
时间:2022-05-06 11:41:12 试题试卷 收藏本文 下载本文






( ) 1The trip is ______.We have great ______ .

A. fun, funny B. funny, funny C. funny, a fun D. funny, fun

( ) 2. Listen! The machine(机器) is making so much ____.

A. noise B. voice C. sound D. noises

( ) 3. What _______him just now? He is crying on the bed.

A. happened B. happened to

C. happening D. happened with

( ) 4. The students are ___to know that elephants can walk quietly on tiptoe.

A. surprising B. surprised C. frightening D. frightened

( ) 5. There were________people in the street at midnight, so he drove fast.

A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

( ) 6. Will you come to the party next Sunday?

________.I will visit my grandparents in my hometown.

A. I think so B. I'd like to C. I'm afraid not D. I'm afraid so

( ) 7. -____________TV do you watch every day? -One hour.

A. How long B. How many

C. How much D. How many hours

( ) 8. “Oh, how interesting the book is!” Andy _________to himself.

A. said B. talked C. told D. spoke

( ) 9. -Excuse me! You can’t take photos here.Look at the sign(指示牌).It says“NO PHOTOS”. 一Sorry,I _________it.

A.didn’t see B.am going to see C.won’t see D.don’t:see

( ) 10. “I won't make the same mistake (错误)__________.” said John.

A. some more B. no more C. any more D. much more

( ) 11. I have____________juice and____________orange.

A. a; an B. some; a C. a; some D. some; an

( ) 12. It's________unusual thing for us to find________UFO.

A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an

( ) 13. Yesterday I met Amy________.

A. on my way home B.in my way home

C. on my way to home D.in my way to home

( ) 14.It was terrible. The cat miaowed a lot at night recently. It________a baby crying.

A. sound B. sounded C. Sounded like D. sounds like

( ) 15. In spring, it is good for you to sleep________your windows open.

A. for B. and C. with D. but



1. Is that an English name? It sounds _____ (奇怪的`)to me..

2. They are __________(搜查) the forest for the missing boy.

3. We took the ___________(虚弱的) cat to the animal centre..

4. It is so dark at night that we cannot see ___________(任何人).

5. There are some ________ (灌木丛) in our school..


usual , care, with, life , many

6.We should always be ___________ in choosing our friends.

7.I couldnt pass the exam easily __________ your help.

8.Elephants and whales are the largest ___________ animals on land.

9.After you tell me about your school , I know __________ about it.

10.Tom is an _____________ boy. He always asks strange questions.

C 、用所给动词适当形式动词填空。

11. He____________five minutes ago.(leave)

12. At last he decided____________(play) with us.

13. What____________(happen) to you just now?

14. It's not polite to leave home without____________(say)goodbye.

15. I was surprised__________(know) that it was only a dream.

三. 完形填空:(20分) (A)

Can flowers sing ? You must be 1 to find the answer is YES. And the plants can sing , 2 .

Flowers are beautiful and they 3 nice. Most people 4 to plant them. If they can sing for us , it's really wonderful. In fact ,the flowers or plants in vases really can sing . 5 can they sing? That's because there is a speaker system (音响系统) inside the vases . The speaker system uses the flowers or plants to make 6 . If you like the music or song very much, you can 7 the music or the song 8 the plants in your garden . Music and plants are 9 for you .Do you like to 10 your plants and flowers? Now not only you can talk to them but also for you .

( )1. A. excited B. surprising C. surprised D. interested

( )2. A. also B. too C. both D. either

( )3. A. look B. taste C. sound D. feel

( )4. A. are fond of B. would like C. dislike D. are crazy about

( )5. A. When B. Where C. What D. Why

( )6. A. sound B. voice C. whisper D. noise

( )7. A. hear B. listen C. listen to D. hear from

( )8. A. for B. on C. from D. of

( )9. A. good B. well C. nice D. wonderful

( )10. A. sing to B. talk with C. dance with D. shout to


You must notice that a butterfly( 蝴蝶 )___1___ four brightly colored 2 ? You may often 3 butterflies fluttering from flower to 4 . but you have 5 seen them fly at 6 , have you ? They fly only in the daytime.

The butterfly , 7 the butterfly stroke, is one of the five basic strokes in 8 . It is not 9 to learn, but it is smooth and graceful if performed 10 . Can you do it?

( ) 1. A .eats B. has C. takes D. loses

( ) 2. A. wings B. legs C. hands D. arms

( ) 3. A .hear B. sound C. see D. touch

( ) 4. A. hill B. river C. sky D. flower

( ) 5. A. even B. never C. still D. only

( ) 6. A .noon B. night C morning D. afternoon

( ) 7. A. or B. and C. but D. with

( ) 8. A. playing B .drinking C .swimming D .running

( ) 9. A interesting B difficult C .important D .easy

( ) 10.A .quickly B. correctly C. quietly D. usually



The largest animal ever to live on Earth is the blue whale. It weighs about 80 tons-more than 24 big elephants. It is more than 30 metres long. A new baby whale weighs as much as a big elephant. Cats won't die if they fall off very high places because they can turn themselves up the right way so as to keep their bodies safe. One cat fell off 32 floors onto the street, but it was just hurt a little.

A bear can run as fast as a horse.

A new-born panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about 100 grams.

Elephants are the most careful animals in their love. A male elephant may show his lady love for up to three years until the female elephant takes his love. They often show their love by touching each other's body.

Usually, wolves do not hurt people. For years a Canadian newspaper says that they would give anyone a lot of money if he or she could show that a wolf could hurt a person. But nobody could do that. Wolves do not usually go together though they may do this in winter and they only hurt people at an unusual time.

( )1. How much does a new-born blue whale weigh?

A. About 10 tons. B. As much as a baby elephant.

C. About 80 tons. D. About 3 tons.

( )2. A bear can run_______ people think they can.

A. faster than B. slower than

C. as fast as D. as slowly as

( )3. A male elephant won't stop following a female elephant to _______ until the female elephant takes his love.

A. fight with the baby elephant

B. ask the lady elephant to help him

C. show his love for a long time

D. find food together with him

( )4. A wolf won't hurt people except _______.

A. in winter B. at an unusual time

C. in group D. that it is happy

( )5. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in this passage?

A. Five. B. Six C. Seven D. Eight.

(B )

Dogs are friends of man. They work for us. They hunt (狩猎) with us. They play with us. But once,

all over the world, dogs are wild (野生的).

