
时间:2023-03-06 07:51:51 英语教学论文 收藏本文 下载本文





Hi, Mr. Andrew.



Hi, Ann. What`s up?



Well. I`ve just finished the draft of my research paper. I wonder if you could spare some time to take a look at it.



You`ve already finished it, in less than two months? I can hardly believe it.



Well, it`s only a rough draft. I just want to know if there are any strange expressions.



Let me have a look. Oh, you`re doing pretty well. When do you want it back?



It`s due in one week.



I`ll try to finish it earlier.



That`s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.



Li Lei is calling Han Meimei.

H: Hello, who’s calling?


L: Hi, Han, this is Li Lei.


H: Hi, Li Lei, haven’t heard from you these days. How is everything going?


L: Oh, tiring but fulfilling.


H: What were you busy with? Mid-term exams?


L: Exams are easy to deal with. We’re old hands at exams.


H: Haha! That’s true. Then what makes you sound so exhausted?


L: I had a lot of reading task, and prepared for my debate with my history teacher.


H: Come to think of It. John told me that you guys have to challenge and debate with your teachers. No, he referred to graduate students.

H:我想起来了,约翰告诉过我你们要挑战老师,和他们进行辩论。不对,他指的是 研究生啊。

L: Come on, Han, we suffer as much as, if not more miseries than them.


H: So you,re calling to pour out your complaints before me?


L: Not exactly. I said it's painful but meaningful.


H: Li, until now you haven’t told me what exactly happened.


L: Let me ask you: why did the United States get involved in World War I?


H: Well...It’s complicated. Because American ships were sunk by German U-boats and wanted revenge?

H:这个……很复杂,因为美国的船被德国的潜水艇 弄沉了,想要报复?

L: That may be the direct cause. In class, I was sitting there and waiting for answers from my teacher.

L:那可能是诱因。在课堂上,我就坐着,等老师绾 我答案。

H: That’s what we did in China. We like to know the exact answers so that we can do well in our exams. I guess it won’t work here.

H:那是我们在国内干的事,我们喜欢知道准确答案,这样我们就可以在考试中取得 好成绩了。我想在这儿是行不通的。

L: I know. But I thought that history should be different because it’s about facts. There should be answers. Yet my teacher told us to find out the causes ourselves and discussed with him in the next class.

L:我知道,但我想历史都是事实,应该不一样,应该有答案。但老师让我们自己找 出原因,然后下一节课和他讨论。

H: Then?


L: Well, I found some reasons that I believed were the right answers. I thought my

classmates,answers must be almost the same as mine.

L:我找了一些我认为是正确答案的原因,我以为其他同学的答案和我的应该差不多 —样。

H: Weren’t they?


L: No, everyone only insisted on one or two causes which they believed to be the

fundamental causes. Some argued from economic perspectives, some political, and others military.

L:不是,每个人都只坚持一两个他们认为是最重要的原因。一些人从经济角度争辩, 一些人从政治角度,还有的从军事角度。

H: That must be a heated debate. What did you argue for?


L: It’s very embarrassing. I only collected the so-called answers and didn’t even ask why. So I didn’t talk much and sit there like a fool.

L:很丢人,我只是收集了一些所谓的答案,也没问为什么,所以我没有谈很多,像 个傻子一样坐着。

H: Oh, poor Li. Never mind, a fall into the pit and a gain in your wit.


L: You’re right. At least I began to know Harvard ’teaching spirit’


H: What’s it?


L: “To have an independent mind”,namely,“to think independently”,which is different from spoon-fed education.

L: “要有独立思想“,也就是”独立思考' 这不同于填鸭式敎育。

H: I know that, and China has also noticed that.


L: But few Chinese schools or universities can do what they say. I mean, in class, teachers still play the role of transmitting knowledge to students rather than act as students’ guide. At Harvard, students and teachers rap off freely in seminars. What's more, I think few Chinese teachers can bear challenges from students.

L:但国内很少有学校言行一致。我的意思是,在课堂上,老师仍然扮演着传授知识 的角色,而不是做学生的向导。在哈佛,学生和老师在研讨会上自由交流思想。 此外,我认为国内很少有老师能忍受学生对他们的挑战。

H: And Chinese students often borrow from others' ideas and use them in their own papers as if the ideas were their own. That’s plagiarism. My cousin told me that.

H:中国学生还经常在自己的论文里引用他人的观点当做自己的观点,这是抄袭。是 我表姐告诉我的。

L: I think that’s the biggest difference between Harvard-style education and Chinese education.


H: Only when people think independently and have their own thoughts can they become fully humans.


L: And only in this way can a nation has its own soul and grows stronger.



During the break, John and Han Meimei are chatting.

J: Hey, Han, how about sitting in on a class at Harvard?


H: I’d love to, but can we?


J: Li can help us.


H: Why didn’t I think of such a good idea? I’m bursting to visit a class at Harvard. Do you have any idea about which class we’re going to visit?


J: Positive Psychology.


H: What? Psychology? Oh, no, I don’t like it. Although it may sound interesting, it’ll make me think too much about the negative side of our Life, you know, like depression, pessimism, anxiety, fear, anger, and other painful emotions. No, I won’t go.

什么?心理学?哦,不,我不喜欢。虽然心理学听起来可能有点意思,可会让我 想到太多生活里负面的东西,你知道,比如抑郁、悲观、焦虑、恐惧、生气以及 其他痛苦的情绪。我不要去。

J: I’m not that stupid to push myself to think about depressive things. This one is different, it teaches happiness, focusing mostly on love, relationships, well-being, etc.


