
时间:2022-11-21 08:16:57 演讲稿 收藏本文 下载本文





On January 13, Jin Weijie, a teacher from Longhua Chinese-English Experimental School in Baoan rushed to save four primary school students and sacrifice herself.

On March 31, a traffic accident happened in Jiangsu Province, once again, a primary school teacher, Yin Xuemei, saved six primary school students’ lives, while losing her own. This touched my heart deeply. Who is the greatest? The teacher! If it was me, if I happened to be there, I would do the same thing, because I am a teacher, too.

Working as a teacher, maybe there is nothing special in their life. But we have a belief deep within, that is --we must protect our students, keep our children safe, we won’t let any of them get hurt. Just as what the commissioner of education in Jiangsu Province said: “The accident happened so quickly, it happened in a flick of an eye, there is no time to think about it or hesitate, saving the others is an instinctive action. She did it only because she was of great stature. She forgot about herself in the heat of the moment. ”

There is no doubt, teachers are worth all respect! Teachers are selfless! They impart knowledge to the students, they offer ways and skills of learning to their students, and they offer their lives with no hesitancy when necessary! So I am proud of being a teacher. I like students, teaching will be my life-time career.

Choosing the right career is very important, most of us spend a great part of our lives doing jobs. Some of us have become very successful. Mainly because they have chosen appropriate careers which match their talents and stimulate their interests . I prefer teaching English. English is my favorite. In my opinion, teaching English is more wonderful than any other subject.

There are thousands of different languages in the world. Which language is the most important? As we know, English is an international language, and it could be used all over the world. English is becoming more and more important and popular in China. We adults learn English, school students learn English, even the babies in the kindergarten learn English. It’s a necessary language if you want to go abroad, It’s an essential quality for the researchers to get the latest information in the world quickly. In an age of fast communication, if we want to learn about the outside world, English is definitely the language we should know.

Let’s take a look at a practical viewpoint, if you’re looking for a job that can provide you a good position and a high salary, understanding English often makes it much easier. It can’t be denied that English is very important if you want to make a good living. English is a very important language no matter what you do or where you go, Millions of people would like to master English, but it’s not a piece of cake.

So being an English teacher is good. I am fortunate that I can express my opinions in English. So I am lucky I can teach English.

Furthermore, Being an English teacher, I am very content. I am so grateful to have a life that is filled with teenagers’ trust and love. When my students answer my questions correctly, when they discuss passionately, when they communicate with foreigners fluently, when I see the slowest in thought make progress, I know I have done a great job. Nothing can replace my pleasure.

So being an English teacher, I have got fantastic pleasure. It is English that makes my life wonderful. It is English that makes me feel confident. It is English that makes me different

If there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, I won’t choose anything except being an English teacher.

I enjoy my job, and I love my life.



On January 13, Jin Weijie, a teacher from Longhua Chinese-English Experimental School in Baoan rushed to save four primary school students and sacrifice herself.

On March 31, a traffic accident happened in Jiangsu Province, once again, a primary school teacher, Yin Xuemei, saved six primary school students’ lives, while losing her own. This touched my heart deeply. Who is the greatest? The teacher! If it was me, if I happened to be there, I would do the same thing, because I am a teacher, too.

Working as a teacher, maybe there is nothing special in their life. But we have a belief deep within, that is --we must protect our students, keep our children safe, we won’t let any of them get hurt. Just as what the commissioner of education in Jiangsu Province said: “The accident happened so quickly, it happened in a flick of an eye, there is no time to think about it or hesitate, saving the others is an instinctive action. She did it only because she was of great stature. She forgot about herself in the heat of the moment. ”

There is no doubt, teachers are worth all respect! Teachers are selfless! They impart knowledge to the students, they offer ways and skills of learning to their students, and they offer their lives with no hesitancy when necessary! So I am proud of being a teacher. I like students, teaching will be my life-time career.

Choosing the right career is very important, most of us spend a great part of our lives doing jobs. Some of us have become very successful. Mainly because they have chosen appropriate careers which match their talents and stimulate their interests . I prefer teaching English. English is my favorite. In my opinion, teaching English is more wonderful than any other subject.

