九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1 New f

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九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1 New f

篇1:九年级英语教案示例第十五单元 Section B 教学设计

九年级英语教案示例第十五单元 Section B 教学设计

Unit 15  Section B  教学设计 Part one Teaching arms Language goals: 1>Studying important words and phrases. 2>Learning target language . 3>Learning grammar. Ability goals: Review some grammars, for example: Present Progressive;Present Simple;"used to"+infinitive;Passive Voice;Present Perfect. Strategy goals: Direct and learning by oneself Culture and awareness goals: Let students know how to protect nature. Part two; Important point: 1>Important point: words,expression and grammar 2>Difficult point: How to use Passive Voice and Present Prefect correctly. Part three: Teaching way: Computer,studying by listening to tape. Part four: Teaching designing: The first lesson StepⅠ:  Warm-up and Presentation: By computer let students guess these animals’s name,by the way ,let students study new words. StepⅡ:  New lesson showing: Teaching and learning : 1a: point to the picture and ask students to describe what is happening. 2a,2b: let students listening the tapes and answer the question. 3a: studying useful phrases: 1>hear of +n "听说…… Hear from… "收到……的来信" 2>build sth out of "用……修建/建造" =build sth of/from = make sth out of  make sth of/from:  "由……制成" Step Ⅲ:  Practice: Step Ⅳ:  Homework Remember new words and useful phrases The second lesson StepⅠ:  Revision; Teacher show some picture,and let students say the animal’s name. For example :T:  What kind animals can you see in the picture? S:  I can see…… StepⅡ:  Presentation: Selfcheck: 1.Let students read by themselves. 2.Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own. 3.Ask students to make their own sentences with the words,Preferably sentences that are meaningful. 4.Ask a pair of students to model part of the sample dialog adding their own answers. Step Ⅲ:  Pratice. 1.I have ------(听说)Mr Smith, but I have never seen him. 2.His house are------(由……制成)bamboo. 3.Everyone must ------(关心,爱护)the animals because they are friends of us. 4.Some students are ---------(赞成) the race,but some ------(反对) it. 5.Smoking is not allowed in-----(公共场所). Step Ⅳ:  Homework Writing: Let students use “made from” and “used to be” to write a short writing.    

篇2:九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1

九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1

九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1New function presenting作者:思全英语辅导Unit 15 Period 1New function presenting Language goals语言目标


save,gentle,furry,enormous,playful,aggressive,gray,spotted,manatee,cheetah,chimpanzee,kangaroo,mangrove,swamp,habitat,aquatic,feed,underwater,vegetation 2.Key sentences重点句子(P119)

We are trying to save the manatees.

Manatees eat about 100 pounds of food aday.

There used to be alot of manatees.

In 1972,it was discovered that they were endangered.

Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to describe animals.

Emotion&&attitude goals情感和态度目标

Enable the students to protect animals and environment gladly.

Strategy goals策略目标

To understand the target language by reading pictures.

Culture awareness goals文化意识目标

The importance of protecting animals and the environment.

Teaching important points教学重点

Talk about the animals and whether to build zoos.

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step IRevision and Lead-in Ask the students to show th eir work.

T:In the last unit,we've learned to talk about the things that we have done.Now I'll ask you aquestion:Have you ever been to azoo?What kind of animals can you see in it?

S1:In the zoo of our city we can see tigers,lions,elephants,and monkeys.

S2:I can see deer and sheep.

S3:We can see some chickens,birds,camels and horses..

T:Have you ever seen cheetahs,pandas or manatees in our zoos?

Ss:No,we haven't.

T:Do you know why we can't see these animals in our zoos?

Ss:I think they are rare./There aren't any in our country.

T:Some animals can't be seen because they are endangered.So we should protect them.

Show the picture of amanatee.

T:Now look at the picture.This animal is called manatee.It's endangered,too.We can't see it in the zoo,either.OK!Today we'll learn Unit 15.We're trying to save the manatees!

Write down the topic:We're trying to save manatees!

Ask the students to look at the picture and answer the question.

T:We know animals are our best friends.Now look at the picture,please tell me which animal you like best and why you like it.

Show the following picture to the students.

S1:I like pandas best because they are gentle.

Write the word“gentle”on the blackboard and ask for more ideas from other students.

S2:I like tigers best because they are the kings of the animals.

T:We know tigers are very aggressive.

Write the word“aggressive”down on the blackboard.

S3:I like monkeys best because they are clever and they can climb trees very quickly.They are playful.

Write down more useful words on the blackboard.

Step II Brainstorming(1a:P118)

T:Good.When we describe animals,we often use some adjectives,such as enormous,spotted,gray.Now please find out the words that can describe the animals.You can use the adjectives from 1a.

Kangaroos:_ __ Manatees:_ __ Cheetahs:_ __ Polar bears:_ __ Elephants:_ __ Chimpanzees:_ __ Sample answers:

Kangaroos:playful,fast,big Manatees:gentle,shy,enormous Cheetahs:spotted,fast,aggressive Polar bears:aggressive,furry,fat Elephants:enormous,gray,strong Chimpanzees:noisy,furry,ugly Step III Listening and Oral Practice(1b,1c:P118)

T:Next you will hear Ginny and Victor talking about the animals in the picture in 1a.Please listen.For the first time,get the main idea.Keep down the words used to describe the animals while listening.OK?

Play the recording.Then check the answers.

T:We just now heard that manatees are gentle and very shy.I think different people are like different animals to some extent.Different animals have different characters.For example,Jim is like amonkey because he is clever and he can climb trees very quickly.Please talk with your partners about what you are like.First,read the example from 1c in the box please.

Let the students work with their partners.

T:Which pairs would like to act out your dialogues?

Sample dialogue 1:

S1:I am like this animal because Iam strong and live in the forest.

S2:You are like alion.


S2:You are like atiger.

S1:No.Because Idon't eat meat.

S2:You are like an elephant.

S1:Yes.You are right.

Sample dialogue 2:

S1:I'm like this animal because I'm spotted.I like to eat meat and Ican run fast.

S2:You're like atiger.


S2:You are like acheetah.


Sample dialogue 3:

S1:I am like this animal because Iam gentle and very shy.I live in water.

S2:You're like amanatee.

S1:Yes!You are great!

Step IV Listening Practice(2a,2b:P119)

T:OK.We all know that manatees are gentle and very shy.They live in water and like eating vegetables.But do you want to know more about them?First let's look at the picture on page 119.Can you say more about manatees?

Sample answers:

S1:I think they are living in the water.

S2:I believe that they eat aquatic food.

S3:I feel that there aren't many of them.

S4:I know that they live in aplace where trees grow in water.

S5:I think they are endangered.

Ask the students to listen to the recording.

T:Very well.I think your answers are all right.Manatees in the world are fewer and fewer.We should save them.We should take care of the environment that they are living in.Now let's listen to the tape.First listen to the recording and match the words and definitions in 2a.

Play the recording for the first time.

T:Listen again and check your answers.

Play the recording for the second time.Check the answers.

T:You'll hear the same conversation again.This time complete the chart in 2b.Put your answers on the line.

Play the recording again,then check the answers.

Step VPairwork(2c:P119)

T:After listening,we know more about manatees.We know that they are fewer and fewer.The government has passed laws to protect them.They eat alot of food every day.They are enormous.Can you make conversations about the animal in pairs?You can base on the model dialogue in 2c.

A sample dialogue:

S1:How many manatees are there in the US?S2:About 2,500.

S1:Where are they living?

S2:Their favorite habitat is in the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.

S1:Why are they endangered?

S2:Some of the swamps have been polluted.

S1:Do they eat alot?

S2:Yes,they do.


Step VI Grammar(Grammar Focus:P119)

Help the students sum up the following patterns.





现在完成时have/has done

一般过去时被动语态was/were done

现在完成时被动语态have/has been done T:Look at the Grammar Focus box on page 119.Now who'd like to read the sentences to the class?

Ask astudent to read the sentences in the box.

T:Can you make some sentences with the different tenses and passive voice?Please write down your sentences in your exercise books.

Ask the students to do more practicing exercises,such as the following:

Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.

1.Every day my mother _(get)up early.

2.The dinosaur eggs _(discover)many years ago by scientists.

3.Listen!Some children _(sing)an English song over there.

4.In our hometown there used to _(be)many old trees.

5.My work _(not finish)yet.I can't go out to play with you.

Sample answers:

1.gets 2.were discovered 3.are singing 4.be 5.hasn't been finished Step VII Homework T:In this class,we've heard two spoken conversations:in the first conversation,we heard about some adjectives for describing animals;in the second,we heard something about manatees.After class,pleas