H: Are you kidding? I’ve never heard such things as happiness course at any school. Can happiness be taught?


J: Yes. Come on, Han, it’s the most popular course at Harvard in recent years.


H: Don’t play tricks with me, I will not go.


J: Trust me. Or you can ask Li, he doesn’t tell lies.


H: ‘ Well, I guess you’re right.


(Han gives a call to Li)


L: Hello, Han,you should be in class now.


H: No, it’s break now, Li, I want to verify something. Is positive psychology the most popular course in your university?

没有,现在是课间休息。李,我想证实一些事。积极心理学是你们学校最受欢迎 的课吗?

L: It is said so. A lot of students believe that Positive Psych is the one class that every student needs to take. Why do you ask that?


H: John and I are planning to sit in on a class at Harvard. He wants me to go with him to listen to this course.


L: Welcome, it’s definitely worth listening to.


H: But I’m afraid of becoming depressed after listening something too depressive.


L: You won’t This course is different from traditional psychological courses. It teaches you the basic of being happy, how to live a happy, fulfilling, and flourishing life.


H: It’s really a course about happiness?


L: Right. You know, a lot of students feel unhappy now because the burdens and stresses they feel are very heavy. But a lot of students say they become happier after taking the course. The course even change their lives.


H: Miraculous. I never thought so many students feel unhappy and cares so much about happiness. I thought the most popular course may be business or economics. Is this course so important?

H:这么神奇,我没想到这么多学生感到不快乐,这么关心幸不幸福。我以为最受欢 迎的可是商务或经济。这门课真这么重要?

L: People want to be rich. Yet, more people want to be happy than to be rich.


H: Who’s the teacher? Why did he come up with this idea of teaching happiness?


L: Ben-Shahar. He said he had spent close to 30 years of his life being successfully unhappy.


H: What does “successfully unhappy” mean?


L: I’m not sure. I guess he is a successful man, but an unhappy man. He graduated from Harvard, and was active and excellent, and achieved a lot, but these achievements didn’t make him happy.

L:不知道,我猜他是个成功的人,但并不幸福。他毕业于哈佛,很活跃、出色,取 得了不少成就,但这些成就没让他感到幸福。

H:Sometimes success doesn’t necessarily mean happiness.


L:Maybe he,s too hard on himself. He wanted to find answers, so he began to study how to be happy. He often told deeply personal stories to illustrate points.

L:也许他会自己要求太严了。他想寻找答案,所以可以研究如何幸福。他经常用自 己的故事当作事例说明。

H:It seems that I might as well go. John, I decide to go.


J:Great! You won’t regret it.



A photo slips out of John’s book when he is arranging his books. Han Meimei picks it up.

H: John, where did you take the photo? There’re lots of people in the background.


J: Oh, it’s taken against the background of a commencement. It's the picture I took when I attended the Harvard Commencement in .


H: Why did you go there?


J: My big brother graduated from Harvard last summer. It’s a big day for him. My parents and I were so proud of him. It’s out of question that we should go to witness the great moment.

J:我哥去年从哈佛毕业。对他来说是个重大的日子,我和父母都为他感到骄傲,当 然要去见证那个伟大时刻了。

H: Is a commencement such a big event in America? I’ve never seen such a scene in China. My cousin told me that her university even didn’t hold a commencement. They had to rent bachelor gowns to take pictures.

H:毕业典礼在美国这么重要啊?我在中国从没见过这种情形。我表姐告诉我她们学 校甚至连毕业典礼都没有,他们还得自己租学士服照相。

J: That’s awful. Commencement is such a holy day. It demonstrates that all your four years’ hard work finally pay off and that you’ll have a brand new life from that day on.

J:那太糟糕了。毕业典礼是多么神圣的一天啊,说明你四年的努力设有白费,从那 天开始你就要开始全新的人生了。

H: Tell me about it. It must be interesting. I want to get an idea about how Harvard staff and students celebrate graduation. Can anyone attend Commencement?

H:给我讲讲吧,肯定很有意思,我想了解哈佛人是怎么庆祝毕业的。任何人都可以 参加毕业典礼吗?

J: No, you must get a ticket first. The tickets to Commencement are limited. Not everybody can go there. We got up early in the morning and arrived at Harvard at seven.

J:不是,你必须得先搞到票。毕业典礼的票数是有限的,不是每个人都可以去。我 们早上起得很早,七点就到哈佛了。

H: Why did you go there so early? Did the ceremony start so early?


J: Because seating capacity is limited, and seats are on a first-come basis and cannot be reserved. If we got there late, we had to stand.


H: Did the campus look different?


J: Yes. It looked great. Flowers were everywhere. And parents were thrilled to see their sons and daughters, and were incredibly proud to be here.

J:是的,看起来棒极了,到处是鲜花,家长们见到儿女们很激动,也为自己能到那 儿而感到极其骄傲。

H: To be honest, I don’t understand. Why should parents feel so happy? When I saw the movie The Graduate, I couldn’t understand why everybody was happy to celebrate Benjamin’s graduation from college. He even didn’t get a job or something. I don’t believe Chinese parents will feel the same way.

H:老实说,我不理解。为什么家长们这么高兴?我看《毕业生》这部电影的时候就 很不理解为什么每个人都这么高兴地庆祝本杰明从大学毕业?他甚至都没找到工 作什么的。我相信中国的父母不会这样的。

J: It’s hard to tell. We have different cultures.


H : What else did you see and hear?