Dogs go back to the Stone Age. All dogs had the same ancestor(祖先). It is believed that this ancestor was much like a wolf (狼). Other animals like the fox, came from this ancestor, too.

Thousands of years ago, man began to tame (驯服)the wild dogs . When the dogs were tame, they were trained (训练). The strong dogs became working animals . They were trained to pull heavy loads(担子). They learned to keep watch over the sheep and other animals. Working dogs had other jobs, too.

Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt for game. Other dogs were best as pets. At first , there were only a few kinds of dogs. Today there are more than 100 kinds.

( )6. The word in the story that means an animal far back in another animals family is ancestor.

( )7. The story make us believe that Man has helped change animals.

( )8. The strong dogs turned into foxes.

( )9. Dogs are pets from the beginning.

( )10. Dogs and man have been friends for a long time.



A boy called Kenny moved to countryside from a large city. He wanted to buy a donkey (驴子)from a farmer. It cost him 100 dollars. The farmer agreed to bring the donkey the next day. The next day, the farmer came and say, “Sorry, the donkey died.” “OK,” he said. “Please give the money back to me.” “But I have spent all the money !” “Then give me the donkey,” Kenny said. The farmer wondered, “Why do you want the dead donkey?” “I can use it as a prize in a draw lot (抽奖).” The farmer shouted, “No one wants a dead donkey !” You are crazy.” Kenny answered , “Dont worry ! I wont tell them the donkey is dead.”

A few months later, the farmer met Kenny . “How about the dead donkey?” he asked . Kenny said, “Well, I held a lucky draw lot, and I told them the prize is a donkey. I sold 500 tickets, 2 dollars each. So I got 998 dollars.” The farmer was very much surprised . “Why doesnt anyone say No?” Kenny answered , “Only the winner said No. So I gave the money that he bought the tickets to him.”

Many years later, when Kenny grew up , he became the chief of Anther (安然公司主管).

11. How much was the donkey ?


12. Why couldnt the farmer return the money to Kenny ?


13. What did Kenny use the dead donkey as ?


14. Did Kenny tell people the donkey was dead ?


15. How much money did Kenny earn (赚)?





Zunjing aidai xiongpu boli buyang

( )( ) ( )( )( )

yinglang tihuan bijing yangwang jicongcong

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


匆( ) 仰( ) 渣( ) 或( ) 朗( )

忽( ) 迎( ) 查( ) 式( ) 良( )


累lei( ) 转zhuan( ) 缝feng( )

lei( ) zhuan( ) feng( )



热( )肠 热( )( ) 笑( )( )

( )甸甸 ( )蒙蒙 ( )匆匆

日夜( )( ) 和( )可( ) 出来( )( )

欢( )乱( )自( )自( ) 惹人( )( )

一声( )( ) ( )毛( )雪 一言( )( )


读书有三到: 、 、 。

学而时 ,不亦 ?

读书 ,下笔 。

温 而知 。

不可以 。




欢乐地 坚定地 明亮的

活泼可爱的` 广阔美丽的


1、带 戴

北风呼呼地刮着,天上下着小雨。上学时,妈妈叫我( )上帽子,还让我( )一把雨伞。

2、果然 当然 居然

(1)企鹅( )能生活在寒冷的南极大陆。

(2)男孩告诉列宁,灰雀一定会回来的。第二天列宁( )看见那只灰雀在树上。

(3)灰雀不会说话,它( )不能告诉列宁昨天去哪儿了。


1、少先队员应该热心劳动。( )

2、我们要尊守老人。( )

3、爱迪生发现了电灯。( )




这句话中 、 两个词语充分地反映了同学们看望老师的迫切心情。




这句话主要是写列宁 。这从 、

、 、 等词可以看出来。



1、给文章加个题目: (2分)



4、短文是以 、 、 、 四个方面来写大公鸡的。(4分)






B. 根据所听内容选择正确的应答语.(听两遍): (5分)

( )6. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it does.

( )7. A. It’s a book B. They are books? C. Yes, they are mine.

( )8. A. It’s hers. B. It’s purple. C. It’s a coat.

( )9. A. Good idea. B. Thanks. C. I’d like apples.

( )10. A.It’s red. B. It’s mine. C. It’s two o’clock

C. 听一篇长对话,选择正确答案。(听两遍): (5分)

( )⒒ Who is the letter from?

A. Tom. B. Jim. C. Maria.

( )⒓ Where does Maria’s pen pal live?

A. China. B. England. C. The USA.

( )⒔ How old is Maria’s pen pal?

A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Ten.

( )⒕ Does Maria’s pen pal speak Chinese?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. He speaks Chinese.

( )⒖ Does Maria’s pen pal like China?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

D.根据所听短文内容,判断下列句子的正(R)与误(W)。(听两遍): (5分)

( )⒗ Miss Wang teaches English in No. 1 Middle School.

( )⒘ Miss Wang is forty years old.

( )⒙ Miss Wang teaches English very well.

( )⒚ Miss Wang’s students love her.

( )⒛ Bob is Miss Wang’s student.


II. 词汇。(15分)


pen we foot bread pencil you red

cat brother nose China meat ten cap

hair dog yellow schoolbag brown jacket Cananda

panda face sister rice forty England ruler

twelve green fish shoes they shirt aunt

Japan three cousin he rabbit

1.学习用品:_____ _____ ______ ________ 2.服装:_____ _____ _____ ________

3.人称代词:_____ ______ ______ _______ 4.食物:_____ ______ _____ _______

5.家庭成员:_____ ______ ______ _______ 6.动物:_____ ______ _____ _______

7.身体部位:_____ ______ ______ _______ 8.数词:_____ ______ _____ _______

9.国家名称:______ ______ ______ ______ 10.颜色:_____ ______ ______ ______


11. I have two ________ (knife). He _______ (have)two boxes.

12. This is ______ (Jane)ruler. It’s not ________ (my).

13. What about ______(go)shopping? Sorry, I’d like _____(go)fishing.

14. ______ (we)teachers love us. We love _____ (they),too.

15. I want _____ (visit)the Great Wall. But Tom _______ (not like)it.


16.—How o_________ is she?—She is twelve.

17. Those are eight _________.

18. He is a __________.He works in a restaurant.

19. My mother’s brother is my u______.

20. My sister wants a nice red ________ .

Ⅲ. 句型转换.(10分)

1. My name is Zhang Lei.(对划线部分提问)

_____ your name?

2. Tom and his mother look the same.(同义句)

Tom _____ ______ his mother。

3. I have two big eyes.(变否定句)

I _______ _______ two big eyes.