There are thousands of different languages in the world. Which language is the most

important? As we know, English is an international language, and it could be used all over the world. English is becoming more and more important and popular in China. We adults learn English, school students learn English, even the babies in the kindergarten learn English. It’s a necessary language if you want to go abroad, It’s an essential quality for the researchers to get the latest information in the world quickly. In an age of fast communication, if we want to learn about the outside world, English is definitely the language we should know.

Let’s take a look at a practical viewpoint, if you’re looking for a job that can provide you a good position and a high salary, understanding English often makes it much easier. It can’t be denied that English is very important if you want to make a good living. English is a very important language no matter what you do or where you go, Millions of people would like to master English, but it’s not a piece of cake.

So being an English teacher is good. I am fortunate that I can express my opinions in English. So I am lucky I can teach English.

Furthermore, Being an English teacher, I am very content. I am so grateful to have a life that is filled with teenagers’ trust and love. When my students answer my questions correctly, when they discuss passionately, when they communicate with foreigners fluently, when I see the slowest in thought make progress, I know I have done a great job. Nothing can replace my pleasure.

So being an English teacher, I have got fantastic pleasure. It is English that makes my life wonderful. It is English that makes me feel confident. It is English that makes me different

If there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, I won’t choose anything except being an English teacher.

I enjoy my job, and I love my life.



the career you choose will affect the future course of your life, such of your range of friends,your choice of husband or wife, where you live, your recreational activities,and other important aspects.to make a good choice,you must have a clear knowledge of your abilities, interests ans aims.then try to find out the kind of occupation in which people like you tend finf success and satisfaction.

second,you have to weigh carefully the immediate advantages against the long-term prospect offered by the job you are considering.be sure to ask your parents,teachers,and carrers advicer for useful suggestions as to how you might take full adcantage of your personal qualities and qualification.

having a clear idea about the work that suits you best,you should make a real study of jobs available.obtain written materials or other such information as much as possible and eamine them from every angle before you make the final decision.



Choosing career

The career you choose will affect the future course(历程) of your life, such as your range(类别) of friend, your choice of husband or wife, your recreational(消遣) activities, and other important aspects。

To make a wise decision, you must firstly have a clear knowledge of your abilities, interests and aims。 Then try to find out the kind of occupation in which you can find success and satisfaction。 Secondly, you have to weigh carefully the immediate(直接的) advantages against the long-term prospect(前途/希望) offered by the job you are considering。 Be sure to ask your parents, teachers, and career advisers for useful suggestion and try to take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications(资格)。

In order to have a clear idea about the work that suits you the best, you should make a through study of jobs available。 Obtain written materials or other such information as much as possible, and examine them from every angle before you make the final decision。



In our daily lives, we have many choices to make, such as what to eat for supper,what clothes to wear, or what to do on weekends. At certain times in our lives, we need to make even more critical choices, such as which school to attend, what job to take or who to choose as husband or wife. Yes, life is a matter of choice. Seemimgly, it means a choice of tangible things. But in essence, it means choosing a way of life. Life is to be lived, savored, and enjoyed, not to be wasted or complained about.

Hardly can we forget the time when our society faced the grave threat from the life-and-death disease--SARS. Yet, even during those dreadful times, some afflicted people remained optimistic. Instead of wearing neutral white masks, some people turned to colouful ones, and thus display a happy mood. And some creative people dubbed SARS to mean “SMILE AND REMAIN SMILING.” I was deeply touched by their optimisim, nearly forgetting that we're still in a battle. people who survive these kinds of circumstances, (at some point)decide in their minds to carry on in spite of the overwhelming odds.

laid-off workers, typically regarded as the victims of economic advancement, are subject to desperation that being unmeployed has brought on them. But, encouragingly, we have witnessed some of them striving hard to rebuild confidence toward life and discover new opportunities for demonstrating their values.

Although we cannot choose our appearance, inborn gifts and even avoid unexpected disasters and adversities, we do have the privilege to choose to live optimistcally,to love our lives, to have dreams, and to cherish hopes.

Every morning when we get up, we have a choice of how we want to approach life that day. As for me, I choose to be cheerful.