J: On that day, I met with two centenarians. One was the oldest alumnus to take part in the ceremony and one was the oldest Radcliffe graduate to attend. They brought me back to the Harvard of the 1920s, and told me the crucial turning points in Harvard history.

j:那天,我遇见了两个百岁老人。一个是来参加典礼的最老的校友,一个是来参加 典礼的最老的拉德克利夬院毕业生。他们把我带回到20世纪代,给我讲了 哈佛历史上重要的转折点。

H: Were there a lot of alumni? In China alumni only come back to celebrate significant anniversaries instead of animal Commencement, You did learn a lot from those alumni, right?

有很多校友参加?在中国校友只回来参加重大的周年校庆而不是每年的毕业典 礼。你确实从那些毕业生那里学到了很多,是吧?

J: My brain was stuffed, so was my stomach. At noon, Harvard put on what may have been the world’s largest picnic, feeding countless graduates, families, and alumni in venues across the University with about 35 different menus. It’s said that planning for Commencement meals began nearly three months ago.

我的脑袋充实了,胃也被塞满了。中午的时候,哈佛呈上了可能是世上有史以来 最大的野餐,在各个场地为无数的毕业生、家人和校友提供大约35种不同的菜肴。 据说大概提前3个月就开始准备了。

H: My mouth is watering.


J: After lunch, we listened to speech given by the u.s. Energy Secretary Steven Chu. In , the speaker was J. K. Rowling. That day, she received her honorary doctoral degree from Harvard.

午饭后,我们听了一场美国能源部长朱棣文做的演讲。的演讲者是J. K. 罗琳。那天她还被授予哈佛荣誉博士学位。

H: Does Harvard invite famous people to give a speech on Commencement each year?


J: Yes, the speaker in will be David Souter, a Harvard alumnus who served nearly two decades on the U.S. Supreme Court before stepping down in June 2009.

是的,2010的演讲者是前最高法官大卫?苏特,他在最高干了将近20年, 6月刚退休。

H: Harvard Commencement is a like a visual and hearing feast, and is a real feast.






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口语受情景的影响,情景对口语起支配作用。根据不同场合和学习内容,需要组织不同的题材进行情景对话。如教Shopping时,我准备了很好多实物,如学习用品:pen, pencil, eraser, pencil-box, knife,books;吃的东西:bread, eggs, cakes,bananans,apples,oranges等。把它们摆放在讲台桌上,布置得像小卖部一样,让学生知道,这节课我们将要学会用英语讲怎样购物,而且这些东西都将低价出售,请同学们准备好人民币,买你所想买的东西。这样学生的求知欲会很高,而且每个人都想有机会买到东西且渴望老师教他们讲。在教会学生怎样买、卖东西后,就让他们扮演角色,尤其对表演售货员的同学进行嘉奖。这节英语课几乎全班同学都参与,他们甚至忘记了是在课堂上,而是在商店里购物,有一种身临其境的感觉,在强烈求知欲中我们就可以轻松地完成本节课的教学内容。



进行多种训练。在学习句型时,跟学生进行对话演练,先让学生熟悉对话模式,然后让学生小组练习,通过重复、模仿、转换角色等多种训练,使学生能够掌握所学句型。如:“How are you?”“Fine,thank you./I am fine,thank you.”教师先介绍句子的意思及用法,然后创造情境跟学生对话,让学生熟悉该句型的用法,然后让学生进行对话练习。

2.重复交流活动。创设情境,让学生用所学的内容进行交流。如介绍情境活动,在路上遇见一位朋友,跟他打招呼,一人演一个角色,练习对话。“Hello./Hi./Good morning./Good afternoon.”“How are you?”“Fine,thank you.”让学生在学中用,在用中学,将知识的学习和实际应用相练习,使学生更好的掌握知识,也培养学生养成多讲英语的良好习惯。

3.展示对话,呈现语言,并点评。(英语教学论文 )教师通过各种形式展示情景,呈现对话内容,让学生听或跟读,教师结合对话情景讲授新的语言点,以各种方法帮助学生理解,让学生跟读,或者说出本单元所学句型。














篇6:请病假常用英语情景对话Sick days

请病假常用英语情景对话Sick days

CEO: I've read your report, and I'm not sure I agree with you. You think you can get attendance inproved by requiring salaried employees to take their all of their sick days?


HR Manager: That's right. I know it must sound crazy to you, but we believe there will be fewer absences this way.


CEO: We give them 10 or 15 sick days per year. Surely requiring people to take them couldn't possibly help. It sounds like a counter - productive policy change to me.



HR Manager:  Right now, we have incentives encouraging employees to come to work as often as possible. But employees with colds

and the flu are coming to work and infecting their colleagues.


CEO: I see. So our current policies are encouraing sick people to come to work, resulting in more sick employees.


HR Manager:  That's right. If sick days were mandatory, sick people would stay home. We wouldn't have these company-wide epidemics.


CEO: Let's give it a shot!



Give me some food


Costa: Hello,Buba.

Costa: Oh,is it a dog?

Buba: Yes it is. I have two dogs.

Costa: Hey Buba. Can I keep him?

Buba: Umm. Okay.

Buba: But it is not easy taking care of him.

Buba: You have to walk him every day.

Buba: You have to feed him every day.

Buba: You have to wash him every day.

Costa: Don't worry!

Buba: Costa!

Buba: I said you have to take care of him!

Costa: Ha,whatever! It is not fun!

Costa: Huh? What is this smell?

Costa: Oh I am so hungry too!

ChinChin: Now you will know what it is like.

Costa: Give me some food!




















My birthday is coming


Costa: My birthday is coming.

