
时间:2023-03-30 07:46:10 观后感 收藏本文 下载本文




Chinese New Year , the biggest celebration of the opportunity of reuniting , lasts for fifteen days and starts on different date in January and February , and the date depends on the lunar calendar . In my memory , the Spring Festival is the sign of the so called Spring Migration and the reunification with family members . As we can see from the first episode of the total film , Chinese people travel a long journey to satisfy their wish through the whole year : staying with their old parents , taking care of their children and sending gifts they bought from other cities... I think it is a great chance for people who worked for a whole year to have a good rest and feel the strong feeling expressed by the hometown people around them.

And one screen impressed me most , some people worked in Guang Dong , they didn't have enough money to travel by planes or trains , they could only use motorcycles. Taking their pieces of luggage , and let the wives seat behind the husbands , they went forward with great strength and vigour . They travelled against the strong wind and heavy rain , and they also travelled against the extremely cold just for their wish of staying with their family during this short time.

And this year was the first time I had taken a train to another city with my parents to meet my grandparents and my uncle in Cheng Du . And this was the first time I had noticed some small people like dust in their work place during this special period . On the train to Cheng Du , there contained a large number of people who worked on the train , they sent message of the next station , some of them clean the train over and over again just because they wanted to build a clean place for all the passengers . As the movie said at the beginning , Chinese people are the specialists in food , the passengers ate a lot during their journey so the cleaners had to collect the rubbish and pack them up in plastic bags . They were unimpressive , but they were conscientious.At last , I have to say , in some foreigners' eyes , the Chinese New Year is special and traditional , for our Chinese people , we need to respect the festival and let the tradition last forever.


The lines touching me most in the book is “My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are goanna get.”

Yes, life is full of uncertainty and puzzle. For someone, they wish to have the power to forecast future. Because they can be well prepare for the opport unities and challen ges and even know the lucky numbers of lottery beforehand. But for me, I don’t want to have such “ability”at all. Life is a mystery and everyone has his own way. I enjoy the surprise of receiving gift from my classmates on my birthday and running into an old friend on the street in another city, etc. There are so many amazing incidents in my life which can’t be happen if I have the power to forecast the future.

To Forrest Gump, who was born with intellectual disturbance and muscle problem in his leg, he never imagined that he could become a famous American football player, a war hero and even a millionaire. Forrest won dignity and respect though his strive and perseverance.I believe I can make a better life for those I love though my own effort. Have a little faith for your life. Let’s enjoy our life everyday with dignity, honesty, braveness and love just like Forrest Gump!


The importance of friendship

After a visit to the “ Electric Power Company,” Big Eye “ Mike decided that he must enter monsters university Scare College to learn scare skills in the future. Now, Mike is 17 years old and has entered monsters university as he wished. One night Mike met a huge monster named Sullivan , who was chasing the mascot of monsters university's rival Institute of Terror Technology. The mascot caused Mike trouble and the two became enemies.

Unluckily, by accident, both of them were expelled from the Scare College by the dean, and Sullivan was expelled from his own society. Then Big Eye decided to take part in monsters university's fearsome “terror game” in order to improve himself. Due to the limitation of rules, Sullivan, his enemy, became his comrades - in - arms. In order to return to the Scare College, Big Eye placed a bet with the second-rate “Scare Team” and the dean that if the competition wins, all the players will return to the Scare College and if they are eliminated, they will leave monsters university completely. Then, in the arena where the experts gathered, Big Eye and Sullivan faced unprecedented challenges side by side.

After watching this movie, I think if Mike didn't have the help of Sullivan, he might never be able to return to Monster University, because he can't pass the competition by himself, and it is because of their cooperation that he can return to Monster University together. This is also the case in our life. Only by cooperating with our friends can we achieve what we could not have achieved. Moreover, sometimes enemies can become friends as long as they open their hearts.


It is a truth universally acknowledged that the power of love is huge. It can help one conquer sorrow, hatred and other negative thoughts and create gorgeous wonders during his life. Moreover, in the long process of history, there is a love that can even change the destiny of a country. Whose love is so powerful?