4. He has a box.(变复数句)

_____ _____ _____ ______.

5. It’s nine forty-five.(同义句)

It’s ____ ________ ______ ________.

IV. 单项选择(15分).

( )1. – Welcome to China! – _________

A. Thank you. B. That’s all right. C. See you.

( )2. That girl is my friend. _______ name is Kumiko.

A. My B. His C. Her

( )3. —What are those in English?

—They are _________.

A.apples B.apple C.an apple

( )4. Jim______big eyes with short hair.

A. have B. has C. look

( )5. I have orange. It’s orange.

A. a, a B. a, an C. an, /

( )6. I want to have some noodles(面条) supper.

A. to B. at C. for

( )7. I can help you your English.

A. with B. to C. in

( )8. What Lucy and her sister like?

A. do, look B. does, look C. is, look

( )9. The boy _______ black is Tom.

A. at B. in C. of

( )10. –What color is your skirt? –It’s _______.

A. orange B. an orange C. orange skirt

( )10. My parents and I _____ love our work.

A. both B. all C. two

( )11. –What’s your father? – ________

A. He is fine. B. He’s forty. C. He is a teacher.

( )12. Tom is a good boy. Do you like ______ ?

A. he B. him C. his

( )13.It’s 5:30 now. It’s time ______

A. to go home B. go home C. go to home

( )14. —Whose book is it? —It’s ________.

A. my B. her C. hers

( )15.I like _______ . They only live in Sichuan, China.

V. 情景交际.(10分)



( )1. How old is your cousin? A. This is Ann speaking.

( )2. What does your uncle look like? B. Thank you.

( )3.Is this your photo? C. He is fifteen years old.

( )4.May I speak to Ann, please? D. He is tall with short hair

( )5.Help yourself to some fish. E. No, it isn’t.


A. Would you like some rice?

B. A glass of orange juice, please.

C. Thanks.

D. No, thanks.

E. Here you are.

A: Help yourself to some fish.

B: 6 The fish is very nice.

A: Would you like some eggs?

B: 7 May I have some chicken, please?

A: 8 What would you like to drink?

B: 9 I like orange juice very much.

A: 10

B: No, thanks.

6. _________ 7. _________ 8. _________ 9. _________ 10. _________

VI. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

I’m Jack. This is 1 picture of my family. Look, the girl 2 yellow is my sister. 3 name is Helen. She is twelve. The young woman in red is my 4 . She is a 5 . She teaches in a junior high school in Beijing. The man in brown 6 my father. He is a 7 . He works in a hospital. The boy in a hat is me. I’m fourteen ___8___ old. My sister and I are both 9 . We are in the same school, but in different 10 .We work very hard(努力).

( ) 1. A. a B. an C. one D. /

( ) 2. A. on B. in C. with D. at

( ) 3. A. She’s B. Her C. He D. His

( ) 4. A. sister B. brother C. mother D. father

( ) 5. A. nurse B. farmer C. cook D. teacher

( ) 6. A. is B. are C. am D. be

( ) 7. A. worker B. doctor C. driver D. farmer

( ) 8. A. years B. year C. classes D. grades

( ) 9. A. student B. students C. a student D. teachers

( ) 10. A. grades B. grade C. a grade D. Grade One



Kangkang is a Chinese boy. He is a student. He is 14. Kangkang likes to make friends(交朋友). Now he receives(收到) a letter from Sam, his pen pal in England. The letter is in English. Sam is a student, too. He speaks English. He likes China. He wants to visit the Great Wall.


( ) 1. Kangkang is a _________.

A. teacher B. student C. doctor

( ) 2. The letter is in _________.

A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English

( ) 3. Sam lives in _________.

A. China B. the U.S.A. C. England

( ) 4. _________ wants to visit the Great Wall.

A. Sam B. Kangkang C. Kangkang’s brother

( )5. Sam is Kangkang’s _________.

A. classmate B. pen pal C. teacher




Well, I love vegetables. I eat meat too, but not very much. I think this is why I like Chinese food so much. There are lots of(许多)vegetables in Chinese food. Yes, Chinese food is my favorite. I like noodles too. Can you eat with chopsticks(筷子)? I can!


My favorite food is Indian food. On Saturday nights I go to the pub(酒吧) with friends from work and have a few beers, and then we always go to an Indian restaurant. I always order chicken curry with rice. I like it very much!


My favorite food is pasta(意大利面食). I like eating pasta with tomato sauce when I’m in Italy. I went on holiday to the Italian lakes last year. The food there was wonderful.

Notes: lots of许多 chopsticks筷子 Indian印度的 Saturday周六 night夜晚 a few几个 beer啤酒 always总是 restaurant饭店 curry咖喱 tomato西红柿 Italy.意大利 on holiday度假 lakes湖 wonderful极好的.

( )6. _______ is Maria’s favorite food.

A. Chinese food B. Indian food C. Italian food

( )7. Gavin always orders chicken curry with rice in _______.

A. a Chinese restaurant B. an Indian restaurant C. an Italian restaurant

( )8. _______ went on holiday to the Italian lakes last year.

A. Maria B. Gavin C. Lucy

( )9. Lucy likes eating _______.

A. vegetables B. pasta C. noodles

( )10. We can learn from the text that_______.

A. Maria can eat with chopsticks

B. Gavin often drinks alone(独自)in the pub

C. Lucy likes pasta with orange sauce


My name is John Green. I'm a worker in a big factory. I don't work in the morning. I only work at night. Every morning I come home at about half past six. I have breakfast at seven. After breakfast I go to bed. I get up at about half past two. I have lunch at a quarter to three and supper at twenty to eight. Then I go to work at a quarter past eight. I begin to work at nine. I look after the factory every night. I like my work very much.


( )11. John works at night.

( )12. John sleeps (睡觉) at 6:30 a. m.

( )13. John has lunch at 12:00.

( )14. John goes to work at 8:15 p. m.

( )15. John is at home in the morning.