Costa: I want to have a birthday party.

Costa: I want to invite my friends.

Costa: I want to blow out the candles.

Costa: And I want presents!

Costa: I want a big cake,too.

Guys: Happy Birthday Costa!

Costa: Thank you,guys!

Costa: Now,have some food.

Costa: Okay,now,where is my cake?

Costa:It was a lot of fun.

Costa: Thanks for coming guys.

Costa: Bye bye.

ChinChin: Okay, guys. I have a good idea.

ChinChin: Suri Suri!

Suri: Ok!

Costa: Ah. What is it?

Costa: Hmm.It looks yummy!!

Costa: Oh my teeth!






















S: Vivian, you finally came. I had to coo] my heels for you.


V; I'm so sorry, Sara! I had an emergency this afternoon,and I came here as soon as I finished it.


S; It doesn’t matter! I have already copied all of the pictures to the computer, come and see!


V: Ok! What’s the folder name of your pictures?


S: Er...Tower City!


V: Tower City? Are you sure?


S: Of course! The Oxford city is commonly referred to as “Tower City”!


V: Let me guess.. .Is it the reason that there are many towers in the city?


S: Bingo! You are brilliant! There are really a great many towers in Oxford, such as Carfax Tower, Magdalen Great Tower, Founders Tower and Tom Tower. Moreover, a lot of buildings are built with spires, just like Ashmolean Museum.

S:答对了!你真行!牛津城确实有很多的塔,例如:卡法克斯塔、莫德林高塔、发现者塔和汤姆塔。而且,有很多建筑物都像塔那样带有尖顶,比如艾什莫 林博物馆。

V: Hum, I see it. What’s the name of the square tower? It’s very special!


S: Tom Tower! It is a bell tower in Christ Church College of the University of Oxford. The bell housed in the tower is named as Great Tom, which is the loudest bell in the whole Oxford. You may find that the tower is named for its bell!

S:汤姆塔!它是牛津大学__堂学院的一座钟塔。放置在这座塔里面的钟叫 作大汤姆,它是全牛津城声音最洪亮的一个钟。你应该发现这座塔的名字是 源于它的钟了吧!

V: Yeah! How big is Great Tom? Do you still remember?


S: Of course! I remember clearly that Great Tom weighs around seven tons. It was not so heavy originally, and only reached seven tons after recasting for many times. It was first recast in 1626 and 1654; then recast three times between 1678 and 1679 to increase its weight from two to over six tons; and finally recast in 1680 to Great Tom. Since then, it has been hung in Tom Tower.

S:当然!我记得很清楚,大汤姆的重量 约为7吨。它本来并设有那么重,只 是经过多次的重铸以后才达到7吨的。它于1626车和1654年首度被重铸;接 着在1678车和1679年间被重铸了三 次,使它的重量从2吨增加到6吨多;最后一次重铸是在1680年,这就有了 大汤姆。从此以后,大汤姆就被悬挂在汤姆塔中了。

V: Oh, where did it belong to before hung in Tom Tower?


S: It was originally called “Mary”,and belonged to Osney Abbey. In 1545,it was moved to St. Frideswide’s church, and renamed “Tom”.

S:它最初被称为“玛丽”,属于奧斯尼修道院。1545年,它被.迁到了圣弗莱滋 维德的教堂,并易名为“汤姆”。

V: Oh. What is the name of this architecturally splendid building?


S: It is Radcliffe Observatory, which was the astronomical observatory of Oxford University between 1773 and 1934. The 18th century building was modelled after the ancient Tower of the Winds in Athens. The observatory was founded by John Radcliffe, an English physician,so it was named after him. A number of landmark buildings in Oxford were also named after him, including the Radcliffe Camera in Radcliffe Square, the Radcliffe Infirmary, except the Radcliffe Observatory.

S:这是拉德克里夫天文台,是牛津大学1773年?1934年间的天文台。这个18 世纪的建筑物是以雅典古老的风之塔为模型建造的。这个天文台是由一位英 格兰内科医生约翰?拉德克里夫修建的,因此以他的名字命名。牛津城还有一 些标志性建筑物也是以他的名字命名的,包括拉德克里夫广场的拉德克里夫 图书馆、拉德克里夫医院、拉德克里夫天文台等。

V; John Radcliffe is really a remarkable figure! So what is the Radcliffe Observatory used for at the moment?

V:约翰拉德克里夫可真是个大人物!那么拉德克里夫天文台现在用来做什么 呢?

S: It is now used by Green Templeton College of the forms a centrepiece for the college. Having come into existence on 1st October , Green Templeton College is the University^ newest college. It is merged from Green College and Templeton College, and is located on the previous Green College site and is centred around the Radcliffe Observation.

S:它现在被牛津大学格林坦普利顿学院所用,并成为了该学院最引人注目的建 筑。成立于10月1日的格林坦普利顿学院是牛津大学最新的学院。 该学院是由格林学院和坦普利顿学院合并而成的,位于格林学院的旧址,学 院的中心是拉德克里夫天文台。

V: Owning so many splendid towers, the Oxford city deserves to be called as the “Tower City”!


S: Thafs ture!



Han Meimei pays a visit to Li Lei on Sunday.

H: This is the second time I’ve been here.


L: You’ve been here before?


H: Several weeks ago, John showed me around, but we only took a look at the buildings and scenery.


L: Next week you two will come and sit in on the class of positive psychology, right?


H: Yes, I feel time goes by so slowly. Tell me about your first impression of Harvard.


