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1. It’s time ______.

A. go to school B .going to school C .go school D. to go to school

2. ---______ students are there in you class?

---Forty. Twenty boys and twenty girls.

A. How old B. How much C. How many D. How often

3. ---Is this your sister?

A .Yes, she is. B. Yes, this is C. Yes, it is. D. No, this isn’t.

4. Would you like _____ a football match?

A. watch B. to watch C. to see D.see

5. Where does his friendr ____ from?

A. is B. comes C. be D.come

6. They don’t have Chinese ______ maths on Tuesday.

A. or B. but C. and D. also

7. -------____are they?

------- They’re very well.

A. How B. Where C. What D.When

8. ------____is her music lesson?

------ It’s at two o’clock.

A. When B. Where C. How D.What

9. -------___________,Please?

-------It’s about five twenty.

A What day is it? BWhat time is it? CWhat’s the weather like? D. When is the time?

10.His father often ______TV in the evening.

A. watch B. watches C. watchs D. look

11.Are you getting ready ____ the exam?

A. to B of C. for D. in

12.--What is she doing?

--She is _________.

A go shopping B going shoping C goes shopping D going shopping

13.Let’s ____ to the zoo.

A going B go C goes D to go

14..Have you got ____ apples?

A. some B. any C an D. a little

15.There ____ a panda and three lions in the zoo.

A are B is C am D also



I’ll tell you something about my English teacher, Mrs. Wang. She is a middle – aged (中年) woman. She is not tall and not short, and she is also not fat and not thin. She has long, black hair. She likes wearing a red dress . She is very beautiful. She speaks English very well. She has three classes a week, but they aren’t on Tuesday or Friday. All the students in her class love her very much.

Mrs. Wang lives near the school. She walks to school with her son and her daughter early every morning. Her two children are twins. They’re in Grade Four. But they are not in the same class. They often wear the same clothes. They look very happy.

16. Mrs . Wang is a middle – aged _______. She speaks English very well.

A. nurse B. doctor C. teacher D. worker

17. _______ looks very beautiful.

A. Her face B. Her long, black hair C. She D. Her body

18. She has English classes only on ______.

A. Sunday, Wednesday and Tuesday B. Saturday, Thursday and Friday

C. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday D. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

19. Mrs. Wang’s children are _______.

A. not in the same grade B. not in the same school

C. not in a primary school (小学) D. in different classes[科

20. The twins are very happy, they often wear _______.

A. the same trousers B. the same dresses

C. the same clothes D. different clothes


Welcome to the zoo. You can see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting(等着) to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs are wai ting to laugh at you.

Opening Time(开放时间)

Monday to Friday

8:30 ~ 18:30

Saturday and Sunday

8:00 ~ 20:00 Fees(费用)

Adults(成人) $ 8.00

15 ~ 17 years old $ 6.00

8 ~ 14 years old $ 3.00

Under 8 years old Free(免费)

Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch(触摸), give f ood or go near the animals!

21. On Sunday, the zoo opens at .

A. 10:00 in the morning B. 8:00 in the morning

C. 6:00 in the afternoon D. 8:00 in the evening

22. The zoo opens days a week.

A. two B. five C. s ix D. seven

23. You and Tom are both thirteen years old. If you two want to go to the zoo, you should pay(付款) .

A. $3 B. $6 C. $8 D. nothing

24. Mr. Smith and Bob go to the zoo. Bob is seven years old. How much do they pay to enter(进入) the zoo ?

A. $3 B. $6 C. $8 D. $11

25. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A. To give some food to the dogs. B. To touch the monkeys on the heads.

C. To go near the bears. D. To watch the animals outside the cages(笼子).


Hello, Boys and girls, let’s begin our English class now. My name is Mike. This time I want to talk about my family. Then I want you to say something about your families.

There are seven people in my family. They are my parents, my two sisters, my brother, his wife and I. In England, a family like this is a big one .My father has a factory. It isn’t very big. It makes all kinds of boats. My brother is a doctor. He works in a hospital. His wife works in a hospital, too. She is a nurse. She works hard and well. One of my sister likes singing very much and can sing very well. So she wants to be a singer. I’m now in China teaching English and learning Chinese. My mother stays at home. Can you guess (猜测)what she does at home? Yes, She does housework. She is a housewife.

26. Where does Mike come from ?

A. China B. America C. England D. Canada

27. Where is Mike now ?

A. In China. B. In America. C. In England. D. In Canada.

28. Who works in a school in Mike’s family ?

A. One of his sisters. B. Mike. C. His father. D. His brother.

29. Mike’s brother and his wife work _________

A. as teachers B. as nurses C. as doctors D. in a hospital

30. In Chinese “housewife” means __________

A. 干家务活的人 B.在家的妻子 C. 家庭主妇 D. 保姆


Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside closer to people’s homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV. What’s going on in oth er countries? How do people live in places far away? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What’s life like in the deepest part of the sea?

