
时间:2022-04-30 01:25:13 导游词 收藏本文 下载本文














今天,将由我带领大家游览著名九寨沟的景点之一-------五彩池。大家就叫我黄导吧 ,希望我的讲解能给大家带来愉快。















各位游客:大家好! 欢迎各位到九寨沟观光游览!

九寨沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州九寨沟县境内,以有九个藏族村寨而得名。九寨沟海拔在2千米以上,遍布原始森林, 它的总面积6万多公顷,三条主沟形成Y形分布,总长达60余公里。水是九寨沟的精灵,湖、泉、滩、瀑将108个海子连成一体, “鱼在天上游,鸟在水中飞,树在水中生,水在林间流”等神奇景观只有在这里才得一见,九寨沟是全国重点风景名胜区,是我国唯一一个拥有“世界自然遗产”和“世界生物圈保护区”两顶桂冠的圣地。

相传男神达戈把宝镜送给色嫫的时候,色嫫的时候,色嫫不小心失手打破镜子,破碎的镜片就变成九寨沟内108块海子,宝镜变成五光十色的海子美丽无比!海子就是我们这里的藏民对高山湖泊的称呼。九寨沟因此得名!(很久很久以前,有一个男山神达戈和女山神沃诺色镆热烈相恋。这里的恶魔蛇魔扎惊慕色嫫的美色,反对达戈进沟,就发动赶走达戈、抢劫色嫫的战争。恶战中,色嫫险些被恶魔抢走,色嫫在慌乱中把达戈送给她的定情之物——宝镜掉落下地,摔成108个碎片,变成散步沟内的108个海子。达戈和蛇魔扎从沟内打到沟口,万山之祖扎依扎嘎伸出援助之手,以一座屏风似得山崖挡住恶魔退路,又以一声霹雳恶魔埋进山崖,只露出一张丑恶的脸。山崖就是宝镜岩,原来就叫魔鬼岩,崖面上的鬼脸依稀可见。从此,九寨沟恢复宁静和祥和, 我重点介绍的珍珠滩和五花海两个景点。





hello everyone! Welcome to Jiuzhaigou for sightseeing. Jiuzhaigou is known as “fairy tale world” and “fairyland on earth” because of its original ecological environment, spotless fresh air, snow capped mountains, forests and lakes, and its wonderful, fantastic and beautiful natural scenery. Jiuzhaigou's peak, Cailin, cuihai, Diebao and Tibetan customs are known as the “five wonders”. Now let's walk into Jiuzhaigou to enjoy its beautiful scenery.

In today's world, there are numerous scenic spots which are famous for their lakes and waterfalls. However, none of them can match Jiuzhaigou in the richness and fantasy of lakes, waterfalls, beaches and springs.

Jiuzhaigou was called zhongyangdong in ancient times, also known as cuihai. It is named after nine Tibetan villages, such as lotus leaf, tree and zharu.

First of all, we came to bonsai beach, where the water is clear, and a variety of high and low shrubs are all over the water, forming a natural picture. Further forward is the Reed Sea, where the reeds are full of wild fun. On the boundless reed marsh, the breeze blows, and layers of green reeds rise and fall, like green waves rolling. Groups of mandarin ducks and wild ducks live here. Sometimes they fly on the water, sometimes they chase and play in the Reed Sea, sometimes they beat the water with their wings, and they stir up water spray after spray, which makes people flow Even forget to return.

There are many waterfalls in Jiuzhaigou, all of which are fascinating. The momentum of Pearl Beach waterfall is particularly magnificent. It sounds like ten thousand horses galloping from afar and thunder rolling from afar. The waterfalls fly down like pearls splashing. Winter is more beautiful, and it is a world of ice and jade.

The most beautiful and magical place in Jiuzhaigou is the sea of five flowers. According to legend, the sea of five flowers is the place where the God of the north. Here, zeyiram, the daughter of the earth God, married darji, a brave and kind-hearted Tibetan youth, punished the chieftain father and son who bullied the Tibetan people, built nine mountain strongholds for the poor Tibetan people, and made them live a happy life. This beautiful love story has been handed down from generation to generation among local Tibetans. The legend is beautiful, and the sea of five flowers is more beautiful. In the water area, there are many colors, such as goose yellow, dark green, dark blue and Tibetan blue.