篇3:九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1 New f

九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1 New function presenting

Unit 15  Period 1 New function presenting   Language goals语言目标 1. Words && expressions 生词和短语 save, gentle, furry, enormous, playful, aggressive, gray, spotted, manatee, cheetah, chimpanzee, kangaroo, mangrove, swamp, habitat, aquatic, feed, underwater, vegetation 2. Key sentences 重点句子 (P119) We are trying to save the manatees. Manatees eat about 100 pounds of food a day. There used to be a lot of manatees. In 1972, it was discovered that they were endangered. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to describe animals. Emotion && attitude goals 情感和态度目标 Enable the students to protect animals and environment gladly. Strategy goals 策略目标 To understand the target language by reading pictures. Culture awareness goals文化意识目标 The importance of protecting animals and the environment. Teaching important points教学重点 Talk about the animals and whether to build zoos. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式   Step I Revision and Lead- in Ask the students to show their work. T: In the last unit, we’ve learned to talk about the things that we have done. Now I’ll ask you a question: Have you ever been to a zoo? What kind of animals can you see in it? S1: In the zoo of our city we can see tigers, lions, elephants, and monkeys. S2: I can see deer and sheep. S3: We can see some chickens, birds, camels and horses. ... T: Have you ever seen cheetahs, pandas or manatees in our zoos? Ss: No, we haven’t. T: Do you know why we can’t see these animals in our zoos? Ss: I think they are rare. / There aren’t any in our country ... T: Some animals can’t be seen because they are endangered. So we should protect them. Show the picture of a manatee.   15 Period 1 New function presenting TITLE=九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1 New function  T: Now look at the picture. This animal is called manatee. It’s endangered, too. We can’t see it in the zoo, either. OK! Today we’ll learn Unit 15. We’re trying to save the manatees! Write down the topic: We’re trying to save manatees! Ask the students to look at the picture and answer the question. T: We know animals are our best friends. Now look at the picture, please tell me which animal you like best and why you like it.  Show the following picture to the students.  15 Period 1 New function presenting TITLE=九年级英语教案示例第十五单元Unit 15 Period 1 New function  S1: I like pandas best because they are gentle. Write the word “gentle” on the blackboard and ask for more ideas from other students. S2: I like tigers best because they are the kings of the animals. T: We know tigers are very aggressive. Write the word “aggressive” down on the blackboard. S3: I like monkeys best because they are clever and they can climb trees very quickly. They are playful. Write down more useful words on the blackboard. Step II Brainstorming (1a: P118) T: Good. When we describe animals, we often use some adjectives, such as enormous, spotted, gray ... Now please find out the words that can describe the animals. You can use the adjectives from 1a. Kangaroos:  __________ _________ _________ Manatees: __________ _________ _________ Cheetahs: __________ _________ _________ Polar bears:  __________ _________ _________ Elephants: __________ _________ _________ Chimpanzees: __________ _________ _________ Sample answers: Kangaroos: playful, fast, big Manatees: gentle, shy, enormous Cheetahs: spotted, fast, aggressive Polar bears: aggressive, furry, fat Elephants: enormous, gray, strong Chimpanzees: noisy, furry, ugly   Step III  Listening and Oral Practice (1b, 1c: P118) T: Next you will hear Ginny and Victor talking about the animals in the picture in 1a. Please listen. For the first time, get the main idea. Keep down the words used to describe the animals while listening. OK? Play the recording. Then check the answers. T: We just now heard that manatees are gentle and very shy. I think different people are like different animals to some extent. Different animals have different characters. For example, Jim is like a monkey because he is clever and he can climb trees very quickly. Please talk with your partners about what you are like. First, read the example from 1c in the box please. Let the students work with their partners. T: Which pairs would like to act out your dialogues? Sample dialogue 1: S1: I am like this animal because I am strong and live in the forest. S2: You are like a lion. S1: No. S2: You are like a tiger. S1: No. Because I don’t eat meat. S2: You are like an elephant. S1: Yes. You are right. Sample dialogue 2: S1: I’m like this animal because I’m spotted. I like to eat meat and I can run fast. S2: You’re like a tiger. S1: No. S2: You are like a cheetah. S1: Yes. Sample dialogue 3: S1: I am like this animal because I am gentle and very shy. I live in water. S2: You’re like a manatee. S1: Yes! You are great!   Step IV Listening Practice (2a, 2b: P119) T: OK. We all know that manatees are gentle and very shy. They live in water and like eating vegetables. But do you want to know more about them? First let’s look at the picture on page 119. Can you say more about manatees? Sample answers: S1: I think they are living in the water. S2: I believe that they eat aquatic food. S3: I feel that there aren’t many of them. S4: I know that they live in a place where trees grow in water. S5: I think they are endangered. Ask the students to listen to the recording. T: Very well. I think your answers are all right. Manatees in the world are fewer and fewer. We should save them. We should take care of the environment that they are living in. Now let’s listen to the tape. First listen to the recording and match the words and definitions in 2a. Play the recording for the first time. T: Listen again and check your answers. Play the recording for the second time. Check the answers. T: You’ll hear the same conversation again. This time complete the chart in 2b. Put your answers on the line. Play the recording again, then check the answers.   Step V Pairwork (2c: P119) T: After listening, we know more about manatees. We know that they are fewer and fewer. The government has passed laws to protect them. They eat a lot of food every day. They are enormous. Can you make conversations about the animal in pairs? You can base on the model dialogue in 2c. A sample dialogue: S1: How many manatees are there in the US? S2: About 2,500. S1: Where are they living? S2: Their favorite habitat is in the water under the trees in mangrove swamps. S1: Why are they endangered? S2: Some of the swamps have been polluted. S1: Do they eat a lot? S2: Yes, they do. ...   Step VI  Grammar (Grammar Focus: P119) Help the students sum up the following patterns. 时 态 谓语动词的形式 (do) 一般现在时 do / does 一般过去时 did 现在进行时 be (am / is / are) doing 现在完成时 have / has done 一般过去时被动语态 was / were done 现在完成时被动语态 have / has been done   T: Look at the Grammar Focus box on page 119. Now who’d like to read the sentences to the class? Ask a student to read the sentences in the box. T: Can you make some sentences with the different tenses and passive voice? Please write down your sentences in your exercise books. Ask the students to do more practicing exercises, such as the following: Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words. 1. Every day my mother _____(get) up early. 2. The dinosaur eggs _____(discover) many years ago by scientists. 3. Listen! Some children _____(sing) an English song over there. 4. In our hometown there used to _____(be) many old trees. 5. My work _____(not finish) yet. I can’t go out to play with you. Sample answers: 1. gets 2. were discovered 3. are singing 4. be 5. hasn’t been finished   Step VII  Homework T:



一. 教学目的: 基数词的使用和一些日常用语.

二. 教学重点:基数词的使用.

三. 重点难点分析:


基数词在第六单元中已经介绍了1-19, 这里主要介绍20-100的基数词.

A. 十位数的数词, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety中词的拼写是没有规律的, 特别要注意forty这个词.

B. 21-29,31-39…91-99的表达方法是整十位数加个位数,中间用符号 “-”连接.例如:twenty-one

C. 100可以说a hundred, 或one hundred; 200, 300 表达为two hundred, three hundred. 要注意的是不管hundred前是什么数字, hundred 不能用复数,加s.

D. 如果要表示122, 234等这样的数字, 则要注意在hundred 后面用连词and, 如123为one hundred and twenty-three.

E. 基数词只能修饰可数名词, 要注意数词和后面名词在数上的一致. 如:

thirteen boys 十三个男生

2.动词give 的基本用法.

A. give有许多意思,最基本的意思是 “给”.如果表示 “把某物给某人”可以说give sth. to sb. 或give sb. sth. 例如: Please give the watch to Jim.=Please give Jime this watch. 请把这块表给Jim.

B. 这两种表达法结构上有所差异,第二种表达中Jim是间接宾语,前面不能带to.

3.It’s time to go to school. 该上学了.

A. It’s time to do…这一句型表示 “该做…的时候了”.其中it表示时间,不能用别的词来代替, time前不带冠词.

B. 这一句型中的不定式短语很多时候可以用介词for+名词代替. 如:It‘s time for school.也是该上学了的意思.

4.about表示 “大约”

about 表示 “大约”可以用在数词前, 如:

It’s about five o’clock. 大约五点了.

5.from…to 从…到…

可用来表示从每一时间到另一个时间;从一个数字到另一个数字, 从一地点到另一地点. 如: We play football from 4:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon.



A. play可以表示 “做游戏”或 “做些运动” 如:

Let’s play a game of table tennis. 我们打一场乒乓球赛吧.

B. play后面可直接加表示球类的名词, 这样用时,表示球类的名词前面不带任何冠词其它限定词, 这些名词也不用复数形式. 如:

Let’ s go and play football. 我们去踢足球吧.


between表示在两者之间,表示在两个同类物之间可在between后加复数名词, 表示在两个不同物或两点之间咳用between…and….如:

(1) The map if China is between the two windows.


(2) Tom sits between Lucy and Lily.

Tom 坐在Lucy和 Lily之间.

8.take off脱掉

take off 和put on 互为反义词组. 两者都是动词短语,后面要带宾语. 如果宾语是名词可以放在后面,也可以放在两词之间, 如果宾语是代词,则必须放在中间, 不能放在后面. 如:

(1) Take off your coat.= Take your coat off.


(2) He puts on his hat and then takes it off.


四. 练习.

1. 将下列短语译成英语.

A. 睡觉


C. 从一数到十

D. 十五朵鲜花

E. 在大约8点钟

2. 综合选择

(1) Do you think it’s time now?

A. go home B. go to school C. to go here D. to go to the classroom

(2) The picture isn’t . It’s.

A. my, his B. hers, his C. her, mine D. mine, her

(3) This is Mr. Wang’s pen. Please .

A. give it to him B. give him it C. give it him D. give him to it

(4) Let’s go to bed. It’snine thirty.

A. at B. in C. or D. about

(5) That’s not my book. It’s .

A. Jim brother B. Jim’s brother’s C. Jim’s brother D. Jim brother’s

五. 答案

1. A. go to bed

B. take off your shoes= take your shoes off

C. count from one to ten

D. fifteen flowers

E. at about 8 o’clock

2. (1) D (2) B (3) A (4) D (5) B

(1) Do you think it’s time to go to the classroom now?


(2)The picture isn’t hers. It’s his.

这张图不是她的. 它是他的.

(3) This is Mr. Wang’s pen. Please give it to him.


(4) Let’s go to bed. It’s about nine thirty.

我们睡觉吧, 大约九点三十分了.

(5) That’s not my book. It’s Jim’s brother’s.

那不是我的书. 它是Jim的哥哥(弟弟)的.



Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.   课时安排四课时 第一课时:  Section A 1a―2c 第二课时: Section A 3a―4 第三课时: Section B 1a---2c 第四课时: Section B 3a―4 教学目标:1、会表达提供帮助;   2、会正确使用常用动词短语;   3、谈论自己喜欢并愿意从事的志愿者工作。 语言功能:学会掌握表达提供帮助 语言结构:一般将来时、情态动词 语言目标:I’d  like  to  work  outside   I’ll  help  to  clean  up  the  city  parks   You’ll  give  out  of  food  at  a  tood  bank 重点词汇及短语:Put off hand out call up  give away run out of clean up set up take after fix up cheer up give out hunger  sign  repair 教学重点:正确使用常用动词短语 教学难点:掌握并能区别常用动词短语 学习方式:自主、合作学习情感目标:通过谈论自己喜欢并愿意从事的志愿者工作,激发学生对他人、对社会的关爱之情。 课前任务:任务1、了解志愿者工作的性质和种类。任务2、了解本地区志愿者工作开展情况。   单元目标与要求     第一课时 ●○教学内容与分析 ,教学内容:Section A 1a―2c 教学目标: (1) 认知目标: A. Vocabulary : clean up, homeless, cheer up, give out, clean-up, sign, advertisement, put off, set up, establish, think up B. Sentence: 表示意愿:I’d like to… I’ll help …… We need to ….. We are going to ….. 提出建议: You could ….. 能够熟练的运用这些句型,帮助别人和对人提出建议. ●教学重点,难点分析 ,教学重点:基本单词,词汇和句型 ,教学难点:能够运用所学句型,谈论所做的事情. ●,教学设计:   教  学 步 骤 建 议 和 说 明 K热身(Warm-up) Greeting and free talk ,Ask and answer (1),What do you usually do on weekends? (2) What will you do this weekends? S1: … S2….. (3), What do you so to be volunteers? (4), What other ways could you help people? KLead--in Watch a video  By asking: What could you help people?   How do you help them? ,Teach: clean up, hunger, cheer give out, clean-up, sign advertisement, put off, set up, establish, think up KWork on SB Page60 1a. Point to the sentences and read the sentences, explain the language points. ,Write out the sentences you could help people. K Work on SB Page 60,1b. ,Listen to the tape.   建 议 与 说 明 教  学  步 骤   ,Listen again and complete the sentences and check the answers.   让学生掌握所学句型,通过说出类似的句子,激发兴趣. KPairwork 1c   Practice the conversation in the picture above,then have similar conversations using the information in 1b.   KListening   通过听力掌握,巩固重点短语.  A group of students are planning a City Parks Clean-up Day.They are talking about ways to tell people about the Clean-Up Day.   Play the recording .Ss listen carefully. ,Let Ss listen again and fill in the blanks. KPairwork   培养学生说的习惯,并通过小组合作扩展,深入所学内容. Role play the conversation in 2b.    A: We need to come up with a plan.  B:Let’s have lunch first.  A: No, we can put off making a plan.Clean-Up Day id only two weeks from now. Make new conversations in groups. K Task 1.Make a conversation Make a conversation of offering help.Work it in pairs. Share some of their conversations. Task 2.Make a plan for the school sports meeting.Offer help to the students they are going to take part in it. Homework. Revise the new words and sentences. Finish off the Wb.exercises.   Blackboard Design   Unit8  I’ll help clean up the city parks. Period one I’d like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks. You could …. We can’t put off  making a plan. Cheer up set up  think up=come up with     Language points 1,come up with=think up 2,put off 延迟,取消  Don’t put off what we can do today.  今日事,今日毕.  We’ll put off  the sports meeting. 3,set up  建立,创立,开办.   We’re  going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.     引入新课教学,巩固落实所学知识,同时以旧带新,导入新课的教学. 本活动的目标是训练学生听的能力,然后让学生更准确的说出这些句子. 通过图画,呈现新句型,使学生学起来容易掌握. 由平常的问候,自然引入到本单元的话题.同时,为下面内容的引出做铺垫.     第二课时 ●○教学内容与分析 教学内容:  Section A 3a--4 ,教学目标:从阅读材料中获取信息,并能运用这些信息完成任务. ●○,教学重难点: ,本课重点是掌握并进一步巩固第一课时的句型,要求学生能应用他们,在实际情景中运用自如. ,重点词语及句型: major,commitment,elementary.,coach,ceterinarian   What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do?   You could start a Chinese History Club.   I’d like to join the school volunteer project. ●○,课前准备:: ,本课时的教学课件. ,课前发给学生表格,布置学生任务:在表格中写出自己喜爱做的志愿工作和能做的志愿 工作. ●○,教学设计.   教 学 步 骤 建 议 与 说 明 KRevision , Greet the class and check the  homework. ,Ask a pair of students to say their conversation.  S1: To be a volunteer is great.  S2: We need to come up with a plan.  S3: Let’s make a volunteer project for our school. K Lead Cin T: Do you know what kind of work the volunteer do? Collect the  students answers and tell them..Being a volunteer is to help other people.It is a commitment. KReading P62,3a.  Fast  reading   带着悬念和好奇,更能激发学生的阅读欲望,也培养他们在迅速获取所需信息的`能力.. 选取上一课时的材料,作为课堂的切入点.既起到复习巩固作用,又能以旧带新,自然引出新课. 呈现一些图片,让学生体会各种职业. 深化拓展知识,对已学语言目标进行复习.   教 学  步 骤 建 议 与 说 明 What kinds of volunteer work the students do?,Read again and complete the table. ,Finish 3b to check  if  the students have understood the article well. ,Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. ,Get the students to make the report according to the form and some key words. KPairwork 3c. Role play.Take turns being one of the people in 3b.Ask for and give advice. KPairwork 4  Write down three things you like to do. Ask your partner for advice about the kinds of volunteer work you could do. Things I like to do Volunteer work I could do                 K Writing Write down the volunteer work you like to do .  Homework Read 3a and copy new words and phrases. ,Finish some homework in this period.     Blackboard  Design   Unit 8  I’ll help clean up the city parks Being a volunteer is great! What kinds of work the volunteer could do? Why so they like their work? The  three students plan to set up a student volunteer project at  their school. Don’t put it off. To help other people is a commitment.   深化拓展知识,对已学语言目标进行复习. 尽可能的让学生模仿跟读,听地道的英语,模仿表达是自由表达的基础,让学生根据已有信息把3a的内容说出 通过参与和合作等途径,充分掌握已学知识. 培养学生的写作能力.         第三课时 ●○教学内容与分析 教学内容:  Section B  1a―2c ,教学目标:从阅读材料中获取信息,并能运用这些信息完成任务 语言技能:(1) Train the students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language. (2) Train the students to use the new phrasal verbs. 情感目标:Come up with a good idea to help others. It will bring you much enjoyment.. ●○,教学

