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Because I have to recite the text every morning, and this morning's text is very short! “The joke of god,” which inspired me a lot, was inspired by the fact that people depend on themselves. Let's take a look at it!

“The joke of god” sank, and the waves dashed the only lucky man to a desert island. Every day, our lucky ones go crazy to pray to god. Hope that the almighty messenger will take him out.

But god may have been too busy, and many days passed, and he did not even see the ghost of the ship. In frustration, he struggled to build a shack, put the only things he had, and he prayed to god every day.

God still had nothing to do, so the worst thing happened. One day, he went to find food and found a fire in the shed. The fire burned down his poor house.

He knelt on the ground and cried, “my god! Why are you doing this to me?” “Bang!” he fainted, and now, even if god had come, he could not communicate with him.

The next morning, as he was still in the midst of the sad despair of god's abandonment, he suddenly heard the sound of the water slapping the boat, and it became clearer and clearer. Ah, it's really a boat coming on the island. “How do you know I'm here? ”He asked curiously. “We saw your light fireworks.”

Oh, my god. How do you feel after reading this article? Is it a big benefit? In the afternoon, and in keeping a diary of what, so, just after my first day, but, after finish, uncle went to a home, bye some corn, and went home. Really cool!


The last class of the morning is the music lesson that the students are looking forward to. We are singing a good teacher's song and we are happy to finish the morning study.

At noon I went to the post office to buy an envelope and a stamp and sang the song home.

Lunch break up, found outside the sun is very big, outside found that it was so hot in May, the roadside trees were the sun baked listlessly bowed his head.

Afternoon, the teacher gave us a dictation, the situation seems to be just can't think of a good teacher, because teachers face is very ugly, also left a few naughty students after school wrong topic and fill homework in the classroom, I know guan school didn't go home (note, not me, because I am responsible for lock the door of the classroom every day, ha ha)!

Well, after the holidays, they think very happy one day, the good mood had been naughty students messed it up, really hope you is serious to study and work, because learning is our own thing after all!

This is my first day of school. How about you? Share it, too!


The pace of the school on the way, I always is so slow, scratches the left foot, I really don't want to so quick to the school, in school I shortness of breath are always so.

Nine o 'clock, the first verse, why do we endorse it? I fell asleep last night doing my homework, and I can't remember the endorsement. Why do the students do so much? Ten o 'clock, math class I always be miscalculate, miscalculate and then be criticized, return not to do, don't some people in the world can't multiply? A: eleven o 'clock, another lesson in the drowsy English class, why do Chinese people have to learn a foreign language? Why don't you just use one language? Well, I don't understand.

After lunch, I had to go to sleep, and I couldn't sleep when my stomach was full. Two o 'clock art class, I hate to write, only like to draw the little ball, the little ball is so lovely, but the teacher can barely give me a pass. At three o 'clock, my most hated gym class came again. Why did gym class have to run and frog? I wish I didn't have two legs, so I could not do these exhausting exercises. Why do I have to wash the toilet, and the socks are so wet and so disgusting that I must wash the toilet? Finally get to school at five o 'clock, I left see right to see, on the road on both sides of student street place full of beautiful things in eyes, but I didn't buy a, not I don't like it, but have no money in my pocket. I like the black necklace very much, I told my mother many times, but my mother said that it was a boy band, and never let me buy it.

Back in the empty house, the silence of the surrounding dead, the silence congealed, and no one detected what I had learned less. The day passed.


At half past six in the morning, my mother woke me up while I was in my dream, and I closed my eyes and stared for a moment in bed.

After breakfast, at seven fifteen, I went to school on my mother's free ride. In may, the sun was smiling, and the sun was shining, and the fresh air came out, feeling very comfortable.

In the school, only to find that a little early today, school is not open, so early to my classmates and I consciously lined up (is our teacher makes row, prevent the happening of the stampede), not for a moment, the gate opened and I entered the campus.