L: Well, as I went through the main gate and entered the Yard, the sun was filtering through the trees, softly illuminating the historic, brick buildings and causing the green grass to sparkle in the early morning dew. I gazed out the window at this beautiful scene and thought to myself, “No freshman should be so lucky.”

L:好吧,当我穿过大门来到哈佛园,看到阳光穿过树木,柔和地照在古老的砖墙建 筑上,阳光下绿草在晨露里闪光。我凝望着窗外,看着这美丽景色,心想M没有 新生竟会这么幸运了”。

H: Get to the point, tell me about your life in the first week. The first thing you did must be going to your dorm room.

H:说重点,给我说说你第一周的生活。第一 件事应该是去宿舍吧。

L: Right. I was luckily enough to move into the Canaday Hall. It s the newest dormitory in Harvard Yard,yet it was completed as early as in 1974.

L:对。我很幸运搬进了卡纳迪堂,它是哈佛 学院最新的宿舍楼了。尽管如此,它早于 1974年就建成了。

H: The newest was built in 1974. How old the other dormitories are!

H:最新的楼都是1974年的,其他宿舍楼该 多古老呢!

L; Very old. Some were even built in the 18th and 19th century.


H: I know. Last time John and I had a look at Massachusetts Hall, the oldest dormitory, from the outside.


L: In addition to Mass Hall and Canaday Hall, there're about 15 other dormitory buildings, most of which are quite ancient. And these dormitories have housed many distinguished people in history. Emerson lived in Hollis Hall, J. F. Kennedy lived in Weld Hall, Bill Gates lived in Wigglesworth Hall, and so on and so forth.

L:除了马萨诸塞堂和卡纳迪堂,还有大约15个宿舍楼,很多都很古老。历史上有 很多著名人士曾经住过这些宿舍楼。爱默生住过霍利斯堂,J. F.肯尼迪住过维 尔德堂,比尔?盖茨住过威格尔斯沃斯堂,等等。

H: The feeling of living in these buildings must be different.


L: Quite different. When I went into the Canaday Hall, I was a little disappointed. It lacks some of the charm of the freshmen housing. Instead of hardwood floors and fireplaces, Canaday's rooms have white cinderblock walls and sketchy carpeting,

L:相当不一样。我刚进卡纳迪堂时,有点失望。它缺少一些新生宿舍的魅力。卡纳 迪的房间不是硬木地板和壁炉,相反却是白色煤渣墻壁和破烂的地毯。

H: I think it’s good to have a different feeling in modem times when everything is made of, you know, cement. Didn’t it give you the feeling of historical vicissitudes?

H:我想,在什么都是用水泥做的现代社会,有一种别样的感觉也挺好的。设有给你 一种历史沧桑感?

L: Whatever you say, I was really disappointed at the first sight. However, my initial disappointment quickly wore off as I came to realize all the advantages Canaday has to offer.

L:随便你怎么说,反正我第一眼看到时,真的有些失望。不过,这种失望很快就消 失了,因为我发现了卡纳迪的好处。

H: You change your mind so quickly and easily.


L: I'm sharing a suite with four other boys that has four singles off of a large common room. Thus, only two of us have to share a bedroom. I chose to share a room with another boy.

L:我和另外4个男生住在一个套房里,有四个房间,一个公共休息室。所以,只有 两个人需要住在一个房间里。我选择和另_男生住在一个房间。

H: That’s wonderful. In Chinese universities, usually six or eight students have to share one room. It’s too crowded. How do you like your roommates?

H:那很好啊,在国内的大学,通常6到8个人要住在一个房间,很挤。你喜欢你的 室友吗?

L: I adore my roommates. They’ve definitely helped make this place feel more like home. During this first week, it’s such a relief to have four boys to be my friends whom I can count on to help me through this adjustment process.

L:喜欢,他们帮了我很多忙,让我有家的感觉。第一周能有4个人成为我的朋友, 我感觉轻松许多,我靠他们帮我度过了调整期。

H: Do you have any difficulties in communication?


L: No. Sure, we're completely different in terms of background, ethnicity, religion, and interests, but we actually reflect quite well the diversity that Harvard is so proud to offer. There is nearly no obstacles between us.

L:没有。当然我们的背景、民族、宗教和兴趣都完全不同,但我们实际上很好地反 映了哈佛的多样性,这是哈佛引以为豪的。我们之间几乎没有什么障碍。

H; Will you live in the same dorm room all four years?


L: No, in the second year, we,11 move from dormitories to Houses. But I haven’t ftgure out what Houses are like.



Han Meimei and John meet on Monday. They are now talking about their future major.

J: Han, Which major do you plan to choose?


H: I haven’t think about this question.


J: Jesus! Don’t you worry about or even think about you future?


H: Yes,I do. I just don’t want to ask for trouble so early.


J: Too early? Han, it's your second year in high school!


H: So what? Give me a break. Don’t laugh at me.


J: Don’t get angry. I was just kidding, to test your knowledge of Harvard University.


H: Did it sound like a joke?


J: I apologize. But you have to confess that you don’t know Harvard at all.


H: Not again. Does it have anything to do with Harvard?


J: Yeah, of course it does. Aren’t you going to Harvard after graduation?


H: Sure.


J: So you’re right not to think too much about your major too early.


H: Don’t fool me. You know how important a major is? You know what a major mean? To a large extent,it'll determine your future life,.

H:别笑我了,你知道专业有多重要吗?你知道专业意味着什 么吗?在很大程度上,专业会决定你未来的生活。

J: That’s right. A lot of students go to college because they believe that a good college or a

good major will help them find a good job in the future.