VIII. 书面表达。(以下两道作文任选一题作答)

1. 根据下面所提供的信息,写一篇50-90词的短文,介绍你的笔友。

姓名:Billy 年龄:12岁 国籍:美国 父亲:医生 母亲:教师

爱好:养宠物狗 最喜欢的食物:汉堡包

2. Kate来自美国,现与父母一起居住在中国,以第一人称口吻介绍Kate的饮食爱好,不同的吃饭时间和地点。


likes(√) dislikes(×) Place

Breakfast bread(√) porridge(√)

milk(×) eggs(×) Home

Lunch rice, vegetable, meat, noodles, dumplings School

Supper fish, meat, fruits Home



1-5. CBDAE 6-10. ABBAC 11-15. ACCBA 16-20 WWRRW


II. 词汇。(15分)


1.学习用品:pen pencil schoolbag ruler 2.服装:jacket cap shoes shirt

3.人称代词:we you they he 4.食物:bread rice fish meat

5.家庭成员:brother sister aunt cousin 6.动物:cat dog panda rabbit

7.身体部位:foot nose face hair 8.数词:ten forty three twelve

9.国家名称:China Cananda England Japan 10. 颜色:red yellow brown green



11.knives; has 12. Jane’s; mine 13. going; to go

14. Our; them 15. to visit; doesn’t like


16. old 17. buses 18. cook 19. uncle 20. skirt

Ⅲ. 句型转换.(10分)

1. What’s 2. looks like 3. don’t have

4. They have some boxes. 5. a quarter to ten

IV. 单项选择(15分).

1-5. ACABC 6-10. CAABA 11-15. CBACB

V. 情景交际.(10分)

1-5. CDEAB 6-10. CDEBA

VI. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

1-5. ABBCD 6-10. ABABA


1-5. BCCAB 6-10. ACCBA 11-15. TFFTT

VIII. 书面表达。


Billy is my pen pal. He is twelve years old. He is from the U.S.A. Billy’s father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher. Billy likes pets very much. He has a pet dog at home. Billy’s favorite food is hamburgers.

2. 参考范文:

My name is Kate. I come from the USA. I’m in China with my parents. I like Chinese food very much. I have breakfast at home. I eat bread and porridge for breakfast. I don’t like milk or eggs. At noon, I have no time to go home for lunch, so I have it at school. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, vegetables and meat. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings. I have supper at home with my parents. Sometime we go out to eat our dinner. We usually have fish, meat, fruits. My parents and I like Chinese food very much.





21. The famous writer’s play, ________ in one of my books, was published in 1963.

A. to mention B. mentioned C. to be mentioned D. mentioning

22. As they are retired, the Smiths prefer a house in the country to spend the rest of their life _____ in a large city.

A. in this B. to one C. with that D. about it

23. Like most July days, it was hot. I stepped into __________ tiny ice-cream shop to cool off with _________ chocolate sundae(圣代冰淇淋).

A. the; / B. a; a C. /; the D. the; the

24. ---Excuse me.


---How can I get to the nearest post office?

A. Yes? B. That’s OK. C. How come? D. Pardon?

25. Computer classes must be __________ to every student of all grades, which will make them have a good command of the modern communication and learning tool.

A. accessible B. avoidable C. valuable D. acceptable

26. ---Tony, go to pay for the supper bills.

---Why _________ I? All of you are richer than me!

A. should B. must C. can D. shall

27. Mr Guo told us at the beginning of this term that he _________ born on July 24, 1973.

A. is B. was C. has been D. had been

28. After five hours’ drive, they reached ___________they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of.

A. that B. where C. which D. what

29. Even today, the south is _________ behind the rest of the United States in areas like education and economic development.

A. very B. far C. quite D. much

30. Although only of __________ intelligence, he speaks four languages fluently.

A. average B. middle C. mean D. normal

31. ________ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.

A. Grow B. To grow C. Growing D. Grew

32.---I think we’ve met somewhere before.

---No, _________.

A. it isn’t likely B. it can’t be true

C. I would rather not D. I don’t think I know you

33. ---I hear Faulen has taken up his business in London.

---Really? He has no business _________ and I’m sure he’ll fail.

A. feeling B. idea C. sense D. opinion

34. I have just come in to see if I can be _________ any assistance to them.

A. with B. on C. at D. of

35. It was great of his parents to have made _______to pay for his education.

A. contributions B. sacrifices C. devotions D. costs





第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. How did the man go to the match?

A. On foot B. By car C. By bike

2. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Mother and son B. Teacher and student C. Waitress and customer

3. What does the man think of the cake?

A. It’s delicious B. It’s just so-so C. It’s not fit to eat

4. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. Tom is ill now B. The man is Tom’s brother C. The woman will go to see Tom

5. What has caused the man’s headache?

A. Too little sleep B. Some medicine C. The sun

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.Where is the flat?

A. In the city center B. Near a bus road C. In a park

7. What do we know about the flat?

A. It is on the 5th floor B. It has two bedrooms C. It has a big living room

8. What will the man do first?

A. Move into the flat B. Pay for the flat C. See the flat


9. How many languages can the woman speak fluently?

A. One B. Two C. Three

10. What do we know about the woman?

A. She can write French B. She can’t speak English C. She can speak and write German

11. What does the man think of Japanese?

A. It’s difficult B. It’s very easy C. It’s not worth learning


12. What does the man tell the woman about the museum?

A. It is on King Street B. It is outside the city C. It is really worth visiting

13. Who is the woman?

A. A tourist B. A reporter C. A guide


14. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. On a bus B. In a bank C. In the street

15. Which has should the woman take?

A. No. 8 B. No. 18 C. No. 80

16. Where does the woman take a place?

A. In College Road B. In Bridge Street C. Near the bank


17. Why does the speaker believe football is dangerous?

A. The watches often get hurt

B. Many people get killed in the matches

C. The footballer often get hurt in the matches

18. What does the speaker think of the football fans?

A. They are not polite B. They are brave C. They are mad

19. Why does the speaker think the footballs are rich and famous?

A. They are hard-working

B. They can kick a ball around

C. They are people with special knowledge

20. What do we know about the speaker?

A. He dislikes football B. He hates football fans C. He was once and on football


第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



You know how important your heart is, so it’s no wonder people worry when they hear someone has heart problems.

Heart disease, also called cardiovascular(心血管的) disease, mainly affects older people and means that there are problems with the heart and blood vessels(血管).You might know someone who has cardiovascular disease because more than 60 million Americans have some form of it. This disease includes a variety of problems, including high blood pressure, including high blood pressure, chest pain, heart attacks, and strokes(中风).

What Is Heart Disease?

The heart is the center of the cardiovascular system. Through the body's blood vessels, the heart pumps blood to all of the body's cells. The blood carries oxygen, which the cells need. Cardiovascular disease is a group of problems that occur when the heart and blood vessels aren't working the way they should.

How Do You Get Heart Disease?

