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篇1:my pet初中英语作文30字

My pet

Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our campus. they made me think of my pet from childhood. When I was little, we had an owl at home. It was small, gray, and had two big eyes. We liked it very much. Every time I went home, it GREeted me by making “goo-goo” sounds. We always played with it and talked to it. It would blink its eyes just like it understood what we were saying. It was like my best friend. But when the weather became colder, we forgot to keep it warm, and it died. It made us sad for a long time, and it also taught me how important it is to take care of animals.












1. 这篇文章选择了一个全新的角度,让你的思想可以在这里自由的驰骋,这是你最大的成功之处。老师要提醒你的是透过纷纭的世事,总有一些准则可供我们处世时把握,让你的思想更深刻些,你将会时时收到“滴水看世界”的效果。

2. 如许娟秀的字迹,清晰严整的结构,不由给人以耳目一新的感觉,这一点老师真的应该向你学习。就让我们在今后的语文学习中互相促进好吗?

3. 文如其人,你的文章和你的为人一样朴实、豁达。你的作文功底很好,这也是你长期磨练的结晶。希望你在未来的学习过程中,用心感受和体味生活,写出更加感人的好文章。

4. 文能言声,我想文章正是你心灵的反映。人生的路途确实很曲折,也很漫长,但只要你努力执着地往前走,成功的桂冠必将属于你。

5. 文能怡情。不能把写作文当成自己的一项负担,而应该以积极的心态、细腻的笔触记录下自己的心路历程。

6. 可以说你的文章充满了真情实感。人嘛,失败在所难免,有勇气能面对失败就更加难能可贵。我相信是金子,总会有闪光之时。希望你尽快调整心态,你将会发现天空更加湛蓝。

7. 真是“下笔如有神”啊。看来你一定阅读了大量的文学作品。内容如此丰富,更显示了你的文学功底。只是如果把材料再按一定的逻辑顺序调整一下,此文会更精彩。

8. 看了你的文章,仿佛眼前流过一条小溪,清纯,可爱。希望你能保持住这样的文风,用纯净的语言表达出丰富的内涵。

9. 作文如做人,从你的生活感受中可以看出你是个积极上进的好青年,你看事物有自己的独到见解,认识深刻,真是难能可贵。

10. 这篇文章以具体的事例,生动优美的语言,新颖别致的写法,表现了对美好心灵的由衷赞.










20. 文章以…为结尾,言简意赅,其味无穷.

21. 全文叙事集中,不枝不蔓,语言朴实流畅,感情真挚感人.

22. 通过丰富人物的语言和动作,衬托出人物的.思想品质.文章想象合情合理,叙述自然生动,结构紧凑,衔接自然连贯,中心突出.

23. 语言朴素,中心明确,构思合理,行文层次清楚.

24. 能把人物内心活动写得十分生动,的确难能可贵,给人留下了深刻的印象. 文章头尾照应,中心明确,结构完整.

25. 文章有理有据,说服力强,突出人物个性,上下文过渡自然,条理清晰,首尾照应,结尾点题,突出中心思想.

26. 作者对…观察仔细,描写细腻,语言生动活泼,表现手法富有新意. 全文语言朴实,结构自然.…文章结构严谨,首尾呼应.

27. 语言诙谐有趣,情节安排曲折生动,开头与结尾的呼应巧妙.本文篇幅虽短,但内容生动具体,段落明确,语言朴实,通俗易懂.

28. 文中一系列表现人物动作的动词运用得准确,衬托手法运用得好.

29. 本文采用了第一人称的写法,使得…具有很大的优势,对于塑造人物,表现中心起到了良好的作用,读起来亲切自然可信.思路清晰,节奏明快.

30. 本文事情过程写得具体,明晰,条理清楚.作者在叙事的同时加入了恰当的心理描写,充分表达了…


























56. 在你的笔下,秋天是多么美啊!老师从你的作文中看到了那高远而深蓝的天空,看到了金黄的稻田、南飞的北雁和那飘零的黄叶,这一切,无不让我感受到秋天的美丽与神奇。我多么想对秋天说:秋天啊!化腐朽为神奇的秋天,你使学生的作文多么优美啊!

57. 当老师打开你的作文本时,总能听到一阵哭泣,原来是标点符号,因为你太不重视他们了。你想想,当老师也像你轻视标点符号那样而轻视你的作文时,你不是也会哭吗?