J:很对。很多学生认为上个好大学或者选择_个好专业会帮 他们在未来找个好工作。

H: Is it wrong to think so?


J: No. I said everyone has their own values. But to me, a good higher education aims to

educate well-rounded individuals.


H: Aren’t we?


J: If you aim at pursuing a certain occupational target, then you’re not well-rounded.


H: Make sense. I have so many interests and I don’t want to give up any of them. As a result, I can’t decide on my major.


J: Don’t worry. The freshmen don’t choose a major at Harvard College. They are only

required to take Expository Writing, and may enroll any courses in which they are interested.

J:别担心,哈佛学院的新生不用选择专业。他们只要求新生学习说明文写作,学生 可以根据自己的喜好选择所要学习的课程。

H: That’s great!

H:那太好了 !

J: Besides, you can even change your major.


H: Couldn’t imagine that.


J: Harvard College offers us a liberal education. You do have a major, but it’s not so important as you thought, especially when you plan to go to graduate school.

J:哈佛学院提供了一个自由的教育环境,你可以选择一个专业,但是专业设有你想 象中的那么重要,特别是如果你打算继续研究生学习的话。

H: Unbelievable.


J: The good graduate schools want flexible, adaptable minds, minds exposed to a broad

range of knowledge and trained in rigorous critical thinking.

J:好的研究生院是希望学生有灵活和适应性强的头脑,能够掌握全面的知识,拥有 良好的逻辑思考能力。

H: So I don’t have to get a bachelor degree m pre-law if I want to go to the Law School.


J: Yes.


H: Really? (Han Meimei lets out a sigh of relief). To be honest, I've been torn between American literature and law. Vm interested in literature, but I want to be a lawyer.

H:真的?(韩梅梅舒了一口气)说真的,我正在为选择美国文学,还是选择法律而 左右为难呢。我喜欢文学,但是我又想成为一名律师。

J: You can major in literature first, and go to Law School for further education, like me.


H: You?


J: I’m going to study physics and then go to Business School.


H: Good idea!


J: No matter how many your interests have, Harvard College will fulfill most of them. In addition to the major field of concentration, you can choose a secondary field which need not be related to the primary field.

J:无论有多少兴趣爱好,哈佛大学都能满足彳尔所有的需求。除了一个主攻学习专 业以外,你可以选择第二专业,但是这个第二专业无需和主攻专业相关。

H: We can choose as we wish.


J: But we have to meet the minimal demand for a bachelor degree.


H: I like this kind of education. It treats students as humans rather than tools prepared for future walks.

H:我喜欢这样的教育方式,它把学生当成真正的人来培养,而不是把学生训练成未 来工作所需要的工具。


T: Morning, Kerry! You have shadows under your eyes. It seems that you didn’t sleep well last night. What’s the matter?


K: Oh, I did have a sleepless night after having watched a piece of news about the University of Cambridge. It sent shivers down my spine.


T: Now you have really hooked my curiosity. As far as I know, the University of Cambridge is consistently ranked in the world’s top five universities and the leading university in Europe by numerous media and academic rankings. How can it terrify you?

T:你现在激起我的好奋心了。据我所知,剑桥大学稳 居世界大学排名的前五名,还被众多媒体和学术机构 评为欧洲最好的大学。关于这样一所大学的消息怎么 会吓到你呢?

K: Yes, you are quite right. This is a university with over 800 years history, thus, it provides a platform for those myths and legends.

K:你说得对。这是一所有着800多年历史的大学,所 以它也为众多奋谈和传说提供了素材。

T: 800 years? Are you sure? That’s quite a long time!

T: 8?真的吗?这真是_段漫长的时光!

K: Of course. The year of marked its 800th anniversary.

K:是的。剑桥大学迎来了 800周年校庆。

T: So what myth or legend have you heard about?


K: On the evening news last night, the ghost in the university has become the talk of the town....


T: You are kidding, aren’t you? There is no such a thing existing in the world.


K: No, I’m serious. In the video shot by a tourist at the campus, we can see a blurred white shadow go through the wall and enter fee castle of a college.

K:不,我是说真的。有位游客在校园里拍了一段视频,上面有个模糊的白色影子直 接穿过了城墙,进入了一个学院的古堡里。

T: A ghost? Even though the university manages to maintain its medieval appearance since its foundation, with those lawn, rivers, castles, it cannot be a place of ghost.

T:鬼?即使剑桥竭力保持了自其创始以来的中世纪风貌,有草坪、河流、古堡等等, 那也不代表它就成了座鬼城呀。

K: Students of this university believe that’s Crowell’s spirit. People had the head of this beheaded revolutionist buried somewhere at the campus. As the alumni, he may sometimes feel like returning to his old dormitory.

K:剑桥大学的学生认为那是克伦威尔的鬼魂。听说这位被斩首的革命家就是被埋在 了剑桥大学里。作为校友,克伦威尔可能有时候想要回自己原来的宿舍看看。

T: This story completely makes no sense. It must be made up to boom the local tourism. Don’t be mocked.


K: All right. Maybe J shouldn't trouble until trouble troubles me. By the way, do you know the relationship between Oxford and Cambridge?


T: A little. I find some materials online that tell me they are both friends and rivals.


K: Oh, in my eyes, they have much cultural and practical association as a historic part of British society. You see, both of them are ranked the top five universities in the world; they both locate in the British Island, and Cambridge is founded by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute with the townsfolk there.