If you want to answer these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Turn it on and watch. You can see a lot and learn a lot. Of course, people can also learn through reading or listening to the radio. But with TV they can learn better and more easily. Why? Because they can hear and watch, too.

TV helps to open our eyes. TV also helps to open our minds. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better wa ys of doing something.

31. Some peo ple say the world is smaller than before because _______.

A. TV makes the earth smaller and smaller

B. All people like to watch TV

C. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day

D. TV brings the outside wo rld closer to people

32. We can ______ when we watch TV.

A. go to live in the other countries B. answer TV many questions

C. get a lot of information (信息) D. ask TV some questions

33. People learn better through TV than through radio because _______.

A. TV sets are bigger than radio

B. people can not only hear but also watch

C. without TV people can’t open their eyes

D. it’s easier to turn on TV than to turn on radio

34. The sentence “TV also helps to open our minds.” means ______.

A. our minds can only be opened by TV

B. something is wrong with our minds

C. we can learn more with TV than without TV

D. TV is new to us

35. This passage has told us _______.

A. it’s good to watch TV B. not to watch TV any more

C. students should not watch TV at any time D. to stop reading to watch TV


Today is Sunday. It’s sunny today. I go to the zoo with my mother. I can see many (1)a_______. There are tigers, lions, pandas, snakes and many (2)m______. Look! The pandas are over there. They're from China. They like eating (3)b______. Look at the baby panda! It's climbing the tree. How (4)c______ it is! I love pandas.

Then, we go to see the lions. The lions are so (5)s_______. Their mouths are big and want to catch something. The tigers are (6)n____ them. They are both (7) d_______. So, we should be (8)c_____ with them. At last, we go to see the (9)m______. Some are climbing mountains, some are(10) e_____ bananas. They're so lovely!

I see many animals at the zoo and I'm so happy today!


Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it.

Most adul ts who are learning a second language would disagree with the above sentences. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. 1. _________________.

Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. 2.__________ However, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.

3._________ read as much as you can in the new language; practice speaking the language every day; live with people who speak the language you want to learn; don’t translate ---try to think in the new language ; Learn as a child would learn---play with language and so on.

4. ____________________. Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.

First of all, successful language learners are independent (独立的)learners.

Secondly, successful language learning is active learning.

5. _____________________________________.

What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully.

A.Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose(目的)。

B. They need hundreds of hours to study and practice, and that will not guarantee every adult language learner success.

C. But what does a successful language learner do? D. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning.

E. Language teachers often offer advice to language learners:

F. Different people learn different language in different ways.


If you think you’re too shy and want to be a little bit braver, try the following. You can make it.

Tell people you’re shy.

There’s no need to hide it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they’ll understand you better. (1) This also helps you feel more at ease in talks.


When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. Remember that other people have such feelings too and most people will stay away from an angry-looking face .


If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to keep talking to that person?

Get your attention elsewhere.

Think about more ways to enjoy the party or the game. Don’t waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not.

Take one small step at a time .Each time after you say “Hi” or smile at someone for the first time, say to yourself “You did it!” Or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice cream.

Keep trying and you’ll never be shy when you talk to others one day.

根据文章 内容完成下列各题

1. The underlined words “make it” mean “_____________” in English.

2.根据短文内容回答问题:How to get rid of(摆脱)shyness?列出3-4条即可。

(1)______________ (2)________________

(3)_______________ (4)________________

3. 把(1)处画线句子译成英语

4. 从文中找出与下列句子意思相同的句子

Most people don’t want to talk to the person who looks angry


A. Try to smile more B. Do as other people like

C. Learn to be a good talker D. Keep talking


假如你是小伟,你的室友大明昨天收到你朋友Maria的电话,她正在研究中国的节日文化,需要你的帮助。现在,请你根据大明所留的便条内容,给Maria回一封电子邮件. 信的开头和结尾已给出.


Your friend Maria made a phone call to you yesterday. She wants to know the traditional Chinese festival – the Lantern Festival. She wants you to tell her why we like it, when and how we spend it (tell her at least 3 activities), send an email to her at maria1988 Please ask her what they do during Christmas for me.


注意:1) 80词左右;


3)提示词: sweet rice dumplings 汤圆; play with firecrackers燃放鞭炮

To: maria1988

From: Xiaowei

Subject: The Lantern Festival

Dear Maria,

How are you?