篇6: 九年级英语教案



本单元以“产品制造”为话题,共设计了四大部分的内容。以“What are the shirts made of?”为主线,围绕着谈论某东西在那制造,原材料是什么等语言功能展开一系列的任务活动,通过第一部分的学习,要求学会有关things和materials等基础词汇,并了解、学会基本句型的应用。教材内容从基本语言知识到语言综合知识的运用,层层递进,以一种循序渐进的生活化的学习程序,引导学生在做事中有目的的学习语言。



1、掌握本课时重点单词和短语be made of 、be made in。










重点词汇通过图片和对话解决。如:chopsticks,coin,blouse,silver, ilk,be made of等。




1、课前任务设置,在课前,我让学生提前预习单词。另一方面铃声响的时候,首先检查学生对第五单元单词的识记情况,让学生看着图片,用“what is it?”等句子问,用新单词回答,在此期间,让学生感知“What are they made of? Where are they made of”的重点句型结构,把单词教学融入句型,培养学生情境中理解记忆单词的能力。

2、为了更好的提高学生观察能力,以任务型教学为理念,让学生有目的的结合重要句型完成Activity 1a的部分。


4、通过单词记忆、听力训练中,学生们对重要句型的初步接触和熟悉,请学生讲解重要短语be made of/be made from/be made into/be made in/be made by/be made up of和重要的语法:被动语态。掌握被动语态的用法和结构。为下一步准确说话做铺垫。





篇7: 九年级英语教案





掌握本单元的基本词汇,学会恰当的使用引导词that ,who


(1)掌握功能句“What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to 。 I love singers who can write their ownmusic。”





(1)本节课的教学重点是学会并掌握先行词为物或者人时,引导词“that ,who ”的使用方法。

(2)“prefer …to…”的用法

(3)掌握有关音乐的.词汇和相关的词组,能够比较流利地描述自己喜欢的音乐,运用功能句 “What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to 。 I love singers who can write their own music。”






自制多媒体课件(PowerPoint);录音机(A tape recorder)



⑴ Warming up

⑵ Discuss: Do you like music? What kind ofmusic do you know?

⑶ There aremany kinds of music such as pop ,jazz, rock…… Let Sstalk about the kinds of music。(多媒体出示)

⑷Let Ss read 1a。 Explain the sentences:

I prefermusic that has great lyrics=I like music that has great lyrics better。

lyrics:the plural form is often used。

Ask Ss topractice in pairs then make up a short passage using the four sentences on thescreen。


Explain attributive clauses。


I love singers who write their ownmusic。

I like music that I can dance to。







Fill inthe blank with who that。

(1)。I have a brother _______likes soccer。

(2)Tom doesn’t like movies_______are too long and too scary。

(3) We prefer groups ________ play loud and energetic songs。

(4) He likes friends_________ often help each other。


(1) Askand answer in pairs:

What kindof music do you like best? Why?

I like popmusic/classical music/jazz music/country music/dance music, etc And tell thereasons。

(2) Listento four pieces of music 。Then practice the conversation in pairs。

(3) Showseveral pictures and introduce their favorite singers ,groups and so on。

(4) Practice in pairs and talk about their favorite kinds ofsongs, singers and groups。

(5) Listenand complete 1b,2a and 2b。



I like singers who write their own music。

I love music that I can dance to。

who / that 在定语从句中做主语的时候,谓语动词的单复数应该与先行词保持一致

I prefershoes that are cool。

I like apizza that is really delicious。

I lovesingers who are beautiful。

I have afriend who plays sports。


Write a composition about the kinds of the friends they likeand dislike。


teaching materials analyzing andrearranging教材分析与重组

1. 教材分析

本单元以i like music that i can dance to为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:

section a

该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕the music that…这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕music进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续就music这一话题展开训练,训练形式为阅读配对(3a)和角色表演(3b);第四模块仍就one’spreferences以pairwork的形式进行讨论,展开口语训练(4)。

section b

该部分有4个模块:第一模块就one’sfavorite展开思维训练;第二模块就两个孩子的对话继续对things onelikes进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续围绕上一话题展开阅读(3a-3b)和写作(3c)训练;第四模块仍就whatwould you prefer to do这一话题以口语训练形式为主展开小组活动(4)。

self check



该部分共设置了3项任务:第一项任务以问题讨论的方式激活学生相关背景知识(section1);第二项任务要求学生运用所供策略完成阅读;第三项任务要求学生通过快速阅读获取信息(section 2, section3);第四项任务通过讨论、写作等形式要求学生进行一次class survey. (section 4)。






vi. teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

period 1 new functionpresenting

language goals 语言目标

1. words & expression_r_rs 生词和短语

prefer, lyrics, gentle, energy, interest, known,sing along with, remind sb. of

2. key sentences 重点句子

i prefer music that has greatlyrics. (p44)

i love music that i can singalong with. (p44)

rosa likes music that’s quietand gentle. (p45)

ability goals 能力目标

enable the ss to talk about different kinds ofmusic and their own preferences.

emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标

enable the ss to enjoy kinds of music.

strategy goals 策略目标

listening for key words.

culture awareness goals文化意识目标

people’s different preferences to different kindsof music.

teaching important points 教学重点

1. 由that 引导的定语从句,其先行词为物。关系代词that 作主语和作宾语两种情况。

i like the music that has great lyrics.

i like the music that i can dance to.

2. 由who 引导的定语从句,其先行词为人。关系代词who 做主语。

i like the musician who writes his own songs,

teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

step i warming-up

play the beautiful, lyric song like do, re, mi inthe movie “the sound of music”. (让学生在轻松、愉快的情境中进入新课)

step ii lead-in and presentation. (呈现歌词并句子)(师生互动,学习探究)

1.the music has great lyrics.

2.the music is loud and energetic.

3.the music isn’t too loud.


1. i like the music that has great lyrics.

2. i like the music that is loud and energetic.

3. i like the music that isn’t too loud.

并说明,that 在从句中做主语。总结:1+1=“1”




step iii listening (1b: p44)

ask the students to listen to the dialogue betweentony and betty

t: now let’s listen to the tape and find what kindof music tony and betty like. look at 1b on p44. tickle the kindsof music that tony and betty like while listening.

ask a student to read the three headings to theclass.

t: first let’s guess what kinds of music they willtalk about by reading the three headings given.

ss: music that one can dance to, that has greatlyrics and that one can sing along with.

play the tape. and then check the answers.


step iv oral practice (1c:p44)

ask the students to talk about the music theylike.

t: as we all know, different people may havedifferent ideas on the same question, and different people may havedifferent preferences. then talk with your partners about the kindsof music you prefer. first, who’d like to read the example in thebox? ok, you two, please.

ask two ss to read the example first.

t: now work with your partners, talking about musicyou prefer with the help of the expression_r_rs here.

show the following.

be awarded prizes, be full of energy, interestsomebody,

known to many people, reminds somebody of, showlove to …

sample dialogue 1:

s1: what kind of music do you like?

s2: i like music that is played by famous bands.what about you?

s1: i prefer music that makes me happy.


step vi summary and homework

t: this period, we’ve learnt how to express ourpreferences to different music. after class, please,

1. listen to the conversations again.

2. try to talk about the kinds of music you likewhy you like or dislike them.