Heart disease isn’t contagious(接触传染的)---you can’t catch it like you can the flu or a cold. Instead, certain things increase a person’s chances of getting cardiovascular disease. Doctors call these things risk factors. Some of these risk factors a person can’t do anything about, like being older and having other people in the family who have had the same problems. But people do have control over some risk factors-smoking, having blood pressure, being overwight and not exercising can increase the risk of getting cardiovascular disease.

Can Kids Get Hear Disease?

Kids usually don’t have any symptoms of heart and blood vessel problems. But by starting heart-healthy habits right now, kids can reduce the chance they will ever need to worry about cardiovascular disease.

So what should you do? Don’t smoke, for one. And be sure to eat healthily, exercise, and maintain a healthy weight. You heart and blood vessels will thank you later!

21. Which of the following about heart disease is wrong according to Paragraph2?

A. It is also called cardiovascular disease

B. It merely has a great effect on old people

C. It means suffering problems with the heart and blood vessels

D. Many Americans have the disease in some kinds of forms

22. Many risk factors can be controlled except____________.

A. being overweight B. getting older C. not exercising D. smoking

23. What’s the main purpose of the text?

A. To offer some information to protect our heart

B. To persuade us to live a healthy life

C. To tell us what is heart disease

D. To provide advice on how to treat heart disease


Since the nineteen nineties, education has been required for all South Africans from age seven to fifteen. Last December, the government announced that seventy percent of students passed their final examination to finish high school. In the passage rate was about sixty---three percent. There have been increases each year since then.

Professor Shireen Motala at the University of Johannesburg say access to basic education is nolonger the problem in South Africa. She says most children stay in school until they are about sixteen.The problem now, she says, is that large numbers of them leave without completing high school.Students take an examination known as the matric in grade twelve, their final or “matriculation” year. Professor Motala notes that less than half the children who started school in sat for the matric last year.

Educational researchers also point to another problem. They say South African schools do not produce braries at school. Ninety---two percent of the schools do not have libraries."

Also, education specialists say in many cases, teachers and school principals do not have the skills or training to do their jobs. In other cases, they are simply not doing their duty to provide an education.Professor Motala says a number of teachers were poorly trained during the system of apartheid(种族隔离), or racial separation in South Africa. Apartheid ended in 1994.

Secondly, she says, teachers have been confused by the many educational reform efforts in the last fifteen years. And, finally, she thinks language differences in the classroom have not gotten as much attention as they should.

South Africa's minister of basic education promises a number of improvements.

24. What does the underlined word “passage” mostly mean?

A. Age B. Education C. Article D. Pass

25. What’s the Motala’s attitude towards the basic education for students in South Africa?

A. Confident B. Hopeless C. Negative D. Worried

26. From the passage we know the matric is _________.

A. an examination difficult for students to pass

B. an examination for students in grade twelve

C. the number of student leaving school

D. the number of students taking exams

27. Students in South Africa find it hard to get improve in math and science because _________.

A. they drop out of school without finishing high school

B. teachers don’t have the abilities to teach them

C. most schools can not provide enough equipment

D. there aren’t such subjects in most schools


World leaders arrived at the G20 summit(峰会)in Australia this weekend to help resolve serious globoal crises(危机)---but they stayed for the koalas.

All heads of state at the summit, from the ‘leader of the free world’s President Obama to the ‘Iron Chancellor’ Angela Merkel, proved powerless against the lovely animals.

Even the usually stone---faced Valdimir Putin, was pictured cracking a smile while embracing (拥抱)a koala, who appeared to be trying to escape the Russian president’s iron grip.

President Obama was equally overjoyed to spend some quality time with a koala named ‘Jimbelung’. But Obama’s new furry friend did not seem very much impressed with the US commander-in-chief, and instead focused his attention on the koala in the arms of Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

At one point, the two furry creatures even exchanged a kiss, to the obvious delight of Obama and Abbott.

Meanwhile the ladies of the G20 were also treated to the unique Australian experience and were led by Mr. Abbott’s wife, Margie, through Brisbane’s Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary(保护区) on Saturday.

The G20 leaders’ wives also got chances to hug some koalas and feed some Kangaroos. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s wife Peng Liyuan and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s wife Laureen were among the first ladies who laughed nervously as a couple of large kangaroos walked slowly up to help themselves to the offered food.

But the “Koala diplomacy(外交)” could only carry the western leaders so far.

28. Where can we most probably find this passage?

A. In a magazine B. In a newspaper C. In a science book D. In a travel journal

29. What does the underlined part “Obama’s new furry friend” in Para 4. most probably mean?

A. Angela Merkel B. Putin C. Tony Abbott D. Jimbelung

30. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A. The purpose of the G20 summit is to solve serious global crises

B. Not all heads attending the Summit loved koalas

C. The G20 leaders’ wives didn’t love koalas at all

D. Putin loves smiling from time to time

31. What is the best title for the passage?

A. The G20 Summit B. Leaders Gathered in Australia

C. Koala Diplomacy D. Lovely Koala


Boredom(无聊)is such a large part of day-to-day existence. Perhaps because it’s common in our lives, scientists have been slow to explore it. John Eastwood is one of the first scholars to take an interest.

One of the most common false views is that “only boring people get bored”. Yet as Eastwood set about exploring the reasons for boredom, he found that there are two distinct types of personality that tend to suffer from the feeling of boredom, and neither are particularly dull themselves.

Boredom often goes among people who are constantly looking for new experiences. For these people, the steady path of life just isn’t enough to hold their attention. The second kind of bored people have almost exactly the opposite problem: the world is a fearful place, and so they try not to step outside their comfort zone. While this might offer some comfort, they are not always satisfied with the safety it offers-and boredom results.

Emotions should evolve(进化)for our benefit. “The very fact that boredom is a daily experience suggests it should be doing something useful,” says Heather Lench at Texas A$M University. Feelings like fear help us avoid danger, after all, while sadness might help prevent future mistakes. So, if true, what does boredom achieve?

Reviewing the evidence so far, Lench suspects that it lies behind one of our most important characters-curiosity. Boredom, she says, pushes us to try to seek new goals or explore new ideas which stimulate innovation(激发创新).

Eastwood is less enthusiastic about boredom’s benefits, but admits we should be cautious about looking for an immediate escape. “The feeling is so disgusting that people rush to remove it, he says.” I’m not going to join that war on boredom and come up with a cure, because we need to listen to the emotion and ask what it is trying to tell us to do.

