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Han Meimei is still asking John questions about Harvard University.

H: John, I remember you said that initially? Harvard University was called “New College” or something??


J: Yes, it was first named “New College” or “the College at New Towne”.


H: But I heard that its original name is “Cambridge College”.


J: Oh, maybe it is because the town where the college located? was named Cambridge.


H: When did it get the name “Harvard University”?

H:什么时候得了 “哈佛大学”这个名字?

J; There are two stages.First, the college was renamed “Harvard College”i n 1639. During the following nearly 140 years, it existed as a “college”. Then in 1780,in the new Massachusetts Constitution Harvard was first officially referred to as a “university”.

J:这经历了两个阶段。首先,学院在1639车改名为“哈佛学院”。在接下来的近140年里,一直以“学院”存在着。然后1780年在马萨诸塞州新宪法中,哈佛第 一次被正式称为“大学”。

H: I think I can guess why it was upgraded? from a college to a university. Its scale became larger and larger.


J: You bet?! Still, it did not reach the standard of being a university. We know that a

university usually has several or many colleges or schools. In 1780,however,Harvard ‘^University,’ had only one college,namely? Harvard College.

J: 一点没错!但是,它仍然没有达到一个大学的标准。我们知道大学通常要有几个 或很多学院,但1780年时哈佛‘‘大学”只有一个学院,那就是哈佛学院。

H: Then, why could it be upgraded to the university status?


J: Maybe Massachusetts legislature made such an exception with the hope to spur on Harvard. Can you guess why it was renamed “Harvard”?

J:也许马萨诸塞州议破此例是希望能鞭策哈佛。那能猜到为什么它改名叫‘‘哈佛” 吗?

H: Let me think. Is it because someone called Harvard made contributions to the college?

H:让我想想。是不是因为某个叫哈佛的人对 学院做出了贡献?

J: Wow, you,re smart!


H: I know that many U.S. universities are private ones, and they are founded on the basis of donations by some successful people.

H:我知道很多美国的大学都是私立学校,且 都是在某些成功人士捐肋的基础上建立的。

J: And Harvard College was no exception.It was renamed in honor of? John Harvard who was the first benefactor of Harvard College.

J:哈佛学院也不例外,它改名字正是为了纪 念哈佛学院的第一个捐助者约翰?哈佛。

H: Oh, John Harvard! He got the same first name as you.


J: Well, it’s my honor. “John” is a very common name,but “Harvard” is a rare family name. Not only on the entire American continent but also in Britain, few people have the family name “Harvard”,


H: That makes Harvard University more special.


J: Or rather?, it’s unique.


H: How great on earth? was John Harvard's contribution to the college?


J: Upon his death in 1638, he left his entire library and half of his estate, about £779, to the

new institution.

J:他在1638年临终前把他的所有藏书和一半资产,约779英镑,都留绾了这所新 学院。

H: That could be ai large fortune at that time.


J: Yeah. The market value of his half estate is 3,500,000 dollars in . In 1630s, it was nearly twice as much as one year’s financial appropriations?. It was this big fortune

that assured the continued operation of the college.

J:是的。他的一半资产的市值是350万美元。在17世纪30年代,相当于一 年财政拨款的两倍呢。正是这笔钱保证了学院的持续运转。

H: Why did he chose to donate almost all of his estate to the college? Didn’t he have children or relatives?


J: I,m not quite sure. I only know that his father and four of his siblings? died in a plague? which broke out in 1625, and that he had no kids because he had got married less than one year before he died.

J:我不是很确定。我只知道他父亲和他的四个兄弟姐妹在1625年爆发的一场瘟疫 中死去了,而且因为他结婚不到一年就死了,所以设有孩子。

H : Sorry to hear that.


J: Maybe he left the other half of his estate to other relatives. Besides, he, like many founders of the new college, was an alumnus of Cambridge University. I guess he did want to do something for the new college.