58. 你的作文能对秋天的田野进行细致的描写,说明你是一个善于观察的孩子。可是秋天是多么美的季节啊,秋天是收获的季节,秋天是多彩的季节,老师真希望在你的文章中能感受到那一个美丽而充满诗情的秋天!

59. 作者运用心理描写和动作描写手法,把自己当时紧张、害怕的心理真切而又细致地表现了出来。

60. 剪裁得体。笔墨集中,详略有致。语言简洁,概括性强。主题积极、开头简洁、结尾有力之外,善用悬念,使情节曲折引人。材料典型。

















This morning because of bad cough mom wouldn't let me go to school. I started punctually at 8 o'clock at home, and set the timer for 45 minutes. I did three pages of math, and I reviewed Chinese and English. Mother loves me very much and gives me a lot of rest.

It's Thanksgiving Day. It's a holiday in North America where people have a holiday on this day, and we have to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner, Turkey and pumpkin pie. Mom and dad ran two or three supermarkets without buying a turkey leg, and finally bought a roast duck. My mother also asked me to call grandma and grandpa, because they were the ones who hurt me most from childhood. They were also the ones I should thank most for this day.

In the evening, my good friend Fiya came to see me, and I was happy. She played with me and accompanied me to practice the piano.

My mother agreed that I could go back to school to carry a new schoolbag tomorrow. I was so happy. But my mother asked me to learn from the new school bag, especially not to waste time, to write homework, to grasp the time, and to take the initiative to play the piano, and I must try to do it.


Today is Thanksgiving Day. Just a few days ago, I wanted to do something for my mother, or to buy a gift. Finally, I decided to wash my feet for my mother. Because the feet can go to fatigue.

In the evening, I finished my homework and said to my mother who was watching TV: “Mom, you come to the bathroom!” My mother puzzled and asked, “what's the matter? Why do I have to go to the bathroom?” I pointed to the stool and said, “please take a seat.” Mother sat down in a doubting face. I poured some hot water in my bowl and then squatted down and said, “lift your feet, please!” I took off my shoes and socks for my mother, and then my mother realized what kind of medicine I sold in the gourd.

“Son, what day is it today? Why do you think you washed my feet?” Mother was happy to touch my head. “Today is Thanksgiving. In order to thank you for your parenting, I wash your feet every day from today.” Mother is silent. I looked up and saw my mother's eyes hanging like stars. I knew it was a happy, happy tear. “My good son, mother can wash herself, your filial piety mother knows!” You go and read a little book! “ Mother bent down and patted me on the shoulder and said. But I am like a ”stone“, squatting at the foot of the basin, not to wash her feet. My mother could not resist me, so I had to ”obey my duty“.

When my father came back, my mother couldn't help being happy. He said to his father, ”Lao Liu, my son has grown up. I know the pain of parents! “ Then she told him about what happened today. Dad held my hand and said, ”son, it's Thanksgiving Day. I forgot, I'm not as good as you. I didn't go to see your grandparents and grandma. I have to learn from you!“ I smiled awkwardly, and my father and mother laughed.


”Thankful heart, thank you for your fate, with my life...“ Every time I hear this song, I'm always excited by my introverts (maybe because my mother is too deep in my love), and I can't help saying, ”Mom was the love I gave for three years, just like the number of stars in the sky.“ That love is higher than the mountain is deeper than the sea, I can not help shouting ”Mom, I love you.“ Today is Saturday, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. What kind of presents are you going to prepare? To say ”I love you“ is too old-fashioned. I want to think of something new. I finally thought of it, that is, uh huh, keep it confidential.

On Thanksgiving Day, I woke up early, and my God came into my mother's room unconsciously and kissed it on her cheek, and then I crept up the instant noodles and put it on the head of his bed. I gently closed the door and gently swept the floor, just as the window was open, and I swept together and suddenly fell together, and a sudden burst of sudden burst of time The wind swept away the rubbish. I had to close the window and sweep it again. I knew the hard work of my mother in the process of sweeping the floor.

I saw yesterday's bowl did not wash, I quietly washed the bowl, when I found a figure behind me, I looked, my mother, my mother's face moist and moist, I immediately understand, gratitude will keep the bridge between our parents and our parents forever and not, gratitude is really my life must pass through The turning point, gratitude will make us understand friendship. Now I want to say, ”spring is pure, but pure mother's love; flowers are beautiful, but beauty is but mom's heart!“


Thanksgiving is coming, and the annual Thanksgiving Day is about to begin. I don't know about Thanksgiving every year. I want to give my parents a Thanksgiving this year. I thank my parents for giving me so much.