Unit 4 What would you do? Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计) Structures: Second conditional, Should for advice Target language: What would you do if you won a million dollars? I’d give it to medical research. I can’t sleep the night before an exam. What should I do? If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going to bed. Vocabulary: million, charity, pimple, confident, shirt, tie, medical research Learning strategies: Matching, Listening for key words SECTION A Goals ●To learn to use Second conditional and Should for advice ●To listen and talk about imagined life Procedures Warming up by learning about Second conditional and Should for advice The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future. This page will explain how the second conditional is formed, and when to use it. The structure of a second conditional sentence Like a first conditional, a second conditional sentence consists of two clauses, an if clause and a main clause: if clause main clause If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house. If the if clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the if clause comes second, there is no need for a comma: main clause if clause I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars. We use different verb forms in each part of a second conditional: if clause if subject simple past verb* main clause subject would verb 1a Talking about imaginary situations What would you do if you had a lot of money? If I had a lot of money, I would give it to charity. If I had a lot of money, I would buy snacks. If I had a lot of money, I would give it to Hope Project. If I had a lot of money, I would buy books for the poor. 1b Listening and numbering Now you are going to listen and number the pictures 1 to 3 in the order you hear them. Tapescript Girl1: Hey, did you see this newspaper article? An old man had a million dollars. And he gave it to charity. Boy1: Wow, what a nice man! Girl1: What would you do if you had a million dollars? Boy1: If I had a million dollars, I’d give the money to the zoo. I want to help the pandas. Girl1: That’s a gook idea! I know what I’d do. I’d buy a big house for my family. Girl2: Really? I’d put the money in the bank. Then I’d just watch it grow! Boy2: Hmmmm… I think I’d give the money to medical research. I’d want to help other people. Now listen again and write down the sentences with Second conditional and Should for advice 1c Doing pairwork Let’s pretend that we are the people in the picture on page 26. Talk with your partner about what you would do if you had a million dollars. Look. This old man had a million dollars, and he gave it to charity. Wow! What would you do if you won a million dollars? I’d give it to medical research. I’d take a chance to achieve my dream of flying to the moon. If I won a million dollars, I’d stop working and become a professional runner. I’d go to an old people’s home to help them. I’d volunteer at the hospital twice every week. 2a Listening and circling Listen to the tape and circle the reasons in the box on page 27 why Larry is nervous. Tapescript Girl1: Where are you going, Larry? Boy1: To Tom’s party. Girl1: Lucky you! I’d love to go to that party! Boy1: Yeah, well, I’m a little nervous. I don’t know what to wear. Girl1: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. Boy1: And I don’t have a present. What if everyone brings a present? Girl1: If I were you, I’d take a small present―a pen or something. Keep it in your pocket and if everyone has a present, you can give him yours. If not, you can keep it. Boy1: OK. But what if I don’t know anyone? Girl1: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people. Boy1: I guess I can do that. Girl1: Look! You’re sure to have fun. But if you’re still nervous, you can leave. Now listen again and write down all the expressions onto your phrase book. go to that party, a little nervous, wear a shirt and tie, have a present, bring a present, take a small present, keep…in your pocket, know anyone, talk to…, introduce… to …, have fun 2b Listening and checking Listen to the tape again and check on page 27 the four things Larry’s sister says to him. 2c Doing pairwork Xu Linfeng, you are Larry. Men Yating, you are Larry’s sister. Xu is going to talk about his worries and Men is going to give him advice. X: I don’t know what to wear. M: If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. X: I don’t have a present. What if everyone else brings a present? M: If I were you, I’d take a small present―a pen or something. X: What if I don’t know anyone? M: If you don’t know anyone, you can talk to Tom. He’ll introduce you to people. … … 3a Reading and matching Go to page 28. Read the problems in the boxes and match them with the correct advice. And now write down all the expressions into your phrase book. be really shy, enjoy parties, get nervous before big parties, get pimples, look terrible, the night before…, take a big exam, do well, help with…, eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water, take a long walk, go to bed, look friendly, feel shy 3b Thinking and role playing Next you are going to think of different advice for the problems in activity 3a. Role play conversations with your partner. A: I am really shy. I don’t enjoy parties. B: If I were you, I’d go and shout in the street. I’d set up parties and invite all my classmates to come and sing and dance. A: I get nervous before big parties and I get pimples. B: Pimples look good to me. They are not terrible at all. If I were you, the night before the big exam I’d lie in bed counting the cows, the sheep, the cattle and the horses. Then I’d have a nice sleep. If you count as many cows as possible you’d do well in the exam. A: I can’t lose my weight. B: If I were you, I’d eat lots of fruits, drink lots of water and take a long walk before going to bed every evening. 4. Doing group work You are put into pairs and find out each other’s problems at school and at home. Then give each other advice. I really want to go to the mall with my parents, but I don’t have the time. Finish your homework at school and stop going to Sunday classes. You’ll find time that way. I failed the driver’s exam and cannot get my driver’s license. Go practicing driving more often and go over the textbook three more times. You won’t fail next time. My father does not want me to get my ears pierced. If I were you, I’d go to my mother for support. Or you can ask your mother to have her ears pierced first. I have to go to school on foot. I want to take the bus. Going to school on foot is good for your health. Go on going to school, to any places nearby on foot. It save money, too. I like to choose my own clothes, but my mother doesn’t allow me to do that. Wear your school uniforms while you are still a student. Wait till you are a big man and you’d have the right to choose your own clothes. … … Closing down by taking a test on Second conditional Match up the parts of the sentence 1. If I lost my job, a) wed both benefit. b) Id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) youd be more aware of what people really felt. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 2. If I were in your position, a) Id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) Id have a lot of problems getting another one. c) youd be more aware of what people really felt. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 3. If I spoke Japanese as well as you do, a) Id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) Id try to find a job with one of the Japanese banks. c) wed both benefit. d) we wouldnt be so behind technologically. 4. If we spent more on Research and Development, a) Id resign rather than wait to be sacked. b) Id have a lot of problems getting another



Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.   单元整体说明 单元教材分析 本单元围绕“允许做什么、不允许做什么”这一话题,设计了三个任务型活动。任务一:谈论自己想做的事情;任务二: 我可以做什么、不可以做什么。任务三:讨论自己想做什么、自己需要什么样的生活。 单元总体目标 通过本单元的学习让学生学会用不同的句型来谈论应该允许做什么、不允许做什么、同意和不同意。 单元重难点一览 重难点词汇: 1.at that age  2.instead of 3.the other day4.be a good way to do 5.keep sb happy  6.at present 7.the same as8.be proud of 9.give directions  10.way cool= very cool 11.learn from sb 12.agree with 13.disagree with 14.in fact 15.take time to do sth 16.chat with 重难点句式 1.I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. 2.Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs? 3.The young should be proud of their culture. 单元教学建议 采用Concluding,Accumulating,Roleplaying和Comparing的学习策略,利用多媒体课件,来展开课堂Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动和讨论活动来谈论允许做什么和不允许做什么。本单元的教学法建议:词汇教学:情景操练、反复使用;口语教学:师生互动,生生互动、对话练习、交际活动;阅读教学:寻找关键语句、对文中任务和事物发表见解;语法教学:总结规律、比较异同、模仿操练。 单元课时分配 本单元用4课时教学 Section A 部分用 2 课时 Section B,Self Check 部分用 2 课时 Section A 教学课题 Unit 3:Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. (Section A) 学科 英语 授课教师   授课班级 初三九班 授课时间 /4 教学目标 1.知识目标:掌握 agree and disagree 的用法。学会使用 I think ...  I agree ... 和 I dont think ...  I dont agree ... 来表达自己的意见。 2.能力目标:对所学知识的灵活运用及用所学知识解决生活中实际问题的能力。 3.情感目标:培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。 教学分析 1.教材分析:Section A 主要围绕着 agree 和 diagree 这一话题来进行课堂教学和语言实践。Section A 中主要涉及到的语法项目是被动语态,要求学生熟练模仿及操练这一语态的句型转换,为以后的谈论和交际做好铺垫。 2.学生分析:初三的`学生有较丰厚的语言积累和知识储备,他们有较强的求知欲和好奇心,在课堂上他们善于表现自我,乐于积极思考,敢于发表自己的观点,这些个性心理特点都有利于师生在课堂上进行交流。 3.重点及其突出方法:被动语态的讲解:总结规律、比较异同、模仿操练。 4.难点及其突破方法:培养良好的语言表达习惯。发挥教师良好的示范作用,注重教师在课堂教学中对学生无意识的影响。 教学准备 1.多媒体: 多媒体,幻灯片,英语影音资料。 2.其他参考资料。 教学过程 Unit 3: Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(Section A) Step One:   Free talk and discussion. Step Two: 1.at that age 2.instead of 3.the other day 4.be a good way to do 5.keep sb happy 6.at present 7.the same as 8.be proud of Step Three:   Finish 1a/1b. Step Four:   Practice the conversation in activity 2c. Step Five: Make a new conversation in groups according to the one in 2c.Then act it out. Step Six: Make a survey, then show the results to the whole class. Step Seven: Make a summary. Step Eight: Homework: Recite the conversation in 2a. 教学反思 1.如何在英语课堂教学中有效地进行中外文化的渗透? 2.如何培养学生的跨文化意识? 3.教师如何布置个性化的作业? 4.如何解决本套教材大词汇量问题?   Section B and Self check 教学课题 Unit 3:Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.   (Section B and Self check) 学科 英语 授课教师 齐宪波 授课班级 初三九班 授课时间 2005/4 教学目标 4.知识目标:掌握 agree and disagree 的用法。学会使用 I think ... I agree ...和 I dont  think ... I dont agree ... 来表达自己的意见。 5.能力目标:对所学知识的灵活运用及用所学知识解决生活中实际问题的能力。 6.情感目标:培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。 教学分析 5.教材分析:Section B 主要围绕着现代中学生感兴趣的话题来进行课堂教学和语言实践。 6.学生分析:初三的学生有较丰厚的语言积累和知识储备,他们有较强的求知欲和好奇心,在课堂上他们善于表现自我,乐于积极思考,敢于发表自己的观点,这些个性心理特点都有利于师生在课堂上进行交流。 7.重点及其突出方法:被动语态的讲解:总结规律、比较异同、模仿操练。 8.难点及其突破方法:培养良好的语言表达习惯。发挥教师良好的示范作用,注重教师在课堂教学中对学生无意识的影响。 教学准备 3.多媒体: 多媒体,幻灯片,英语影音资料。 4.其他参考资料。 教学过程 Unit 3: Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(Section B and self check) Step One:   Free talk and discussion. Step Two: 1.learn from sb 2.agree with 3.disagree with 4.in fact 5.take time to do sth 6.chat with Step Three:   Finish 1a. Step Four:   Practice the conversation in activity 1b. Step Five:   Make a new conversation in groups according to the one in 2c.Then act it out. Step Six:   Discuss what you are allowed to do and what you arent allowed to do during your stay at school/ home/ library and so on. Step Seven:   Read the text then suggest the questions according to the text. Step Eight:   Discuss what is cool in your mind. Step Nine:   Homework:   Write some sentences about “cool”. 教学反思 1.如何在英语课堂教学中有效地进行中外文化的渗透? 2.如何培养学生的跨文化意识? 3.教师如何布置个性化的作业? 4.如何解决本套教材大词汇量问题?    


教学目标(Teaching Aims)

通过本课教学,使学生初步学会说:什么东西或什么人在什么地方,即人或物所在的位置。并要求学生尽可能在交际场合使用。本课只教学生静态位置的表达。(动态位置以后再学)要学习be动词,介词in, on, near, behind, under以及定冠词the和不定冠词a/an的用法。

词汇学习: 掌握: of, classroom, answer, blackboard, some, schoolbag, flower, find, window

理解: broom, raincoat, cap, Hong Kong, Macao, SAR

语音: /i:/ e /e/ e /k/ k /^ / g /s/ s /z/ s


本课主要学会表达大范围 (Where is Beijing?) 和小范围 (Where is my desk?) 的空间关系。小范围的空间关系,可利用教室里的物品练习句型。老师可不断的变换物品的位置让学生熟悉前面提到的几个介词。



辅音音标的发音不必一步到位。如; /s/, /z/




Where is/ Where’s …?

It is/ It’s on/ in/behind/near/under the…

Where are/ Where’re …?

They are/ They’re on/ in/behind/near/under the…


特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 是动词 + 主语 + 问号

b. 介词in, on, near, behind, under的用法; 可组成介词短语。

介词 + 定冠词 + 名词

如:in the morning, at night, in the desk, on the table, near the door等。

2. 日常交际用语

Look at the picture. What can you see …? I can / can’t see… Can you see …?

Where is /Where’s…? It is / It’s in, behind, near, under the…

Where are /Where’re …? They are / They’re in, behind, near, under the…


classroom, blackboard, schoolbag, raincoat,football 均为合成词。可让学生利用所学过的单词知识,自学这些单词。

学生能自学的词尽量让学生自学,老师可稍加引导,以下单词可迁移,让学生自己读 behind → find room →broom


本课的口语训练应放在空间关系上。并应当贯穿始终。口语训练重要的一环就是正确引入“位置”所谓概念。这与中文有较大的差异。中文说:在… 里,(上,后面,附近)的结构,英文只用一个介词,不同的介词比表达了不同的位置,而且一般要与定冠词the连用。向学生们介绍介词时,多用直观展示,适当用中文。



2.寻找一个非设计空间表达不可的动机。如:寻找一个提问者看不见的东西。 老师上课找不见黑板擦,问一个学生。---- Where’s the brush? ---- It’s under the teacher’s table.老师也可自问自答。尽量从交际出发,减少纯句型练习。







Teacher: Could you help me?

Student: Sure.

T: Go to my office and fetch your notebooks.

S: Where are our notebooks?

T: They are on my table.

S: Where is your table?

T: It’s near the second window.

S: OK.








a. 第一次提到用a/an。

b. 定冠词特指后接单述或复数名词。

可指教室里存在的东西,如:地面、时钟、桌椅等, 大家都知道的物品。

c. 位置介词的用法。

in the bag, under the table, on the desk , on the table等。



可利用本课所提供的内容,Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, SAR, 进行爱国主义教育。



冠词a/an, the的用法

冠词是用在名词前帮助说明所指的人或事物。其分为不定冠词(a, an)和定冠词(the)。


1、指人或事物的某一种类。例如:He is a student..他是学生。

2、指人或某事物,但不具体说明何人或何物。例如;A boy is over there.