J:也许他把另一半遗产留给了其他亲戚吧。再说,他和新学院的许多创建者一样都 是英国剑桥大学的毕业生。我想他确实想为这所新学院倣些什么吧。

H: Could be?.


J: Fortunately, the college named after him has now become one of the most outstanding universities in the world. If he knew this, John Harvard would feel greatly honored and proud.

J:幸运的是,以他命名的学院现在成了世界上最出色的大学之一。如果约翰?哈佛 知道这些,他会感到无比的荣幸和骄傲的。

H: He might not expect that his donation has benefited numerous people. Since you are free this Sunday, why not show me around Harvard University?

H:他也许设想到他的捐助恩泽了很多人。旣然你星期天没什么事儿,带我到哈佛大 学四周转转吧。

J: OK. It’s a deal?.


H: Thank you. See you the day after tomorrow.



After lunch, Han Meimei and Li Lei are having a walk.

H: Don’t tell me this is your whole life, only filled with study and work. Do you recreate yourself?


L: Sports and recreation have always been a part of my life, either in high school or in university now. I’m good at playing basketball.

L:运动和娱乐一直是我生活的一部分,不管是在高中还是现在在大学,我篮球打得 很好。

H: Do you play in the intercollegiate games?


L: No, basketball is only my hobby, but I do participate in freshman intramural competition. It’s a good chance to get acquainted with a large number of classmates.

L:没有,篮球只是我的业余爱好,但我的确参加了新生校内比赛,这是个能结识很 多同学的好机会。

H: I think so. From American films and my personal experience, I can see that American high schools and universities always give prominence to sports competition.

H:我也是这么想的。从美国电影和我的亲身经历来看,美国高中和大学一直都很注 重体育比赛。

L: Harvard is no exception. It believes that a comprehensive athletics program provides physical, social, and emotional benefits that is vitally important in a highly competitive educational environment.

L:哈佛也不例外。它相信一项竞技运动项目有益于学生的身体、社交和情感,在这 个竞争很激烈的教育环境下,这些素质是相当重要的。

H: Sure. I have the same feeling. You know, study sometimes is one’s own matter. Often students can’t feel the pressure of competition in study. So the longer students stay in school, the more naive or even lazier they will become.

H:肯定了,我有同感。你知道,学习有时候是一个人的事情,学生在学习的时候经 常感觉不到竞争压力,所以学生在学校呆的时间越长,就会变得越幼稚甚至懒散。

L: If you participate in athletics, you will value cooperation, competition and victory very much.


H: The goal of education is to produce all-round people, mentally and physically. There must be many other athletics in addition to basketball.

H:教育的目的就是要培养综含型人才,不管是心智上还是体力上。除了篮球肯定还 有很多其他体育运动吧。

L: The range is wide, from men's sports to women’s sports, from basketball, baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, golf, ice hockey,lacrosse, to sailing,skiing, swimming and diving, water polo, and wrestling, etc.

L:范围很广泛,从男子体育到女子体育,从篮球、棒球、美式足球、英式足球、排 球、高尔夫球、冰球、曲棍球到帆船运动、滑雪、游泳和跳水,很多。

H: Are these all competitive athletics?


L: Not really. You don’t have to do sports to participate in large games. You can just join some clubs which will hold some small-scaled competitions.

L:也不完全是,你没必要为了参加大型体育比赛而做运动。你可以只参加一些俱乐 部,这些俱乐部也会举行一些小型比赛。

H: That’s good news for me.


L: Harvard offers students many ways and facilities to do sports. If you don’t want to compete with other, and just would like to take recreation to relax, you can go to the recreational centers.

L:哈佛为学生提供了很多运动项目和设施。如果你不想比赛,只想休息放松一下, 你可以去休闲中心。

H: What if I want to learn something new, like yoga?


L: You do have a lot of question. Don’t worry, there are Personal Training services which will help you achieve your health and fitness goals.


