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篇1:运动的英语作文 Sport

关于运动的英语作文 Sport

关于运动的英语作文 Sport1

Movement is usually the sign of a person healthy, because only people who love sports will be healthy. I am a love sports, so I was born to now only had a disease. Of the many sports I like table tennis best.

Table tennis is a sport, it does not hurt our friendship don't like football, in front of the play is a pair of inseparable friends, when the play is the enemy, the enemy after the play. When playing table tennis, as long as you aim at the ball back and go. If the wind was blowing when playing, curving, touch you, you can only on the day scold: “it doesn't help me also. If is another person with technical won, you can only blame yourself technology is inferior to him. Table tennis is also a not injured movement, not like basketball, in play when it is pulled down, injured, or the first prize. When playing table tennis, even if be hit will not feel pain. I'm enjoying this movement at the same time, also met many table tennis masters, let my friends every day.

Table tennis is my favorite sport!




篇2:About Sport英语作文

The ”Sunshine Sports“ program is warmly welcomed in our school.Nearly all the students have taken part in it.

In the survey report we find that,most students are interested in playing sports,at the same time,they have a lot of fun.Many students feel happy when they skipping ropes,because

doing this sport can keep healthy.Some students are relaxed to take a walk,enjoying fresh air instead of staying in the classroom.But a few students are very worried,they have no

enough room on the playground and also have no enough time to finish theirs homework.

No matter what students think about the program,all the students like the idea which is to make students happy and keep them fit at the same time.

篇3:About Sport英语作文

In the morning, first walk the square. On weekdays, our class walk phalanx, it can be said that formations are not lined up, shouting slogans are not loud. In the process of waiting, several lower grade classes are still shouting slogans. Zhu teacher, said: ”you see, these low grade class, the shouting of slogans, than you! You can see many conditions not good!“ after hearing Zhu teachers words, I thought to myself: ”come on! Never let Zhu teachers underestimate our class.“ I think our class teacher Zhu ”to stimulate the monstrous war“. When I arrived at my class, I felt the voice of the class shouting slogans, that was two or three times as usual.

Here is the radio exercise. The distance between each of us is very close. This we must play a super level to exercise. Everyone in our class need to exercise, and also to adjust the distance between each other. Avoid the parties do not hit, do not affect the exercise schedule.

Then its time for the game. During the game, we didnt participate in the game, all crazy writing. The people in our class worked hard, but the writers were also struggling. Halfway through the game, only two people were not playing. For this reason, this is our class schedule to stop.

One day, I think it seems exciting for the three events. Those three events are 60 meters, 800 meters, and relay race. 60 meters is a fast race for each class, and the distance is short, very exciting. 800 meters test is endurance, stamina and physical strength, good, running 800 meters is absolutely no problem. If two or three people are ”three good“. The 800 meters can be a big spectacle. This will be a game between the top players of each class, and a small mistake will lower the competition.

Finally, thanks to the efforts of all aspects of our class, we have received three awards, all of which have our class. This is the best sports game in history.

篇4:About Sport英语作文

Today, the young generation lives a good life, the peace of life makes them feel bored, so they begins to chase for exciting sports. Parachute sport is the most popular and challenging for them, people jump for the high mountain and then open the parachute, flying above the sky and seeing the scenery. It is so dangerous, but the more dangerous, the more people like. The parachute sport is such a great challenge that some people choose bungee jumping, it is safe but also excited. People jump from the top and almost to the river. The lose of gravity makes people feel like dying, it is the sense of dying attracts people. But not everyone is suitable for these adventure sports, the people whose have heart disease are not allowed to do it. No matter what kind of sport people try, safety comes first.


篇5:About Sport英语作文


Running is a great aerobic(有氧)exercise.It fits anyone.But remember not to run when you are too tired.Dont run when you are too full.Dont run too long.Wear comfortable shoes and clothes when you are running.Drink more water before running and dont drink water immediately after running.

Its very easy for me to run.It has become a part of my life.Lets run now.



跑步是一项很好的有氧运动。 它适合任何人。 但是记得太累的时候不要跑步。 吃太饱了不要跑步。 不要跑太长时间。 你跑步时要穿舒适的鞋子和衣服。 跑步前多喝点水,跑步后不要立刻喝水。


篇6:About Sport英语作文


All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

Sports change with the seasons. People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.

Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Water skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. Sports help to train a persons character. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace. (胜不骄,败不馁)







篇7:About Sport英语作文

Nowadays,there is a tendency for students to play team sports in school. Some are forfun; some are just for chasing fashion or something else. No matter whatpurpose they hold, it’s good for them to play team sports in school, because itcan help them enlarge their social circle, become more health, and learn ’s a foundation for them to succeed in the future.