It is Elizabeth`s—— the Virgin Queen of England. During her forty-five years` ruling, she devoted all herself to England and never married anyone else except England. It was just because of her unmarried life that started the formation of “the sun never sets”. But what caused her to choose to be a lonely woman all the lifetime? What enabled her to change the destiny of England? And from her unusual choice, what can we learn?

Adversities reshaped the character.

Elizabeth had had a miserable childhood and undergone great difficulties before she finally got the throne.

On the one hand, the tragedy made by her father became a lingering shadow in her love world. Her mother, Anne, was sentenced to death due to the fabricated extramarital love affair when she was less than three years old. Besides, among her other five mothers, one divorced, two of them were beheaded, and the other two died of difficult delivery. On the other hand, her destiny turned around the marriage of her father. At one time, she was both her father`s favorite and the successor to the thorne and then, she was ignored to be a deserted bastard after her mother had been executed. All of these, to some extent, threw light on her that there was no dependable man at all and she must be self-reliant.

What`s more, she had even been locked and imprisoned in the London Tower for the reason of the accusation of treason by her half-sister Mary for two months. During this helpless and hopeless period, she became to realize that her tenacious and independent will would ensure that she could overcome any difficulties, no matter how desperate they were. Besides, nothing else would be more important than the throne. When she was in the tower, she helplessly shook her head and murmured to herself, but with no despair; she was so frightened and fragile, even did not know anything to do, but she did not give up.

In all, the affliction suffered in Elizabeth’s experience had greatly contributed to the reshape of her character. How dependent and tenacious she was!

The decision to put the interests of people and country in the first place set the foundation.

Apart from her great spirits of independence and tenacity, Elizabeth`s sense of identity and responsibility drove her to abandon her personal love as well.

In fact, Elizabeth often received offers of marriage. Of these, she made the closet relationship with her childhood friend Robert Dudley. At first, she was still filled with romance and dreams, like other common women. When she was put into the London Tower, she felt so frightened and helpless that she could do nothing except continually trembling there. There was only one person, her Robert Dudley, could give her a little warmth. What`s more, he was so handsome and charming. Thus, there was no reason for her not to fall in love with him. She spent every minute with him and considered him as the source of her strength and courage, heartily hoping this could last for good.


This is a biopic about how King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II, overcame his stuttering problem. Widely considered by all but his father unfit to be king, George is reluctantly thrust unto the throne and into the spotlight after his brother is forced to abdicate. Overshadowed on the global stage by powerful orators like Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini, the King relies on the help of a little-known Australian speech therapist named Lionel Logue to find his voice and courageously lead his people into the most devastating war humanity has ever faced.

This is a powerful, hilarious and deeply moving story, told against the backdrop of a critical juncture in modern history, of the emergence of a deep friendship out of a professional relationship between two men who would otherwise never have socially interacted. The screenplay, written by David Seidler (who also wrote Tucker: The Man and his Dream), is excellent. The dry British wit is hilarious. I was literally slapping my knee during some of the scenes. Tom Hooper (Elizabeth I) does a superb job directing this movie. The buildup to the climactic finale is skillfully executed and prompted the audience to erupt into spontaneous applause. (Apparently, this also happened at the Roy Thomson Hall premiere.) Geoffrey Rush (Elizabeth: The Golden Age) does a fantastic job as Lionel Logue and Colin Firth (A Single Man) is excellent as King George VI.

I saw the second public screening of this movie at the Ryerson Theater during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Tom Hooper was present to introduce the movie. He was joined by Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush after the movie ended for a brief Q&A.

It turns out that David Seidler also had a stuttering problem as a child and drew inspiration from the king's struggle. Early in his career he wanted to write a screenplay about it. He dutifully asked the Queen Mother for permission. She agreed but told him ”not in my lifetime“. Little did he know she would live to be 101 and he would have to wait another 30 years.

Another interesting tidbit we learned was that near the end of the shoot, the crew finally located one of Lionel Logue's grandsons, who just so happened to live about 10 minutes away from the director. They got access to Lionel's diaries and correspondence and managed to incorporate some of it into the script.This movie is an unqualified must see.



Simba,the prince of the animals” kingdom,whose life was not always happy.Simba“s uncle,carried out an evil plan.To save his dear son,the old lion king died.And Simba,with his uncle taking his father”s place,had no other choice but to flee.On his aimless road,he met two new friends,a weasel and a boar.They were hearty.