3、表示数量“一”的概念。例如:I have a bike, a computer and a small room. 我有一辆自行车、一台电脑和一个小房间。

4、用于某些固定词组中。例如:have a look, have a seat等。


1. 用来特指某些人或某些事物。例如:The books on the desk are our teachers(books被on the desk所限定).桌上的书是我们老师的。

2. 常用在上文提到过的人或事物的名词前。例如:There is a chair in the room. A woman is on the chair. The woman in lilys mother.房间里有一把椅子,一位妇女坐在椅子上,那位妇女是莉莉的妈妈。

3. 用来指说话人双方都知道的人或事物。例如:Where is the teacher?老师在哪儿(双方都知道指的是哪个老师)?

4.在世界上独一无二的事物前。如:the moon

5. 在序数词和形容词最高级前。如:the youngest boy(最年轻的男孩) the first lesson(第一课)

6. 用在乐器类前。如:play the violin(拉小提琴)

7. 用在“姓”前,且“姓”后面加-s,表示“一家人” 如:The Greens are not here

8. 用在一些习惯用语中。例如:in the morning, in the same class等。


1. 在专用名词前。例如: in China; in Grade One等。

2. 名词前已有了做定语用的形容词、某些代词、名词所有格等修饰词语时。例如:this pencil; his knife等。

3. 表示一类人和事物的复数名词前。例如:These are oranges.

4. 在称呼语或头衔的名词前。例如:This is Miss Gao/ Mr. Wang/ Mrs. Liu.

5. 在某些习惯用语中。例如:go home; go to school等。




Key vocabulary: ancient, club, composition, pupil, meeting, call, even

Key structures: That’s news to me!  What’s it about?   Listen up, everyone.

Anyone else?  That’s a fantastic idea listen up


Get to know the wonders of the world


Language points


多媒体,tape 课时 2


Step1 Warming-up and listening

1. Look at some pictures of the wonders of the world.

2. Talk about the picture. You can use the words in the box to help you.

3. Listen and check the words you hear.

Step 2 Listening and reading

1. (Close the books) Listen to the tape carefully.

2. Ask the students to read through the conversation individually.

3. Play the tape and have them read and follow.

4. Act it out.

5. Learn Everyday English

Step 3 Do Exercises

1. Choose the best answer in Activity 4.

2. Listen again and check.

3. Answer the questions in Activity 5.

Step 4 Explain the important and difficult points

Step 5 Pronunciation and speaking

1. Listen to the sentences.

2. Listen and repeat.

3. Say the sentences aloud.

Step 6 Homework

Finish the exercises in the workbook Ex. 1, 2, 3&4


Revise what we learnt last term.

Show the pictures and learn the new words.

Read the key sentences.

Read the dialogue in roles.




1.  本单元中心话题:本单元主要涉及的教学内容是“谈论农事(Talking about the farming)”。

2.  语法内容:形容词和副词的比较级及最高级的运用。

3.  语音:音标/u:/、/u/、/u/的读音规则


1、have to

14、of all

2、get home


3、on the farm


4、not…any more

17、get up

5、use sth. to do sth.

18、like doing sth.

6、in the fields

19、until late at night

7、in the country


8、hear sb. doing sth.

21、leave school

9、agree with

22、go to college

10、listen to

23、like to do sth.

11、like…better than

24、learn more about doing sth.

12、go fishing

25、how to do sth.

13、go skating

26、in town.


1.       Why are you walking so fast? 为什么你走得那么快?

so + adj. or adv.  例如:so quickly, so big, so slowly.

So+ many / much/ few/ little + n.例如:so many students, so much water.

2.       I have to get home to do my work.我必须到家干活。

(1)    have to,不得不,必须。该词组有人称和数的变化。

例如:I have to do my homework.我得做作业 。  She has to wash clothes.她必须洗衣服。

I don’t have to do my homework.我不必做作业 。She doesn’t have to wash clothes.她不必洗衣服。

Do you have to do your homework?你得做家庭作业 吗?Does she have to wash clothes?她得洗衣服吗?

(2)    get home 到家, get to 是到达的意思,此处home 是副词,故省略to。

例如:I often get to school at seven.  Does he get home early? She often gets here early.

3.       Can I come and help you feed the animals?我能来帮你喂动物吗?

help sb. do sth. 帮助某人干某事。此处do sth.是不定式,to 可以省略,也可以不省略。

Can you help me clean the room? 你能帮我打扫房间吗?

I often help them (to) wash clothes.我经常帮助他们洗衣服?

4.       My job is to feed the animals. “to feed the animals”是动词不定式,作表语。

例如:His job is to clean the street.他的工作是扫大街。

Her job is to teach us English. 她的工作是教我们英语。

5.  Comparison of adjectives and adverbs形容词和副词的比较

Tom is good.   Tom是好的。 Jim is better.  Jim更好。  Jack is the best.   Jack最好。

Lucy works hard.   Lucy工作努力。Lily works harder.   Lily工作更努力。

Kate works the hardest.    Kate工作最努力。

Which do you like better, this one or that one ? 这个和那个,你更喜欢哪个?

Which do you like best, the red one, the black one or the white one ?红的,黑的和白的,你最喜欢哪个?

6.       They don’t use animals to do farm work any more.他们不再用牲畜干农活了。

(1) use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事。

例如:We use brooms to clean the room.我们用苕子打扫房间。

They use pens to do their homework. 他们用钢笔做作业 。

(2) not…any more,不再

例如:They don’t go to work any more.他们不再上班了。

7.       In the country, he can hear birds singing and sheep bleating在乡下,他能听到鸟在歌唱,羊在叫。

hear sb. / sth. doing sth.  听到某人( 某物 )在做某事。

例如:I hear them laughing.我听到他们在大声地笑。

Can you hear Tom talking? 你能听到Tom 在讲话吗?

还可以有see / watch / find sb. doing sth. 看到/观看到/发现某人在做某事。

8.       John also likes the country better than the city.  John对农村比对城市更喜欢。

like …better than…对…比对…更喜欢。

例如:I like tomatoes better than pumpkins. 我对西红柿比对南瓜更喜欢。

She likes fish better than meat. 她对鱼比对肉更喜欢。

9.  He thinks the country is more beautiful than the city.他认为农村比城市更美丽。

the country is more beautiful than the city是一个宾语从句,作thinks的宾语。

例如:He thinks their corn is the most delicious.  他以为他们的谷物味道最鲜美。

their corn is the most delicious是宾语从句

John thinks Cody is the best dog of all.约翰认为Cody 是所有狗中最好的狗。

Cody is the best dog of all是宾语从句。

10.   John agrees with Ji Wei. Jone 同意 Ji Wei 的看法。

agree with sb.同意某人的看法. I don’t agree with you.我不同意你的看法。

agree to one’s plan,同意某人的计划。

11.   go fishing 去钓鱼,go skating 去溜冰,go shopping 去买东西,go hunting 去打猎

12.   John thinks Cody is the best dog of all.约翰认为Cody是所有狗中最好的狗。

of all 在所有的中间,常用于含最高级的句子中。

例如:He is the tallest of all.他是所有的中间最高的。

She runs  (the) fastest of all.她是所有的人中跑的最快的。副词的最高级 the 可以省略。

13.   Which do you like better, the city or the country? 城市和农村,你比较喜欢哪个?


再如:Which do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens?狗、猫和鸡,你最喜欢哪些?

14.   She also thinks running in the country is the most interesting thing to do.



例如:She hears walking on the moon is very interesting.她听说,最月球上散步很有趣。

(2) also 也,用再句中;too 也,用再句尾 。

14.“What are you going to do after you leave school?”“I’m going to college”


I’m going to college.中的be going 相当于be going to 结构。类似的有be leaving, be coming 等。

15.   I want to learn how to get the most corn and wheat from each field.


a)         want to do sth. , to do sth.是不定式

He wants to buy a pen.他想买支钢笔。I want to go home.我想回家。

b)        how to do sth.是带有疑问词的不定式。

I don’t know how to drive a car. 我不知道如何开汽车。

He doesn’t how to speak English.他不知道如何讲英语。

We don’t know where to have lunch.我们不知道在哪儿吃午饭?

Unit 4  Lesson 14 教案

Teaching Aims教学目标

Knowledge Aims知识目标:

1.学习单词: grow, wheat, country, hear, bleat, agree with, corn, most, summer, winter, stop

2.学习词组:not…any more, use sth. to do sth. ,in the fields, in the country, hear sb./sth. doing sth.

agree with, listen to, like…better than, go skating, go fishing, of all, like…better, like…best,

3.学习句型:Which do you like better, the city or the country?

I like the country better.

Which do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens?

I like dogs best.

Ability Aims能力目标:

1.  了解美国的农场。

2.  培养学生阅读和理解课文的能力。

3.  学会用英语来比较事物。

Feeling Aims情感目标:

1.  培养学生热爱大自然的情感。

2.  培养学生学习英语的`情感。

Emphasis & Difficulties of Teaching教学重点和难点:

1.use sth. to do sth. 不定式的用法

2.not…any more

3.hear sb./ sth. doing sth.

4.agree with

5.       比较级和最高级的运用

Teaching Steps教学步骤 :

Step 1

Talk about the following questions.

1.       Can you say something about a Chinese farm?

2.       Do you think a Chinese farm and an American farm are the same? Why or why not?

3.       What grows on the farm?


Step 2

Learn some new words: grow, wheat, country, hear, bleat, agree with, corn, most, summer, winter, stop


提醒学生注意:here,副词,这儿, hear, 动词 听见,听到。

Step 3

Listen to the tape and read the passage in Part 2 and tell if the sentences are right or wrong. (Workbook p.90)


Step 4

对“TWO FARMS”进行分析,巩固重点,解决难点。以学生提问、学生回答为主,培养学生发现问题、解决问题的能力。

1. They don’t use animals to do farm work any more.他们不再用牲畜干农活了。

(1) use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事。

例如:We use brooms to clean the room.我们用苕子打扫房间。

They use pens to do their homework. 他们用钢笔做作业 。

(2) not…any more,不再

例如:They don’t go to work any more.他们不再上班了。

2.in the fields在田里,on the farm在农场

3. He thinks the country is more beautiful than the city.他认为农村比城市更美丽。

the country is more beautiful than the city是一个宾语从句,作thinks的宾语。

例如:He thinks their corn is the most delicious.  他以为他们的谷物味道最鲜美。

heir corn is the most delicious是宾语从句

John thinks Cody is the best dog of all.约翰认为Cody是所有狗中最好的狗。

4.In the country, he can hear birds singing and sheep bleating在乡下,他能听到鸟在歌唱,羊在叫。

hear sb. / sth. doing sth.  听到某人在做某事。

例如:I hear them laughing.我听到他们在大声地笑。

Can you hear Tom talking? 你能听到Tom 在讲话吗?

还可以有see / watch / find sb. doing sth. 看到/观看到/发现某人在做某事。

4.       like …better than…对…比对…更喜欢。

5.       例如:I like tomatoes better than pumpkins. 我对西红柿比对南瓜更喜欢。

She likes fish better than meat. 她对鱼比对肉更喜欢。

6.John agrees with Ji Wei. Jone 同意 Ji Wei 的看法。

agree with sb.同意某人的看法. I don’t agree with you.我不同意你的看法。

agree to one’s plan,同意某人的计划。

7.go fishing 去钓鱼,go skating 去溜冰,go shopping 去买东西,go hunting 去打猎

8.John thinks Cody is the best dog of all.约翰认为Cody是所有狗中最好的狗。

of all 在所有的中间,常用于含最高级的句子中。

例如:He is the tallest of all.他是所有的中间最高的。

She runs  (the) fastest of all.她是所有的人中跑的最快的。


Read after the tape. 培养学生的朗读能力。


Learn these sentences:

Which do you like better, the city or the country?