The colors painted by nature are so bold, strong and varied. From the tiger's mouth overlooking its panorama, it looks like a plump peacock with Huaping. Through the clear water, we can see that there is a spring rising at the bottom of the lake, which is dazzling. As the mountain breeze comes, all kinds of colors permeate, inlay, mix and synthesize each other, and the sea of five flowers is full of life, active and beating. My heart is also beating with this beating water wave, as if injected with a new blood in general, full of vitality. In the face of such a gorgeous and fresh pool of clear water, my heart is full of joy and hope. Wuhuahai is the pride of Jiuzhaigou.

What I want you to pay attention to is that Jiuzhaigou is located in the plateau area. When you come here, you should bring more medicine and clothes, and eat more fruits and vegetables. Jiuzhaigou has beautiful scenery everywhere. I can't say enough. Please enjoy it slowly.


Tourist friends:

Hello! In here, please allow me on behalf of the Aba 820,000 Tibet,Qiang, to return to, the Chinese various races people zealouslywelcome you the arrival, and hoped our service can swim for yoursJiuzhaigou increases warmly, a joy. The tourist friends, enter Jiuzhaigou, you are in the ditch more than1,000 Tibetan nationality compatriot most honored visitor, is in aJiuzhaigou fairy tale world princess and the prince, hoped you playhappy in the ditch, play warmly, play 尽Is popular.The tourist friends, Jiuzhaigou is China only has “the world naturalheritage” and “the world biosphere protectorate” two internationallaurel crowns natural scenery scenic spot areas. It is locatednortheast the Chinese Sichuan a pa Tibetan nationality qiang nationalminority autonomous is south central the within the boundariesJiuzhaigou county, south the Mount Minshan sierra north the section尕 your natrium peak the foothill, is the Yangtze River river systemJialing River source a ditch. Jiuzhaigou because of has nine Tibetannationality stockaded village to acquire fame. Jiuzhaigou scenerybeautiful wonderful colorful, the world is rare, also can maintain theso perfect mysterious natural illusion picture in the modern society,this the Tibetan Buddha all center benzene wave which believes in withJiuzhaigou Tibetan nationality compatriots teaches to have the verybig relations. The Tibetan believes in the God, they thoughtJiuzhaigou the every bit of property, the mountain and river all arethe God gracious gift, therefore we respect Jiuzhaigou people thecustom are to Jiuzhaigou's biggest respect, also is to the JiuzhaigouTibetan nationality people's biggest respect. We believed you whileenjoy natural, also can achieve does not smoke in the ditch, notrandomly throws trash, does not throw the food to feed the fish, notto climb the tree to pick flowers. Thank your cooperation in here meon behalf of Jiuzhaigou person and the support which works to us!

The Jiuzhaigou protectorate total area 720 square kilometers, theperiphery protectorate 600 square kilometers, protect the buffer are110 square kilometers, the traveling opening area are 140 squarekilometers. Take promises Japan to be bright as the center, by treeditch, date then ditch and then the dregs hollow ditch composes, wenow are walking this ditch is called the tree the ditch, long 14kilometers, other two ditches, then dregs hollow ditch long 18kilometers, date then ditch long 17 kilometers. Scenic area one-way 49kilometers.

We arrive the next scenic spot is enters the ditch the first Tibetstronghold -- lotus leaf stronghold, is in Jiuzhaigou one of livelystockaded villages, in the stockaded village Tibetan as soon asreforms moves about in search of pasture with the agriculture andreclamation life style, settles down in the stronghold, the originalancient wood construction house all has now become the family hotel,they use the fragrant buttered tea, the sweet Tibetan barley liquorwarmly to receive cordially each position as necessary to come to seea famous person with admiration Jiuzhaigou's distant place honoredguest, this also is because the government protects Jiuzhaigou torequest them to take back from agriculture which also Lin Erwei theyseeks to make a living the road, The such similar situation also hasthe tree stronghold and then dregs hollow stronghold. Lotus leafstronghold behind has hundred year great pines, solitary independent,vigorous is great, that then was receives a guest the pine, the fableis Saar same year comes when Jiuzhaigou FallsMonster removed harmful things,once turns a MaleHawk fight, this orphaned pine was he captures the evilspirit to fly from the sky obsolete fans the symbol which the wingstayed behind, we now arrived the lotus leaf stronghold.





