H: What a colorful university life.


L: This is only a small part. Our life will be incomplete if there are no movies, music, books, foods, and things like that.

L:这只是一小部分。要是没有电影、咅乐、书、美食之类的东西,我们的生活会是 不完整的。

H; Can I enjoy all these things at Harvard?


L: That’s out of question. We need entertainment. You can find anything you want in Harvard Square: movie theaters, music clubs, bookstores,clothing shops, restaurants, and so on.

L:没问题。我们需要娱乐,你可以在哈佛广场找到你想要的一切:电影院、音乐俱 乐部、书店、服装店、饭店等等。

H: Everything? I’m always fond of black jazz, but I haven’t got a chance to appreciate real jazz music.


L: I recommend The Regattabar. It opened in 1985 and since then it has become the leading jazz club not only in Boston, but in New England as well. Boston magazine bestowed its “Best of Boston” award thirteen times naming The Regattabar “Best Jazz Club” and in inducted The Regattabar into its “Best of Boston Hall of Fame’’.

L:我推荐Regattabar爵士俱乐部。它1985年开业,从那以后就一直是波士顿甚至 是整个新英格兰地区的第一爵士俱乐部。〈波士顿志13次授予它“波士顿最佳” 奖项,指定它为“最佳爵士俱乐部’’,并在把它列为‘‘最佳波士顿名人堂”。

H: Wow, Harvard Square is really something. If we scour the Square carefully, perhaps we can have some unexpected gains. Don’t dilly-dally, let’s go. What a wonderful day! Hurry up!

H:哇唔,哈佛广场还藏龙卧虎呢。如果我们仔细捜寻的话,很可能有意想不到的收 获。别磨蹭啦,走吧。多么美好的一天啊I快点!


M: Hi, Ellen ! Is this your new bike?


E: Yes, I bought it only yesterday.


M: It's cool! May I have a try?


E: Of course. Don't forget to ride on the left.


M: Oh, I think it'll take me some time to get used to it. You know, in my country, we should drive, ride and walk on the right.

M:嗯,我想我还需要一定时间来适应这个规则。你是 知道的,在我们国家,不管开车,骑车还是走路都 要靠右行。

E: Well,it could be dangerous if you break the rules.


M: OK, I think I'd better try on your bike when I get more familiar with the traffic regulations here. Why do so many people commute by bike in Cambridge?

M:好的,我想我还是等熟悉这里的交通规则以后再来 试骑你的车吧。为什么剑桥有那么多人都以自行车 作为交通工具呢?

E: You see, Cambridge City is small and flat, besides, the colleges of Cambridge University scatter in every comer of the city. Riding a bike between lectures is quick and convenient.

E:剑桥市面积不大,而且地势平坦。此外,剑桥大学的各个学院分布在城市的毎个 角落,骑自行车往来于课堂之间十分方便快捷。

M: And it is almost the most environment-friendly way of commute.


E: That's right. Since riding a bike is the most common way to commute in this city, there are a lot of regulations about riding.


M: For example?


E: For example, people under 18 or above 60 should wear a helmet when they ride, and your bike should be equipped with two lights, with one in the front and the other in the back.

E:比如说,18岁以下,60岁以上的人骑车出行都要佩戴头盔。毎辆自行车都必须 配备前后两盖灯。

M: We don't have this kind of regulations in our country.


E: It's a little bit troublesome but it's for the sake of safety.


M: I agree. I noticed that people just leave their bikes propped against a wall and some of them are even unlocked, thus I'm wondering is it because that there is no bike crime here?

M:我完全同意,我注意到,这里的人经常随便把车靠在墙上,有些车甚至都不上锁, 所以,我在想,是不是这里都没有人车?

E: No, it's far from the case. People sometimes just take their bikes casually and Cambridge is the UK's bike crime capital.


M: You must be careful with your bike.


E: I will. If you're interested in biking, you can join the CUCC. That's the Cambridge University Cycling Club.