By the way, what do you usually do during Christmas? Love,



1-5 DCCBD 6-10 AAABB 11-15 CDBBB


1.animals 2.more 3.bamboo 4.cute 5.strong /scary

6 near 7 dangerous8 careful 9 monkeys 10 eating


答案:1. 改变它2.(1) Tell people you’re shy(2) Try to smile more

(3) Learn to be a good talker(4)Get y our attention elsewhere(

3. 这也能帮你在谈话中感到更轻松些。

4.most people will stay away from an angry-looking face .

5. 2)处标题是A. Try to smile more (3)处标题是:C. Learn to be a good talker

….You asked me something about the traditional Chinese festival—the Lantern Festival. Actually, we have it at the end of Spring Festival. We like the Lantern Festival because we can enjoy beautiful views at night. Usually, we eat a kind of sweet rice dumplings called yuanxiao, and we go out to watch colourful lanterns with our family members. When it gets dark, it looks beautiful everywhere with lots of lanterns. We also enjoy some firework shows or play with firecrackers ourselves. It’s great fun!.....



第二部分 听对话和短文答题


2. Who likes LeBron James most?

A. Mike B. Jenny C. Jenny’s husband

3. What does the man think of Kobe Bryant?

A. He is handsome. B. He is hard-working. C. He is strong.


The information of Sarah

About Sarah She is fifteen years old.

She lives (13) _________.

Sarah’s problem Her parents spend little time staying with her. Her mother, (14)_____, often goes back home after 8:00p.m.

Her father, a scientist, only went back (15)____ this week.

4. A. England B. Canada C. America

5. A. a doctor B. an engineer C. a teacher

6. A. twice B. three times C. four times


7. Where was Michaela born?

A. In America. B. In Africa. C. In Russia.

8. How old was Michaela when her parents died?

A. She was three. B. She was five. C. She was eight.

9. What is Michaela like?

A. Creative. B. Patient. C. Energetic.

10. Why was Michaela refused to dance on the stage?

A. Because she didn’t dance well. B. Because she was a black girl. C. Because she was too young.

11. What does Michaela look like?

A. She is tall. B. She is thin. C. She is strong.



1. Nanjing is _______ capital of Jiangsu and it is _______ city with many places of interest.

A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the

2. Listen to your English teacher carefully in class, ________ you will not do well in English!

A. or B. and C. but D. so

3. She wonders if he ________ the party. But I am sure ________ he is invited, he will go.

A. will attend; if that B. is going to attend; that if

C. attends; that D. atteneded; whether

4 – Pingpong is a popular sport in our country.

--Agree! ________ my father ________ my mother is interested in watching the matches.

A. Not only, but also B. Neither, nor C. Both, and D. Either, or

5. – How do you like the pink blouse?

-- I _______ its colour, but I _______ not choose it because of its style .

A. would rather; prefer B. prefer; prefer

C. would rather; would rather D. prefer; would rather

6. If we don’t study hard, we will in our class.

A. take the lead B. fall behind C. be the first D. be successful

7. She devotes as much time as she could __________ the patients.

A. to saving B. to save C. saved D. in saving

8. What ________ great difficulty my grandparents had ________ a living in old days!

A. /; made B. /; making C. a; to make D. a; making

9. The situation ________ that I should be there to do some extra work..

A . repeated B. respected C .required D. reported

10-- It’s dangerous to walk across the street carelessly.

--You’re right. We can’t be ________ careful while crossing the street.

A. so B. very C. too D. more

11. -- Have you got Rose's e-mail?

--Yes, but I don't think her e-mail is worth _______.

A. answering it B. replying C. replying to D. answering to

12-- We have a successful school celebration.

-- Yes. Our chairperson ________ all the students ________ his good speech.

A. impressed, by B. has impressed, with C. made, by D. has made, with

13. -- What’s the matter? You are crying!

-- Nothing serious. The film ________ me ________ the times when I was a child.

A. lets, think B. reminds, of C. makes, think D. takes, to

14. -- What do you think of the two sweaters?

-- The yellow one looks good ________ the girl and the boy looks nice ________ blue.

A. with, on B. in, on C. on, in D. in , with

15. --What about going boating this afternoon? --It sounds great. ________.

A. A miss is as god as a mile. B. I can’t agree with you more.

C. You can’t be too careful. D. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


On the evening of last Sunday while I was reviewing my lessons in my room, it suddenly began to rain. 1 as usual, I stopped to listen to the rhythm(韵律)of the rain. For many years, whenever it rains, I couldn’t 2 listening to it and thinking of the garden in which I spent my childhood in my hometown.