The friendship between Simba and the other two brought him great courage.Through efforts of himself and help from his friends,Simba finally defeated his uncle and became the king of the animals.

This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only through perseverance can one reach his goal.






The lion king is a description of the Africa prairie animal kingdom life, actually its subject beyond any cultural and national boundaries, which has profound connotation -- and the cycle of life, everything, everything must be in accordance with the laws of nature. It is an inquiry about life, love and warmth of learning. The film is filled with strong music atmosphere, successfully created the nature life style. The lion king , it shows a new world to us, let us experience to love and life of adventure. It also with the color, beautiful music, exaggerated form, humorous and witty language and human action, make Simba, Nana, Mufasa, West between full, Peng Peng, and scar hyenas story by film epic grand scene and express volumes of deductive raises philosophical thinking of the cycle of life and death the wisdom of the ultimate questions, transfer etc.. See when Simba was born, heart full of joy, a life is born, life is a matter of how unbelievable things, accompanied by Simba parents picture of joy, all the lion kingdom animal joy, my heart is full of moved to joy, all the people, all this for the moment cheers. He is so naughty, do not know what all, will make it a lot of troubles. This time, it is the father love and life saving it, just like the night they look up at the stars in the sky, really do not want to recall Mufasa died picture, at that moment, all of the education guiding Mufasa Simba, everything a father, all should be done to children, all it is love and effort, has emerged, in the mind this time, my mind began to change, I suddenly found that the great father, I adore Mufasa, although still very like Simba, but at this time, already deeply appreciate the Mufasa Simba s love for the love, when I moved in a complete mess, also more aware of their love of their parents. When a love for life, is a matter of how great how great things, such Mufasa, have enough qualified to take the world on the respect and worship. Without father, his kingdom was invaded, he was cast out, unable to return to his family, and his family also think Simba has not in the world, this is how the cruel fact, Simba s experience, really makes people feel a kind of helpless bitter. Perhaps, Simba had decadence, once want to not go back to his hometown, once want to be light of heart from care with fluffy and Timon had a happy day, but it is after all Mufasa s son, Mufasa has a noble quality, can be fully reflected in the Simba body comes out, he was brave to defeat the scar, become the lion king, inherited mufasa. So Simba, also have enough qualified to become the new king of the prairie, from Xinhui to that belongs to his own glory peak. Our father is not like this, always in an indirect way of teaching us to grow up. He won t let you feel like a mother, and the father s love to you slowly go experiencing, pondering. And when you most need help, he will proceed without hesitation to stand up, for you. But he will teach you how to face a difficulty, how to face your life. Because he can t always be at your side. Like Mufasa teaches Simba watching the stars in the sky, let he know, when we are not, we will become stars silently looking at you, have a look how you do. To point you in the right direction. This is a father, the greatest love.


Simba,the prince of the animals“ kingdom,whose life was not always happy.Simba”s uncle,carried out an evil plan.To save his dear son,the old lion king died.And Simba,with his uncle taking his father“s place,had no other choice but to flee.On his aimless road,he met two new friends,a weasel and a boar.They were hearty.

The friendship between Simba and the other two brought him great courage.Through efforts of himself and help from his friends,Simba finally defeated his uncle and became the king of the animals.

This film taught me that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that only through perseverance can one reach his goal.





















Culture differences between east and west The film deduces the human world of affection, love, friendship and to social harmony is yearning, meanwhile, desire, because of the difference of culture and cause cross-cultural communication failures also show incisively and vividly.

Chinese struggle to hold onto their American dream after the husband's father comes for a visit from mainland China and gives a simple Chinese Medicine therapy called Gua Sha to his grandson. Da Tong is the father who is trying to integrate his Chinese cultural beliefs into his daily American reality, especially when dealing with his boss and his best friend, who is too quick to believe the worst about Da Tong's treatment of his son, Dennis. Da Tong's failures show his confusion about the differences between his original Chinese culture and his new American home.