First ofall, playing team sports is a fantastic way to make more friends. When studentsjoin a sport team, it’s certain that they will know more people whom theyhaven’t seen before. And those people have a common point that they areinterested in sports. Moreover, training with a group of people who have thesame interest is very easy for them to be friends. In other words, studentsenlarge their social circle by making friends with various people having sameinterest. It’s necessary to have a good social relationship if people want tohave a good status in society after they graduate.


In addition, there are many ways for people tokeep healthy, and sports are an advisable way. As they are inclining on sports,they do practices frequently. As a result, they become stronger, like gainmuscle and look fit. And it’s true that people who often play team sportsalways look fit than those who don’t do exercise. The reason is simple. Themore exercise people do the stronger they are. Therefore, disease is sure to goaway from them. I believe many people agree that health is inevitable on theway of succeed.


Last butnot least is that it’s a direct way to learn teamwork from playing team ’s well-known that no one can do everything well without others’ help. So,people have to find ways to let others to help them. From playing team sports,students can learn what teamwork is and how to make teamwork works bythemselves experiences. It’s much more effective to learn from books or others’experiences. By the way, cooperation is also an important part to success inthe future.


In aword, because playing team sports can enlarge students’ social circle, do goodfor their health and learn teamwork, we can say that playing team sport inschool and university help students successful in life.


篇8:英语作文:我最喜欢的运动 My favorite sport

英语作文:我最喜欢的运动 My favorite sport

Of all the sports, I like table tennis best. I became interested in it when I was very young.

I'm fond of Chinese Team players, such as Wang Nan, Zhang Yining, Ma Lin, Wang Hao, and so on. I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill. The reason why I like it very much is that it is our national sport as well as of great benefit to us. Playing table tennis can build up our bodies, keep us healthy and train our brains. What's more, it can help us to learn to cooperate(合作) with each other. In a word, I like it very much. Though I can't play it well, I still try my best to practice it.

In my spare time, I often play table tennis with my classmates to improve my skills. And I often watch table tennis programs on TV, I believe I will be an outstanding (出色的)player in the near future.

篇9:我最喜欢的运动英语作文My favorite sport

我最喜欢的运动英语作文My favorite sport

Everybody like many kinds.Do you know which sport do I like?

Let me tell you.

My favourite sport is football.

Because I think play football can make me healthy and strong.

After school,I always play football with my friends.

At weekends,it take me two hours to play football.

As you can see,I like football very much.lt can make me more happy.









篇10:Sport Competition优秀英语作文

Sport Competition


It was a sunnyday. We went out to watch a sport meeting. Six students from our class were in the girl's relay race and won it. Lin Feialso won the girls' 50-metre race. We were all happy and said congratulations to her. We were very happy.



篇11:my favourite sport英语作文

Hello, everyone! Do you have a favourtie sport item?

I think you do! I also do. My favourite sport is swimming. Every afternoon, I go swimming in our small river. When I swim, the small fishes often play with me and kiss my foot too. It makes me comfortable. My parents say I will have a good health if I insist swimming in a right way. So I always ask my P.E. teachers some questions on swimming and he always help me very much. Ok,thats all.

If you also like swimming,please contact me and lets enjoy it!

篇12:my favourite sport英语作文

Swimming is my favorite sport. I swim to the Dragon Palace of the Sea Dragon King. The Sea Dragon King invites us to have breakfast. I am really excited. I rushed over happily, and accidentally bumped into the Sea Dragon King. The Sea Dragon King was furious and asked me to eat fried bamboo shoots and shredded pork. I panicked and ran away quickly. It turned out that this was a dream.

I like playing basketball. Playing basketball can make me feel better. When I shoot, I must aim at the square frame on the basket to get a good shot. Playing basketball can keep me healthy. When shooting basketball, I must learn precise skills so that I can hit every shot and call my opponents to shoot with five bodies.

I like skating, skating is a very interesting sport. It was cool when skating, because I slipped over like the wind, slipped past, and I was really happy. I can still play games when get out of class is about to end, Im really excited! The game we are going to play is a pirate ship. When we were having fun, the coach just said ”get out of class is over!“ What a pity!

I really like what I like, they make my life exciting and interesting. If you don’t know what you like, you can say it and share it with everyone!

篇13:my favourite sport英语作文

Since I watched a certain cartoon, I have fallen in love with baseball, so I practice pitching in the park every day. I pitch at least a hundred goals each time. I get injured if I accidentally hand it in. I can’t go out to rest at home. Im very bored during this period of time.

After a while, a classmate hit my hand and prevented me from playing for a week, so I could only sit and watch the game. After that, I went to the baseball field to measure the speed of the ball, and the speed of the ball reached it. It is between 80 and 90, so I think my ball speed must be above 100 next time, but my hands are easily injured, so be careful, and my brother is currently in the third year of junior high, so I must study hard.

Because after my brother finishes the exam, we are going to play against a certain baseball team, and my dad is our coach, our team name is China Petroleum Tigers, but my injury has to be well before May so that we can get the starting pitcher. Qualifications or blows, but the chance of our camp is very small, so we have to practice hard to win this very important game.