It was kind of nice to be in class. Wiped the table, put the bag is good, one of the students with a smiling face to, such as everybody to about the same, I will give you took to the stage as usual voice, began to some students whispering (may be three days no see, very is miss!), but after a while, everyone into the learning state, began the morning reading.

The first section of the morning was math, and the math teacher told us the test volume of the fourth and third yuan, and everyone listened carefully.

The second lesson is that we all like English class, the classroom atmosphere is good, we also learn very happy, but the only fly in the ointment is some students do not write on the grounds of excuses no homework assignments, but how can the blind touch on the education front GunPa teacher for many years, ha ha, have they are!


Normally, I always like to be in the class to fight for the girls, my deskmate has taken the very inelegant nickname for me -- “fight the queen”. My mother always said in my ear, “be a lady!”

Well, who says I'm not a lady, let them see it today!

In the morning, my mother called me downstairs to have a meal, as early as usual, I will “嗵嗵 嗵” ran downstairs, and then inclined sitting in a chair, his left hand, bread, milk right hand, Wolf down, after eating, literally smoke napkins, fumbling the mouth, for less than 3 minutes. But I can't do that this morning, because I want to be a lady. You see, a lady came, I gently walked down the stairs, and then gently sit in a chair, picked up his bread, snacks a few mouth, gently and then pick up the yogurt, gently suck a few mouth, after eating, I gently picked up a napkin, wipe the mouth, slowly, takes 15 minutes, ha ha! Much better than before!

To brother home, I do not have “the lion roar loud” driving elder brother, I, with the voice of “low eight” milk milk angry said to his brother: “dear brother, please let me in!” The elder brother was stunned, looked up at the sky and said: “is this the sun to hit the west?” If in the past, I had given my brother a “dragon 18”, but not now, “well, I want to be a lady today!” “I said, smiling at my brother.

This lady is a real challenge! I transformed myself into a ”fierce girl“!


It occurred to me yesterday that a few days would be my mother's birthday. I wanted to give my mom a birthday present, but I was too big to want my mother's money and I wanted to surprise her. In order to buy my mother a birthday present, I decided to pick up the white trash because it would not cost my mother money or make our environment better.

Today, I rushed out of my home in a big bag, but unfortunately, I ran several streets and didn't find any garbage. I was trying to give up, but I couldn't buy my mother a present. I encourage myself: don't lose heart, you can find it. I'm smart: I can go to the suburbs. There, I found a lot of rubbish: plastic bags, cardboard, shoes, bottles... It is. I was so happy that I put them in my big pocket. A: oh, how heavy it is! Very not easy I mention the recyclers, unexpectedly, the uncle said to me: ”kid, your plastic bag, cardboard, broken shoes have a lot of money, only your bottle can be sold.“ I am so angry, but I can always make money when I look back. Took the money straight to the gift shop, I saw many I like, my mother also like gift, I want to buy a first ocean doll, but the aunt said price is 50 yuan, I can only 5 yuan of money, how to do? I looked at a small one, but the price was still not acceptable. I am very sad, the aunt ask me what to want, I very embarrassed ground say: ”I only have 5 yuan money, again want to give my mother to buy a gift, how to do?“ She said, ”that's a good boy. I'll sell you the little doll at a cheaper price.“ I said thank you happily. I ran home quickly, and when I gave the present to my mother, I saw that my eyes were moist.

In the evening, I lay in bed, unable to fall asleep. I keep thinking about what happened today. By picking up white trash this time, I know that making money is not easy, I want to study hard, filial piety parents.


I have a happy day, a day, and a happy day, and a sad day, a sad day, have a lucky day, also have a bad day... My childhood was colorful.

It was one day during the summer vacation. I wanted to watch TV, but the TV was just not good. My brother and sister came to my house. Ask me, ”do you want to go fishing?“ ”I'm glad to say,“ yeah, but where are you going?” The elder brother mysterious say: “hey hey! Don't tell you. You go to know.” I took my homemade fishing gear in disbelief.