When I was a little girl, my family lived in a big house with a big garden in the countryside. The garden was full of flowers and 3 , with some bamboo in front of the wall. Whenever it rained, I 4 to sit in the front of the house, listening to the rhythm of the rain and watching the 5 raindrops.

When small drops of rain fall from the heaven in a row, they 6 a curtain made up of pearls(珍珠); when the raindrops 7 the ground, a lot of small sprays(水花)will splash(溅出)and then disappear slowly.

I have been 8 interested in watching such a scene. Listening to the rhythm of the rain, I feel calm and peaceful in my heart. This feeling of peace makes me think a lot about life. We are the 9 of the earth, and one day we will embrace(拥抱)our earth and stay with her forever. Life is short and we should treasure it.

Listening to the rhythm of the rain, I learn to understand the 10 of life.

( )1 . A. Surprised B. Sad C. Excited D. Angry

( )2. A. stand B. stop C. like D. think

( )3. A. leaves B. animals C. children D. trees

( )4. A. happened B. wanted C. wished D. used

( )5. A. falling B. singing C. fallen D. broken

( )6. A. make B. form C. cause D. rise

( )7. A. see B. get C. reach D. cover

( )8. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. seldom

( )9. A. children B. owner C. friends D. master

( )10. A. length B. meaning C. number D. quality



Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12,a white gardenia(栀子花)was sent to my house. No card came with it.Calls to the flower shops were not helpful at all. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender's name and was just very pleased with the beautiful white flower in soft pink paper.

But I never stopped imagining who the giver might be, Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender. My mother encouraged this imagining. She'd ask me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness. Perhaps it was the old man who I looked after when he was ill. As a girl, I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy.

One month before my graduation, my father died. I felt very sad and didn't want to go to the coming graduation dance at all. And I didn't care whether I had a new dress or not. But my mother, in her own sadness, would not let me miss any of those things. She wanted her children to feel loved and lovable. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia-lovely, strong and perfect with perhaps a bit of mystery.

My mother died ten days after l was married. I was 22. That was the year the gardenia stopped coming.

1. Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. The author found the sender by calling the flower shops.

B. In fact, the flower was sent by a boy.

C. It was a pleasant moment for the girl to imagine the sender.

D. The author got a gardenia every year after she was married.

2. The mother let her daughter go to the graduation dance because_______.

A. She hoped she would miss her father. B. She thought education was most important.

C. She hoped she would find a friend. D. She wanted her to be happy and strong.

3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Childhood Dream. B. A Mother's Love.

C. A Graduation Party. D. A Special Birthday.


Sports can help you keep fit and close to nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should realize that sport you choose might have great influence on the environment.

Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also lots of water. Besides, huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场)in good condition. This causes major environmental changes. For example, in the dry places of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for (为...承担责任) serious water shortage(短缺) in some local areas.

There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes, and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also help you stay healthy. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and keep thin.

Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener than by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be “green gyms.” They are better replacements(替代) for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership(会员身份). And best of all, it's free.

4. Which of following does the author most probably support according to the passage?

A. Bicycling around the lake. B. Car racing on the road.

C. Playing basketball in a gym. D. Swimming in a sports center.

5. What does the phrase “resource-hungry” in this passage mean in Chinese?

A. 广为流行的. B. 亲近自然的. C.低成本的. D. 耗费资源的.

6. The author uses power walking as an example mainly because

A. it is an outdoor sport. B. it is loved by many people.

C. it uses fewer recourses. D. it is supported by experts.

7. The author writes the passage to_______.

A. show us disadvantages of golf.

B. encourage us to take part in green sports.

C. explain the major sports influence of popular sports,

D. discuss different kinds of environment-friendly sport.


The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred thousand people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.

The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King's baker(面包师)in Pudding Lane, The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery(房)into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.

By eight o'clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul's and the Guildhall among them.

Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire. People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.

The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire. With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.

After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect(建筑师), wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow; but he did build more than fifiy churches, among them new St Paul's. The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place: a city for the future and not just of the past.

8. The fire began in_______.

A. a hotel. B. the palace. C. Pudding Lane. D. Thames Street.

9. The underlined word “family” in the second paragraph means_______.

A. home. B. children. C. wife and husband. D. wife and children.

10. It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that ________.

A. some people lost their lives. B. the birds in the sky were killed by the fire.

C. many famous buildings were destroyed. D. the King's bakery was burned down.

11. Why did the writer cite(引用) Samuel Pepys?

A. Because Pepys was among those putting out the fire.

B. Because Pepys also wrote about the fire.

C. To show that poor people suffered most.

D. To give the reader a clearer picture of the fire.

12. How was the fire put out according to the text?

A. The king and his soldiers came to help.

B. All the wooden houses in the city were destroyed.

C. People managed to get enough water from the river.

D. Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down.


