses of stone and wood. However, with the development of human beings, man has destroyed the balance of nature. Water, air and soil have been badly polluted. Some kinds of animals and plants have died out completely.

As a result, man is being punished by nature. Many people suffer a lot from all kinds of diseases caused by pollution. We should treat nature well and she will look after us.


College Students and Luxuries

Walking on the campus, you'll find luxuries are not far away for students.Some wear CK clothes and some carry LV bags. According to an online surveyconducted by Tencent in May this year, there are 37 percent students claiming tohave a certain luxury.

On the basis of the survey, the way of obtaining luxuries is quitedifferent. Some students get them from their parents, as their families are ingood financial condition. Some take part-time jobs to buy luxuries bythemselves. For example, a college student named Xiao Mei said she worked as atutor for three months in order to get a bottle of Dior perfume.Some receiveluxuries as a gift from their friends or relatives.

As for me, I object to students' using luxuries. It is known that luxuriesare not able for their super prices. However, students are not economicallyindependent and their attention should be paid to study. In this sense, usingluxuries is improper for students.


I think lots of students like the pop singer named Jay. I also like himvery much. When he released his first album, I started to buy his album. And Inever miss any album of his.

Do you know as a boy, Jay was called Dull Stupid. But his mother YehHuimei, noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to dance practically when heheard the Western Pop music she used to play. His mother sent him to a pianoschool when he was four.

When he has grown up, he had developed an ability for instant playingbeyond his years. I learned to play the piano from 7 years old to 13 years old.I often feel bored when I practise playing the piano. But Jay was always crazyabout playing the piano. I think he really likes music.

So I admire him very much, and I call him “hero”. I admire Jay. The realreason is when the others all denied him, he never gave up. He tried his best tochange his life. I think it is good for everybody.

I hope that everyone can learn from him---try their best to do everything.Then I think we will make the grade.



It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China. And the smokers are becoming younger and younger,

even ineluding some middle school students.

Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people’shealth. However, some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves.

In fact,

smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.

It is said that there are about half of people in China are smoking.Many young boys and girls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students.

As we all know, smoking does great harm to human beings. More and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. But they are never bored with it. Some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that smoking can refresh themselves.

Smoking causes many illnesses. A lot of people always cough because of smoking. The most serious illness caused by smoking is lung cancer. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.

In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smoking at once





