32. What does John Eastwood’s study mainly focus on?

A. Why people get bored B. The benefits of boredom

C. How to deal with boredom D. The types of boredom

33. According to Lench, boredom___________.

A. would help us avoid mistakes B. cannot be cured for the moment

C. might be good for our creativity D. could make us get tired and lose focus

34. What’s Eastwood’ attitude towards finding a cure for boredom?

A. Curious B. Optimistic C. Objective D. Uninterested

35. What message can be concluded from the text?

A. Easier said than done B. Hard work never killed a man

C. Practice makes perfect D. Every coin has two sides



You’d think the human race would have understood sleeping very well by now, but many of us are still sleeping poorly. Part of the problem is that we have wrong information and beliefs about this important health need. Let’s set the facts straight. 36

1. More sleep is better for you.

There could be such a thing as too much sleep. The amount of sleep we need varies by person and also changes as we age. Harvard researchers found that a lot of sleep(9 hours or more) is linked with poor sleep quality. 37 Aim for better sleep

2. 38

Alcohol can help most people fall asleep. However, it also can cause you to wake up more during the night, decreasing your keep sleep quality. Consider drinking non-alcoholic drink before bed instead.

3. If you wake up in the middle of night, lie in bed until you eventually fall back asleep.

39 We all hope to quickly fall back asleep. So we tend to stay in bed hoping it’ll happen tat any minute now. If that doesn’t happen, though, within 15 minutes, most exporters recommend getting out of bed to do something that occupies our bodies and brains without over stimulating(刺激)us. Try not to check the clock either.

4. You can catch up on sleep on weekends.

When we lose sleeping during the week, we accumulate a kind of sleep “debt”. 40 Not so fact. This might actually make you sleepier the next week. Instead of waking up later on the weekends, you’d better go to sleep earlier or perhaps take a nap in the afternoon.

A. Alcohol helps you sleep.

B. Here are some things you might been told about sleeping but aren’t completely true

C. Everyone should get 7-8 hours of sleep per night

D. So don’t aim for more sleep-even on the weekends

E. Waking up in the middle of the night is the annoyance, but it happens to all of us.

F. You’ll have a better day and perhaps sleep better at night

G. Can you pay that debt back by sleeping on Saturday or Sunday?




Dear daughter,

“You’re my favorite person in the whole world “is not something you’re going to hear me say any” more. Not only is it 41 to Daddy, but really won’t go over well with your baby sister, once she’s 42 and learns to talk.

You’re the one who burst my 43 wide open. You taught me what uncontrollable, unlimited, 44 love feels like. You turned me into a mom. And 45 you will no longer be my only child; you will always be my first.

You’re the first one to make me forget myself. You’re the first person I ever said “I love you” to more than 10 times in one day. You’re the first human whose 46 I took. With , I first-time mom 47 , like letting you 48 the bed onto the floor.

Our baby’s coming soon, and while you may not be my 49 child anymore. This 50 gives me the guilts, but, your sister will have some advantages. I can’t imagine she will ever be 51 or lovely for long-with you and your songs, dance moves, costumes, and magic tricks. I can’t 52 to watch you watching her.

You were the one who 53 to surprise me every day. you’re the brave 54 who pulls me by the hand into the future.

So when you’re feeling 55 becauseI’m nursing your sister 56 playing dress-up, or becauseI might use 57 words with you, but not her, or becauseI can’t stop talking about how 58 she I, know that there is more than enough 59 for both of you.

You will always be my 60 .

41. A. unfair B. unsteady C. unhappy D. unsuccessful

42. A. cried B. walked C. born D. found

43. A. heat B. heart C. hurt D. house

44. A. international B. traditional C. conventional D. unconditional

45. A. even as B. even though C. as if D. only if

46. A. measures B. medicine C. temperature D. operation

47. A. progress B. promise C. mistakes D. living

48. A. roll off B. put off C. pay off D. cut off

49. A. simply B. likely C. firstly D. only

50. A. realization B. organization C. modernization D. suggestion

51. A. alone B. puzzled C. drunk D. bored

52. A. see B. wait C. stand D. sit

53. A. forgets B. continues C. costs D. harms

54. A. teacher B. driver C. explorer D. cooker

55. A. excited B. indifferent C. crazy D. annoyed

56. A. instead of B. as far as C. in view of D. out of

57. A. sweet B. still C. strict D. straight

58. A. smart B. ugly C. common D. handsome

59. A. relation B. friendship C. success D. love

60. A. one B. first C. half D. rest





A.have a big dinner B. look out for C.have some fun

D. Be careful E.make a sentence

1、We often _____________with our parents at the Spring Festival.

2、Let’s ________________ first at the party.

3、Can you ___________________with“Happy”.

4、____________________. The floor is wet.

5、You can wait on the pavement and_____________ cars and bikes.


( )1.We must keep________in the library.

A. quiet B. quietly C. quiets

( )2. What will you _________ this summer holiday.

A.do B. does C.did

( )3.---Would you like_______ water?---No,thanks.

A.any B. a C. some

( )4.---________ did you go to the hospital?---I went there by plane.

A.What B. How C. Where

( )5.I have________ eggs and _________ milk every morning.

A.a few, few B.a few, a little C.a little, a few

( )6.There ________some food and some drinks on the table.

A.is B. are C. isn’t

( )7.--- _______Mike sing________?---Yes,he does.

A.Does;well B. Does;good C. Do;well

( )8. It’s time ___________bed.

A. for B.to C. at

( )9.You can’t see ________ in the UK.

A.Uluru B. Tower Bridge C. Stonehenge

( )10.The weather is always_________in Spring.

A.rains B.raining C.rainy

( )11. ________beautiful clothes!

A.How B.What C. What a

( )12.Six years ago,Mike ______ ________ stories.

A.can’t write B.couldn’t write C. Couldn’t wrote


1、Where is your father___________ (clean/cleaning) the car?

2、We must learn to cross the road___________(safe/safely).

3、_________(Dance/Dancing) makes me happy.

4、I want _________(sing/to sing) songs.

5、My friends usually ___________(help/helps)me after school.

6、My little sister likes____________(swim/swiming).


A: When’s the party?

B: It’s on the first of_________.

A: _________ the party?

B: It’s _______ Mike’s house.

A:When’s the party going to_________?

B:At six o’clock.

A:When is it going to _________?

B:At eight o’clock.

A:What will they bring to the party?