K:噢,在我眼中,它们之间有着众多文化和实践的结含,都是英国社会历史的一部 分。你瞧,它们都是世界排名前五的大学,都位于大不列颠岛上,而且剑桥是在 —群牛津的学者们为了躲避与当地人的争斗,离开了牛津之后建立起来的。

T: However, on the other hand, they are in a long competition since then.


K: Please elaborate this part, OK? I’d like more examples.


T: There’re plenty cases which can justify my point. For instance, during every Easter holiday, these two universities would begin the Boat Race, and this tradition has been maintained since the 19th century!

T:例子可多着呢。比如,在每年的复活节放假期问,这两所大学就会举办“牛津剑 桥划艇比赛”,这一传统可是从19世纪就已经流传下来的!

K: Boat Race? Why?


T: Because they cannot tell which one is better academically, and sports is one of the most reasonable ways to pick out a winner.

T:因为它们没法决出哪所学校在学术上更为出色,而体育运动就是能够含情含理地 挑选出臝家的最好方式之一。

K; Oh, I remember that the Boat Race is a rowing race in England between the Oxford University Boat Club and the Cambridge University Boat Club. The first race was in 1829 and it has been held annually since 1856,each spring on the Thames in London with the exception of the two world wars.

K:哦,我想起来了,这个划艇比赛是在英格兰举行的剑桥大学划艇俱乐部和牛津大 学划艇俱乐部之间的比赛。第一次比赛是在1829年,除了在两次世界大战期间 暂停过以外,自1856年以来每年都在伦敦的泰晤士河举行。

T: This event is very popular. About a quarter of a million people watch the race live from the banks of the river, around seven to nine million people on TV in the UK.

T:这个比赛很受欢迎。在英国,大约有25万人在泰晤士河河岸现场观看比赛,有 700万到900万人通过电视收看。



Did you have a good time at your prom?


Tina :

That was so many years ago.



I know, but did you have a good time?


Tina :

Not really. The guy who took me just wanted to make out with me all night.



Did you let him kiss you?


Tina :

I didn't get the chance.



How so?


Tina :

He drank too much with his buddies and had to go outside to barf!



Yuck! Guys can be so gross sometimes.



have a good time 玩得很高兴

We had a good time in the park yesterday.


make out with sb 和某人亲热

The guy always wants to make out with Jenny.



After lunch, Han Meimei and Li Lei are having a walk.

H: Don’t tell me this is your whole life, only filled with study and work. Do you recreate yourself?


L: Sports and recreation have always been a part of my life, either in high school or in university now. I’m good at playing basketball.

L:运动和娱乐一直是我生活的一部分,不管是在高中还是现在在大学,我篮球打得 很好。

H: Do you play in the intercollegiate games?


L: No, basketball is only my hobby, but I do participate in freshman intramural competition. It’s a good chance to get acquainted with a large number of classmates.

L:没有,篮球只是我的业余爱好,但我的确参加了新生校内比赛,这是个能结识很 多同学的好机会。

H: I think so. From American films and my personal experience, I can see that American high schools and universities always give prominence to sports competition.

H:我也是这么想的。从美国电影和我的亲身经历来看,美国高中和大学一直都很注 重体育比赛。

L: Harvard is no exception. It believes that a comprehensive athletics program provides physical, social, and emotional benefits that is vitally important in a highly competitive educational environment.

L:哈佛也不例外。它相信一项竞技运动项目有益于学生的身体、社交和情感,在这 个竞争很激烈的教育环境下,这些素质是相当重要的。

H: Sure. I have the same feeling. You know, study sometimes is one’s own matter. Often students can’t feel the pressure of competition in study. So the longer students stay in school, the more naive or even lazier they will become.

H:肯定了,我有同感。你知道,学习有时候是一个人的事情,学生在学习的时候经 常感觉不到竞争压力,所以学生在学校呆的时间越长,就会变得越幼稚甚至懒散。

L: If you participate in athletics, you will value cooperation, competition and victory very much.


H: The goal of education is to produce all-round people, mentally and physically. There must be many other athletics in addition to basketball.

H:教育的目的就是要培养综含型人才,不管是心智上还是体力上。除了篮球肯定还 有很多其他体育运动吧。

L: The range is wide, from men's sports to women’s sports, from basketball, baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, golf, ice hockey,lacrosse, to sailing,skiing, swimming and diving, water polo, and wrestling, etc.

L:范围很广泛,从男子体育到女子体育,从篮球、棒球、美式足球、英式足球、排 球、高尔夫球、冰球、曲棍球到帆船运动、滑雪、游泳和跳水,很多。

H: Are these all competitive athletics?


L: Not really. You don’t have to do sports to participate in large games. You can just join some clubs which will hold some small-scaled competitions.

L:也不完全是,你没必要为了参加大型体育比赛而做运动。你可以只参加一些俱乐 部,这些俱乐部也会举行一些小型比赛。

H: That’s good news for me.


L: Harvard offers students many ways and facilities to do sports. If you don’t want to compete with other, and just would like to take recreation to relax, you can go to the recreational centers.

L:哈佛为学生提供了很多运动项目和设施。如果你不想比赛,只想休息放松一下, 你可以去休闲中心。

H: What if I want to learn something new, like yoga?


L: You do have a lot of question. Don’t worry, there are Personal Training services which will help you achieve your health and fitness goals.


H: What a colorful university life.


L: This is only a small part. Our life will be incomplete if there are no movies, music, books, foods, and things like that.

L:这只是一小部分。要是没有电影、咅乐、书、美食之类的东西,我们的生活会是 不完整的。

H; Can I enjoy all these things at Harvard?