M: I'd like to, but I'm not very skilled in cycling.


E: It doesn't matter. CUCC has a wide variety of events for members of all abilities. Membership is available for all types of students and university staff.

E:没关系,俱乐部有各种各样的活动,成员们可以根据自身的情况进行选择。所有 的学生和教职员工都有参加这个俱乐部的资格。

M: Really? Can you tell me more about the club, for example, the history of it?

M:真的吗? <尔可不可以给我介绍一下这个俱乐部啊,比如它的历史什么的。

E: Of course. The club came into being in 1874 with 11 members; within five years this figure was in excess of 260 and included all members of the University from undergraduates to Fellows.

E:当然啦。这个俱乐部成立于1874年,当时只有11位成员。5年之内,成员人数 就增长到了 260人,包括大学里各类人士,即有本科生又有研究员。

M: How popular it is! Is there any competition held by the club?


E: Yes. Within two months of its formation, the Dark Blue Bicycle Club requested the first inter-varsity race. This inaugural race was held on the 18th June 1874,and consisted of an 80 mile course between Oxford and Cambridge. Cambridge won, taking both the first and second places.

E:举行过。在它成立两个月内,深蓝自行车俱乐部就向它发起了第一次大学对抗 赛。这次比赛在1874年6月18日举行,赛道是牛津到剑桥之间的_条80米的路。 剑桥蠃了,第_名和第二名都由剑桥的学生取得。

M: Wow, Cambridge is really good at cycling.


E: Yes, but sometimes Oxford won the match. The club went from strength to strength through the 1880s, with amateur racing flourishing.

E:是,但是牛津有时也会赢得比赛。整个19世纪80年代,这个俱乐部变得越来越 强大,业余爱好者比赛盛行。

M: OK, thanks for your information. I will join the club and maybe someday I will be the winner of the amateur race.

M:好的,谢谢你告诉我这些。我也要加入这个俱乐部,没准有一天我也会成为业余 爱好者比赛的冠军呢。

E: Great. There are few easier ways to get fit and healthy than by enjoying a leisurely cycle ride instead of catching the bus or getting in the car.

E:太好了。既简单,又有利于健康的运动莫过于悠闲地骑骑自行车了,这比坐公交 或者开车都要好得多。


S: Vivian, you finally came. I had to coo] my heels for you.


V; I'm so sorry, Sara! I had an emergency this afternoon,and I came here as soon as I finished it.


S; It doesn’t matter! I have already copied all of the pictures to the computer, come and see!


V: Ok! What’s the folder name of your pictures?


S: Er...Tower City!


V: Tower City? Are you sure?


S: Of course! The Oxford city is commonly referred to as “Tower City”!


V: Let me guess.. .Is it the reason that there are many towers in the city?


S: Bingo! You are brilliant! There are really a great many towers in Oxford, such as Carfax Tower, Magdalen Great Tower, Founders Tower and Tom Tower. Moreover, a lot of buildings are built with spires, just like Ashmolean Museum.

S:答对了!你真行!牛津城确实有很多的塔,例如:卡法克斯塔、莫德林高塔、 发现者塔和汤姆塔。而且,有很多建筑物都像塔那样带有尖顶,比如艾什莫 林博物馆。

V: Hum, I see it. What’s the name of the square tower? It’s very special!


S: Tom Tower! It is a bell tower in Christ Church College of the University of Oxford. The bell housed in the tower is named as Great Tom, which is the loudest bell in the whole Oxford. You may find that the tower is named for its bell!

S:汤姆塔!它是牛津大学__堂学院的一座钟塔。放置在这座塔里面的钟叫 作大汤姆,它是全牛津城声音最洪亮的一个钟。你应该发现这座塔的名字是 源于它的钟了吧!

V: Yeah! How big is Great Tom? Do you still remember?