When we can see well, we do not think about our eyes often: It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are.

People who are nearsighted(近视的) can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing and reading, become nearsighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant things clearly.

People who are farsighted face just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty reading a book if they don't hold it at arm's length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people's eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

When night falls, colors become fainter(更模糊) to the eyes and finally disappear. After your eyes have grown used to the dark, you can see better if you use the side of your eyes rather than the centers. Sometimes, after dark, you see a small thing to one side of you. It seems to disappear if you turn your head in its direction. This is because when you turn your head, you are looking at the thing too directly. Men on guard duty sometimes think they see something moving to one side of them. When they turn to look straight at it, they cannot see it anymore, and they believe they were mistaken. However, this mistake happens because the center of the eye, which is very sensitive (敏感的) in daylight, is not as sensitive as the sides of the eye after dark,


1. This writer received high (赞扬) from the readers.

2. It’s believed that our moods are sometimes (影响)by colours.

3. We all hope that Li Keqiang will __________ (成功) more than Wen Jiabao as new prime minister (总理).

4. He told me that he was very angry to be even ________ (提及) in a report of this kind.

5. Your uncle is looked on as a _________ (开拓者), and later as a market leader. Our company has opened two new areas in the last two seasons.

6. An_______(有条理的)person always plans everything well..

7. We each should have a job_______(适合)for our personality.

8. ---They were ill last week, so they were from school.

---Yes. They didn’t come to school.

9. .---Which would you like to drink, tea or coffee?

--- _________. I think I would like a glass of milk.

10. — Why not buy an old car first if you don’t have enough money for a new one?

— That’s a good ___________ .

五 句子翻译(15分)

1. 只要你永不放弃,几乎没有什么做不到的。

2. 别担心,我准备着在任何时间接受新的挑战。

3. 当你感到悲伤时,橙色能让你开心起来。

4. 我每天有许多家庭作业,我别无选择只能熬夜去做。

5. 很遗憾他们不能像我们一样享受幸福生活。


You’re standing with your classmates. E 1 is talking except you. Perhaps you’re afraid they will laugh at when you say. Maybe you just aren’t b 2 enough to speak.

Shyness is like a snake that crawls(爬进)into our mouth and s 3 us speaking. But we shouldn’t let it stay there.

I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes v 4 me. When I was in high school, I was so shy that I wouldn’t talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the w 5 to a local shop, it was as if I’d forgotten how to talk. One summer, I got a j 6 in a restaurant and that helped a lot. It meant I had to talk to customers(顾客). I had to tell them how m 7 their meal cost. I had to ask them if they want to drink Coke or Sprite.

This job taught me how to speak with people.

You may be too young to find a part-time job. But you can look for other c 8 to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. O 9 you can go to get a newspaper for your family.

If you do these things for a while, the ‘shyness’ snake will soon begin to l 10 you alone. It’ll look for another mouth to crawl into.



1.对学习英语不感兴趣;2.记忆单词有困难;3.怕出错,不敢参与小组讨论;4.阅读中不知如何处理生词;5.写作中…… 假如你是李华,在英语学习中也遇到了一些类似的问题,你以邮件的形式向英语报社的编辑( Bob)咨询,希望得到帮助。


Dear Bob.

I'm very pleased to write to you,______________________________________________





1-5 ACBAA 6-10 CABAB 11-15 CBCAA 16-20 BACBC


一、选择题 (15小题,共15分)

1-5 CABAD 6-10 BABCC 11-15CBBCB

二、完形填空 (10小题,共10分)

1-5.C B D D A 6-10 B C A A B

三、阅读理解 (15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

1-5 CDBAD 6-10 CBCBC 11-15 DDCAD


1.praise 2.influenced 3.succeed 4.mentioned 5.pioneer

6.organized 7.suitable 8.absent 9.Neither 10 suggestion


1 Everyone 2 brave 3. stops 4. visits 5. way

6. job 7. much 8. chances 9. Or 10. leave



第一部分 听力 20分


1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____


( ) 6. A. To his school. B. To a hospital. C. To his home.

( ) 7. A. At 11 a.m. B. At 3 p.m. C. At 9 p.m.

( ) 8. A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.

( ) 9 . A. His friend. B. His cousin. C. His classmate.

( ) 10. A. For five years. B. For four years. C. For three years.



( ) 11. What’s the girl’s favorite sport?

A. Table tennis. B. Tennis. C. Football.

( ) 12. Who does the boy often play football with?

A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His cousins.


( ) 13. What’s wrong with the man?

A. He has a cold. B. He has a headache. C. He has a fever.

( ) 14. Where are they now?