L: That’s out of question. We need entertainment. You can find anything you want in Harvard Square: movie theaters, music clubs, bookstores,clothing shops, restaurants, and so on.

L:没问题。我们需要娱乐,你可以在哈佛广场找到你想要的一切:电影院、音乐俱 乐部、书店、服装店、饭店等等。

H: Everything? I’m always fond of black jazz, but I haven’t got a chance to appreciate real jazz music.


L: I recommend The Regattabar. It opened in 1985 and since then it has become the leading jazz club not only in Boston, but in New England as well. Boston magazine bestowed its “Best of Boston” award thirteen times naming The Regattabar “Best Jazz Club” and in inducted The Regattabar into its “Best of Boston Hall of Fame’’.

L:我推荐Regattabar爵士俱乐部。它1985年开业,从那以后就一直是波士顿甚至 是整个新英格兰地区的第一爵士俱乐部。〈波士顿志13次授予它“波士顿最佳” 奖项,指定它为“最佳爵士俱乐部’’,并在把它列为‘‘最佳波士顿名人堂”。

H: Wow, Harvard Square is really something. If we scour the Square carefully, perhaps we can have some unexpected gains. Don’t dilly-dally, let’s go. What a wonderful day! Hurry up!

H:哇唔,哈佛广场还藏龙卧虎呢。如果我们仔细捜寻的话,很可能有意想不到的收 获。别磨蹭啦,走吧。多么美好的一天啊I快点!


S: I am thinking about hanging out this weekend with a friend, which place do you suggest?


D: If you are interested, I strongly recommend the museums in University of Cambridge.


S: I heard that there are altogether seven museums in Cambridge. Do you know what they are?


D: Fitzwilliam Museum, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Museum of Zoology, Museum of Classical Archaeology, Whipple Museum of the History of Science, and...let me see.,.The Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute.

D:费兹威廉博物馆、考古与人类学博物馆、动物学博物馆、古典考古博物馆、惠普 科学历史博物馆,还有,让我想想……塞德威克地球科学博物馆和史考特北极研 究所博物馆等。

S: The collections in each of them can be told from their names. I think the last one you mentioned just now is about polar research? I'd like to have a tour around it. I've heard about it before.

S:听这些博物馆的名字就大概知道馆藏的内容了。你最后一个提到的是关于极地考 察的吗?我想去参观一下这个,我之前就听说过它。

D: Yes, Museum of the Scott Polar Research Institute. But unfortunately, when I went there last week, it was closed for renovation and it won't be open until June.

D:是的。史考特北极研究所博物馆。但不幸的是,我们上固去那里的时候,它因为 要整修而a馆了,直到7月才会开。

S: What a pity! I've always wanted to have a look at the Antarctic gallery and the Arctic gallery.

S:太可惜了!我一直想去看看里面的南 极馆和北极馆。

D: I am very interested in them, too. The Antarctic gallery displayed permanent exhibits o( material from several of the “Heroic Age” Antarctic expeditions from Britain.

D:我对这个也特别感兴趣。南极馆一直 都在展示”英雄年代几次始于英国 的南极探险。

S; In particular Captain Scott's expeditions. Besides, Roald Amundsen's flag from the South Pole is an item of particular interest.


D: Antarctic Treaty details, basic Antarctic geology, philatelic items and polar medals were also displayed, alongside models of several expeditionary ships, and a selection of other polar material.

D:南极条约的详细条款,南极洲的基本地形,邮票和极地奖牌也在展出,另外还有 其他几艘探险船的模型和一些极地物质。

S: Compared to those, I am more interested in examples of polar transport equipment: sledges, skis, snow shoes, and clothing, both ancient and modem, especially the ancient equipment.

S:和这些相比,我对极地旅行装备的展览更有兴趣:雪橇、滑雪板、外套,既有过 去的也有现代的,我对过去的装备尤其感兴趣。

D: And what interested me most is the exhibition of British Arctic exploration during the 19th century in the Arctic gallery.


S: That interests me very much, too. Ivory items from walruses, sperm whales, narwhal,and even mammoths are displayed there.

S:我也对那个感兴趣。用海象、抹香鲸、独角鲸,甚至猛犸象的牙齿做成的器具也 都在那展不。

D: True, and Inuit artefacts and a display of scrimshaw were some of its specialties. The grandfather of the modem snow- scooter, now a widely used transport device in both polar regions, was also exhibited. Maybe we can go there together months later.

D:对啊。最有特色的,莫过于因纽特人的手工制品和贝雕品了。现代雪上单脚滑行 车的“始祖”也在展示之列,现在在两极地区得到了广泛使用。再过几个月,我 们可以一起来参观。

S: Good idea. Since this museum has been closed, where did you go?


D: I went to the Museum of Zoology. I can assure you that it is a wonderful place to go. It happened that when we arrived, the Cambridge Science Festival was held in the museum,

D:我们去了动物学博物馆。我跟你说,这绝对是个好地方。我们去的时候,正好赶 上剑桥科技节。

S: Really? You're lucky! Is it still available if I go there this weekend?


D: I am afraid not. Generally, it lasts for a week or so. Don't be disappointed. The museum is great. It is home to a huge variety of recent and fossil animals and rivals those of the major university museums world-wide.

D:恐怕来不及了,通常这个科技节都只持续一固时间。不要伤心,这个博物馆真的 很不错。里面大量的现代的和远古时期物种可以和世界上著名的大学博物馆媲美。

S: That's great! I will go and have a look this weekend. Thanks a lot!







培养学生创新精神和实践能力初探 (中学英语教学论文)