S: Of course! I remember clearly that Great Tom weighs around seven tons. It was not so heavy originally, and only reached seven tons after recasting for many times. It was first recast in 1626 and 1654; then recast three times between 1678 and 1679 to increase its weight from two to over six tons; and finally recast in 1680 to Great Tom. Since then, it has been hung in Tom Tower.

S:当然!我记得很清楚,大汤姆的重量 约为7吨。它本来并设有那么重,只 是经过多次的重铸以后才达到7吨的。它于1626车和1654年首度被重铸;接 着在1678车和1679年间被重铸了三 次,使它的重量从2吨增加到6吨多;最后一次重铸是在1680年,这就有了 大汤姆。从此以后,大汤姆就被悬挂在汤姆塔中了。

V: Oh, where did it belong to before hung in Tom Tower?


S: It was originally called “Mary”,and belonged to Osney Abbey. In 1545,it was moved to St. Frideswide’s church, and renamed “Tom”.

S:它最初被称为”玛丽”,属于奧斯尼修道院。1545年,它被.迁到了圣弗莱滋 维德的教堂,并易名为“汤姆”。

V: Oh. What is the name of this architecturally splendid building?


S: It is Radcliffe Observatory, which was the astronomical observatory of Oxford University between 1773 and 1934. The 18th century building was modelled after the ancient Tower of the Winds in Athens. The observatory was founded by John Radcliffe, an English physician,so it was named after him. A number of landmark buildings in Oxford were also named after him, including the Radcliffe Camera in Radcliffe Square, the Radcliffe Infirmary, except the Radcliffe Observatory.

S:这是拉德克里夫天文台,是牛津大学1773年?1934年间的天文台。这个18 世纪的建筑物是以雅典古老的风之塔为模型建造的。这个天文台是由一位英 格兰内科医生约翰?拉德克里夫修建的,因此以他的名字命名。牛津城还有一 些标志性建筑物也是以他的名字命名的,包括拉德克里夫广场的拉德克里夫 图书馆、拉德克里夫医院、拉德克里夫天文台等。

V; John Radcliffe is really a remarkable figure! So what is the Radcliffe Observatory used for at the moment?

V:约翰拉德克里夫可真是个大人物!那么拉德克里夫天文台现在用来做什么 呢?

S: It is now used by Green Templeton College of the forms a centrepiece for the college. Having come into existence on 1st October , Green Templeton College is the University^ newest college. It is merged from Green College and Templeton College, and is located on the previous Green College site and is centred around the Radcliffe Observation.

S:它现在被牛津大学格林坦普利顿学院所用,并成为了该学院最引人注目的建 筑。成立于10月1日的格林坦普利顿学院是牛津大学最新的学院。 该学院是由格林学院和坦普利顿学院合并而成的,位于格林学院的旧址,学 院的中心是拉德克里夫天文台。

V: Owning so many splendid towers, the Oxford city deserves to be called as the “Tower City”!


S: Thafs ture!



Han Meimei pays a visit to Li Lei on Sunday.

H: This is the second time I’ve been here.


L: You’ve been here before?


H: Several weeks ago, John showed me around, but we only took a look at the buildings and scenery.


L: Next week you two will come and sit in on the class of positive psychology, right?


H: Yes, I feel time goes by so slowly. Tell me about your first impression of Harvard.


L: Well, as I went through the main gate and entered the Yard, the sun was filtering through the trees, softly illuminating the historic, brick buildings and causing the green grass to sparkle in the early morning dew. I gazed out the window at this beautiful scene and thought to myself, “No freshman should be so lucky.”

L:好吧,当我穿过大门来到哈佛园,看到阳光穿过树木,柔和地照在古老的砖墙建 筑上,阳光下绿草在晨露里闪光。我凝望着窗外,看着这美丽景色,心想M没有 新生竟会这么幸运了”。

H: Get to the point, tell me about your life in the first week. The first thing you did must be going to your dorm room.