B:They will bring some fruit,drinks and snacks.


never tidy World student name well years playing habits sports

I am a primary school_________.My_________ is Zhang Ting. I am 11_________old. I like_________. I like __________ basketball. I want to play in the _________Cup some day.I have some good_________. I do________ at home. I keep my room clean and __________.I ________ go to bed late.



We have a __________ __________.


What __________ the air__________?


--What _________ this_________ mean?--It means we can’t___________ here.


We have a good time on ____________ Day.


--Where _______ you go for the _________?--I’ll __________ ________ to London.


1.I’ll stay in Shanghai for a week.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ will you stay in Shanghai?

2.Tom has a new toy.(改为一般疑问句)

________ Tom _______ a new toy?

3.My father read magazines an hour ago.(改为否定句)

My father________ ________ magazines an hour ago.

4.They give me some presents.(同义句转换)

They_________ some presents _________ me.

5.She bought some balloons last week.(用next week代替last week)

She________ _________ some balloons next week.

6. must,rules, traffic,We,follow,the.(连词成句,1分)




Last Sunday was a sunny day. Liu Tao came to Mike’s home in the morning. They studied English together. They read some funny English stories. At about ten o’clock, they went to Nanshan Park by bus. And they fished there. It was very interesting. They cooked lunch at about 12 o’clock and it was very nice. Then they cleaned the kitchen. They watched TV after lunch. At about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, they played pingpong.

( )1. Mike watched TV ________________.

A. in the morningB. in the afternoon C. in the evening

( )2. Mike and Liu Tao went fishing __________.

A. at home B. in Nanshan Park C. at school

( )3. They went to the park _____________.

A. on foot B. by bus C. by bike

( )4. When did they play table tennis?

A. at about 4 o’clock in the morning

B at noon

C .at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon

( )5. Who cooked lunch? ____________.

A. Mike. B. Mike and Liu Tao. C. Mike’s mother.


Mike:Our city is dirty now.

Helen:Yes. Why does our city become dirty?

Liu Tao:There is so much smoke from cars and the factories.

Mike: I think so.Rubbish makes our city dirty too.

Helen:We should protect our city.

Liu Tao:We can take the bus and the metro to school. We can plant more trees.

Helen:We can also save water and save trees to protect our Earth.

Mike:Don’t use too much plastic.


1.Our city is _______ now,because there is so much________from cars and factories.

2.We can ________________ to school to protect our city.

3.We can also____________________ to protect our Earth.

4.What else can we do(我们还能做什么) to protect our Earth?




Helen is my cousin. She comes from Australia. Helen has________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.To make her dream come true,she will _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

I want to see her dream come true.



一、 选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内(1×5分)

( )1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse

( )2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths

( )3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp

( )4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom

( )5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats


6. How many ____________ (猴子) does the zoo have ?

7. He listens to the teacher as ___________(仔细) as his cousin.

8. The old man lived in a __________(not quiet) street, so he couldn’t sleep well every day.

9. W___________ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day.

10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_________ at 3:00 p.m..

三. 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(1×5分)

11、Look! One of the children __________(swim)in the lake.

12、Lily is much __________(health) than her sister.

13、They _________(fly) to the UK, didn’t they ?

14、Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your body ?

15、Mr. Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isn’the?




找出下列各组划线部分读音不同于其他三个的词, 将其字母标号填入题前括号中,People and work 单元测试。

[ ]1. A. leave B. breakfast C. teach D. speak

[ ]2. A. begin B. get C. then D. spell

[ ]3. A. supper B. lunch C. up D. student

[ ]4. A. late B. wash C. want D. watch

[ ]5. A. early B. by C. every D. frisby



6. 起床 ______________________

7. 在平日 ______________________

8. 吃晚饭 ______________________

9. 到家 ______________________

10. 脱去 ______________________



11. She gets up at 6:30 in the morning. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ ______ she get up in the morning?

12. It's Sunday today. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______ is it today?

13. She's going to the factory. (就划线部分提问)

_______ _______ going?

14. We're having lunch now. (用in the middle of the day 改写原句)

______ ______ lunch in the middle of the day.

15. He does his homework in the evening. (对划线部分提问)

______ ______ he ______ in the evening?



[ ]16. I get up at six thirty ______ weekdays.

A. in B. at C. / D. on

[ ]17. Class ______ at eight every morning.

A. begins B. begin

C. is beginning D. is begin

[ ]18. I'm doing my homework. ______ speak ______ me now.

A. No... to B. Don't... at

C. Don't... to D. No... for

[ ]19. We have ______ in the middle of the day.

A. the lunch B. lunch

C. supper D. breakfast

[ ]20. He's ______ his clothes and going to bed.

A. taking off B. taking on

C. putting on D. putting off

[ ]21. A: ______ is it today?

B: It's Sunday.

A. What day B. What's the day

C. Which day D. What's day

[ ]22. I often ______ at 10 in the evening.

A. get up B. get to school

C. have lunch D. go to bed

[ ]23. A: ______ does your mother go to work?

B: She goes to work by bike.

A. What B. What time

C. How D. Where

[ ]24. I don't want _________________.

A. be late B. to be late

C. to late D. being late

[ ]25. Jim ______ often ______ for class.

A. is... late B. be... late

C. does... late D. be... not late


在下列对话的空白处填入一个恰当的词、词组或句子,使对话完整,正确,英语试题《People and work 单元测试》。

A: It's seven o'clock. 26 up, please, or you are late. 26. __________

B: No, it's 27 . I don't 28 to school today. 27. __________

A: Why? What 29 is it today? 28. __________

B: It's Sunday. And we have no 30 on Sunday. 29. __________

A: Oh, I'm sorry. 30. __________

参 考 答 案

一、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B

二、6. get up 7. on weekdays 8. have supper 9. get home 10. take off

三、11. What time does 12. What day 13. Where's she 14. We have 15. What does... do

四、16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. A 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. A

五、26. Get 27. early 28. go 29. day 30. classes



一、语音知识 5分



1. A. metre B. get C. empty D. exercise [ ]

2. A. truck B. uncle C. busy D. must [ ]

3. A. kind B. climb C. lift D. idea [ ]

4. A. clock B. on C. strong D. most [ ]

5. A. dangerous B. ladder C. late D. cake [ ]

二、单词拼写 5分



6. h__ld A. i B. o C. a [ ]

7. k__l__m__tre A. i...o...e B. i...i...e C. i...e...o [ ]

8. m__r__ A. u...e B. a...e C. o...e [ ]

9. b__s__ A. i...y B. u...y C. u...i [ ]

10. c______ful A. are B. ere C. ire [ ]



11. the third truck __________________________

12. hold the ladder _________________________

13. quite near _____________________________

14. only a few kilometres _____________________

15. (be) hard to reach _______________________

四、完成句子 15分


16. 你们经常在农场劳动吗?