Da Tong's love for his son is tested severely when Da Tong tries to balance it against respect for his boss. When Da Tong's son hits his boss' son, Da Tong insists on an apology that seems unnecessary and makes Da Tong look stubborn and uncaring. Da Tong gives his boy a light rap on the head when he refuses to apologize and the boy cries to his mother that the reason he hit his playmate was that the other boy called Da Tong stupid, one of

many examples of doing the wrong thing to protect his family.

Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient's acupuncture/acupressure/massage points. It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture/acupressure/massage. It is a kind of traditional treatment. But in American it becomes a form of abuse means.

The scrapping of the performance of the Chinese people and American people's differences, not only in Sino American laws and moral standards, etc, and conceptions, even touch legal theory, theory of TCM and so on many issues. Reason is that the differences between Chinese and western culture cognition, westerners pay attention to speculative, rational analysis and empirical analysis the synthetically whole again. In the western philosopher opinion, only speculative things is the most real, the most perfect, the best.

However in China the traditional way of thinking is not through inductive reasoning, the interpretation of the deduction, but based on facts. With the existing experience and knowledge of the nature of the objective things, and its regularity, and understand the whole recognized and judgment.

When the foreign culture could not join in the mainstream

culture, it is the additional kind, it is out and it is not accept easily. At last Da tong’s friends through the practice confirmed the word medical feasibility of gua sha and provide the facts. At the same time, it meets the western legal society for the requirements of the evidence. Actually it is a connection of the cultural differences between bridge sections on the transition of the angel,

communicates each other, and connects the world.

Intercultural communication is the most essential requirements to know each other cultural characteristics. Find the

correspondence of cultural differences, from the point of mutual understanding, mutual penetration, and eventual communication will become simple.


zheng xiaolong’s films ”guasha“,in 20xx, starring by liang jiahui and jiang wenli, in the United States as the background environment, Chinese medicine therapy ”gua sha“ as the clue, shows the differences between Chinese and western culture or contradiction, throughout the entire film, that was thinking...

about the culture, The differences of medicine is too difficult for westerners to understand China-guasha-healing.In court, xu datong said the Chinese medicine, lawyers and judges are blankly.In fact, let alone westerners, is Chinese, even if the doctor of traditional Chinese can't good understanding of traditional Chinese medicine theory of Yin and Yang, five elements, main and collateral channels, and when the foreigners?

In fact the film also can make us ponder over what on earth are way out of traditional Chinese medicine?Because of the traditional Chinese medicine a long time, and remember much more special, understanding is also very important, in today's quick buck, want to have decay of traditional Chinese medicine again rejuvenated and word of mouth, won widespread recognition in the world, in particular, is especially difficult and significant!

About friendship, In our life, we will because others with their own relation and more or less convenient.But the boss and friend of xu datong is not so, when he thought that xu datong child abuse, no longer to help defend it.This is an attitude to things not people.He learned from Xu Fu that scrapping is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine therapy, to prove all the way to China, for xu datong a reunited and complete a lot of effort.This friendship is enough to cherish?

About education, When it comes to education, cannot leave the deep-rooted traditional culture concept.For xu datong in the opening ceremony, held a small Dennis and the boss's son had a dry, xu datong wanted him to apologize to the boss's son, Dennis did not accept it, so the small Dennis beat.In the later, xu datong with the boss said, this is for his face, but his boss feel difficult to understand.

About the temper, Court, the children's rights protection center's lawyer, in order to win the lawsuit, any distortions in the classics ”journey to the west“ of the essence of the Monkey King finally angered the xu datong let this matter to the litigation.Here, refer to a net friend's words is that China's fiery calm trap just fell into the United States.

Court, the children's rights protection center's lawyer, in order to win the lawsuit, any distortions in the classics ”journey to the west" of the essence of the Monkey King finally angered the xu datong let this matter to the litigation.Here, refer to a net friend's words is that China's fiery calm trap just fell into the United States.

Here, see xu datong enraged, almost lost his head, our audience will deeply sympathy, and hatred for the lawyer.In real life, anger often useless, it will only make things worse.Anger is a double-edged sword, let love his own people were injured, also let oneself injured;Is to let QinZhe pain, west coast avengers fast.Maybe, a person only good control his anger, very sensible about what has happened, is a real mature attitude.






