A. In Italy. B. In Germany. C. In England.

( ) 15. What are they going to do now?

A. To have supper. B. To have lunch. C. To see a doctor.


( ) 16. Mary prefers _______.

A. cycling B. swimming C. running

( ) 17. It is ______ today.

A. May 6th B. May 5th C. May 4th

( ) 18. The weather was ______ yesterday.

A. windy B. rainy C. sunny

( ) 19. Sally is Mary’s ______.

A. friend B. roommate C. classmate

( ) 20. The doctor asked Mary to take the medicine _____ a day.

A. twice B. three times C. four times

第二部分 基础知识 (40分)


( )21. The boy is good at English.

A. is good for B. do well in C. is good to D. does well in

( )22. We join in mountain climbing every year.

A. takes part in B. take part in C. do in D. play in

( )23. Would you mind of I close the door?

A. my close B. my closing C. I close D. me closing

( )24. The Great wall is a symbol of China.

A. stands of B. stand for C. is symbol of D. is symbol for

( )25. What’s wrong with you , Maria?

A. matter B. trouble C. the matter D. ill


( )26. I wanted to be _____ actor when I was a child.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )27. Li Lei keeps ______ English every day.

A. practicing speaking B. to practice speak

C. practicing to speak D. to practice speaking

( )28. —Do you enjoy _____ basketball?

—Yes, I do. It’s my favorite sport.

A. play B. playing C. plays D. to play

( )29. There are ______ students in this school.

A. two hundreds B. two hundreds of

C. hundreds of D. hundred of

( )30. —Sorry , I’m busy. I can’t go fishing with you.

—_______. I can ask Lily to go with me.

A. No problem B. You’re welcome

C. Of course D. Never mind

( )31.—What are you going to be when you _______?

—I want to be a teacher.

A. grow up B. get up C. come up D. put up

( )32. Kate spends an hour ______ swimming every week.

A. practice B. practices C. practicing D. to practice

( )33. —_______do you go skating ?

—Twice a week.

A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How far

( )34. My son will join in the football game, I will go to _____ him on.

A. cheer B. catch C. bring D. wish

( )35. —Hi, Bob! _____we go for a trip tomorrow?

—Good idea! That sounds fun.

A. Do B. Are C. Shall D. May

( )36. —When can you finish your work?

—I need ______ two hours to finish it.

A. at last B. at most C. at once D. at least

( )37. All of us felt very _____when we watched the ______ basketball game.

A. excited; exciting B. excited; exciting

C. e xciting; exciting D. exciting; excited

( )38. —Hello! Is Wang Tao in?


A. Yes, I am B. What is it? C. Who are you D. Speaking

( )39. Simon, you’d better ______ enough water, it’s hot today.

A. to take B. take C. taking D. took

( )40. I can’t go to bed because I still have _____ homework to do.

A. many too B. too much C. much too D. too many

( )41. —What’s wrong with my son?

—______Serious, it’s only a cold.

A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Somewhere

( ) 42. My brother is an active boy, he often risks _____ mountain with his friends.

A. climb B. climbing C. to climb D. climbs

( )43. —The second-hand smoke is even more terrible.

—That’s right. It does great ______ to people around.

A. fun B. change C. harm D. worry

( )44. —Must I clean all the plates after dinner?

—No, you ______ . But you ______ finish your homework later.

A. mustn’t ; must B. needn’t ; must C. can’t ; must D. needn’t ; may

( )45. —What’s wrong with your sister?

—She broke the glass and hurt _______.

A. herself B. yourself C. her D. it

( )46. —_______ is very important in the game.

—That’s right. One player doesn’t make a team.

A. Housework B. Practice C. Teamwork D. Exercise

( )47. —Jeff, would you mind _____ after drinking?

—Sorry, I won’t do that again.

A. driving B. not driving C. not to drive D. my driving

( )48. The work of nurses is very important because they _____ the people.

A. give hope to B. are angry with

C. are careful of D. are sorry to

( )49. My father came back home ______I was cooking in the kitchen.

A. at B. but C. in D. while

( )50. —Do I need to take any medicine?

—Yes. _______twice a day.

A. Take two pills B. Take some pill

C. Bring two pills D. Bring some pill


Holidays always make me happy. Today is the last day of my spring holiday, 51 I

decided to write something about it.

During the holidays, I like to play games with my friends, 52 in the library and walk around in the park. Sometimes I 53 so me time playing with my younger sister.

54 the first day of my spring h oliday, my friend Brock and Kate came to my home for a party. We 55 late that night and had lots of fun! The next morning, we all went outside and 56 our bikes around. Brock tried to ride my sister’s bike, but he was too 57 !