In the evening, our family had dinner. After dinner, my grandmother, as usual, was busy tidying up the food on the table and preparing to wash the peas. I went up to my grandmother and said, ”grandma, let me wash the dishes.“ But Grandma answered me, ”no, you can play with yours.“ I came to my mother again, my mother was washing my gloves, and I was secretly excited: ha ha, this opportunity came, my own business! I said to my mother, ”mother's gloves are washed by herself!“ But mom didn't agree: ”no, you need to read.“ I had to go back to my room.

I felt a little depressed, but I was not discouraged. I continued to search four times. Why, how does the clothes put on the sofa are messy? I got them all on the bed and began to fold them up. This is my first time to fold clothes, so I seem to be in a bit of a hurry. I was walking to the sofa, picking out the best piece of clothing in my neat clothes and getting it to my bed. I first spread the clothes and fold them up, and then I will take out a piece of clothes that are not folded. But it was stacked up untidy, and I unfolded it again. After tireless efforts, I finally made my clothes neat. Then, I was in the front of the stack. The clothes that were untidy were stacked up neatly and put back on the sofa.

Mother came to the room and folded his clothes, but when he saw the neat clothes on the sofa, he first opened his mouth and looked back at me with a smile. She fully understood, and she said, ”lily, you grew up.“ Although this is just a very small thing, but I still see mother's eyes moving.

On this touching Thanksgiving Day, I hope that mom and dad can have a happy heart, because their daughter has grown up and is sensible.


Thanksgiving Day is coming, teachers teach students to learn to be grateful, so this weekend home to help their elders do something. I didn't know what to do after I had thought about it. Then I decided to help grandma buy vegetables.

I did it early, and I got up early. After breakfast, I let my grandmother play in the chess and card room. So I hurried home to get the money and rushed to the vegetable market immediately. The vegetable market has two floors, the first floor is the monopoly of meat, the two floor is the exclusive vegetable, our family does not like to eat meat, so I hesitate to run to the two floor. WOW! All kinds of dishes come into my eyes. I really didn't know what to buy. I didn't know how to go to my favorite peas. I thought grandma was waiting for me in the chess room, so I stepped up. It was so big. But I was very entangled. After that, I finally made up my mind to buy beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage. I think it should be done.

On the road, I experienced the hardships of my grandmother. These dishes were very heavy. I kept on carrying them and arrived home unwittingly. Ah! It's 10:30. I wanted to buy the vegetables and put them away. Now I have another idea to cook the vegetables. Isn't grandma happier? So I burned it with the memory of my grandma cooking every day. After half an hour, I only cooked two dishes, soya beans and potatoes. Then I will burn the scallion and cauliflower together, and the taste will be better. The Chinese cabbage is the same, so good! The last dish - the tomato and egg soup, I lay eggs and eggs for more than half an hour, five dishes were all finished. I found it was so tired to burn a dish, but Grandma insisted on burning it to me every day. I was a little ashamed.

I am glad to run all the way to the chess and card room. I asked grandma to come back and let her close her eyes in front of the door. ”Open it!“ I said excitedly, when grandma saw a dish, she said to me in tears, ”who let you burn?“ What if it hurts? ” After that, my grandmother and I both laughed happily and happily, and I ate my meals.

This special Thanksgiving will be my most beautiful memory, next year's Thanksgiving I have to do more for grandma, so that grandma can open heart in the festival!


We often say: “our life journey into the love of every wave, every set of melodies, every sentence, every laugh, every eye, every step of the print...” However, the first love in the world is not just care, but more importantly, education is the transmission of the torch of wisdom.

Families, school interactive education, build a bridge between parents and students. Parents talk to the platform, talk about their students' learning methods, talk about their work experience, talk about how they get along with strangers, talk about their expectations and faith in our future, and talk about their understanding of us... They bestowed the priceless treasure on us, sending us the torch of blinding glory to us. We accept all this with a grateful heart. Listening to their words is far better than reading ten years. We feel everything with a delicate heart and feel selfless and unreservedly. Our parents are full of wisdom, and their image is so great in our hearts. At the same time, we are pleasantly surprised to find that they are eager to understand us and are eager to be understood by us.