篇14:my favourite sport英语作文

My favourite sport is playing badminton .

It is a very popular game and both of the young and the old can play it . There are many kinds of ways to play it , such as men’s singles , women’s singles , men’s doubles , women’s doubles and fixed doubles .It isn’t as easy as it seems to play because you have to know how to run the pace , how to hit the badminton . You must learn about many things about badminton .I have a badminton training class on Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays . We drill very hard and always feel tired after an hour .

I see many badminton matches and know some famous badminton players , I want to be a famous one too .

I like playing badminton very much .





篇15:my favourite sport英语作文

I like sports, but my favorite is football. Every time my classmates and I want to play football, I can’t help but cheer.

Once in a physical education class, Teacher Wang decided to let us play football. Our team was immediately divided into two teams neatly lined up and ready to start the game. The captain of our team and the opposing captain are also ready to start the game.

With a whistle from Teacher Wang, the fierce competition began. Zhang Long received the ball first, and then rushed towards the opponents goal. However, Ding Bo Yuhui suddenly ran over, intercepted the ball, and then passed it to Gu Tian. Gu Tian took the ball into the penalty area and hit the goal. They won. But our pair was blaming each other. Suddenly Ding Bai said, ”Dont quarrel, now we should think about the following methods.“ The next game begins. We will serve first, and Ding Bai will pass the ball this time. It was given to Ma Yuchao, and Ma Yuchao did not disappoint. He took the ball straight to the goal. Bi Shengguo wanted to grab the ball but was stopped by Ding Bai. In the end, Ma Yuchuo concentrated his strength and won the game. I couldnt help but cheer. .

Football can tell me many things, it can tell me the spirit of teamwork and reflection on tactics, so football is my favorite sport.

篇16:my favourite sport英语作文

When I was not in the sixth grade, I hated playing dodgeball because I was afraid of being hit by the ball, so I hated playing dodgeball.

After I was in the sixth grade, when I was in a fitness class one day, I saw that the beaters were playing dodgeball on the playground and had a great time, so I told myself that I must be just like everyone else and happily on the playground. , I played dodge ball with everyone. At the same time, I also told myself that I must overcome obstacles and face the reality bravely. It is just a small dodge ball. What is there to be afraid of? Just think of her as A small steel ball, just bravely pick it up.

After every physical education class, I practice catching the ball. If I get hit by the ball, I have to hold back my tears and don’t cry. Gradually, I am no longer afraid, and I also like to dodge the ball. When class is over, I Will also play dodgeball.

Everyone has something they like and hate. What you like may become something you hate, and what you hate may become something you like. Obstacles encountered in the process must be overcome with great effort. , May become a famous person in the future.

篇17:my favourite sport英语作文

My favorite sport is roller skating, but my sense of balance is not good, so my dad and mom often ask me and my sister to go to the square of elementary school to practice roller skating. It was very hard at first, but the more I slipped, the more fun and the skill. Its getting better, but I feel I still have room for improvement.

I think roller skating is the most important sport for me, because it can train my sense of balance, and it also saves me from having to exercise so hard. When I first started to learn roller skating, because of unfamiliar skills, I often fell on all fours. Also, once accidentally hit my head directly on the wall, it hurt me to death! Fortunately, I wear a helmet, otherwise, I will feel dizzy. Dad also often said: ”You have to concentrate when you exercise, otherwise you will feel very tired", so every time I exercise, I have to exercise until I am exhausted or sweaty. After exercise, go home and take a shower, it will make me feel very comfortable.

When roller skating, my feet often have to work hard, so the next day after exercise, my feet will be very sore. Gradually, my feet will become stronger and stronger, and the body’s resistance will become better and better. Therefore, exercise affects humans. Said it is a very good thing.

篇18:my favourite sport英语作文

I love sports, but there are many kinds of sports. Among them: skipping rope. Swim. Playing football...and so on.

My favorite sports are:

First: Swimming, because swimming in the water can relax and exercise, so I like swimming.

Second: skipping rope, because skipping rope allows us who are developing to grow taller, so there should be many people who like it like me.

Third: Shaking the hula hoop, because shaking the hula hoop can make our waist move and make our body better.

Fourth: Playing football, because when I was a child, I was in kindergarten from middle class to large class. I participated in the training of the football team. During training and games, I would get the sun and run, so football is a very strong sport.

Fifth: It is a video game that big friends and children will like. There are 12 game sports such as basketball, table tennis, bowling, bicycle, etc. The games in each unit are to play, wave, and run. , To jump, and so on. So all have the effect of achieving exercise.

The above five kinds of sports are the exercises I do more often. In fact, there are many other sports I like. Exercises are very good. Everyone must exercise every day to be healthy. So we want to urge everyone to exercise more!









关于运动的英语作文 Sport











三年级英语作文:Running 跑步2022-06-27