A few days later, I went to play table tennis with Liam. I lost the game, but I still had lots of 58 . After that I went to Liam’s 59 for his birthday party. We real ly enjoyed ourselves.

Yesterday my friend Kathleen came to my house. She is 60 my sister’s friend. We had a great time together. We played lots of interesting games.

( )51. A. because B. so C. if D. or

( )52. A. sing B. dance C. read D. eat

( )53. A. spend B. take C. cost D. have

( )54. A. On B. In C. Or D. At

( )55. A. grew up B. put up C. got up D. stayed up

( )56. A. bought B. took C. washed D. rode

( )57. A. small B. big C. old D. short

( )58. A. help B. fun C. work D. money

( )59. A. country B. car C. house D. school

( )60. A. also B. too C. always D. again

第三部分 (40分)



Last week I went to London for a holiday with Jenny.

We got there by plane on Monday morning and took a taxi to our hotel. In the afternoon we went for a walk in Hyde Park.

On Tuesday we saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

The next day we visited the British Museum and had supper in a Chinese restaurant!

On Thursday morning we relaxed. Then we went to Tower Bridge by boat on the River Thames and looked at the city.

On the last day I did some shopping and Jenny listened to a concert in the park. After I went back to the hotel, I sent some emails to my friends.


( ) 61. Last week I went to London with Marry.

( ) 62. We went for a walk in Hyde Park on Monday afternoon.

( ) 63. On Thursday we went to Tower Bridge by taxi.

( ) 64. On the last day I did some shopping.

( ) 65. Jenny sent some emails to her friends.



When we talk about village teachers, we often think of difficult conditions, heavy teaching tasks and little income. But there is a village teacher who makes his teaching job so interesting. His name is Liu Yuesheng who is now called “the most beautiful teacher”, Liu comes from Liugang Village Middle School in Dagang, Tianjin. The school is a rural area middle school. It has only about more than 300 students and teachers. Though the school is small, it is only a village school that takes the municipal (市级的) scientific research projects in Tianjin. Since Liu started to work at Liugang Village Middle School in , he has led his students completing the 300 designs and reportings of national patents (国家专利).

Liu spent three years writing a book called Practice and Invention. In this book, he mostly tells people his teaching experience. The inventions of his students won the silver medal in the national youth science and technology competition. The rural students improve their living skills while they are inventing. Many of the students start their own business after graduation(毕业后).

Liu also guided his students to make a big 260 Model Airplane. He often takes his students to go to the wetlands (湿地) and take photos during holidays. In order to call on people to pay more attention to protecting environment, he further watches the number of the birds with his students. Today , the wetland aerial(航拍) of his school of has reached the UAV(无人机) level.

( ) 66. Liugang Village Middle Sc hool is very ________.

A. poor B. rich C. small D. big

( )67. Liu yuesheng has been teaching Liugang Village Middle School for ______years.

A. 20 B. 18 C. 15 D. 12

( ) 68. In his book Practice and Invention , Liu mainly tells ___________.

A. his inventions B. his teaching experience

C. his students D. his teaching ways

( ) 69. Liu and his students tell people to protect environment by _______.

A. taking photos B. inventing

C. making speeches D. watching the nu mber of the birds

( ) 70. From the passage , we know Liu Yuesheng is a __________.

A. creative and unusual B. hard-working and serious

C. humorous and patient D. strange and quiet


Do you know the late leader of China, Deng Xiaoping? He was called the“chief architect of China’s reform and opening-up (中国改革开放的总设计师)”. August 22 is the 110 anniversary of his birth. President Xi Jinping held an important meeting for the event on A ugust 20 , in Beijing. Senior leaders Li Keqiang, Zhang Dejiang, Yu Zhengsheng, Liu Yunshan, Wang Qishan and Zhang Gaoli also attended the event.

Deng was born on Aug, 22, 1904 in the southwest China’s Sichuan Province. He also had the name Deng Xiaosheng. His father , Deng Wenming , was a middle-level landowner(地主). His mother died early in Deng’s life. He has three brothers and three sisters. Deng’s first wife , one of his schoolmates from Moscow , died when she was 24, a few days after giving birth to Deng’s first child, a baby girl, who also died. His second wife left him in 1933. His third wife, Zhuo Lin, was the daughter of an industrialist in Yunnan Province. She married him in 1939 in Yan’an. They had five children:three daughters and two sons.

Deng was sent to private primary school at the age of five. In the summer of 1919, Deng Xiaoping graduated from the Chongqing School. Then he went to study and work in France in the 1920s. His father strongly supported him, the night before going to France, Deng’s father took his son aside and asked him what he hoped to learn there. He repeated the words he had learned from his teachers:“To learn knowledge and truth from the West in order to save China.”He joined the Communist Party of China(中国共产党) in 1924. In late 1927 , Deng left Moscow to return to China. He joined the army to save China. He died on February 19 , .

