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英 [ɡrɑ:sp] 美 [ɡr?sp]


现在分词: grasping

过去式: grasped

过去分词: grasped


1. He let the ball slip through his grasp and into the net.


2. His hand was taken in a warm, firm grasp.


3. Attlee was extremely intelligent and his grasp of the situation was masterly.


4. I know that you'refloundering around, trying to grasp at any straw.


5. The people in your grasp are not guests, they are hostages.


6. The immensity of the universe is difficult to grasp.


7. The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.


8. She allowed victory to slip from her grasp.


9. They have a good grasp of foreign languages.


10. The hammer slipped out of her grasp.


11. Peace is now within our grasp.


12. The bag was wrenched from her grasp.


13. We have no intuitive grasp of the immensity of time.


14. It's difficult to grasp the sheer enormity of the tragedy.


15. I can't quite grasp the meaning of these figures.


篇2:To grasp “Interest points ”


I. Theory analyze to the way of “interest points”.

II. Using and guiding “interest points”.

2.1 the studying interests of students are limited by their cognition level.

2.2 The studying interests of the students have obvious gradation.

2.3 Giving consideration to interests among the excellent, general and bad students; mastering the teaching difficulty and grasping the common interests.

III. Exploring and creating “interest points”.

3.1 Preparing lessons carefully, finding “interest points” and finding out from point to area.

3.2 Creating “interest points” using various teaching methods.

3.3 Developing “interest points” in teaching course.


Interests have a great effect on the teaching and studying in the middle schools. To most students, if they are interested in a certain subject, they will study it actively and initiatively and they are mostly likely to study this subject well. So, teachers should learn to find out, creat and use students’ “interest points”. In every student, every class, every teaching method and every teaching course lie various interests. That is to say, it offers a great task for us to study and accomplish.

Interest is an active knowledge inclination for people to study objects and a kind of complicated characters quality, which push forward people to seek new knowledge and develop new ability.

Reforming education and teaching idea and carrying out quality education needs class teaching to face the whole students, pay attention to the development of characters and the effect of non-intelligence factors. “Interesting points” teaching method guided by this is a bold trying. Satisfying class effect and teaching quality’s improving have proved it’ energy, meanwhile, open and enlighten our education workers do more benefit research in the English class teaching.

Key words:

interest points 兴趣点;radiation 辐射;communication 交流

To grasp “Interest points ” and improve class teaching

We all know that there is such a saying “Interest is the best teacher.”. Actually strong study interests can improve the activity and initiative of the study of the students and improve class teaching. How can we arouse the interests of studying English of the students then?

I. Theory analyze to the way of “interest points”.

Facing the group students who are different in base, characters, intelligence and ability, it’s difficult for us to improve the teaching quality. However, with strong study interests, the feeling and attention of the students can be in a initiative condition, and the memory, observation and thought of the students can also produce “resonance”, and be better than normal condition. Coordination movements of lots of factors of understanding can make the class teaching come into a good moving course. Common teaching of some areas whose education is very weak, must use the common interests of the students and creative the good class atmosphere.

Every step in the English class teaching, from teaching materials, teaching methods to teaching course, even the time of teaching, weather condition, hide many factors which can be used. And those factors which are convenient for students to carry out teaching and connected to class teaching focal and difficult points, becoming the “interest points”, of this text. They are the more concentrated and strong interest factors, like a poem or song, like the cream parts in a poem or song and like wonderful parts or lens in the film. It is connected to theme thought and reflect artistry works. A good lesson is just to find and use interest materials, make interest factors, and get the art results.

“Interest points” are not teaching focal and difficult points, but can make them stress and dissociation; “interest points” are not a lonely teaching methods, but can make good teaching methods be used smoothly and produce the best effect.

II. Using and guiding “interest points”.

2.1 the studying interests of students are limited by their cognition level.

Tv program “Cartoon world” is for the taste of children, because it complies with the children’s cognition structure and the image general thought characteristic. Practice and the study of psychology prove that the students interests exit the contradictory between “familiar ” and “strange”. It’s possible for these two sides to attract interests, and not to see it because of too “familiar” with the materials. So, grasping “familiar not hate” to the teaching medium needs teachers to pay attention to the perception interest, and get the good effects by screening and processing. For example, when practicing drill, it can attract the students’ studying interest and have a good effect of “Reviewing the old and knowing the knew” by changing new drills to old drilling or changing old drilling to new drills.