In fact, you can be a confidant. In this activity, we have a deeper understanding of family ties. Love is an oasis in a deserted desert. When you are lonely and disconsolate, you are weak and thirsty. He will step forward, with only a drop of water, and the rolling ocean of life will spread across the heart. Love is the star of the night. We once pursued the goal and ignored its existence until one day we didn't recognize the direction, and looked up slightly. A soft light led us to take firm steps. Love is a harbor in the course of the voyage. When we go on the rocks again and again, we are slowly entering. There is no wind and waves. We can stop here, repair the wounds, prepare the supply, and raise the sails again. Because family is great, so we are grateful for family ties. At the same time, we are grateful to the teacher's diligently cultivation, “sunshine project” set up a stage for us to display many aspects of our talents.

They inspired us to write a letter to the parents during the Mid Autumn Festival, offering a greeting to their parents and saying thanks. It is their careful preparation of the parents and children communication activities, they not only inculcate us, but also often with us to the heart and heart of communication, this is the blend of kindness and friendship. So we are grateful not only for our family but also for teachers and students.


There are clouds in the ancients: the water is dripping, and when the spring is reported. In this world, there are many people who have mercy on us, such as parents, relatives and friends, classmates, colleagues, leaders, subordinates, government, society and so on.

Our lives, our health, our property, and the air, sunshine and water we enjoy every day should be our gratitude. So, although the suffering can not be forgotten, sin must be punished, but we should always be thankful and work hard to repay the organizations and people that give us kindness. So, I'd like to have a Thanksgiving Day.

On the day of Thanksgiving Day, I can bring the full marks test paper, exquisite gifts and awards in all aspects to the teachers. Return the alma mater's grace, because it is the teachers who nurture me to grow up. On the day of the Thanksgiving Day, I could hold a flag and come to the government building in return for the government's grace, because it was the government that provided me with a peaceful order and made us free from chaos. On the day of the Thanksgiving Day, I could also take money to give money to the society in return for the grace of the society, because it was a society that provided me with such a wonderful time and a free life. The heart of gratitude makes us repent and accept due punishment for our own faults or crimes; the heart of gratitude is enough to dilute the grievances and bitterness of our heart, and the heart of gratitude can help us through the greatest pain and disaster, with the heart of gratitude, and we will gradually forgive those who have had with you. Grudges even touch the people of your heart. With gratitude, we can live in a grateful world. Please invite everyone to take this kind of gratitude into action and repay everyone who has mercy on you.

I hope that there will be a Thanksgiving festival on the calendar card, so that everyone can be grateful and act in the November 24th Thanksgiving festival. Make the whole world full of love.


The ancients said: “the dripping water, the Yongquan report” is grateful to our nation's fine tradition, but also a person's minimum moral character. There is an old saying in China that “filial piety and filial piety first” means that filial piety is the first of all kinds of morality.

When the flowers lifted their heads and spread sweet smiles, they said they were grateful for their nourishment. When white clouds float in the sky, a picture of gratitude is outlined, which is the gratitude of the white clouds for feeding the blue sky. An inscription

We live in a warm world. Perhaps we have never experienced the love that burst out of life in the moving story. But the love of our parents is like a trickle flowing into our hearts. Our parents not only gave us life, but also made painstaking efforts and sweat for our growth. I am a lucky dog. I have the love of my parents, sweet as sweet as sweet, and broad as the sea.

The love of a parent is like a fig that does not bloom or show off. There is no magnificent language, only simple action. The maternal love is great, the father is selfless, we grow up in the parents' infancy. It is not only “the drip of the water”, but also the flood of spring. What's more, what is the birth of our parents? Thanksgiving needs no earthshaking, just a greeting, a call, some emotion. A grateful heart is magnanimous and broad-minded.

“How thankful” is a simple and powerful word. He is easy to understand. He lives with people all his life. Let's thank our parents from now on. Actually, Thanksgiving is very simple. Parents have no demand for their children, parents are the greatest, but the easiest to satisfy is never too much, as long as a small action can make them feel warm. Let us be grateful to our parents, give our parents a little more tolerance and understanding, and give them some comfort and encouragement. When they entered the door, they handed them a cup of hot tea to make them feel warm from us. Let us act. Thanksgiving is the parent now.





