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it is very important to choose a right career. a right choice usually leads to success and happiness, while a wrong one often brings about failure and disappointment. therefore, we must get ourselves well prepared so that a right choice can be made when needed.

if i am to choose a career, my principles are as follows. first of all, it should be a real service to my fellowmen and not merely enable me to earn a living. seondly, it should offer scope for creativity and imagination because i want to live a rich or meaningful life. finally, it should provide me with opportunities and challenges, engaging my in terest and allowing me to develop my abilities.

there are many professions for me to choose from: teaching, newspaper work, research on social science and so on. among them, the work of a reporter may suit me most, because it is an eciting job and is full of challenges.






这是一个很重要的选择职业的权利. 一个正确的'选择往往会导致成功和幸福,而一个错误往往带来失败和挫折. 因此,我们必须作好准备,以使自己的权利,必要时可以选择.

如果我选择职业,我的原则如下: 首先,它应该是一个真正的服务,不仅使我和我的同伴谋生. seondly,要创造性和想象力的余地,因为我想活得有意义、丰富生活. 最后,要为我提供的机遇和挑战,使我国在发展terest让我和我的能力.

我有很多专业选择:教师、报社工作,对社会科学的研究等. 其中,记者会的工作最适合我,因为这是一个激动人心的工作充满挑战.


Working as a teacher, maybe there is nothing special in their life. But we have a belief deep within, that is --we must protect our students, keep our children safe, we won’t let any of them get hurt. Just as what the commissioner of education in Jiangsu Province said: “The accident happened so quickly, it happened in a flick of an eye, there is no time to think about it or hesitate, saving the others is an instinctive action. She did it only because she was of great stature. She forgot about herself in the heat of the moment. ”

There is no doubt, teachers are worth all respect! Teachers are selfless! They impart knowledge to the students, they offer ways and skills of learning to their students, and they offer their lives with no hesitancy when necessary! So I am proud of being a teacher. I like students, teaching will be my life-time career.

Choosing the right career is very important, most of us spend a great part of our lives doing jobs. Some of us have become very successful. Mainly because they have chosen appropriate careers which match their talents and stimulate their interests . I prefer teaching English. English is my favorite. In my opinion, teaching English is more wonderful than any other subject.

There are thousands of different languages in the world. Which language is the most

important? As we know, English is an international language, and it could be used all over the world. English is becoming more and more important and popular in China. We adults learn English, school students learn English, even the babies in the kindergarten learn English. It’s a necessary language if you want to go abroad, It’s an essential quality for the researchers to get the latest information in the world quickly. In an age of fast communication, if we want to learn about the outside world, English is definitely the language we should know.

Let's take a look at a practical viewpoint, if you're looking for a job that can provide you a good position and a high salary, understanding English often makes it much easier. It can't be denied that English is very important if you want to make a good living. English is a very important language no matter what you do or where you go, Millions of people would like to master English, but it’s not a piece of cake.

So being an English teacher is good. I am fortunate that I can express my opinions in English. So I am lucky I can teach English.

Furthermore, Being an English teacher, I am very content. I am so grateful to have a life that is filled with teenagers’ trust and love. When my students answer my questions correctly, when they discuss passionately, when they communicate with foreigners fluently, when I see the slowest in thought make progress, I know I have done a great job. Nothing can replace my pleasure.

So being an English teacher, I have got fantastic pleasure. It is English that makes my life wonderful. It is English that makes me feel confident. It is English that makes me different

If there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, I won’t choose anything except being an English teacher.

I enjoy my job, and I love my life.


it is very important to choose a right career. a right choice usually leads to success and happiness, while a wrong one often brings about failure and disappointment. therefore, we must get ourselves well prepared so that a right choice can be made when needed.

if i am to choose a career, my principles are as follows. first of all, it should be a real service to my fellowmen and not merely enable me to earn a living. seondly, it should offer scope for creativity and imagination because i want to live a rich or meaningful life. finally, it should provide me with opportunities and challenges, engaging my in terest and allowing me to develop my abilities.

there are many professions for me to choose from: teaching, newspaper work, research on social science and so on. among them, the work of a reporter may suit me most, because it is an eciting job and is full of challenges.