2.2 The studying interests of the students have obvious gradation.

Teaching should improve the grades and taste of interests from concrete to abstract, from language appearance to language knowledge judging by the conditions of the students and the teaching materials. Meanwhile, we should pay attention to regular interests which are caused by the materials, which are not connected to teaching and the moving of interests.

2.3 Giving consideration to interests among the excellent, general and bad students; mastering the teaching difficulty and grasping the common interests.

Good teaching can not only make the students interested in knowledge structure and ability aims, but also improve the students’ appreciation to the teaching courses. Between the teachers and the students in the class produce high gradation resonance like creating courses” understanding tacitly between directors and actors. Thus, teaching will not only have a good effect, but also drives the importance of studying, and come into a development of one cycle catching another.

III. Exploring and creating “interest points”.

Finding and using “interest points” well is not only effected by the students, but also depends on improving teachers’ quality and creativity labor. So, well preparing before lessons and forming the teaching thought model of creating “interest points” can make everyday teaching become more practical.

3.1 Preparing lessons carefully, finding “interest points” and finding out from point to area.

This is the original intention of “interest points” thought. Get in touch with the outside knowledge points, ability points by using this central point and spread excitation to “nerve ending” from “interest points”. Because of this “excitation chain”, teaching knowledge and ability training can improve the students’ interests to concerned content and form “interest radiation” net structure. For example, the lesson of “Mid-Autumn Day”, Han Meimei invited Lucy to come to have moon-cakes. Focal points of this lesson are practicing “invitation” communication and grammar knowledge “Comparative degree”. For that, we can set up a structure of teaching thoughts.

1) First, we can show several moon-cakes by projecting apparatus and have a “Ask and Answer Freely”. Then we show moon-cakes with different shapes and sizes by object model, simple pictures or projection and have a discussion. Because the arrangement of the text suits the practical teaching time-Mid-Autumn Day is coming, teacher may warmly “invite” the students to come to the home to have moon-cakes.

2) Then we can bring in communication content of the text naturally. Then we grasp moon-cakes’ characters: big, nice, heavy. And we bring in “comparative degree”, and have drill practices.

The students cast off the tiring grammar practice, and have a good harvest including knowledge, memory and ability training. In a word, the teaching course which takes communication training as the mainline, rounds the “interest point” of “moon-cakes” all the time, and make the concerned grammar practices become more practical and lay stress on the key points.

3.2 Creating “interest points” using various teaching methods.

Teaching methods serve for teaching aim directly and provide valuable interest factor for class teaching. Various aids to object teaching in English class (eg. Recorder, projecting apparatus, wall pictures…) and beautiful, smooth writing on the blackboard both can provide a “interest points”. Once it is connected with teaching aims and is used freely, it can become a “Key stone”, and students’ interest can turn to teaching aims from teaching methods. For example, we can broadcast the record of the two students’ English dialogue and have a listening practice about it, we can also compare it with standard record, and spread teaching from phonetics, intonation and scene communication. Students are familiar with the classmates’ voice and must get good teaching effect with the teacher’s correct guide.

3.3 Developing “interest points” in teaching course.

1) We can say that teaching materials and methods show “Still condition” interest, but teaching courses shoe “moving condition” interest. Teachers can show “interest points” by using teaching rhythm, training ways, teaching program’s change and combine. Foe example, English normal training is carried out as the model of “mechanical practice, meaning practice and communication practice”. To arouse students’ interests and avoid the minus effect of ossified teaching methods. We take an opposite way. For example, in the lesson of “Find the right place” (unit 9, Book II), after learning “Is there a post office here?” Communication language, we can arouse students to imagine hoe to answer when the distance is very long and need to take a bus. After teacher’s instruction, free answers to questions may appear these wrong sentences: “What bus do I take? Which bus shall I take? How can I get there?” even “ What bus do I sit?” For that the teacher tell the right communication language: “ Which number do I need? You’d better take No. 8 bus” or “ I think you need N0. 7 bus” and so on.

The teacher need to add necessary meaning and mechanical practice according students’ skilled level.

2) Students aim at finishing communication program and are also very active in mechanical practice and prepare for more skilled communication. Thus, teachers provides scenes and design communication materials, meanwhile, students have written and oral practice, find difficulty and communication abstract. At that time, teachers arouse and help to solve the problems and infiltrate the focal content of the text.

3) This course is a very typical of teaching course. If the teacher can control some chance factors in the class (eg. Weather changes, students’ expressions, conditions…) and connect teaching content, he must get unexpected harvest. This will also reflect deep charms of language teaching.

