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Surrounded by green mountains, Sun Moon Lake is the pearl of Central Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a crescent moon - hence the name “Sun Moon Lake”.

Inthe middle of the lake (between the “sun” and the “moon”) is an island which has long been a sacred place for the Shao people. This island(Lalu) 珠仔屿或珠子山 is off-limits to visitors. Only the Shao people can go there to worship their ancestors祖先. (There is a ferry that passes by it, departing every hour from 9:00 to 4:00). But the beauty of Sun Moon Lake is not Lalu. The beauty of Sun Moon Lake is found in the surrounding mountains. From the lake, tier upon tier of countless peaks can be seen rising up into the sky. The nearby mountains appear dark with vegetation. The mountains that echo farther and farther away appearless and less distinct until they fade into the sky.


Taiwan lies like a leaf in the southeast of Asia. It is a rare tropical(热带的)mountain-island in the world, two thirds of which is covered with high mountain ranges. The most famous of the mountains, Ali Mountain, is the symbol of charming Taiwan.

Located in the subtropical ocean, Taiwan offers tourists comfortable weather and has no winter all the year round. With the pleasant climate, Taiwan can sustain vast biology resources. It is worth to visit Taiwan for its natural sights, such as the high and steep mountains and the dense atmosphere of seashore holidays. In addition, Taiwan has many wonderful man-made tourist recourses, such as the famed Matsu Temple and Taipei National Palace Museum. Overlooked from Fujian Province, Taiwan is neighbored by Japan in the north and Philippines in the south. Unsurprisingly, the island has become a hub(轮转) for travel between places in Asia and is one of the tourist destinations with the most convenient transportation in the world.

Concurrently(同时) home to different groups mainly from the southern Fujian Province, Hakka and the local people, Taiwan also features various colorful human cultures. You will detect the harmonious(和谐的调和的)atmosphere in Taiwan's religions, architectures, languages and dining. Tourists should take special care not to miss the dainty(美味的) dishes here - in fact, Taiwan is dubbed

the 'Kingdom of Delicacies' by gourmets.

During the past decades, Taiwan's economy emerged as a miracle(奇迹), thus making it possible to provide complete and high-quality tourist services and facilities.

The beautiful island will offer you an appealing trip that you will find it hard to tear yourself away from


Taiwan lies like a spindle in the southeast of Asia. It is a rare tropical mountain-island in the world, two thirds of which is covered with high mountain ranges. The most famous of the mountains, Ali Mountain, is the symbol of charming Taiwan.

Located in the subtropical ocean, Taiwan offers tourists comfortable weather and has no winter all the year round. With the pleasant climate, Taiwan can sustain vast biology resources. It is worth to visit Taiwan for its natural sights, such as the high and steep mountains and the dense atmosphere of seashore holidays. The island has another Portuguese name, Formosa, which means 'beautiful island'. In addition, Taiwan has many wonderful man-made tourist recourses, such as the famed Matsu Temple and Taipei National Palace Museum.

Overlooked from Fujian Province, Taiwan is neighbored by Japan in the north and Philippines in the south. Unsurprisingly, the island has become a hub for travel between places in Asia and is one of the tourist destinations with the most convenient transportation in the world.

Concurrently home to different groups mainly from the southern Fujian Province, Hakka and the local people, Taiwan also features various colorful human cultures. You will detect the harmonious and prosperous atmosphere in Taiwan's religions, architectures, languages and dining. Tourists should take special care not to miss the dainty dishes here - in fact, Taiwan is dubbed the 'Kingdom of Delicacies' by gourmets.

During the past decades, Taiwan's economy emerged as a miracle. As of today, it is the primary source of foreign capital for South-East Asian countries, thus allowing them to provide complete and high-quality tourist services and facilities.

If you have an opportunity to visit the southeast of Asia, make sure to include Formosa in your travel plan. The beautiful island will offer you an appealing trip that you will find it hard to tear yourself away from.


The Taipei Palace Museum and the famous Forbidden City in Beijing are derived from the same institution, which was split into two as a result of the Chinese Civil War.

The splendid architecture of the structure is modeled on the Forbidden City in Beijing and incorporates elements of traditional Chinese royal design in feudal society. The museum itself has four floors. The first, second and third floors are used for exhibitions, while the fourth floor is a lounge where visitors can rest.

The Taipei Palace Museum houses large collection of priceless Chinese artifacts and artwork, including ancient bronze castings,

calligraphy, scroll paintings, porcelain, jade, and rare books, many of which were possessions of the former imperial family. The full collection, which consists of some 650,000 pieces, spans many

dynasties. Each exhibit, however, puts on display only about 1,700 pieces at a time. At this rate, assuming a duration of three months for each exhibit, it will take 100 years to cycle through the entire collection!

On the left side of the museum hall is Chih-shan Garden, which showcases many of the elements of traditional Chinese gardening art. Inside the garden, pavilions, little bridges, flowing water, winding paths and green trees combine to create an atmosphere of simplicity and serenity.

On the right side of the museum hall is Chih-te Garden.

Strolling through it, you will marvel at the beauty of the pavilions, bridges and ponds that grace this garden, especially in autumn, when the cool wind carries the fragrance of the lotus and sweet-scented osmanthus.


台湾(Taiwan)位于中国大陆东南沿海的大陆架上,东临太平洋,[1] 东北邻琉球群岛,[2] 南界巴士海峡与菲律宾群岛相对,[3] 西隔台湾海峡与福建省相望[4-5] ,总面积约3.6万平方千米,包括台湾岛及兰屿、绿岛、钓鱼岛等21个附属岛屿和澎湖列岛64个岛屿。其中台湾岛面积35798平方千米,是中国第一大岛[6-7] ,7成为山地与丘陵,平原主要集中于西部沿海,地形海拔变化大,因地处热带及亚热带气候交界而自然景观与生态资源丰富多元。人口约2300万,逾7成集中于西部5大都会区,其中以首要都市台北为中心的台北都会区最大。



台北市动物园(Taipei Zoo)又名木栅动物园、台北市立动物园)设立于1920___年,原址在台北的圆山,1986年迁至台北市文山区木栅(台北市文山区新光路二段30号),隶属台北市教育局。全园占地约165公倾,号称“亚洲最大的动物园”,园内包含8个户外展示区、6个室内展示馆、5个环境教育教学场所。整个园区被次生林山坡地所围绕,是一处结合自然景观形成具生态特色之休闲场所。










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