I like the country better.

Which do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens?

I like dogs best.






1.You must          cows in the afternoon.(food)

2.He runs very          . (slow)

3.The book is very           .(interest)

4.She like it          than that one. (good)

5.He is the           of the three. (tall)

6.This bike is the                            of all.(beautiful)


1.We often use this                                         (喂养动物).

2.I                                                   (不再和他讲话了).

3.He doesn’t                                          (同意他们的看法).

4.We                                          (对桔子比对苹果更喜欢).

5.I                                               (在所有的中,最喜欢绵羊).

6.                                        (你较喜欢哪个), the  red one      the green one?

7.                                 (你最喜欢哪个),Chinese, English or math.(数学)?

Step 8    Homework

1.       Read and recite Part Two of Lesson 14

2.       Finish the exercises in the workbook


The Nechlace

I. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标和要求:

1.Topics 话题

1>Talking about drama and theatre

2>Talking about the play The Necklace

2.Function: 交际功能

征求许可(Ask for permission)

Could we/I...? May/Can I...? Shall we...? Is it possible...? Do you mind...?

讨论可能(Talk about possibilities)

It can t be... It could... He might... They must...

3.Vocabulary 重点词汇和短语

dormitory; recognise; surely; diamond; explain; ball; jewellery; franc; continue; lovely; debt; precious; positive; attend; earn; lecture; silly; mosquito; bat; besides; outline; plot; quality

call on; bring back; day and night; pay off; at most; act out


情态动词(3)---must, can/could, may/might

1 能够用英语有把握地猜测某人或某事物现在的情况---must/can t

2 能够用英语不十分有把握地猜测某人或某事物现在的情况---can/may/could/might

II. Difficult points

III. Main teaching aids教具:A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards

Ⅳ. Main teaching methods 教法:

1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.

2. Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.

3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class

V. Teaching procedure:

Period 1第一节


1. Warming up to arouse the students love in talking.

2. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.

3. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.

(二) 整体感知

Step 1 Presentation

Say to the Ss many of you must have heard of some good stories, including fairy tales. Can anyone tell us an interesting one?

(Let the Ss talk about some mysterious stories .look at the pictures and use them to make up a story.)

Today we are going to talk about some mysterious stories. Look at the pictures and use them to make up a story. (Let Ss discuss it first, and then ask them to tell the class and act out their stories.)


Step 2 Warming up

Step 3 Listening comprehension

Now let s have some listening training.

Listen to the short play to the tape. Ask the students to listen carefully and do the exercises of this part in their books.

After listening, let the students discuss the mystery.


Scene 1

John and Mary are in their apartment.

Mary: John, I can't find my necklace and my cellphone.

John: Maybe you just forgot where you put them?

Mary: No, I'm sure they were here on the table.

John: Look at this! There are footprints on the floor.

Mary: Hmm, the footprints look strange. They're so small! Let's follow the footprints and see where they go.

Scene 2

John and Mary follow the mysterious footprints.

John: Aha! The window is open. Someone must have climbed up the tree, gone in through the window, and stolen your cellphone and necklace.

Mary: I think you're right. Oh, and look at this – there is something on the floor here.

John: What is it?

Mary: I'm not sure. It's red and it looks like ... hair! Yes, it is hair. Very thick red hair.

John: This is getting more and more mysterious.

Scene 3

John and Mary have gone into the garden to look for more clues.

Mary: Look, here are more footprints.

John: And what is this? A banana peel.

Mary: A banana peel? What's it doing in our garden? John: I think I know who stole your cellphone and necklace.


Scene 1 1 B 2 A Scene 2 1 D 2 C Scene 3 1 B 2 It's a monkey.

Step 4 Speaking practice

Divide the class into several groups after going though the 3 different situations given in the book. Help each group to choose one and discuss what will happen next.

After the discussion, one student of each group is asked to report their imagined story. Then the whole groups are required to act it out in class.

Model play of The Secret of the Black Tower

NOTE: (Scene 1 should consist of dialogue based on the description in the SB)

Scene 2

NARRATOR: ... The three friends have gone to bed and are trying to fall asleep when suddenly they hear a sound they'd never heard before.

LI RONGll: (raising his head from the pillow) My God! What was that?

ZHANG FEI: Oh, my, what was that indeed?

BAO NAN: Who cares? Get some sleep!

LI RONGll: Huh? Get some sleep? How can you sleep when you know that --

BAO NAN: Know what? That a terrible monster is about to eat us? 11

ZHANG FEI:. Or maybe it's a dragon that will breathe fire on us!

BAO NAN: Or maybe it's an old rat that ran into a wall and hurt itself.

ZHANG FEI: There are rats in this tower? Li Rongji, you told me this tower had no rats?

LI RONGll: Of course, there are no rats.

BAO NAN: Li Rongji is probably right.

LI RONGll: (wearing a big smile) Ah, so you agree it could be a monster.

BAO NAN: I didn't mean that. I mean it's got to be a mouse. Now go back to sleep, silly.

LI RONGll: I am not silly!

NARRATOR: Suddenly they hear the noise again, only this time it is louder.

LI RONGll: Does that sound like a mouse to you? Huh? Huh?

ZHANG FEI: Yeah, mice squeak, they don't roar.

BAO NAN: OK. Then go have a look and find out for yourself.

LI RONGll: What? Are you crazy? I'm not climbing down those stone stairs by myself in the dark. Oh, no!

BAO NAN: Then take Zhang Fei with you. And let me get some sleep.

NARRATOR: After making some plans, they take off their shoes to beat the monster, they climb down the stairs. Just as they are passing a small window in the tower they hear the sound again.

LI RONGll: Oh, my! There it is again!

ZHANG FEI: (looking out the window) Look! A rainstorm!

TOGETHER: And lots of lightning. (They look at each other, feeling ridiculous. For a moment, the lightning stops and it becomes very quiet. )

BAO NAN: Zzzzz….Zzzzz

LI RONGJI: What was that? That noise came from inside this tower.

ZHANG FEI: You're a great detective, Li Rongji. (He yawns.) That's Bao Nan having a good rest.

LI RONGJI: Huh? Get some sleep? How can you sleep when you know that

BAONAN: Know what?


Step 5 Necessary language points

The aim of this class is to foster the abilities of listening and speaking, as well as imagination. If time permits, let one student gives a situation in each group, and the others create a good story accordingly.

Listening and speaking听说要点

1>Each scene will give you a clue that you can use to solve the mystery..

clue [用法]n.[C] (解决疑案、问题等的)线索,迹象,提示[(+to)]

[举例]“Do you know the time of the next train?” “I don t have a clue.”

“您知道下一班火车的时间吗?” “我一无所知。”

The police have no clue to his identity.


mystery [用法]n. 神秘的事物;难以理解的事物;谜[C]]

[联想]mysterious a. 神秘的;不可思议的

2>The black tower is a scary place.

scary [用法]a.1. 引起惊慌的 2. 胆小的;提心吊胆的

[联想]scare vt. 惊吓,使恐惧

scared a. 吃惊的, 吓坏的; 恐惧的

Step 6 Summary小结:

Step 7 Homework

Period 2第二节


1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.

2. Read the reading passage and know about the play.


Step 1 Presentation

Today we come to the Reading. It s about a necklace. The play is based on a French story written by a writer called Maupassant. There are 3 leading characters in the play: Mathilde Loisel, Pierre and Jeanne. We will come to 3 scenes given in the text.


Step 2 Pre-reading discussions

Questions 1-3: answers will vary.

Step 3 Reading

Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.

1. Let’s the students read the first scene of the play as quickly as they can. Try to answer the following questions.

(1) what‘s the matter with Mathilde?

(2) Why didn’t Jeanne recognize her at first?

(3) Why has she been working so hard?

(4) Why did she need to borrow some jewellery?

2. The students are encouraged to find out more about the necklace in scene two. Now, the story goes back to ten years earlier. Some comprehension questions are also given.

(5) Why was Mathilde worried?

(6) What did Pierre suggest?

(7) What did they decide to do?

3. In scene 3, we’ll find out the ending of the story. Read it quickly and find what happened on the way home after the ball.(suggested answer: Mathilde saw the necklace was no longer around her neck.)


(1) She has been working hard for 10 years.

(2) She looks older than her age and she doesn’t look well.

(3) Because of the diamond necklace.

(4) She was invited to a ball at the palace so she needed to borrow some jewelley.

(5) She didn’t have an evening dress or any jewellery to wear.

(6) Pierre suggested borrowing some jewellery from a friend who might lend her some.

(7) Mathilde decided to go and borrow some jewellery from Jeanne.

Step 4 Listening to the reading passage

Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pro- nunciation and intonation. Listen to the tape of the 3 scenes one by one, and make sure the students understand it, dealing with some language points.

Step 5 Post-reading

1. Mathilde returns to the palace where the ball was held to ask about the necklace .ask the students to

make a dialogue between Mathilde and another person in the palace.

2. Ask the students:” how do you think Mathilde felt when Jeanne told her the stone in the necklace

were made of glass, not diamonds?”

Let the students continue the story and write a similar scene.

Answers to Part 1:

1 E 2 C 3 B 4 F 5 A 6 D

Sample story for Part 2:

Scene 4


M: You will never guess whom I met today in the park. P: Oh, was it someone important?

M: Why, yes, you could certainly say that. (Looking at him.) I met Jeanne.

P: No, you don't say?

M: Yes, she was sitting there when I walked by but she didn't know it was me.

P: How could she forget? (He sees his wife putting her hands to her face) Oh, I'm sorry.

M: That's all right. Anyway, we both know I did it to myself.

P: Did what, dear?

M: Made a fool of myself. I simply had to be the loveliest lady at the ball and look what it cost me and you. I'm sorry.

P: Forget it, dear. What's past is past. You mustn't keep blaming yourself.

M: But you don't know the worst part. Oh, I still can't believe it! She told me that the diamond necklace wasn't real.

P: What do you mean? M: It wasn't real. It was only worth a few hundred francs.

P: Oh my goodness! And we worked so hard to pay for that necklace. Our whole life... But at least we did the right thing. We must forget about the past. At least we still have each other.

M: (not listening) And to think she gets to keep the necklace now! (She shakes her head many times)

P: Forget the necklace. It can only bring you as much trouble as the old one.


Step 6 Summary 小结

Step 7 Homework

Period 3第三节


1. Learn about the useful words and expression in the reading text.

2. Learn how to use “had better”, “should” and “ought to” while giving advice.

3. Discuss the answers to all the exercises in the Students’Book.


Step 1 Presentation

In this class we’ll first go through the text and learn to use some language points. And then we’ll discuss the exercises together with each other.


Step 2 Language points in the reading text

1>But I don t think I know you.

[解释]本句包含否定转移现象。一般说来,think, believe, suppose, expect, fancy, imagine

等动词后面宾语从句的否定词要转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。 (更多解释请到语法专栏)

2>But you may not remember me..

may [用法]v.aux.1. (表示可能性)可能,也许

2. (表示许可或请求许可)可以

3. (表示希望、祝愿等)祝,愿

4.may not表示可能不或不可以

[举例]She may be a nurse. 她可能是个护士。

“May I come in?” “Yes, please.” “我可以进来吗?” “请。”

May you succeed! 祝你成功!