Surely, students’ studying interests are affected by various factors. Grasping “interesting points” to carry out teaching needs teachers, students and teaching tools to use subjective and objective factors effectively, to find out a best point of contact and attract central radiation result. It’s not difficult to find out a “interest point” in each class. No matter it’s a compendious induction explanation, truly reading or humorous simple pictures, each class will be full of energy because of the connective with the teaching aim. Creating and using “interesting points” in a good lesson will have an effect which adds a word or two to enlarge the point.

Reforming education and teaching idea and carrying out quality education needs class teaching to face the whole students, pay attention to the development of characters and the effect of non-intelligence factors. “Interesting points” teaching method guided by this is a bold trying. Satisfying class effect and teaching quality’s improving have proved it’ energy, meanwhile, open and enlighten our education workers do more benefit research in the English class teaching.


1. abstract 摘要 2. interest points 兴趣点 3. factors 因素 4. graduation resonance 共鸣

5.quality 质量 6.radiation 辐射 7.comparative degree 比较级 8.projecting apparatus 投影仪

9. communication 交际 10. mechanical practice 机械练习


1.“English teaching methods”

Hu Chundong Further education publishing house 1994.9

2. “Foreign languages’ Teaching and research”

Tian Jingpong the publishing house of Jinan .8


She dashed in from the garden.


Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time.


I must dash, I'm late.


He cut quite a dash in his uniform.


The rug adds a dash of colour to the room.


The boy dashed out into the road.


I dashed off a note to my brother.




Its brain is small in relation to its body.


The mind needs exercise as well as the body.


In her body a new life was taking form.


The body was cold and showed no signs of life.


The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body.




vt. 离开;遗弃;忘了带;交托

vt.& vi. 离去;出发;舍弃;

n. 准假;假期;辞别;许可




You'd better leave your address and telephone number.

你最好留下你的地址和电话号码。 Bettertakeoffyourshoesandleavethemoutside.


I left my key in the readingroom.


二、 表示“留给”、“交给”,一般与介词with或to搭配。如:

Leave it with / to me and I'll see what I can do.


He has left a number of books with / to me.


We didn't find him and left word (或a message) with his neighbours. ??我们没找到他,于是就托他的邻居留了个条。(不用to,因为便条还要交给别人) ??

注意: leave sth with sb, 表示“暂存”,以后还要取回。leave sth to sb, 表示以后不再索还。

三、 leave作使役动词,表示“使/ 让……保持某种状态”。

① 用形容词作宾语补足语

Leave the door open when you go out.


His illness left him very weak.


② 用不定式作宾语补足语

Leave him to do it himself.


They killed the bison, cut off the skins and left the bodies to rot. ?他们把野牛杀死剥皮,尸体就任其腐烂。

What we've done leaves much to be desired.


③ 用现在分词作宾语补足语

They walked off and left me sitting there alone.


He went out, leaving his papers lying open on the desk.


④ 用过去分词作宾语补足语

Did you leave the doors and windows properly fastened?


He left a few questions unanswered.


⑤ 还可用名词、介词短语等作宾语补足语

His parents both died last year, leaving him an orphan. ??他父母去年双双去世,留下他成为一个孤儿。

He left his schoolbag on the playground. 他把书包丢在操场上了。

四、 leave的过去分词left,常用作后置定语,表示“剩下的”。如:

I've got two tickets left for tonight's film.


Is there any water left in the bottle?


五、 leave还可作名词,表示“休假”、“假期”。如:

I have 3 weeks'leave.


My best friend, Joan is spending her leave in Beijing.


He asked his teacher for sick leave.



leave for

动身去..., 前往..., 到...去

leave out

忽略, 不考虑;漏掉, 遗漏

leave it at that

别再说了, 到此为止, 就这样算了

leave it out

(让人停止做某事)行啦, 就这样吧

take leave of your senses

丧失理智, 发疯

without a by your leave

擅自;未经许可;粗鲁地, 无礼地

without so much as a by your leave

擅自;未经许可;粗鲁地, 无礼地

sick leave


leave off


French leave


shore leave


leave well alone


ticket of leave


leave school


take it or leave it


leave the door open


leave much to be desired


leave a mark


compassionate leave


with your leave



1. It got to the point where he had to leave.


2. One more question and I'll leave you in peace.


3. I had to admire David's vow that he would leave the programme.


4. Our cars get blocked in and we can't leave for ages.


5. I do hope you'll forgive me but I've got to leave.


6. Don't leave a child alone in a room with an open fire.







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