Walking, walking, about twenty minutes past, I saw a clear lake. The fish in the lake would jump to land. We went on fishing. About ten minutes later, my brother and sister both caught a lot of fish, but what about me? Even didn't catch a fish, and bait has been eaten more than half, when I feel boring, brother stood up said to me: “wei, don't like this, you are too impatient, will slowly wait.” I had to sit still and wait. However, whenever I have a fish hook, I grab it, but there is no fish. ╮My sister taught me the skills of fishing, and I learned to fish with my sister, and soon I caught a big fish. Before we came home, I counted a few fish and there were more than 60.


Today, I was so busy that I had to study composition at 10:30 to 11:30 yesterday morning. 4:00-6:00 am going to learn English. Today, I'm going to be in a tight job, because I have to learn to sketch at 8:30 to 11:30 am!

To art school, the teacher asked me to sit in the position, and took a picture for me, let me according to the copy, the top right-hand corner of the picture painted with a bottle, again a little bit to the left, is an apple, go here, next to a pot, pot and an apple...... This is a piece of cake for me. I drew the HB pencil and drew it a little clearer, and I finished it. I changed the pencil of only 2B and started with the basic color. I draw my back picture again, rub it with erasers, and I can master the light. I added a 4B pencil to the tone and began to make a general adjustment. Adjusted, I checked again, and then began to paint the background. I painted it, the teacher came over, and she changed my painting again. My painting is better than once. The teacher helped me to check some of the important Outlines and frames of the background, and let me paint with a dark and light match. I was so absorbed that I didn't notice my eraser, and when I did it, I found out that it was lying on the leg of the chair. I stooped to pick it up, but I knocked it down. What a wave! I quickly picked it up, but it couldn't stand. I was found out by my teacher, and she rushed to help me.

I've finally finished painting. At the teacher's grade, the teacher changed my drawing and asked me to check again. I had to go back to the classroom. After repeated examination, I know I think it's ok. I'll go to the teacher again


I'm happy to stand on the platform, hand holding a delicate trophy, made a smiling face, suddenly, my cup is gone, I was suddenly opened his eyes, alas, it is a dream, I subconsciously looked at the clock and watch, ah, 10 minutes late, I rubbed his eyes, and looked at it carefully, ah, is really, my house to our school for at least 15 minutes plus I also want to wash a face to brush one's teeth, over over, must be late, too late, I to oneself also incredible speed - 5 minutes, get everything done, and then picked up a bag fly like washed up in school...

Walk in the road, and doesn't even have the figure of a student, I was heart 嗵嗵 straight jump, run out of breath, already sweat on your face, my mind is always emerge criticized by the teacher, how to say it again, I'm a girl! Constantly pray in my heart, and constantly blame themselves, to the school, far see our class classroom, I can't wait long wings fly in the past, alas. Finally arrive at school, looked at his watch, mama ah, be late for 10 minutes, when go to the teacher in that moment, the whole class are all look at me, scene ashamed dead at that time, I was very anxious to find a disappear to, fortunately, the teacher in charge said nothing, however, put me in the office class meimei “baked a delicious, grilled irritable pain on my face.

From now on, I swear never to be late again!














































上午,雨停了,我准备拿钱出去打印卷,马上要走时,我嘴里还嘀咕着:“出去一定把钥匙带上,不带就进不来了。”说着说着,那好了钱,什么也没想,就把门关上了。“砰!”关上门的那一刻,我突然想:等等!钥匙呢?一摸身上,竟然忘了带钥匙!“oh,NO!My gud!”我惨坐在台阶上,心里想着:哎,真是的!我真是越来越糊涂了!这还能忘!!这还能怪谁了!!!?不还是因为自己一时着急给忘了吗!!!!我坐在那里,只有一个想法:哭!!可哭又有什么办法呢?还是先去打印卷,回来再想办法。





































“emm……Ok……Flora,can you translate this, please。”好吧,他又要我帮他翻译了,可尴尬的是——我也不会呀!我真想说一句“what are you 说啥嘞!”……



















初一作文:记住这一天作文 700字