3>I would rather not tell you..

would rather [用法]1.would rather+动词原形,表示宁愿做什么

2.否定形式为would rather not do

3.would rather加句子常用虚拟语气形式,从句动词用过去式

4>So I need to borrow some jewellery..

jewellery [用法]珠宝之总称 [联想]jewel [c]

5>And a new dress costs over four hundred francs..

cost [用法]vt.1. 花费 2. 使付出(时间、劳力、代价等),使丧失

[举例]The car cost him around ten thousand US dollars. 这车花去他一万美元左右。

The error cost the company one million pounds. 这错误使公司损失了一百万英镑。

6>Does that matter?

matter [用法]vi. (常用于否定句和疑问句)有关系,要紧

[举例]All these things do not matter now. 所有这一切现在都无关紧要了。

7>She married a man with a lot of money.

marry [用法]见高一上册 unit 2

8>So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery..

call on [用法]拜访某人 [联想]call at 访问某地

9>You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you.

try...on [用法]试穿

10>Well, after all these years we ve at last paid off all our debts

pay off [用法]还清 [联想]pay for 付钱买什么;为什么付出代价

11>It was worth five hundred francs at most.

worth [用法]a.1. 有(...的)价值,值... 2. 值得(做...)

[举例]This necklace is worth 1,000 US dollars. 这条项链值一千美元。

That novel is not worth reading. 那部小说不值得一读。

The exhibition is worth a visit. 这展览值得一看。

[联想]be worthy to be done; be worthy of being done

Step 3 Practice: Vocabulary

1. Let the students do the two exercises in their books. Both of them can help to consolidate their learning of the new words and phrases. Allow them to discuss in pairs.

Answers to Exercise 1:

1 continue 2 ball 3 recognise / recognize 4 diamond 5 jewellery / jewelry

Answers to Exercise 2:

1 payoff 2 any more 4 call on 5 at the most 7 at all

Step 4 Practice: Grammar

2. Grammar talks about possibilities

When you are very sure of something, you use “must” in positive sentences and “can not” or “can’t” in negative sentences.

When you think that something is very possible, you use “can”.

When you think that something is possible, but you are not very sure, you use “could”, “may” or “might”.

Go through the sentences in the book with the whole class.

Answers to Exercise 1:

1 He can't be at home. / He must be out.

2 They must earn a lot of money.

3 They must be poor. / They can't be very rich.

4 He must be terribly busy.

5 It must be very interesting.

Answers to Exercise 2:

1 must / may be 2 can't be 3 must / may be 4 can't be 5 must / may be


Step 5 Summary

Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.

Step 6 Homework

Period 4 第四节

(一) 明确目标

1. Review the language points learnt last period.

2. Do some reading about Snacks.

3. Do some writing to develop the students writing skill.

4. Get students to know the use of the modal verbs: must, can /may /might

(二) 整体感知

Step 1 Presentation

Today we are going to deal with the part “language study”. First, let’s come to “words study”, and then we’ll talk about the grammar.


Step 1 Question the students on some language points

Step 2 Integrating skills

We have learnt how to give advice. Now let’s try to write letters giving advice. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using “had better (not) , ”ought (not) to or should (not) .

Many students like having snacks. Is the habit good or bad? Let s read “Snacks“.

Step 3 Listening to the Passage

Step 4 Reading comprehension

After fast reading, do the following True-or-False exercises.

Answers to comprehension

1 TV shows have plots, that is, they tell stories just like a play. Computer games don't really tell stories but they do have a beginning, middle, and end to their action, like plays and characters.

2 The roles we play in life may be real or fake. We may act the way we truly think and feel or pretend to be someone we are not-just like an actor does. Often the role we play depends on our relationship to others, especially how we feel about them.

3 Shakespeare once wrote, ”All the world's a stage,“ If life is like theatre, then we are all actors on its stage. Some of us have big roles to play while others have small roles. But each role is important to the success of the play, just like in the real life.

4 The task here is for Ss to take one of the two prompts from the reading and create a play around it. One deals with a student who meets an alien on her way to her grandmother's home. The other involves a student who meets a girl on her way to school who looks exactly like her.

Give the students some explanations when necessary.

Step 5 Writing

Now let s have some listening training.

Sample plays:

1 A strange encounter

Cast of characters

Jane, a teenage girl

Jane 2 (”Girl“), Jane's clone

J = lane; G = Girl

(Jane is walking down the street. She is on her way to school and is carrying a book bag. She is smiling and singing a song. Suddenly another Girl comes towards her. Jane looks at her and seems surprised.)

J: (to herself): Hmm, that's strange. That girl looks familiar.

(The Girl comes closer. Both girls stare at each other. They look shocked. After a brief silence, they start speaking at the same time.)

J and G: Oh my! It's me!

J: You look just like me!

G: No, you look like me!

J: I'm Jane. What's your name?

G: My name is Jane 2.

J: We have the same name!

G: No, my name is Jane 2, you know, the number two, not also too.

J: What do you mean?

G: I'm not sure, but I think that you must be my clone.

J: Your what?

G: Your clone. You know, like a twin, or a copy.

J: I didn't know I had a twin.

G: Well, I only found out yesterday. That's why I came here, to find you and try to find the scientists that made me. We must find him!

J: This can't be true! There are no human clones. They must have been lying to you.

G: Think about it. Look at us. We are the same. We must be clones.

J: If you are right, then why didn't my parents tell me about you?

G: They must not have known. But we can't keep it a secret anymore. We must go and tell them at once.

J: OK, let's go. (Girl moves towards exit.) No, wait. I have a better idea. If we are the same, and if nobody knows it, maybe we should try to have some fun before we tell people. Let's go to my school and play a trick on my classmates.

(They laugh and walk off stage.)

2 You must believe me!

Cast of characters

Mary Smith, a teenage girl

Peter Scoles, one of Jane' s classmates

Steven Smith, Mary's father

Angela Smith, Mary's mother

Ploink and Bzoink, aliens from the planet Hummdrumm

M = Mary; J = Jeff; S = Steven; A = Angela

Scene 1

(Mary is sitting at home. She is reading a book. Suddenly a strange red light shines from a corner of the room. There:S- a loud crash and suddenly Jeff is standing in Mary’s room.)

M: Jeff! Where did you come from?

J: (Looks around.) Where am I? Is that you Mary? M: Yes, of course it's me.

J: Quick, tell me what year it is!

M: What do you mean? It's 20O4! What a strange question.

J: ! Thank goodness! Oh, Mary, I'm back!

M: What do you mean ”you're back?“ Where have you been?

J: I've been to the future!

Scene 2

(Jeff and Mary are talking to Steven and Angela, Mary’s parents.)

A: Now, that's a strange story, Jeff. You say you were on your way to your grandmother and then some ...

J: Small green men.

A: Small green men took you to the year...

M: 4089.

S: That's ridiculous, Jeff. Your story can't be true. You must be lying or trying to play a trick on us. You mustn't lie to people, Jeff!

J: I'm not lying, Mr. Smith! It's true. I know it must seem strange, but I am telling you the truth. You must believe me. The people in the future warned me about something terrible that will happen next month. We must stop it from happening!

A: You must understand that it is difficult for us to believe you, Jeff.

J: Please listen to me! Here's what they told me...

(Scene ends. The next scene is set in the future. The aliens are telling Jetf what will happen.)

Scene 3

(The year 4089, aboard an alien spaceship. Ploink and Bzoink are showing Jeff what the Earth looks like in the future. They are wearing speaking devices that translate what they say into English.)

P: Look, Jeff, I know this is difficulty to believe, but you must listen to us. It's for your own good. Look at the earth down there. Do you see any people or animals?

J: No, no... it's all... empty and quiet. And there are no trees or planet. And why is the water black?

B: That's what we are trying to tell you. All life on earth will die unless you start thinking about the environment.

J: Oh my! What happened? How did the earth end up like this? It was such a beautiful planet!

P: Yes, it was. But it's not too late. That's why we have been sent here. You can save the earth!

J: Me? Save the earth? No, that can't be right. I'm just a middle school student. I can't do anything about this.

B: You're wrong, Jeff. There is something you can do, in fact must do if you want to keep the future from looking like this.

J: But what can I do? '

P: It's simple. We have looked at what happened in the past and we know that what you did...

B: Or rather what you didn't do!

P: That's right, what you didn't do caused all this.

J: What, me? How?

P: Next month, there will be a special program about the environment in your school. You and your classmates were asked to take part in a speech competition.

J: Yes, but I'm not going to give a speech ...

B: That's the problem! We have looked at another possible future...

J: What do you mean ”another future“?

P: We can do that. We saw another future where you gave the speech together with your friend Mary. You won the speech competition and were chosen to give: your speech on TV. People listened to your speech and started thinking about the environment. You and f your classmates learned more about the environment, as did students all over the world. Because so many people thought about the environment and made small changes in their life, the earth was saved. Look at this. (They show Jeff another future, where the earth is green and blue again and full of life and happiness.)

J: (With tears in his eyes.) That's beautiful.

P: Now go back and give that speech, Jeff. The future of this planet depends on it.

J: Yes, I must. I will. Let's go!


Step 6 Necessary language points

Today we ve done some listening and speaking, and learn how to give advice and some everyday English used between doctors and patients.

1>I don t like plays that much..

that [用法]ad.【口】那样,那么

2>I act as one of the heroes in the game..

act as [用法]充当;担任

3>Why don t we try writing a play of our own?

try writing [用法]见高一上册 unit 12

4>And Besides, we have to start somewhere if we want to learn how to write plays..


[用法]ad. 此外,而且,加之

[举例]The driver couldn’t see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable.


Besides, I want you to promise me one thing. 此外,我要你答应我一件事。

5>If we work together, we might come up with a very good story.

come up with [用法]见高一上册 unit 3和unit 9

Step 7 Homework

Period 5 第五节


1. Do some listening to improve the students listening ability.

2. Making simple dialogues to train the students speaking ability.


Step 1 Presentation

Today we come to the Workbook and do the listening comprehension and also do some talking practice.


Step 2 Listening comprehension


W: Woman P: Policeman

W: Excuse me, please. I've lost a necklace. I wonder if anyone has brought it in here.

P: When did you lose it?

W: I lost it in the street yesterday when I was on my way home from a party.

P: Are you sure you lost it in the street?

W: Yes, I’m sure. I had it on when I put on my coat to leave the party. When I got home and took my coat off, it was gone. I’ve looked in the hall of my house, but I can’t find it.

P: Right. I’d better write down the information. Then if anyone hands it in, we can return it to you. May I have you name, please?

W: Mrs. Roome. That’s R-double oh-M-E.

P: And the address?

W: 40 Spring Gardens, Knotley. That’s K-N-O-T-L-E-Y.

P: And is there a telephone number?

W: Yes, it's 0993 464392.

P: Where did you lose the necklace?

W: Somewhere between High Street and Spring Gardens.

P: Could you describe the necklace to me?

W: Yes. In the centre there's a large light blue stone, rather like an egg. And on either side there are small round stones and long thin ones; they are light green in colour.

P: Right, Mrs. Roome. If it comes in here, we'll ring you.


Ex. 1: Picture 4

Ex. 2: Mrs Roome 40 Spring Gardens, Knotley 0993 464392 Between High Street and Spring Gardens

Ex. 3: 1 lose 2 sure you lost it 3 May I have your 4 And the 5 is there a telephone

6 Where did you lose the 7 Could you describe the necklace

Step 3 Talking practice

Situation 1

(Mathilde and her husband are sitting at the breakfast table. They both look sad and shocked.)

M = Mathilde H = Husband

M: Oh my! I can't believe I lost the necklace. What are we going to do? (She starts crying.)

H: There, there, don't cry. We'll think of something. Maybe someone has found it.

M: Oh, if only that were true! That necklace is very expensive. We must find it so we can return it.

H: Well, if we don't find it, we'll have to tell your friend that you lost her necklace.

M: That's impossible! I couldn't live knowing that I had lost my friend's necklace. No, if we don't find it, we'll have to buy a new one.

H: How can we buy a necklace like that? We don't have that much money?

M: I don't care what we'll have to do, as long as we return the necklace. (She is getting upset again.)

H: Ok, calm down. I suppose we could try to borrow some money at the bank. Of course, it would take us many years of hard work to pay back the loan.