H:说重点,给我说说你第一周的生活。第一 件事应该是去宿舍吧。

L: Right. I was luckily enough to move into the Canaday Hall. It s the newest dormitory in Harvard Yard,yet it was completed as early as in 1974.

L:对。我很幸运搬进了卡纳迪堂,它是哈佛 学院最新的宿舍楼了。尽管如此,它早于 1974年就建成了。

H: The newest was built in 1974. How old the other dormitories are!

H:最新的楼都是1974年的,其他宿舍楼该 多古老呢!

L; Very old. Some were even built in the 18th and 19th century.


H: I know. Last time John and I had a look at Massachusetts Hall, the oldest dormitory, from the outside.


L: In addition to Mass Hall and Canaday Hall, there're about 15 other dormitory buildings, most of which are quite ancient. And these dormitories have housed many distinguished people in history. Emerson lived in Hollis Hall, J. F. Kennedy lived in Weld Hall, Bill Gates lived in Wigglesworth Hall, and so on and so forth.

L:除了马萨诸塞堂和卡纳迪堂,还有大约15个宿舍楼,很多都很古老。历史上有 很多著名人士曾经住过这些宿舍楼。爱默生住过霍利斯堂,J. F.肯尼迪住过维 尔德堂,比尔?盖茨住过威格尔斯沃斯堂,等等。

H: The feeling of living in these buildings must be different.


L: Quite different. When I went into the Canaday Hall, I was a little disappointed. It lacks some of the charm of the freshmen housing. Instead of hardwood floors and fireplaces, Canaday's rooms have white cinderblock walls and sketchy carpeting,

L:相当不一样。我刚进卡纳迪堂时,有点失望。它缺少一些新生宿舍的魅力。卡纳 迪的房间不是硬木地板和壁炉,相反却是白色煤渣墻壁和破烂的地毯。

H: I think it’s good to have a different feeling in modem times when everything is made of, you know, cement. Didn’t it give you the feeling of historical vicissitudes?

H:我想,在什么都是用水泥做的现代社会,有一种别样的感觉也挺好的。设有给你 一种历史沧桑感?

L: Whatever you say, I was really disappointed at the first sight. However, my initial disappointment quickly wore off as I came to realize all the advantages Canaday has to offer.

L:随便你怎么说,反正我第一眼看到时,真的有些失望。不过,这种失望很快就消 失了,因为我发现了卡纳迪的好处。

H: You change your mind so quickly and easily.


L: I'm sharing a suite with four other boys that has four singles off of a large common room. Thus, only two of us have to share a bedroom. I chose to share a room with another boy.

L:我和另外4个男生住在一个套房里,有四个房间,一个公共休息室。所以,只有 两个人需要住在一个房间里。我选择和另_男生住在一个房间。

H: That’s wonderful. In Chinese universities, usually six or eight students have to share one room. It’s too crowded. How do you like your roommates?

H:那很好啊,在国内的大学,通常6到8个人要住在一个房间,很挤。你喜欢你的 室友吗?

L: I adore my roommates. They’ve definitely helped make this place feel more like home. During this first week, it’s such a relief to have four boys to be my friends whom I can count on to help me through this adjustment process.

L:喜欢,他们帮了我很多忙,让我有家的感觉。第一周能有4个人成为我的朋友, 我感觉轻松许多,我靠他们帮我度过了调整期。

H: Do you have any difficulties in communication?


L: No. Sure, we're completely different in terms of background, ethnicity, religion, and interests, but we actually reflect quite well the diversity that Harvard is so proud to offer. There is nearly no obstacles between us.

L:没有。当然我们的背景、民族、宗教和兴趣都完全不同,但我们实际上很好地反 映了哈佛的多样性,这是哈佛引以为豪的。我们之间几乎没有什么障碍。

H; Will you live in the same dorm room all four years?


L: No, in the second year, we,11 move from dormitories to Houses. But I haven’t ftgure out what Houses are like.