( ) 71. Deng Xiaoping’s birthday is ________.

A. August 20 B. February 19

C. August 22 D. September 18

( ) 72. There were _______ in his family.

A. three brothers and two sisters B. two brothers and three sisters

B. two daughters and two sons D. three daughters and two sons

( ) 73. Deng went to scho ol ___________.

A. in 1909 B. in 1919 C. in 1911 D. in 1933

( ) 74. How old was Deng when he died?

A. Eighty-three years old B. Ninety-three years old

C. Twenty-three years old D. Thirty-five years old

( ) 75. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Deng’s first daughter was alive

B. Deng’s father was poor at that time

C. Zhuo Lin was Deng’s schoolmate

D. Deng left school in1919.




A:Jim , could you tell me something about the sports in England ?

B:Sure. 76

A:Which sport is the most popular one?

B: 77 We love it very much. The main players are usually turned into famous persons, such as David Beckham and Bobby Charlton.

A: 78

B:No, seldom. But it’s a very popular summer sport.

A: 79

B:Two teams of eleven players.

A: 80

B:They hit the ball with a bat.

A:It sounds very interesting.



forget , crowded , prevent , needn’t , build

A:Welcome to our school , Dr . King.

B:Thank you.

A:Could you give us some suggestions to 81 the flu?

B:Sure. First , doing sports much can 82 us up.

A:Must we clean our rooms every day?

B:No, you 83 . But it’s necessary to keep the air fresh.

A:What should we do then?

B:Don’t 84 to wash hands before meals.

A:That’s fine.

B:And you had better keep away from 85 places.

A:Thanks for your advice.

81. _______ 82. _______ 83. _______ 84. _______ 85. _______

第四部分 写作 (共三节,20分)


86. _______more vegetables is good for your health. ( eat )

87. We are ______ to win the game. ( excite )

88. Would you mind ______ the window, it’s too cold outside. ( open )

89. What about ______ to see a dentist? ( go )

90. We should exercise often _____ us up. ( build )


91. Where will you _____________ tomorrow? (做演讲)

92. How to ____________________ (预防流感)?

93. You must __________________ LiLi. (道歉)

94. Song Zuying ___________her sweet voice. (因……而出名)

95. I’ll visit you __________I arrive in Tengchong. (一……就……)


How to keep healthy?




题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

答案 E C B A D C A C B A

题号 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

答案 A B B C B B A C B B


题号 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

答案 D B B A C B A B C D

题号 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

答案 A C C A C D A D B B

题号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

答案 B B C B A C B A D A

题号 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

答案 B C A A D D B B C A

第三部分、阅读理解、情景交际(61~75每小题2分, 76~80每小题1分,满分35分)

题号 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

答案 F T F T F C C B D A

题号 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

答案 C D A B A C A E D B


81. prevent 82. build

83. needn’t 84. forget

85. crowded



86. Eating 87. excited

88. opening 89. going

90. to build


91. give a talk 92. prevent fiu

93. make an apologize to 94. is famous for

95. as soon as








































C,反复考试,自我检测考试,即每复习一段之后,进行测试,对考试中有进步的学生及时进行表扬和奖励,以充分调动学生的此文转自斐.斐课件.园 FFKJ.Net学习积极性和自觉性.





B.按模块归类,对语法知识点进行梳理,可参考书后Guide to language use.


















例如: Can't you speak _____ to old man?

A.polite B.kind C.kindly D.friendly





2.第二,三,四模块,这3个模块都讲的是现在完成时。此模块我们要牢记现在完成时的构成,have/has+been和其用法。区别于一般过去时。另外牢记那些过去分词不规则变化的动词形式。例如:see-seen make-made break-broken等 。 由于2,3,4模块都讲的是现在完成时,所以同学们在复习时尤其侧重于现在完成时的复习。尽量做到每题必会。考试前多做此类时态语法题相信考试必定效果极佳。












1、通过复习使学生在回顾基础知识的同时,掌握“双基”,构建自己的知识体系,掌握方法和能力,从中体会到英语学习的乐趣 。




二、复习重点:1、第6单元 2、第7单元 3、第 9单元 4十二单元












2、在复习情景交际,以话题为切入点,联系生活实际为背景出现信息。 题目有层次,难度适中,照顾不同层次学生的学习。

3、重视课本中的阅读文章和写作训练,挖掘教材的编写意图 ,拓展延伸”。








七年级英语上学期期末复习Comprehensive Test 2 人教新





