_________ you often _________ on the farm?

17. 李雷的苹果比吉姆多。

Li Lei has __________ apples _________ Jim.

18. 看! 那些孩子们正在上汽车。

Look! Those children ________ ________ on the bus.

19. 我们明天去摘苹果,请不要迟到。

We're going to pick apples tomorrow. Please _________

________ late.

20. 那棵苹果树是所有苹果树中最高的。

That apple tree is ________ ________ of all.



21. The children are working very hard _________ the farm [ ]

A. in B. on C. at D. for

22. There are a lot of apples ________ the tree. [ ]

A. in B. on C. at D. with

23. The students are all _______ here. Let's begin. [ ]

A. / B. at C. in D. on

24. Chen Hua isn't a good student. ________ often late for school。 [ ]

A. She B. He C. He's D. Hers

25. Jim is ________ than Tom. [ ]

A. strong B. very stronger

C. much stronger D. strongest

26. Who's carrying ________ box, Li Ping, Wang Lin or Zhang Hua? [ ]

A. heavy B. heavier

C. heaviest D. the heaviest

27. ________ you very busy this afternoon? [ ]

A. Are B. Have C. Do D. Does

28. Look! She ________ a basket on to the truck. [ ]

A. lift B. lifts

C. lifting D. is lifting

29. Please be ________ when you are climbing up the hill. [ ]

A. care B. cares C. careful D. carefully

30. That tree is too tall. It's hard ________ . [ ]

A. chilmb B. chimbs C. climbing D. to climb



Mrs Green is a good mother. Every morning she gets up very early. Then she cooks 31 for 32 family, dresses the children and goes to work. She works in a shoe factory. It is far from her home. Sometimes Mr Green takes the children 33 school. Sometimes Mrs Green takes them. She comes back home at five thirty in the afternoon. Then she cooks supper. She always does 34 kinds of housework. She goes to bed very late. Mrs Green is a 35 mother.

Notes: dress 给…穿衣服

31. A.supper B. lunch C. breakfast D. meal [ ]

32. A.his B. the C. a D. / [ ]

33. A.to B. for C. in D. at [ ]

34. A.all B. this C. that D. this [ ]

35. A.best B. old C. fine D. busy [ ]


Tom lives in a big city(城市). Today he's very happy(高兴). It's the first day of school. Tom wants to go back to school. He wants to see his friends. He is going to meet his new teachers. Tom gets up early in the morning. He washes and puts on his new clothes. Look! He is having breakfast with his parents. Now he is ready for school(他准备好了去上学).

He goes to school by bike. He meets his friends outside the school gate. They are talking about something. Then the bell rings(铃响了). Everyone runs to his or her classroom.


36. Where does Tom live? [ ]

A. He lives in a small house.

B. He lives in a big city.

C. He lives on a farm.

37. Does Tom want to go back to school? [ ]

A. No, he doesn't. B. Yes, he wants. C. Yes, he does.

38. Who does he want to see? [ ]

A. His friends. B. His brother. C. His father.

39. Who is he having breakfast with? [ ]

A. His father. B. His mother. C. His parents.

40. How does Tom go to school? [ ]

A. He goes to school by bus.

B. He goes to school by bike.

C. He goes to school on foot.


[ ]1. student A. number B. excuse C. put

[ ]2. over A. woman B. home C. today

[ ]3. toilet A. eraser B. student C. next

[ ]4. American A. class B. man C. banana

[ ]5. nice A. licence B. coat C. clock

二、按要求写出下列各词: 20%

1. pencil-box (复数) ____________ 2. there (同音词) _________

3. new (反义词) _______________ 4. it (复数) ______________

5. we (形容词性物主代词) ______ 6. those (单数) ___________

7. we are (缩写) _______________ 8. class (复数) ___________

9. their (人称代词主格) __________ 10. different (反义词) ______

三、词组互译: 20%

1. 他们的书 __________________ 2. 我的英语教师 _________

3. 不用谢 ____________________ 4. 三个盒子 ______________

5. look the same _______________ 6. in the same class _________

7. on duty ____________________ 8. look after ______________

9. new students ________________ 10. sit down _______________

四、完成句子 10%


1. 今天我值日。

I'm ______ ______ today.

2. 这两个双胞胎看起来很像。

The twins look ______ ______.

3. 你在哪个班?

What class ______ you ______?

4. 请把你的书包放在那边。

Please ______ your bag ______ ______.

5. 请这边走。

______ ______, please.

五、单项选择 20%

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案,英语试题《七年级 (上) 9单元测试 (B卷)》。

[ ]1. Who is he?

He's ______ friend, Jim.

A. I B. she C. we D. my

[ ]2. Mother is ______ home.

A. on B. / C. in D. at

[ ]3. Jim and Lucy are ______ Team Three.

A. in B. at C. on D. to

[ ]4. Are Lucy and Lily brothers?

No, ____________________.

A. they are B. they aren't

C. their are D. their aren't

[ ]5. Li Lei is a new student in our class.

We look ______ him.

A. in B. after C. at D. to

[ ]6. The twins are in ______ class.

A. you B. me C. our D. we

[ ]7. You can put ______ bikes over there.

A. your B. them C. they D. you

[ ]8. ______.

Nice to meet you, too.

A. Excuse me B. How are you

C. Nice to meet you D. How do you do

[ ]9. My book is ______ the bag.

A. in B. to C. of D. at

[ ]10. We are in ______.

A. Grade One, Class Four B. Class Four, Grade One

C. One Grade, Four Class D. Four Class, One Grade

六、按要求变换下列各句,每空一词,缩写算一个词。 10%

1. We are American girls. (变单数)

______ ______ American ______.

2. She is a new student (变复数)

______ new ______.

3. We're in Grade One. (变一般疑问句)

______ ______ in Grade One?

4. I'm in Row Five. (就划线部分提问)

______ ______are you in?

5. Those books are over there. (变否定句)

Those books ______ over there.

七、补全对话 10%


A: Look! I 1 a new bag. 1. _____________

B: 2 nice it is! 2. _____________

A: Can I 3 it on your desk? 3. _____________

B: Oh, 4 . 4. _____________

A: Thank you.

B: That's all 5 . 5. _____________






