What do I want to be when I grow up: writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. Different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons.

First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing.

Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning.

Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too.But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man’s soul.


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

I’m very glad to stand here and share my dream with you.Today, my topic is: I want to be a teacher when I grow up.As we know, education is very important because education can change our lives. ”Teacher”, therefore, this kind of job seems to be very important. So I want to be a teacher, an ideal one, who should be learned, enthusiastic, frank and self-respected when I grow up.

You may ask me : “ What would you do if you were a teacher?”To start with, I would show passion in my class to my student. I will try my best to make my class interesting and lively. Meanwhile, I would not only teach them how to gain the classroom knowledge but also aim at guiding my students to discover the connections between what have they already known and what they are learning. Secondly, as a teacher I would pay much attention to teaching my students how to be a true person as well as how to learn well. If I were a teacher, I would like to be a book, which can give them a good influence in their early lives.

I would be an inspiration to them; I would be interested in them and make them feel like they are something special. Besides, teaching is a joyful job. I would feel so joyful when my students give me a lot of sunny smiles, I would also find teaching is delightful when my students give me an unexpected present on Teacher's Day, even more I would find teaching a glorious job when my students become useful persons who work for the people and the society instead of living for themselves only. Last, but not the least, I would be my students good friend. I Know students have more need of encouragement than of critics.

I would try to be a great teacher who never strives to criticize my students’ behavior but simply invites them to think about their behaviors on their own. This is because I believe the most successful education is not only to instruct but to help.Finally, I have a question for you, dear listeners, “Do you think it’s meaningful to become a teacher?

At least, I believe, I hope, I strive for my dream.


Choosing an Occupation

One of the most important problems a young person faces is deciding what to do. There are some people, of course, who from the time they are six years old know that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problem.

Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do. You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or you may find out that you will need to get actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular .

Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to give you detailed information about job qualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.















1:找共同点。就算你对这个陌生人完全不了解,事实上有一点你是知道的-你知道他们与你共处一室。“So what brings you here ”你就可以这么问。或是,如果你在你朋友Bob的派队,你就可以问“How do you know Bob ”

2:赞美他们。大家都喜欢听关于自己的甜言蜜语。“What a wonderful dress you’re wearing!”告诉他们你有多喜欢这个人的鞋子或是眼镜。在那之后,如果他们只回答说“thank you”,你就可以接着问,类似“Where did you get it ”或是“What’s it made out of ”甚至是“Was it expensive ”这些问题非常有用因为这可以让对方多告诉你一些关于他们的事。

3:问关于他们的问题。几乎所有的人多有工作,那么为什么不问这个人,“So what do you do for a living ”或是“Where are you from originally ”意思是你想了解他们是在哪里出生的。并且,问句能让第一次的对话更简单一些。如果这个礼貌的话,他们也会反问你同样的问题,这样一来你就有谈论自己的机会了。

4:介绍你自己。不要仅仅说,“Hi, my name is John.”告诉别人更多关于你自己的.信息。“Hi, my name is John. I’m a friend of Bob’s from high school. We use to have the same math class together.”这样可能捕捉到对方的兴趣,鼓励他们问你问题或告诉你更多关于他们的信息。

5:对某事物作评论。不要直接问任何关于对方的问题,你可以说类似“This is a great party”或“What a lovely house this is.”来诱导他们说出他们的看法,



Boys and girls:

we are very happy to gather here to hold an English. First of all, Let us enjoy the brought about by the An Lu-story, the story of the name 《 》。welcome to applause.。

男孩和女孩:我们非常高兴地聚集在这里举行一次英语。首先,让我们来欣赏带来的故事,故事的名字叫《 》,掌声欢迎。

Good! So you want to story? You want to have a happy time? Here, Gu Yu Xiao would like to tell you an interesting story I hope you like it, its name is 《 》

大家好!你想听故事吗?你想有一个快乐的时间吗?在这里,想告诉你一个有趣的故事,希望大家喜欢,它的名字是《 》

Listen to a good story, let us play an interesting game. His name is hard words.


Word games so that together we have strengthened the memory of the word, let us play following an English word games.


The ”English ABC" the end of this activity, students, and good-bye!