M: Oh darling, we must! Please help me! We can make it if we both try our best.

H: I know we can. Let's go to the bank tomorrow and see about that loan.

M: Thank you!

Situation 2

(Mathilde returns after talking to her friend. She looks tired. Her husband is sitting in his chair. He is old and tired.)

M: Oh, Pierre! Pierre!

H: What is it?

M: I just talked to the friend whose necklace I lost. You can never guess what she told me!

H: What?

M: The necklace ...

H: Did she discover that we had bought a new one?

M: No. Oh, the necklace I lost, it, it ... it wasn't real!

H: Not real? What do you mean?

M: It was made of glass.

H: Oh my! And we... we worked so hard to pay back that loan. All those years.

M: I was angry at first and I felt so stupid, but now I think we still did the right thing. We may have worked hard and ...

H: At least we did what we had to do.

M: Yes. But, if only...

H: Yes, if only...

Step 4 Sample talking

Step 5 Summary 小结

Step 7 Homework

Period 6 第六节


1. Discuss all the answers to the exercises in the Workbook.

2. Learn to use the grammar knowledge

3. Further develop the students’ writing skills.


Step 1 Presentation

In the class


Step 2 Vocabulary

Answers to Exercise 1:

1 I except / besides 2 except (for) 3 besides

2 I called off 2 called on 3 calls... up

3 I brought back 2 bring about 3 brought up

Answers to Exercise 2:

1 dormitory 2 beautiful 3 precious 4 outline 5 qualities 6 lecture

Answers to Exercise 3:

1 come on 2 call on 3 hold on 4 kept on 5 went on 6 try on 7 turned on 8 put on

Step 3 Grammar

Answers to Exercise 1:

ID 2A 3B 4C

Answers to Exercise 2:

in, to, at, on, for, for, from, at, after, for, as, After, for, When, that, until, of, at

Answers to Exercise 3:

Various answers are possible.

1 I think the tiger must be in the box on the right because the princess doesn't want the young man to many the young woman. OR.. on the left because the princess wants to save the young man's life.

2 I think the tiger can't be in the box on the left because the princess doesn't want the young man to many the young woman. OR .. on the right because the princess doesn't want the young man to die / be eaten by the tiger.

3 I think the princess may wan_ to help the young man marry the beautiful young woman because she doesn't want the young man to die / be eaten by the tiger.

4 I think the princess may not want to see the young man go into the box with the young woman in it because she does not want the man to many the young woman.

Step 4 Integrating skills

We have learnt how to give advice. Now let’s try to write letters giving advice. Here in our textbook there are letters asking for some advice. Read them quickly, then write down four pieces of advice for each of them using ”had better (not) , “ought (not) to or should (not) .

Many students like having snacks. Is the habit good or bad? Let s read “Snacks”.

Step 5 Listening to the Passage

Step 6 Reading comprehension

After fast reading, do the following True-or-False exercises.

1 Various answers are possible. Actors prepare for a performance by learning the lines of the play, but they also need to understand the character they are going to play. They may change the way they look or watch how a person like their character lives. (Students may also answer the question by describing how actors develop their basic skills, as outlined in the reading passage.)

2 I-Paragraph 2; 2-Paragraph 1; 3-Paragraph 5; 4-Paragraph 3; 5-Paragraph 4.

4 Various answers are possible.

Skill On stage In real life

Remember lines Remember what to say Study, take exams

Speak clearly Speak to the audience Give a speech, read poetry

Understanding feelings Playing a character Understanding ourselves and our


Team work (Various answers Act together with other actors Study together, work together

are possible)

Step 7 Sample writng

Dear Fantastic Films,

My name is Song Lin and I am fifteen years old. I live in a town in western China. I read your ad and decided to send you a letter. I have always wanted to be an actor. When I was five years old, I used to sing songs and read poems to my family. In school, I have acted in many plays and I have also taken some classes in acting. Last year, I was given an award by our town for my performance in the play Let's Dance. I think I could be a good actor, because I am interested in people and the way they think. If I can study acting in your school, I am sure that I can learn the things I still need to become _ good actor. Becoming a star is not so important to me, but I would love to spend my life working in the film industry. I want to make films that show people how beautiful life can be and that make people smile and happy. Thank you for giving me this chance, I hope you will choose me as one of the students for your school.

Yours sincerely,

Song Lin


Step 5 Summary

Have we ever tiled to make snacks or seen our mother make snacks. Let’s try to write the recipe for your favorite dish. Before writing, you should read Tips first.

4. Workbook

1>Have you ever dreamed of becoming an actor?

dream of [用法]1. 梦见 2. 梦想;渴望

[举例]I dreamt of seeing her last night. 我昨晚梦见了她。

Many boys dream of becoming pilots. 许多男孩梦想成为飞行员。

2>The first thing an actor must have is the desire to become an act and the belief that he can act well.

desire [用法]见高一上册 unit 11

belief that... [用法]that引导的是同位语从句。高一上册就多次出现,如高一上册 unit 1以及unit 9等。

3>Students are then asked to close their eyes, concentrate on the object...

concentrate [用法]vt.1. 集中;聚集,集结(+on/upon)

vi.1. 集中;聚集,集结 2. 全神贯注;全力以赴(+on/upon)

[举例]We must concentrate our attention on efficiency.


Our population is concentrated in the big cities. 我国人口集中在大城市里。

She couldn’t concentrate on a book very long. 她不能长时间专心读一本书。

4>When Tom Hanks shot the film, he had to lose a lot of weight to look like someone.

shoot [用法]拍摄

[举例]The new movie was shot in Africa. 这部新的影片是在非洲拍摄的。

Step 7 Homework

Period 7 第七节

1. 检查本单元单词、短语及相关句型。

2. 讲评统一布置的课外基础练习。

篇15:九年级英语教案lesson 61

九年级英语教案lesson 61

Lesson 61

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector

Teaching Objectives:

1. Understand the dialogues.

2. Learn some useful expressions.

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check the homework, then let the students act out their dialogues.

III. Leading in

T: Today there is a football match, Did Jim watch the football match? Did Li Lei watch it? Play the tape for the students to find the answer, then check the answers with the whole class.

IV. Presentation

Let the students go through the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook, read the dialogue on P76. Answer these questions, then check the answer.

V. Practice

Play the tape for the students to listen to and repeat, then go through the dialogue. Explain some language points: 1. win - won - won/ winner, 2. beat somebody 3 .win the game/ match 4. think of

Let the students practise the dialogue, then act out the dialogue, then do Exercise 3 in the workbook. The answers are: saw, already, win, team, stronger, beat, thank, told, place, important.

VI. Teaching grammar

Draw this line on the blackboard:



last Sunday

before last Sunday

having a lesson

has (never)seen

watched a match

had (never)seen

Ask the students some questions:

1. What are you doing now? (having a lesson)

2. What did you do last Sunday? (watched a match)

3. Was it a good match? (Yes, a very good one)

4. Had you ever seen a good match before?

No, I had never seen such a good match before.

Yes, I had seen many like that one.

Explain: The Past Perfect Tense shows an action happening before a certain time in the past. Give the students more examples:

A: Li Lei said he had seen it.

B: The train had already left when I got to the station.

C: She had finished her homework by the end of last year.

D: They had never seen such beautiful places before they came to China.

VII. Practice

Look at Exercise 2 in the workbook. Let the students match the two halves to make true sentences, then practise the dialogue with the whole class.

VIII. Summary

Exercises in class

Complete the following sentences after the model.

Model: the bell ring, I, finish, the exercises

When the bell rang, I had finished the exercises.

1. I, come to Jim's home, he, go out for a walk

2. they, get to the station, the train, leave

3. we, reach the farm, the farmers, pick a lot of apples

4. by the end of last month, we, learn about, 1000 English words

5. by 1990, the worlds population, reach five billion

IX. Homework

1. Revise the Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense.

2. Make up four sentences using when, before, after, by. .




Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?



基本词汇:restroom, stamp, bookstore, postcard, pardon, washroom, bathroom, normal, rush, suggest, staff, grape, central, mail, east, fascinating, convenient, mall, clerk, corner, polite, politely, speaker, request, direction, correct, direct, whom, address, underground

基本句型:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?

Sure. There’s a supermarket down the street.

Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?

Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there.

I wonder where we should go next.

Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?

You should try that new ride over there.




3、情感目标: 培养学生尊重他人,对人有礼貌,热爱生活。







Section A 1 (1a-2d)

Step 1 Warming –up


Step 2 Presentation

(1)Guessing game

Show pictures to the whole class, one student explains the places in English and another one who doesn’t look at the blackboard guesses what place it is. For example, one student say: We can save money or exchange money in this place, another one guess it is a bank. Get students to guess the places like bank, post office, bookstore, museum, bathroom, washroom, mall and so on.

(2)Show some stamps to students and present the new sentences:

Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?

Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?

Do you know where I can get some magazines?

Step 3 Practice

1) Match each thing with a place in the picture in 1a.

2) Read the phrases.

___ get some money

___ get some magazines

___ have dinner

___ get a dictionary

___ get some information about the town

___ buy a newspaper

___ buy some stamps

___ get a pair of shoes

Step 4 Listening

Listen and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Step 5 Practice

Make conversations using the information in 1a. Then talk about your own city. For example:

A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?

B: Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street. The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.

A: Thanks. Do you know when the bookstore closes today?

B: It closes at 7:00 p.m. today.

A: Thank you!

B: You’re welcome.

Step 6 Listening

1. Listen and number the directions in the order that you hear them.

2a You will hear some of the directions below. Number the directions in the order you hear them.

___ Go to the bird floor.

___ Turn left.

___ Go to the second floor.

___ Turn right.

___ The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.

___ Go past the bookstore.

2. Listen again. Show how the boy walks to the supermarket. Draw a line in the picture in 2a. Then get one student draw the line on the blackboard.

3. Listen the third time and answer the questions.

1) Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some medicine?

2) Do you know how to go there?

3) OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know when this shopping center closes tonight?

4) OK, thanks a lot.

Step 7 Pairwork

Make conversations about the other places in the picture in 2a.

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps?

B: Yes, there’s a post office in this shopping center.

A: Do you know how to go there?

B: Yes. Go to the third floor and turn right. Then go past the bank. The post office is between museum and library. You should be able to get stamps.

A: OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know …

B: I’m not sure, but you …

A: OK, thanks a lot.

B: You’re welcome.

Step 8 Reading

1. Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.

2. Role – play the conversation.

3. Explain the language pints in 2d.

(1) Go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.

1) until和 till同义为“直到……” ,till多用于口语,until可以放在句首,till则不能放在句首。

2) not...until“直到……才”,表示直到某一时间, 某一行为才发生, 之前该行为并没有发生。

e.g. I did not study English until 9 o'clock last night.

(2) Pardon? Restroom? You already want to rest? But we haven’t even started yet!

1) pardon用作动词,后面既可以跟宾语,也可以跟双宾语;pardon sb. for doing sth.意为“原谅/宽恕某人做某事”

e.g. Can you pardon me for not passing the exam, Mom?

2) 在没有听懂对方的话,请对方重复一 下时也可说 pardon。

e.g. Pardon? I’m sorry I can’t follow you.

(3) I’m excited to try the rides!

excited和 exciting的区别:

1) excited意为“激动的.;兴奋的”,作表语时,主语通常是人;作定语时,常用来修饰人,说明激动的表情。

e.g. All of us were excited when we heard the good news.

The excited child opened his present quickly.

2) exciting意为“激动人心的”,作表语时,主语通常是物;作定语时,常用来修饰物。

e.g. The movie is very exciting.

My father told me an exciting story.

(4) I mean … you know, a washroom or bathroom.


1) 有……的意思,指(多作及物动词),其后可跟名词或代词,也可跟从句。

e.g. What does this word mean?


e.g. Carl really could not do that — it would mean the end of his career.



e.g. I never meant to hurt you.





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